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Chinese Journal of Dermatology ; (12): 123-126, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028909


Rosacea is a psychosomatic disorder characterized by a distinct neurobiological etiology. It is prone to be comorbid with many neuropsychiatric conditions, and imposes a significant psychosocial burden. This article discusses the psychosomatic attributes of rosacea from neurological, psychiatric, social, and psychological perspectives, aiming to enhance dermatologists′ understanding of its psychosomatic nature.

Psico USF ; 29: e265881, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1564930


Resumo A estrutura original da Escala de Satisfação no Trabalho (EST) é constituída por cinco fatores de primeira ordem (Modelo 1), correspondendo ao nível específico do construto satisfação no trabalho (ST). Contudo, estudos sugeriram duas outras estruturas, com um ou dois fatores de segunda ordem, respectivamente, nível geral (Modelo 3) e nível intermediário (Modelo 2). Este estudo testou esses três modelos estruturais para a EST, a fim de verificar qual deles apresentaria melhor ajuste. Foram analisados os dados de 200 trabalhadores que responderam à versão reduzida da EST, por meio de análise fatorial confirmatória e teste da diferença do qui-quadrado. Nos resultados, encontrou-se bom ajuste para os três modelos. Entretanto, o melhor ajuste foi para o Modelo 2, seguido dos Modelos 1 e 3. Concluiu-se que a EST pode ser utilizada para mensuração dos três níveis do constructo ST.

Abstract The original structure of the Scale of Job Satisfaction (SJS) consists of five first-order factors (Model 1), corresponding to the specific level of the job satisfaction (JS) construct. However, studies suggested two other structures, each with one or two second-order factors, representing the overall level (Model 3) and the intermediate level (Model 2) respectively. This study aimed to test these three structural models for the SJS to determine which one provided the best fit. Data from 200 workers who completed the short version of the SJS were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis and a chi-squared difference test. The results indicated a good fit for all three models. However, Model 2 showed the best fit, followed by Models 1 and 3. It was concluded that the SJS can be used to measure the three levels of the JS construct.

Resumen La estructura original de la Escala de Satisfacción Laboral (ESL) consta de cinco factores de primer orden (Modelo 1), los cuales corresponden al nivel específico del constructo satisfacción laboral (SL). Sin embargo, estudios han sugerido otras dos estructuras, con uno o dos factores de segundo orden, respectivamente correspondientes al nivel general (Modelo 3) y nivel intermedio (Modelo 2). Este estudio probó estos tres modelos estructurales para la ESL, con el fin de verificar cuál presentaría el mejor ajuste. Se analizaron los datos de 200 trabajadores que respondieron a la versión reducida de la ESL, mediante un análisis factorial confirmatorio y la prueba de diferencia de chi-cuadrado. En los resultados, se encontró un buen ajuste para los tres modelos. No obstante, se observó que el Modelo 2 mostró el mejor ajuste, seguido por los Modelos 1 y 3. Se concluyó que la ESL se puede utilizar para medir los tres niveles del constructo SL.

Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536591


Introduction: Scientific evidence from the United States and European countries shows that women who have had an induced abortion are not more likely to become depressed and several factors may confound this outcome. In contrast, in the case of Latin America, there are practically no studies in this regard due to restrictive legislation prevailing in the region. This paper aims to determine the prevalence of a probable major depressive episode (PMDE) in women who have legally terminated a pregnancy by way of public service in Mexico City and whether there are any psychosocial factors reported by the international literature associated with this outcome. Method: In a cross-sectional study, 274 women aged 15 years or older were interviewed two weeks after undergoing a medical abortion between November 2018 and November 2019. The Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale 35-item version (CES-D-R35) was used to measure the PMDE in a structured interview. Results: The prevalence of a PMDE was 15.8%. Multivariate logistic regression was used for adjusted analysis. Perceived abortion stigma ( OR = 6.74, 95% CI = 3.29-13.82), child sexual abuse (OR = 2.23, 95% CI = 1.01-4.93), and previous childless pregnancies (OR = 6.07, 95% CI = 1.52-24.21) were associated with PMDE. Conclusions: The prevalence of PMDE is similar to or lower than that reported in studies with women who continued a pregnancy; post-abortion counseling and clinical considerations should include the impact that stigma and gender-based violence have on women's mental health.

Introducción: Evidencia científica proveniente de los Estados Unidos y los países europeos indica que las mujeres que han tenido un aborto inducido no tienen más probabilidades de deprimirse y que hay varios factores que pueden intervenir para confundir este resultado. En el caso de América Latina, prácticamente no existen estudios al respecto debido a las legislaciones restrictivas imperantes. El objetivo de este artículo es determinar la prevalencia de un probable episodio depresivo mayor (PEDM) en mujeres que interrumpieron legalmente un embarazo en un servicio público en la Ciudad de México, y si hay algunos factores psicosociales reportados por la literatura internacional asociados con el resultado. Método: En un estudio transversal, se entrevistó a 274 mujeres de 15 años o más dos semanas después de someterse a un aborto médico entre noviembre del 2018 y noviembre del 2019. Se utilizó la versión de 35 reactivos de la Escala de Depresión del Centro para Estudios Epidemiológicos (CES-D-R35) para medir el PEDM en una entrevista estructurada. Resultados: La prevalencia de PEDM fue de 15,8 %. Se utilizó una regresión logística multivariada para el análisis ajustado. El estigma percibido por el aborto (OR = 6.74, IC 95 % = 3.29-13.82), el abuso sexual infantil (OR = 2.23, IC 95 % = 1.01-4.93) y los embarazos previos sin hijos (OR = 6.07, IC 95 % = 1.52-24.21) se asociaron con un PMDE. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de PEDM es similar o menor que la reportada en estudios con mujeres que continuaron un embarazo; el asesoramiento posaborto y las consideraciones clínicas deben incluir el impacto que el estigma y la violencia de género tienen en la salud mental de las mujeres.

