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Rev. bras. ciênc. esporte ; 44: e010121, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365597


RESUMO Nos esportes coletivos, a análise do desempenho e a condução do processo de ensino-aprendizagem implicam, implícita ou explicitamente, escolhas metodológicas. Neste trabalho, serão apresentadas algumas das principais abordagens teórico-metodológicas que embasam a análise do desempenho e o ensino-aprendizagem nos esportes coletivos e suas implicações práticas. Será discutida a integração desses conteúdos com o intuito de contribuir com o suporte científico para a prática pedagógica do professor/treinador.

ABSTRACT In team sports, the performance analysis and the teaching-learning process imply, implicitly or explicitly, methodological choices. In this work, we will present some of the main theoretical-methodological approaches that support performance analysis and teaching-learning in team sports and their practical implications. We will discuss the integration of these subjects in order to contribute with scientific support to the pedagogical practice of the teacher/coach.

RESUMEN En los deportes de equipo, analizar el rendimiento y conducir el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje implica, implícita o explícitamente, elecciones metodológicas. En este trabajo presentaremos algunos de los principales enfoques teórico-metodológicos que sustentan el análisis del desempeño y la enseñanza-aprendizaje en los deportes de equipo y sus implicaciones prácticas. Discutiremos la integración de estas temáticas con el objetivo de contribuir con el soporte científico de la práctica pedagógica del profesor/entrenador.

Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 55(5): 1215-1231, set.-out. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356833


Resumo A hipótese da produtividade exógena aponta a relação entre quantidade de juízes e desempenho como linear, porém várias fragilidades vêm sendo apontadas, como o limite de produção dos juízes. Diante disso, o objetivo deste trabalho é testar se o desempenho dos juízes em relação à demanda tem um modelo funcional em forma de U invertido. Os dados usados na pesquisa compreendem os anos de 2009 a 2019. Os resultados foram estatisticamente significantes para todas as variáveis analisadas, tanto para a justiça estadual quanto para a trabalhista, confirmando a hipótese de que o desempenho e a demanda judicial podem responder a um modelo funcional em forma de U invertido. A confirmação da hipótese de pesquisa traz luz à discussão sobre como a pressão da demanda afeta o desempenho e como elas se relacionam. Este artigo discutiu e endossou as conclusões de outros autores sobre fragilidades e incongruências da hipótese da produtividade exógena para o Judiciário. Há evidências empíricas de que o aumento da demanda judicial pressiona o aumento de desempenho dos juízes, mas esse crescimento tem limites, e a partir de determinado ponto isso pode declinar e afetar negativamente o desempenho.

Resumen La hipótesis de la productividad exógena indica que la relación entre el número de jueces y el rendimiento es lineal, pero se han señalado varios puntos débiles, como el límite de producción de los jueces. En vista de ello, el objetivo de este trabajo fue comprobar para los tribunales estatales y laborales si la actuación del juez en relación con la demanda tiene un modelo funcional en forma de U invertida. Los datos utilizados en la investigación abarcan los años 2009 a 2019. Los resultados fueron estadísticamente significativos para todas las variables analizadas tanto para los tribunales estaduales como para los laborales confirmando la hipótesis de que el rendimiento y la demanda judicial pueden responder a un modelo funcional en forma de U invertida. La confirmación de la hipótesis de la investigación arroja luz sobre la discusión sobre cómo la presión de la demanda afecta al rendimiento y cómo se relacionan. La contribución de este trabajo fue discutir y refrendar las conclusiones de otros autores sobre las debilidades e incongruencias de la hipótesis de la productividad exógena del poder judicial. Hay pruebas empíricas de que el aumento de la demanda judicial ejerce presión sobre el aumento del rendimiento de los jueces, pero este crecimiento tiene límites y a partir de cierto punto puede disminuir y afectar negativamente al rendimiento.

