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Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 40(2): 236-241, abr.-jun. 2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1509029


RESUMEN La equinococosis quística es una infección zoonótica producida por la larva de Echinococcus granulosus que es capaz de invadir diversos órganos desde su ubicación en el intestino humano. En los casos de coinfección con el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH), existe una diversidad de complicaciones condicionadas por la enfermedad inmunosupresora con pronóstico reservado. El objetivo de este reporte es describir un caso de equinococosis multiquística peritoneal en una paciente en tratamiento antiviral para VIH durante casi diez años, que recibió la combinación de albendazol más cirugía, con evolución favorable. Este reporte sería el primero en el Perú en una persona con inmunosupresión por VIH y equinococosis quística.

ABSTRACT Cystic echinococcosis is a zoonotic infection caused by the larva of Echinococcus granulosus, which is capable of invading several organs starting from the human intestine. There are several complications in cases of co-infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which are conditioned by the immunosuppressive disease and have poor prognosis. This report aims to describe a case of multi-cystic peritoneal echinococcosis in a patient under antiviral treatment for HIV for almost ten years, who received albendazole, underwent surgery and progressed favorably. This would be the first Peruvian report of a person with HIV and cystic echinococcosis.

Humans , Female , Ultrasonography
Rev. colomb. cir ; 38(3): 521-532, Mayo 8, 2023. fig, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1438583


Introducción. El espacio extraperitoneal, se define como el segmento topográfico ubicado entre el peritoneo parietal internamente y la fascia transversalis externamente. Como resultado del desarrollo y consolidación de la cirugía laparoscópica, en particular de la herniorrafia inguinal por esta vía, se ha presentado un renovado y creciente interés en esta área anatómica, debido a la importancia de su conocimiento detallado en la cirugía de mínima invasión. Métodos. Se hizo una revisión narrativa de la literatura para presentar una información actualizada y detallada sobre la anatomía del espacio extraperitoneal y su importancia en diferentes procedimientos quirúrgicos realizados actualmente. Resultados. Por fuera del espacio peritoneal, se encuentran las áreas anatómicas externas al peritoneo parietal, que incluyen la preperitoneal y la retroperitoneal. Mediante la laparoscopia, se pueden localizar en estos espacios cinco triángulos anatómicos, además de la corona mortis y el triángulo supra vesical. Conclusión. El conocimiento del espacio extraperitoneal es de gran importancia para el cirujano general, teniendo en cuenta los múltiples procedimientos que requieren el abordaje de esta área topográfica

Introduction. The extraperitoneal space is defined as the topographic segment located between the parietal peritoneum internally and the fascia transversalis externally. As a result of the development and consolidation of laparoscopic surgery, particularly inguinal herniorrhaphy by this route, there has been a renewed and growing interest in this anatomical area, due to the importance of its detailed knowledge in minimally invasive surgery. Methods. A narrative review of the literature was made to present updated and detailed information on the anatomy of the extraperitoneal space and its importance in different surgical procedures currently performed. Results. Outside the peritoneal space are the anatomical areas external to the parietal peritoneum, including the preperitoneal and extraperitoneal. Using laparoscopy, five anatomical triangles, in addition to the corona mortis and the supravesical triangle, can be located in these spaces. Conclusion. Knowledge of the extraperitoneal space is of great importance for the general surgeon, taking into account the multiple procedures that require the approach of this topographic area

Humans , Retroperitoneal Space , Hernia, Inguinal , Peritoneal Cavity , Laparoscopy , Anatomy
Chinese Journal of Urology ; (12): 945-946, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028379


A case is presented involving a patient with a history of pelvic fracture who experienced progressive difficulty in urination following the removal of a urethral catheter. Attempt to retain the catheter was unsuccessful, leading to an ultrasound-guided suprapubic puncture cystostomy. Subsequently, the patient developed persistent abdominal pain, distension, nausea, and vomiting. Analysis of turbid greyish-yellow thin purulent fluid obtained during abdominal paracentesis indicated the presence of peritonitis. Urgent surgical exploration revealed that the diversion tube had passed through the abdominal cavity and into the bladder. The entire abdominal cavity was filled with yellowish-thin purulent fluid. Intraoperatively, the patient presented with worsening hypotension, tachycardia, oliguria, and decreased skin temperature, suggestive of septic shock resulting from peritonitis. Prompt management, including antimicrobial therapy, hemodynamic support, and fluid resuscitation, successfully controlled the infectious symptoms, leading to complete recovery. In clinical practice, the emphasis is often placed on assessing injuries to intra-abdominal organs, whereas awareness and understanding of peritoneal injuries remain limited. As a result, postoperative peritonitis is frequently attributed solely to intra-abdominal organ damage, overlooking the potentially grave consequences of pure peritoneal injury. Therefore, it is imperative to enhance our recognition and knowledge regarding peritoneal injuries, enabling timely diagnosis and treatment to prevent the occurrence of complications.