Rev. argent. cardiol ; 91(4): 263-277, nov. 2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535504


RESUMEN Introducción: Más allá de los factores de riesgo (FR) tradicionales, hay determinantes no convencionales (DnoC) de la salud cardiovascular (CV) que operan en las mujeres como factores de riesgo adicional. Es por ello necesario explorarlos y establecer su prevalencia y vínculo con el género femenino. Objetivo: conocer la prevalencia de los DnoC socioeconómicos (SE) y psicosociales (PS) y su impacto en la salud CV de la mujer en Latinoamérica (LATAM). Material y métodos: estudio observacional, de corte transversal realizado a través de una encuesta anónima en mujeres de LATAM entre mayo y junio de 2022. Se recabaron datos sobre DnoC (SE y PS), FR convencionales y enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV). Resultados: participaron 4915 mujeres con edad media de 49 ± 13 años. El 49,6% residía en Argentina, el 55,8% en grandes ciudades, el 94,4% declaró acceso adecuado a la salud y el 89% tuvo acceso a algún nivel de educación. Si bien el 79,9% expresó tener trabajo remunerado, más de la mitad refirió percibir un salario no acorde (59,5%) y una exposición a la violencia en el ámbito laboral (26,7%). Los determinantes PS más prevalentes fueron el bajo a moderado nivel de satisfacción (68,3%), la ansiedad o irritabilidad (51,9%), el desinterés, los pensamientos negativos o la infelicidad (41,7%). El grupo de edad mayor de 45 años se asoció significativamente a más sobrepeso, obesidad, desempleo y violencia laboral. En el análisis multivariado se encontró asociación independiente con ECV para el trastorno del sueño (OR 1,7; p = 0,001), residir en una ciudad de baja densidad poblacional (OR 0,5; p <0,001), la violencia laboral (OR 1,8; p = 0,001), la ansiedad (OR 1,5; p = 0,001) y al haber padecido complicaciones del embarazo (OR 1,6; p = 0,022). Conclusión: se demostró una importante prevalencia de factores PS y SE que impactan en la salud CV de las mujeres en LATAM. Variables como la violencia laboral, la ansiedad o la irritabilidad, residir en ciudades de baja densidad poblacional, así como los trastornos del sueño y complicaciones del embarazo se asociaron de forma independiente con la ECV. Esta encuesta muestra el impacto de los DnoC SE y PS en la carga cardiometabólica (CCM) y la salud CV de las mujeres en LATAM, principalmente en aquellas mayores de 45 años.

ABSTRACT Background: Besides traditional risk factors (RF), non-conventional determinants (NCD) of cardiovascular (CV) health are additional risk factors in women. Therefore, they should be explored to establish their prevalence and association with the female gender. Objective: The aim of this study is to know the prevalence of socioeconomic (SE) and psychosocial (PS) factors as NCD in CV health in Latin American (LATAM) women. Methods: We conducted an observational, cross-sectional study using an anonymous survey distributed among LATAM women between May and June 2022. The information gathered included SE and PS NCD, traditional RF and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Results: A total of 4915 women participated; mean age was 49 ± 13 years. Most respondents (49.6%) lived in Argentina, 55.8% in large cities; 94.4% reported adequate access to healthcare services and 89% had access to some level of education. Although 79.9% had a paid job, more than half reported their salary was not commensurate (59.5%) and 26.7% reported exposure to violence at the workplace. The most prevalent PS factors were low to moderate level of satisfaction (68.3%), anxiety or irritability (51.9%), apathy, negative thoughts, or unhappiness (41.7%). Age >45 years was significantly associated with overweight, obesity, unemployment, and violence at the workplace. On multivariate analysis, sleep disorders (OR 1.7; p = 0.001), living in a city with low population density (OR 0.5; p <0.001), violence at the workplace (OR 1.8; p = 0.001), anxiety (OR 1.5; p = 0.001) and a history of pregnancy complications (OR 1.6; p = 0.022) were independently associated with CVD. Conclusion: The prevalence of PS and SE factors affecting the CV health of LATAM women was significant. Variables such as violence at the workplace, anxiety, or irritability, living in cities with low population density, sleep disorders and pregnancy complications were independently associated with CVD. This survey shows the impact of SE and PS factors as NCD on the cardiometabolic burden and CV health of women in LATAM, mainly in those > 45 years.

Suma psicol ; 30(1)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536902


Introducción: el maltrato infantil es un problema global que afecta el desarrollo de los niños y las niñas, pudiendo tener consecuencias a lo largo de su vida. A pesar de la necesidad de investigar para erradicar este fenómeno, no se ha realizado una aproximación bibliométrica de sus avances recientes. Método: este estudio examinó 16 708 artículos sobre maltrato infantil indexados en la Web of Science entre 1991 y 2020 para establecer las tendencias de investigación. Resultados: el maltrato infantil es un campo activo, influenciado principalmente por Estados Unidos, Canadá y Reino Unido, y revistas de la categoría estudios de la familia, especialmente Child Abuse & Neglect. Los artículos más relevantes abordan el tema como parte de las Experiencias Adversas en la Infancia o se centran en su evaluación. Considerando los artículos más relevantes, los temas más estudiados (sujetos, investigación, maltrato y tipos de maltrato, familia y parentalidad, y trastornos) y los principales focos (maltrato, investigación, sexo, reportes y abuso sexual), es posible que el área se esté reestructurando desde la perspectiva del ecobiodesarrollo, con énfasis en el tratamiento y la prevención. Se discuten sus implicaciones teóricas y prácticas. Conclusiones: este estudio actualiza las tendencias de investigación en el campo del maltrato infantil, proporcionando un panorama comprensivo que sugiere una evolución hacia la integración de múltiples disciplinas y enfoques. Los resultados destacan la importancia de seguir investigando este problema global, así como la necesidad de evaluar las intervenciones existentes para reducir su impacto en el desarrollo de los niños y las niñas.