Abstract The hypothesis of exogenous productivity points to the relationship between the number of judges and performance as linear. However, several weaknesses have been pointed out, such as the production limit of the judges. Therefore, this work aims to test if the performance of judges related' to demand has an inverted U functional model. The data used in the research comprise the years from 2009 to 2019. The results were statistically significant for all variables analyzed for both state and labor courts, confirming the hypothesis that performance and judicial demand may respond to an inverted U functional model. Confirming the research hypothesis sheds light on the discussion of how demand affects performance and how they relate. The contribution of this work lies in the discussion and endorsing the conclusions of other authors concerning weaknesses and incongruities of the hypothesis of exogenous productivity for the judiciary. There is empirical evidence that the increase in judicial demand pressures the increase in the performance of judges, but this increase has limits, and after a certain point, this can decline and negatively affect performance.

Humans , Male , Female , Public Administration , Workload , Judiciary , Efficiency , Evaluation Studies as Topic
Anatomy & Cell Biology ; : 251-259, 2018.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-718737


The aim of this study is to examine the correlation between tooth wear and age by quantitatively measuring maxillary first molar wear in children. A total of 150 maxillary dental models were analyzed in 30 subjects (male, 11; female, 19) with an age range of 6–14 years. Maxillary first molar wear were assessed based on area, volume and the shortest distance from the buccal occlusal plane to the central pit point (BCPH). The area and volume of the tooth cusps were measured at four different offset-plane heights (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8 mm). Relationship between age and the amount of wear or BCPH were statistically analyzed. Correlation and regression analyses were also performed, and age estimation was obtained with linear regression analysis. Repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed significant differences between age and the amount of wear based on area, volume, and offset-plane height. Except age of 8 and 10, 12 and 14's 0.2-mm offset-plane-measured volume, all area and volume measurement of all ages and offset-plane height showed a significant amount of increase. Wear speeds were calculated using the BCPH. Among age and measurement variables, the correlation coefficient was strongest when the volume was measured from the 0.4-mm offset-plane. As age increases, the amount of wear, as quantified by area and volume measurements, also increases. According to this study, a regression equation that can be used for age estimation is follows: Age (y)=0.16×0.4V+0.85 (R²=0.490) using volume.

Child , Female , Humans , Models, Dental , Dental Occlusion , Linear Models , Longitudinal Studies , Molar , Tooth , Tooth Wear
Rev. cuba. inform. méd ; 9(1)ene.-jun. 2017. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-844922


La administración moderna requiere el apoyo de herramientas de diferentes ramas de la ciencia que ayuden al proceso de toma de decisiones, como por ejemplo la Matemática Aplicada. En este contexto aparecen variables aleatorias que con el transcurso del tiempo cambian, y que pueden ser representadas a través de modelos cuantitativos. Cuando en estos modelos el estado presente de dichas variables resume toda la información anterior para describir cómo se comportarán en el futuro, se dice que se está en presencia de una cadena de Markov; una herramienta eficiente para el análisis de procesos de esta naturaleza, como por ejemplo la ejecución de proyectos de investigación, el cual reviste gran importancia en la gestión de ciencia e innovación tecnológica; área de resultados clave en cualquier universidad. En la Facultad de Tecnología de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, el análisis de la ejecución de los proyectos de investigación se consideró como una cadena de Markov, definiendo los diferentes estados por los que puede estar un proyecto, y las probabilidades de que este se encuentre en un estado determinado a partir del estado en que se encontraba. Así se determinaron elementos que permiten apoyar la toma de decisiones a corto y a largo plazo, a partir de datos históricos durante el trienio 2013 - 2015, relacionados con la cantidad promedio de inspecciones a los mismos, probabilidades de un proyecto cerrar, etc.; permitiendo pronosticar en términos de probabilidades el estado de este subsistema en el futuro(AU)

Modern management tools require support from different branches of science to help the decision-making process, such as Applied Mathematics. In this context, random variables with change over time, and that can be represented by quantitative models appear. When these models in the present state of these variables summarizes all the previous information to describe how they will behave in the future, it is said that we are in the presence of a Markov chain; an efficient tool for the analysis of processes of this nature, such as the execution of research projects, which is of great importance in the management of science and technological innovation; key result area at any university. In the Faculty of Technology, University of Medical Sciences of Santiago de Cuba, the analysis of the implementation of research projects was considered as a Markov chain, defining the different states through which can be a project and the odds of this is in a certain state from the state it was. And support elements that enable decision-making in the short and long term, from historical data in the period 2013 - 2015 were determined, related to the average number of inspections to a project, the probability of a project likely to close, etc.; allowing to predict in terms of probabilities the status of this subsystem in the future(AU)

