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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028018


The parallel chart records a HIV-positive patient,who initially declined treatment due to psychological reasons,however,with the support and care provided by both the medical team and his family members,he eventually accepted treatment actively and successfully reintegrated into society. The case indicates that healthcare professionals should not only treat the physical conditions of patients,but also give them the warm humanistic concern and care.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985375


  Objectives  In Sub-Saharan Africa, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) orphans account for a large proportion; however, their mental health problems have been overlooked. We presented an investigation of literature to provide a comprehensive overview of associated factors of mental health among AIDS orphans in Sub-Saharan Africa. Methods  Databases (PubMed and Japan Medical Abstracts Society) were searched by using relevant keywords including AIDS orphans, Sub-Saharan Africa, mental health, psychological support, education, and poverty. A total of nine papers met the inclusion criteria and were included in this literature review.Results  AIDS orphans were at high risk of various mental disorders relevant to low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. Associated factors of the mental health of AIDS orphans were classified into the following three categories: psycho-social-cultural factors such as social discrimination, abuse, and bullying etc.; physical environmental and economic factors such as education, lack of foster care, and poverty etc; and family and community relevant factors such as lack of connection and social support from family and school etc. Regarding psycho-social-cultural factors, AIDS orphans experienced more abuse, social discrimination, and social stigma, especially those who were living in poverty. AIDS orphans living in the urban experienced severe bullying. Regarding family and community factors, due to the loss of parents and changes in living environment, AIDS orphans who were living in households headed by children tend to experience depression, anxiety, fear, and stigma. The loss of a parent resulted in lower academic performance and limited access resources including inadequate mental health services, which consequently led to poor development and adverse health outcomes in AIDS orphans including poor psychosocial well-being. Regarding environmental and economic factors. Lack of care from caregivers and parental mental health were also shown to be related to child development and mental health in AIDS orphans. Regarding physical environmental and economic factors, limited available social support in the physical environment where AIDS orphans lived was associated with impaired development and mental health. Poverty led to AIDS orphans being affected by food shortage and malnutrition (e.g., stunting), child labor, as well as risky sexual behaviors towards female AIDS orphans. Better social support from caregivers and teachers had a positive impact on the mental health of AIDS orphans. With regard to education, AIDS orphans have a high school dropout rate, resulting in fewer school connections. School connections have been shown to be an important protective factor for AIDS orphans’ mental health. Conclusions  This review identified risk and protective factors of mental health among AIDS orphans in sub-Saharan Africa. Our results, especially the positive influence of social support, encourage the development of effective mental health care programs for AIDS orphans in sub-Saharan Africa. The results suggest looking at various problems that AIDS orphans are facing from multiple perspectives.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982058


Bronchial asthma is a heterogeneous disease characterized by chronic airway inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness. With the development of the whole-life-cycle health concept, the focus of treatment for bronchial asthma in children has gradually shifted from initial pharmacological control to an integrated management model of functional rehabilitation and pharmacological assistance. As a non-pharmacological integrated approach, pulmonary rehabilitation plays an equally important role in the management of childhood asthma as pharmacological treatment. Studies have shown that breathing techniques such as Buteyko breathing, pursed lip breathing, diaphragmatic breathing training, threshold-pressure inspiratory muscle training and yoga breathing can improve lung function indicators such as FEV1, FVC, PEF and MVV in children. The comprehensive pre-exercise assessment, the development of exercise prescriptions, and the implementation and evaluation of exercise effects can improve the physical fitness, neuromuscular coordination and self-confidence of children with asthma. The comprehensive interventions of health education, psychological support and nutritional intervention can improve the compliance and effectiveness of rehabilitation training. This article reviews the research progress on respiratory training, physical exercise and comprehensive interventions in the pulmonary rehabilitation of asthmatic children, to provide theoretical basis and practical guidance for the scientific and rational management of pulmonary rehabilitation of asthmatic children in clinical settings.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009913


Bronchial asthma is a heterogeneous disease characterized by chronic airway inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness. With the development of the whole-life-cycle health concept, the focus of treatment for bronchial asthma in children has gradually shifted from pharmacological control to an integrated management model of functional rehabilitation and pharmacological assistance. As a non-pharmacological integrated approach, pulmonary rehabilitation plays an equally important role in the management of childhood asthma as pharmacological treatments. Breathing techniques such as Buteyko breathing, pursed lip breathing, diaphragmatic breathing training, threshold-pressure inspiratory muscle training and yoga breathing can improve lung function indicators such as forced expiratory volume in first second (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC), peak expiratory flow (PEF) and maximal voluntary ventilation (MVV) in children. Comprehensive pre-exercise assessment, development of exercise prescriptions, and implementation and evaluation of exercise effects can improve physical fitness, neuromuscular coordination, and self-confidence of children with asthma. The comprehensive interventions of health education, psychological support and nutritional intervention can improve the compliance and effectiveness of rehabilitation training. This article reviews the research progress on respiratory training, physical exercise, and comprehensive interventions in the pulmonary rehabilitation of asthmatic children, to provide theoretical basis and practical guidance for the scientific and rational management of pulmonary rehabilitation of asthmatic children in clinical settings.

