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Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007144


A secondary analysis of data from national bereavement surveys conducted in 2014, 2016, and 2018 was conducted with the aim of identifying the contribution of various patient and bereavement backgrounds to the outcomes of the Bereavement Survey. The data were evaluated in terms of structure and process of care (CES), achievement of a desirable death (GDI), complexity grief (BGQ), and depression (PHQ-9). The large data set and comprehensive analysis of bereavement survey outcomes clarified the need for adjustment of confounding variables and which variables should be adjusted for in future analyses. Overall, the contribution of the background factors examined in this study to the CES (Adj-R2=0.014) and overall satisfaction (Adj-R2=0.055) was low. The contribution of the GDI (Adj-R2=0.105) was relatively high, and that of the PHQ-9 (Max-rescaled R2=0.200) and BGQ (Max-rescaled R2=0.207) was non-negligible.

Rev. cuba. med. gen. integr ; 32(1): 0-0, mar. 2016. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-791512


Introducción: el envejecimiento de la población constituye un reto para la salud pública, en tanto incrementa la demanda de atención especializada a adultos mayores aquejados de enfermedades no transmisibles y discapacidades. Objetivo: desarrollar un instrumento para la evaluación de la calidad del proceso de atención al adulto mayor que cumpla con los atributos de validez, fiabilidad, capacidad discriminatoria y factibilidad requeridos. Métodos: se realizó un trabajo de desarrollo tecnológico a partir de la aplicación de un algoritmo metodológico, que permitió la construcción y validación de un formulario para la evaluación de las historias clínicas en un Consultorio del Médico y la Enfermera de la Familia. La validación del instrumento incluyó el análisis de consistencia interna a través del coeficiente de Cronbach global y eliminando ítems, la validación de contenido por expertos, mediante los criterios de Moriyama y el Índice Kappa de Concordancia para la evaluación del poder discriminatorio. La factibilidad se confirmó durante las aplicaciones. Resultados: se obtuvo un instrumento de cinco módulos: datos generales, dispensarización, examen periódico de salud, vacunación e interconsultas. Conclusiones: se diseñó y validó un instrumento, tipo formulario, para la evaluación de la calidad del proceso de atención médica al adulto mayor, que cumple con los requisitos métricos de fiabilidad, validez, poder discriminatorio y factibilidad requeridos para su uso en el Consultorio del Médico y la Enfermera de la Familia(AU)

Introduction: Population ageing is a public health challenge, as it increases the demand of specialized care for senior adults suffering from noncommunicable diseases and disabilities. Objective: To develop a tool for assessing the quality of senior adult care that meets the required attributes of validity, reliability, discriminatory capacity and feasibility. Methods: A work of technological development was carried out beginning with the application of a methodological algorithm, which permitted the construction and validation of a questionnaire for assessing the clinical records in a family doctor's office. The tool validation included the analysis of the internal consistency by global Cronbach rate and eliminating items; the validation of contents by experts, using Moriyama criteria and the Kappa concordance coefficient for assessing the discriminatory power. Results: A tool of five modules was obtained: general information, distribution, followed-up health examination, vaccination and consultations. Conclusions: A questionnaire-type tool was designed and validated for assessing the quality of senior adult care, which meet the metrical requirements of reliability, validity, discriminatory power and feasibility to be used in the family doctor's office(AU)

Humans , Aged , Aged , Physicians' Offices , Process Assessment, Health Care