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CoDAS ; 36(2): e20230042, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528448


RESUMO Objetivo Descrever as características da formação inicial em saúde coletiva de fonoaudiólogos do Nordeste do Brasil. Método A pesquisa foi realizada com base nas matrizes curriculares de Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) públicas do Nordeste a partir das quais foram analisados dados gerais dos cursos de Fonoaudiologia de cada Instituição ー estado em que está localizado, carga horária total e última reformulação de matriz curricular; e dados que diziam respeito especificamente às disciplinas relacionadas à Saúde Coletiva ー carga horária de cada disciplina, semestre de oferta, conteúdo da ementa, caráter teórico, prático, teórico-prático ou estágio, se obrigatória ou optativa. Resultados Os dados revelam que existem oito IES públicas do nordeste que oferecem o curso de Fonoaudiologia, sendo que os Projetos Pedagógicos de Cursos datam de 2009 a 2021. A Carga Horária (CH) total das disciplinas vinculadas à área de Saúde Coletiva varia de 7,5% a 20,5% da CH total dos cursos analisados. A maioria destas disciplinas é eletiva, tem caráter teórico e é ofertada na primeira metade da formação. Conclusão A formação inicial em saúde coletiva de fonoaudiólogos de IES públicas do nordeste parece ainda estar embasada em práticas tradicionais, que acabam distanciando os discentes do campo da saúde coletiva e de práticas que atendam os princípios do Sistema Único de Saúde, e as reais necessidades da população, especialmente na Atenção Primária à Saúde.

ABSTRACT Purpose To describe the characteristics of the initial public health training for speech-language-hearing therapists in Northeastern Brazil. Methods The research was based on the curricular framework of public higher education institutions in the Northeast. The analysis approached each institution's general speech-language-hearing program data (state where it is located, total course load, and most recent curricular framework reformulation) and specific data on public health courses (their individual course load, the term when it is offered, syllabus content, whether it was theoretical, practical, both, or internship, and whether it was required or elective). Results The data show that eight public higher education institutions in the Northeast offer speech-language-hearing programs, whose pedagogical frameworks date from 2009 to 2021. The total course load of those related to public health ranges from 7.5% to 20.5% of the total program among those analyzed. Most courses were elective, exclusively theoretical, and were offered in the first half of the program. Conclusion The initial public health training for speech-language-hearing therapists in public higher education institutions in the Northeast still seems to be based on traditional practices. These create a distance between students, public health, and practices that meet the principles of Health Unic System (in Portuguese - Sistema Único de Saúde) and the population's real needs, especially in primary healthcare

Trab. Educ. Saúde (Online) ; 22: e02398234, 2024. tab, il
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536915


RESUMO: A saúde é indicada como uma das justificativas para a existência da educação física como componente curricular escolar. No entanto, ainda prevalece uma visão limitada de saúde, focada especialmente em questões biológicas e comportamentais. Uma resolução de 2018 estabeleceu entrada única nos cursos de educação física, instituindo que não haverá mais a entrada separada para bacharelado e licenciatura, e que os alunos devem escolher uma ou outra habilitação específica somente na segunda metade do curso. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as ementas dos novos currículos dos cursos de licenciatura em educação física das universidades públicas da região Sul do Brasil, especificamente em relação à sua aproximação com a temática da saúde coletiva. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo-analítico com análise documental. Foram analisadas 708 ementas de disciplinas de 11 cursos. Três cursos não tinham disciplinas relacionadas à temática saúde coletiva. Identificaram-se 17 disciplinas obrigatórias, sendo 13 ofertadas na etapa comum e quatro na etapa específica da licenciatura. Conclui-se que existem poucas inserções da temática da saúde coletiva nos cursos de licenciatura em educação física, principalmente na etapa específica do curso.

ABSTRACT: Health is indicated as one of the justifications for the existence of physical education as a school curricular component. However, a limited view of health still prevails, focused especially on biological and behavioral issues. A resolution of 2018 established single ingress into physical education courses, instituting that there will no longer be separate ingress for bachelor's and teaching degree, and that students should choose one or other specific qualification only in the second half of the course. The objective of this study was to analyze the syllabi of the new curricula of undergraduate courses in physical education of public universities in the southern region of Brazil, specifically in relation to their approach to the theme of collective health. This is a descriptive-analytical study with documentary analysis where 708 syllabi of subjects of 11 courses were analyzed. Three courses had no disciplines related to the theme collective health. We identified 17 compulsory subjects, 13 offered in the common stage and four in the specific stage of the degree. It is concluded that there are few insertions of the theme of collective health in undergraduate courses in physical education, especially in the specific stage of the course.