Child , Humans , Asthma/therapy , Medicine , Exercise , Inflammation
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-955014


Objective:To construct a psychological support training program for palliative care specialist nurses based on positive psychology theory and make a preliminary application.Methods:From August to September, 2020, 142 palliative nursing specialist nurses in Hunan Provincial Palliative Nursing Specialist Training Base were selected as the research objects. Based on positive psychology therapy, using literature review and analysis, semi-structured interviews, expert group meetings and other methods to construct the program, and the work stress, psychological resilience and subjective well-being scores of nurses before and after 8 weeks of psychological support training were compared.Results:The program included three dimensions: cognition, emotion and behavior. After the psychological support training for 8 weeks, the nursing staff′s work stress score 80.76 ± 20.43 was lower than that before the psychological support training 84.70 ± 19.88, the difference was statistically significant( t=6.59, P<0.05), and the psychological resilience score 64.40 ±14.26 was higher than that before the psychological support training 60.19 ±15.85, the difference was statistically significant ( t=-7.39, P<0.05), and the subjective well-being score 75.70 ± 7.70 was higher than that before the psychological support training 74.13 ± 5.98, the difference was statistically significant ( t=-3.52, P<0.05). Conclusions:The psychological support training program based on positive psychology theory can reduce the the work stress, improve psychological resilience and increase subjective well-being of palliative care specialist nurses.

Psicol. Educ. (Online) ; (53): 76-85, dez. 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1438077


Este artigo apresenta uma proposta metodológica de apoio psicológico no Ensino Superior, desenvolvida por meio de rodas de conversa presenciais e oficinas realizadas em ambiente virtual, voltadas a estudantes que apresentam algum grau de sofrimento que possa culminar em questões de saúde mental e a subsequente evasão nesse nível da educação no Brasil. Tem por objetivo descrever os procedimentos metodológicos e avaliar seus resultados, considerando a adesão, o tipo de participação nas diferentes etapas propostas e a avaliação de uma das participantes, em entrevista individual, presencial. Constatou-se que a fase presencial da pesquisa representou uma dificuldade aos estudantes que tinham interesse na participação, mas não aderiram à proposta. Na fase virtual, fica evidenciado que escrever, para alguns estudantes, pode representar uma maneira possível para que sentimentos e pensamentos sejam expressos de modo intenso, também promovendo a troca entre participantes e o consequente ganho coletivo. (AU)

This paper presents a methodological proposal for psychological support in Higher Education, developed through face-to-face conversation circles and workshops held in a virtual environment, aimed at students who present some degree of suffering that may culminate in mental health issues and the subsequent evasion in this level of education in Brazil context. This research aims to describe the methodological procedures and evaluate their results, considering the adherence, the type of participation in the different stages proposed and the evaluation of one of the participants, in individual, face-to-face interviews. It was found that the presential phase of the research represented a difficulty for students who were interested in participating but did not adhere to the proposal. In the virtual phase, it is evident that writing, for some students, may represent a possible way for feelings and thoughts to be expressed intensely, also promoting the exchange between participants and the consequent collective benefit or growth.(AU)

Este artículo presenta una propuesta metodológica para el apoyo psicológico en la educación superior, desarrollada a través de círculos de conversación cara a cara y talleres realizados en ambiente virtual, dirigida a estudiantes que tienen un cierto grado de sufrimiento que puede culminar en problemas de salud mental y deserción en este contexto de nivel educativo en el contexto brasileño. El objetivo de esta investigación es describir los procedimientos metodológicos y evaluar sus resultados, considerando la adherencia, el tipo de participación en las diferentes etapas propuestas y la evaluación de una de las participantes en entrevista individual cara a cara. Se encontró que la fase presencial de la investigación representó una dificultad para los estudiantes que aún interesados en participar, no han adherido a la propuesta. En la fase virtual, es evidente que la escritura, para algunos estudiantes, puede representar una posible forma de expresar con intensidad sentimientos y pensamientos, promoviendo también el intercambio entre los participantes y la consecuente obtención de logros colectivos. (AU)

Humans , Female , Young Adult , Students/psychology , Universities , Distance Counseling/methods , Telemedicine , Psychological Distress
Psicol. clín ; 33(3): 537-556, set.-dez. 2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1356611


