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Rev. Cuerpo Méd. Hosp. Nac. Almanzor Aguinaga Asenjo ; 16(2): e1802, abr.-jun. 2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565100


Introducción: Las enfermedades por amebas de vida libre (AVL) son poco frecuentes pero con letalidad mayor al 90% cuando comprometen el sistema nerviosos central (SNC). El cuadro clínico puede confundirse con enfermedades más prevalentes. Reporte de caso: Agricultor de 32 años procedente de Poroto-Trujillo-La Libertad-Perú, inicia enfermedad con una placa eritematosa centrofacial que se diagnosticó como tuberculosis cutánea (TBC), sin mejoría pese a recibir esquema completo de quimioterapia antituberculosa. Siete meses después presenta encefalitis severa falleciendo a los tres días de su ingreso al hospital. En la biopsia de piel se encontraron trofozoitos de AVL. Se plantea el diagnóstico de dermatitis cutánea por AVL complicada con encefalitis granulomatosa amebiana (EGA). No se han documentado casos similares en su lugar de procedencia. Conclusión: En el norte del Perú, las placas cutáneas en personas expuestas al suelo o agua estancada, deben considerarse señales de alerta ante la probabilidad de infección por AVL.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Diseases caused by free-living amoebas (FLA) are rare but with a lethality greater than 90% when they affect the central nervous system (CNS). The clinical picture can be confused with more prevalent diseases. Case report: A 32-year-old farmer from Poroto-Trujillo-La Libertad-Peru, started the disease with a central facial erythematous plaque that was diagnosed as cutaneous tuberculosis (CTB), without improvement despite receiving a complete regimen of anti-tuberculous chemotherapy. Seven months later, he presented severe encephalitis and died three days after his admission to the hospital. FLA trophozoites were found in the skin biopsy. A diagnosis of cutaneous dermatitis due to FLA complicated with granulomatous amebic encephalitis (GAE) is proposed. Similar cases have not been documented in his place of origin. Conclusion: In northern Peru, skin plaques in people exposed to the ground or stagnant water should be considered warning signs of the probability of AVL infection.

Rev. med. Risaralda ; 28(1): 12-22, ene.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389140


Resumen Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de parasitismo intestinal en niños menores de 15 años de la comunidad indígena U'wa, del municipio de Güicán, Boyacá. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal en 125 niños menores de 15 años, pertenecientes a la comunidad indígena U'wa del municipio de Güicán. Se evaluó la presencia de parásitos intestinales a partir de dos exámenes coprológicos directos. El procesamiento y análisis estadístico se realizó con el programa SPSS versión 22. Resultados: La prevalencia de parásitos fue del 72% IC 95%. Los parásitos más frecuentes fueron Blastocystis spp. 43.3%; Entamoeba histolytica/dispar 35.5%; Ascaris lumbricoides 12.2% y Giardia intestinalis con 11.1%. Los parásitos no patógenos hallados fueron Entamoeba coli 30%; Endolimax nana 24.4% y Iodamoeba butschlii 5.5%. El poliparasitismo fue de 50% y se asoció con ser menor de 7 años de edad y tener más de 4 manifestaciones clínicas. Conclusiones: Las comunidades indígenas se consideran una población vulnerable puesto que no cuentan con los servicios básicos de sanidad, tienen alta prevalencia de enfermedades infecciosas que pueden generar algunas complicaciones, especialmente en los menores de 15 años . Con este estudio se conoció la dinámica de las infecciones parasitarias en la comunidad indígena U'wa que tienen implicaciones en la salud pública y en el marco del contexto salud-enfermedad, con el fin de realizar intervenciones de manera integral en busca de mejorar el estado de salud.