RESUMEN: La salud se indica como una de las justificaciones para la existencia de la educación física como componente curricular escolar. Sin embargo, sigue prevaleciendo una visión limitada de la salud, centrada especialmente en cuestiones biológicas y de comportamiento. Una resolución de 2018 estableció la entrada única en los cursos de educación física en Brasil, instituyendo que ya no habrá entrada separada para los grados de licenciatura y profesorado, y que los estudiantes deben elegir una u otra calificación específica solo en la segunda mitad del curso. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar los menús de los nuevos planes de estudios de los cursos de profesorado en educación física de las universidades públicas de la región Sur de Brasil, específicamente en relación con su proximidade al tema de la salud colectiva. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo-analítico con análisis documental. Se analizaron 708 programas de disciplinas de 11 cursos. Tres cursos no tenían temas relacionados con el tema salud colectiva. Se identificaron 17 disciplinas obligatorias, de las cuales 13 ofrecidas en la etapa común y cuatro en la etapa específica del grado. Se concluye que hay pocas inserciones de la temática salud colectiva en los cursos de formación del profesorado en educación física, especialmente en su etapa específica.

Public Health
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-997957


@#Introduction: Health is a dynamic, emerging, and interdisciplinary field. To address current health problem challenges, we need a public health workforce constantly adaptable and equipped with the newest skills. This study was to explore the skills needed by public health bachelor’s to work in the health office. Methods: We used qualitative methods. A total of six participants took part in this study. Interviews were held virtually via Zoom Platform in September 2022 using a semi-structured interview guide. Interviews were audio-visual recorded, and transcribed verbatim. The transcripts were coded by members of the research team and a thematic analysis was conducted. Results: The majority of participants get jobs in the office through different work entrances. Our study identifies that participants need technical and interpersonal skills to support their job in the health office. Outside learning contributes to developing skills needed by participants. Conclusion: This study represents an initial endeavor to identify the core work-related skills for public health graduates who work in the health office. Future research is needed for longitudinal larger scale quantitative studies to confirm our qualitative findings. In addition, our findings promote transformations on learning for Bachelor of Public Health Program more comprehensively.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991415


The Master of Public Health (MPH) is one of the internationally recognized ways of training professionals in the medical and health field. With the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, the need for talents who can serve the national public health emergency management system has accelerated. This article makes the comparison of public health education in China and the UK, starting from the reasons and advantages of medical education in two countries, selecting several universities with high rankings in public health in China and the UK as the research objects, collecting and summarizing their programme descriptions, from the enrollment mode, training objectives, cultivation mode and degree types, curriculum settings, etc., in the MPH programme descriptions in order to find the advantages of MPH education in the UK, which can be used for reference in the education and training of public health talents in China, and is of great significance for the improvement and optimization of MPH education in China.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-974169


@#<p style="text-align: justify;">This capstone project of the Master in Public Health International of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery initiated the development of community health programs. Phase 1K, Kasiglahan Village, Barangay San Jose, Rodriguez, Rizal, a partner community of the University of Santo Tomas - SIMBAHAYAN Community Development Office was chosen as the primary stakeholder for the implementation of this capstone project.</p><p style="text-align: justify;">Addressing the identified priority problem of lacking a community-based strategy in the community, the project aimed to initiate community-based prevention of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) through risk factor reduction in Phase 1K-Kasiglahan Village, Barangay San Jose, Rodriguez, Rizal at the end of the 6-week project timeline. Specifically, the project aimed (1) to increase the mobilization of the community through a consultative workshop, (2) to raise awareness of the community through Information, education, and communication (IEC) materials, and (3) to increase the baseline knowledge of the community through public health education lay forum.</p><p style="text-align: justify;">The project outputs include (1) mobilization of the community leaders in identifying their own health problems and in formulating their interventions, (2) posting and distribution of IECs in the community, and (3) increased baseline knowledge after the public health education lay forum.</p><p style="text-align: justify;">With the potential of influencing local policies to improve the health of the community, this project was formally and officially endorsed to the community through its local government leaders, rural health unit officials, and community leaders.</p>

Health Promotion , Cardiovascular Diseases , Risk Factors
Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública ; 37(2): 67-74, may-ago. 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1013245


Resumen El presente artículo se orienta a definir los propósitos de la educación en salud pública. Para ello, se revisó el concepto educación desde la perspectiva de diferentes autores y se describieron tres circunstancias que entorpecen el proceso educativo. La educación en salud pública debe permitir la construcción conjunta, al interior de la sociedad, de la salud, la calidad de vida, el bienestar, el bien vivir y la vida digna desde la multiculturalidad, la diversidad y las distintas disciplinas. Así mismo, debe orientarse a ser una educación contextualizada, que parta de una definición de política como un escenario de toma de decisiones y posiciones orientadas al logro del bien común y promueva la formación de profesionales que participen en dichos escenarios políticos; que más allá de conocimientos, genere conciencia sobre la realidad que se vive; que vea en la promoción de la salud una herramienta que posibilita una lectura crítica de la realidad; que sea una educación interdisciplinaria, permitiendo la participación de diversas disciplinas, junto con sus métodos, para lograr un conocimiento amplio de la realidad que se quiere conocer. Y, finalmente, que fomente el ejercicio de la ciudadanía, en donde las personas participen, cumplan y hagan cumplir los acuerdos a los que llega la sociedad.

