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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021943


BACKGROUND:There is still controversy whether human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells can maintain their biological characteristics,energy metabolism patterns,and multidirectional differentiation potential after long-term expression in vitro.Further comprehensive and systematic research is needed. OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the effects of long-term expansion in vitro on the biological characteristics of mesenchymal stem cells. METHODS:Human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells cultured to passage 5,10,and 15 in vitro.MTT assay was used to detect cell proliferation ability.Flow cytometry was used to detect cell cycle.The multi-differentiation potential of mesenchymal stem cells was detected by inducing to adipogenic,osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation.Cell migration and invasion abilities were detected by scratch test and Transwell assay.The mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and glycolysis function were analyzed using energy metabolism analyzer.The cell senescence was detected by senescence-associated β-galactosidase staining.The expression levels of p21,p16,and p53 proteins were detected by western blot assay. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells at passages 5,10,and 15 grew adherently;the volume of passage 15 mesenchymal stem cells increased and its proliferation ability decreased;the percentage of S-phase cells decreased(P<0.05).With the increase of culture passages,the migration and invasion abilities decreased gradually(P<0.05).There was no significant difference in the differentiation potential,demonstrated by adipogenic,osteogenic and chondrogenesis induction.The ability of oxidative phosphorylation of mitochondria and glycolysis decreased gradually(P<0.05).The number of senescence-associated β-galactosidase-positive cells increased with the increase of passages(P<0.05),and the expression of senescence protein p21,p16,and p53 increased gradually(P<0.05).The results indicated that the biological characterization of mesenchymal stem cells changed after long-term in vitro expansion.Mesenchymal stem cells cultured over 10 passages may have a reduced activity due to increasing senescence.Therefore,bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells cultured less than 10 passages are suitable for clinical research/therapy.

China Journal of Endoscopy ; (12): 86-90, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024821


Objective To investigate the efficacy of endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy(En-DCR)and suture anastomosis in treatment of chronic dacryocystitis.Method Clinical data of 79 cases(79 eyes)of chronic dacryocystitis were enrolled retrospectively and divided into suture group and seamless group.In the seamless group,the En-DCR valve was fixed with simple gelatin sponge,and in the suture group,the En-DCR valve suture was used.The total clinical effective rate,postoperative complication rate,anastomotic repair time and granulation hyperplasia of the two groups were analyzed and compared.Results There was no statistically significant difference in total effective rate between the two groups after operation(χ2 = 4.36,P = 0.137),there was no statistically significant difference in the incidence of complications(P = 0.705).The healing time of stoma mucosa epithelium in suture group was shorter than that in seamless group,the difference was statistically significant(t = 0.57,P = 0.032);The stoma granulation hyperplasia suture group was less than the seamless group,the difference was statistically significant(P = 0.037).Conclusion The combination of valve suture does not improve its clinical efficacy and safety,but can shorten the healing time of mucosal epithelium and reduce the granulation hyperplasia of stoma.

Psicopedagogia ; 40(121): 5-16, jan.-abr. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1448997


A linguagem escrita é uma ferramenta básica em nossa Cultura, pois ela permite resgatar e transmitir o patrimônio cultural através da História da Humanidade. Considera-se fundamental compreendê-la integralmente, levando em conta aspectos relacionados às quatro habilidades básicas: ler, escrever, falar e escutar, como fundamentado por Kenneth Goodman (1977) e Condemarin (1992). Aprender a ler e escrever é um "rito de passagem" que demanda experiências formais e informais, dentro e fora do contexto escolar. A produção da linguagem escrita abre espaço para a singularização, isto é, possibilita expressar e identificar-se aos valores e conceitos que contribuem para a formação individual e coletiva. Sendo considerada a "espinha dorsal da escolarização", muitas das queixas de Dificuldades de Aprendizagem podem ser relacionadas à sua fragilidade, tendo repercussões na constituição do sujeito aprendente. Este artigo tenta descrever a amplitude do que envolve a queixa escolar referente à produção de linguagem de maneira integral e integrada, apresentando enfoques teóricos que fundamentam a Psicopedagogia Dinâmica no que diz respeito ao desenvolvimento da linguagem.

Written language is a basic tool in our Culture, as it allows to rescue and transmit cultural heritage through the history of humanity. It is considered fundamental to fully understand it, considering aspects related to the four basic skills: reading, writing, speaking, and listening, as founded by Kenneth Goodman (1977) and Mabel Condemarin (1992). Learning to read and write is a "rite of passage" that requires formal and not formal experiences, both within and outside the school context. The production of written language opens space for singularization, that is, it makes it possible to express and identify oneself to the values and concepts that contribute to individual and collective formation. Being considered the "backbone of schooling", many of the complaints of Learning Difficulties can be reactivated to its fragility, having repercussions on the constitution of the learning subject. This article tries to describe the breadth of what involves the school complaint regarding the production of language in an integral and integrated way, presenting important theoretical approaches to broaden this reflection. presenting theoretical approaches that underlie Dynamic Psychopedagogy regarding language development.