Humans , Research Design/standards , Markov Chains , Mathematical Concepts
Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 49(1): 48-60, ene.-abr. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-901970


Abstract This paper presents the Vocalization-Silence Dynamic Patterns (VSDP) method for the analysis of coordination in psychotherapeutic conversation. The objectives of its development are to empirically account for vocal coordination patterns in dialogs and to examine the association between interactional coordination and positive relational outcomes. The VSDP method makes it possible to demonstrate that vocal activity is a nonverbal phenomenon entwined with and which influences the linguistic code. The analyses which can be carried out through this method are illustrated with real acoustic signals taken from psychotherapy segments. The VSDP method is discussed, considering its usefulness for psychotherapeutic research as well as the study of dyadic conversation within other scenarios.

Resumen Este trabajo presenta el método de Patrones Dinámicos de Vocalización-Silencio (PDVS) para el análisis de la coordinación en la conversación psicoterapéutica. Los objetivos de su desarrollo son dar cuenta empíricamente de los patrones de coordinación vocales en diálogos y examinar la asociación entre la coordinación interaccional y los resultados relacionales positivos. El método PDVS hace posible demostrar que la actividad vocal es un fenómeno no verbal entrelazado con y que influye en el código lingüístico. Los análisis que se pueden realizar a través de este método se ilustran con señales acústicas reales tomadas de segmentos de psicoterapia. El método PDVS es discutido teniendo en cuenta su utilidad para la investigación en psicoterapia, así como para el estudio de la conversación diádica dentro de otros escenarios.

Psychotherapy , Evaluation Studies as Topic , Research , Acoustics
Liberabit ; 22(2): 153-160, jul.-dic. 2016. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-990131


A análise prototípica das evocações é uma das principais técnicas que permite a exploração da estrutura das representações sociais a partir de dados verbais. O presente trabalho visa avaliar o efeito de variações no tamanho da amostra nas configurações dos resultados da análise prototípica a partir de evocações livres. Foram sorteadas subamostras de um banco de dados com 469 participantes com tamanhos amostrais progressivamente menores (200, 100, 50 e 25 casos), e comparadas as configurações de resultados dos primeiros quadrantes relativamente à amostra de referência. Os resultados apontam que as amostras de 200 e 100 casos têm padrões próximos da amostra total em termos de concordância com a composição do primeiro quadrante. Além disso, amostras com 50 e 25 participantes não são recomendáveis, por terem alta variabilidade e baixa coincidência com a amostra maior

The prototypical analysis of evocations is one of the main techniques that allows the exploration of the structure of social representations from verbal data. The present study aims to evaluate the effect of variations in the size of the sample in the configurations of the results of the prototypic analysis from free evocations. Subsampleswere randomly selected from a database with 469 participants with progressively smaller sample sizes (200, 100, 50 and 25 cases), and compared the results settings of the first quadrants with respect to the reference sample. The results show that the samples of 200 and 100 cases have patterns close to the total sample in terms of agreement with the composition of the first quadrant. In addition, samples with 50 and 25 participants are not recommended because they have high variability and low coincidence with the larger sample

rev. psicogente ; 19(36): 266-283, jul.-dic. 2016. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-963533


Resumen El presente artículo es resultado de una investigación que se realizó en una universidad acreditada de la ciudad de Barranquilla, con una muestra de aproximadamente 90 estudiantes, sobre una población total de 1143 estudiantes del programa de Administración de Empresas. El objetivo principal consistió en revelar las variables latentes que permitan conocer el comportamiento del consumidor (estudiantes) y el desarrollo de un modelo para la medición del servicio. Se presentan resultados empíricos, a partir del método cuantitativo y técnicas de estadística inferencial como el análisis factorial y clusterización. Los resultados permitieron conocer a través de las dimensiones de la escala SERVQUAL, lo que demandan los estudiantes, así como reconocer dos grupos. Se propone, además, el rediseño de la encuesta SERVQUAL, adaptándola a una tipo Likert, así como correr los datos en procesadores estadísticos como Statgraphics y SSPS para realizar el análisis de la información.