A partir do modelo social, considera-se a deficiência um fenômeno interacional, emergente na relação entre o indivíduo e o seu meio. Assume-se a saúde mental como um direito humano, sendo dever do Estado e da comunidade os esforços para inclusão de todos os cidadãos. A pesquisa almejou verificar se a Psicologia tem se debruçado sobre a inclusão da pessoa surda, se há registros acadêmicos de atendimento em língua brasileira de sinais (Libras) e se a fluência dos psicólogos é suficiente para realizá-lo. A metodologia baseou-se numa revisão sistemática da literatura científica e numa análise bibliométrica e qualitativa dos dados. A partir dos resultados, é possível enxergar um crescente movimento de atendimento psicológico a pessoas surdas com uso da Libras desde 2015. Entretanto, considera-se necessária uma maior proximidade dos profissionais da psicologia clínica com a Libras e a cultura surda.

From the social model, disability is considered an interactional phenomenon, emerging in the relationship between the individual and his environment. Mental health is assumed to be a human right, and it is the duty of the state and the community to endeavor to include all citizens. The research aimed to verify if Psychology has been focusing on the inclusion of the Deaf, if there are academic records of attendance in Brazilian sign language (Libras) and if the fluency of the psychologists is sufficient to carry it out. The methodology was based on a systematic review of the scientific literature, and on a bibliometric and qualitative analysis of the data. Based on the results, it is possible to see a growing movement for psychological assistance to deaf people using Libras since 2015. However, it is considered necessary to bring professionals from clinical psychology closer to Libras and deaf culture.

Desde el modelo social, la discapacidad se considera un fenómeno de interacción, emergiendo en la relación entre el individuo y su entorno. Se asume que la salud mental es un derecho humano y es deber del Estado y de la comunidad esforzarse por incluir a todos los ciudadanos. La investigación tuvo como objetivo verificar si la Psicología se ha centrado en la inclusión de la persona sorda, si existen registros académicos de asistencia en lengua de signos brasileña (Libras) y si la fluidez de los psicólogos es suficiente para llevarla a cabo. La metodología se basó en una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica y en un análisis bibliométrico y cualitativo de los datos. Con base en los resultados, es posible ver un movimiento creciente de asistencia psicológica a las personas sordas que usan Libras desde 2015. Sin embargo, se considera necesario acercar a los profesionales de la psicología clínica a Libras y la cultura sorda.

Psicol. Educ. (Online) ; (52): 64-73, jan.-jun. 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1340392


Diante da internacionalização do ensino superior e, consequentemente, dos desafios de adaptação cultural e acadêmica que os imigrantes universitários tendem a enfrentar ao adentrar em uma universidade estrangeira, este estudo buscou investigar as principais demandas e o perfil dos imigrantes que buscaram o serviço de psicologia de uma universidade brasileira com vocação internacional. Para tal investigação foi utilizada uma análise documental referente aos atendimentos individuais realizados nos anos de 2016 e 2017. Em termos de conclusão, destacou-se a relação entre a distância cultural, o gênero e o perfil dos cursos em que os imigrantes estavam matriculados com a busca de atendimento psicológico e as demandas de saúde mental e educacionais.

Given the internationalization of higher education and, consequently, the challenges of cultural and academic adaptation that university immigrants tend to face when entering a foreign university, this study sought to investigate the main demands and the profile of immigrants who looked for sought the service of psychology. from a Brazilian university with an international vocation. For this investigation a documentary analysis was used referring to the individual attendances carried out in the years 2016 and 2017. In terms of conclusion, it stood out the relationship between the cultural distance, the gender and the profile of the courses in which the immigrants were enrolled with the search for psychological care and the demands of mental and educational health.

Dada la internacionalización de la educación superior y, en consecuencia, los desafíos de adaptación cultural y académica que los inmigrantes universitarios tienden a enfrentar al ingresar a una universidad extranjera, este estudio buscó investigar las principales demandas y el perfil de los inmigrantes que buscaban el servicio de psicología de una universidad brasileña con vocación internacional. Para esta investigación se utilizó un análisis documental referido a las asistencias individuales realizadas en los años 2016 y 2017. En términos de conclusión, se destacó la relación entre la distancia cultural, el género y el perfil de los cursos en que los inmigrantes se inscribieron en relación con la búsqueda de atención psicológica y las demandas de salud mental y educativa.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Students/psychology , Universities , Mental Health , Emigrants and Immigrants/psychology , Brazil , Adaptation, Psychological , Cultural Diffusion , Mental Health Services
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-934873