Cambios rev med ; 21(2): 885, 30 Diciembre 2022. tabs, grafs.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1415670


La peritonitis es una inflamación aguda o crónica del peritoneo que generalmente tiene un origen infeccioso. Existen varios tipos, siendo la de tipo secundario la más frecuente. El término peritonitis secundaria se define como la inflamación localizada o generalizada de la membrana peritoneal causada por infección polimicrobiana posterior a la ruptura traumática o espontánea de una víscera o secundaria a la dehiscencia de anastomosis intestinales. Esta entidad se caracteriza por la presencia de pus en la cavidad peritoneal o de líquido; que, en el estudio microscópico directo, contiene leucocitos y bacterias. El tratamiento de esta patología constituye una urgencia y puede ser de tipo clínico y/o quirúrgico. El objetivo del manejo operatorio se basa en identificar y eliminar la causa de la infección, recoger muestras microbiológicas, realizar una limpieza peritoneal y prevenir la recidiva. El tratamiento clínico se ocupa de las consecuencias de la infección mediante la reanimación perioperatoria y el tratamiento antibiótico1. A pesar de los avances en diagnóstico, procedimientos quirúrgicos, terapia antimicrobiana y cuidados intensivos, la mortalidad asociada con la peritonitis secundaria grave es aún muy alta. El pronóstico y el manejo oportuno representan la clave para mejorar la sobrevida y reducir la mortalidad asociada a infecciones intraabdominales extensas2. Es importante establecer lineamientos en cuanto al diagnóstico, manejo antibiótico y pautas de tratamiento quirúrgico para disminuir la morbilidad y mortalidad asociada a esta enfermedad. Palabras clave: Peritonitis; Peritoneo; Cavidad Abdominal/cirugía; Cavidad Peritoneal; Líquido Ascítico/patología; Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Operativos.

Peritonitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the peritoneum that generally has an infectious origin. There are several types, with secondary peritonitis being the most frequent. The term secondary peritonitis is defined as localized or generalized inflammation of the peritoneal membrane caused by polymicrobial infection following traumatic or spontaneous rupture of a viscus or secondary to dehiscence of intestinal anastomoses. This entity is characterized by the presence of pus in the peritoneal cavity or fluid which, on direct microscopic examination, contains leukocytes and bacteria. The treatment of this pathology constitutes an emergency and can be clinical and/or surgical. The aim of operative management is based on identifying and eliminating the cause of the infection, collecting microbiological samples, performing peritoneal cleansing and preventing recurrence. Clinical management deals with the consequences of the infection by perioperative resuscitation and antibiotic treatment1 . Despite advances in diagnosis, surgical procedures, antimicrobial therapy and intensive care, mortality associated with severe secondary peritonitis is still very high. Prognosis and timely management represent the key to improving survival and reducing mortality associated with extensive intra-abdominal infections2. It is important to establish guidelines for diagnosis, antibiotic management and surgical treatment guidelines to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with this disease.

Humans , Male , Female , Peritoneal Cavity , Peritoneum , Peritonitis , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Ascitic Fluid/pathology , Abdominal Cavity/surgery , General Surgery , Bacterial Infections , Viscera , Clinical Protocols , Medication Therapy Management , Intraabdominal Infections , Abdomen/surgery
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-989263


Objective:To investigate the changes of biomarkers in peritoneal dialysis patients' peritoneal drainage fluid and their relationship with the peritoneal small molecule solute transport rate (PSTR).Methods:Seventy newly-tubed peritoneal dialysis patients from the Peritoneal Dialysis Center of the First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine from September 29, 2014 to April 26, 2018 were selected. The levels of biomarkers plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in the peritoneal dialysis priming fluid were measured at different time points and 4 h dialysate/blood muscle (D/P) creatinine values at 2 years of follow-up, and the correlation between biomarkers in the extracted peritoneal fluid and 4 h D/P creatinine was examined.Results:Longitudinal studies showed an increase in PAI-1 ( P<0.001) and VEGF ( P=0.04) with increasing duration of peritoneal dialysis. PSTR levels at baseline and after 2 years of follow-up were significantly correlated with PAI-1, MMP-2, and VEGF levels at baseline. PSTR at 2 years was also correlated with MMP-2 levels at 6 months and PAI-1 levels at baseline. Conclusions:The biomarkers PAI-1, MMP-2, and VEGF in peritoneal dialysis drainage fluid are positively correlated with PSTR in peritoneal dialysis patients during the 2-year period.