Introduction: Child abuse is a global problem that affects children's development and can have consequences throughout their lives. Despite the need to research to eradicate this phenomenon, there has not been a bibliometric approach to its recent advances. Method: This study examined 16,708 articles on child abuse indexed in the Web of Science between 1991 and 2020 to establish research trends. Results: Child maltreatment is an active field, mainly influenced by the USA, Canada and the UK, and journals in the family studies category, especially Child Abuse & Neglect. The most relevant articles address the topic as part of Adverse Childhood Experiences or focus on its assessment. Considering the most relevant articles, the most studied topics (subjects, research, maltreatment and types of maltreatment, family and parenting, and disorders) and the main foci (maltreatment, research, sex, reporting, and sexual abuse), it is possible that the area is being restructured under the ecobiodevelopmental perspective, with emphasis on treatment and prevention. Its theoretical and practical implications are discussed. Conclusions: This study updates research trends in the field of child maltreatment, providing a comprehensive overview that suggests an evolution toward the integration of multiple disciplines and approaches. The results highlight the importance of further research on this global problem, as well as the need to evaluate existing interventions to reduce its impact on children's development.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970735


Objective: To investigate the level of psychosocial factors in workplace and their health effects among workers in a natural gas field. Methods: A prospective and open cohort of natural gas field workers was established to study the level of workplace psychosocial factors and their health effects, with a follow-up every 5 years. In October 2018, a cluster sampling method was used to conduct a baseline survey of 1737 workers in a natural gas field, including a questionnaire survey on demographic characteristics, workplace psychosocial factors and mental health outcomes, physiological indicators such as height and weight, and biochemical indicators such as blood routine, urine routine, liver function and kidney function. The baseline data of the workers were statistically described and analyzed. The psychosocial factors and mental health outcomes were divided into high and low groups according to the mean score, and the physiological and biochemical indicators were divided into normal and abnormal groups according to the reference range of normal values. Results: The age of 1737 natural gas field workers was (41.8±8.0) years old, and the length of service was (21.0±9.7) years. There were 1470 male workers (84.6%). There were 773 (44.5%) high school (technical secondary school) and 827 (47.6%) college (junior college) graduates, 1490 (85.8%) married (including remarriage after divorce), 641 (36.9%) smokers and 835 (48.1%) drinkers. Among the psychosocial factors, the detection rates of high levels of resilience, self-efficacy, colleague support and positive emotion were all higher than 50%. Among the mental health outcomes evaluation indexes, the detection rates of high levels of sleep disorder, job satisfaction and daily stress were 41.82% (716/1712), 57.25% (960/1677) and 45.87% (794/1731), respectively. The detection rate of depressive symptoms was 22.77% (383/1682). The abnormal rates of body mass index (BMI), triglyceride and low density lipoprotein were 46.74% (810/1733), 36.50% (634/1737) and 27.98% (486/1737), respectively. The abnormal rates of systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, uric acid, total cholesterol and blood glucose were 21.64% (375/1733), 21.41% (371/1733), 20.67% (359/1737), 20.55% (357/1737) and 19.17% (333/1737), respectively. The prevalence rates of hypertension and diabetes were 11.23% (195/1737) and 3.45% (60/1737), respectively. Conclusion: The detection rates of high level psychosocial factors in natural gas field workers are high, and their effects on physical and mental health remain to be verified. The establishment of a cohort study of the levels and health effects of psychosocial factors provides an important resource for confirming the causal relationship between workplace psychosocial factors and health.

Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Natural Gas , Cohort Studies , Prospective Studies , Oil and Gas Fields , Workplace/psychology , Surveys and Questionnaires
China Occupational Medicine ; (6): 657-665, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013303


{L-End}Objective To investigate the influencing factors of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) that affect neck-shoulder-back among manufacturing workers. {L-End}Methods A total of 8 250 front-line workers from 27 manufacturing enterprises in Henan Province and Hubei Province were selected as the research subjects using cluster sampling method. The Musculoskeletal Disorders Questionnaire was used to investigate the prevalence of neck-shoulder-back (include neck, shoulder, upper back, and lower back) WMSDs in the past year. The log-binomial model, principal component analysis (PCA) and multivariate logistic regression analysis were used to analyze the influencing factors of WMSDs in the neck-shoulder-back. {L-End}Results The prevalence of WMSDs was 77.2%. The prevalence of neck-shoulder-back WMSDs was 50.9%. The prevalence ratios of WMSDs were relatively higher among the neck, shoulder, and upper back (all P<0.05). The results of PCA improved logistic regression analysis showed that the influencing factors of neck-shoulder-back WMSDs were individual factors, biomechanical factors, psychosocial factors and environmental factors. In terms of individual factors, the risk of neck-shoulder-back WMSDs was higher in females than in males (P<0.05). With the increase of age, length of service, and education level, the risk of neck-shoulder-back WMSDs increased among manufacturing workers (all P<0.05). The risk of neck-shoulder-back WMSDs of workers in textile, clothing, shoes and hats manufacturing industry was relatively lower than that in the other nine industries (all P<0.05). In terms of the biomechanical factors, spending a lot of effort to operate tools/machines, sitting for a long time at work,bending greatly bending and turning at the same time, neck leaning forward or maintaining this posture for a long time, neck twisting or maintaining this posture for a long time and uncomfortable position resulting in difficulty exerting exertion were all risk factors of neck-shoulder-back WMSDs among manufacturing workers (all P<0.05) Bending slightly for a long time was a protective factor for neck-shoulder-back WMSDs among manufacturing workers (P<0.05). In terms of the psychosocial factors, doing the same work every day, self-determination in resting time between works staff shortage, and frequent overtime work were risk factors for neck-shoulder-back WMSDs among manufacturing workers (all P<0.05). Adequate resting time was a protective factor for neck-shoulder-back WMSDs among manufacturing workers (P<0.01). In terms of environmental factors, working under cold or fluctuating temperature, having nothings to lean on, and soles slipping or falling at work were all risk factors for neck-shoulder-back WMSDs among manufacturing workers (all P<0.05). {L-End}Conclusion Manufacturing workers are prone to suffer from neck-shoulder-back WMSDs. The influencing factors include individual factors, biomechanical factors (force load and static load), psychosocial factors and environmental factors.

