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Barbarói ; (61): 7-33, jan.-jun. 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1397096


O presente estudo tem por objetivo, a partir de suas reflexões teóricas, realizar um balanço crítico da democracia liberal enquanto direito político e sua relação com os contextos de dois momentos do neoliberalismo, ortodoxo e heterodoxo, dos governos de FHC e Lula respectivamente, evidenciando as disputas de significados em torno de mecanismos democráticos no embate entre as forças sociais populares e as forças do neoliberalismo. Como referência de conteúdo para pensar esses momentos do neoliberalismo, lança-se mão de análise a partir da teoria democrática deliberativa, como alternativas possíveis para o avanço da democracia como processo argumentativo entre opiniões diversas, isto é, a possibilidade de que os arranjos argumentativos contribuam para a mobilização de grupos em desvantagem visando à consolidação da cidadania, via a participação ativa dos indivíduos. Adota uma metodologia qualitativa com uma revisão de literatura que visa a dar conta dos conceitos políticos e da dimensão da historicidade que perpassam estas disputas de significados. Para tanto, o estudo se apoia nas concepções de Santos (2013), Dagnino (2004a; 2004b), Nogueira (2011), Avritzer (2000), Boito Jr. (2018), Maranhão (2014) e Saad Filho (2018). Conclui-se que o neoliberalismo tem promovido uma participação que se apresenta mais como representação de interesses particulares, e que mesmo com as inflexões causadas pela ampliação de mecanismos de participação durante o neoliberalismo heterodoxo, ainda é necessário avançar em termos de uma participação mais autônoma do sujeito coletivo, na relação sociedade-Estado, e que os arranjos deliberativos ­ traduzidos aqui como instrumentos legítimos que buscam viabilizar a demarcação de territórios como formas ampliadas de participação do corpo coletivo ­ sejam capazes de propiciar que interesses distintos possam argumentar sobre suas posições.(AU)

The present study aims, from its theoretical reflections, to carry out a critical assessment of liberal democracy as a political right and its relationship with the contexts of two moments of neoliberalism, orthodox and heterodox, of the governments of FHC and Lula respectively, evidencing the disputes of meanings around democratic mechanisms in the clash between popular social forces and the forces of neoliberalism. As a content reference to think about these moments of neoliberalism, an analysis is made from the deliberative democratic theory, as possible alternatives for the advancement of democracy as an argumentative process between different opinions, that is, the possibility that the argumentative arrangements contribute for the mobilization of disadvantaged groups aiming at the consolidation of citizenship, through the active participation of individuals. It adopts a qualitative methodology with a literature review that aims to account for the political concepts and the dimension of historicity that permeate these disputes of meanings. Therefore, the study is based on the concepts of Santos (2013), Dagnino (2004a; 2004b), Nogueira (2011), Avritzer (2000), Boito Jr. (2018), Maranhão (2014) and Saad Filho (2018). It is concluded that neoliberalism has promoted participation that presents itself more as a representation of particular interests, and that even with the inflections caused by the expansion of mechanisms of participation during heterodox neoliberalism, it is still necessary to advance in terms of a more autonomous participation of the collective subject, in the society-State relationship, and that deliberative arrangements ­ translated here as legitimate instruments that seek to enable the demarcation of territories as expanded forms of participation by the collective body ­ are capable of enabling different interests to argue about their positions.(AU)