Colomb. med ; 52(2)Apr.-June 2021.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534261


In patients with abdominal trauma who require laparotomy, up to a quarter or a third will have a vascular injury. The venous structures mainly injured are the vena cava (29%) and the iliac veins (20%), and arterial vessels are the iliac arteries (16%) and the aorta (14%). The initial approach is performed following the ATLS principles. This manuscript aims to present the surgical approach to abdominal vascular trauma following damage control principles. The priority in a trauma laparotomy is bleeding control. Hemorrhages of intraperitoneal origin are controlled by applying pressure, clamping, packing, and retroperitoneal with selective pressure. After the temporary bleeding control is achieved, the compromised vascular structure must be identified, according to the location of the hematomas. The management of all lesions should be oriented towards the expeditious conclusion of the laparotomy, focusing efforts on the bleeding control and contamination, with a postponement of the definitive management. Their management of vascular injuries includes ligation, transient bypass, and packing of selected low-pressure vessels and bleeding surfaces. Subsequently, the unconventional closure of the abdominal cavity should be performed, preferably with negative pressure systems, to reoperate once the hemodynamic alterations and coagulopathy have been corrected to carry out the definitive management.

En pacientes con trauma de abdomen que requieren laparotomía, hasta una cuarta o tercera parte, habrán sufrido una lesión vascular. Las estructuras venosas principalmente lesionadas son la vena cava y las iliacas, y de vasos arteriales, son las iliacas y la aorta. El abordaje de este tipo de heridas vasculares se puede ser difícil en el contexto de un paciente hemodinámicamente inestable ya que requiera medidas rápidas que permita controlar la exanguinación del paciente. El objetivo de este manuscrito es presentar el abordaje del trauma vascular abdominal de acuerdo con la filosofía de cirugía de control de daños. La primera prioridad en una laparotomía por trauma es el control de la hemorragia. Las hemorragias de origen intraperitoneal se controlan con compresión, pinzamiento o empaquetamiento, y las retroperitoneales con compresión selectiva. Posterior al control transitorio de la hemorragia, se debe identificar la estructura vascular comprometida, de acuerdo con la localización de los hematomas. El manejo de las lesiones debe orientarse a la finalización expedita de la laparotomía, enfocado en el control de la hemorragia y contaminación, con aplazamiento del manejo definitivo. Lo pertinente al tratamiento de las lesiones vasculares incluyen la ligadura, derivación transitoria y el empaquetamiento de vasos seleccionados de baja presión y de superficies sangrantes. Posteriormente se debe realizar el cierre no convencional de la cavidad abdominal, preferiblemente con sistemas de presión negativa, para consecutivamente reoperar una vez corregidas las alteraciones hemodinámicas y la coagulopatía para realizar el manejo definitivo.

Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 115: e200458, 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1135229


BACKGROUND Calotropis procera latex protein fraction (LP) was previously shown to protect animals from septic shock. Further investigations showed that LP modulate nitric oxide and cytokines levels. OBJECTIVES To evaluate whether the protective effects of LP, against lethal bacterial infection, is observed in its subfractions (LPPII and LPPIII). METHODS Subfractions (5 and 10 mg/kg) were tested by i.p. administration, 24 h before challenging with lethal injection (i.p.) of Salmonella Typhimurium. LPPIII (5 mg/kg) which showed higher survival rate was assayed to evaluate bacterial clearance, histopathology, leukocyte recruitment, plasma coagulation time, cytokines and NO levels. FINDINGS LPPIII protected 70% of animals of death. The animals given LPPIII exhibited reduced bacterial load in blood and peritoneal fluid after 24 h compared to the control. LPPIII promoted macrophage infiltration in spleen and liver. LPPIII restored the coagulation time of infected animals, increased IL-10 and reduced NO in blood. MAIN CONCLUSIONS LPPIII recruited macrophages to the target organs of bacterial infection. This addressed inflammatory stimulus seems to reduce bacterial colonisation in spleen and liver, down regulate bacterial spread and contribute to avoid septic shock.

Animals , Plant Proteins/therapeutic use , Salmonella Infections/drug therapy , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Calotropis/chemistry , Homeostasis/drug effects , Inflammation/drug therapy , Latex/chemistry , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Plant Proteins/isolation & purification , Plant Proteins/pharmacology , Salmonella Infections/immunology , Salmonella Infections/microbiology , Down-Regulation , Anti-Bacterial Agents/isolation & purification , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology
Rev. cienc. med. Pinar Rio ; 23(4): 562-567, jul.-ago. 2019. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1092815


RESUMEN Introducción: son múltiples las complicaciones de la derivación ventrículo peritoneal, entre ellas la infección de la derivación, obstrucción y desconexión, son las más frecuentes. Por otro lado, el pseudoquiste de líquido cefalorraquídeo, hernia inguinal, hidrocele y perforación intestinal, son ocasionales. Objetivo: describir la cirugía laparoscópica como método de tratamiento de la extrusión anal del catéter como complicación de la derivación ventrículo peritoneal. Presentación del caso: se presenta un caso de un paciente neurointervenido a causa de un colesteatoma del clivus, al cual se le realiza una derivación ventrículo peritoneal debido a una hidrocefalia secundaria a compresión del suelo del tercer ventrículo, por el crecimiento supraselar de la lesión. Acude al servicio de Neurocirugía a causa de extrusión del extremo distal del catéter a través del ano. Después de confirmar esta complicación a través de colonoscopia, se realizó cirugía laparoscópica para retirar el extremo extruido. Conclusiones: el paciente evolucionó sin complicaciones posquirúrgicas y dado de alta hospitalaria. La cirugía por mínimo acceso ofrece ventajas con respecto a la laparotomía en la resolución de esta complicación.