Abstract This research was conducted at an accredited university in the city of Barranquilla, from a sample of about 90 students, out of a total population of 1143 students of their Business Administration program. The main objective is to reveal the latent variables that show consumer behavior on students and the development of a model for service measurement.This article is the result of an investigation, presenting empirical results through the use of a quantitative technique method and inferential statistics such as factor analysis and clustering. The results allowed to know through the dimensions of the SERVQUAL scale, what students require, thus recognizing two groups. It is proposed for application on the consumer psychology when being served, the redesign of the SERVQUAL survey, through a survey Likert, running statistical data processors like Statgraphics and SSPS for the analysis of information.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-845579


Nature Calculus Bovis is one of the precious traditional Chinese medicines, which is the dried gallstone in gallbladder, bile duct or hepatic duct. In order to meet the clinical needs, we have developed artificial Calculus Bovis, invitro and other varieties. Calculus Bovis mainly contains bile pigments, bile acids, amino acids, inorganic elements and other types of components. Besides bile pigments, bile acids is the second largest of the active ingredients of Calculus Bovis, which is closely related to the antipyretic and analgesic, antiinflammatory effect and depressurization. The article outlines and summarizes the study progress in pharmacological effects and quantitative methods for components of bile acids in Calculus Bovis and its substitutes and preparations, aiming to provide a reference for subsequent research as well as quality control.

Recife; s.n; 2016. graf, mapas, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, ECOS | ID: biblio-995408


Problema relacionados a saúde mental estão entre as principais causas de morbidade no mundo, também provocando um grande número de afastamentos do trabalho. No Brasil, o ministério da saúde admite que cerca de 3% da população sofre com algum transtorno mental severo e persistente e eles são responsáveis por 3,593 anos de vida saudável perdida. O presente estudo tem por objetivo avaliar o impacto de um Serviço de pronto atendimento nas internações psiquiátricas no Estado da Paraíba. Foi utilizado o estimador diferenças-em-diferenças para captar o impacto do Serviço, no período que compreende os anos de 2000 e 2012, utilizando os elementos da Rede de Atenção Psicossocial, PIB e População como controle. Verificou-se que o programa foi efetivo, tendo seu resultado mais robusto quando comparado com os municípios da região metropolitana, com uma redução de 24,3% da média das internações psiquiátricas para os municípios tratados. O programa ainda mostrou-se mais eficiente em transtornos esquizofrênicos, em homens e na população entre 20 e 59 anos de idade. Também apresentou como resultado uma elevação do tempo de permanência na internação psiquiátrica para os municípios tratados e um aumento no custo médio das internações. O Serviço mostrou-se eficiente, contribuindo com a redução das internações psiquiátricas, revelando aspectos à cerca do tempo de permanência e custo total que poderão subsidiar o processo de tomada de decisões dos gestores das políticas de saúde.(AU)

Problems related to mental health are among the main causes of morbidity in the world, also causing a large number of sick leave. In Brazil, the Ministry of Health admits that about 3% of the population suffers from some persistent, severe mental disorder, and they are responsible for 3.593 healthy life years lost. This study aims to assess the impact of an emergency room service on psychiatric hospitalizations in the state of Paraiba. A difference-in-differences (DD) estimator was utilized to capture the impact of the service during the period comprising the years 2000 and 2012, using the elements of the Psychosocial Care Network (Rede de Atenção Psicossocial), GDP and population as a control. It was found that the program was effective, having its most robust result when compared with the municipalities of the metropolitan area, with a reduction of 24.3% of the average of psychiatric hospitalizations for the treated municipalities. The program also proved to be more efficient in schizophrenic disorders, in men and in the population between the ages of 20 and 59. It also presented as a result an increase in the length of psychiatric hospitalization stay for the treated municipalities and an increase in the average cost of hospitalizations. The service confirmed its effectiveness in contributing to the reduction of psychiatric hospitalizations, revealing aspects about the length of stay and total cost that can subsidize the process of decision making of managers of health policies.(AU)

Humans , Health Care Economics and Organizations , Mental Health , Health Policy , Health Services Research , Mental Health Services , Brazil , Hospitalization/statistics & numerical data
Chinese Health Economics ; (12): 84-86, 2014.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-450942