Abstract This article aims to define the public health education purposes. The education as a concept was reviewed from different author's perspective and the description of three circumstances that hinder the educational process. Public health education must allow dialectical construction of health, quality of life, well-being, "well life" and dignified life from multiculturalism, diversity and different disciplines. Likewise, should be oriented to be a contextualized education, based on a definition of politics as decision-making arena aimed at achieving a collective good and promotes the involvement of professionals in such scenarios. Beyond knowledge, generate awareness about reality experienced. See the health promotion as a tool that allow a critical reading of reality. Should be an interdisciplinary education that allows the different disciplines participation with their methods to achieve a broad knowledge of the reality you want to know. Finally, an education that promotes the effective exercise of citizenship where people participate, carry out and enforce the agreements reached by society.

Resumo Este artigo tem como objetivo definir os propósitos da educação em saúde pública. Para isto, o conceito de educação foi revisado sob a perspectiva de diferentes autores e foram descritas três circunstâncias que dificultam o processo educativo. Educação em saúde pública deve permitir a construção conjunta, dentro da sociedade, saúde, qualidade de vida, bem-estar, boa vida e uma vida digna do multiculturalismo, a diversidade e as diferentes disciplinas. Além disso, ele deve procurar ser uma educação contextualizada, que começa a partir de uma definição de política como uma etapa de tomada de decisão e destinada a obter o bem comum e promover a formação de profissionais envolvidos nestes cenários políticos; que além do conhecimento, geram consciência sobre a realidade que é vivida; ver na promoção da saúde uma ferramenta que possibilite uma leitura crítica da realidade; que seja uma formação interdisciplinar, permitindo a participação de diversas disciplinas, juntamente com seus métodos, para alcançar um amplo conhecimento da realidade que se quer conhecer. E, finalmente, que estimule o exercício da cidadania, onde as pessoas participam, cumprem e fazem cumprir os acordos alcançados pela sociedade.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 24(3): 941-952, mar. 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-989589


Resumo Ao buscar uma especificidade para o Mestrado Profissional (MP) em Saúde Pública, interrogamos, o que ele, ao se instituir, procurou do ponto de vista de seus meios e finalidades, conservar ou romper com os modelos de formação dos Mestrados Acadêmicos (MA). No campo da Saúde Pública, o tema ganha outros temperos se considerarmos que tanto o MP quanto o MA preservam na finalidade a formação para o Sistema Único de Saúde. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa buscou investigar a vocação heurística e inovadora do MP face ao MA como uma política pública de formação. Em uma perspectiva comparada, analisamos as principais características dos cursos de MP em saúde pública, frente ao processo de flexibilização da pós-graduação brasileira que o diferencia do MA, e discutimos se essas características tornam o MP uma política pública de formação. Na análise dos dados utilizamos o método da Análise de Conteúdo. Concluímos que as instituições de ensino tendem a reproduzir o modelo de formação do MA no MP e a expectativa de tornar o serviço de saúde matéria e motivo para a formação não é suficiente para distinguir ambas modalidades.

Abstract In the attempt to find a specificity for the Professional Master Program in Public Health (PM), we asked, what is, from the point of view of its means and purposes, kept or broke from the training models of the Academic (traditional) Masters Program (AM). In the public health field, this discussion possess an extra "flavor", as both program aim, in Brazil, to prepare health professionals to the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS). Therefore, this research sought to investigate the heuristic and innovative vocation of the PM vis-à-vis the AM as an education public policy. From a comparative approach, we analyzed the main characteristics and differences among AM and PM, face the flexibilization process of graduate programs in Brazil, and discussed if these features would characterize the PM into an educational public policy. Data was analyzed by the Content Analysis method. We conclude that educational institutions tend to reproduce the AM training model in the PM and the expectation of making the health service matter and reason for training is not sufficient to distinguish both modes.

Humans , Public Policy , Public Health/education , Health Personnel/education , Education, Graduate/methods , Brazil
RFO UPF ; 24(3): 355-361, 2019.
Article in Portuguese | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1357665