El presente estudio pretende, a partir de sus reflexiones teóricas, realizar una valoración crítica de la democracia liberal como derecho político y su relación con los contextos de dos momentos del neoliberalismo, ortodoxo y heterodoxo, de los gobiernos de FHC y Lula respectivamente, evidenciando las disputas de sentidos en torno a los mecanismos democráticos en el choque entre las fuerzas sociales populares y las fuerzas del neoliberalismo. Como referencia de contenido para pensar estos momentos del neoliberalismo, se hace un análisis desde la teoría democrática deliberativa, como posibles alternativas para el avance de la democracia como proceso argumentativo entre diferentes opiniones, es decir, la posibilidad de que los arreglos argumentativos contribuyan para la movilización de grupos desfavorecidos con el objetivo de la consolidación de la ciudadanía, a través de la participación activa de los individuos. Adopta una metodología cualitativa con una revisión de literatura que tiene como objetivo dar cuenta de los conceptos políticos y la dimensión de historicidad que permean estas disputas de significados. Por lo tanto, el estudio se basa en los conceptos de Santos (2013), Dagnino (2004a; 2004b), Nogueira (2011), Avritzer (2000), Boito Jr. (2018), Maranhão (2014) y Saad Filho (2018). Se concluye que el neoliberalismo ha promovido una participación que se presenta más como una representación de intereses particulares, y que aún con las inflexiones provocadas por la expansión de los mecanismos de participación durante el neoliberalismo heterodoxo, aún es necesario avanzar en términos de una participación más autónoma. del sujeto colectivo, en la relación sociedad-Estado, y que los arreglos deliberativos ­traducidos aquí como instrumentos legítimos que buscan viabilizar la demarcación de territorios como formas ampliadas de participación del cuerpo colectivo­ son capaces de posibilitar que distintos intereses se discutan sobre sus posiciones.(AU)

Democracy , Citizenship
Research Journal of Heath Sciences ; 10(2): 80-89, 2022. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1370930


Introduction: In sub ­ Saharan Africa, oral health services are greatly hampered by low availability and poor accessibility to health care and these are various interrelated factors responsible. This study determined the factors that influence oral health seeking behavior among patients attending outpatients' clinic. Methodology: A total of 460patients were selected into the study from the outpatients' clinic using systematic random sampling. Data was collected and was analyzed using SPSS 17. The significant level was set at 0.05 Results: Of the 97.3% of the respondents with awareness of oral health facility, 90.9% of them had oral health facility within 5km distance. The commonest complaint was toothache. Majority of the respondents (88.2%) accessed orthodox oral health services mostly for teeth extraction (61.3%). There was statistically significant difference between the awareness of Oral health facility and closeness to residence. Conclusion: Age, awareness and attitude have positive effect on health seeking behavior of patients.

Awareness , Health Behavior , Oral Health , Ambulatory Care Facilities , Health Services Research
Braz. j. biol ; 81(2): 464-473, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1153351


The objective of this work was to evaluate the sensitivity of Melanoxylon brauna Schott. tree legume seeds to desiccation and storage. In the drying experiment, the Melanoxylon brauna seeds were submitted to two drying conditions: a forced air circulation chamber (40.18 °C ± 0.13 and 28.48% ± 3.95 RH) and a silica gel desiccator (27.19 °C ± 1.28 and 26.19% ± 0.94 RH) for different times (0, 12, 24, 36, 72, and 144 hours). A completely randomized design in a 2 (drying methods) × 5 (drying times) factorial scheme plus control and 4 replications of 25 seeds was used. The following variables were evaluated before and after drying: seed moisture content, percentage of germinated seeds, germination speed index, percentage of mortality, normal and abnormal seedlings. In the storage experiment the seeds were divided into two batches: pre-dried (at 5.0% humidity) and without drying (control at 8.9% humidity). The seeds were then stored in plastic bags in three environments: refrigerator at 5 °C, freezer at ­20 °C and room temperature (29 °C). The seeds were removed every four months and submitted to the humidity and germination test for 24 months. Data from this storage experiment were analyzed considering a randomized block design in a 2 (drying levels: presence and absence) × 3 (storage environments: refrigerator, freezer or room temperature) factorial scheme + 2 controls (with and without drying at baseline) and 4 repetitions of 25 seeds. Drying reduced initial seed water content from 8.9% to 5.0%, without loss of viability. Drying in the chamber at 40 °C was faster and more efficient than in silica gel. The results enable classifying the seeds of this species as orthodox, i.e. tolerant to desiccation. The fridge and freezer were efficient for storing the Melanoxylon brauna seeds up to 24 months, independent of previous drying, while storing the seeds at room temperature with previous drying makes them last longer than without drying, as the seeds can last up to 16 months with drying, or 12 months without drying.