Objective: To estimate the status of the hospital’s financial ability, build evaluation system of hospitals internal comprehensive financial index, provide hospital managers the evidences and references for making decisions. Methods: Factor analysis was performed to provide method of dynamically designing the standard of each evaluation index, divide the financial comprehensive evaluation standard into 9 levels, design relevant standard coefficient, provide weight coefficient of each index objectively. Results: The result of 18 months’ comprehensive financial evaluation for a hospital showed that the hospital’s financial ability was in good shape, while there was still large potential for development. The result is quite consistent with the actual status. Conclusion: The study showed that the hospital internal comprehensive financial evaluation needs a scientific index system. Not only did the evaluation system consider the index of hospital economic profits, but also considered the index of social profits, so as to evaluate the financial ability status of hospital more correctly.

Estud. psicol. (Natal) ; 18(1): 37-45, jan.-mar. 2013. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-675799


The objective of this paper is to identify the research methods adopted by researchers in the field of Social Psychology, differentiating them by considerations derived from the four epistemic dimensions. Our starting point was a study conducted to identify the theoretical references and research methods used by educators and researchers in the field of social psychology. The results presented here refer to data, obtained in the years 2011 and 2012, relating to 545 social psychologists and professors of social psychology, of which 157 responded in Portuguese and 388 in Spanish. The average age of participants was 41.5 years (standard deviation = 11.4; minimum = 21 years; maximum = 78), being 54% female and 43% male. The participants originated from 19 countries, with Spain (158), Brazil (149), Mexico (64), and Argentina (45) the most frequent. Based on the results, we sought to classify and subsequently to estimate the frequency of use of the methods, considering them based on the distribution of the researchers from two geographic regions, Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula. Since geographical distribution did not provide a consistent criterion for differentiating between methods, we tried to understand the differences by considering ultimately the theoretical approach embraced by the researcher.

O presente artigo tem por objetivo identificar os métodos de pesquisa adotados por pesquisadores da área da Psicologia Social, diferenciando-os a partir de considerações oriundas de quatro dimensões epistêmicas. O nosso ponto de partida foi um estudo conduzido com a finalidade de identificar os referenciais teóricos e os métodos de pesquisa utilizados por professores e pesquisadores da área da psicologia social. Os resultados aqui apresentados se referem aos dados, obtidos nos anos de 2011 e 2012, concernentes a 545 psicólogos sociais e professores de psicologia social, dos quais 157 responderam na língua portuguesa e 388 em espanhol. A média de idade dos participantes foi de 41,5 anos (desvio-padrão = 11.4; mínimo = 21 anos; máximo = 78), sendo 54% do sexo feminino e 43% do sexo masculino. Os participantes se declaram originários de 19 países, sendo Espanha (158), Brasil (149), México (64) e Argentina (45) os mais frequentes. Com base nos resultados, procuramos classificar e posteriormente fazer uma estimativa da frequência de utilização dos métodos, considerando-os a partir da distribuição dos pesquisadores de duas regiões geográficas, América Latina e Península Ibérica. Dado que a distribuição geográfica não proporcionou um critério consistente para a diferenciação entre os métodos, procuramos entender as diferenças levando em consideração fundamentalmente a abordagem teórica acolhida pelo pesquisador.

Methods , Psychology, Social , Research
Rev. gerenc. políticas salud ; 10(21): 196-218, dic. 2011. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-644292


El presente trabajo presenta una revisión bibliográfica que enumera los problemas más comunes encontrados en los servicios de urgencias y las metodologías de investigación de operaciones más aplicadas para su estudio y solución. Se muestran las ventajas y desventajas de los métodosy los resultados obtenidos. Se encontró que los principales problemas abordados por los investigadores son: la ineficiencia en el flujo de pacientes, evaluar la capacidad del serviciovs. la demanda, y los largos tiempos de espera de los pacientes para ser atendidos. Se utiliza, principalmente, la simulación de eventos discretos y la programación matemática. Ningunade las referencias evaluadas plantea un cambio de esquema al sistema actual ni explora la reducción de la demanda...