Abstract Objective: To determine the prevalence of intestinal parasitism in children under 15 years of age belonging to the U'wa indigenous community in the municipality of Guican, Boyacá. Methodology: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted with 125 children under the age of 15, who belong to the Uwa indigenous community of the Güican municipality. The presence of intestinal parasites was evaluated through the implementation of two direct stool tests. Statistical analysis and processing were performed with the SPSS version 22 program. Results: The prevalence of parasites was 72% 95% CI (% -%). The most frequent parasites were Blastocystis spp (43.3%), Entamoeba histolytica / dispar (35.5%), Ascaris lumbricoides (12.2%), and Giardia intestinalis (11.1%). The non-pathogenic parasites found were Entamoeba coli (30%), Endolimax nana (24.4%), and Iodamoeba bütschlii (5.5%). Polyparasitism was 50%, which was associated with being less than 7 years old and having more than 4 clinical manifestations. Conclusions: Indigenous communities are considered a vulnerable population since they do not have basic health services and they present a high prevalence of infectious diseases, especially in children under 15 years of age, which can generate some complications. This study revealed the dynamics of parasitic infections in this indigenous community, which have implications for public health and in the context of the health-disease, to carry out interventions in a comprehensive way in order to improve health status.

Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 38(2): 291-295, 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1509018


Las amebas de vida libre (AVL) son parásitos protozoarios que ocasionalmente causan enfermedad en humanos luego del contacto con alguna fuente de aguas o suelo contaminado. Se describe una serie de tres casos de encefalitis con desenlace fatal en un grupo familiar, que tuvo lugar en el departamento de Tumbes entre diciembre de 2019 y febrero de 2020. En la muestra de líquido cefalorraquídeo del primer caso se identificó Acanthamoeba sp. Los tres casos presentaron como antecedente haber entrado a una piscina meses antes de la enfermedad. En Tumbes no hay registro previo de casos de encefalitis por AVL y no se han reportado a nivel mundial su ocurrencia en un conglomerado familiar.

Free-living amoebas (FLA) are protozoan parasites that occasionally cause disease in humans after contact with contaminated water or soil. We describe a series of three cases of encephalitis in a family group with a fatal outcome that occurred in the Tumbes region between December 2019 and February 2020. Acanthamoeba sp. was identified in the cerebrospinal fluid sample from case 1. All three cases had a history of entering a swimming pool months before the disease. In the Tumbes region there is no previous record of encephalitis due to FLA and its occurrence in a family cluster has never been reported before.

Humans , Male , Brain Diseases , Acanthamoeba , Central Nervous System Protozoal Infections
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 30(2): e027720, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1288691


Abstract The aims of this study were to determine the seroprevalence of Sarcocystis neurona antibodies in equines in the Ilhéus-Itabuna microregion (BA), and identify possible factors associated with infection. The presence of sporocysts/oocysts of Sarcocystis spp. was also verified in Didelphis spp. A total of 669 serum samples were collected from equines in 56 properties located in 12 municipalities in the region. Indirect fluorescent antibody test was performed with slides containing merozoites of the S. neurona, using a cut-off titer of 1:80. Occurrence of 7.92% of anti-S. neurona antibodies was observed in the sampled equines. The purposes trade and work were significantly associated with the presence of antibodies (p<0.05), and being used for the purpose of work (21.6%) was considered a risk factor, while being used for the purpose of trade (3.6%) was a protective factor. A total of 25 Didelphis spp. was captured for research on sporocysts/oocysts in stool samples and intestinal scrapings, being all negative. Didelphis spp. were all negative for the presence of Sarcocystis spp. and this circumstance does not change the fact that seroprevalence of S. neurona has been observed in horses raised in the southern Bahia.

Resumo O presente estudo foi realizado na microrregião de Ilhéus-Itabuna, Bahia. Os objetivos deste estudo foram determinar a soroprevalência de anticorpos contra Sarcocystis neurona em equinos da microrregião Ilhéus-Itabuna (BA) e identificar possíveis fatores associados à infecção. A presença de esporocistos/oocistos de Sarcocystis spp. também foi pesquisada em Didelphis spp. Foram coletadas 669 amostras de soro de equinos em 56 propriedades localizadas em 12 municípios da região. Foi utilizada a reação de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI), utilizando-se lâminas confeccionadas com merozoítos de Sarcocystis neurona (cepa SN138) e ponto de corte na diluição de 1:80. A ocorrência de anticorpos anti- S. neurona, nos equinos amostrados, foi de 7,92%. As finalidades dos animais - comércio e trabalho - apresentaram-se significativas (p<0.05), sendo que a finalidade trabalho (21,6%) foi considerada fator de risco, enquanto a finalidade comércio (3,6%) foi considerada fator de proteção. Foram capturados 25 Didelphis spp., para pesquisa de esporocistos/oocistos em amostras de fezes e raspado de mucosa intestinal. Todos os Didelphis spp. foram negativos para a presença de Sarcocystis spp., mesmo assim essa circunstância não alterou o fato da ocorrência de S. neurona ter sido observada em cavalos criados na mesorregião do sul da Bahia.