Rev. bras. saúde ocup ; 48: edepi3, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431681


Resumo Objetivo: descrever etapas de adaptação transcultural e validade dimensional para uso, no Brasil, da escala "indicadora de trabalho-vida" (work-life indicator). Métodos: realizaram-se análises das equivalências conceitual, de itens e da semântica, conduzidas por pesquisadores experientes em uso de escalas e/ou saúde ocupacional. A escala foi aplicada a participantes da terceira onda do Estudo Longitudinal de Saúde do Adulto (ELSA-Brasil). Procedeu-se, então, a avaliação da equivalência de mensuração, utilizando-se Análises Fatoriais Exploratória (AFE) e Confirmatória (AFC). Resultados: aplicada a 7.277 participantes (50,3% do sexo masculino), a escala apresentou equivalências conceitual, de itens e semântica pertinentes no contexto brasileiro, bem como adequada correspondência de significado referencial/denotativa de termos e geral/conotativa dos itens. As AFE e AFC corroboraram a estrutura teórica de três dimensões - i) vida pessoal invadindo trabalho, ii) trabalho invadindo vida pessoal e iii) controle de limites percebidos -, com indicadores de ajuste adequados após a exclusão de dois itens da primeira dimensão. Na AFC, obteve-se índice de ajuste comparativo=0,968, índice de Tucker-Lewis=0,957 e raiz do erro quadrático médio de aproximação=0,039 (IC90%: 0,035;0,041). Conclusão: a escala é promissora para avaliar o gerenciamento de limites entre trabalho e vida pessoal no contexto brasileiro, assim como facilitará a realização de estudos sobre a influência desse gerenciamento na saúde e bem-estar dos(as) trabalhadores(as).

Abstract Objective: to describe the stages in the transcultural adaptation and dimensional validation of the "life-work indicator" scale for use in Brazil. Methods: equivalence analyses regarding concept, items, and semantics were conducted by researchers experienced in using scales and/or occupational health. The scale was applied to the third wave of the Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (Estudo Longitudinal de Saúde do Adulto, ELSA-Brasil). Measurement equivalence was then assessed using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Results: applied to 7,277 participants (50.3% of them male), the scale displayed equivalences regarding concept, items, and semantics proper to the Brazilian context, as well as appropriate correspondences in referential/denotative meaning of terms and overall/connotative meaning of items. EFA and CFA corroborated its theoretical structure in three dimensions -i) personal life invading work, ii) work invading personal life, and iii) perceived boundary control - returning suitable fit indices after exclusion of two items from the first dimension. CFA returned comparative fit index of 0.968, Tucker-Lewis index of 0.957, and root mean square error of approximation of 0.039 (90%CI: 0.035;0.041). Conclusion: the scale shows to be promising for assessing the management of boundaries between work and personal life in the Brazilian context, and will facilitate studies on the influence of such management on workers' health and wellbeing.

Occupational Health , Adult Health , Health Care Evaluation Mechanisms , Exhibition
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1436967


Introduction: Mental health disorders in undergraduates are often undetected and may predispose to other academic and social complications. The objective of the study is to determine the prevalence of probable psychiatric morbidity among students of University of Ilorin, Nigeria and the psycho-social factors that are associated with psychiatric morbidity in them. Methods: Socio-demographic questionnaire and the 12-item General health questionnaire (GHQ-12) were administered to 3,300 undergraduate students to assess psychosocial variables and psychiatric morbidity respectively. Results: About 23.5% of respondents scored >3 using the GHQ-12 questionnaire, signifying a likehood of psychiatric morbidity. Students from polygamous families were 1.3 times more likely to have GHQ scores of >3 than those from monogamous (OR=1.276, P=0.026). Those who had unemployed fathers were twice more likely to have a GHQ > 3 than those with employed fathers. (OR=2.084, P=0.005).Those who lived in houses with shared toilet facilities were 1.3 times more likely to have GHQ >3 (OR=1.310, P=0.028) Conclusion: This study calls for a careful consideration and modification of the various psychosocial factors associated with pschiatric morbidity in order to ensure a mentally healthy and vibrant student community

Humans , Mental Health , Morbidity , Psychology , TATA-Binding Protein Associated Factors , Mental Disorders
Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 422023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1521948


Objective: To analyze the relationship between psychosocial factors and alcohol consumption among third-year students at a public technological higher education institute in Huaraz, Peru. Methods: The study utilized a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional and correlational design. A total of 232 students were assessed using an instrument adapted for this study, which demonstrated adequate levels of reliability (Cronbach's alpha = 0.82) and validity (Aiken's V = 0.92). Results: Regarding the main findings related to alcohol consumption, it was observed that 61.21 percent of the participants reported occasional alcohol consumption. In contrast, 31.48 percent reported no alcohol consumption, and 4.31 percent reported frequent consumption. In this regard, a significant relationship was identified between psychosocial factors and alcohol consumption among third-year students at a public technological higher education institute in Huaraz, Peru. Conclusions: The study concludes by examining the significant relationship between psychosocial factors, including sociodemographic, socioeconomic, sociocultural, and family variables, and alcohol consumption. Based on these findings, it is crucial to direct future research efforts towards addressing this issue(AU)

Objetivo: Analizar la relación entre los factores psicosociales y el consumo de alcohol entre estudiantes de tercer año en un Instituto de Educación Superior Tecnológica público en Huaraz, Perú. Métodos: El estudio utilizó un enfoque cuantitativo con un diseño transversal y correlacional. Se evaluó a un total de 232 estudiantes utilizando un instrumento adaptado para este estudio, el cual demostró niveles adecuados de confiabilidad (alfa de Cronbach = 0.82) y validez (V de Aiken = 0.92). Resultados: En cuanto a los principales hallazgos relacionados con el consumo de alcohol, se observó que el 61.21 por ciento de los participantes reportó un consumo ocasional de alcohol. En contraste, el 31.48% reportó no consumir alcohol y el 4.31 por ciento reportó un consumo frecuente. En ese sentido, se identificó una relación significativa entre los factores psicosociales y el consumo de alcohol entre estudiantes de tercer año en Instituto de Educación Superior Tecnológica público en Huaraz, Perú. Conclusiones: El estudio concluye examinando la relación significativa entre los factores psicosociales, incluyendo variables sociodemográficas, socioeconómicas, socioculturales y familiares, y el consumo de alcohol. Con base en estos hallazgos, es crucial dirigir futuras investigaciones para contrarrestar esta problemática(AU)

Humans , Family/psychology , Social Factors , Sociodemographic Factors , Socioeconomic Factors , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221904