@#Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. We aim to evaluate to the difference between depression anxiety, hopelessness levels and to show the importance of psychiatric treatment and psychological support and the difference between the quality of life of patients with breast cancer. Method: Fifty patients who signed the consent form were included in the study group. A sociodemographic data form was given to the patient and control groups during the first interview. Beck Anxiety Scale, Beck Depression Scale, World Health Organization Quality Of Life-Short Form Turkish Version (WHOQOL-BREF-TR), and Beck Hopelessness Scale were applied to the patient and control groups at the end of the first interview. Psychosocial support was provided at the 2nd and 3rd interviews, and the scales were re-applied at the end of the 6th month and the difference was evaluated. Results: In the case group, Wool Brief physical area, mental area, and environmental area score are increased (p>0.05) and Whool Brief social area score did not differ significantly (p>0.05) and the rate of being anxious at the 6th month after treatment declined significantly (p>0.05) the rate of dissatisfaction with the body, at the 6th month after the treatment, showed a substantial decrease (p>0.05) compared to the pre-treatment. Discussion and conclusion: Our study showed the close association between psychiatric treatment and severity of quality of life and hopelessness. The only goal in cancer treatment is not to eliminate the disease, but to increase the quality of life by reducing post-treatment morbidity.

Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 41: e219706, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1340417


Resumo Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo geral compreender experiências de escuta clínica nas modalidades de triagem e plantão psicológico entre estudantes lotados em um serviço-escola de Pernambuco. Os objetivos específicos foram descrever sentidos dessas experiências, investigar como eles percebiam a formação recebida para ofertarem esses serviços, como também identificar dificuldades enfrentadas nos processos e estratégias utilizadas para dirimi-las. Utilizou-se o método da hermenêutica colaborativa, e 18 colaboradores, subdivididos em quatro grupos de discussão, responderam a uma entrevista aberta com pergunta disparadora. Os resultados foram analisados em uma perspectiva fenomenológica, revelando que os estudantes enfrentavam dificuldades como desarticulação entre teoria e prática, manejo do tempo, angústia e insegurança inicial, além de falta de suporte estrutural recebido pelo serviço-escola para ofertar tais serviços. No entanto era possível a eles desenvolver a escuta, deixando-a fluir na condução dos processos em direção às demandas dos clientes. Diante de estratégias como capacitação ofertada pelo serviço-escola, suporte emocional recebido pelas equipes de supervisão e seus próprios processos pessoais, conseguiam enfrentar as dificuldades encontradas durante a formação, sentindo-se, apesar de tudo, valorizados e reconhecidos pelo serviço prestado. Concluiu-se, principalmente, a importância de inserir estudantes em serviços-escola em práticas anteriormente ao estágio obrigatório e em diversas modalidades de porta de entrada, desde que tais estratégias estejam integradas ao projeto pedagógico do curso, cabendo à instituição oferecer uma formação que, efetivamente, articule teoria e prática nas experiências cotidianas do estudante no processo de vivenciar e aprimorar sua escuta clínica ao tornar-se psicólogo.(AU)

Abstract This research aims to understand experiences of clinical listening in the modalities of screening and psychological support among students at a school clinic in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. With that, the study sought to describe the feelings arising from these experiences, investigating how students perceived the adequacy of the academic education to offer these services and identifying hardships faced in the processes, as well as strategies adopted for solving them. Using the collaborative hermeneutics method, 18 collaborators were subdivided into four discussion groups and submitted to an open interview with a triggering question. The results wereanalyzedin a phenomenologicalperspective, revealing that students experienced difficulties regarding disarticulation between theory and practice, time management, anguish, insecurity, and lack of structural support received from the school to offer such services. Despite these factors, the students managed to develop clinical listening skills, letting it flow according to patients' demands. The training offered by the school service, the emotional support received by supervisory teams, and their own personal processes enabled students to face the problems encountered during their formation, feeling valued and recognized for the service provided. The results denote the importance of promoting practices of clinical listening among students at school clinics before they attend the mandatory internship, provided that such strategies are integrated to the pedagogical project. Thus, the institution must offer a formation that effectively integrate theory and practice, improving students' process of clinical listening.(AU)

