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Respirar (Ciudad Autón. B. Aires) ; 16(3): 245-254, Septiembre 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1570574


Introducción: Los objetivos del control del asma son prevenir la aparición de síntomas y reducir el riesgo de exacerbaciones y mortalidad mediante educación médica, técnica inhalatoria, adherencia a medicación controladora e indicación de planes de acción (PA); pero los pacientes enfrentan exacerbaciones de diversa gravedad. Objetivos: El objetivo principal del estudio SABINA EMERGENCIAS fue describir la forma en que los pacientes concurren al servicio de emergencias (SE), considerando la frecuencia y uso de medicación de rescate. Objetivos secundarios: consultas al SE; uso de corticoides sistémicos (CS), agonistas beta-2 de acción corta (SABA) y tratamiento controlador; disponibilidad de PA. Material y Métodos: Estudio transversal, observacional, descriptivo, en cuatro hospitales del área metropolitana de Buenos Aires en adultos con asma. Resultados: n=323 (edad: 43,7±16,8 años; mujeres: 66,6%): 61,3% no eran seguidos por especialistas; 90,1% utilizaron SABA como rescate (mediana:10 inhalaciones; rango 0-100) la semana previa; 75,9% tuvieron ≥1 consulta al SE el año previo (mediana:2 [0-100]); 29,4% habían sido hospitalizados; 59,1% recibieron ≥1 ciclo de CS; mediana de consumo de SABA: 3 envases/año (0-23); 51,7% habían utilizado ≥3 envases; 30% no empleaban tratamiento de mantenimiento (23% usaba SABA); 75,9% no efectuaban terapia regular de mantenimiento; 77,1% no contaban con PA. Conclusión: Una reducida proporción de pacientes asmáticos que concurren al SE son seguidos por médicos especialistas, con alto consumo y elevada frecuencia de aplicación de SABA como rescate y baja adherencia al tratamiento de mantenimiento. Se remarca la necesidad de optimizar el manejo, con énfasis en la derivación al especialista, adherencia al tratamiento y prescripción de PA.

Introduction: The objectives of asthma control are to prevent the onset of symptoms and reduce the risk of exacerbations and mortality through medical education, inhaler technique, adherence to controller medication and indication of action plans (AP); but patients experience exacerbations of varying severity. Objective: The main objective of the SABINA EMERGENCIAS study was to describe how patients attend the emergency department (ED), considering the frequency and use of rescue medication. Secondary objectives: ED visits; use of systemic corticosteroids (SC), short-acting beta-2 agonists (SABA) and controller therapy; availability of AP. Methods: Cross-sectional, observational, descriptive study in 4 hospitals in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires in adults with asthma. Results: n=323 (age:43.7±16.8 years; women:66.6%): 61.3% were not followed by specialists; 90.1% used SABA as rescue medication (median:10 puffs; range 0-100) the previous week; 75.9% had ≥1 visit to the ES the previous year (median: 2 [0-100]); 29.4% had been hospitalized; 59.1% received ≥1 cycle of CS; median SABA consumption: 3 cannisters/year (0-23); 51.7% had used ≥3 cannisters; 30% did not use maintenance therapy (23% used SABA); 75.9% did not perform regular maintenance therapy; 77.1% did not have an AP. Conclusion: A small proportion of asthmatic patients attending the ES are followed by specialist physicians, with high consumption and high frequency of SABA application as rescue medication and low adherence to maintenance treatment. The need to optimize management is highlighted, with emphasis on referral to specialists, adherence to treatment and prescription of APs.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Asthma/diagnosis , Emergency Service, Hospital , Symptom Flare Up , Argentina , Quality of Life , Bronchodilator Agents , Surveys and Questionnaires , Adrenal Cortex Hormones , Dyspnea , Education, Medical , Treatment Adherence and Compliance
Rev. obstet. ginecol. Venezuela ; 84(3): 316-328, Ago. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1570397


Actualmente, en la mayoría de los países, el parto se ha transformado en una práctica patológica requiriendo un seguimiento institucionalizado y conllevando acciones de violencia obstétrica sobre la mujer. El parto humanizado es un modelo de atención que considera las opiniones, necesidades y valoraciones emocionales de las mujeres y sus familias en los procesos de atención del embarazo, parto y puerperio. En el presente se describe el parto humanizado, historia, importancia, recomendaciones y beneficios para la familia gestante, así como la violencia obstétrica, priorizando la humanización y creando condiciones para que se cumplan las dimensiones espirituales, psicológicas y biológicas del ser humano. Se seleccionaron 12 artículos de investigación, siendo el español el idioma de mayor publicación. El modelo de parto humanizado incluye todo el proceso, desde el embarazo hasta el puerperio tardío, genera un impacto muy importante en el recién nacido y su desarrollo futuro(AU)