Background- Antenatal depression is affecting 10% pregnant women worldwide with higher prevalence in developing countries. This causes poor maternal and foetal outcome and also affects cognitive development of the child. Aim and objective: To estimate magnitude of antenatal depression and its risk factors. Methodology- A cross-sectional survey was done at the antenatal clinic of community health department catering to an urban resettlement colony, East Delhi. Estimated sample size was 216 (including 10% non-response rate). Pregnant women attending the ANC clinic from October 2019 to February 2020 were enrolled. EPDS questionnaire was used to assess depression during pregnancy. Results-The antenatal depression was found in 11.8% subjects as per EPDS score. Working female and belonging to Muslim religion, past history of abortion, complications in previous pregnancy, financial debt, physical violence and substance use in family showed significant association with antenatal depression. Conclusion –Depression was prevalent among antenatal women and was found to be associated with various risk factors.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 54: 86-93, ene.-dic. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409663


Resumen Introducción: El bienestar es un constructo importante cuyos determinantes asociados deben ser identificados para comprender con mayor profundidad los procesos para envejecer de forma saludable. El estudio del impacto de la fragilidad en el bienestar de las personas mayores requiere incorporar los dominios físico, psicológico y social. Así, el adulto mayor frágil puede definirse a partir de la fragilidad física, junto con la soledad como fragilidad social. Este estudio propone un modelo para estudiar el impacto de la fragilidad física y la soledad sobre el bienestar de las personas mayores, diferenciando entre control, autonomía, placer y autorrealización. Método: Se realizó un estudio de carácter transversal con una muestra de 13569 personas mayores provenientes de la encuesta SHARE, para estimar un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales en el que se contemplaban los efectos de la fragilidad y la soledad en el bienestar (cuestionario CASP), controlado por el género, la edad y la salud percibida. Resultados: El modelo final contemplaba el efecto del género sobre el indicador de fuerza de prensión de fragilidad. Los resultados mostraron un ajuste adecuado del modelo a los datos y consiguieron explicar un 80.1% de la varianza de control, un 48.6% de la de autonomía, un 43.6% de la de placer y un 61.3% de la varianza de autorrealización. Conclusiones: La soledad y la fragilidad presentaron efectos diferenciales en función del componente de bienestar. Se discuten las implicaciones de dichos efectos en el desarrollo de intervenciones.

Abstract Introduction: Well-being is an important construct whose associated determinants must be identified in order to further understand the processes for healthy aging. The study of the impact of frailty on older people's wellbeing requires the incorporation of physical, psychological and social domains. Hence, frail older adults can be defined from physical frailty, together with loneliness as social frailty. This study proposes a model to study the impact of frailty and loneliness on well-being of older adults, differentiating among control, autonomy, pleasure and self-realization. Method: A cross-sectional study was carried out with a sample of 13569 older adults from the SHARE project was employed in order to estimate a structural equation model in which frailty and loneliness affected well-being (CASP questionnaire), while controlling for gender, age and perceived health. Results: The final model additionally contemplated the effect of gender on the grip strength frailty indicator. Results showed a good fit of the model to the data and could explain 80.1% of the variance of control, 48.6% of autonomy's, 43.6% of pleasure's and 61.3% of the variance of self-realization. Conclusions: Loneliness and frailty showed differential effects on the different components of well-being. Implications of these effects on intervention development are discussed

CienciaUAT ; 17(1): 61-72, jul.-dic. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404107


Resumen En el 2018, se publicó, en el Diario Oficial de la Federación, la Norma 035 que evalúa los factores de riesgo psicosocial (FRP) en los trabajadores mexicanos para promover su bienestar laboral. En 2020, en México, el COVID-19 cambió el estilo de trabajo de universidades y empresas, por lo que su análisis es interesante. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar los FRP en trabajadores de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, en dos condiciones: oficina y teletrabajo, e identificar la relación entre el género y la modalidad laboral con el riesgo psicosocial. Para ello, el instrumento se aplicó a través de dos modalidades, en entorno de oficina, en noviembre 2019, previo a la pandemia COVID-19, y en trabajo a distancia, en junio 2020, a inicio del distanciamiento social. Los resultados reflejaron que desempeñar tareas en el entorno de oficina provocó un riesgo psicosocial general alto, mientras que en teletrabajo un riesgo general medio, de acuerdo con la NOM-035. Sin embargo, el análisis estadístico no mostró una diferencia significativa (P < 0.05) de riesgo general entre ambos ambientes laborales, ni en la comparativa del riesgo entre géneros. No obstante, en el análisis de las categorías y dominios que integran el riesgo psicosocial, se encontró diferencia (P < 0.05) entre algunos de ellos. Los hombres presentaron mayor riesgo en oficina en la categoría de liderazgo y relaciones laborales, que disminuyó (P < 0.05) por efecto del teletrabajo. La presencia del riesgo psicosocial que reportaron algunos de los trabajadores en diferentes categorías y dominios, indica la necesidad de implementar políticas que reduzcan estos riesgos, considerando tanto la modalidad laboral como el género. Esto permitirá además de cumplir con la NOM-035, mejorar la calidad de vida laboral de los trabajadores.

Abstract In 2018, standard 035 (known in Spanish as NOM-035-STPS-2018) was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation. Such standard evaluates Psychosocial Risk Factors (PRF) in Mexican workers to promote their job well-being. In 2020, COVID-19 changed the work practices ofuniversities and companies in Mexico. Therefore, their analysis is timely and relevant. The objective of this study was to compare the PRFs among workers at the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León in two conditions: pre-pandemic office and home office during social distancing due to COVID-19, and to identify the relationship between gender and modality with the psychosocial risk. Consequently, the instrument was administered through two modalities, one test was administered in the office environment in November 2019, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the other in remote work in June 2020, at the beginning of social distancing. The results showed that performing tasks in the office environment generates a high general psychosocial risk, while home office is a medium general risk, according to NOM-035. However, the statistical analysis did not show a significant difference (P < 0.05) in general risk between both work contexts, nor in the comparison of risk between genders. Nonetheless, in the analysis of the categories and domains that make up psychosocial risk, a significant difference (P < 0.05) was found between some of them. Men presented a higher risk in the office in the category of leadership and job relations, which decreased (P < 0.05) due to the effect of home office. The presence of psycho-social risk reported by some of the workers in different categories and domains indicated the need to implement policies that reduce these risks, considering both work modality and gender. This will allow, in addition to complying with NOM-035, to improve the quality of the job well-being of workers.