O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a sensibilidade das sementes da leguminosa arbórea Melanoxylon brauna Schott à dessecação e ao armazenamento. No experimento de secagem as sementes de braúna foram submetidas a duas condições de secagem: câmara com circulação forçada de ar (40,18 °C ± 0,13 e 28,48% ± 3,95 UR) e dessecador com sílica gel (27,19 °C ± 1,28 e 26,19% ± 0,94 UR), por diferentes tempos (0, 12, 24, 36, 72, 144 horas). Foi utilizado delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2 (método de secagem) × 5 (tempo de secagem), mais a testemunha, com 4 repetições de 25 sementes. Foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis antes e depois da secagem: teor de umidade da semente, porcentagem de sementes germinadas, índice de velocidade de germinação, porcentagem de mortalidade, de plântulas normais e de anormais. No experimento de armazenamento as sementes foram divididas em dois lotes: com secagem prévia (a 5,0% de umidade) e sem secagem (testemunha, a 8,9% de umidade), e foram armazenadas em embalagens sacos de plástico em três ambientes: geladeira a 5 °C, freezer a ­20 °C e temperatura ambiente (29 °C). A cada quatro meses as sementes foram retiradas e submetidas ao teste de umidade e de germinação durante 24 meses. Os resultados foram avaliados por meio do delineamento em blocos casualizados, com 4 repetições de 25 sementes, em esquema fatorial 2 (secagem) × 3 (ambiente de armazenamento) + 2 testemunhas. A secagem proporcionou a redução do teor de água inicial das sementes de 8,9% até 5,0%, sem perda da sua viabilidade. A secagem na câmara a 40 °C foi mais rápida e eficiente do que na sílica gel. Os resultados permitem classificar as sementes desta espécie como ortodoxas, ou seja, tolerantes à dessecação. A geladeira e o freezer foram eficientes para o armazenamento das sementes de braúna, até 24 meses, independente da secagem prévia das sementes, enquanto o armazenamento das sementes a temperatura ambiente é mais duradouro quando as sementes são submetidas previamente à secagem, podendo durar até 16 meses com secagem ou 12 meses sem secagem.

Desiccation , Food Storage/methods , Food Preservation/methods , Fabaceae , Seeds , Temperature , Germination
Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 10(1): 36-48, abr. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149041


Resumen El fundamentalismo religioso expresa un conjunto de creencias basadas en una interpretación literal de un manuscrito considerado sagrado, con una exigencia intransigente de sometimiento a una doctrina. Diferentes variables psicosociales como el autoritarismo, la dominancia social, la necesidad de cierre y la ideología del rol de género han sido estudiadas en relación con fundamentalismo religioso. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo revisar estas relaciones y proponer un modelo teórico que las vincula, en una muestra de judíos ortodoxos. Se trabajó con una muestra no probabilística de judíos ortodoxos, compuesta por 426 adultos entre hombres y mujeres, con un rango etario de 18 a 69 años. Los resultados observados, en convergencia con estudios previos, confirman las relaciones positivas entre el fundamentalismo religioso y la necesidad de cierre cognitivo, el autoritarismo del ala de derechas, la orientación a la dominancia social y la ideología de roles de género. A partir de ello, se propone un modelo teórico en el que autoritarismo y dominancia social modulan los niveles de necesidad de cierre y fundamentalismo religioso los que, a su vez, inciden en los niveles de ideología del rol de género. Los hallazgos de este estudio pueden contribuir al análisis de los efectos de la radicalización y brindar insumos para el desarrollo e implementación de las medidas preventivas necesarias. Se discuten los alcances y límites de la propuesta teórica.

Abstract Religious fundamentalism expresses a set of beliefs based on a literal interpretation of a manuscript considered sacred, with an intransigent demand for submission to a doctrine. Different psychosocial variables such as authoritarianism, social dominance, the need for closure and the gender role ideology have been studied in relation to religious fundamentalism. On the one hand, authoritarianism and social dominance have been considered as predictors of religious fundamentalism while, on the other hand, the need for closure and the gender role ideology have been studied in their relations with religious fundamentalism. The aim of this work was to review these relationships and propose a theoretical model that links them, in a sample of Orthodox Jews. We worked with a non-probabilistic sample of Orthodox Jews, composed of 426 adults between men and women, with an age range of 18 to 69 years. The results observed, in convergence with previous studies, confirm the positive relationships between religious fundamentalism and the need for cognitive closure, the authoritarianism of the right wing, the orientation to social dominance and the ideology of gender roles. From this, a theoretical model is proposed in which authoritarianism and social dominance modulate the levels of need for closure and religious fundamentalism which, in turn, affect the levels of ideology of the gender role. The scope and limits of the theoretical proposal are discussed.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-801953