Currently, in most countries, childbirth has become a pathological practice, requiring institutionalized followup and leading to actions of obstetric violence against women. Humanized childbirth is a model of care that considers the opinions, needs and emotional evaluations of women and their families in the processes of pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium care. This paper describes humanized childbirth, history, importance, recommendations and benefits for the pregnant family, as well as obstetric violence, prioritizing humanization and creating conditions for the spiritual, psychological and biological dimensions of the human being to be fulfilled. 12 research articles were selected, with Spanish being the language with the most publications. The humanized birth model includes the entire process, from pregnancy to the late puerperium, it generates a very important impact on the newborn and its future development(AU)

Humans , Female , Labor, Obstetric , Health Personnel , Humanizing Delivery , Obstetric Violence , Pregnancy , Women's Health , Obstetrics
Rev. ADM ; 81(3): 177-181, mayo-jun. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567277


El síndrome de Apert, marcado por la acrocéfalo-sindactilia, es una condición genética que genera deformidades dentofaciales incluyendo craneosinostosis, alteraciones faciales y malformaciones en extremidades. La mutación en el gen FGFR2, ya sea heredada o resultante de mutaciones esporádicas, desencadena esta compleja condición. La relevancia de abordar el síndrome de Apert se manifiesta no sólo en las implicaciones estéticas, sino también en su impacto en la salud oral. Romper con los paradigmas odontológicos actuales implica reconocer las particularidades de estos pacientes y proporcionar una atención especializada. La necesidad de una capacitación específica para los profesionales de la salud oral es evidente, permitiendo un enfoque integral que aborde la prevención y el tratamiento de las malformaciones craneofaciales asociadas. Superar los desafíos tradicionales implica adoptar una perspectiva inclusiva y personalizada en la atención odontológica. Esto no sólo mejora la calidad de vida de los pacientes con síndrome de Apert, sino que también destaca la importancia de una atención adaptada que trascienda los límites convencionales, ofreciendo soluciones innovadoras para las complejidades bucodentales asociadas a esta condición genética (AU)

Apert syndrome, marked by acrocephalosyndactyly, is a genetic condition that generates dentofacial deformities, including craniosynostosis, facial alterations and limb malformations. Mutation in the FGFR2 gene, whether inherited or resulting from sporadic mutations, triggers this complex condition. The relevance of addressing Apert syndrome is manifested not only in the aesthetic implications, but also in its impact on oral health. Breaking with current dental paradigms involves recognizing the particularities of these patients and providing specialized care. The need for specific training for dental health professionals is evident, allowing a comprehensive approach that addresses the prevention and treatment of associated craniofacial malformations. Overcoming traditional challenges means taking an inclusive and personalized perspective on dental care. This not only improves the quality of life of patients with Apert syndrome, but also highlights the importance of tailored care that transcends conventional boundaries, offering innovative solutions for the oral complexities associated with this genetic conditio (AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Acrocephalosyndactylia/therapy , Dental Care for Disabled/methods , Oral Hygiene/education , Patient Care Team , Acrocephalosyndactylia/genetics , Clinical Protocols , Mexico
San Salvador; MINSAL; jun. 20, 2024. 167 p. ilus, graf, tab.
Non-conventional in Spanish | BISSAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1561680


El Plan Estratégico Nacional Multisectorial de VIH e ITS 2022-2027 (PENM 2022-2027) es el resultado directo de la evaluación de medio término del PENM 2022-2026, enriquecido con perspectivas clave del "Análisis de la Respuesta del Sector Salud al VIH en El Salvador" realizado por la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) en diciembre de 2023. Además, se ha fundamentado en herramientas metodológicas actualizadas, como la "Lista de verificación y lista de referencia para el desarrollo y revisión de un plan estratégico nacional de respuesta al VIH" de ONUSIDA (2023), con el objetivo de complementar y alinear nuestras acciones con las directrices, recomendaciones y estrategias más recientes propuestas por ONUSIDA