Kinesiologia ; 41(4): 368-375, 20221215.
Article in Spanish, English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552425


Introducción. Los factores psicológicos preoperatorios pueden influir en los resultados de la rehabilitación de la artroplastia de cadera por artrosis. No existe consenso de cuáles serían estos factores, ni sobre en qué medidas de resultados influirían. Objetivo. Sintetizar la evidencia respecto a los factores psicológicos que pronostican los resultados de la artroplastía de cadera en términos de función física y dolor en individuos con artrosis de cadera. Métodos. Se efectuó una búsqueda en PUBMED, EMBASE, SCOPUS y CINAHL. Los términos incluyeron artroplastia de cadera, artrosis, factores psicológicos, función física y dolor. Se incorporaron estudios observacionales prospectivos. Los resultados se agruparon por factor psicológico en periodos menor a un año e igual o mayor a un año. Resultados. La búsqueda arrojó 895 artículos, dos cumplieron los criterios de elegibilidad. Los resultados descritos fueron: 1) un mayor nivel de expectativas preoperatorias genera un efecto positivo en la disminución de la intensidad de dolor y 2) tiene un efecto positivo en la función física, ambas a menos de un año, y 3) la depresión preoperatoria genera un efecto negativo en la disminución de intensidad de dolor a un año o más. Conclusiones. La presencia de depresión preoperatoria se asoció a una menor reducción de dolor, y las altas expectativas preoperatorias se asociaron con una mejor función física y una menor intensidad de dolor. Sin embargo, se hace necesaria la generación de nueva evidencia científica que profundice en la asociación factores psicológicos preoperatorios y dolor crónico en esta población.

Background. Preoperative psychological factors may influence the results of hip arthroplasty rehabilitation for osteoarthritis. There is no consensus on what these factors would be, nor on what outcome measures they would influence. Objetive. To review was to synthesize the evidence regarding psychological factors that predict hip arthroplasty outcomes in terms of physical function and pain in individuals with hip osteoarthritis. Methods. A search was carried out in PUBMED, EMBASE, SCOPUS and CINAHL. Terms included hip arthroplasty, osteoarthritis, psychological factors, physical function, and pain. Prospective observational studies were incorporated. The results were grouped by psychological factor in periods of less than one year and equal to or greater than one year. Results. The search yielded 895 articles, two met the eligibility criteria. The results described were: 1) a higher level of preoperative expectations generates a positive effect in the reduction of pain intensity and 2) has a positive effect on physical function, both at less than one year, and 3) preoperative depression generates a negative effect in the reduction of pain intensity at one year or more. Conclusions. The presence of preoperative depression was associated with less pain reduction, and high preoperative expectations were associated with better physical function and less pain intensity. However, it is necessary to generate new scientific evidence that deepens the association of preoperative psychological factors and chronic pain in this population.

Estud. psicol. (Natal) ; 27(2): 167-177, mai-ago 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1426862


A pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar fatores psicossociais presentes no trabalho em Psicologia no Brasil, no âmbito geral e nas diferentes áreas de atuação, por meio de estudo exploratório-descritivo, de corte transversal, com amostra probabilística, estratificada e proporcional. Foram validados e analisados protocolos de 1.659 respondentes do COPSOQ II (versão curta) e do Questionário Sociodemográfico Ocupacional. Os principais Fatores de Risco encontrados foram exigências quantitativas, estresse, Burnout e conflito trabalho/família; e os principais fatores de proteção foram possibilidades de desenvolvimento na carreira e significado do trabalho. Houve correlações significativas entre fatores psicossociais, sexo dos participantes e realização de outras atividades além da Psicologia. Destacaram-se diferenças nos resultados de psicólogas/os clínicos, sociais e da saúde frente à amostra geral da profissão. Compreender as relações trabalho-trabalhador apresenta os desafios de utilizar os fatores psicossociais como mediadores protetivos e possíveis diretrizes para a construção de ambientes de trabalho saudáveis para psicólogas e psicólogos no Brasil.

This research aimed to investigate psychosocial factors present in the work of Brazilian psychologists, in general and in different areas of expertise, by means of an exploratory-descriptive, cross-sectional study, with a probabilistic, stratified, and proportional sample. The protocols of 1,659 participants were validated and analyzed using the COPSOQ II (short version), and a Sociodemographic Occupational Questionnaire. The main risk factors found were the quantitative demands of work, stress, Burnout and work/family conflict, and the main protective factors, the possibilities of development and the meaning of the work. There were significant correlations obtained from psychosocial factors, gender of participants and performing other activities. Differences in the results provided by Clinical, Social and Health Psychologists were also highlighted in relation to the general population. Understanding work-worker relationships introduces the challenges of using psychosocial factors as protective mediators and possible guidelines for building healthy work environments for psychologists in Brazil.

La investigación tuvo como objetivo investigar factores psicosociales presentes en el trabajo de psicólogos brasileños, en el ámbito general y en las diferentes áreas de actividad, a través de un estudio exploratorio-descriptivo, transversal, con muestra probabilística, estratificada y proporcional. Se validaron y analizaron 1.659 protocolos del COPSOQ II (versión breve) y del Cuestionario Sociodemográfico Ocupacional. Los principales Factores de Riesgo encontrados fueron: requerimientos cuantitativos, estrés, Burnout y conflicto laboral/familiar; y los principales factores de protección: posibilidades de desarrollo y significado del trabajo. Hubo correlaciones significativas entre factores psicosociales, sexo de los participantes y el desempeño de otras actividades además de la Psicología. Se destacaron las diferencias en los resultados de Psicólogos Clínicos, Sociales y de la Salud en relación con la muestra general. Comprender las relaciones trabajo-trabajador presenta los desafíos de utilizar los factores psicosociales como mediadores de protección y posibles directrices para la construcción de entornos de trabajo saludables para los psicólogos en Brasil.