Itching is an unpleasant sensation that can cause physical and psychological discomfort. It often occurs in a variety of diseases. In addition to the common chemical medicines, the application of traditional Chinese medicines(TCMs) have attracted much attention for itch. As one of the classic antipruritic formula, Xiaofengsan is widely used by the later generations of doctors based on the edition of Orthodox Manual of External Diseases(Wài Kē Zhèng Zōng). It can be used to remove wind, dehumidify, clear heat and nourish blood by taking into account the complicated pathogenesis of skin diseases. In modern clinics, Xiaofengsan is commonly used for the treatment of rubella, eczema, acute and chronic urticaria, contact dermatitis, allergic dermatitis, psoriasis and other types of dermatitis with remarkable antipruritic effect. Its mechanism is related to its anti-allergic reaction, anti-allergy, anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine,immune regulation etc. This article reviews the research literature of Xiaofengsan and its addition and subtraction in modern pharmacological experimental research and clinical treatment in the past 15 years, and analyzes the current research situation of Xiaofengsan in the topic of antipruritic effect. The focus is on the compatibility characteristics of formula and the component study of single herb after being decomposed of Xiaofengsan, and the main material basis of antipruritic effect is summarized. It was found that Schizonepetae Herba, Saposhnikoviae Radix, Arctii Fructus, Cicadae Periostracum and Sophorae Flavescentis Radix were the main medicines for its antipruritic effect,which was helpful to expand the clinical value of Xiaofengsan and deepen its mechanisms of anti-itching.

Acta bioeth ; 23(2): 327-339, jul. 2017. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-886033


Abstract: The arguments set forth by religious authority are important since it play a crucial role in shaping the social values of the public and influence the decision of individuals in the practice pertaining to bioethical issues. The Religious Affairs Administration (RAA) was established at the inception of the Republic of Turkey in 1924 to guide religious considerations moving out of the Ottoman caliphate to a secular bioethical framework. In this article, the bioethical views of the RAA under Islamic tradition is examined and contrasted with those influenced by the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Judaic traditions. On bioethical deliberations related to the beginning and end-of-life, all three religious traditions justify sacredness of life and that of God's will in preservation it. Assisted reproduction techniques between spouses is considered to be appropriate, although third party involvement is explicitly forbidden. Organ transplantation is approved by all three religious traditions, except uterine transplantation. The contraceptive practices are approved under certain conditions - the views differ most on approaches to contraception and the appropriateness of methods. The RAA has judgement on cloning is to prohibit it, like Roman Catholicism and Orthodox Judaism. In other topics, cosmetic surgery and gender determination are approved only for treatment.

Resumen: Los argumentos expuestos por autoridades religiosas son importantes ya que juegan un rol crucial en la formación de valores sociales de las personas e influyen en las decisiones individuales en la práctica en temas bioéticos. La Administración de Asuntos Religiosos (AAR) se estableció en el inicio de la República de Turquía en 1924 para guiar consideraciones religiosas desde el califato Otomano hacia una estructura bioética secular. En este artículo, se examinan los puntos de vista bioéticos de la AAR bajo la tradición islámica y se contrasta con aquellos de la tradición Católica Romana y la Judía Ortodoxa. En la deliberación bioética sobre el comienzo y el final de la vida, las tres tradiciones religiosas justifican que la vida es sagrada y que es la voluntad de Dios preservarla. La reproducción asistida entre esposos es considerado apropiada, aunque la participación de un tercero es explícitamente prohibido. Las tres tradiciones religiosas aprueban el trasplante de órganos, excepto el trasplante de útero. Las prácticas anticonceptivas se aprueban bajo ciertas condiciones -los puntos de vista difieren en su mayor parte en la forma de aproximarse y en la propiedad de los métodos. AAR juzga la clonación y la prohíbe, así como el Catolicismo Romano y el Judaísmo Ortodoxo. En otros temas, la cirugía cosmética y la determinación de género se aprueban solo para tratamiento.