Junguiana ; 41(3)2º sem. 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1524433


Este artigo consiste em um estudo de três casos de luto vivenciados na pandemia de covid 19. Os dois primeiros são provenientes de pesquisa de mestrado, já o terceiro é um caso clínico de uma viúva em seu primeiro ano de luto. Identificamos e discutimos, conforme as perspectivas de Jung e de autores junguianos, que o fenômeno da morte desorganiza e constela o Caos. Contudo, rituais de despedida disseminados pela cultura e pelas religiões, ou mesmo criados pelo enlutado, podem auxiliar no processo de luto, possibilitando a criação de novos sentidos para a perda vivenciada. Constatamos que, quando não é possível a vivência destes rituais, pode haver risco e impacto na saúde mental dos enlutados.

This article consists of three case studys of grief experienced during the covid-19 pandemic. The first two cases originate from a master's research, while the third is a clinical case of a widow in her first year of mourning. We identified and discussed, according to Jung's perspectives and those of Jungian authors, that the phenomenon of death disorganizes and constellates Chaos. However, rites of passage disseminated by culture and religions, or even created by the bereaved, can assist in the mourning process, enabling the creation of new meanings for the experienced loss. We found that, when the experience of these rituals is not possible, there may be risks and impact on the mental health of the bereaved.

Este artículo consiste en un estudio de tres casos de luto experimentado en la pandemia de covid-19. Los dos primeros provienen de la investigación de maestría, mientras que el tercero es un caso clínico de una viuda en su primer año de luto. Identificamos y discutimos, conforme las perspectivas de Jung y de autores junguianos, que el fenómeno de la muerte desorganiza y constela el Caos. Sin embargo, rituales de despedida diseminados por la cultura y las religiones, o incluso creados por el enlutado, pueden ayudar en el proceso de luto, posibilitando la creación de nuevos sentidos para la pérdida vivenciada. Constatamos que, cuando no es posible la vivencia de estos rituales, puede haber riesgo e impacto en la salud mental de los enlutados.

Jungian Theory
Chinese Journal of Biologicals ; (12): 769-774, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-996467


@#Objective To evaluate the passage stability of H5N1(NIBRG-14) influenza virus vaccine strain in MDCK cells(sMDCK)of serum-free suspension culture.Methods H5N1(NIBRG-14) influenza virus working-bank vaccine strains were passed 15 consecutive times in sMDCK cells.The 8-segment nucleotide sequences(HA,NA,M,NP,NS,PA, PB1 and PB2 genes) of the main-bank,working-bank,virus of P1,P2,P3,P5,P10 and P15 generations were detected for genetic stability by second and first generation sequencing.The stability of amino acid sequences of hemagglutinin(HA)and neuraminidase(NA),the main antigens of the working-bank,P5 and P15 generation viruses,were evaluated by using peptide coverage as indicators;Influenza vaccine was prepared with working-bank,P5 and P15 generation viruses,with which the female BALB/c mice were immunized i.m.with 10 in each group,15 μg HA per mouse,and boosted 28 d later at the same dosage and route.At 28,42 and 56 d after the primary immunization,the mice were detected for the titer of neutralizing antibody in serum to evaluate the stability of immunogenicity.Results No segment insertion or deletion was detected in each generation of influenza virus,and the nucleotide sequence was completely consistent with the main-bank;Single nucleotide polymorphism(SNP) mutations did not occur in the main-bank,working-bank,P1,P2,P3,P5 and P10 generations of viruses,while the possibility of SNP mutation showed in many gene loci of P15 generation virus,with heterozygous SNP accounting for 91.62%.The coverage rate of HA and NA protein peptides of P5 and P15 generation viruses ranged from96.7% to 100%.There was no significant difference in serum neutralizing antibody titer of mice in the working-bank,P5 and P15 groups(H=2.253,2.029 and 1.408,P=0.324,0.363 and 0.495,respectively) at 28,42 and 56 d after the first immunization.Conclusion H5N1(NIBRG-14) influenza virus vaccine strain has good genetic stability in sMDCK cells,which is expected to be used in the production of sMDCK cell matrix pandemic influenza vaccine.

Rev. mex. ing. bioméd ; 43(2): 1238, May.-Aug. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409793


ABSTRACT The accelerated aging process is incorporated into the design and development of intravascular catheters to assess their reliability assuring that this medical device is safe and effective for the intended use during their shelf life. The accelerated aging process is based on a common approach that assumes that the rate of aging increases by a factor of 2^(∆T/10), where ∆T is the temperature increment. However, with the life data obtained from this empirical method is difficult to do inferences about reliability. This paper presents an accelerated destructive degradation test using thermal stress to obtain degradation data directly relates reliability to critical performance characteristic, which is the tensile strength in the intravascular catheter tip considered as a critical concern in patients' safety. The degradation data model is given by a stochastic Wiener process with the drift parameter being represented as Arrhenius function. The parameters of the Wiener process and Arrhenius function are estimated using maximum likelihood; these parameters are used to estimate the first-passage time (time to failure) distribution when the intravascular catheters degradation path reaches a tensile strength critical value in each thermal stress level. Based on this, a complete product reliability assessment is performed and presented.