Male , Adult , Work , Risk Factors , Protective Factors , Burnout, Psychological , Working Conditions , Stress, Psychological
Más Vita ; 4(2): 31-49, jun. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1392064


El Burnout es considerado en la actualidad como uno de los factores de daños laborales que obedece a características psicosociales. Surge como respuesta prolongada a agentes estresores crónicos a nivel personal y laboral, pero básicamente resulta de las relaciones del trabajador con su entorno laboral, por lo que está sujeto a variables personales, laborales y organizacionales. Es importante la identificación de este síndrome y su prevención por la afectación que causa en el individuo, que le limita en la sociedad como un individuo capacitado. Objetivo: Conocer los factores de riesgo psicosociales que inciden en el desarrollo del síndrome de burnout en profesionales de enfermería Materiales y Métodos: Se basa en una metodología del tipo descriptiva, cualitativa, que incluye la revisión de publicaciones científicas sobre los factores de riesgo del síndrome de Burnout, los cuales pueden asociarse al desarrollo del estrés y alteraciones en la salud de los profesionales en enfermería que laboran en servicios asistenciales. La búsqueda se realizó mediante la consulta de recursos bibliográficos electrónicos. Resultados: El síndrome del Burnout es considerado en líneas generales como un desgaste profesional a nivel laboral. Se estima que hasta la actualidad este síndrome era asociado a los problemas relacionados con la dificultad en el control de la vida y presenta una afectación genérica de los individuos. Conclusiones: De acuerdo con los resultados de la revisión de documentación científica, se evidencia una alta exposición de los profesionales de enfermería a los factores de riesgo psicosocial. Las exigencias cuantitativas y el intenso ritmo de trabajo se manifiestan en la sobrecarga laboral que ha sido impuesta en las instituciones, principalmente frente a la atención de un gran volumen de pacientes, el desempeño de funciones ajenas al ejercicio del cuidado directo y la falta de recursos humanos y materiales para desarrollar la labor(AU)

Burnout is currently considered as one of the factors of occupational damage that is due to psychosocial characteristics. It arises as a prolonged response to chronic stressors at the personal and work level, but basically results from the worker's relationship with his work environment, so it is subject to personal, work and organizational variables. It is important to identify this syndrome and its prevention due to the affectation it causes in the individual, which limits him in society as a capable individual. Objective: To know the psychosocial risk factors that affect the development of burnout syndrome in nursing professionals. Materials and Methods: It is based on a descriptive, qualitative methodology, which includes the review of scientific publications on the risk factors of the syndrome. of Burnout, which can be associated with the development of stress and alterations in the health of nursing professionals who work in care services. The search was performed by consulting electronic bibliographic resources. Results: Burnout syndrome is considered in general terms as a professional burnout at work level. It is estimated that until now this syndrome was associated with problems related to the difficulty in controlling life and presents a generic affectation of individuals. Conclusions: According to the results of the review of scientific documentation, there is evidence of a high exposure of nursing professionals to psychosocial risk factors. The quantitative demands and the intense pace of work are manifested in the work overload that has been imposed in the institutions, mainly in the face of the care of a large volume of patients, the performance of functions unrelated to the exercise of direct care and the lack of resources. human and material to carry out the work(AU)

Burnout, Professional , Workplace , Burnout, Psychological , Nursing Staff , Risk Factors , Workforce , Occupational Stress
Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto, Online) ; 32: e3212, 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1365215


Abstract The recommendation of standards for companies supports the safety of workers. This study aimed to describe the psychosocial risk factors perceived by personnel that work in confined spaces. Qualitative study, conducted via interviews with 50 employees. Data were processed using the Interface de R pour les Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires software, with a descending hierarchical classification. The psychosocial risk management model identified five risk dimensions and described the interface between the categories of work context and content: interpersonal relationships (29.58%), task planning (23.50%), role in the organization (17.83%), home-work interface (15.10%), and workload and work pace (13.97%). The risk factors identified from the workers'' perspective allow reviewing psychosocial assessment, management practices, and the advancement of scientific knowledge, essential to rethink current legislation and mental health care for professionals that work in confined spaces.

Resumo As normas regulamentadoras oferecem diretrizes às empresas para execução do trabalho, inclusive para a área de segurança. O objetivo foi descrever fatores de risco psicossocial percebidos por trabalhadores atuantes em espaços confinados. Estudo qualitativo, conduzido por meio de entrevistas com 50 trabalhadores. Os dados foram processados, segundo classificação hierárquica descendente, pelo software Interface de R pour les Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires. O modelo de gestão de riscos psicossociais, identificou cinco dimensões de risco distribuídas nas categorias de contexto e conteúdo do trabalho: relacionamento interpessoal (29,58%), planejamento de tarefas (23,50%), papel na organização (17,83%), interface casa-trabalho (15,10%) e carga e ritmo de trabalho (13,97%). Os fatores de risco identificados, na perspectiva dos trabalhadores, possibilitam a revisão de práticas de avaliação psicossocial, gestão e o avanço no conhecimento científico, importantes para subsidiar tomadas de decisão para o cuidado à saúde mental de profissionais atuantes em espaços confinados.

Resumen Las normas de reglamentación contienen lineamientos de ejecución de trabajo para las empresas, incluso para el área de seguridad. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir los factores de riesgo psicosocial percibidos por los trabajadores que actúan en espacios confinados. Este estudio es cualitativo, en que se aplicaron entrevistas a 50 trabajadores. Los datos fueron procesados, según la clasificación jerárquica descendiente, por el programa Interface de R pour les Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires. El modelo de gestión de riesgos psicosociales identificó cinco dimensiones de riesgo, distribuidas en las categorías de contexto y contenido del trabajo: relación interpersonal (29,58%); planificación de tareas (23,5%); papel en la organización (17,83%); interface casa-trabajo (15,1%); y carga y ritmo de trabajo (13,97%). Los factores de riesgo identificados por los trabajadores posibilitan la revisión de prácticas de evaluación psicosocial, gestión y avance en el conocimiento científico, importantes elementos para repensar la toma de decisión en la atención a la salud mental de profesionales que actúan en espacios confinados.

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Personnel Management , Stress, Psychological , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Factors , Occupational Health , Confined Spaces , Interpersonal Relations
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1394507


Abstract Over the last decades, researchers have tried to comprehend how outstanding people develop their talents. However, in order to convert initial potential into high-performance achievement, it is required more than ability or technique. Studies have pointed out that psychosocial factors can favor or limit the development of talent in distinct domains. The purpose of this study was to analyze the role of psychosocial factors for talent development in sports. Four elite Brazilian athletes, two males, and two females were interviewed. Four categories emerged: Growth Mindset, Task Commitment, Opportunities Taken, and Social Support Usage. The role of psychosocial factors as catalysts for talent development was observed from the early stages of the participants' trajectory in sports.