ABSTRACT Introduction: there are multiple complications of peritoneal ventricle shunt, including infection of the shunt, obstruction and disconnection, are the most frequent. On the other hand, cerebrospinal fluid pseudo cyst, inguinal hernia, hydrocele and intestinal perforation are rare. Objective: to describe a laparoscopic surgery as a method of treatment of anal catheter extrusion as a complication of peritoneal ventricular bypass. Case report: a patient with a neurosurgery because of a cholesteatoma of the clivus, to which a peritoneal ventricle derivation is made due to a hydrocephalus secondary to the compression of the floor of the third ventricle, by the suprasellar growth of the lesion. The patient came to the Neurosurgery Service because of extrusion of the distal end of the catheter through the anus. After confirming this complication through colonoscopy, laparoscopic surgery was performed to remove the extruded end. Conclusions: the patient evolved without post-surgical complications and was discharged from the hospital. Minimal access surgery offers advantages over laparotomy in the resolution this complication.

Immune Network ; : e15-2019.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-764016


To this date, the criteria to distinguish peritoneal macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs) are not clear. Here we delineate the subsets of myeloid mononuclear cells in the mouse peritoneal cavity. Considering phenotypical, functional, and ontogenic features, peritoneal myeloid mononuclear cells are divided into 5 subsets: large peritoneal macrophages (LPMs), small peritoneal macrophages (SPMs), DCs, and 2 MHCII⁺CD11c⁺CD115⁺ subpopulations (i.e., MHCII⁺CD11c⁺CD115⁺CD14⁻CD206⁻ and MHCII⁺CD11c⁺CD115⁺CD14⁺CD206⁺). Among them, 2 subsets of competent Ag presenting cells are demonstrated with distinct functional characteristics, one being DCs and the other being MHCII⁺CD11c⁺CD115⁺CD14⁻CD206⁻ cells. DCs are able to promote fully activated T cells and superior in expanding cytokine producing inflammatory T cells, whereas MHCII⁺CD11c⁺CD115⁺CD14⁻CD206⁻ cells generate partially activated T cells and possess a greater ability to induce Treg under TGF-β and retinoic acid conditions. While the development of DCs and MHCII⁺CD11c⁺CD115⁺CD14⁻CD206⁻ cells are responsive to the treatment of FLT3 ligand and GM-CSF, the number of LPMs, SPMs, and MHCII⁺CD11c⁺CD115⁺CD14⁺CD206⁺ cells are only influenced by the injection of GM-CSF. In addition, the analysis of gene expression profiles among MHCII⁺ peritoneal myeloid mononuclear cells reveals that MHCII⁺CD11c⁺CD115⁺CD14⁺CD206⁺ cells share high similarity with SPMs, whereas MHCII⁺CD11c⁺CD115⁺CD14⁻CD206⁻ cells are related to peritoneal DC2s. Collectively, our study identifies 2 distinct subpopulations of MHCII⁺CD11c⁺CD115⁺ cells, 1) MHCII⁺CD11c⁺CD115⁺CD14⁻CD206⁻ cells closely related to peritoneal DC2s and 2) MHCII⁺CD11c⁺CD115⁺CD14⁺CD206⁺ cells to SPMs.

Animals , Mice , Antigen Presentation , Dendritic Cells , Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor , Macrophages , Macrophages, Peritoneal , Peritoneal Cavity , T-Lymphocytes , Transcriptome , Tretinoin
Cambios rev. méd ; 17(1): 48-51, ene. - 2018. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-981099