This paper presents a literature revieAw that lists the most common problems encountered in emergency departments and operations research methodologies most applied for study and solution. The advantages and disadvantages of the methods and results are shown. We found that the main issues addressed by researchers are: inefficiency in the flow of patients, assess service capacity vs. demand and long waiting times of patients for treatment. It is mainly useddiscrete event simulation and mathematical programming. None of the references evaluated considering changing the current system outline and explore demand reduction...

Este trabalho apresenta revisão bibliográfica respeito dos problemas mais comumente encontradosnos serviços de urgências e das metodologias de pesquisa de operações mais aplicadas para seu estudo e solução. São mencionadas as vantagens e desvantagens dos métodos e resultados obtidos. Encontrou-se que as principais questões abordadas pelos pesquisadores foram: ineficiência no fluxo de pacientes, avaliar capacidade de serviço versus demanda real e longosperíodos de espera dos pacientes antes de serem atendidos, utilizando principalmente a simulação de eventos discretos e a programação matemática. Nas referências bibliográficas estudadas não foram encontradas propostas de mudanças aos sistemas de saúde vigentes nem mesmo estudosa respeito da redução da demanda...

Emergencies , Emergency Medicine
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-671556


To ensure the introduction of a health information system (HIS) is on track and will bring in the ex-pected outcomes, it is essential to evaluate the critical success factors at every stage of the system introduction life cy-cle. Based on comprehensive literature research and personal experience of evaluating HIS, the author proposes a multi -method approach that incorporates both quantitative and qualitative research, conceptualized through the DeLone and McLean Information Systems Success Model. The advantage of this approach is not only identifying the factors impacting on implementation success, but also distinguishing the critical factors from the less important ones.Thus it will facilitate management in prioritizing effort to address the key challenges at different stages of system introduction. This evidence -based management decision support will reduce the failure rate and maximize the benefits of HIS investment.

Rev. argent. microbiol ; 42(4): 298-306, oct.-dic. 2010. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-634669


A new optimized semiquantitative yeast killer assay is reported for the first time. The killer activity of 36 yeast isolates belonging to three species, namely, Metschnikowia pulcherrima, Wickerhamomyces anomala and Torulaspora delbrueckii, was tested with a view to potentially using these yeasts as biocontrol agents against the wine spoilage species Pichia guilliermondii and Pichia membranifaciens. The effectiveness of the classical streak-based (qualitative method) and the new semiquantitative techniques was compared. The percentage of yeasts showing killer activity was found to be higher by the semiquantitative technique (60%) than by the qualitative method (45%). In all cases, the addition of 1% NaCl into the medium allowed a better observation of the killer phenomenon. Important differences were observed in the killer capacity of different isolates belonging to a same killer species. The broadest spectrum of action was detected in isolates of W. anomala NPCC 1023 and 1025, and M. pulcherrima NPCC 1009 and 1013. We also brought experimental evidence supporting the importance of the adequate selection of the sensitive isolate to be used in killer evaluation. The new semiquantitative method proposed in this work enables to visualize the relationship between the number of yeasts tested and the growth of the inhibition halo (specific productivity). Hence, this experimental approach could become an interesting tool to be taken into account for killer yeast selection protocols.

En este trabajo se presenta un nuevo ensayo semicuantitativo que optimiza la detección de actividad killer en levaduras. Se evaluó la actividad killer de 36 cepas pertenecientes a las especies Metschnikowia pulcherrima, Wickerhamomyces anomala y Torulaspora delbrueckii, en vista del potencial uso de estas levaduras como agentes de biocontrol frente a las especies contaminantes de vinos Pichia guilliermondii y Pichia membranifaciens. Se comparó la efectividad de la técnica clásica basada en estrías (método cualitativo) con la del nuevo método semicuantitativo. El porcentaje de levaduras que mostraron actividad killer fue más alto cuando se utilizó el método semicuantitativo (60%) que con el método cualitativo (45%). En todos los casos, el agregado de 1% de NaCl en el medio permitió una mejor observación del fenómeno killer. Se observaron importantes diferencias en la capacidad killer de diferentes cepas dentro de la misma especie. Se detectaron dos cepas de W. anomala (NPCC 1023 y 1025) y dos cepas de M. pulcherrima (NPCC 1009 y 1013) con un amplio espectro de acción, ya que fueron capaces de inhibir el desarrollo de las tres levaduras sensibles evaluadas. La evidencia experimental demuestra la importancia de una adecuada selección de la cepa sensible al evaluar la actividad killer. El nuevo método semicuantitativo propuesto en este trabajo permite visualizar la relación entre el número de levaduras sembradas y el halo de inhibición del crecimiento (productividad específica). En conclusión, este método resulta una herramienta interesante para ser tenida en cuenta en los protocolos de selección de levaduras killer.