Animals , Sarcocystis , Sarcocystosis/diagnosis , Sarcocystosis/epidemiology , Didelphis , Horse Diseases/diagnosis , Horse Diseases/epidemiology , Opossums , Brazil/epidemiology , Antibodies, Protozoan , Seroepidemiologic Studies , Sarcocystosis/veterinary , Horses
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 26(4): 142-147, out./dez. 2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1491650


O presente estudo investigou a ocorrência de Cryptosporidium spp. e Giardia spp. em diferentes espécimes silvestres da ordem Carnívora de vida livre e de cativeiro procedentes de municípios do Estado do Pará. Coletou-se amostras fecais de 37 animais distintos (quatro de vida livre e 33 de cativeiro). Para pesquisa de Cryptosporidium spp. e Giardia spp. foram utilizados métodos microscópicos (direto e Kinyoun) e imunológico (RIDA®QUICK Cryptosporidium/Giardia/Entamoeba Combi - N1722). Do total de amostras, 24,32% (9/37) foram positivas, correspondendo a 5,4% (2/37) para Cryptosporidium spp. e 18,91% (7/37) para Giardia spp., respectivamente. Nenhum animal apresentou infecção concomitante para os agentes. Cryptosporidium spp. e Giardia spp., são protozoários zoonóticos que representam um emergente problema de saúde pública. Esses parasitos podem apresentar elevada frequência em regiões em que as condições de saneamento básico são precárias, promovendo surtos de diarreia em animais domésticos, silvestres e no homen. Mamíferos silvestres, como os carnívoros, são susceptíveis à contaminação por enteroparasitas presentes tanto no habitat natural como em cativeiro. Portanto, a pesquisa comprova a presença desses protozoários em carnívoros silvestres, tanto mantidos em criatórios como nos de vida livre no Estado do Pará, considerando-se que esses animais podem atuar como fontes de infecção para o homem, para outros animais e para o meio ambiente.

The present survey has had the purpose to investigate the occurrence of Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia spp. in free and under captivity carnivorous wild animals, from several counties in the State of Pará. Samples of feces from 37 distinct animals (four in their natural habitat and 33 raised in captivity). For the research of Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia spp. microscopic immunological, direct and Kinyoun methods were used (RIDA®QUICK Cryptosporidium/Giardia/Entamoeba Combi - N1722). The samples gathered from wild animals have resulted in 24,32% of positive infection on the rate of (9/37), being. 5,4% (2/37) positive to Cryptosporidium spp. and 18,91% (7/37) positive to Giardia spp., what shows that no animals had both infections at the same time. Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia spp., are zoonotic enteroparasites that have been taking place as an emerging problem to public health. These species of protozoa may reach high levels of frequency in regions where the basic sanitation conditions are precarious, promoting outbreaks of diarrhea to men, wild and domestic animals. Wild mammals, as the carnivorous, are susceptible to contamination by enteroparasites, being present at their natural habitat or captivity. So, the research strengthens the real presence of these protozoas in wild carnivorous in both conditions of life, free or under captivity, in the State of Pará, making us consider the possibility that the cited animals may be natural reservoirs for infections, not only to men but to other animals and also to environment.