The National Multisector Strategic Plan for HIV and STIs 2022-2027 (PENM 2022-2027) is the direct result of the mid-term evaluation of the PENM 2022-2026, enriched with key perspectives of the Analysis of the Health Sector Response to HIV in El Salvador carried out by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) in December 2023. In addition, it has been based on updated methodological tools, such as the "Checklist and list of reference for the development and review of a national strategic HIV response plan" of UNAIDS (2023), with the aim of complementing and aligning our actions with the guidelines, most recent recommendations and strategies proposed by UNAIDS

Health Services Programming , El Salvador
San Salvador; MINSAL; mayo, 2, 2024. 42 p. ilus, graf, tab.
Non-conventional in Spanish | BISSAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1555824


Para la formulación del Plan Operativo Institucional (POI) 2024, el Ministerio de Salud (MINSAL) mantiene como marco de referencia político/técnico la Ley del Sistema Nacional Integrado de Salud; el Plan Cuscatlán; la Agenda Digital El Salvador 2020 2030; que entre sus componentes más importantes incluye la innovación, educación y competitividad, la modernización del Estado y la transformación digital; el Plan de Desarrollo Social; el Plan Nacional de Salud; la Ley Nacer con Cariño para un Parto Respetado y un Cuidado Cariñoso y Sensible para el Recién Nacido, la Ley Amor Convertido en Alimento para el Fomento, Protección y Apoyo a la Lactancia Materna y la Ley Crecer Juntos para la Protección Integral de la Primera Infancia, Niñez y Adolescencia, entre otras de importancia para la producción social de la salud

For the formulation of the Institutional Operational Plan (POI) 2024, the Ministry of Health (MINSAL) maintains the Law of the National Integrated Health System as a political/technical framework of reference; the Cuscatlán Plan; the Digital Agenda El Salvador 2020 2030; which among its most important components includes innovation, education and competitiveness, the modernization of the State and digital transformation; the Social Development Plan; the National Health Plan; the Born with Love Law for a Respected Childbirth and Loving and Sensitive Care for the Newborn, the Love Turned into Food Law for the Promotion, Protection and Support of Breastfeeding and the Grow Together Law for the Comprehensive Protection of Early Childhood , Childhood and Adolescence, among others of importance for the social production of health

Health Programs and Plans , Health Services Programming , El Salvador
Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 15: 1-5, maio. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1554052


Objetivo: Fomentar o debate acerca da ordenação do plano de vacinação nacional, considerando os aspectos organizacionais entre união, estados e municípios. Métodos: Revisão de literatura, tendo como base os periódicos Cientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) e Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde (BVS), usando como descritores: Pandemia, Vacina e Plano de Imunização. Com essa busca foram encontradas, inicialmente, 48 publicações. Após a realização da análise, foram incluídos 11 artigos científicos na revisão. Os textos foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo semântica. Resultados: Foram levantadas duas categorias: estratégias de combate a pandemia do covid-19 no Brasil, e a manipulação da sociedade civil e a desordem da cobertura vacinal. Conclusão: as reflexões aqui apresentadas podem contribuir para que os profissionais de enfermagem desenvolvam uma postura reflexiva frente a demanda vacinal, processo de planejamento e percepções da sociedade civil, podendo desencadear uma melhora na preparação para a educação em saúde. (AU)

Objective: To encourage the debate about the ordering of the national vaccination plan, considering the organizational aspects between the union, states and municipalities. Methods: Literature review, based on scientific journals Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) and Virtual Health Library (VHL), using as descriptors: Pandemia, Vaccine and Immunization Plan. With this search, 48 publications were initially found. After the analysis, 11 scientific articles were included in the review. The texts were subjected to semantic content analysis. Results: Two categories were raised: strategies to combat the covid-19 pandemic in Brazil, and the manipulation of civil society and the disorder of vaccination coverage. Conclusion: The reflections presented here can contribute for nursing professionals to develop a reflexive posture in face of the vaccine demand, planning process and civil society perceptions, which can trigger an improvement in the preparation for health education. (AU)

Objetivo: Fomentar el debate sobre la ordenación del plan nacional de vacunación, considerando los aspectos organizativos entre sindicato, estados y municipios. Métodos: Revisión de la literatura, con base en revistas científicas Biblioteca Electrónica en Línea (SCIELO), Coordinación para el Perfeccionamiento del Personal de Educación Superior (CAPES) y Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS), utilizando como descriptores: Pandemia, Vacuna y Plan de Inmunización. Con esta búsqueda se encontraron inicialmente 48 publicaciones. Después del análisis, se incluyeron 11 artículos científicos en la revisión. Los textos fueron sometidos a análisis de contenido semántico. Resultados: Se plantearon dos categorías: estrategias para combatir la pandemia de covid-19 en Brasil y la manipulación de la sociedad civil y el desorden de la cobertura de vacunación. Conclusión: Las reflexiones aquí presentadas pueden contribuir para que los profesionales de enfermería desarrollen una postura reflexiva ante la demanda de vacunas, el proceso de planificación y las percepciones de la sociedad civil, lo que puede desencadenar una mejora en la preparación para la educación en salud. (AU)