Resumo Nas últimas décadas, pesquisadores têm tentado compreender como pessoas eminentes desenvolvem seus talentos. Contudo, para converter o potencial inicial em performance notável, é necessário mais do que habilidade ou técnica. Estudos têm apontado fatores psicossociais como favorecedores ou limitadores do desenvolvimento de talentos em domínios distintos. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o papel dos fatores psicossociais para o desenvolvimento do talento no esporte. Quatro atletas brasileiros de elite, dois homens e duas mulheres, foram entrevistados. Quatro categorias emergiram: Mentalidade de Crescimento, Compromisso com Tarefas, Aproveitamento de Oportunidades e Uso de Suporte Social. O papel de fatores psicossociais como catalisadores para o desenvolvimento de talentos foi identificado desde os estágios iniciais da trajetória dos participantes no esporte.

Salud UNINORTE ; 37(3): 628-646, sep.-dic. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1377272


RESUMEN Objetivo: Identificar la relación de los riesgos laborales de tipo psicosocial y el desgaste psíquico con respuestas de estrés en 985 trabajadores de una administración pública mexicana. Materiales y métodos: El diseño del estudio es no experimental, transversal y cuantitativo. Se aplicó la batería para el estudio de las condiciones de trabajo de carácter psicosocial CTCPSMAC, validada para población iberoamericana, con Alpha de Crombach 0.927 y población mexicana 0,931. Se realizó el análisis de datos a través del programa IBM SPSS Statistics 21 mediante un análisis bivariado y regresión logística binaria. Resultados: Características personales, relaciones interpersonales en el trabajo y carga y ritmo de trabajo están asociados a respuestas cognitivo-emocional, conductual y fisiológica. Ambientes laborales y amortiguadores del riesgo psíquico están asociados a las respuestas conductual y isiológica. Concepción de las tareas del puesto de trabajo está asociada a las respuestas cognitivo-emocional y fisiológicas. La exposición a una mala interrelación trabajo con problemas familiares o sociales y características de la empresa, está asociada a respuesta conductual. Conclusiones: La investigación mostró que en la organización pública objeto de estudio existe una relación signiicativa entre los factores de riesgo psicosocial del entorno laboral y las respuestas de estrés por parte de los trabajadores que integran la misma, poniendo en riesgo la salud de estos, por lo que es importante considerar el cumplimiento de la Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-035-STPS-2018, que recién entró en vigencia.

ABSTRACT Objective: The purpose of the present study is to identify the relationship of occupational risks of psychosocial type and psychic attrition with stress responses in 985 Mexican public administration workers. Materials and methods: The study design is non-experimental, cross-sectional, and quantitative. The CTCPSMAC questionnaire, used to study the work conditions of a psychosocial nature, was applied, validated for an Ibero-American population, with a 0.927 Crombach's Alpha; and a 0.931 value for a Mexican population. Data analysis was performed through the IBM SPSS Statistics 21 program, using a bivariate analysis and binary logistic regression. Results: Personal characteristics, interpersonal relationships at work, and work load and rhythm are associated with cognitive-emotional, behavioral, and physiological responses. Work environments and psychic risk buffers are associated with behavioral and physiological responses. Conception of job duties is associated with cognitive-emotional and physiological responses. Exposure to a bad work interrelation with family or social problems, and company characteristics is associated with behavioral response. Conclusions: The research showed that, in the public organization under study, there is a significant relationship between the psychosocial risk factors of the work environment and the stress responses by the workers who integrate it, putting their health at risk,thus, it is important to consider compliance with the Official Mexican Standard NOM-035-STPS-2018, which has just been enacted.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 26(10): 4737-4748, out. 2021. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1345687


Resumo Este estudo de corte transversal investigou a associação entre raça/cor autorrelatada e dois desfechos - demanda psicossocial e demanda física no trabalho - em 1.032 trabalhadores da Limpeza Urbana e da Indústria Calçadista, na Bahia. Mensurou-se demanda psicossocial por meio do Job Content Questionnaire e demanda física, com questões sobre posturas e manuseio de carga. Regressão de Cox forneceu razões de prevalência (RP) ajustadas por idade, sexo e escolaridade. Entre os pretos há maior proporção de coletores de lixo e menor proporção de cargos de supervisão. Trabalhadores pretos estão mais submetidos à alta demanda psicológica e à baixo controle e, consequentemente, à mais alta exigência no trabalho (RP=1,65). Ademais, são mais expostos ao trabalho com braços elevados (RP=1,93) e ao manuseio de carga (RP=1,62), comparados com brancos. Pardos estão mais expostos ao baixo controle (RP=1,36), ao trabalho com braços elevados (RP=1,48) e com manuseio de carga (RP=1,25), também comparados com brancos. Apoio social é mais baixo entre os pretos e pardos. O estudo demonstrou iniquidades nas exposições psicossocial e física no trabalho que estão em acordo com a concepção estrutural do racismo e sua evidência pode contribuir para condutas que ampliem a equidade no mundo do trabalho.

Abstract This cross-sectional study investigated the association between self-reported race/skin color and two outcomes - psychosocial demand and physical demand at work - in 1,032 workers in an urban cleaning services company and two footwear manufacturers, located in the State of Bahia, Brazil. Psychosocial demand was measured through the Job Content Questionnaire and physical demand was measured through questions about postures and cargo handling. A Cox regression analysis provided prevalence ratios (PR) adjusted by age, gender, and educational level. Among blacks, there is a higher proportion of garbage collectors and a lower proportion of supervisory positions. Black workers are more subject to high psychological demand and low job control and, consequently, to high strain (PR=1.65). Also, they are more exposed to work with arms above shoulder level (PR=1.93), and material handling (PR=1.62), compared to white workers. Brown workers are more exposed to low job control (PR=1.36), work with arms above shoulder level (PR=1.48), and material handling (PR=1.25), also compared with whites. Social support is lower among blacks and brown. The study demonstrated inequities in psychosocial and physical exposures at work that are in line with the structural conception of racism. This evidence can contribute to the adoption of practices that increase equity in the world of work.

Humans , Skin Pigmentation , Brazil , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires