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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039498


【Objective】 To establish a method for qualitative detection of the presence or absence of all KIR genes by quantitative polymerase chain reaction(Q-PCR). 【Methods】 Based on the polymorphism of high-resolution level KIR alleles in Chinese population and the IPD-KIR database, KIR gene-specific primers were designed to amplify all the 16 KIR genes and 2DS4-Normal and 2DS4-Deleted subtypes by Q-PCR. Meanwhile, one negative control and one positive control specific amplifying human growth hormone (HGH) gene fragment were set to monitor the false positive and false negative results in PCR amplification, respectively. A total of 302 samples with known KIR genotype previously identified by KIR PCR-SSP commercial kit were randomly selected for blind inspection to verify the reliability of KIR Q-PCR method established by authors. 【Results】 The results of 300 samples detected by our KIR Q-PCR method were consistent with the known results, but two samples showed inconsistent results. One sample was negative for 2DS5 by Q-PCR but positive by PCR-SSP, another sample was positive for 2DS1 by Q-PCR but negative by PCR-SSP. The two doubtful samples were genotyped by sequencing-based typing (PCR-SBT) for 2DS5 and 2DS1, respectively. PCR-SBT results confirmed that the results of Q-PCR test was correct. 【Conclusion】 The KIR Q-PCR method established in this paper can provide accurate and reliable results for testing the presence or absence of KIR genes.

Barbarói ; (64): 6-24, jul.-dez. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1566527


O presente ensaio teórico buscou discutir as transformações que a experiência de distanciamento social, em decorrência da pandemia do novo coronavírus, tem operado nas formas de produção compartilhada de sentidos. Para tal, utilizamos as contribuições da abordagem enativa da cognição sobre o conceito de produção de sentidos. As noções de presença e ausência, como dimensões coproduzidas e relevantes nas vivências coletivas do último período permearam toda a reflexão. Compreendemos o sentido como uma realização incorporada que movimenta e mantém a vida e sua rede de relações, de modo que não é produzido apenas individualmente, mas também participativamente. Avançamos na discussão sobre a experiência corporal de ausências, destacando a solidão no aspecto que compreendemos aqui como ausência de produção compartilhada de sentidos. Como resposta à ausência do outro, as interações por internet ganharam relevância. Discutimos as presenças mediadas tecnologicamente, dando ênfase ao papel das redes sociais no cotidiano, às formas de produzir sentidos participativamente neste contexto, atenuando as emoções de ausência, mas por outro lado intensificando sofrimentos específicos gerados por esse modo de se relacionar e produzir subjetividade. Concluímos apontando para a diversidade de formas de experienciar os efeitos da pandemia, inclusive ressalvando que não apenas as ausências provocaram sofrimento neste período, mas também algumas presenças, causando sobrecarga pelas demandas de cuidado.(AU)

This theoretical essay sought to discuss the transformations that the experience of social distancing due to the pandemic of the new coronavirus has operated in the forms of participatory sense-making. To this end, we use contributions from the enactive approach to cognition on the concept of sense-making. The notions of presence and absence, as coproduced and relevant dimensions in the collective experiences of the last period, permeated all reflection. We understand the sense as an embodied realization that moves and maintains life and its network of relationships, so that it is produced not only individually, but also participatively. We advanced in the discussion about the bodily experience of absences, highlighting loneliness in the aspect that we understand here as the absence of participatory sense-making. In response to the absence of the other, internet interactions have gained relevance. We discussed the presences technologically mediated, emphasizing the role of social media in everyday life, the ways of participatory sensemaking in this context, attenuating the emotions of absence, but on the other hand intensifying specific sufferings generated by this way of relationship and producing subjectivity. We conclude by pointing to the diversity of ways of experiencing the effects of the pandemic, including that not only the absences caused suffering in this period, but also some presences, causing overload by care demands.(AU)