Introducción. El tratamiento adecuado de la cavidad peritoneal en la peritonitis secundaria constituye una preocupación permanente de los cirujanos y es primordial en el manejo integral del paciente. Objetivo. Evaluar los resultados de lavar la cavidad abdominal frente al secado peritoneal en los casos de peritonitis secundaria, por apendicitis aguda perforada. Material y métodos. Estudio observacional retrospectivo en el Servicio de Cirugía General del Hospital de Especialidades Carlos Andrade Marín, período enero 2016 a diciembre 2017. Se incluyeron 301 historias clínicas de pacientes con diagnóstico de apendicitis aguda perforada. El objetivo principal del estudio fue evaluar las complicaciones presentadas con cada uno de los procedimientos quirúrgicos empleados. Resultados. Los registros de 301 pacientes, 212 (70,4%) sometidos a lavado peritoneal y 89 (29,6%) a secado del peritoneo. La frecuencia de complicaciones entre los grupos estudiados fue similar, no hubo diferencias significativas. La única variable significativa fue el tiempo operatorio (OR 1,01, p<0,005). Conclusiones. No se encontraron diferencias significativas con el tipo de manejo de cavidad en pacientes con peritonitis secundaria a apendicitis aguda perforada (lavado versus secado de cavidad) en cuanto a complicaciones posoperatorias. El lavado peritoneal requirió un tiempo quirúrgico mayor al secado de la cavidad.

Introduction. The adequate treatment of the peritoneal cavity in peritonitis is a primary concern in the comprehensive management of the patient. Objective. To compare the results of thoroughly washing the peritoneal cavity vs simply just drying the peritoneal cavity in cases of secondary peritonitis due to acute perforated appendicitis. Materials and methods. A retrospective observational study was carried out in the General Surgery Department at Carlos Andrade Marín Specialties Hospital, from January 2016 until December 2017. The study main end-point was assessing the postoperative complication between peritoneal lavage versus cavity drying. Results. The records of 301 patients, 212 (70.4%) who underwent peritoneal lavage and 89 (29.6%) with just drying the peritoneum. The frequency of complications between both groups did not reach statistical significance. The only significant variable was the operative time (OR 1.01, p<0.005). Conclusions. No statistically significant differences were found with the type of cavity management in patients with peritonitis secondary to perforated appendicitis (lavage versus cavity drying). Peritoneal lavage required more time than cavity drying.

Humans , Appendicitis , Peritoneal Cavity , Peritonitis , Peritoneal Lavage , Ascitic Fluid
Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 25: [e29326], jan.-dez. 2017. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-947759


Objetivo: apresentar o estado do conhecimento científico sobre quimioterapia hipertérmica intraperitoneal transoperatória no tratamento da carcinomatose peritoneal e os cuidados de enfermagem pós-operatórios para pacientes submetidos a essa terapia. Métodos: apresentam-se aspectos técnicos da quimioterapia hipertérmica intraperitoneal transoperatória, suas complicações potenciais e cuidados de enfermagem pós-operatórios envolvidos. Resultados: destaca-se a importância dos cuidados de enfermagem, quais sejam: monitorar sinais vitais, perfusão periférica, débito cardíaco e pressão venosa central; avaliar dor; encorajar tosse e realização de exercícios de respiração profunda; registrar drenagem de ferida operatória e drenos; investigar ruídos intestinais; medir volume residual gástrico; promover mudanças de decúbito; avaliar resultados laboratoriais de exames sanguíneos; instituir balanço hídrico e; aferir peso corporal. Conclusão: a quimioterapia hipertérmica intraperitoneal transoperatória é terapia promissora no tratamento de pacientes com carcinomatose peritoneal. Entretanto, para ser bem-sucedida, a prestação de cuidados de enfermagem é fundamental.

Objective: to present the current state of scientific knowledge about intraoperative hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy for the treatment of peritoneal carcinomatosis, and postoperative nursing care for patients undergoing this therapy. Methods: the study describes technical aspects of intraoperative hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy, the potential complications and post-operative nursing care involved. Results: emphasis was placed on the importance of nursing care, viz.: monitoring of vital signs, peripheral perfusion, cardiac output, and central venous pressure; pain assessment; encouraging coughing and deep breathing exercises; recording drainage of surgical wound and drains; investigating bowel sounds; measuring gastric residual volume; ensuring change of decubitus; evaluating laboratory blood test results; establishing water balance; and measuring body weight. Conclusion: intraoperative hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy has been shown to be a promising therapy in treatment of patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis. However, to be successful, the nursing care provided is fundamental.