RESUMEN El proceso de envejecimiento acelerado es incorporado en el diseño y desarrollo de catéteres intravasculares para evaluar su confiabilidad y asegurar que el dispositivo medico es seguro y efectivo para su uso durante su vida de estante. Este proceso está basado en un enfoque que asume que la tasa de envejecimiento se incrementa por un factor de 2^(∆T/10), en donde ∆T es el incremento de temperatura. Sin embargo, con los datos de vida obtenidos de este método empírico resulta complicado realizar inferencias sobre la confiabilidad del dispositivo. Este articulo presenta una prueba de degradación acelerada destructiva que considera un estrés termal para obtener datos de degradación que se relaciona directamente la confiabilidad con la resistencia tensil de la punta de un catéter intravascular y que es considerada como una característica critica para la seguridad de los pacientes. El modelo de degradación esta dado por un proceso estocástico Wiener, con el parámetro de deriva representado la relación de Arrhenius. Los parámetros del proceso Wiener y la relación de Arrhenius son estimados mediante máxima verosimilitud; estos parámetros son usados para estimar la distribución de primer paso, la cual se caracteriza cuando la resistencia de un catéter alcanza el nivel crítico de resistencia en cada nivel de estrés. Considerando esto, se lleva a cabo y se presenta una evaluación de confiabilidad completa del producto.

Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 21(1): 130-133, maio 05,2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1370806


Introdução: a síndrome antifosfolípide (SAF) é caracterizada por eventos trombóticos e perdas gestacionais de repetição sendo considerada a trombofilia adquirida mais comum. Objetivo: realizar uma revisão narrativa da passagem transplacentária de anticorpos em pacientes com SAF. Metodologia: revisão narrativa da literatura. Resultados: quando não está associada a alguma doença do tecido conectivo é dita primária e quando em associação com lúpus eritematosos sistêmico é dita secundária. A morbidade gestacional é frequente e torna-se de importância avaliar a passagem desses anticorpos transplacentariamente, desde que existem modelos animais da síndrome com transferência passiva desses anticorpos. A passagem transplacentária de anticorpos específicos já foi determinada em estudos, os quais demonstraram baixos níveis destes anticorpos no soro materno, porém uma eficiente passagem transplacentária para o neonato. Conclusão: existem poucos estudos sobre essa passagem materno-infantil em pacientes com SAF, que são aqui revisados.

Introduction: a antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is characterized by thrombotic events and recurrent pregnancy losses and is considered the most common acquired thrombophilia. Objective: to carry out a narrative review of the transplacental passage and antibodies in patients with APS. Methodology: narrative literature review Results: when it is not associated with any connective tissue disease, it is said to be primary and when in association with systemic lupus erythematosus it is said to be secondary. Gestational morbidity is frequent and it is important to evaluate the passage of these antibodies transplacentally, since there are animal models of the syndrome with passive transfer of these antibodies. The transplacental passage of specific antibodies has already been determined in studies, which demonstrated low levels of these antibodies in the maternal serum, but an efficient transplacental passage for the newborn. Conclusion: there are few studies on this maternal-infant passage in patients with APS, which are reviewed here.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Adult , Pregnancy Complications , Antiphospholipid Syndrome , Antibodies, Antiphospholipid , Maternal-Fetal Exchange , Breast Feeding
J. psicanal ; 54(100): 273-281, jan.-jun. 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1279352


Este texto destaca as Passagens, diz respeito à formação dos analistas, mas também procura uma amplitude e maior alcance para discutir os contextos. O texto lembra que comemoraremos em 2022 os 100 da Semana de Arte Moderna, movimento motivado pelo questionamento das convenções instituídas nas artes e na cultura. Junto com os modernistas da Semana de 22, chega ao Brasil a psicanálise, que, ao longo desses anos, viveu e vive transformações, entendidas como a própria matéria da qual a psique se nutre. Assim, propõe a ideia de passagens como experiência de regiões de limiar e trânsito, o que constantemente ocorre na vida mental, em momentos de transformação nas várias fases da vida, em detalhes sutis do cotidiano, como os instantes de passagem do sonho para a vigília. Também aponta para as instituições psicanalíticas, as passagens, a maneira pela qual elas ocorrem, e a possível cristalização em certos lugares. Procura-se chamar a atenção a atenção para riscos de burocratizar as passagens em contraposição destaca-se o aspecto questionador e criativo das passagens, trilhas que os modernistas e nossos pioneiros nos sinalizaram.

This text highlights the Passages, refers to the training of analysts, but also seeks a breadth and greater scope to discuss the contexts. In 2022 we will celebrate the centenary of the Modern Art Week, a movement motivated by the questioning of the conventions established in art and culture. Together with the modernists of the Week of 22, psychoanalysis arrives in Brazil, which throughout these years has suffer many transformations, understood as the very matter from which the psyche is nourished. It proposes the idea of passages as an experience of thresholds and regions of transit, which occurs constantly in mental life, in moments of transformation in the different phases of life, in subtle details of daily life, such as moments of the passage from sleep to wakefulness. It also points to the psychoanalytic institutions, the passages, the way they occur, and the possible crystallization in certain places. We call for attention to the risks of bureaucratizing the passages in contrast, the questioning and creative aspect of the passages stands out, paths that the modernists and our pioneers pointed out to us.

Este texto destaca los Pasajes, se refiere a la formación de analistas, pero también busca una amplitud y un mayor alcance para discutir los contextos. El texto recuerda que en 2022 celebraremos el centenario de la Semana de Arte Moderna, un movimiento motivado por el cuestionamiento de las convenciones instituidas en el arte y la cultura. Junto a los modernistas de la Semana del 22, llega a Brasil el psicoanálisis, que a lo largo de estos años ha vivido y vive transformaciones, entendidas como la materia misma de la que se nutre la psique. Así, propone la idea de los pasajes como una experiencia de umbrales y regiones de tránsito, que se ocurre constantemente en la vida mental, en momentos de transformación en las distintas fases de la vida, en detalles sutiles de la vida cotidiana, como los momentos del pasaje del sueño a la vigilia. También apunta a las instituciones psicoanalíticas, los pasajes, la forma en que ocurren y la posible cristalización en determinados lugares. Llamamos la atención sobre los riesgos de burocratizar los pasajes en contraste, se destaca el aspecto cuestionador y creativo de los pasajes, senderos que nos señalaron los modernistas y nuestros pioneros.

Ce texte met en lumière les Passages, fait référence à la formation des analystes, mais cherche aussi une largeur et une plus grande portée pour discuter les contextes. En 2022 nous fêterons le centenaire de la Semaine de l'Art Moderne, mouvement motivé par la remise en cause des conventions établies dans l'art et la culture. Avec les modernistes de la Semaine des 22, la psychanalyse arrive au Brésil, qui tout au long de ces années a vécu et vit des transformations, comprises comme la matière même dont se nourrit la psyché. Ainsi, il propose l'idée des passages comme une expérience de seuils et de régions de transit, qui se produit constamment dans la vie mentale, dans des moments de transformation dans les différentes phases de la vie, dans des détails subtils de la vie quotidienne, tels que des moments du passage du sommeil à la veille. Il met également en évidence les institutions psychanalytiques, les passages, la manière dont ils se produisent et une possible cristallisation dans des lieux particuliers. Nous attirons l'attention sur les risques de bureaucratisation des passages en revanche, l'aspect questionnant et créatif des passages ressort, chemins que nous ont signalés les modernistes et nos pionniers.

Art , Psychoanalysis , Culture
International Eye Science ; (12): 182-185, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-837743


@#AIM:To explore the clinical efficacy of probing lacrimal passage combined with tobramycin eye drops in the treatment of congenital dacryocystitis. <p>METHODS: A total of 228 children(250 eyes)aged from 6mo-3a with congenital dacryocystitis treated in our hospital from January 2017 to June 2019 were included. They were assigned into three groups by age: 133 patients(149 eyes)aged from 6mo-1a(Group A), 62 patients(64 eyes)aged from 1-2a(Group B), and 33 patients(37 eyes)aged from 2-3a(Group C). All patients received lacrimal duct probing in surface anesthesia combined with postoperative tobramycin eye drops. <p>RESULTS: The probing cure rates of congenital dacryocystitis among there groups were 97.3%(Group A), 92.2%(Group B)and 83.8%(Group C), respectively. No adverse events reported. Through comparison of these three groups, the cure rate of children from 6mo-1a was the highest. The difference was statistically significant(<i>P</i>=0.009).<p>CONCLUSION: Lacrimal duct probing is effective in the treatment of congenital dacryocystitis, and it is safe and reliable to combine tobramycin eye drops(TOBREX)after surgery. The best time for treatment is 6mo-1a. The operation is simple, less complication, with high clinical value.

International Eye Science ; (12): 1987-1991, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-887400


@#AIM: To investigate the optimal height of anastomotic in endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy.<p>METHODS: This was a prospective randomized controlled study. Totally 229 patients(255 eyes)who were treated with endoscopic dacryocystostomy in Hankou Eye Hospital of Wuhan Aier from January 2019 to August 2020 were selected as the research objects. Including three types of patients: acute dacryocystitis, chronic dacryocystitis and nasolacrimal duct obstruction. Each type of patients were randomly divided into four groups: A, B, C and D. The No.7 lacrimal passage probe was inserted from the upper lacrimal puncta into the bone hole of lacrimal passage stoma. The probe head was close to the upper end of the bone hole, and the angle between the probe and the horizontal line of inner and outer canthus was measured α. Group A α1: -15°to +15°; Group B α2: +16°to +30°; Group C α3: +31°to +45°; Group D α4: +46°to +75°. All patients were followed up to 3mo postoperative. The amount of intraoperative blood loss, operation time and postoperative efficacy were recorded.<p>RESULTS: At 3mo postoperative, the intraoperative blood loss in Group A was more than that in Groups B, C and D, and the operation time was the longest. The operation time of Group D was shorter than that of Groups A, B and C(all <i>P</i><0.05), but there was no significant difference between Groups B and C(<i>P</i>>0.05). The curative effect of Group B was the best and the Group D was the worst(all <i>P</i><0.05), and there was no significant difference between Group A and Group C(<i>P</i>>0.05).<p>CONCLUSION: The probe angle from +16°to +30°was the optimal height of anastomotic in endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy.