Este ensayo teórico buscó discutir las transformaciones que ha operado la experiencia de distanciamiento social debido a la pandemia del nuevo coronavirus en las formas de creación de sentido participativo. Con este fin, utilizamos contribuciones del enfoque enactivo de la cognición sobre el concepto de producción de sentido. Las nociones de presencia y ausencia, como dimensiones coproducidas y relevantes en las vivencias colectivas del último período, permearon toda reflexión. Entendemos el sentido como una realización encarnada que mueve y mantiene la vida y su red de relaciones, de modo que se produce no sólo de forma individual, sino también participativa. Avanzamos en la discusión sobre la vivencia corporal de las ausencias, destacando la soledad en el aspecto que aquí entendemos como ausencia de producción de sentidos participativos. En respuesta a la ausencia del otro, las interacciones por Internet han ganado relevancia. Discutimos las presencias mediadas tecnológicamente, enfatizando el papel de las redes sociales en la vida cotidiana, las formas de crear sentidos participativamente en este contexto, atenuando las emociones de ausencia, pero por otro lado intensificando los sufrimientos específicos generados por esta forma de relacionarse y producir subjetividad. Concluimos señalando la diversidad de formas de vivir los efectos de la pandemia, incluyendo que no solo las ausencias causaron sufrimiento en este período, sino también algunas presencias, provocando sobrecarga por las demandas de cuidado.(AU)

Humans , Physical Distancing , COVID-19 , Loneliness , Social Networking
RECIIS (Online) ; 17(3): 503-516, jul.-set. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1517125


A evolução das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação permitiu que, ao longo da história, os campos da comunicação, da tecnologia e da saúde criassem diversas interseções. Entre elas, estão os aplicativos para dispositivos móveis que são estratégias de saúde digital móvel (mHealth). Há, porém, poucas evidências do uso desses avanços na saúde pública. A partir da identificação de 43 aplicativos ligados a Secretarias Municipais de Saúde, a Secretarias de Estado de Saúde e ao Ministério da Saúde, este artigo objetiva mapear e analisar essas iniciativas de presença digital no Sistema Único de Saúde. Os resultados mostram que as cidades têm grande destaque, liderando o uso dos apps, sobretudo no Sul do país. Os apps foram baixados mais de 28 milhões de vezes, receberam média de avaliação de 3,7, e a maioria (53%) tinha sido recém-atualizada. Essas tecnologias podem auxiliar o SUS nas políticas de comunicação e saúde digital

The evolution of Information and Communication Technologies has allowed, throughout history, the fields of communication, technology, and health to create different intersections. Among them are applications for mobile devices which are mobile digital health (mHealth) strategies. There is, however, little evidence of the use of these advances in public health. Based on the identification of 43 applications linked to Municipal Health Secretariats, State Health Secretariats and the Ministry of Health, this article aims to map and analyze these digital presence initiatives of the Unified Health System. The results show that cities stand out, leading the use of apps, especially in the southern region of the country. The apps had over 28 million downloads, received an average rating of 3.7, and most (53%) had been updated recently. These technolo-gies can help the Unified Health System in communication and digital health policies

La evolución de las tecnologías ha permitido, a lo largo de la historia, que los campos de la comunicación, la tecnología y la salud hayan creado diferentes intersecciones, como las aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles, que son estrategias de salud digital móvil (mHealth). Sin embargo, hay poca evidencia del uso de estos avances en la salud pública. A partir de la identificación de 43 aplicaciones vinculadas a las Secretarías Municipales de Salud, Secretarías Estatales de Salud y el Ministerio de Salud, este artículo tiene como objetivo mapear y analizar estas iniciativas de presencia digital del Sistema Único de Salud. Los resultados muestran que las ciudades se destacan, liderando el uso de apps. Las aplicaciones se han descargado más de 28 millones de veces, recibieron una calificación promedio de 3.7 y la mayoría (53%) se actualizaron recientemente. Estas tecnologías pueden ayudar al SUS en las políticas de comunicación y salud digital

Humans , Technology , Health , Telemedicine , Communication , Public Policy
São Paulo med. j ; 141(1): 36-44, Jan.-Feb. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424658


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Presenteeism refers to the presence of a worker at work with reduced performance due to illness, and it is a common public health problem. Exposure to noise during production processes brings risk to workers' health. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the health profile of workers in the automotive industry and identify the association between noise perception and presenteeism among workers in the Brazilian automotive industry. DESIGN AND SETTING: This was a cross-sectional study utilizing a case study design analyzing the automotive industry in the interior of São Paulo state, Brazil. METHODS: This study included 306 workers using the Presenteeism Work Limitations Questionnaire protocol. Multiple logistic regression was used for data analysis. RESULTS: Male workers with reports of headache, tension, and limited well-being at work, having perceived that noise exposure interferes with productivity, showed a positive association with the occurrence of presenteeism. Physical demand had the highest score in terms of interfering with the presenteeism index. CONCLUSION: Workers' perceptions of noise were associated with presenteeism.

Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 26: e210757, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394403


Movidos pelo desejo de arriscar a invenção com o que se tinha à mão, realizamos um projeto de pesquisa e extensão universitária denominado Metodologias da Presença para estudantes em formação da área da Saúde. Tratou-se de uma plataforma remota de criação para encorajar os participantes a produzir e compartilhar exercícios artísticos por meio de três ativações de presença. Esta experiência contou com a participação de uma comunidade provisória. Impulsionados pela prática limiar pedagógica e artística, seguimos indagando como foi possível a instauração desse estado sensível e vitalizador no grupo? Que tipos de composição impulsionaram as transformações singulares e coletivas mediante a materialização das produções artísticas? Quais as distintas qualidades de presença que puderam ser ali mobilizadas? A produção artística, a presença comum e a construção de grupalidade podem existir em comunicações tecnomediadas na formação em Saúde?(AU)

Driven by the desire to take the risk of inventing with what is at hand, we conducted a research and university outreach project for health students called "Methodologies of Presence". We developed a remote content creation platform to encourage participants to produce and share artistic exercises from three presence activations. The experience included the participation of a temporary community. Propelled by threshold pedagogical and artistic practice, we inquired how was it possible to establish this sensitive and vitalizing state within the group. What types of composition drove the singular and collective transformations spurred by the materialization of artistic productions? Which different qualities of presence were mobilized? Can artistic production, common presence, and the construction of groupality exist within techno-mediated communications in health education and training?(AU)

Movidos por el deseo de arriesgar la invención con lo que estaba a mano, realizamos un proyecto de investigación y extensión universitaria denominado "Metodologías de la presencia" para estudiantes en formación del área de la salud. Se trató de una plataforma remota de creación para alentar a los participantes a producir y compartir ejercicios artísticos a partir de tres activaciones de presencia. Esta experiencia contó con la participación de una comunidad provisional. Impulsados por la práctica inicial pedagógica y artística, continuamos indagando: ¿Cómo fue posible la instauración de ese estado sensible y vitalizador en el grupo? ¿Qué tipos de composición impulsaron las transformaciones singulares y colectivas a partir de la materialización de las producciones artísticas? ¿Cuáles fueron las distintas cualidades de presencia que pudieron movilizarse? ¿La producción artística, la presencia común y la construcción de grupalidad pueden existir en comunicaciones tecnomediadas en la formación en salud?(AU)

Humans , Art , Health Human Resource Training , Virtual Reality , Community Participation
Psicol. Educ. (Online) ; (52): 97-107, jan.-jun. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1340395


Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as percepções dos moradores do Bairro Engomadeira sobre a Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB), Campus I, Salvador, para assim propor melhorias nas relações estabelecidas entre a Comunidade e a Universidade. Para a discussão, utilizaram-se autores como Fialho, Midlej e Santos. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida numa abordagem qualitativa, utilizando como instrumento de coleta de dados a entrevista semiestruturada e questionários fechados, aplicados em amostra não probabilística de 20 (vinte) moradores, dividindo-se em três grupos, por escolaridade: nível fundamental, nível médio e nível superior, para identificar e analisar as suas percepções. Recorreu-se à análise de conteúdo de Bardin (2002) e à luz de autores como Midlej e Santos, para tratamento dos dados coletados. Notou-se no referido estudo que as percepções dos moradores da Engomadeira sobre a Uneb diferem pelo nível de escolaridade, em que os moradores de nível fundamental e médio percebem a universidade com relações positivas e os de nível superior com relações negativas.

This work aims to analyze the perceptions of residents of Bairro Engomadeira about the State University of Bahia (UNEB), Campus I, Salvador, to propose improvements in the relations established between the Community and the University. For the discussion, authors such as Fialho (1998), Midlej (2004) and Santos (2014) were consulted. The research was developed in a qualitative approach, using semi-structured interviews and closed questionnaires as a data collection instrument, applied to a non-probabilistic sample of 20 (twenty) residents, dividing into three groups, by level of education: elementary level, medium level and higher level, to identify and analyze their perceptions. Content analysis by Bardin (2002) was used, and in the light of authors such as Midlej (2004) and Santos (2008), for the treatment of the collected data. It was noted in that study, that the perceptions of the residents of the Ironing Company about Uneb differ by the level of education, where the residents of elementary and high school perceive the university with positive relationships and those with higher education, with negative relationships.

Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar las percepciones de los habitantes del Barrio Engomadeira sobre la Universidad Estatal de Bahía (UNEB), Campus I, Salvador, con el fin de proponer mejoras en las relaciones establecidas entre la Comunidad y la Universidad. Para la discusión se utilizaron autores como Fialho (1998), Midlej (2004) y Santos (2014). La investigación se desarrolló con un enfoque cualitativo, utilizando entrevistas semi-estructuradas y cuestionarios cerrados como instrumento de recolección de datos, aplicados a una muestra no probabilística de 20 (veinte) residentes, divididos en tres grupos, por nivel de educación: nivel básico, nivel medio y nivel superior, para identificar y analizar sus percepciones. Se utilizó el análisis de contenido de Bardin (2002), ya la luz de autores como Midlej (2004) y Santos (2008), para el tratamiento de los datos recolectados. Se constató en dicho estudio, que las percepciones de los vecinos de la Empresa de Planchado sobre la Uneb difieren por el nivel de educación, donde los residentes de primaria y secundaria perciben la universidad con relaciones positivas y los de educación superior, con relaciones negativas.

Humans , Perception , Universities , Poverty Areas , Community-Institutional Relations , Brazil , Qualitative Research , Educational Status , Social Representation
Nat. Hum. (Online) ; 23(1): 55-82, jan.-jun. 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1430999


O presente artigo busca mostrar como a constituição do si mesmo winnicottiano está ancorada na experiência de sustentação oportunizada por um ambiente suficientemente bom. Ambiente que se inscreve na experiência do bebê como uma memória da presença, assim designada por nós. Essa memória da presença constitui-se nas marcas da presença materna que o bebê já é capaz de sentir e confiar, pelas repetidas experiências em que ele pôde se retirar do mundo "objetivo" tranquilamente, retornando ao seu mundo subjetivo, no descanso e relaxamento propiciados por um ambiente adaptado à sua necessidade de criação do mundo, vivendo a ilusão de onipotência na relação primitiva mãe-bebê. Discutimos ainda como o paciente constituído pela memória da presença poderá apresentar necessidades especificas na clínica, por meio da regressão à dependência.

This paper aims to show how the constitution of the Winnicottian self is grounded on the experience of support that is made possible by a good enough environment. This environment gets inscribed into the baby's experience as a memory of presence, as we call it. The memory of presence comprises marks of a mother's presence, which babies can already feel and trust, and which repeatedly allows them to make themselves calmly absent from the "objective" world, thus returning to their subjective world at state of rest and relaxation. This is rendered possible by an environment adapted to the baby's need for the creation of a world, while living under the illusion of omnipotence in the primitive mother-baby relationship. The paper also discusses how the patient constituted by the memory of presence may exhibit specific needs while in clinical sessions, by regressing to dependency.

Agora (Rio J.) ; 24(2): 21-29, maio-ago. 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1345118


RESUMO: Com base nas propostas de Freud e Lacan, visamos tratar do lugar e da função do corpo do analista como condições para a sustentação da clínica. Para isso, destacamos quatro diferentes contextos de atuação: o consultório; o trabalho nos dispositivos das redes de saúde e assistência psicossocial; o acompanhamento terapêutico e atendimentos online. Pensando a clínica psicanalítica em termos de tática, estratégia e política, encontramos que o ato analítico seria norteado pela ética da psicanálise e assegurado na sustentação da posição do analista enquanto presença - ponto de convergência que permite a inserção do psicanalista nos campos de atuação citados.

Abstract: Based on the propositions of Freud and Lacan, we aim to approach the place and function of the analyst's body as conditions for the sustenance of the clinic. For this, we highlight four different work contexts: the clinic; public healthcare networks and psychosocial care; therapeutic accompaniment and online treatment. Thinking the psychoanalytic clinic in terms of tactic, strategy and politics, we found that the analytical act to be guided by the ethics of psychoanalysis and ensured in sustenance of the position of the analyst as a presence - a point of convergence that allows the insertion of the psychoanalyst in the aforementioned work contexts.

Psychoanalytic Interpretation , Therapeutics , Human Body
Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 24(1): 75-91, jan.-mar. 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1251902


O presente artigo objetiva traçar considerações acerca do reconhecimento na clínica psicanalítica. Para tal, traçaremos um contraponto deste com o trauma. Nesse contexto, nos deparamos com o reconhecimento que, por sua vez, se apresenta não apenas como a forma de cuidado promovido por uma adaptação ambiental suficientemente boa, como também enquanto um posicionamento ético assumido na própria clínica. Por outro lado, o traumático surge como uma falha do ambiente em reconhecer as necessidades do indivíduo e mediar sua vulnerabilidade na relação com o meio.