Resumo: Os argumentos estabelecidos por autoridades religiosas são importantes uma vez que eles desempenham um papel crucial na formação de valores sociais na população e influenciam a decisão dos indivíduos na prática referentes às questões de bioéticas. A Administração de Assuntos Religiosos (AAR) foi criada na concepção da República da Turquia em 1924 para guiar considerações religiosas, deslocando-se do califado otomano para uma estrutura bioética secular. Neste artigo, as perspectivas bioéticas da RAA sob tradição islâmica são examinadas e contrastadas com aquelas sob influência da Igreja Católica e de tradições judaicas ortodoxas. Sobre deliberações bioéticas relacionadas com o início e o fim da vida, todas as três tradições religiosas justificam a sacralidade da vida e que a vontade de Deus está em sua preservação. Técnicas de reprodução assistida entre cônjuges são consideradas adequadas, embora o envolvimento de terceiros é explicitamente proibido. Transplantação de órgãos é aprovada por todas as três tradições religiosas, exceto transplante uterino. As práticas contraceptivas são aprovadas sob certas condições - os pontos de vista diferem em abordagens sobre a contracepção e a adequação dos métodos. A decisão da AAR a respeito da clonagem é a sua proibição, assim como no catolicismo romano e no judaísmo ortodoxo. Em outros tópicos, cirurgia plástica e a determinação de gênero são aprovadas somente para tratamento.

Humans , Catholicism , Judaism , Turkey , Bioethics
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;2017.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1467471


Abstract The objective of this work was to evaluate the sensitivity of Melanoxylon brauna Schott. tree legume seeds to desiccation and storage. In the drying experiment, the Melanoxylon brauna seeds were submitted to two drying conditions: a forced air circulation chamber (40.18 °C ± 0.13 and 28.48% ± 3.95 RH) and a silica gel desiccator (27.19 °C ± 1.28 and 26.19% ± 0.94 RH) for different times (0, 12, 24, 36, 72, and 144 hours). A completely randomized design in a 2 (drying methods) × 5 (drying times) factorial scheme plus control and 4 replications of 25 seeds was used. The following variables were evaluated before and after drying: seed moisture content, percentage of germinated seeds, germination speed index, percentage of mortality, normal and abnormal seedlings. In the storage experiment the seeds were divided into two batches: pre-dried (at 5.0% humidity) and without drying (control at 8.9% humidity). The seeds were then stored in plastic bags in three environments: refrigerator at 5 °C, freezer at 20 °C and room temperature (29 °C). The seeds were removed every four months and submitted to the humidity and germination test for 24 months. Data from this storage experiment were analyzed considering a randomized block design in a 2 (drying levels: presence and absence) × 3 (storage environments: refrigerator, freezer or room temperature) factorial scheme + 2 controls (with and without drying at baseline) and 4 repetitions of 25 seeds. Drying reduced initial seed water content from 8.9% to 5.0%, without loss of viability. Drying in the chamber at 40 °C was faster and more efficient than in silica gel. The results enable classifying the seeds of this species as orthodox, i.e. tolerant to desiccation. The fridge and freezer were efficient for storing the Melanoxylon brauna seeds up to 24 months, independent of previous drying, while storing the seeds at room temperature with previous drying makes them last longer than without drying, as the seeds can last up to 16 months with drying, or 12 months without drying.