Resumen Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo general comprender experiencias de escucha clínica en las modalidades de clasificación y turno psicológico entre estudiantes de un servicio escolar en Pernambuco. Los objetivos específicos fueron desde exponer el sentido de estas experiencias, investigar cómo percibían la formación para ofrecer esos servicios, así como identificar las dificultades encontradas y estrategias para solucionarlas. Utilizándose el método de la hermenéutica colaborativa y 18 colaboradores, subdivididos en cuatro grupos de discusión, contestaron a una entrevista abierta con una pregunta desencadenante. Se analizaron los resultados de una perspectiva fenomenológica, revelando que enfrentaron dificultades como desarticulación entre teoría y práctica, manejo del tiempo, angustia e inseguridad inicial, además de la falta de soporte estructural recibido por la escuela. Sin embargo, les fue posible desarrollar la escucha, dejándola fluir en los procesos clínicos según la demanda del cliente. Se utilizó estrategias como capacitación ofrecida por la escuela, soporte emocional por la supervisión y sus procesos personales propios, lograron enfrentar las dificultades encontradas durante la formación; sintiéndose, a pesar de todo, valorados y reconocidos por el servicio realizado. Se concluyó, principalmente, en la importancia de añadir a los estudiantes en los servicios escolares con prácticas anteriores a las obligatorias y en varias modalidades de integración, siempre que esas estrategias se incorporen en el proyecto pedagógico del curso, correspondiendo a la institución ofrecer una formación que articule efectivamente la teoría y práctica en las experiencias diarias del alumno en el proceso de experimentar y mejorar su escucha clínica al convertirse en psicólogo.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Practice, Psychological , Psychology , Research , Triage , Medical Care , After-Hours Care , Anxiety , Primary Health Care , Students , Time , Training Support , Time Management , Emotions , Psychosocial Intervention , Hospitals, Teaching
Estud. psicol. (Natal) ; 25(3): 358-366, jul.-set. 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1339896


The emergence of international public health resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic generates many repercussions that provoke and amplify psychological suffering, increasing the demand for psychological attention. Given the developing situation, this research aimed to analyze the psychological aspects related to the pandemic through the demands met in the project "Emergency Psychological Support Online", implemented by a federal university. This research was carried out with 230 users, whose data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics and Thematic Content Analysis. The results showed the sociodemographic profile of the users attended, showing aspects of the pre-existing psychosocial vulnerability to the pandemic, and are the main complaints/symptoms: (1) anxiety and stress, (2) emotional complaints, (3) problems associated with routine, and (4) economic impacts. The psychological attention offered in this scenario assumes an important role considering psychological demands, configuring a possible break with the limitations of access to clinical care during the pandemic.

A emergência de saúde pública internacional decorrente da pandemia por COVID-19 gerou inúmeras repercussões que provocaram e ampliaram o sofrimento psíquico, aumentando significativamente a demanda por atenção psicológica. Diante disso, esta pesquisa objetivou analisar os aspectos psicológicos relacionados à pandemia através das demandas atendidas no projeto "Atendimento Psicológico Emergencial online", implementado por uma universidade federal. A pesquisa foi realizada com 230 usuários, cuja análise de dados ocorreu por estatísticas descritivas e Análise de Conteúdo Temática. Os resultados apontaram o perfil sociodemográfico dos usuários atendidos, denotando aspectos da vulnerabilidade psicossocial preexistente à pandemia, e figuram como principais queixas/sintomas: (1) ansiedade e estresse, (2) queixas emocionais, (3) problemas associados à rotina, e (4) impactos econômicos. A atenção psicológica ofertada na modalidade online, diante do cenário de crise, assume importante protagonismo no enfrentamento às demandas psicológicas, configurando uma via de possível rompimento com as limitações de acesso ao atendimento clínico durante a pandemia.

La emergencia en la salud pública internacional en función de la pandemia del COVID-19 generó innumerables repercusiones que provocaron y ampliaron el sufrimiento psíquico, aumentando significativamente la demanda de atención psicológica. Frente a eso, la investigación tuvo el objetivo de analizar los aspectos psicológicos relacionados a la pandemia a través de las demandas del "Proyecto de Atención Psicológica de Emergencia en línea", implementado por una universidad federal de Brasil. La investigación fue realizada con 230 usuarios y el análisis de los datos se realizó a través de la estadística descriptiva y el análisis de contenido temático. Los resultados apuntaron el perfil sociodemográfico de los usuarios atendidos, denotando aspectos de la vulnerabilidad psicosocial preexistente a la pandemia y figuran como principales quejas/síntomas: (1) ansiedad y estrés, (2) quejas emocionales, (3) problemas asociados a la rutina e (4) impactos económicos. La atención psicológica ofrecida en la modalidad en línea, frente al escenario de crisis, asume importante protagonismo en el enfrentamiento a las demandas psicológicas, configurando una vía de posible rompimiento con las limitaciones de acceso a la atención clínica durante la pandemia .