Objetivo: o objetivo foi relatar a experiência das vivências de estudantes de Odontologia que participam de um projeto de extensão realizado na atenção básica. Metodologia: o projeto foi desenvolvido na Estratégia de Saúde da Família Santa Helena I na cidade de Governador Valadares-MG que atende em média 2.500 habitantes, contendo como a participação de duas acadêmicas do curso de Odontologia e o apoio tutorial de docentes da Universidade Federal de Juiz Fora campus Governador Valadares e da cirurgiã-dentista da ESF. As atividades foram realizadas visando atender as demandas dos usuários e do serviço que incluíram ações educativas e preventivas em sala de espera, visitas domiciliares, grupos operativos e programa de saúde com escolares, nos quais foram explanados temas a respeito de diversas doenças crônicas. Resultados: por meio das ações de promoção de saúde a visão discente sobre as condições de saúde e de vida da população da área de abrangência foi expandida, permitindo associar a teoria à prática e conhecer a importância do contexto no processo saúde doença. As atividades nas escolas visando à prevenção de doenças bucais permitiram o envolvimento direto com as atividades parte do programa de saúde escolar. Atividades em grupos operativos foram realizadas juntamente com os profissionais do Nasf, o que possibilitou a transmissão de conhecimentos. Conclusão: a participação no projeto de extensão do Pet-Saúde proporcionou as discentes uma experiência diferenciada no cenário de ensino-aprendizagem, tendo exemplos práticos da atuação na Atenção Primária de diversos profissionais da saúde.(AU)

Objective: To report the experiences of dental students participating in an extension project performed in primary health care. Method: The project was developed in the Santa Helena Family Health Strategy I in the city of Governador Valadares, MG, Brazil. The unit is responsible of an average of 2,500 inhabitants and the project included the participation of two dental students, the tutorial support of professors from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (Governador Valadares campus), and the dentist of the unit. The activities were performed to meet the demands of users and the service, including educational and preventive actions in the waiting room, home visits, operative groups, and a health program with students, which explained topics concerning different chronic diseases. Results: The health promotion activities expanded the understanding of students regarding health and life conditions of the population within the coverage area, allowing to associate theory with practice and to acknowledge the importance of context in the health-disease process. The activities performed in schools to prevent oral diseases allowed the direct involvement with the activities of the school health program. Activities in the operative groups were performed along with NASF professionals, which enabled the transmission of knowledge. Conclusion: The participation in the Pet-Saúde extension project provided the students with a different experience in the teaching- learning scenario, with practical examples of the work in primary care from various health professionals.(AU)

Humans , Students, Dental , Community Health Services , Community-Institutional Relations , Education, Dental , Primary Health Care , School Health Services , National Health Strategies , Brazil
Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 22(supl.2): 1577-1588, 2018. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-975831


Resumo Este artigo teve como objetivo compreender como a interprofissionalidade emerge nos cenários diversificados de aprendizagem em um curso de graduação em Saúde Coletiva. Tratou-se de uma investigação de natureza qualitativa do tipo exploratória, com uma proposição observacional a partir das experiências formativas dos estudantes do curso de graduação em Saúde Coletiva da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Foram realizadas observações de quatro campos de práticas e entrevistados 15 graduandos de distintos períodos do curso, assim como analisados os documentos referentes às disciplinas teórico-práticas. Algumas experiências demonstraram relações singulares entre processos de trabalho e de ensino que permitiram a articulação entre saberes e fazeres para dar respostas concretas às situações encontradas por meio de práticas interprofissionais. No entanto, o distanciamento entre o mundo acadêmico e o mundo do trabalho repercutiu em entraves para a efetivação de um trabalho interprofissional colaborativo.(AU)

Resumen El objetivo de este artículo fue comprensor como la inter-profesionalidad emerge en los escenarios diversificados de aprendizaje en la formación de la graduación en Salud Colectiva. Se trató de una investigación de naturaleza cualitativa del tipo exploratoria con una propuesta observacional a partir de las experiencias formativas de los estudiantes del curso de graduación en Salud Colectiva de la Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro, Brasil. Se realizaron observaciones de cuatro campos de prácticas y se entrevistaron 15 alumnos de graduación de distintos períodos del curso, así como se analizaron documentos referentes a las disciplinas teórico-prácticas. Algunas experiencias demostraron relaciones singulares entre procesos de trabajo y de enseñanza que permitieron la articulación entre saberes y haceres para dar respuestas concretas a las situaciones encontradas por medio de prácticas interprofesionales. No obstante, el distanciamiento entre el mundo académico y el mundo del trabajo repercutió en obstáculos para la realización de un trabajo interprofesional colaborativo.(AU)

Abstract This article aimed at understanding how interprofessionality is applied in different learning scenarios in an undergraduate Collective Health course. It was an exploratory qualitative investigation based on observations of educational experiences of undergraduate Collective Health students from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Four practice areas were observed and 15 undergraduate students from different course periods were interviewed. Documents related to theoretical and practical disciplines were analyzed. Some experiences showed unique relationships between work and education processes that enabled an articulation between knowledge and practice in order to provide concrete answers to situations found in interprofessional practice. However, the distance between the academic world and the world of the work resulted in barriers to an effective collaborative interprofessional work.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Public Health Practice , Universities , Education, Public Health Professional , Training Support , Interprofessional Relations
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-962136