Resumo O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a sensibilidade das sementes da leguminosa arbórea Melanoxylon brauna Schott à dessecação e ao armazenamento. No experimento de secagem as sementes de braúna foram submetidas a duas condições de secagem: câmara com circulação forçada de ar (40,18 °C ± 0,13 e 28,48% ± 3,95 UR) e dessecador com sílica gel (27,19 °C ± 1,28 e 26,19% ± 0,94 UR), por diferentes tempos (0, 12, 24, 36, 72, 144 horas). Foi utilizado delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2 (método de secagem) × 5 (tempo de secagem), mais a testemunha, com 4 repetições de 25 sementes. Foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis antes e depois da secagem: teor de umidade da semente, porcentagem de sementes germinadas, índice de velocidade de germinação, porcentagem de mortalidade, de plântulas normais e de anormais. No experimento de armazenamento as sementes foram divididas em dois lotes: com secagem prévia (a 5,0% de umidade) e sem secagem (testemunha, a 8,9% de umidade), e foram armazenadas em embalagens sacos de plástico em três ambientes: geladeira a 5 °C, freezer a 20 °C e temperatura ambiente (29 °C). A cada quatro meses as sementes foram retiradas e submetidas ao teste de umidade e de germinação durante 24 meses. Os resultados foram avaliados por meio do delineamento em blocos casualizados, com 4 repetições de 25 sementes, em esquema fatorial 2 (secagem) × 3 (ambiente de armazenamento) + 2 testemunhas. A secagem proporcionou a redução do teor de água inicial das sementes de 8,9% até 5,0%, sem perda da sua viabilidade. A secagem na câmara a 40 °C foi mais rápida e eficiente do que na sílica gel. Os resultados permitem classificar as sementes desta espécie como ortodoxas, ou seja, tolerantes à dessecação. A geladeira e o freezer foram eficientes para o armazenamento das sementes de braúna, até 24 meses, independente da secagem prévia das sementes, enquanto o armazenamento das sementes a temperatura ambiente é mais duradouro quando as sementes são submetidas previamente à secagem, podendo durar até 16 meses com secagem ou 12 meses sem secagem.

Ciênc. rural ; Ciênc. rural (Online);46(11): 1932-1937, Nov. 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-796085


ABSTRACT: Macauba palm stands out for having favorable features to biodiesel production such as the high oil content of its fruit. Considering the great potential of the species and their applicability in the renewable energy field, it becomes indispensable to establish the right conditions for storing the seeds for propagation purpose. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of seed moisture content, packaging, and storage conditions such as temperature and relative humidity on the quality of seeds from Minas Gerais State, during a 12-month storage period. The research had two independent assays: (I) the seeds were stored with three moisture contents/ranges 4.0≤6.0%; 6.0≤8.0% and 8.0≤10.0% in impermeable packages, under room temperature and at 10ºC; (II) seeds with approximately 5.9% of moisture content were stored in three different types of packages: a) permeable, b) semi-permeable and c) impermeable. Three storing conditions were tested: a) room temperature and RH under laboratory conditions; b) 15ºC and 45% RH; c) 20ºC and 55% RH. Water content, germination rate and germination speed index were evaluated at 0, 4, 8 and 12 months of storing. The best germination results were obtained with the moisture range of 6.0≤8.0%, with seeds kept at room temperature; while the seeds stored at 10ºC, regardless the moisture range, did not survive. The stored seeds with 5.9% moisture content and at both 15ºC/45%RH and 20ºC/55% RH conditions, independently of the package type used, showed the best results. Thus, macaw palm seeds can be classified as intermediates seeds.

RESUMO: Considerando o grande potencial oleaginoso da macauba e a sua aplicabilidade nos setores energéticos e industriais, torna-se indispensável o conhecimento das condições adequadas de armazenamento das sementes, garantindo a manutenção da viabilidade. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do teor de água da semente e das condições de armazenamento (temperatura, umidade relativa do ar e embalagem) sobre a qualidade das sementes, oriundas de Minas Gerais, durante 12 meses. O experimento foi realizado através de dois ensaios: no primeiro, as sementes foram armazenadas sob três faixas de umidade, 4,0≤6,0%; 6,0≤8,0% e 8,0≤10,0%, em embalagens impermeáveis, em temperatura ambiente e a 10°C. No segundo, as sementes foram acondicionadas em três tipos de embalagem: a) permeável; b) semipermeável; e c) impermeável. Foram comparadas três condições de armazenamento: a) temperatura e UR ambientes, em condição de laboratório; b) 15ºC e 45% UR; c) 20ºC e 55% UR. Avaliou-se o teor de água, a taxa de germinação e o índice de velocidade de germinação aos 0, 4, 8 e 12 meses de armazenamento. A faixa de umidade de 6,0≤8,0% em temperatura ambiente possibilitou a melhor conservação das sementes durante os 12 meses de armazenamento. Porém, as sementes não sobreviveram em temperatura de 10°C, independente dos teores de umidade. O teor de água de 5,9% e os ambientes de armazenamento de 15°C/45% UR e 20°C/55% UR, independente do tipo de embalagem, apresentaram os melhores resultados ao longo do armazenamento. Dessa forma, as sementes de macauba podem ser classificadas como sementes intermediárias.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-180436


This study assessed respondents’ perception on packaging, affordability, availability, efficacy, and safety of use of herbal and orthodox medicine in the treatment of common diseases in Abuja. Structured questionnaires were administered to elicit information from 200 residents selected from five locations through a purposive sampling method and data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Orthodox medicines were rated higher than herbal medicine in term of preference, packaging, first-aid and uses. While in terms of affordability, adverse effect, natural and efficacious to the body, the respondents preferred herbal medicine. About Seventy percentage chose orthodox medicine as their first drug of choice while 28% preferred herbal medicine as their first drug of choice. 72.96% of the respondents have used herbal medicines without any side effect while 10.77% had experienced adverse effects from its use and 16.33% claimed they have never used herbal medicines for treatment before. The differences in the means of attributes of herbal and orthodox medicines were not statistically significant at P>0.05. The information obtained is in agreement with WHO statement that over 80% of the world’s population depends on traditional medicine for its primary health care.

Br J Med Med Res ; 2016; 13(2): 1-14
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-182465


Aims: The aim of this study was to determine the impact of religious practices and diet doctrines on obesity and hypertension among Pentecostal and orthodox Christians in the Tamale metropolis. Study Design: This study was a cross sectional study. Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted between January and June 2014, at the Tamale metropolis, Ghana. Methodology: Three hundred (300) Ghanaian subjects (50.3% Pentecostal participants from the Perez Chapel International and the Church of Pentecost and 49.7% Orthodox participants from the Presbyterian Church and Bethel Methodist Church), 18-72 years of age were recruited for this study. Anthropometric measurements including height, weight, waist and hip circumference as well as blood pressure were measured for each of the study participants. Results: The male participants were taller, heavier with higher mean WHR as well as higher mean SBP as compared to the female participants. The females however, had broader hips as compared to the male participants. The males were more likely to fully comply with the religious prescription on fasting (52.6% vs. 40.7%; p = 0.0397) and diet (30.8% vs. 20.4%; p = 0.0375) as compared to the female. The prevalence of obesity among the population in this study ranged from 17% to 28% depending on the criteria used in the weight classification (i.e. BMI, WHR and WC) and the prevalence of hypertension was 15.0% with no significant difference between both genders. Conclusion: This study highlights the significant increase in the prevalence of obesity and hypertension among both males and female populations, with obesity being more prevalent among females. Compliance to religious doctrines on fasting and or diet does not have an impact on the prevalence of obesity and hypertension from this study.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-604527


Objective]To summarize the famous medical treatment of the Ming Dynasty Chen Shigong gall disease treatment thought. [Method] Through the careful study and systematic analysis of the authentic and the theoretical literature. [Results] That gall disease etiology and more responsibility in emotions and internal injuries, melancholy stagnation of Qi, diet and improper and so on; pathogenesis more responsibility on Yuxue, turbid qi and stagnation of phlegm; clinically more gas stagnation of phlegm, phlegm and blood stasis, irascibility exuberant, deficiency of Qi and blood and other syndromes. [Conclusion] For the treatment, real persons are advised to gas line blood, phlegm, invigorate the hard core of qi deficiency, Qi and blood, spleen and stomach.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-563107


Orthodox Manual of External Diseases is a book giving an exhaustive description on various kinds of external and surgical disease,written by CHEN Shi-gong(1617),the author pay more attention to concept of wholism and syndrome differentiation.He provided the original view on the treatment of disease that combine internal with external therapy,needle with herbs.① All the external symptoms originates from internal causes and all diseases arisen from pathogenetic fire.Carbuncle definitely caused by visceral disorders,addiction to greasy diet,overstrain and exhaustion of sexual activities.② Based on occurrence and development of surgical disease,currency of ebb and flow between pathogenic factors and health qi,he provided three therapeutic methods for surgical disease including resolving,expelling from within,and reinforcing.③ He created and improved some surgical operation and provide the new therapeutic way that expelling the pathogenic factor by opening and drainage.④ He also believed that invigorating and regulating spleen and stomach,harmonizing qi and blood should be put in the first place when treating disease.