This article aims to outline considerations about recognition in the psychoanalytic clinic by contrasting it with trauma. In this context, recognition presents itself not only as a form of care promoted by sufficient environmental adaptation, but also as an ethical position assumed in the clinic itself. On the other hand, trauma emerges when the environment fails to recognize the individual's needs and to mediate his vulnerability in his relationship with the environment.

Cet article vise à discuter la reconnaissance en clinique psychanalytique en contrepoint au traumatisme. Dans ce contexte, nous sommes confrontés à la reconnaissance qui, à son tour, se présente non seulement comme la forme de soins promue par une adaptation environnementale suffisamment bonne, mais aussi comme une position éthique assumée dans la clinique elle-même. D'autre part, le traumatique émerge comme un échec de l'environnement à reconnaître les besoins de l'individu et à médiatiser sa vulnérabilité dans sa relation à l'environnement..

Trazando un contrapunto entre el reconocimiento y el trauma, este artículo tiene como objetivo elaborar consideraciones sobre el reconocimiento en la clínica psicoanalítica. En este contexto, nos deparamos con el reconocimiento que, a su vez, no sólo se presenta como una forma de atención promovida por una adaptación ambiental suficientemente buena, sino también como una postura ética asumida en la propia clínica. Por otro lado, lo traumático surge cuando el ambiente falla al reconocer las necesidades del individuo y al mediar su vulnerabilidad en su relación con el medio.

Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 24(1): 75-91, jan.-mar. 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1289790


O presente artigo objetiva traçar considerações acerca do reconhecimento na clínica psicanalítica. Para tal, traçaremos um contraponto deste com o trauma. Nesse contexto, nos deparamos com o reconhecimento que, por sua vez, se apresenta não apenas como a forma de cuidado promovido por uma adaptação ambiental suficientemente boa, como também enquanto um posicionamento ético assumido na própria clínica. Por outro lado, o traumático surge como uma falha do ambiente em reconhecer as necessidades do indivíduo e mediar sua vulnerabilidade na relação com o meio.

This article aims to outline considerations about recognition in the psychoanalytic clinic by contrasting it with trauma. In this context, recognition presents itself not only as a form of care promoted by sufficient environmental adaptation, but also as an ethical position assumed in the clinic itself. On the other hand, trauma emerges when the environment fails to recognize the individual's needs and to mediate his vulnerability in his relationship with the environment.

Cet article vise à discuter la reconnaissance en clinique psychanalytique en contrepoint au traumatisme. Dans ce contexte, nous sommes confrontés à la reconnaissance qui, à son tour, se présente non seulement comme la forme de soins promue par une adaptation environnementale suffisamment bonne, mais aussi comme une position éthique assumée dans la clinique elle-même. D'autre part, le traumatique émerge comme un échec de l'environnement à reconnaître les besoins de l'individu et à médiatiser sa vulnérabilité dans sa relation à l'environnement..

Trazando un contrapunto entre el reconocimiento y el trauma, este artículo tiene como objetivo elaborar consideraciones sobre el reconocimiento en la clínica psicoanalítica. En este contexto, nos deparamos con el reconocimiento que, a su vez, no sólo se presenta como una forma de atención promovida por una adaptación ambiental suficientemente buena, sino también como una postura ética asumida en la propia clínica. Por otro lado, lo traumático surge cuando el ambiente falla al reconocer las necesidades del individuo y al mediar su vulnerabilidad en su relación con el medio.

Salud pública Méx ; 63(1): 109-119, Jan.-Feb. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1395144


Resumen: Objetivo: Describir la evidencia sobre la presencia e infectividad de SARS-CoV-2 y otros coronavirus en aguas residuales y su potencial uso como herramienta de vigilancia epidemiológica. Material y métodos: Búsqueda de publicaciones en PubMed y medRxiv desde enero 2003 hasta el 8 de junio de 2020 de acuerdo con la guía de revisiones rápidas de Cochrane. Resultados: Se incluyeron 29 publicaciones. El ARN de SARS-CoV-2 no infectivo se encontró en agua residual hospitalaria, agua residual cruda, tratada y lodos de plantas de tratamiento. Los niveles cuantitativos de ARN viral en agua residual presentan relación con el número de casos de Covid-19. SARS-CoV-1 y otros coronavirus permanecieron infectivos en agua residual cruda hasta por dos días. Conclusiones: Hasta esta revisión no existe evidencia sobre la presencia de virus infectivos de SARS-CoV-2 en agua residual cruda o tratada. La cuantificación de ARN de SARS-CoV-2 en agua residual es útil para la vigilancia epidemiológica.