Pandemics , Vaccines , Immunization Programs
San Salvador; MINSAL; mayo, 28, 2024. 83 p. ilus, tab. graf. Mapas.
Non-conventional in Spanish | BISSAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1562604


El presente Plan se basa en una estrategia integral que permite una respuesta eficaz y oportuna ante los fenómenos hidrometeorológicos frecuentes durante la temporada de invierno, como tormentas tropicales, bajas presiones, ondas tropicales, huracanes, y fenónemos climaticos como El Niño y La Niña. Reconociendo estos riesgos climaticos se han implementado medidas preventivas para reducir el impacto en terminos de enfermedades y perdidas de vida

This Plan is based on a comprehensive strategy that allows an effective and timely response to frequent hydrometeorological phenomena during the winter season, such as tropical storms, low pressures, tropical waves, hurricanes, and climatic phenomena such as El Niño and La Niña. Recognizing these climate risks, preventive measures have been implemented to reduce the impact in terms of illness and loss of life.

Seasons , Contingency Plans , El Salvador
San Salvador; MINSAL; mayo. 31, 2024. 41 p. tab..
Non-conventional in Spanish | BISSAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1561682


El presente Plan Estratégico para el abordaje integral de la persona con epilepsia 2024-2031 es la respuesta al compromiso del Plan Mundial para fortalecer la gobernanza para el abordaje integral de la persona en El Salvador, el Ministerio de Salud como rector ha elaborado con la participación de las Instituciones integrantes del Sistema Nacional Integrado de Salud. Dicho Plan integra el marco de referencia destacando el panorama mundial y nacional de la situación de las personas con epilepsia, estableciendo los principios rectores y enfoques para el abordaje integral, además las líneas estratégicas y actividades programadas

This Strategic Plan for the comprehensive approach to people with epilepsy 2024-2031 is the response to the commitment of the World Plan to strengthen governance for the comprehensive approach to the person in El Salvador, the Ministry of Health as rector has developed with the participation of the Institutions that make up the National Integrated Health System. This Plan integrates the reference framework highlighting the global and national panorama of the situation of people with epilepsy, establishing the guiding principles and approaches for a comprehensive approach, as well as the strategic lines and programmed activities

Health Programs and Plans , Health Strategies , El Salvador
San Salvador; MINSAL; abr. 22, 2024. 33 p. ilus, graf.
Non-conventional in Spanish | BISSAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1556483


El presente Plan contingencial para el abordaje integral en salud ante la emergencia ambiental decretada en Lago de Coatepeque 2024-2025, es un documento diseñado para enfrentar la emergencia ambiental en la cuenca del Lago de Coatepeque, el cual tiene como propósito principal proteger la salud de la población afectada por la crisis ambiental, abordando de manera integral los riesgos a la salud y desafíos que se presentan. El Plan abarca toda la extensión territorial de la cuenca del lago comprendida en 68.69 kilómetros cuadrados estipulados en la emergencia ambiental del Lago de Coatepeque y abarca todas las áreas de atención en salud, desde la prevención hasta el manejo de casos clínicos. Contempla objetivos, alcance, resultado esperado, antecedentes, justificación, abordaje integral, estrategias e intervenciones. La Emergencia Ambiental en el Lago de Coatepeque representa un riesgo significativo para la salud de 7,690 personas que habitan su cuenca en los 68.69 kilómetros cuadrados de la extensión territorial. El Plan constituye una respuesta que garantiza el abordaje integral y coordinado del Sistema Nacional Integrado de Salud para proteger a los habitantes y minimizar los efectos negativos. Su contenido describe el abordaje integral en salud que busca implementar acciones preventivas, de diagnóstico y tratamiento para reducir los efectos adversos en la salud de la población expuesta a la contaminación ambiental