Animals , Animals, Wild/parasitology , Carnivora , Cryptosporidiosis/epidemiology , Cryptosporidium/isolation & purification , Giardia/isolation & purification , Giardiasis/epidemiology , Giardiasis/veterinary , Protozoan Infections, Animal
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 26(4): 142-147, out./dez. 2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1380129


O presente estudo investigou a ocorrência de Cryptosporidium spp. e Giardia spp. em diferentes espécimes silvestres da ordem Carnívora de vida livre e de cativeiro procedentes de municípios do Estado do Pará. Coletou-se amostras fecais de 37 animais distintos (quatro de vida livre e 33 de cativeiro). Para pesquisa de Cryptosporidium spp. e Giardia spp. foram utilizados métodos microscópicos (direto e Kinyoun) e imunológico (RIDA®QUICK Cryptosporidium/Giardia/Entamoeba Combi - N1722). Do total de amostras, 24,32% (9/37) foram positivas, correspondendo a 5,4% (2/37) para Cryptosporidium spp. e 18,91% (7/37) para Giardia spp., respectivamente. Nenhum animal apresentou infecção concomitante para os agentes. Cryptosporidium spp. e Giardia spp., são protozoários zoonóticos que representam um emergente problema de saúde pública. Esses parasitos podem apresentar elevada frequência em regiões em que as condições de saneamento básico são precárias, promovendo surtos de diarreia em animais domésticos, silvestres e no homen. Mamíferos silvestres, como os carnívoros, são susceptíveis à contaminação por enteroparasitas presentes tanto no habitat natural como em cativeiro. Portanto, a pesquisa comprova a presença desses protozoários em carnívoros silvestres, tanto mantidos em criatórios como nos de vida livre no Estado do Pará, considerando-se que esses animais podem atuar como fontes de infecção para o homem, para outros animais e para o meio ambiente.

The presente survey has had the purpose to investigate the occurrance of Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia spp. in free and under captivity carnivorous wild animals, from several counties in the State of Pará. Samples of feces from 37 distinct animals (four in their natural habitat and 33 raised in captivity). For the research of Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia spp. microscopic immunological, direct and Kinyoun methods were used (RIDA®QUICK Cryptosporidium/Giardia/Entamoeba Combi - N1722). The samples gathered from wild animals have resulted in 24,32% of positive infecction on the rate of (9/37), being. 5,4% (2/37) positive to Cryptosporidiumspp. and 18,91% (7/37) positive to Giardia spp., what shows that no amimals had both infections at the same time. Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia spp., are zoonotic enteroparasites that have been taking place as an emmerging problem to public health. Theese species of protozoa may reach high levels of frequency in regions where the basic sanitation conditions are precarious, promoting outbraks of diarrhea to men, wild and domestic animals. Wild mammals, as the carnivorous, are susceptible to contamination by enteroparasites, being present at their natural habitat or captivity. So, the reserach strenghtens the real presence of these protozoas in wild carnivorous in both conditions of life, free or under captivity, in the State of Pará, making us consider the possibility that the cited animals may be natural reservoirs for infections, not only to men but to other animals and also to environment.

Animals , Parasitic Diseases/diagnosis , Carnivora/parasitology , Zoonoses/transmission , Giardiasis/diagnosis , Cryptosporidiosis/diagnosis , Cryptosporidium/parasitology , Giardia/parasitology , Animals, Wild/parasitology
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 35(3): 527-530, jul.-sep. 2018. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-978897


RESUMEN Las infecciones por protozoos son prevalentes a nivel mundial, en particular en pacientes inmunosuprimidos. Comunicamos el caso de una paciente procedente de la ciudad de Viña del Mar, Chile, portadora de leucemia mieloide aguda en quiense confirmó una infección por Lophomonas sp. en lavado bronquioalveolar. Se manejó con antibióticos, pero falleció decomplicaciones de su enfermedad de base. Existe poca literatura disponible respecto a este microorganismo. Concluimos que debe considerarse a Lophomonas sp. como posibilidad diagnóstica si se encuentran protozoos en lavados bronquioalveolares de pacientes inmunosuprimidos.

ABSTRACT Protozoic infections are prevalent worldwide, particularly in immunosuppressed patients. We reported the case of a patient from the city of Viña del Mar, Chile, a carrier of acute myeloid leukemia in whom an infection by Lophomonas sp. was confirmed by bronchoalveolar lavage. She was treated with antibiotics but died of complications of the underlying disease. There is little literature available on this microorganism. We conclude that Lophomonas sp. should be considered as a diagnostic possibility if protozoa are found in bronchoalveolar lavage of immunosuppressed patients.