Abstract: Objective: To describe the current evidence on the presence and infectivity of SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses in wastewater; and its potential use as an epidemiological surveillance tool. Materials and methods: A search was performed in PubMed and medRxiv databases from January 2003 to June 8, 2020 according to the Cochrane Rapid Review Guide. Results: Twenty-nine publications were included. Non-infective RNA of SARS-CoV-2 has been detected in hospital sewage; raw and treated wastewater, and primary sludges from sewage treatment plants. Quantitative levels of viral RNA in wastewater are related with the number of Covid-19 cases. SARS-CoV-1 and other coronaviruses remained infective in wastewater up to two days. Conclusions: Currently, there is no evidence of the presence of infective SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater and its inactivation through treatment/disinfection has been proven. Quantification of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater can be a useful epidemiological surveillance tool.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-909004


Based on stimulus-organism-response (SOR) paradigm, this study proposes a conceptual framework of immersive virtual reality (IVR) learning model. To investigate the effect of IVR on learning process, this study has designed and implemented an educational application of appendectomy using IVR. The results indicate that IVR-based cognitive response, emotional response and learning results are significantly better than traditional learning. IVR learning model has a high level of immersion and user acceptance, and is expected to be employed to influence the learning satisfaction by the mediating effect of IVR presence in the future.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-909559


Objective:To explore the differences in risk-taking behaviors of individuals with early life stress between different genders under the control of social situation.Methods:A total of 160 college students including 78 males and 82 females were selected by the child psychological abuse and neglect scale.Then the subjects were divided into the early life stress group ( n=80) and the non-early life stress group ( n=80) according to the scores of the above scales.According to the presence or absence of peers, the subjects in the two groups were randomly assigned to peer presence group ( n=80) or no peer presence group ( n=80). The study adopted an experimental design of 2 (early life stress, non-early life stress) ×2 (peer presence, no peer presence) ×2 (male, female) among the subjects.All subjects performed the task of simulating risky behavior, and the number of times they chose "forward" and did not crash in the task was used as the measurement index of risky behavior.Three-factor ANOVA and Bonferroni simple effect test were carried out using SPSS 22.0 software under various conditions. Results:There were significant differences in the main effects of early life stress ( F(1, 152)=162.06, P<0.01, η2=0.52). In the simulated risk behavior task, the risk behavior of the early life stressed individuals was higher than that of the non-early life stressed individuals (no peer presence: (59.11±11.48) vs (34.91±7.42), P<0.01); peer presence: (59.24±8.59) vs (55.08±10.32), P<0.01). The interaction between early life stress and the presence of peers was statistically significant ( F(1, 152)=65.35, P<0.01, η2=0.30), for non-early life stressed individuals, the risk-taking behaviors in the peer presence group was significantly higher than that in the no peer presence group ((55.08±10.32) vs (34.91±7.42), P<0.01, but the difference was not significant for early life stressed individuals ((59.24±8.59) vs (59.11±11.48), P>0.05). The interaction of early life stress, peer presence and gender was statistically significant ( F(1, 152) =5.92, P=0.016, η2=0.04). In the presence of companions, female early-life stressed individuals exhibited higher risk behaviors than non-early life stressed individuals ((53.91±5.12) vs (46.30±4.57), P<0.01), while the difference between male early life stressed individuals and non-early life stressed individuals was not statistically significant ((65.75±7.42) vs (62.27±7.78), P>0.05). Conclusion:The influence of early life stress on individual risk-taking behavior is related with presence and gender.