Objetivo: presentar el estado del conocimiento científico sobre quimioterapia intraperitoneal hipertérmica transoperatoria en el tratamiento de la carcinomatosis peritoneal y los cuidados de enfermería posoperatorios para pacientes sometidos a ella. Métodos: se presentan aspectos técnicos de la quimioterapia intraperitoneal hipertérmica transoperatoria, sus complicaciones potenciales y cuidados de enfermería posoperatorios involucrados. Resultados: se destaca la importancia de los cuidados de enfermería: monitorear señales vitales, perfusión periférica, débito cardíaco, presión venosa central; evaluar dolor; estimular la tos y realización de ejercicios de respiración profunda; registrar drenaje de herida operatoria y drenes; investigar ruidos intestinales; medir volumen residual gástrico; promover cambios de decúbito; evaluar resultados de análisis de sangre en laboratorio; establecer balance hídrico; verificar peso corporal. Conclusión: la quimioterapia intraperitoneal hipertérmica transoperatoria es terapia prometedora en el tratamiento de pacientes con carcinomatosis peritoneal. Sin embargo, para ser exitosa, la prestación de cuidados de enfermería es fundamental.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Peritoneal Cavity , Peritoneal Neoplasms/nursing , Postoperative Period , Chemotherapy, Cancer, Regional Perfusion/nursing , Hyperthermia, Induced , Nursing Care , Peritoneal Neoplasms , Peritoneal Neoplasms/drug therapy , Brazil , Chemotherapy, Cancer, Regional Perfusion/adverse effects , Chemotherapy, Cancer, Regional Perfusion/rehabilitation , Nursing , Hyperthermia, Induced/adverse effects , Hyperthermia, Induced/nursing , Hyperthermia, Induced/statistics & numerical data
Anatomy & Cell Biology ; : 159-161, 2017.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-21757


It is quite common to see abnormal peritoneal folds in the abdominal cavity. Some of them might compress or strangulate the viscera and others might determine the direction of the flow of peritoneal fluid, pus or blood. Many unusual clinically important peritoneal folds such as Ladd's band, cysto-gastro-colic fold, omento-cystic fold, and cysto-colic fold have been reported earlier. Knowledge of these folds is important for radiologists, gastroenterologists, and surgeons. We report an unusual cysto-duodeno-colic fold observed during our dissection classes. The fold was seen to compress the duodenum and colon. The fold extended from the descending part of the duodenum and the transverse colon to the gallbladder. It enclosed the entire gallbladder. A case similar to this has not been reported yet. It is important for the gastroenterologists and laparoscopic surgeons to be aware of this fold to avoid misdiagnosis and iatrogenic injuries.

Abdomen , Abdominal Cavity , Ascitic Fluid , Colon , Colon, Transverse , Diagnostic Errors , Duodenum , Gallbladder , Omentum , Peritoneal Cavity , Peritoneum , Suppuration , Surgeons , Viscera
Immune Network ; : 392-401, 2017.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-102687


We previously reported peritoneal innate-like integrin α4 (CD49d)highCD4+ T cells that provided help for B-1a cells. Here we analyzed the expression of various integrin chains on the peritoneal and pleural integrin α4highCD4+ T cells and investigated the functional heterogeneity of the subpopulations based on the integrin expression. Pleural cavity contained a lower ratio of integrin α4highCD4+ T cells to integrin α4lowCD4+ T cells than peritoneal cavity, but the pleural integrin α4highCD4+ T cells have the same characteristics of the peritoneal integrin α4highCD4+ T cells. Most of integrin α4highCD4+ T cells were integrin β1highβ7−, but a minor population of integrin α4highCD4+ T cells was integrin β1+β7+. Interestingly, the integrin α4highβ1highβ7− CD4+ T cells expressed high levels of integrin α4β1 and α6β1, whereas integrin α4highβ1+β7+ CD4+ T cells expressed high levels of integrin α4β1 and α4β7, suggesting an alternative expression of integrin α6β1 or α4β7 in combination with α4β1 in respective major and minor populations of integrin α4highCD4+ T cells. The minor population, integrin α4highβ1+β7+ CD4+ T cells, were different from the integrin α4highβ1highβ7− CD4+ T cells in that they secreted a smaller amount of Th1 cytokines upon stimulation and expressed lower levels of Th1-related chemokine receptors CCR5 and CXCR3 than the integrin α4highβ1 highβ7− CD4+ T cells. In summary, the innate-like integrin α4highCD4+ T cells could be divided into 2 populations, integrin α4β1+α6β1+α4β7− and α4β1+α6β1−α4β7+ cells. The functional significance of serosal integrin α4β7+ CD4+ T cells needed to be investigated especially in view of mucosal immunity.

CD4-Positive T-Lymphocytes , Cytokines , Immunity, Mucosal , Integrin alpha4 , Peritoneal Cavity , Pleural Cavity , Population Characteristics , Receptors, CCR5 , Receptors, Chemokine , Receptors, CXCR3 , T-Lymphocytes , Th1 Cells
Arch. med ; 16(2): 385-392, 20161200.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-875138


La colocación de catéter peritoneal tiene su principal uso en la diálisis peritoneal en pacientes con falla renal aguda o crónica, sin embargo la administración de quimioterapia intraperitoneal y el drenaje crónico de líquido de ascitis se incluyen entre sus usos. En este artículo se describe la colocación percutánea del catéter peritoneal, su manejo y principales complicaciones...(AU)

Peritoneal catheter by percutanous approach has its main use in peritoneal dialysis for patients with acute or chronic renal failure, however other uses include peritoneal chemotherapy and ascitis chronic drainage. This article, describe the percutaneous approach of peritoneal catheter, uses and complications...(AU)