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Universities , Mental Health , Remote Consultation , Psychological Distress , COVID-19/psychology , Brazil , Surveys and Questionnaires
Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 26(2): 203-220, abr.-jun. 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1137394


ABSTRACT: The 25th anniversary of the Salamanca Statement is a good opportunity to summarize to what extent the challenges described in it have been implemented by the signatory countries, all of which are members of UNESCO. This article presents a balance of achievements in implementing inclusive education in Poland, as well as a catalog of challenges for the future. Although the commitments to provide inclusive education for children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) arise from the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006), which have both been ratified by Poland, systematic work on the implementation began only in 2010. The key measure was the Regulation of the Ministry of National Education on the principles of planning and organization of psychological and pedagogical support for pupils with SEN. Currently, in cooperation with the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education intensive work is underway to create a coherent system for recognizing the needs and possibilities of children and adolescents based on the functional diagnosis model. Therefore, this article presents the assumptions of this model with reference to the implemented or planned changes to the educational law.

RESUMO: O 25º aniversário da Declaração de Salamanca é uma boa oportunidade para resumir até que ponto os desafios descritos nela foram implementados pelos países signatários, todos membros da UNESCO. Este artigo apresenta um balanço de realizações na implementação da educação inclusiva na Polônia, bem como um catálogo de desafios para o futuro. Embora os compromissos de oferecer educação inclusiva para crianças e jovens com necessidades educacionais especiais (NEE) surjam da Convenção dos Direitos da Criança das Nações Unidas (1989) e da Convenção dos Direitos das Pessoas com Deficiência (2006), os quais foram ratificados pela Polônia, o trabalho sistemático sobre a implementação começou apenas em 2010. A medida chave foi o Regulamento do Ministério da Educação Nacional sobre os princípios de planejamento e organização do apoio psicológico e pedagógico para alunos com NEE. Atualmente, em cooperação com a Agência Europeia para Necessidades Especiais e Educação Inclusiva, está em andamento um intenso trabalho para criar um sistema coerente de reconhecimento das necessidades e possibilidades de crianças e adolescentes com base no modelo de diagnóstico funcional. Portanto, este artigo apresenta as premissas desse modelo com referência às mudanças implementadas ou planejadas na lei educacional.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-811686


The death of a family member died with the novel coronavirus pneumonia is a special traumatic stress to the other family members and they will bear unbelievable distress and dramatic sorrow. The grief responses can be divided into normal grief responses and abnormal grief responses. The latter are much stronger, more severe, last longer and the responses can be delayed or inhibited or distorted. The management of abnormal grief responses includes counseling, supportive group, psychotherapy and medications.

Pesqui. prát. psicossociais ; 11(1): 86-99, jun. 2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-791738


Este artigo apresenta a experiência e consequente reflexão das autoras acerca do projeto de extensão denominado "GAPsi - grupos de apoio psicológico" que visa cuidar dos alunos do curso de Psicologia do Instituto de Psicologia/UERJ. Toma como proposição que o cuidado se faz na prática, se faz com e não sobre o outro, em pequenas práticas cotidianas, nas conexões que fazemos, no estabelecimento de parcerias, se faz numa ética do cuidado. O projeto se desenvolve através de "oficinas de cuidado", tendo como premissa que o cuidado se constitui como ação paradigmática dos cursos de Psicologia. As oficinas são baseadas no dispositivo de trabalho grupal da Abordagem Gestáltica e da Terapia Comunitária Integrativa e apoiam-se na prática de fazerCOM, inspirada na orientação metodológica do Laboratório pesquisarCOM/UFF. Dessa forma, o GAPsi caracteriza-se como um trabalho de prevenção e valorização da vida nas ações cotidianas, buscando beneficiar toda a comunidade nele envolvida.

This article presents the experience and consequent reflections of the author about an extension project called "GAPsi -Groups of Psychological /Support" which aims /the/ care of the students from the psychology course of Psychology Institute/UERJ. The project supports that care is done in practice, it is do new it hand not about the other, in every day little practices, in the connections we make, in the establishment of partner ships, it is done by an ethics of care. The project develops through "care workshops", assuming that care is a paradigmatic /action of psychology courses. The workshops are based on work group devices based on the Gestaltic Approach and on the Integrative Community Therapy and is supported in the practice of do WITH, inspired by the methodological guidance of the Laboratory research WITH/FF. This way, the GAP is characterizes itself as a preventive work and valorization of life in daily actions, trying to benefit all community involved.

