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Rev. chil. nutr ; 49(2)abr. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388602


RESUMEN En Europa se consideran como "Novel Foods" cualquier alimento producido con nuevas tecnologías y sustancias, así como los que no se hayan utilizado para el consumo humano en un grado significativo dentro de la UE antes del 15 de mayo de 1997. Este artículo presenta una revisión general de las publicaciones relacionadas con Novel Foods, mediante un análisis bibliométrico utilizando información extraída de Web of Science (WoS) entre 1997 y 2020. La revisión identificó a los autores más citados y productivos, así como a los principales países y revistas que realizan publicaciones. Los resultados se exponen en tablas y gráficos, además se incluye un mapeo bibliométrico obtenido con el programa VOSviewer. Entre los países con mayor número de publicaciones y citaciones se encontró Estados Unidos, Inglaterra y Países Bajos; mientras que entre los autores más productivos se encontró a Naska A. (Grecia), Siani A. (Italia) y Turck D. (Francia). Este trabajo puede orientar a diversos académicos que deseen realizar investigaciones en este campo junto con otros investigadores de diferentes países e instituciones.

ABSTRACT "Novel Foods" are any foods produced with new technologies and substances, as well as those that have not been used for human consumption to a significant degree. This article presents a general review of publications related to "Novel Foods", through a bibliometric analysis using information extracted from Web of Science (WoS) between 1997 and 2020. The review identified the most cited and productive authors, as well as the main countries and journals publishing. The results are presented in tables and graphs, and a bibliometric mapping using the VOSviewer program is also included. The countries with the highest number of publications and citations were the United States, England, and Netherlands; while among the most productive authors were Naska, A. (Greece), Siani, A. (Italy) and Turck, D. (France). This work may provide guidance to academics who wish to conduct research in this field together with other researchers from different countries and institutions.

Ciênc. rural ; 45(1): 155-162, 01/2015. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-731083


Emulsões múltiplas têm sido reconhecidas como uma nova tecnologia para as indústrias de alimentos. Devido a sua estrutura diferenciada dos demais sistemas coloidais, ou seja, existência de duas fases dispersas, esse grupo de emulsão apresenta vantagens em relação às emulsões convencionais, principalmente, no que se refere ao encapsulamento, à proteção e à liberação controlada de componentes bioativos. Assim, a estabilidade e a biodisponibilidade dos encapsulados podem ser aumentadas ou otimizadas, fato que possibilita o planejamento de melhores resultados pela indústria, por meio da produção de novos alimentos. Ainda, com a perspectiva de aumentar o valor nutricional de muitos alimentos industrializados, infere-se uma maior contribuição deles para a promoção da saúde e para prevenção e tratamento de certas doenças crônico-degenerativas. A presente revisão apresenta as bases da tecnologia usual de elaboração de emulsão múltipla, os principais processos de instabilidade a que esse sistema está susceptível, e a aplicação de emulsões múltiplas como sistemas encapsuladores e transportadores de componentes bioativos.

Multiple emulsions have been recognized as a new technology for the food industry. Due to their different structure from other colloidal systems, namely the existence of two dispersed phases, this group of emulsion has advantages over conventional emulsions, especially with regard to packaging, protection and controlled release of bioactive components. Thus, the stability and bioavailability of encapsulated may be increased or optimized, a fact that enables the planning of better results by the industry through the production of new foods. Also, the prospect of increasing the nutritional value of many processed foods, infers greater contribution to the promotion of health and prevention and treatment of certain chronic diseases. This review presents the bases of the usual technology of preparation of multiple emulsion, the main processes of instability that this system is susceptible, and the application of multiple emulsions as encapsulating systems and carriers of bioactive components.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-164363