This Contingency Plan for the comprehensive health approach to the environmental emergency declared in Lake Coatepeque 2024-2025, is a document designed to face the environmental emergency in the Lake Coatepeque basin, whose main purpose is to protect the health of the population affected by the environmental crisis, comprehensively addressing the health risks and challenges that arise. The Plan covers the entire territorial extension of the lake basin comprised of 68.69 square kilometers stipulated in the environmental emergency of Lake Coatepeque and covers all areas of health care, from prevention to the management of clinical cases. It includes objectives, scope, expected results, background, justification, comprehensive approach, strategies and interventions. The Environmental Emergency in Lake Coatepeque represents a significant risk to the health of 7,690 people who inhabit its basin in the 68.69 square kilometers of its territorial area. The Plan constitutes a response that guarantees the comprehensive and coordinated approach of the National Integrated Health System to protect the inhabitants and minimize the negative effects. Its content describes the comprehensive health approach that seeks to implement preventive, diagnostic and treatment actions to reduce the adverse effects on the health of the population exposed to environmental pollution

Health Services Programming , National Environmental Plans , El Salvador
San Salvador; MINSAL; abr. 3, 2024. 75 p. ilus, tab. graf. Mapas.
Non-conventional in Spanish | BISSAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1553566


La enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) constituye un importante problema de salud pública en el mundo y la región de las Américas, teniendo una prevalencia poblacional del 10% al 13%. Generalmente la ERC se atribuye a causas tradicionales principalmente diabetes mellitus, hipertensión arterial y obesidad. El país actualmente se enfrenta a una doble carga de enfermedad renal crónica, una debida a causas tradicionales como diabetes, hipertensión y obesidad, entre otros y de otra carga debida a causas no tradicionales. En el caso de la ERC, que afecta a las comunidades agrícolas salvadoreñas, el fenómeno se hace más complejo porque está sustentado sobre profundas raíces sociales que generan esta enfermedad en interacción con factores ambientales y ocupacionales

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) constitutes an important public health problem in the world and the region of the Americas, with a population prevalence of 10% to 13%. CKD is generally attributed to traditional causes, mainly diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure and obesity. The country currently faces a double burden of chronic kidney disease, one due to traditional causes such as diabetes, hypertension and obesity, among others, and another burden due to non-traditional causes. In the case of CKD, which affects Salvadoran agricultural communities, the phenomenon becomes more complex because it is based on deep social roots that generate this disease in interaction with environmental and occupational factors

Health Services Programming , El Salvador
San Salvador; MINSAL; mar.00.2024. 9 p. ilus.
Non-conventional in Spanish | BISSAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1552347


Las arbovirosis en El Salvador son enfermedades reincidentes en la que se ven relacionados muchos factores determinantes, en los cuales el Ministerio de Salud está realizando grandes esfuerzos por superarlos, a fin de mantener controlado el riesgo de brotes o epidemias de estas enfermedades, conservando de esta manera la primicia fundamental de conservar la salud de todos los salvadoreños

Arboviruses in El Salvador are recurrent diseases in which they are related many determining factors, in which the Ministry of Health is making great efforts to overcome them, in order to keep the risk of outbreaks or epidemics of these diseases under control diseases, thus preserving the fundamental first of preserving the health of all Salvadorans

Health Services Programming , El Salvador
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558172


Dentro de la carrera de Odontología de la Universidad de La Frontera surge la necesidad de pasar por un proceso de renovación curricular. Para esto, se deben considerar tres ejes: la Mención en Prevención con la que cuenta el plan de estudios de Odontología, la coherencia con la legislación chilena y el Modelo Educativo de la Universidad en la formación y gestión de la carrera, y las metodologías de formación actualizadas. La Mención en Prevención se debe fortalecer para entregar una formación integral a los estudiantes, con énfasis en la responsabilidad social. La legislación chilena actualmente exige una revisión sistemática al plan de estudios de Odontología para cumplir con los estándares de calidad, y paralelamente la Universidad propone un Modelo Educativo que entrega un sello de calidad al trabajo de la casa de estudios, con el cual la carrera también debe alinearse. Por otra parte, la constante actualización de conocimientos disciplinares y pedagógicos en Odontología deben ser considerados y estudiados para un óptimo resultado en el proceso de renovación curricular, como así también la inclusión de las nuevas herramientas tecnológicas que se han desarrollado. Estos son ejes esenciales a considerar para generar impacto en educación en Odontología.