Este artículo presenta la experiencia y consecuente reflexión de las autoras acerca del proyecto de extensión denominado "GAPsi - grupos de apoyo psicológico" propuesto a cuidar de los alumnos de La carrera de Psicología del Instituto de Psicología/UERJ. Se toma como proposición que el cuidado se realice em la práctica, com y no sobre el otro, a través de las pequenas prácticas cotidianas, em las conexiones que hacemos, em el establecimiento de colaboraciones, se haceen una ética del cuidado. El proyecto se desarrolla a través de "talleres de cuidado", teniendo como premisa que el cuidado se constituye como una acción paradigmática para los cursos de Psicología.Los talleres basan el trabajo de grupo en el dispositivo de la Abordaje Gestáltico y Terapia Comunitaria Integrativa con apoyo en la práctica del hacerCON, inspirado en la orientación metodológica del Laboratorio pesquisarCOM / UFF. De esta forma, el GAPsi se caracteriza como um trabajo de prevención y valorización de las vidas em las acciones cotidianas, buscando beneficiar toda la comunidad involucrada em él.

Self-Help Groups , Empathy , Psychology , Community-Institutional Relations , User Embracement
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-115653


OBJECTIVES: The management of disaster should be immediate and sustainable. Further, it is hard to predict where the disaster will occur, using pre-exists governmental and non-governmental organizations are important. In this study, we tried to investigate the associated activities of organizations performed in Ansan city, in Sewol ferry accident. METHODS: A total 121 workers in 25 organizations were surveyd about organizations which they worked with, kind of works performed, frequency of meetings, satisfaction in activities and factors associated with dissatisfaction in usual state and in Sewol ferry accident state, respectively. The differences between those two situations were analyzed using paired t-test for continuous variables and Chi-square test or McNemar test for categorical variables. RESULTS: The total number of linkage of institutions were decreased(from n=397 to n=251) and the mean scores of rating satisfaction were significantly lower in most of organizations in disaster state. The rigid policy in performance evaluation was more likely associated with dissatisfaction in disaster state than usual state(p=0.045). CONCLUSIONS: For effective linkage of institutions, preparedness, such as understanding the capability of organizations in the communities and developing the protocol for associated activities, is important. The unnecessary and effortful performance evaluation should be sublated.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-166753


The gynecological cancer is the fourth in rate of occurrence in women and its treatment has a significant impact on their quality of life. The aim of the present study was to review the literature related to the impact of cancer on the quality of women’ life, the psychosocial adjustment of women and the possible ways of psychological support. A search was conducted using the CINAHL, Medline, Google, and PubMed. The quality of life of women facing gynecological cancer is significantly affected. Various changes in the everyday life of the patients are observed as well as psychological exhaustion, which often occurs with depressive symptoms including fear and strong anxiety leading sometimes to panic. Sexual disorders also occur, and support should be immediately provided, prior to the announcement of the bad news from a health care professional. The supportive psychotherapy group contributes to the full understanding of the different aspects of the problem. It is also important for the patient to realize that she is not alone in coping with this difficult problem. The use of specific cognitive and behavioural methods can change her way of thinking and coping with her problem by using the most efficient ways. The diagnosis of gynecological cancer can, in many cases, cause severe anxiety and depression. The role of the nurse is important in psychological support and generally in dealing with problems arising from its treatment.

Psicol. argum ; 32(supl. 2): 57-64, out.-dez.2014.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-767380


O presente artigo tem como objetivo discorrer sobre o silêncio como mais uma possibilidade de comunicação no atendimento psicológico hospitalar, a partir de um estudo teórico acercado tema. Esse atendimento pode possibilitar a compreensão e elaboração de questões relativas aos processos de adoecimento, tratamento, internação, morte, perdas e ganhos, entre outros assuntos que permeiam tanto a hospitalização quanto o contexto social e familiar do paciente. Esses conteúdos, muitas vezes imbuídos de emoções e sentimentos, podem ser transmitidos através da expressão verbal e/ou não-verbal. O silêncio, enquanto uma modalidade não-verbal,é ao mesmo tempo um ato comunicador e possível de ser utilizado tanto pelo paciente quanto pelo psicólogo. Sendo assim, são diversas as mensagens que o silêncio pode apresentar, desde um recurso defensivo, resistência, limitação, como também um momento reflexivo, de construção de sentido, elaboração e insight. Torna-se, então, necessária uma escuta atenta e sensível, sendo relevante conhecer, compreender e estar aberto a essas possibilidades.

This article aims to discuss the silence as another possibility of communication in the psychologicalcare hospital, based on a theoretical study on this subject. This service can enable the development and understanding of issues relating to the disease process, treatment, hospitalization, death, loss and gain, among other topics that pervade both the hospital and the social context of the patient and family. Such content often imbued with emotions and feelings can be transmitted through verbal and / or nonverbal expression. The silence as a nonverbal modality , either act and communicator, can be used by both the patient and the psychologist. Thus, there are several messages that it may provide, such as a defensive action, resistance, limitation, or a reflective momentof meaning construction, preparation and insight. It is necessary, consequently, an attentive and sensitive listening, as well as to know, to understand and to be open to these possibilities.