Fractal rev. psicol ; 32(3): 291-297, set.-dez. 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1154249


O que pode a clínica? O que pode a arte? Qual a potência presente nesses domínios? Em que ponto a arte e a clínica se transversalizam, ou seja, em que ponto comungam? Este artigo tem estas questões como direção e busca respondê-las a partir de uma aposta na abordagem transdisciplinar da clínica. Transdisciplinaridade compreendida como contágio entre diferentes disciplinas, como experimentação das interferências que um domínio pode produzir sobre outro. A performance "A artista está presente" de Marina Abramovic é tomada neste artigo como canal de expressão para a arte do encontro entre analista e paciente, encontro produtor de novas possibilidades de vida. O trabalho da artista sérvia, preocupada com o que se passa entre artista e público, nos permite problematizar o que se passa entre analista e paciente e, para tanto, desenvolvemos o conceito de Presença, certa partilha afetiva que pode se dar no encontro com o outro.(AU)

What can clinic do? What can art do? What is the power present in these areas? At what point art and clinic find a mainstream, that is, at what point do they commune? This essay has those questions as a direction and seeks to answer them based on a focus on a transdisciplinary approach to clinic. Transdisciplinarity understood as a contagion between different disciplines, as an experimentation on the interferences one domain can perform upon the other. The performance "The artist is present" of Marina Abramovic is taken in this article as an expression channel through the art of the analyst and patient encounter. A life-changing encounter. The work of this Serbian artist, worried about what goes on between the artist and the public allow us to problematize what goes on between the analyst and the patient, therefore developing the concept of the Presence, one affection share that can befall the encounter with the other.(AU)

Humans , Female , Psychology, Clinical , Affect , Empathy
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-214949


ascorbic acid plays a critical role in wound repair and healing/regeneration process as it stimulates collagen synthesis. Its effect on jejunal and colonic anastomosis is already established. We assessed its role on colonic anastomosis healing in presence of peritonitis and without peritonitis. Assessment was done by recording bursting pressure of anastomosis and histological features of healing.METHODSThis experimental study was conducted in 48 Albino Rats (mean weight of 180 g). All rats were subjected to exploratory laparotomy with colonic resection anastomosis and were divided into six groups. Group A and B control, Group C and D were supplemented with Vitamin C in low dose i.e. 100 mg/Kg body, Group E and F high dose of Vitamin C i.e. 200 mg/Kg body wt. Vitamin C was given for seven days intra muscularly. Peritonitis was created by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) in half the number of rats (n=24), in each group. Every rat was re-explored on 7th post-operative day and anastomotic segments were harvested for bursting pressure measurement and then sent for histopathology examination.RESULTSBursting Pressure of group D (100 mg) was significantly raised (p<0.05) as compared to group B in the presence of peritonitis. Group F (200 gm vit C) showed significantly higher bursting pressure than group D (p<0.05). The findings of analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that the mean BP of all the groups differs significantly from each other (p<0.05). High dose vitamin C supplementation gave more strength to anastomosis than low dose even in presence of peritonitis. The average histopathological examination score was 5.24 (Group E) (p<0.05). i.e., best healing among all groups. It had better effect even in presence of peritonitis - 4.62 in Group F. Healing score in this group was greater than group A, B, C, D and less than in group E.CONCLUSIONSPresence of fecal peritonitis hampers the process of healing of colonic anastomosis by impairing reparative collagen synthesis, its deposition and anastomotic strength reflected by decreasedbursting pressure and decrease HPE score. Supplementation of systemic ascorbic acid increases intestinal anastomotic healing by increasing collagen accumulation reflected by increasedbursting pressure and increase HPE score even in presence of peritonitis. High dose ascorbic acid supplementation had better effect on intestinal anastomotic healing. Importance of ascorbic acid in colonic anastomosis healing is yet to be evaluated in human beings.

Nat. Hum. (Online) ; 22(1): 153-161, Jan.-June 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1430975


O texto reflete sobre o significado da transferência para Winnicott. Apoiado num caso, o texto busca articular esse conceito aos de regressão à dependência, brincar e presença viva do analista como suportes da análise.

The text reflects on the meaning of the transference to Winnicott. Supported in one case, the text seeks to articulate this concept with those of regression to dependency, play and the analyst's living presence as support for analysis.