Within the dentistry program of the University of La Frontera, there is a need to undergo a process of curricular renewal. For this, three axes must be considered: Mention in Prevention in the Dentistry curriculum, the coherence with the Chilean legislation and the Educational Model of the University in the training and management of the program, and the updated training methodologies. The Mention in Prevention should be strengthened to provide comprehensive training to students, with emphasis on social responsibility. Chilean legislation currently requires a systematic review of the dentistry curriculum to comply with quality standards, and at the same time the University proposes an Educational Model that provides a quality seal for the work of the university, with which the program must also be aligned. On the other hand, the constant updating of disciplinary and pedagogical knowledge in Dentistry must be considered and studied for an optimal result in the process of curricular renovation, as well as the inclusion of new technological tools that have been developed. These are essential axes to consider in order to generate impact on education in dentistry.

San Salvador; MINSAL; feb. 12, 2024. 57 p.
Non-conventional in Spanish | BISSAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1552355


El presente Plan nacional integral e Inter programático para la prevención, el control y la eliminación de las enfermedades tropicales priorizadas en El Salvador 2024-2026, contiene el marco conceptual, categorización de las ET, datos estadísticos y epidemiológicos, definiciones, clasificaciones, distribución geográfica, manejo, tratamiento, desafíos del abordaje integral e intersectorial para cada enfermedad descrita y los recursos necesarios para llevar a cabo de manera satisfactoria las actividades planteadas

This comprehensive and inter-programmatic national plan for the prevention, control and elimination of prioritized tropical diseases in El Salvador 2024-2026, contains the conceptual framework, categorization of ETs, statistical and epidemiological data, definitions, classifications, geographical distribution , management, treatment, challenges of the comprehensive and intersectoral approach for each disease described and the resources necessary to satisfactorily carry out the proposed activities

Health Programs and Plans , El Salvador
San Salvador; MINSAL; feb. 27, 2024. 32 p. ilus, graf.
Non-conventional in Spanish | BISSAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1551499


La tuberculosis en la edad pediátrica está íntimamente ligada a la enfermedad del adulto y se considera que los casos pediátricos son centinelas de lo que sucede en la comunidad en que la niña y el niño vive. Por lo antes expuesto, el Sistema Nacional Integrado de Salud (SNIS) debe sumar esfuerzos bajo el enfoque de la Ley Crecer Juntos, para garantizar el bienestar de la niñez y adolescencia, y alcanzar el Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) "Salud y Bienestar", ya que considera fundamental crear un "Plan de implementación de la red nacional de apoyo para el diagnóstico 10 y tratamiento de la tuberculosis pediátrica en El Salvador: RedNaTBPediátrica-ES", que contribuya a cumplir con los documentos regulatorios como la "Guía clínica para la atención pediátrica de la Tuberculosis y la coinfección TB/VIH" y demás normativas relacionadas al control de la tuberculosis en esta edad

Tuberculosis in paediatric age is closely linked to adult disease and paediatric cases are considered to be sentinels of what happens in the community in which the child lives. In view of the foregoing, the National Integrated Health System (NIS) must join forces under the Grow Together Act to guarantee the well-being of children and adolescents and achieve the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) "Health and Well-being"considers it essential to create a "Plan for the implementation of the national network of support for the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric tuberculosis in El Salvador: RedNaTBPediátrica-ES", which contributes to comply with regulatory documents such as the Clinical Guide for Pediatric Care of TB and TB/HIV Co-infection" and other regulations related to tuberculosis control at this age

Child , El Salvador
San Salvador; MINSAL; ene. 05, 2024. 20 p. ilus.
Non-conventional in Spanish | BISSAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1530764


En la situación del dengue en El Salvador, inciden determinantes (ambientales, económicos, políticos y sociales), la constante migración del campo a la ciudad, una creciente urbanización sin planificación ni regulación alguna, pobreza, inequidad en el ingreso y condiciones de exclusión que relegan a la población en esta situación a exponerse permanentemente a condiciones de alto riesgo y vulnerabilidad que favorecen la persistencia de la transmisión de arbovirosis, entre ellos se pueden señalar crecimiento poblacional, construcción de viviendas inadecuadas que generan condiciones críticas de hacinamiento, deficiente abastecimiento de agua que obliga a las personas a almacenarla inadecuadamente, una deficiente recolección de desechos sólidos, todo lo cual genera condiciones adecuadas para la multiplicación del Aedes aegypti y la transmisión de la enfermedad. El Ministerio de Salud, anticipándose al retorno de alumnos a un aproximado de 5,000 centros escolares públicos y privados, además de la prevención en 1,600 centros de votación, se ha programado la ejecución de una jornada a nivel nacional de acciones, la cual tiene por objetivo el control del vector en su fase larvaria y adulta; así como, la realización de acciones gubernamentales de carácter preventivas, en el que se realizarán actividades de promoción de la salud encaminadas a la eliminación de criaderos y otras actividades que sean factibles de desarrollar por la comunidad.