Culture Media/pharmacology , Industrial Microbiology/methods , Killer Factors, Yeast/analysis , Microbial Sensitivity Tests/methods , Mycology/methods , Wine/microbiology , Yeasts/isolation & purification , Dose-Response Relationship, Drug , Fermentation , Pest Control, Biological , Salt Tolerance , Sodium Chloride/pharmacology , Yeasts/drug effects , Yeasts/metabolism
Psicol. teor. pesqui ; 26(n.esp): 25-35, 2010. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-570686


Este artigo apresenta um panorama de questões importantes da área de avaliação psicológica nos últimos 25 anos no Brasil. Buscou-se discutir fundamentos epistemológicos da área, bem como suas relações com a ciência e a integração do pensamento nomotético e idiográfico da pesquisa com a prática profissional. Faz-se um apanhado histórico de eventos importantes e uma análise geral da produção de artigos. Descreve-se também a produção de instrumentos e o Sistema de Avaliação de Testes Psicológicos do Conselho Federal de Psicologia. Posteriormente, são apontadas perspectivas para o futuro em quatro áreas: avanços metodológicos e tecnológicos, integração de abordagens e avanço dos seus métodos, validade consequencial e relevância social, e incentivo à formação e à criação da especialidade em avaliação psicológica.

ABSTRACT This article presents an overview of important issues in the area of psychological assessment for the last 25 years in Brazil. It discusses the area's epistemological elements as well as their relations to science, and the integration of nomothetic and idiographic thinking in research with professional practice. It is presented a historical overview of major events and a general analysis of the publication in the area. The production of instruments and the Psychological Test Evaluation System of the Federal Council of Psychology are also described. Later, future perspectives are highlighted in four areas: methodological and technological advances, integration of approaches and advancement of their methods, consequential validity and social relevance, and the need to encourage training and the creation of expertise in psychological assessment.

Humans , Psychological Tests , Personality Tests , Psychometrics
Genet. mol. biol ; 32(1): 186-189, 2009. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-505794


In this paper, two methods for assessing the degree of melanization of pupal exuviae from the butterfly Heliconius erato phyllis, Fabricius 1775 (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Heliconiini) are compared. In the first method, which was qualitative, the exuviae were classified by scoring the degree of melanization, whereas in the second method, which was quantitative, the exuviae were classified by optical density followed by analysis with appropriate software. The heritability (h2 ) of the degree of melanization was estimated by regression and analysis of variance. The estimates of h 2 were similar with both methods, indicating that the qualitative method could be particularly suitable for field work. The low estimates obtained for heritability may have resulted from the small sample size (n = 7-18 broods, including the parents) or from the allocation-priority hypothesis in which pupal color would be a lower priority trait compared to morphological traits and adequate larval development.

Animals , Butterflies/genetics , Phenotype , Pigmentation , Analysis of Variance , Butterflies/metabolism , Heredity , Melanins , Pupa/genetics
Sur, Rev. int. direitos human. (Impr.) ; 5(9): 120-171, dez. 2008. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English, Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-523177


Não obstante tenham ocorrido avanços positivos nos últimos 60 anos, a promoção e a proteção dos direitos econômicos e sociais continuam, em todo o mundo, a constituir um desafio preocupante. Enquanto milhões de pessoas não possuem acesso à água limpa, tratamento básico de saúde e ensino primário, a maior parte dos Estados considera os direitos econômicos e sociais tão-somente declarações abstratas de princípios. Governos e organizações internacionais, igualmente, vêem essas questões, em geral, como desafios de desenvolvimento, ignorando o vínculo destas com as obrigações de direitos humanos. Neste artigo, procura-se formular um modelo metodológico, com o objetivo de elucidar de que forma alguns métodos quantitativos podem ser usados em situações concretas para determinar quando um Estado viola as suas obrigações de direitos humanos. Além de nos auxiliar, como defensores de direitos humanos, a revelar de maneira convincente o escopo e a magnitude de várias formas de negação de direitos, as ferramentas quantitativas também nos ajudam a expor e contestar políticas malsucedidas que contribuam para a perpetuação dessas privações e desigualdades.