International Eye Science ; (12): 2008-2011, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-887405


@#AIM: To analyze the clinical efficacy of neonatal dacryocystitis treated by the lacrimal passage probing(LPB)in ambulatory surgery mode during the prevalence of the COVID-19, and to provide a theoretical basis for the development and promotion of daytime operation mode of LPB in neonatal dacryocystitis.<p>METHODS: The information of 215 cases with neonatal dacryocystitis treated by LPB with ambulatory surgery mode was analyzed retrospectively, including the cure rate, the incidence of complications and adverse reactions, as well as the reasons for not arriving at the hospital after appointment.<p>RESULTS: All patients accomplish LPB surgery and daytime operation management successfully. The success rate of LPB for neonatal dacryocystitis with ambulatory surgery mode was 99.6%, with few postoperative complications and adverse reactions. The reason why the children did not arrive at the hospital after appointment was mainly due to the sickness being catching a cold, pneumonia, diarrhea and other diseases, otherwise, they had to cancel or postponed the appointment.<p>CONCLUSION: In the course of the prevalence of the COVID-19, LPB in the treatment of neonatal dacryocystitis in ambulatory surgery mode is safe, effective and feasible. It can reduce hospitalization expenses, shorten hospitalization time, and is more conducive to the prevention and control of COVID-19, which is worthy of popularization and application.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-880490


OBJECTIVE@#To observe the effect of San-Ao Decoction (, SAD) on water metabolism of bronchial asthra model mice.@*METHODS@#Forty-five female BALB/c mice were randomly divided into control, model and SAD groups by a random number table, 15 mice in each group. A composite method with ovalbumin (OVA) sensitization and challenge was developed to establish bronchial asthma model. Mice in the control group were intraperitoneally injected with distilled water without aerosol inhalation challenge. On day 15-22, 0.3 mL SAD was administered via gastric route in SAD group, one time per day, while an equivalent volume of normal saline was used for gastric administration in the control and model groups. Changes in airway resistance in the inspiratory phase (RI-R-Area) were detected using an AniRes2005 system, and 5-h urine output was collected by metabolic cages. Histopathological changes in lung and kidney were observed by hematoxylin-eosin staining. mRNA expressions of aquaporin (AQP) 1 and AQP2 in kidney were detected by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, and the protein expressions of AQP1 and AQP2 in kidney were detected by immunohistochemistry. Enzyme-linked immune sorbent assay was used to detect the OVA-specific endothelium-1 (ET-1), antidiuretic hormone (ADH), atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), prostaglandin E@*RESULTS@#Compared with the control group, the serum IgE level in model group increased (P<0.01). Following the pathologic changes in lung tissue, no significant change in kidney tissue was observed among 3 groups. Compared with the control group, the mice in the model group showed elevated airway resistance during inhalation phase, higher mRNA and protein expression levels on AQP1 and AQP2 in kidney tissue and higher ET-1 levels in serum, lung and kidney tissues, ADH and ANP in lung and serum, PGE@*CONCLUSION@#San-Ao Decoction can regulate the urine volume through regulating AQP1 and AQP2 expression, and the expression of these in the kidneys might be regulated by ET-1, NO and Ang II.

International Eye Science ; (12): 505-508, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-873454


@#AIM: To observe the application effect of tobramycin eye drops combined with irrigation and probing of lacrimal passage in the treatment of infant dacryocystitis. <p>METHODS: Totally 158 infants(174 eyes)with dacryocystitis treated in the hospital between January 2018 and December 2019 were enrolled. They were randomly divided into observation group(79 cases, 85 eyes)and control group(79 cases, 89 eyes)according to the order of treatment. The observation group was treated with tobramycin eye drops combined with irrigation and probing of lacrimal passage, while the control group was treated with irrigation and probing of lacrimal passage alone. The therapeutic effects of two groups were evaluated. The number of successful probing, incidences of complications, changes in inflammatory factors \〖interleukin 6(IL-6), tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α), high-sensitivity C-reactive protein(hs-CRP)\〗 before and after treatment and satisfaction of family members were compared between two groups. <p>RESULTS: The total response rate and the success rate of one-time probing in the observation group were significantly higher than those in the control group(91.8% <i>vs</i> 76.4%, 94.1% <i>vs</i> 80.9%, <i>P</i><0.05). After treatment, the observation group had significantly lower levels of IL-6, TNF-α and hs-CRP than the control group(<i>P</i><0.05). The incidence rate of complications in the observation group was significantly lower than that in the control group(4.7% <i>vs</i> 14.6%, <i>P</i><0.05). Family members of the observation group had significantly higher satisfaction than those of the control group(96.2% <i>vs</i> 82.3%, <i>P</i><0.05). <p>CONCLUSION: Tobramycin eye drops combined with irrigation and probing of lacrimal passage can effectively strengthen the curative effect on infant dacryocystitis, improve the success rate of one-time treatment, control local infectious inflammation, and reduce the incidence of postoperative complications. Besides, family members are highly satisfied.