Aged , Female , Humans , Protozoan Infections , Parabasalidea , Lung Diseases, Parasitic , Protozoan Infections/complications , Protozoan Infections/diagnosis , Protozoan Infections/drug therapy , Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute/complications , Fatal Outcome , Lung Diseases, Parasitic/complications , Lung Diseases, Parasitic/diagnosis , Lung Diseases, Parasitic/drug therapy
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 26(4): 521-524, Oct.-Dec. 2017. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1042451


Abstract Gastrointestinal parasites are important pathogens affecting animals, some of them are of medical and veterinary concern. Although the dynamic of parasitic infections is a complex phenomenon that has been studied under experimental conditions, it shows several gaps in knowledge, especially in insular regions where a confined population of animals and parasites co-exists. In this study was assessed the parasitism by endoparasite gastrointestinal in feral cats (n = 37) and rodents (n = 30) from the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago; in addition, the risk of human infection and ecological implications of these findings were discussed. Out of all samples analysed, 100% scored positive for the presence of gastrointestinal parasites in both feral cats and rodents. A total 17 genera and/or species of endoparasite gastrointestinal were identified, Ancylostoma sp., Strongyloides sp., Trichuris campanula and Toxocara cati were the parasites more frequently in feral cats. In rodents Eimeria sp., Strongyloides sp. and Trichuris muris were parasites more frequently herein detected. Human population living in this area are at risk of parasite infections due to the population of rodents and feral cats in the archipelago.

Resumo Parasitas gastrointestinais são importantes agentes patogênicos que afetam os animais, sendo alguns destes de interesse médico e veterinário. Embora a dinâmica das infecções parasitárias seja um fenômeno complexo que tem sido estudado sob condições experimentais, existem várias lacunas no conhecimento, especificamente em regiões insulares onde existem populações confinadas de animais e parasitas. Neste estudo foi avaliado o parasitismo por endoparasitas gastrointestinais em gatos ferais (n = 37) e roedores (n = 30) do Arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha. Além disso, discutiu-se o risco de infecção humana e implicações ecológicas desses achados. De todas as amostras analisadas, 100% obtiveram resultados positivos para a presença de parasitos gastrointestinais tanto em gatos ferais quanto em roedores. Um total de 17 gêneros e/ou espécies de endoparasitos gastrointestinais foram identificados, Ancylostoma sp., Strongyloides sp., Trichuris campanula e Toxocara cati foram os parasitos mais frequentes em gatos ferais. Em roedores Eimeria sp., Strongyloides sp. e Trichuris muris foram os mais detectados. A população humana que vive nesta área corre o risco de infecções parasitárias, devido à população de roedores e gatos ferais no arquipélago.

Animals , Rodent Diseases/parasitology , Rodentia/parasitology , Cat Diseases/parasitology , Cats/parasitology , Gastrointestinal Tract/parasitology , Intestinal Diseases, Parasitic/veterinary , Brazil , Animals, Wild
Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. (Online) ; 54(3): 277-282, 2017. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-879465


Serum samples from 116 horses and 47 dogs from the municipality of Paulicéia, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, were examined for anti-Toxoplasma gondii, -Neospora spp. and -Sarcocystis neurona antibodies by means of the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT). The results showed that only one horse was seropositive for T. gondii (0.9%) and anti-Neospora spp. antibodies were detected in three out of the 116 horses tested (2.6%). However, 27 horses showed antibodies against S. neurona (23.8%). Amongst the serum samples from the dogs, 10 out of the 47 dogs showed antibodies against T. gondii (21.3%) and three dogs showed antibodies against Neospora caninum (6.4%). This study reports that in the municipality of Paulicéia dogs in both the rural and the urban area were exposed to T. gondii and N. caninum, while horses in the rural area were exposed to all three protozoa studied, with high occurrence of anti-S. neurona antibodies.(AU)