In spite of positive developments in the last 60 years, the worldwide promotion and protection of economic and social rights remains a daunting challenge. While millions of people are deprived of clean water, primary health care and basic education, most states do not recognize economic and social rights as more than abstract declarations of principles. Also, governments and international organizations usually tackle these questions exclusively as development challenges, ignoring their relation to human rights obligations. In this article, there is an initial attempt to set out a methodological framework to illustrate how some simple quantitative methods can be used in concrete situations to assess whether a state is violating its human rights obligations. Quantitative tools can help us, as human rights advocates, not only to persuasively show the scope and magnitude of various forms of rights denial, but also in revealing and challenging policy failures that contribute to the perpetuation of those deprivations and inequalities.

A pesar de los progresos positivos de los últimos 60 años, la promoción y protección de los derechos económicos y sociales en todo el mundo siguen siendo un gran desafío. Aunque millones de personas carecen de agua potable, cuidado médico primario y educación básica, la mayoría de los Estados no reconoce los derechos económicos y sociales como algo más que una declaración abstracta de principios. Por otra parte, los gobiernos y los organismos internacionales consideran estos problemas generalmente como retos del desarrollo, ignorando su relación con las obligaciones de derechos humanos. Este artículo, intenta establecer un marco metodológico para ilustrar cómo algunos métodos cuantitativos simples pueden usarse en situaciones concretas para determinar si un Estado está violando o no sus compromisos en materia de derechos humanos. Las herramientas cuantitativas pueden ayudarnos a los defensores de derechos humanos no sólo a demostrar persuasivamente el alcance y la magnitud de las diversas formas de negación de los derechos, sino también a revelar y enfrentar las fallas de las políticas que contribuyen a perpetuar esas privaciones y desigualdades.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-88540


BACKGROUND: Aphasia is common in stroke patients. However, studies about characteristics and prog- nosis of aphasia by acute ischemic stroke were insufficient. The aim of this study is to disclose vascular lesions causing aphasia symptom and to evaluate and clarify types, severity and recovery patterns of vascular aphasia using quantitative aphasia test. METHODS: Twenty six patients were included in this study, who had aphasia symptoms due to acute ischemic lesions confirmed by MRI or CT. Standardized test of Korean version-the Western Aphasia Battery (K-WAB) was performed in all subjects in acute stagte of stroke and was repeated 3 month later. Based on neuroimaging findings and results of aphasia tests, we divided all subjects into two groups, cortical aphasia and subcortical aphasia, and classified further into 8 types. The severity of aphasia measured by aphasia quotient (AQ) was graded. Changes in aphasia types and AQ and prognosis between cortical and subcortical aphasia was analyzed. RESULTS: Various vascular lesions caused aphasia symptoms in cortical and subcortical areas with good clinico-anatomical correlations. Eighteen patients(69.2%) had cortical aphasia and 8(30.8%) had subcor- tical one. Among 8 types of aphasia, 7 types were detected in our patients, and the most frequent type is global aphasia(30.8%). The mean incremental score of AQ between initial and follow-up test was 21.1+/-14.0. The distribution of severity of aphasia was as follows; grade I, 3.8%; grade II, 19.2%; grade III, 42.3%; and grade IV, 34.6%. Twenty one patients(80.8%) were followed up 97.9+/-7.4 days after initial test. Subjects who showed improvement in aphasia were 13(61.9%). Nine out of 13 belonged to cortical aphasia group and 4 out of them belonged to subcortical aphasia group. There was no significant difference in prognosis between cortical and subcortical aphasia group(p=0.58). CONCLUSION: Our study discloses various acute vascular lesions cause aphasia. It also provides cha- racteristics of patients with aphasia by acute ischemic stroke, such as types, severities and recovery patterns, which may help to assess vascular aphasia and its prognosis.

Humans , Aphasia , Follow-Up Studies , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Neuroimaging , Neuropsychological Tests , Prognosis , Stroke