Rev. psicanal ; 27(3): 731-743, Dezembro 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1252928


O autor considera que o alarmante crescimento do número de suicídios de adolescentes constitui a ponta de um iceberg muito mais amplo: o sofrimento profundo, muitas vezes naturalizado, das gerações mais jovens. É um sofrimento em que o olhar sociológico costuma verificar o fracasso dos adultos na transmissão de um legado que permita a inclusão dos recém-chegados no corpo social. Nós, psicanalistas, registramos - paradoxalmente ­ um êxito nessa conjuntura inquietante: aquele que corresponde às tendências filicidas e destrutivas para com os jovens, as quais autores como Raskovsky, Winnicott e Lacan exploraram em suas análises. São examinadas algumas peculiaridades sintomáticas da adolescência atual. Examina-se a orientação fornecida por algumas observações de Freud e Lacan com o intuito de acomodá-las e processá-las no dispositivo analítico (AU)

The author considers that the alarming growth in the number of adolescent suicides is the tip of a much larger iceberg: the deep suffering, often accepted as natural, of the younger generations. It is a pain in which the sociological analysis usually finds the adults' failure in conveying a legacy that enables inclusion of the newcomers in the social body. We psychoanalysts register ­ paradoxically ­ a success in this disturbing situation: the one that corresponds to filicidal and destructive impulses towards the youngsters, which authors such as Raskovsky, Winnicott and Lacan explored in their work. Some symptomatic peculiarities of current adolescence are examined. Guidance provided by some Freudian and Lacanian observations is examined to accommodate and process them in the analytical field (AU)

El autor considera que el crecimiento alarmante de las cifras de suicidio adolescente constituye la punta de un iceberg mucho más extendido: el profundo padecimiento, muchas veces naturalizado, de las generaciones jóvenes. Es un padecimiento en el que la mirada sociológica suele verificar el fracaso de los adultos en la transmisión de un legado que permita incluir a los recién llegados en el cuerpo social. Los psicoanalistas registramos ­ paradojalmente ­ un éxito en esta coyuntura inquietante: el que corresponde a las tendencias filicidas y destructivas para con los jóvenes, que han explorado en sus desarrollos autores como Raskovsky, Winnicott El autor considera que el crecimiento alarmante de las cifras de suicidio adolescente constituye la punta de un iceberg mucho más extendido: el profundo padecimiento, muchas veces naturalizado, de las generaciones jóvenes. Es un padecimiento en el que la mirada sociológica suele verificar el fracaso de los adultos en la transmisión de un legado que permita incluir a los recién llegados en el cuerpo social. Los psicoanalistas registramos ­ paradojalmente ­ un éxito en esta coyuntura inquietante: el que corresponde a las tendencias filicidas y destructivas para con los jóvenes, que han explorado en sus desarrollos autores como Raskovsky, Winnicott (AU)

Psychophysiologic Disorders/psychology , Suicide/psychology , Stress, Psychological , Adolescent Behavior , Self-Injurious Behavior/psychology , Frustration
Agora (Rio J.) ; 23(3): 90-98, set.-dez. 2020.
Article in Portuguese | INDEXPSI, LILACS | ID: biblio-1130833


RESUMO: A partir de questões suscitadas pela clínica da recepção em um ambulatório público de saúde mental, investigamos o manejo clínico da urgência subjetiva. Tendo em vista a recorrência do sofrimento psíquico relacionado à angústia e a manifestações ligadas ao ato, revisamos o lugar da angústia em psicanálise e sua relação com o acting out e a passagem ao ato. Verificamos como o psicanalista pode acolher a urgência subjetiva, permitindo que este momento de crise dê lugar ao trabalho psíquico e possibilite uma subjetivação do sofrimento.

Abstract: From issues raised by the reception clinic in a public mental health clinic, we investigated the clinical management of subjective urgency. In view of the recurrence of psychic suffering related to the anguish and manifestations associated with the act, we review the place of anguish in psychoanalysis and its relation to the acting out and the passage to the act. We verify how the psychoanalyst can take on the subjective urgency, allowing this moment of crisis to give way to psychic work and enable a subjectivation of suffering.