Abstracts@#Leptospirosis is endemic worldwide. Based on the 2016 Philippine Pediatric Society Disease Registry, there were 800 cases of leptospirosis from May 2006 to August 2016, making it a significant public health concern. Case fatality rate is about 8-9%, with increased prevalence of the disease among adults and adolescents. @*Objective@#This study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of public health education through a lecture on improving the knowledge, attitude, and practice scores on leptospirosis among adolescents from grades 7-10 in a public school in Manila.@*Methodology@#This was a cross-sectional analytical study. A pre-tested, self administered questionnaire was given among 357 students in a public school in Intramuros, Manila. A lecture regarding leptospirosis was conducted and a post-test was given afterwards. Data was analyzed using paired t-test.@*Results@#A total of 357 students were included, with an 88.37% response rate. Total mean pre-test knowledge score was 88.64%, and total mean pre-test attitude score was 80.97%. For practices related to leptospirosis, the total mean pre-test score was 72.12%. Pre-test knowledge scores were compared with post-test scores. After the lecture, there was a significant increase in their knowledge on leptospirosis (p=<0.0001). There was also an improvement on post-test scores on attitude and practices regarding leptospirosis (p=<0.0001).@*Conclusion@#Public health education through a lecture was effective in increasing the knowledge, attitude, and practice scores on leptospirosis among adolescents. This may help in the prevention of the disease in the adolescent population.

Adolescent , Leptospirosis
Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 998-1001, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-610623


Public health education is the core and foundation of the development of public health.Therefore,it is an urgent problem to explore the effective ways to improve public health education and to enhance the service abilities of public health,which meets the needs of development of modern public health.On the basis of analyzing the present situation of public health education in our country,this paper discusses the necessity of introducing the concept of integrated medicine in public health education,and then puts forward the corresponding settlement measures to solve the specific problems by utilizing the concept,thinking and method of integrated medicine,which aim to provide a certain theoretical basis for cultivating high-quality public health talents and accelerating the development of public health disciplines in China.

Salud UNINORTE ; 31(2): 424-434, mayo-ago. 2015. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-769280


Este artículo presenta la reflexión de una experiencia educativa de salud comunitaria en el marco de la Atención Primaria en Salud (APS) en el Programa de Medicina de la Universidad de La Sabana; proceso que articula a estudiantes, ciudadanos y gestores de equipos interdisciplinarios para trabajar por la salud de la población a través del apoyo a la gestión de "entornos saludables". Se profundiza en los elementos que han caracterizado el ejercicio de enseñanza y aprendizaje en APS, el proceso de construcción del programa académico, la confluencia de la Salud Pública y la Medicina Familiar en la APS, la orientación pedagógica de las actividades docente - asistenciales hacia la formulación y ejecución de planes de mejoramiento en salud, proyectos de salud comunitaria y el fomento de entornos saludables en las distintas organizaciones y comunidades abordadas, y se describe la evolución del proceso. Por último, se concluye resaltando aquellos aspectos estratégicos en las competencias médicas y de otros profesionales de la salud necesarios para fortalecer la salud de la población a través de este tipo de programas, y se destaca la importancia de la APS en los procesos de docencia, investigación, proyección social y su articulación con otros sectores afines a la iniciativa.

This article presents the reflection of an education experience in community health, within the framework of Primary Health Care (PHC) in the program of Medicine at Universidad de La Sabana, a process that articulates students, citizens and managers of interdisciplinary teams to work for populations’ health collaborating in the making of "healthy environments". It delves into the elements that have characterized the experience of teaching and learning in PHC, the process of building the academic program, the confluence of Public Health and Family Medicine in PHC, the pedagogical orientation of theoretical and practical activities in health care education, the formulation and implementation of improvement plans in health, community health projects and promoting healthy environments in different organizations and communities, while describing the evolution of the process. Conclusions emphasize strategic areas necessary in physicians and other health professionals, competencies necessary to strengthen population health through this kind of programs, stressing the importance of PHC and healthy environments in teaching, researching, and social action in coordination with other sectors related to the initiative.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-165669


Background: Lack of proper communication skills among budding doctors is considered to be a major gap existing between teaching and practice of public health in various parts of India. Therefore a competency based teaching curriculum is needed to sharpen these skills necessary for bridging this gap and achieving a successful community based medical education. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among a group of 28 students from a batch of 133 students in their fourth semester of second year undergraduate medical education, who attended their posting in the department of community medicine at JSS medical college (JSS University) in Mysore, for a period of one month during May 2014. A new educational intervention namely student‟s short seminar was included in addition to their routine community medicine teaching curriculum. At the end of the postings a feedback regarding the intervention was collected from the students using a pretested structured questionnaire. Results: Questions related to the intervention were rated by the students in a six point Likert scale. The median total score was 15.0 (12-17). Among 28 students majority 16 (57.1%) of them had graded it as good while 11 (39.3%) had graded it as fair and 1 (3.6%) of them had graded it as poor based on the median total score. Conclusion: Community based medical education can fulfil its purpose when it can advocate not only the cognitive domain (Knowledge) but also the affective domain (Attitudes) and psychomotor domain (Skills) of the learning process. Hence it is the foremost duty of the faculties in the department of community medicine in medical colleges to inculcate interest towards public health by introducing innovative and interactive teaching and learning interventions.