Amostras de soro de 116 equinos e 47 cães provenientes do município de Paulicéia, São Paulo, foram testadas para detecção de anticorpos anti-Toxoplasma gondii, -Neospora spp. e -Sarcocystis neurona por meio da reação de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI). Apenas um equino, entre 116 equinos testados, teve diagnóstico soropositivo para T. gondii (0,9%), e três deles (2,6%) apresentaram anticorpos anti-Neospora spp. Entretanto, 27 equinos apresentaram anticorpos anti-S. neurona (23,8%). Nas amostras de cães, dez dos 47 animais apresentaram anticorpos anti-T. gondii (21,3%) e três tiveram diagnóstico soropositivo para Neospora caninum (6,4%). Este estudo relata que no município de Paulicéia os cães das áreas urbana e rural foram expostos a T. gondii e N. caninum, enquanto os equinos da área rural foram expostos aos três protozoários estudados, com alta ocorrência de anticorpos anti- S. neurona.(AU)

Animals , Dogs , Horses , Neospora/immunology , Sarcocystis/immunology , Toxoplasma/immunology , Antigens, Protozoan , Brazil/epidemiology , Encephalomyelitis/diagnosis , Fluorescent Antibody Technique, Indirect/veterinary , Toxoplasmosis, Animal/epidemiology
Semina cienc. biol. saude ; 37(1): 25-32, jan.-jun. 2016. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-836594


O presente estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar a frequência de parasitas intestinais em escolares do ensino fundamental do município de São Marcos-RS, no período de março a outubro de 2015. Aplicou-se um questionário sobre conhecimentos e meios de transmissão de parasitoses e sobre condições de saneamento básico da cidade; e foram analisadas amostras de fezes, processadas por sedimentação espontânea, de estudantes da pré-escola a oitava série, de nove escolas da cidade. Dos 190 escolares que participaram do estudo, a predominância foi do sexo feminino (51,58%) e a idade média foi de 7,99±3,23 anos. Das amostras analisadas 5,79% eram positivas para parasitas, sendo 3,16% de cistos de Entamoeba coli, 1,58% Endolimax nana e 1,05% Giardia lamblia. Sobre os conhecimentos relacionado a parasitas, 73,16% relataram saber da existência dos parasitas e o que eles causam no indivíduo e 68,42%conhecem os meios de transmissão, porém 41,58% consideram insuficientes as informações disponíveis para a população. Referente às condições sanitárias as quais estão expostos, 94,21% consomem água potável e 64,74% afirmaram ter coleta e tratamento de esgoto. O presente estudo teve baixa frequência de parasitoses, isso pode ser explicado pelo conhecimento dos responsáveis, pelas condições sanitárias favoráveis, e pelo alto percentual (78,95%) de escolares que já fizeram uso de antiparasitários.

The present study assess the frequency of intestinal parasites in São Marcos city-RS elementary and middle school children, from March to October 2015. A questionnaire was applied to asses students’ knowledge on pathways for parasite transmission and on sanitation facilities in the city. Stool samples were collected from eighth-grade students of nine different schools and were analyzed/processed by spontaneous sedimentation. Of the 190 students who participated in the study, most were female(51.58%) and the mean age of the students was 7.99 ± 3.23 years. 5.79% of the samples were positive for parasites, being 3.16% of cysts of Entamoeba coli, 1.58% of Endolimax nana and 1.05% of Giardialamblia. As for the students’ knowledge on parasites, 73.16% reported knowing what parasites are and what damage they can cause, 68.42% are aware of the transmission pathways, however 41.58% consider there is insufficient information available to the public. Related to the health issues to which they are exposed, 94.21% reported consuming potable water and 64.74% reported having sewage collection and treatment. The present study has shown a low prevalence of parasitic infections, which could be explained by the knowledge of parents and guardians about topic, favorable sanitary conditions, and the high percentage (78.95%) of students who have already been treated with antiparasitic drugs.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Parasitic Diseases , Protozoan Infections , Sanitary Profiles , Students
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 68(2): 271-275, mar.-abr. 2016.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-779800


The aim of this study was to examine the intra-uterine exposure to Sarcocystis spp. antigens, determining the number of foals with detectable concentrations of antibodies against these agents in the serum, before colostrum ingestion and collect data about exposure of horses to the parasite. Serum samples were collected from 195 thoroughbred mares and their newborns in two farms from southern Brazil. Parasite specific antibody responses to Sarcocystis antigens were detected using the indirect immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and immunoblot analysis. In 84.1% (159/189) of the pregnant mares and in 7.4% (14/189) of foals we detected antibodies anti-Sarcocystis spp. by IFAT. All samples seropositive from foals were also positive in their respective mares. Serum samples of seropositive foals by IFAT, showed no reactivity on the immunoblot, having as antigens S. neurona merozoites. In conclusion, the intra-uterine exposure to Sarcocystis spp. antigens in horses was demonstrated, with occurrence not only in mares, but also in their foals, before colostrum ingestion these occurrences were reduced.

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a exposição intrauterina ao Sarcocystis spp., para determinar o número de potros que possuem concentrações detectáveis de anticorpos contra esses agentes no soro, antes da ingestão do colostro, por meio da coleta de dados sobre a exposição a esses protozoários nos equinos. Amostras de soro foram coletadas de 195 éguas puro-sangue e seus respectivos potros recém-nascidos, em duas fazendas localizadas na região Sul do Brasil. Os testes utilizados na detecção de anticorpos específicos para o Sarcocystis foram a reação de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI) e análise por meio de immunoblot. Pela RIFI, em 84,1% (159/189) das éguas e em 7,4% (14/189) dos potros foram detectados anticorpos anti-Sarcocystis spp. Todas as amostras soropositivas dos potros também foram positivas para suas respectivas mães. As amostras de soro dos potros soropositivos na RIFI, não apresentaram reatividade no immunoblot, tendo como antígenos merozoítos de S. neurona. Em conclusão, foi demonstrada a exposição intrauterina de Sarcocystis spp. em equinos, com ocorrência em éguas, porém, em seus respectivos potros, antes da ingestão de colostro a ocorrência foi reduzida.

Animals , Antibodies, Protozoan/analysis , Horses/parasitology , Prenatal Diagnosis/veterinary , Sarcocystis/pathogenicity , Encephalomyelitis/veterinary , Immunoblotting , Immunoblotting/veterinary , Maternal-Fetal Exchange , Seroepidemiologic Studies
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 67(5): 1465-1468, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1095988


Sarcocystis neurona is the primary agent for Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (EPM), important neurological disease characterized by behavior or muscular changes, that impairs animal performance and husbandry. Sarcocystis cruzi is a pathogen related to myositis in cattle. Although related the life cycles of the parasites are distinct. S. neurona has opossums (Didelphis spp.) and S. cruzi, dogs as definitive hosts. However, S. neurona and S. cruzi may undergo cross-reactivity in serological tests, interfering on results of EPM ante-mortem diagnostic tests. In the present study, serology of 189 mares was performed by indirect immunofluorescence antibody test, using antigens of S. neurona and S. cruzi in order to assess the exposure degree of animals to antigens. Analyzing the results, it was observed that most of the animals (84.13%) reacted with at least one protozoal species and the number of animals which showed antibodies against S. cruzi was greater than S. neurona (80.42% and 33.86%, respectively) and a third of seropositive animals reacted to antigens of both species.(AU)

Animals , Antibodies, Protozoan/analysis , Apicomplexa , Sarcocystis/isolation & purification , Sarcocystosis/veterinary , Sarcocystosis/epidemiology , Encephalomyelitis/veterinary , Horses
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 62(5): 1048-1053, out. 2010. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-570461


Relata-se o caso de uma égua de atividade de polo, que apresentou inicialmente claudicação leve no membro posterior esquerdo, a qual evoluiu para ataxia e atrofia da musculatura glútea do lado esquerdo, com diagnóstico de trombose aortoilíaca (TAI). A paciente foi tratada com suspeita de mieloencefalite protozoária equina, devido à semelhança dos sinais clínicos com essa doença, porém o líquido cefalorraquidiano apresentou-se negativo para anticorpos anti-Sarcocystis neurona. A palpação transretal indicou uma massa na bifurcação aortoilíaca esquerda. Na avaliação ultrassonográfica, visualizou-se imagem hiperecoica aderida ao endotélio vascular, sugerindo TAI atingindo a estenose de 70 por cento da luz arterial.

The case of a mare used for polo is reported. The animal showed clinical signs of soft lameness of the hindlimb, evolving to ataxia and gluteal muscle atrophy, with aorto-iliac thrombosis (AIT). The patient was treated with the suspect of equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM), due to the resemblance of clinical signs. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis was negative for antibodies against Sarcocystis neurona. The transrectal examination indicated a mass in the left aorto-iliac bifurcation. In the ultrasonographic evaluation, a hyperechoic image adhered to the vascular endothelium was observed, suggesting (AIT), occupying 70 percent of arterial lumen. The present article has the objective of pointing out the importance of the differential diagnosis between AIT and EPM in horses with ataxia in hindlimbs and muscular atrophy.

Animals , Female , Horses , Palpation/veterinary , Thrombosis/diagnosis , Diagnosis, Differential , Encephalomyelitis/diagnosis
Chinese Journal of Neurology ; (12): 44-48, 2008.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-401796


Objective To study the clinical and pathological manifestations of microsporidian encephalitis.Methods The clinical findings and the brain pathological features of a patient with microsporidian encephalitis hospitalized in 2004 were studied.Results The onset was subacute or chronic. The body temperature was usually normal or below 37.5℃,but it rose when patient's condition deteriorated and coma appeaxed.The patient had hypoimmunity but without human immunodeficiency virus infection. Multifocal lesions in the whole brain,signs of meningeal irritation and infective myelogram were observed. Rheumatoid factor increased in the early stage and indirect bilirubin,proteins in cerebrospinal fluid(CSF), and immunoglobulin IgG,IgA increased in the middle stage.Cytological examination of CSF showed lymphocyte reaction.Blood routine test showed normal eosinophil granulocyte count.The patient was found to have pleurisy,peritonitis and cystitis.Brain magnetic resonance image(MRI)manifested plaque-like isometric T1 weight image and long T2 weight image signal in white matter of bilateral cerebral hemisphere and cerebella where FLAIR sequence showed hyperintensity.No apparent mass was identified.Contrast- enhanced MRI scan showed patchy and ring-like intensification.The neural system impairments were permanent and not improved after treatment.The pathology of brain tissue showed neuronal degeneration, karyopycnosis and Derivasculitis.The infectious agents were observed in the cytoplasm of neurons.Wister rats had muhiple organ inflammatory reaction 2 weeks after intraperitoneal inoculation of the patient's CSF and a large quantity of pathogens were found in the peritoneal lavage fluid.Conclusions The patient was PAS staining method is useful for detecting the pathogen in neurons and the rate can be raised by animal intraperitoneal cultivation

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-44927


Parasitic disease is still important subject in the field of infectious diseases in Korea considering it's number and morbidity. Recently there was conspicuous reduction of parasitic disease in terms of soil-transmitted nematodiasis, but parasitism affecting organs other than intestinal tract is still a considerable problem. This survey covers the parasitic diseases cross-sectioned at a pathology laboratory of a referral hospital, trying to elucidate the significance of its relative frequency and also to describe some histopathological changes made by different parasites. Entire pathological materials of parasitic diseases, that were referred, examined and confirmed at the Department of Pathology, Seoul National University Hospital from 1968 to 1987, were used for the study. There was a total of 594 cases of tissue parasitic diseases. This number accounted for 0.33 per cent of total accessions of surgical pathology. There occurred average 30 cases of tissue parasitic disease each year at this Hospital. Protozoal diseases were constituted of 15 cases of amebiasis, 7 cases of leishmaniasis (imported) and 5 cases of Pneumocystis carinii infections. Among helminthic infections cysticercosis was the most common (425 cases), and was followed by paragonimiasis (35 cases), sparganosis (31 cases), clonorchiasis (32 cases) and ascariasis (16 cases). In addition there were 4 cases of anisakiasis, 2 cases of fascioliasis, 2 cases of echinococcosis (imported) and a case of strongyloidiasis and a case of metagonimiasis respectively. It is emphasized that imported parasitic diseases such as leishmaniasis and hydatid disease become steadily found nowadays. Schistosomiasis is another possible imported disease, but not found in this series. And certain cestodiasis particularly cysticercosis and sparganosis should be the subjects of epidemiologic re-evaluation in view of steady occurrence of their morbidity.

Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Cohort Studies , Helminthiasis/epidemiology , Korea/epidemiology , Parasitic Diseases/epidemiology , Protozoan Infections/epidemiology , Saudi Arabia , Travel