Psychoanalysis , Psychological Distress , Handling, Psychological
Junguiana ; 38(1): 183-196, jan.-jun. 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1124978


O texto se ocupa em descrever os sete principais ritos de passagem ocorridos com os seres humanos, concomitantemente às sete diferentes transformações de padrões de consciência nominados como: Urobórica, da Grande Mãe, do Deus Pai, do Encontro ou Coniunctio, da Comunicação, da Antevisão do Futuro e finalmente da Totalidade. Os ritos de passagem explicitam momentos de superação-transgressões às interdições, com os quais o ser humano atinge novos tempos de vida, e suas respectivas dinâmicas de consciência, decorrentes de demandas intrínsecas da natureza. Como consequência da superação desses momentos heroicos, adquire-se conhecimentos que são incorporados à psique, a par de desejos desconhecidos mobilizarem comportamentos para a ultrapassagem dos obstáculos. Os ritos de passagem são precedidos da vivência de morte e sucedidos pelo novo tempo de Vida. ■

The text focuses on describing the seven main rites of passage that occurred with humans, concomitantly with the seven different transformations of consciousness patterns named as: uroboric, Great Mother, God Father, Encounter or Coniunctio, Communication, of the Future Preview and finally of the Totality. The rites of passage explain moments of overcoming-transgressions of interdictions, with which the human being reaches new lifetimes, and their respective dynamics of consciousness, arising from intrinsic demands of nature. Because of overcoming these heroic moments, we acquire knowledge that is incorporated into the psyche, along with unknown desires, mobilize behaviors to overcome obstacles. The rites of passage are preceded by the experience of death and succeeded by the new lifetime. ■

El texto trata sobre la descripción de los siete ritos principales de pasaje que ocurrieron con los humanos, concomitantemente con las siete transformaciones diferentes de patrones de conciencia nombrados como: Urobórica, de la Gran Madre, del Dios Padre, del Encuentro o Coniunctio, de la Comunicación, de la Vista Preliminar del Futuro y finalmente de la Totalidad. Los ritos de pasaje explican momentos de superación-transgresiones a las interdicciones, con las cuales el ser humano alcanza nuevos tiempos de vida, y sus respectivas dinámicas de conciencia, que surgen de las demandas intrínsecas de la naturaleza. Como consecuencia de la superación de estos momentos heroicos, se adquiere conocimiento que se incorpora a la psique, junto con deseos desconocidos que movilizan comportamientos para superar obstáculos. Los ritos de iniciación son precedidos por la experiencia de muerte y seguidos por el nuevo período de Vida. ■

Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 23(2): 291-312, abr.-jun. 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1139251


O perigo potencial dos paranoicos reivindicadores é um dado clínico que se impôs na psiquiatria. A lógica subjetiva inerente à passagem ao ato se distingue, entretanto, da de outros homicídios ou tentativas de assassinato cometidas por sujeitos psicóticos que tentam, ao fazê-lo, tratar o gozo do qual são objeto. Tal lógica explica-se a partir das especificidades do delírio paranoico de reivindicação que o ensino lacaniano permite compreender. Esse delírio edifica-se sobre a base de um prejuízo de gozo que persegue o sujeito. Os crimes que daí resultam são motivados por uma vontade de gozo e cometidos em nome de um ideal de justiça em torno do qual o sujeito organiza sua existência.

The danger of querulant paranoids is a clinical notion present in the psychiatric field. The underlying subjective logic of their outbursts can be distinguished from those of murders or murder attempts perpetrated by psychotic subjects who, in doing so, attempt to treat the jouissance they are the object of. The specificities of the paranoid querulant delirium explain such logic and Lacan's teaching allow for its comprehension. This delirium is built upon a jouissance prejudice that persecutes the subject. The deriving crimes are motivated by a wish for jouissance and perpetrated in the name of a justice ideal around which the subject organizes his existence.

La dangerosité des paranoïaques revendicateurs est une donnée clinique qui s'est imposée en psychiatrie. La logique subjective sous-tendant leurs passages à l'acte se distingue cependant de celle des autres meurtres ou tentatives commis par des sujets psychotiques qui tentent, ce faisant, de traiter la jouissance dont ils sont l'objet. Elle s'explique à partir des spécificités du délire paranoïaque de revendication que l'enseignement lacanien permet de comprendre. Ce délire s'édifie sur fond de préjudice de jouissance qui persécute le sujet. Les crimes qui en dérivent sont motivés par une volonté de jouissance et commis au nom d'un idéal de justice sur lequel le sujet règle son existence.

La peligrosidad de las paranoias de reivindicación es una noción clínica presente en el campo de la psiquiatría. La lógica subjetiva detrás de sus brotes se diferencia de los homicidios o de los intentos cometidos por sujetos psicóticos que, al hacerlo, intentan tratar el goce del que son objeto. Las especificidades del delirio de reivindicación paranoico explican tal lógica y las enseñanzas de Lacan permiten su comprensión. Se construye este delirio sobre un prejuicio del goce que persigue al sujeto. Los crímenes derivados son motivados por una voluntad de goce y perpetrados en nombre de un ideal de justicia alrededor del cual el sujeto organiza su existencia..