Rev. APS ; 18(1)jan. 2015.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-771351


A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar a gestão do trabalho e a educação permanente em saúde na Estratégia de Saúde da Família, em município da Bahia, assim como as atividades desenvolvidas pelas equipes relacionadas à produção do cuidado e à educação em saúde. Tratase de estudo de caso desenvolvido com profissionais da saúde da família de nível superior e nível médio. Para a coleta de dados, foram utilizados indicadores do instrumento "Primay Care Assessment Tool", validado no Brasil. Os resultados evidenciaram diferentes formas de admissão, contratação e carga horária de trabalho na Saúde da Família. Os profissionais de nível médio demonstram maior aceitação para o desenvolvimento de atividades educativas e de qualificação profissional em serviço. A maioria dos profissionais de nível superior considera que os cursos/ capacitações desenvolvidos não trazem transformações para a sua prática cotidiana. Na análise da produção do cuidado, foram analisados os componentes "vínculo", "elenco de serviços" e "orientação à comunidade". O componente "vínculo" é apontado como presente nas práticas cotidianas dos profissionais. Os serviços oferecidos fundamentam-se, em sua maioria, nas atividades programáticas e as ações educativas estão mais relacionadas às ações clínicas individuais focadas na doença, com pouca abrangência sobre as condições de vida e os determinantes sociais. As atividades das equipes evidenciam alguma orientação à comunidade, sem, no entanto, evidenciar mudanças nas práticas tradicionais.

The goals of this case study of senior and intermediate family health personnel were to examine work management and continuing health education in Brazil's Family Health Strategy in a municipality in Bahia State, as well as the production of care and the health education dimensions of the teams' activities. Data were collected using indicators of the Primary Care Assessment Tool validated in Brazil. The results show differing arrangements as regards admission, hiring, and working hours in the Family Health program. Intermediate level personnel are less receptive to educational activities and in-job professional development. Most of the senior personnel felt that the courses and training undertaken did not result in changes to their day-to-day practice. Production of care was considered in terms of the components "bonding", "service portfolio", and "community orientation". "Bonding" was found to be present in the teams' day-to-day practice. The array of services offered is based on the programmatic activities, while educational actions most often took the form of individual clinical actions focusing on specific diseases, but with little relevance to conditions of life and social determinants. The teams' activities show some degree of community orientation, without changes from traditional modes of care and relationship, however.

National Health Strategies , Education, Continuing , Personnel Management , Primary Health Care , Health Education , Education, Public Health Professional , Professional Training
Indian J Public Health ; 2014 Jan-Mar; 58(1): 34-39
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-158728


A trained and adequate heath workforce forms the crux in designing, implementing and monitoring health programs and delivering quality health services. Education is recognized as a critical instrument for creating such trained health professionals who can effectively address the 21st century health challenges. At present, the Public Health Education in India is offered through medical colleges and also outside the corridors of medical colleges which was not the scenario earlier. Traditionally, Public Health Education has been a domain of medical colleges and was open for medical graduates only. In order to standardize the Postgraduate Medical Education in India, the National Board of Examinations (NBE) was set up as an independent autonomous body of its kind in the country in the fi eld of medical sciences with the prime objective of improving the quality of the medical education. NBE has also played a signifi cant role in enhancing Public Health Education in India through its Diplomat of National Board (DNB) Programs in Social and Preventive Medicine, Health and Hospital Administration, Maternal and Child Health, Family Medicine and Field Epidemiology. It envisions creating a cadre of skilled and motivated public health professionals and also developing a roadmap for postgraduate career pathways. However, there still exists gamut of opportunities for it to engage in expanding the scope of Public Health Education. It can play a key role in accreditation of public health programs and institutions which can transform the present landscape of education of health professionals. It also needs to revisit and re-initiate programs like DNB in Tropical Medicine and Occupational Health which were discontinued. The time is imperative for NBE to seize these opportunities and take necessary actions in strengthening and expanding the scope of Public Health Education in India.