In the situation of dengue in El Salvador, determinants (environmental, economic, political and social), the constant migration from the countryside to the city, a growing urbanization without any planning or regulation, affect poverty, inequity in income and conditions of exclusion that relegate the population in this situation to be permanently exposed to conditions of high risk and vulnerability that favor the persistence of transmission of arbovirosis, These include population growth, construction of inadequate housing that generates critical conditions of overcrowding, poor water supply that forces people to store it improperly, poor solid waste collection, all of which generates adequate conditions for the multiplication of Aedes aegypti and the transmission of the disease. The Ministry of Health, anticipating the return of students to approximately 5,000 public and private schools, in addition to prevention in 1,600 voting centers, has scheduled the execution of a day at the national level of actions, which has as its objective the control of the vector in its larval and adult phase; as well as the carrying out of preventive governmental actions, which will include health promotion activities aimed at the elimination of hatcheries and other activities that are feasible to develop by the community

Intersectoral Collaboration , El Salvador
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016926


ObjectiveTo identify the possible health impact of the 14th five⁃year plan for the development of employment and social security in Deqing County and propose improvement measures through health impact assessment. MethodsBased on the data of Deqing County, stakeholder interviews and Delphi Consultation Method, this study described the current status of employment and social security and analyzed the potential health impacts of implementing the 14th five⁃year plan for the development of employment and social security in Deqing County. ResultsThrough a quick assessment process, the results showed that the implementation of the plan would bring mixed health impacts. Positive impacts included enhanced social security capacity, improved health levels of low-income populations and families, increased convenience of medical treatment, and improved efficiency of health services. Negative impacts included reduced accessibility of digital services for the elderly, increased gap in benefits for retirees, increased risk of discrimination against disabled individuals, increased risks of layoffs and unemployment for vulnerable groups, and increased employment instability for middle-aged and elderly populations. ConclusionThe 14th five⁃year plan for the development of employment and social security in Deqing County will bring a series of positive health impacts, but negative health impacts also warrant attention.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017338


Objective:To observe the clinical efficacy of plan-do-check-Act(PDCA)cycle management model combined with pulsed tooth punch applied in maintenance period of the patients with moderate to severe periodontitis,and to provide the theoretical basis for application of the PDCA cycle management model in the periodontitis patients.Methods:A total of 50 patients with moderate to severe periodontitis were selected based on predefined inclusion,exclusion,and elimination criteria.The patients were randomly divided into experiment group(n=25)and control group(n=25).The patients in experiment group underwent maintenance care with pulsed tooth punch in combination with the BASS brushing technique,while the patients in control group maintained oral hygiene with the BASS brushing technique alone.The patients in both two groups were managed with the PDCA cycle management model.The patients were asked to return for follow-up visits at 2,4,8,and 12 weeks of self-care,and the personalized corrections and guidance were provided based on the plaque accumulation.The clinical periodontal parameters,including plaque index(PLI),probing depth(PD),and bleeding index(BI),at 4 and 12 weeks of self-care,as well as the levels of tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α)and interleukin-17(IL-17)in the gingival crevicular fluid of the patients in two groups were observed and recorded.Results:After 4 and 12 weeks of self-care,compared with control group,the PLI,PD,and BI of the patients in experiment group were significantly decreased(P<0.01);compared with baseline,the PLI,PD,and BI of the patients in both two groups at 4 and 12 weeks of self-care were increased(P<0.05 or P<0.01);Compared with 4 weeks of self-care,the PLI,PD,and BI of the patients at 12 weeks of self-care were increased(P<0.01).After 4 and 12 weeks of self-care,compared with control group,the levels of TNF-α and IL-17 in gingival crevicular fluid of the patients in experiment group were significantly decreased(P<0.01);compared with baseline,the levels of TNF-α and IL-17 in gingival crevicular fluid of the patients in two groups at 4 and 12 weeks of self-care were increased(P<0.01).Conclusion:The use of pulsed tooth punch under the PDCA cycle management model can significantly decrease the PLI,PD,BI,and the levels of inflammatory factors in gingival crevicular fluid of the patients with moderate to severe periodontitis,and inhibit the plaque formation and control the gingival inflammation,benefite the maintenance of efficacy of the patients with moderate to severe periodontitis.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020444