Humans , Surgical Procedures, Operative
Rev. colomb. cir ; 30(4): 279-285, oct.-dic. 2015. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-772404


Introducción. El control adecuado del foco infeccioso en la peritonitis es la piedra angular del tratamiento. Objetivo. Evaluar los resultados de la limpieza peritoneal comparada con el lavado peritoneal rutinario, en términos de complicaciones abdominales tempranas y muerte, en pacientes con peritonitis secundaria focal o difusa. Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un análisis retrospectivo de los pacientes con peritonitis que consultaron al Hospital Universitario San Vicente Fundación, entre 2009 y 2015, que cumplieran los criterios de inclusión y que fueron sometidos a cirugía para un control infeccioso inicial, con limpieza de la cavidad o con lavado peritoneal rutinario. Resultados. Se incluyeron 406 pacientes, 169 con limpieza peritoneal y 237 con lavado peritoneal. Se encontró que tener peritonitis en más de un cuadrante (odds ratio, OR=3,2; IC95% 1,74-5,79), líquido purulento o fecaloide (OR=3,7; IC 95% 1.80-7.73) y origen no apendicular (OR=2,41; IC95% 1,32-4,38), se asociaba con la práctica del lavado. Los factores relacionados con el desarrollo general de complicaciones fueron: ostomía (OR=3,25; IC95% 1,22-8,66), abdomen abierto (OR=7,0; IC95% 3,0-16,4) e ingreso a la unidad de cuidados intensivos (OR=3,93; IC95% 1,90-8,13). El lavado se asoció con el desarrollo de peritonitis residual (OR=4,83; IC95% 2,02-11,5) al compararlo con la limpieza peritoneal. Conclusiones. El manejo conservador de la peritonitis, controlando el foco infeccioso solo con limpieza, parece tener menos complicaciones (peritonitis residual, abdomen abierto, bacteriemia, necesidad de cuidados intensivos) y menor mortalidad que el lavado rutinario. Se requieren más estudios para validar dichos hallazgos.

Introduction: Control of infection in peritonitis is the cornerstone of treatment. The objective of this study was to evaluate the results of peritoneal cleaning compared to routine peritoneal lavage in terms of early abdominal complications and mortality in patients with focal or diffuse secondary peritonitis. Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of patients with peritonitis admitted to the Hospital Universitario San Vicente Fundación (Medellín, Colombia) in the period 2009 to 2015, which met the inclusion criteria and that were taken to surgery for initial infection control by cleaning or routine peritoneal lavage. Results: 406 patients were included, 169 underwent peritoneal cleaning and 237 peritoneal lavage. The finding of peritonitis in more than one quadrant (OR 3.2; 95% CI 1.74-5.79), liquid fecaloid/purulent (OR 3.7; 95% CI 1.80-7.73), and not of appendicular origin (OR 2.41; 95% CI 1.32-4.38) was associated with the election of peritoneal lavage. Factors related to the development of complications were, ostomy (OR 3.25 95% CI 1.22-8.66), open abdomen (OR 7.0; 95% CI 3.0-16.4), and admission to intensive care unit (OR 3.93 95% CI 1.90-8.13). Lavage is associated with the development of residual peritonitis (OR 4.83, 95% CI 2.02-11.5) when compared with the group of peritoneal cleaning. Conclusions: Conservative management of peritonitis controlling the infectious focus with only cleaning seems to have less complications (residual peritonitis, open abdomen, bacteremia, admission to ICU), and lower mortality than routine lavage. Further studies are needed to validate these findings.

Peritonitis , Peritoneal Cavity , Peritoneal Lavage , Intraabdominal Infections
Anatomy & Cell Biology ; : 218-221, 2015.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-81735


In serial sagittal sections of a fetus on week 9 (crown-rump length, 36 mm), we incidentally found absence of the usual portal vein through the hepatoduodenal ligament. Instead, an anomalous portal vein originated behind the pancreatic body, crossed the lesser sac and merged with the upper part of the ductus venosus. During the course across the lesser sac, the vein provided a deep notch of the liver caudate lobe (Spiegel's lobe). The hepatoduodenal ligament contained the hepatic artery, the common bile duct and, at the right posterior margin of the ligament, and a branch of the anomalous portal vein which communicated with the usual right branch of the portal vein at the hepatic hilum. The umbilical portion of the portal vein took a usual morphology and received the umbilical vein and gave off the ductus venosus. Although it seemed not to be described yet, the present anomalous portal vein was likely to be a persistent left vitelline vein. The hepatoduodenal ligament was unlikely to include the left vitelline vein in contrast to the usual concept.