Rev. baiana saúde pública ; 37(4)out.-dez. 2013.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-729006


O Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), regulamentado pelas leis orgânicas da saúde 8.080/90 e 8.142/90, tem enfrentado desafios para sua implementação. A formação em saúde tem sido reconhecida como área crítica para a consolidação do sistema. Nesse contexto, o estágio de Vivência no SUS surge como uma estratégia de reorientação da formação em saúde e tem como aposta provocar o comprometimento ético-político do estudante, além de estimular a troca de saberes, por meio de uma relação dialógica entre os diversos atores que atuam no sistema. O objetivo deste artigo é expor a percepção de estudantes/estagiários, da 4ª Edição Estágio de Vivências no SUS (EVSUS-BA), sobre o processo de trabalho e experiências vividas durante o estágio no município de Feira de Santana (BA). Trata-se de um trabalho de abordagem qualitativa, numa perspectiva dialógica e relacional com os atores e espaços vivenciados no EVSUS-BA. Os estudantes tiveram a oportunidade de conhecer os serviços de saúde e fazer observações sobre a realidade do SUS, sua dinâmica, conquistas e dificuldades, além de conhecer atores envolvidos no processo de construção, implementação e fortalecimento do sistema. Portanto, o EVSUS-BA aproxima os estudantes da realidade do SUS e constrói mecanismos para uma relação dialógica entre universidades, sociedade, gestores, usuários, profissionais e estudantes envolvidos no "fazer saúde".

The Unified Health System (SUS), regulated by the Brazilian organic health laws 8,080/90 and 8,142/90, has been facing challenges to its implementation. Health training has been recognized as a critical area for system consolidation. In this context, the internship experience in SUS emerges as a reorientation strategy for health training and has the objective to produce students' ethical and political commitment, besides to stimulate knowledge exchange, through a dialogical relationship between the various actors involved in the system. The aim of this paper is to expose the perception of students/trainees, of the 4th Edition of Internship Experiences in the SUS (EVSUS-Bahia), on the process of work and experiences during the internship in the municipality of Feira de Santana, Bahia. It is a work of qualitative approach, in a dialogical and relational perspective with the actors and experienced spaces in EVSUS-Bahia. The students had the opportunity to meet the health services and make observations about the reality of SUS, its dynamics, achievements and difficulties, in addition to meet actors involved in the process of construction, implementation and strengthening of the system. Therefore, the EVSUS-Bahia approaches students to the reality of SUS and build mechanisms for a dialogical relationship between universities, society, managers, users, professionals and students involved in "making health".

El Sistema Único de Salud (SUS), reglamentado por las leyes orgánicas de la salud 8.080/90 y 8.142/90, ha enfrentado desafíos para su implementación. La formación en salud ha sido reconocida como área crítica para la consolidación del sistema. En esa dirección, las prácticas de Vivencia en el SUS surge como una estrategia de reorientación de la formación en salud y tiene como objetivo provocar el compromiso ético-político del estudiante, aparte de estimular el intercambio de saberes, por medio de una relación dialógica entre los diversos actores que actúan en el sistema. El objetivo de este estudio es exponer la percepción de estudiantes/practicantes, de la 4ª edición de las Prácticas de Vivencias en el SUS (EVSUS-BA)", sobre el proceso de trabajo y experiencias vividas durante las prácticas en el municipio de Feira de Santana (BA). Este es un trabajo de abordaje cualitativo, bajo la perspectiva dialógica y relacional con los actores y espacios vivenciados en el EVSUS-BA. Los estudiantes tuvieron la oportunidad de conocer los servicios de salud y hacer observaciones sobre la realidad del SUS, su dinámica, conquistas y dificultades, además de conocer acotes involucrados en el proceso de construcción, implementación y fortalecimiento del sistema. Por ende, el EVSUS-BA acerca al estudiante a la realidad del SUS y construye mecanismos para una relación dialógica entre universidades, sociedad, gestores, usuarios, profesionales y estudiantes involucrados en el "hacer salud".

Humans , Students , Unified Health System , Public Health , Education , Health Policy
Rev. baiana saúde pública ; 37(4)out.-dez. 2013. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-729007


Objetivo: Relatar experiência de aproximação ensino-serviço-comunidade e educação permanente de nutricionistas, vivenciada em seis unidades de saúde da Estratégia de Saúde da Família de Maceió, Alagoas. Metodologia: Relato da implementação de ações de educação permanente, por meio de metodologias ativas de ensino-aprendizagem, tendo como principal referencial teórico a problematização desenvolvida pela Faculdade de Nutrição da Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL) entre 2009 e 2012. Principais resultados: Foram realizados 13 encontros cujos temas foram definidos pelos gestores e profissionais das unidades, destacando-se os instrumentos legais que organizam o trabalho na atenção básica e as políticas de alimentação e nutrição. Foram elaborados planos de trabalhos incorporando diretrizes estabelecidas nos documentos normativos e suas prioridades. Conclusões: A ação indica que o modelo proposto é capaz de sensibilizar os envolvidos sobre a temática e incentivar mudanças na prática profissional e na execução das políticas de alimentação e nutrição, fortalecendo o Sistema Único de Saúde no município.

Objective: To report the experience in teaching-service-community approach and continuing education of nutritionists, experienced in six health units of the Family Health Strategy of Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil. Methodology: Experience report on the implementation of actions for continuing education through active teaching and learning methodologies, having the questioning developed by the Nutrition Scholl of the Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL) between 2009 and 2012 as the main theoretical framework. Main results: Thirteen meetings were held on topics defined by managers and professionals of the units, especially the legal instruments that organize work in primary care and policies on food and nutrition. Work plans were developed, incorporating guidelines established in normative documents and local priorities. Conclusions: The action indicates that the proposed model is able to sensitize stakeholders on the theme and to encourage changes in professional practice and in the implementation of policies on food and nutrition, strengthening the National health System (SUS) in the city.

Objetivo: Relatar experiencia de aproximación enseñanza-servicio-comunidad y educación permanente de nutricionistas, vivencias en seis unidades de salud de la Estrategia de Salud de la Familia de Maceió, Alagoas. Metodología: Relato de la implementación de acciones de educación permanente, por medio de metodologías activas de enseñanza-aprendizaje, que tiene como principal referencial teórico la problematización desarrollada por la Faculdade de Nutrição da Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL) entre 2009 y 2012. Principales resultados: Se realizaron 13 encuentros cuyos temas fueron definidos por los gestores y profesionales de las unidades, señalándose los instrumentos legales que organizan el trabajo en la atención básica y las políticas de alimentación y nutrición. Se elaboraron planes de trabajos incorporándoles directrices establecidas en los documentos normativos y sus prioridades. Conclusiones: la acción indica que el modelo propuesto es capaz de sensibilizar a los involucrados sobre la temática e incentivar cambios en la práctica profesional y en la ejecución de las prácticas de alimentación y nutrición, fortaleciendo el Sistema Único de Salud en el municipio.

Humans , Primary Health Care , Problem-Based Learning , Education, Continuing , Nutritional Sciences , Nutritionists
Indian J Public Health ; 2013 Jul-Sept; 57(3): 155-160
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-158657


A competent and motivated health workforce is indispensable to achieve the best health outcomes possible through given available resources and circumstances. However, apart from the shortages and unequal distribution, the workforce has fallen short of responding to the public health challenges of 21st century also because of primarily the traditional training of health professionals. Although, health professionals have made enormous contributions to health and development over the past century, the 20th century educational strategies are unfi t to tackle 21st century challenges. One of the key recommendations of the Lancet Commission on Education of Health Professionals is to improve health through reforms of professional education by establishing networks and partnerships which takes advantage of information and communication linkages. The primary goal of this manuscript is to highlight the potential of networks and partnerships in advancing the agenda of educational reforms to revitalize public health education in India. It outlines the current status and expanding scope of public health education in India, existing networks of public health professionals and public health education institutions in the country, and opportunities, advantages and challenges for such networks. Although, we have networks of individuals and institutions in the country, there potential to bring about change has still not being utilized fully and effectively. Immediate collaborative efforts could be directed towards designing and adaptation of competency driven curriculum frameworks suitable of addressing public health challenges of 21st century, shifting the current focus of curriculum to multidisciplinary public health outlook, developing accreditation mechanisms for both the programs and institutions, engaging in creating job opportunities and designing career pathways for public health professionals in public and private sector. These efforts could certainly be facilitated through existing networks.

Indian J Public Health ; 2012 Oct-Dec; 56(4): 273-280
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-144837


Biostatistics plays an important role in measuring, understanding, and describing the overall health and well-being of a population. Biostatistics as a subject evolved from the application of statistics in various research aspects of biology, biomedical care, and public health. However, with a recent increase in number of health and pharmacy related research, the demand for trained biostatisticians is also increasing. The present paper is an attempt to undertake a situational analysis of biostatistics education in India. A systematic, predefined approach, with three parallel strategies was used to collect and assemble the data regarding training in biostatistics in India. Our study results show that there is paucity of programs providing specialized training in biostatistics in India. Only about 19 institutions in India are offering various courses in biostatistics/medical statistics/health statistics/biometry. It is important to look into the current capacity building initiatives in this domain. Some other means for giving importance to biostatistics could be by making it a separate branch/specialization in a majority of the institutions, particularly in medical colleges.

Indian J Public Health ; 2012 Jan-Mar; 56(1): 12-16
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-139380


In order to respond to the changing paradigm of public health challenges, India needs adequately trained public health professionals. Public health education is a tool to create public health professionals. Public health education in India is at cross-roads on several fronts. Traditionally, public health education in India was offered through medical schools and was open for medical graduates only. However, recently the country has witnessed an emergence of institutions offering public health programs to nonmedical background graduates. An examination of the history and current status of public health education can provide us with an insight into the evolution of the discipline in the country. This is important as in order to respond to the public health education challenges in the present time, we need to understand the historical directions taken by the discipline in the past. This review captures how the public health education efforts in the country have been aided by concerted actions within the discipline and by an enabling environment and a positive intent at the national level, whereby we can better understand the context for the recent developments in Indian public health.