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Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 48(2): e049, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559439


RESUMO Introdução: Em 2020, o mundo foi afetado pelo novo coronavírus, e isso gerou mudanças históricas em diversos setores, incluindo o da educação, que teve que se adaptar rapidamente ao formato online. Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar se houve uma melhor adaptação ao ensino remoto durante a pandemia de Covid-19 dos acadêmicos de Medicina que estudam em currículos PBL quando comparada a de alunos com currículos em modelo disciplinar expositivo. Método: Trata-se de um estudo transversal. Foram incluídos na pesquisa os estudantes matriculados do segundo ao quarto ano do curso de Medicina que tenham preenchido o questionário completamente e cursado pelo menos um semestre de ensino remoto durante o ano de 2020. Resultado: Houve uma diferença significativa entre as metodologias, com maior adaptação dos estudantes que utilizaram o modelo PBL em comparação aos que cursaram no modelo disciplinar expositivo durante a pandemia de Covid-19. Conclusão: Na amostra estudada, o método PBL mostrou-se superior ao método disciplinar, nos quesitos avaliados, na adaptação de estudantes de Medicina ao ensino remoto.

ABSTRACT Introduction: In 2020, the new coronavirus pandemic affected the whole world, causing historic changes in several sectors, including education, in which students were forced to quickly adapt to online learning. Objective: This study aimed to compare medical students' adaptation to remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic depending on whether they were following a PBL curriculum or a curriculum based on an expository disciplinary model. Method: This was a cross-sectional study. The sample was composed of students enrolled in the 2nd to 4th year of the Medicine course who had fully completed the questionnaire and attended at least one semester of remote learning during 2020. Result: A significant difference was found between the students' adaptation to remote learning during the Covid-19 pandemic according to their study methodology; students using the PBL model showed better adaptation than those following an expository learning model. Conclusion: The study corroborated the results in the existing literature on the subject, which defends PBL as a better alternative for online learning.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-908851


This paper focuses on the practical necessity of discipline-integrated PBL curriculum in cultivating clinical thinking ability of college students majoring in clinical medicine. Through the teaching process of group discussion of some real and complete cases, this paper explains in detail how to cultivate medical students' clinical thinking ability by discipline-integrated PBL curriculum, discusses the implementation of ideological and political education associated with clinical medicine by heuristic teaching from close touching with clinical case and implicitly infiltration of the socialist core values such as dedication and integrity, and elaborates the humanistic quality and psychological comfort levels of medical students by being close to clinical patients. After five years of teaching practice, the teaching effect of discipline-integrated PBL curriculum has been approved by the national clinical medicine professional certification experts and praised by students. We believes that the development of discipline integrated PBL curriculum in medical college can strengthen students' problem-based autonomous learning ability, significantly improve the two-way integration ability between basic medical courses and basic medicine, and significantly build students' clinical thinking and clinical decision-making ability.