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Dement. neuropsychol ; 18: e20230073, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564438


ABSTRACT Musical hallucinations and musical obsessions are distinct phenomena. The first can be understood as a manifestation of the musical ear syndrome, which produces deafferentation auditory hallucinations, while the latter is an obsessive symptom of obsessive-compulsive disorders. Both symptoms are often poorly understood and mistaken for one another or for signs of psychotic disorders. We report two cases, one characterized by musical hallucinations and the other by musical obsessions, both with comorbid hearing impairment, which is the main confounding factor in their differential diagnosis. We critically compare the two cases and their key features, allowing diagnostic differentiation and a targeted therapeutic approach.

RESUMO Alucinações musicais e obsessões musicais são fenômenos distintos. O primeiro é compreendido como uma manifestação da Síndrome do Ouvido Musical, a qual produz alucinações auditivas por desaferentação, enquanto o último é um sintoma obsessivo dos transtornos obsessivo-compulsivos. Ambos os sintomas são frequentemente pouco compreendidos e confundidos entre si ou com sinais de transtornos psicóticos. Nós relatamos dois casos, um caracterizado por alucinações musicais e o outro por obsessões musicais, ambos com deficiência auditiva comórbida, a qual é o principal fator confundidor no diagnóstico diferencial. Nós comparamos criticamente os dois casos e suas características-chave, permitindo um diagnóstico diferencial e um tratamento direcionado.

Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 4(2): 1481-1490, ago. 2014. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-740137


Las creencias y su valoración son fundamentales a investigar para explicar la etiología y mantenimiento del trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo de acuerdo a modelos actuales. Éste estudio presenta el desarrollo y validación de una versión corta del ICO (Inventario de Creencias Obsesivas, Belloch et al. 2003) en población mexicana. Para ello se realizaron dos estudios con grupos de universitarios. Estudio 1: Análisis factorial exploratorio de la versión reducida (200 participantes no clínicos). Reveló una estructura factorial diferente al instrumento original. Estudio 2: Análisis de la estructura factorial latente de la versión reducida mediante un análisis multigrupo (200 y 202 participantes no clínicos). La mejor solución factorial posible fue de tres factores con 20 ítems, y propiedades psicométricas semejantes a una versión inglesa (OBQ, Obsessional Beliefs Questionaire, 2003). Por su consistencia interna y repetibilidad, la versión mexicana es adecuada para la evaluación de creencias disfuncionales, pero se necesitan estudios con muestras clínicas.

Recent models emphasized the importance in research of beliefs and its appraisal in the etiology and maintenance of OCD. The aim of the present study is the development and validation of a short form of the Obsessive Beliefs Questionnaire (OBQ, Belloch et al. 2003) in Mexican population. This topic was addressed through two different studies. Study 1: Exploratory factor analysis of the short version (200 non clinical subjects). The results show a different factor solution. Study 2: Testing for the equivalence of latent mean structures in multi-group analyses (200 and 202 non clinical subjects). A three-factor, 20 items, model emerged as the best factorial solution with similar psychometric properties to those of an English version (OBQ, Obsessive Beliefs Questionnaire, 2003). Given its consistency and repeatability, the Mexican version of the OBQ is a suitable instrument for the assessment of dysfunctional beliefs, although studies with clinical samples are needed.

Rev. argent. dermatol ; 94(4): 11-13, dic. 2013. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-708665


Las excoriaciones psicogénicas corresponden a una patología cutánea autoprovocada, que resulta de una conducta compulsiva y repetida de excavar la piel, previa inspección detallada tanto táctil como visual, con el consecuente daño tisular que puede resultar muchas veces desfigurante. Se observa más frecuentemente en mujeres jóvenes, adultas y personas de mediana edad con trastornos obsesivo-compulsivos, como así también en trastornos de ansiedad y depresión. De difícil tratamiento médico, es recomendable la participación conjunta del dermatólogo y del psiquiatra, para la obtención del mejor control terapéutico.

Psychogenic excoriation is an inflammatory dermatosis resulting from compulsive behavior, repeated and self-inflicted skin digging after detailed inspection both tactile and visual with consequent tissue damage often disfiguring. It is observed in young women, adults and middle-aged people with obsessive-compulsive disorders and with anxious and depressive disease. As it is difficult to be medically treated, co-participation between a dermatologist and a psychiatrist is recommended for obtaining the best therapeutic control.

Rev. psiquiatr. Rio Gd. Sul ; 30(1,supl.0)2008. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-512334


O presente estudo inclui ensaios clínicos randomizados, controlados ou não, a respeito do tratamento farmacológico de comprar compulsivo, publicados em inglês ou em português nas bases MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Biological Abstracts e Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. De todos os seis artigos selecionados, apenas dois eram estudos duplo-cegos controlados com placebo desde o princípio, e um terceiro era composto de uma fase inicial aberta seguida de uma segunda fase randomizada e placebo-controlada. É importante destacar que, em todos os estudos, pacientes com transtorno afetivo bipolar foram excluídos. Todos os ensaios envolveram amostras pequenas (variaram de 10 a 42 pacientes). De maneira geral, as evidências atualmente disponíveis a respeito do tratamento farmacológico de comprar compulsivo são pobres, em virtude da escassez de mais estudos metodologicamente bem conduzidos.

This study included randomized and non-randomized controlled trials on pharmacological treatment of compulsive buying published in English or Portuguese. Databases evaluated were MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Biological Abstracts and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. Of all six selected articles, only two were placebo-controlled randomized trials, and one had a first open-label phase followed by a second placebo-controlled phase. It is important to stress that all studies excluded bipolar patients. All the studies reviewed included small samples (from 10 to 42 patients). Current available evidence regarding pharmacological treatment of compulsive buying is poor due to the lack of studies using more rigorous methodology.