Humans , Primary Health Care , Communication , Nonverbal Communication/psychology , Hospitalization , Psychotherapy , Psychology
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 18(3): 611-620, Mar. 2013.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-669687


Este artigo apresenta a visão dos policiais civis e militares do Rio de Janeiro sobre o tema de valorização humana e profissional. A partir da teoria sociológica sobre papéis sociais e de propostas de administração de recursos humanos, o texto tem como parâmetro de análise cinco indicadores qualitativos de valorização: dignidade, realização, reconhecimento, segurança e perspectiva promissora. Do ponto de vista metodológico, o estudo constitui uma análise contextualizada de textos escritos por esses agentes, ao final de um questionário fechado sobre condições de trabalho, de saúde e de vida, realizados numa série de estudos que se iniciaram em 2003 e que vieram a ser material para dois livros sobre as categorias. Os depoimentos foram trabalhados a partir das relevâncias dadas por seus próprios autores, tendo como parâmetro os cinco indicadores citados. Os resultados do estudo mostram que as duas categorias têm sérios problemas de valorização profissional, principalmente quanto aos salários, às condições habitacionais, ao acesso a serviços de saúde e ao apoio institucional e psicológico.

This paper presents the viewpoint of civil and military police officers of the State of Rio de Janeiro on the issue of professional and human self-image. It adopts five qualitative indicators as parameter of analysis, namely dignity, achievement, recognition, security and promising prospects, drawn from the sociological theory of social roles and proposals for human resource management. From the methodological standpoint, the study provides a contextual analysis of texts written by these agents at the end of a closed questionnaire on work, health and life conditions, conducted in a series of studies that began in 2003 and provided material for two books about these categories. The analysis considered the relevance given by the authors themselves when they describe their situation, using the five indicators mentioned as parameters. The results of this study show that the two categories have serious problems with professional self-image, especially with regard to wages, housing conditions, access to health services and to institutional and psychological support.

Humans , Police , Self Concept , Brazil , Job Satisfaction , Occupational Health , Safety
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-726725


With an increase in the instances of obesity, the cases of type 2 diabetes, which is caused by obesity, have also increased significantly. Because of this, the number of obesity metabolic operations performed on diabetes patients with obesity is also accumulating, and there has been no concern for implementing approaches to psychological support for these patients. Negative psychologies include anxiety, depression, passive attitude, stress, fear and impulse control disorder, which continuously influence the patient in a vicious circle of recurrence of obesity and diabetes, even after the obesity metabolic operation was attempted. Therefore, for the success of the obesity metabolic operation and the continuation of self-management of obesity and diabetes post-operation, psychological support is very important. Post-operative psychological support approaches include a respiration method, autogenic training, self-expression training, a stress reduction program, thought-change training and communication skills.

Humans , Anxiety , Autogenic Training , Depression , Obesity , Recurrence , Respiration , Self Care
Estud. psicol. (Campinas) ; 29(2): 271-284, abr.-jun. 2012. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-640234


Este trabalho tem por objetivo identificar, entre artigos publicados em periódicos indexados pelo PubMed/MedLine, informações sobre as principais modalidades e efeitos de intervenção psicossocial em procedimentos pré e pós-operatórios com pacientes adultos, bem como, apontar algumas lacunas na produção científica acerca do tema. Foram selecionados 32 artigos, sendo oito teórico-conceituais e 24 empíricos, dos quais um era estudo de caso, nove se referiam à avaliação específica de efeitos de preparação psicológica e 14 tratavam de temas associados ao contexto de preparação psicológica e cuidados cirúrgicos. As intervenções psicológicas foram divididas em oito categorias, baseadas em características funcionais das respectivas intervenções. Verificou-se uma deficiência de estudos na área de atuação específica da Psicologia, sendo os profissionais de enfermagem e medicina os que mais produziram estudos sobre o tema. Constatou-se, também, a ausência de protocolos sistematizados de intervenção psicológica relacionados a procedimentos cirúrgicos.

This paper aims to identify information on the main types and effects of psychosocial intervention in pre- and post-operative adult patients in articles published in journals indexed by PubMed/MedLine. It also highlights gaps in scientific literature on the subject. We selected 32 articles: eight theoretical and 24 empirical. One of these was a case study; nine referred to the evaluation of the effects of psychological preparation; and 14 dealt with issues related to the context of psychological preparation and surgical care. Psychological interventions were divided into eight general categories, based on functional characteristics. We discovered an absence of research in the field of psychology on the subject, with the nursing and medical professions providing more material for study. We also noted an absence of systematised psychological intervention protocols related to surgical procedures.

General Surgery , Patients , Surgical Procedures, Operative