Common Bile Duct , Fetus , Hepatic Artery , Ligaments , Liver , Peritoneal Cavity , Portal Vein , Umbilical Veins , Veins , Vitellins
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-500474


Objective:To evaluate whether the inoculation of contaminated cultures in the peritoneal cavity of mice could implement decontamination ofAcanthamoeba cultures. Methods: Suspensions ofAcanthamoeba,Acanthamoeba polyphagaATCC30461, or Acanthamoeba spp. isolated from soil (UnB13 strain) were inoculated in the peritoneal cavity of Swiss mice (n = 24). After 1, 6, 12, or 24 h of exposure the peritoneal cavity was washed and assessed for the presence of bacteria, fungi, andAcanthamoeba. Results: After 1 h of intraperitoneal inoculation at least 97% of the bacteria and 96% of the fungi (P Conclusions: Our data demonstrated that this technique has great potential for decontamination ofAcanthamoeba cultures in a short period of time.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-950961


Objective: To evaluate whether the inoculation of contaminated cultures in the peritoneal cavity of mice could implement decontamination of Acanthamoeba cultures. Methods: Suspensions of Acanthamoeba, Acanthamoeba polyphaga ATCC 30461, or Acanthamoeba spp. isolated from soil (UnB13 strain) were inoculated in the peritoneal cavity of Swiss mice (. n = 24). After 1, 6, 12, or 24 h of exposure the peritoneal cavity was washed and assessed for the presence of bacteria, fungi, and Acanthamoeba. Results: After 1 h of intraperitoneal inoculation at least 97% of the bacteria and 96% of the fungi ( P < 0.05) and 99% of the bacteria ( P < 0.05) were successfully eliminated from the ATCC 30461 strain and from the soil isolate UnB13 strain, respectively. This method also allowed the recovery of most trophozoites and cysts from both Acanthamoeba cultures at the end of 24 h. Conclusions: Our data demonstrated that this technique has great potential for decontamination of Acanthamoeba cultures in a short period of time.

An. Fac. Med. (Perú) ; 74(1): 63-70, ene. 2013. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-692358


El desarrollo tecnológico alcanzado permite realizar cirugía de acceso mínimo que con anterioridad requerían grandes incisiones, con elevada morbilidad y traumatismo para el paciente. Junto con la evolución de los medios técnicos e instrumental para este tipo de cirugía, también la anestesiología ha tenido que enfrentar nuevos retos. La monitorización, drogas y el manejo anestésico del paciente han sufrido modificaciones, pues las nuevas variaciones fisiológicas y de complicaciones quirúrgicas han traído consigo cambios importantes en los parámetros hemodinámicos y respiratorios, debidos a la insuflación de la cavidad peritoneal con CO2, el aumento de la presión intraabdominal y los cambios de posición durante el procedimiento.

Current technological development allows minimum access surgeries previously requiring big incisions resulting in high patient’s morbidity and trauma. Along with the development of technology and instruments for this type of surgery, anesthesiology also faced new challenges. Patient’s monitoring, drug and anesthetic management changed because new physiological variations and surgery complications have produced changes in hemodynamic and respiratory parameters, due to CO2 peritoneal cavity insuflation, increased intra-abdominal pressure and changes of position during the procedure.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-219769


PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to analyze the characteristics and prognosis of intraperitoneal and retroperitoneal solid organ injuries after trauma. METHODS: We analyzed computed tomography (CT) data for 232 patients who had injury to solid abdominal organs between January 2002 and June 2009. The patients who had solid organ injury on CT were categorized into intraperitoneal, retroperitoneal and intra/retroperitoneal injury groups. Medical records were reviewed retrospectively, and data regarding the sex and age of patients, mechanism of injury, initial hemodynamic status, Revised Trauma Score (RTS), Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS), Injury Severity Score (ISS), amount of transfusion, admission rate to intensive care unit (ICU), and mortality were collected and analyzed. Injury severity of solid organs was classified according to the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST) grading system. RESULTS: The intraperitoneal injury group had 131 patients, the retroperitoneal injury group 49 patients, and the intra/retroperitoneal injury group 52 patients. The intra/retroperitoneal injury group exhibited low blood pressure, a large number of packed red blood cells that were transfused, and high ISS and abdominal AIS. They tended to stay longer in the ICU and showed a higher mortality. Conservative management was the most common therapeutic modality for all 3 groups. CONCLUSION: The intra/retroperitoneal injury group showed higher fall for the mecahnism of injury, a lower initial blood pressure and a larger number of packed red blood cells that were transfused compared with the other groups. Therefore, physicians should rapidly identify those with a poor prognosis at initial presentation and make a decision quickly when they are caring for intra/retroperitoneal injury patients.

Humans , Abbreviated Injury Scale , Abdominal Injuries , Blood Pressure , Erythrocytes , Hemodynamics , Hypotension , Injury Severity Score , Intensive Care Units , Medical Records , Multiple Trauma , Peritoneal Cavity , Prognosis , Retroperitoneal Space , Retrospective Studies