Objective:To explore the construction and application of an evidence-based practice plan for early postoperative activity in postoperative patients with large area cerebral infarction.Methods:Ninety-six postoperative patients with large area cerebral infarction admitted to Wenzhou Central Hospital from July 2021 to April 2023 were selected as the study subjects for a Clinical trial. They were divided into the control group (48 cases) and the observation group (48 cases) by random number table method. The control group received routine postoperative care for neurosurgery, while the observation group received evidence-based systematic early activity training. Both groups were followed up until 1 month after the patient was discharged from the hospital. The time of postoperative hospitalization, hospitalization expenses, vital signs and pain investigation 48 h after surgery, daily living ability before intervention and 7 d, 1 month after discharge, neurological function before intervention and 7 d and 1 month after surgery, and complications during follow-up between the two groups were compared.Results:In the control group, there were 29 males and 19 females, with an average age of 43-67(56.87 ± 1.76) years. In the observation group, there were 31 males and 17 females, with an average age of 43-68 (57.02 ± 1.82) years. The postoperative hospital stay in the observation group was (6.87 ± 0.65) d, in the control group was (9.06 ± 0.72) d, the difference between them was significant ( t=15.64, P<0.05). 48 hours after surgery, the heart rate, breathing rate and mean arterial pressure in the observation group were (71.65 ± 0, 45) times/min, (14.76 ± 0.36) times/min and (76.98 ± 5.65) mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa), which were different with those in the control group, (82.76 ± 2.65) times/min, (18.76 ± 2.87) times/min and (93.76 ± 5.93) mmHg ( t=28.64, 9.58 and 14.19, all P<0.05). Seven days after discharge, the score of Activities of Daily Living and the National Institutes of Health Neurological Impairment Scale in the observation group were (84.65 ± 2.45) and (23.65 ± 2.65), which were different than the (79.76 ± 1.97) and (28.54 ± 2.73) in the control group ( t=10.26, 8.91, both P<0.05). A month after discharge, the score of Activities of Daily Living and the National Institutes of Health Neurological Impairment Scale in the observation group were (95.45 ± 1.43) and (18.65 ± 1.98), while in the control group were (87.87 ± 1.39) and (21.54 ± 2.76), the difference between them were significant ( t=26.33, 5.90, both P<0.05). The total incidence of complications such as postoperative bleeding, postoperative infection and hypoxemia in the observation group was 20.83% (10/48), which was significant lower than the 68.75% (33/48) in the control group ( χ2=22.28, P<0.05). Conclusions:Evidence-based systematic early activity training could significantly alleviate postoperative pain in patients with large area cerebral infarction after surgery, improve their daily living ability and neurological function, further effectively shorten their hospitalization time, and reduce the occurrence of complications.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023391


Comprehensive improvement in course teaching quality is an important link in deepening the reform of undergraduate education and teaching. Since 2018, West China Medical School, Sichuan University, has implemented the collective lesson preparation system of "two meetings, seven decisions, and three preparation sessions" for undergraduate clinical courses, thereby effectively implementing subject cooperation, organizational guidance, and resource integration among clinical teachers and determining the key elements of the course through "teaching, learning, and exam preparations" before class. In the process of course operation, the concept of quality control based on plan-do-check-act cycle is deeply integrated with the collective lesson preparation system, and active implementation of the whole-process quality control loop of planning (plan), organization and implementation (do), inspection of results (check), and treatment and improvement (action) has effectively improved the teaching quality of undergraduate clinical courses.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036496


The emergency management of biosafety for laboratory animals in Hunan Province is an essential component of the province’s implementation of the national biosafety strategy. To strengthen the prevention and control of biosafety risks in laboratory animals and to ensure a quick and effective response to laboratory animal biosafety emergencies, Hunan Province has formulated the "Emergency Response Plan for Laboratory Animal Biosafety Emergencies in Hunan Province". This plan aims to minimize damages caused to practitioners, public health, and laboratory animal industry, protect lives and property, and safeguard public safety and social stability. This paper analyzes the necessity, guiding ideology, principles, and basis for formulating the plan. It details the main contents of the plan, which includes scope of application, incident classification, organizational structure and responsibilities, monitoring and early warning mechanisms, emergency reporting and response, post-incident assessment, and safeguard measures. Moreover, this paper provides a summary and outlook on the emergency management of biosafety laboratory animals in Hunan Province in recent years.