Rev. biol. trop ; 68(1)mar. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507641


Introducción: Swietenia macrophylla King ("caoba") es la especie arbórea de mayor importancia comercial en el sureste mexicano y utilizada como guía en el manejo forestal, por lo que conocer su edad y tasas de crecimiento es fundamental para la sostenibilidad de los aprovechamientos maderables. Objetivos: Estimar laedad (E t ) a partir del método del 'tiempo de paso' (Tp) y calcular las tasas de crecimiento absoluto (TCA) y relativo (TCR) para Swietenia macrophylla en Quintana Roo, México. Métodos: Se ajustaron ecuaciones para calcular TCA y TCR con remediciones periódicas durante 15 años del diámetro normal (d) en 403 árboles de S. macrophylla en Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Quintana Roo, México; también, se determinaron el Tp y la E t para el cálculo del incremento corriente anual (ICA) e incremento medio anual (IMA), y definir así los turnos comercial y técnico. Resultados: La máxima TCR se alcanzó a los 28 cm de d (0.015 cm año-1) (aplicación de aclareos), mientras que la mayor TCA (0.69 cm año-1) y menor Tp (3.5 años) a los 55 cm de d (turno comercial). El máximo ICA al considerar la E t fue de 1.43 cm en la categoría diamétrica de 50 cm, con un IMA de 0.67 cm año-1 a una edad de 75 años, mientras que el turno técnico (ICA = IMA) se alcanzó a los 96 años (incrementos de 0.78 cm año-1). Conclusiones: A través de mediciones periódicas del diámetro normal en S. macrophylla es posible obtener su edad, además los resultados pueden ser utilizados para elaborar programas de manejo y ejecutar prácticas silvícolas que propicien el incremento diamétrico en Quintana Roo.

Introduction: Swietenia macrophylla King (Mahogany) is the most commercially important tree species in Southeastern of Mexico and is used as a guide in forest management. Therefore, knowing its age and growth rates is essential for the sustainability of timber harvest. Objective: Estimate the age (Et) from the 'step time' (Tp) method and calculate the absolute (TCA) and relative (TCR) growth rates for Swietenia macrophylla in Quintana Roo, Mexico. Methods: Equations were adjusted to calculate TCA and TCR with periodic re-measured for 15 years of the normal diameter (d) in 403 S. macrophylla trees in Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Tp and Et were determined for the calculation of the annual current increase (ICA) and average annual increase (IMA), to define the commercial and technical shifts. Results: The maximum TCR was reached at 28 cm of d (0.015 cm year-1) (thinning application), whereas the highest TCA (0.69 cm year-1) and lower Tp (3.5 years) at 55 cm of d (commercial shift). The maximum ICA when considering Et was 1.43 cm in the 50 cm of diametric category with an IMA of 0.67 cm year-1 at an age of 75 years, while the technical shift (ICA = IMA) was reached at 96 years (increments of 0.78 cm year-1). Conclusions: Through periodic measurements of the normal diameter in S. macrophylla it is possible to obtain its age, these results also can be used to elaborate management programs and apply silvicultural practices that propitiate the diametric increase in Quintana Roo.

International Eye Science ; (12): 643-645, 2020.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-815745


@#Lacrimal drainage is the process of drainage tear from eye surface to nasal cavity and its mechanism is complex. It requires not only the coordination of gland and muscle system of eyelid, but also the joint participation of lacrimal secretion system and drainage system. For hundreds of years, the function and mechanism of lacrimal drainage system has been concerned by ophthalmologists. Many representative viewpoints have been put forward and great progress has been made. It has important clinical significance to improve the diagnosis and treatment of lacrimal passage diseases. This paper reviews the anatomical background, mechanism, problems and prospects of lacrimal drainage system.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-847764


BACKGROUND: Oligodendrocyte precursor cells are seed cells for the treatment of white matter injury. The establishment of an efficient and stable in vitro culture method is an important prerequisite for clinical transformation. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the morphological changes of oligodendrocyte precursor cells during passage. METHODS: Four batches of human oligodendrocyte progenitor cells were subcultured from the second generation (P2) to the seventh generation (P7) in vitro. Five pictures of 200-fold field were taken under an optical microscope before each passage. According to the cell morphology, oligodendrocyte precursor cells were divided into three types: bipolar cells (oligodendrocyte precursor cells), multipolar cells (late oligodendrocyte precursor cells) and supra-polar bifurcated cells (immature oligodendrocyte cells). The proportion of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells to the total number of cells was calculated, so as to compare the difference of cell morphology among different generations. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: In the process of passage from P2 to P7, oligodendrocyte progenitor cells included three types: bipolar cells, multipolar cells and supra-polar bifurcated cells. Among them, bipolar cells and multipolar cells were the main part, and a small number of supra-polar bifurcated cells could be seen in the rest. There were no significant differences in the proportion of bipolar cells, multipolar cells and supra-polar bifurcated cells among P2-P7 (P > 0.05). The cell morphology classification and counting method can be used to preliminarily evaluate that oligodendrocyte progenitor cells have no change in morphology during culture.