In the European Union novel foods are defined by the Novel Foods Regulation as food products and food ingredients that have not been consumed to a significant degree in the European Union before May 1997. However, there are new foods for some reason not considered as novel foods, although it may not be excluded that they differ from conventional foods to such an extent that an assessment of their safety prior to their entry to the market would be called for. Previously, we reported that this ‘grey area’ of novel foods exists and comprises: (1) food products or ingredients for which the current Novel Foods Regulation leaves too much space for different interpretations and (2) food products or ingredients that are not novel according to the current Novel Foods Regulation because it contains gaps. This paper focuses on how to handle these interpretation differences and gaps and provides recommendations to improve these pitfalls of the current Novel Foods Regulation. To this end, we propose criteria with clear boundaries as part of an assessment tool to reduce the uncertainties in interpretation with respect to consumption to a significant degree in the European Union, which take into account the commercial availability, length, extent and frequency of use of the particular food/ingredient. In addition, biological relevant boundaries for the criteria regarding changes in the nutritional value, metabolism (better all aspects of absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion), and levels of undesirable substances are proposed for significant changes in the composition of foods due to changes in the production process. In addition, criteria are proposed to cover ambiguities and gaps in the Novel Foods Regulation dealing with food products and food ingredients obtained from 1) animals on a new feeding regime, 2) new varieties of organisms, 3) other growth stages of crops. Finally, a criterion that takes into account the total ingredient intake rather than single product intake is added to deal with the risk of overexposure to substances. Taken together, the proposed boundaries and criteria may contribute to diminishing the interpretation issues regarding the Novel Foods Regulation and thus to reducing the extent of the grey area of novel foods.

Actual. nutr ; 15(2): 40-50, jun. 2014. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-796534


El fenogreco es una planta forrajera que pertenece a la familia Leguminoceae. Su nombre científico es Trigonella foenum graecum (heno griego) y se la conoce también como alholva. Se han descripto siete especies, entre las cuales se destacan Trigonella gladiata, Trigonella coerulea y Trigonella foenum graecum1 . Dado que no se conocen las numerosas propiedades de Trigonella, el objetivo de este trabajo fue diseñar alimentos novedosos y/o realizar modificaciones de alimentos existentes empleando fenogreco como materia prima, estudiar sus características organolépticas, cuantificar sus macronutrientes y compuestos antioxidantes, realizar la evaluación nutricional de los productos obtenidos, su aceptabilidad y potencial aplicación en pacientes diabéticos. El estudio es de tipo exploratorio-descriptivo, mientras que el diseño es no experimental-transversal. Se elaboraron exitosamente diferentes productos alimenticios con y sin semillas de fenogreco: pancitos saborizados (porción 50 g), barritas de cereales (porción de 20 g) y tartaletas de atún, queso y aceitunas (porción de 15 g). Las preparaciones con fenogreco tuvieron gran aceptabilidad en la población encuestada. Los resultados de cuantificación de macronutrientes indican que la semilla de fenogreco posee 56 g de carbohidratos totales, 30 g de carbohidratos reductores, 2,02 g de compuestos fenólicos, 28 g de proteínas, 7,8 g de grasas y 27 g de fibras (en 100 g de semilla), convirtiéndo lo en un alimento completo nutricionalmente y aceptable para incluir en la dieta de las poblaciones que lo tengan a su alcance.

Fenugreek is a fodder plant in the family Leguminoseae. Its scientific name is Trigonella foenum graecum (Greek hay) also known as alholva. Seven species have been described, including Trigonella gladiata, Trigonella coerulea and Trigonella foenum graecum1 . Since the several properties of Trigonella are unknown, the purpose of this paper was to design novel foods and/or modify existing foods using fenugreek as raw material, study its organoleptic properties, quantify its macronutrients and antioxidant compounds, perform the nutritional assessment of products obtained, their acceptability and potential use in diabetic patients. This is an exploratory-descriptive study, whereas the design is non-experimental-transversal. Different food products were successfully manufactured with and without fenugreek seeds: savory bread (serving 50 g), cereal bar (serving 20 g) tuna, cheese and olives cakes (serving 15 g). Preparations with fenugreek were fully accepted by the population surveyed. The results obtained by the quantification of macronutrients show that fenugreek seed contains 56 g total carbohydrates, 30 g reducing carbohydrates, 2,02 g phenolic compounds, 28 g proteins, 7,8 g fat and 27 g fiber (in 100 g of seeds); making it a completely nutritional and acceptable food to be included in a diet for the populations who can afford it.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Nutrition Assessment , Personal Satisfaction , Plant Physiological Phenomena , Seeds/chemistry , Trigonella/chemistry , Food Samples , Food Handling/methods , Surveys and Questionnaires