J Genet ; 2020 Jan; 99: 1-7
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-215552


Mutation and recombination are primarily responsible for generating the genetic variability in natural populations of microorganisms, plant and animal species including humans. Upon such genetic variations, elemental forces of evolution such as natural selection, random genetic drift and migration operate to bring about micro-evolutionary changes. Recombination or crossing-over produces new combinations of genes due to interchange of corresponding segments between nonsister chromatids of homologous chromosomes, thus, it is an important evolutionary factor. Since the time of T. H. Morgan, Drosophila has been subjected to extensive investigations on crossing over while employing a number of markers, which were used for gene mapping. Interestingly, recombination occurs in females of D. melanogaster but not in males. Later on, male crossing over was investigated in various species and its occurrence was reported in D. melanogaster, D. ananassae, D. simulans, D. willistoni, D. littoralis and D. bipectinata. Recombination occurs at very low rate in all these species except for D. ananassae, which shows spontaneous male crossing over in appreciable frequency, which is meiotic in origin. This unusual phenomenon in D. ananassae is influenced by various genetic factors as well as it shows strain variation as far as frequency of male recombination is concerned. Further, the presence of chiasmata during meiosis in males at a frequency capable of accounting for the observed recombination frequency extends evidence for meiotic origin of recombination in males of D. ananassae.

Palliative Care Research ; : 259-263, 2020.
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-829828


In recent years, the system for providing home medical care and palliative care has been improved, and the number of cancer patients who are treated at home until the end is increasing. The aim of this study was to investigate the circumstances of cancer patients who died at home and the presence of doctors and nurses at the moment of death. We conducted a prospective survey of end-oflife cancer patients receiving home visits from home care and palliative care clinics in Japan from 1st July to 31st December 2017. During the study period, we analyzed the mortality status of 676 patients who died in their homes, serviced by 45 clinics. Of these patients, 91% were living with families, 49% died on holidays or at night, and the doctor and nurse was present at the time of death in only 5.6% and 9.9% of cases, respectively. Most of the patients who died at home lived with their families, with few doctors and nurses present at the time of their patients’ death.

Psico (Porto Alegre) ; 51(2): 31628, 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1123321


Este estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver uma escala de presença nas tecnologias ubíquas. O processo de desenvolvimento do instrumento teve como etapas 1) a escolha dos atributos comportamentais referentes ao objeto de estudo e à operacionalização do construto, 2) a apresentação a três juízes, dois grupos focais, 3) uma aplicação-piloto em uma amostra reduzida (n = 30) e, por fim, 4) uma aplicação com a 458 participantes. Foram realizadas análises de consistênciainterna, análise fatorial confirmatória e análise fatorial confirmatória multigrupo. A versão final da "Escala de Presença em Tecnologias Ubíquas (EPTU)" conta com 14 itens, agrupados em três fatores independentes (autopresença, presença espacial e presença social), e apresenta um bom índice de consistência interna (α = 0,905) e índices de ajuste aceitáveis (χ2 = 116,83; gl = 74; p < 0,01; CFI = 0,99; RMSEA= 0,035; SRMR = 0,053), com parâmetros psicométricos equivalentes por gênero

This study aimed to develop a scale of presence in ubiquitous technologies. The development process of the instrument had 4 stages: 1) the choice of behavioral attributes related to the object of study and the operation of the construct, 2) the presentation to three judges, two focus groups and a 3) pilot application in a reduced sample (n = 30) and 4) an application with 458 participants. In order to obtain validity and reliability evidences we performed internal consistency analyzes, confirmatory factor analysis and multigroup confirmatory factorial analysis. The final version of the Presence Scale in Ubiquitous Technologies has 14 items, grouped into three independent factors (Self-Presence, Spatial Presence and Social Presence), and has a good internal consistency index (alpha = 0.905) and an acceptable adjustment index (χ2 = 116.83, gl = 74, p <0.01, CFI = 0.99, RMSEA = 0.035, SRMR = 0.053), with equivalent psychometric parameters by gender

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo el desarrollo de una escala de presencia en las tecnologías ubicuas. El proceso de desarrollo del instrumento tuvo como etapas 1) la elección de los atributos comportamentales referentes al objeto de estudio y la operacionalización del constructo, 2) la presentación a tres jueces, dos grupos focales, 3) una aplicación piloto en una muestra reducida (n = 30), y por último, 4) una aplicación con 458 participantes. Se realizaron análisis de consistencia interna, análisis factorial confirmatorio y análisis factorial confirmatorio multigrupo. La versión final de la Escala de Presencia en Tecnologías Ubíquicas cuenta con 14 ítems, agrupados en tres factores independientes (Autopresencia, Presencia Espacial y Presencia Social), y presenta un buen índice de consistencia interna (alfa = 0,905) y un índice de ajuste aceptable (χ2 = 116,83; gl = 74; p < 0,01; CFI = 0,99; RMSEA = 0,035; SRMR = 0,053) con parámetros psicométricos equivalentes por género

Psychology , Technology , Psychological Tests , Psychometrics , Cognition