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Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 82(2): s00441779055, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550044


Abstract Background The early identification of risk for dysphagia in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) is essential for the prevention of nutritional and pulmonary complications. Objective To analyze the sensitivity and specificity of the Swallowing Disturbance Questionnaire (SDQ-PD) and the Eating Assessment Tool (EAT-10) in identifying dysphagia risk in patients with early and intermediate stages of PD. Methods Twenty-nine patients with PD participated in the study. EAT-10 and SDQ-PD questionnaires were applied, and a videofluoroscopic swallowing study. Dysphagia Outcome and Severity Scale (DOSS) was used to classify the presence and severity of dysphagia, and the Penetration-Aspiration Scale (PAS) was used to identify the presence of penetration/aspiration. In the statistical analysis, the sensitivity and specificity of the risk questionnaires were calculated, as well as positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy. Results EAT-10 to identify the risk of penetration/aspiration revealed a sensitivity of 71.42% and specificity of 45.45%; in the identification of the presence of dysphagia, the sensitivity was 47.61%, and the specificity was 12.5%. The SDQ-PD questionnaire for risk of penetration/aspiration demonstrated a sensitivity of 28.57%, and a specificity of 68.18%. In terms of identifying the presence of dysphagia, the sensitivity was 20%, while the specificity was 44.44%. Conclusion The SDQ-PD revealed low sensitivity and low specificity to identify the presence of dysphagia and/or penetration/aspiration in patients with early and intermediate stages of PD in this sample. Despite its low specificity, the EAT-10 exhibited good sensitivity in indicating the risk of penetration/aspiration.

Resumo Antecedentes A identificação precoce de risco para disfagia nos pacientes com doença de Parkinson (DP) é fundamental para a prevenção de complicações nutricionais e pulmonares. Objetivo Analisar a sensibilidade e especificidade dos questionários Swallowing Disturbance Questionnaire (SDQ-PD) e Eating Assessment Tool (EAT-10) para a identificação do risco de disfagia em pacientes com DP nos estágios iniciais e intermediários da doença. Métodos Participaram 29 pacientes com DP. Foi realizado a aplicação dos questionários EAT-10 e SDQ-PD e o exame de videofluoroscopia da deglutição. Para a classificação da presença e gravidade da disfagia foi utilizada a escala Dysphagia Outcome and Severity Scale e, para identificação da presença de penetração/aspiração, a escala Penetration-Aspiration Scale (PAS). Na análise estatística, calcularam-se a sensibilidade e a especificidade dos questionários de risco EAT-10 e SDQ-DP e o valor preditivo positivo, o valor preditivo negativo e a acurácia. Resultados A análise do EAT-10 para identificar o risco de penetração/aspiração revelou sensibilidade de 71.42% e especificidade de 45.45%; para identificar a presença de disfagia, a sensibilidade foi de 47,61% e a especificidade de 12.5%. Em relação ao questionário SDQ-PD, para identificar risco de penetração/aspiração, a sensibilidade foi de 28.57% e a especificidade de 68.18% e, para identificar a presença de disfagia, a sensibilidade foi de 20% e a especificidade de 44.44%. Conclusão O questionário SDQ-PD revelou baixa sensibilidade e baixa especificidade para identificar presença de disfagia e/ou penetração/aspiração em pacientes com DP em estágios iniciais e intermediários para essa amostra. O EAT-10 revelou boa sensibilidade na indicação de risco de penetração/aspiração, apesar de baixa especificidade.

Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 40(4): 423-431, oct.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560388


RESUMEN Objetivos. Determinar la asociación entre el tiempo de enfermedad previo a broncoscopia y el tiempo de alta posbroncoscopia en pacientes pediátricos con aspiración de cuerpo extraño. Materiales y métodos. Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo. El estudio y la revisión de historias clínicas se realizó en el Hospital de Emergencias Pediátricas de Lima, Perú. Se revisaron 324 historias clínicas, de las cuales, 183 historias fueron seleccionadas por contar con diagnóstico de cuerpo extraño en vías aéreas y estar adecuadamente llenadas. Para el análisis bivariado se utilizó la prueba exacta de Fisher y U de Mann Whitney, mientras que para el cálculo del riesgo relativo (RR) y su respectivo intervalo de confianza (IC) al 95% se utilizó regresión de Poisson. Resultados. Se incluyeron 183 pacientes, de los cuales, el 65,6% fueron hombres con una media de 2,4 años. La localización más frecuente fue el árbol bronquial derecho y cuerpo extraño de material orgánico. La mayoría (72,7%) de pacientes tuvieron un alta temprana antes de las 24 horas. Se encontró una asociación entre el tiempo de enfermedad previo a la broncoscopia y el tiempo alta posbroncoscopia (RR: 2,94, IC 95%: 1,72-5,01). Conclusiones. Existe una asociación estadísticamente significativa entre el tiempo de enfermedad previo a la broncoscopia y el tiempo de estancia hospitalaria posextracción del cuerpo extraño al ajustar por edad, sexo tipo de cuerpo extraño y maniobra de boca como medida de rescate. Este hallazgo es relevante debido a que pone en evidencia la importancia de una atención temprana, diagnóstico oportuno y manejo precoz en el paciente pediátrico.

ABSTRACT Objective. To determine the association between pre-bronchoscopy time of illness and post-bronchoscopy discharge time in pediatric patients with foreign body aspiration. Materials and methods. Retrospective cohort study. Medical records were studied and reviewed at the Pediatric Emergency Hospital of Lima, Peru. We reviewed 324 medical records, and selected 183 because they had the diagnosis of foreign body aspiration and complete data. Fisher's exact test and Mann Whitney U test were used for the bivariate analysis, while Poisson regression was used to calculate the Relative Risk (RR) and its 95% confidence interval (CI). Results. We included 183 patients, of whom 65.6% were men with a mean age of 2.4 years. The most frequent location of the foreign body was the right bronchial tree and most of them were made of organic material. The majority (72.7%) of patients were discharged before 24 hours. We found an association between the time of illness prior to bronchoscopy and post-bronchoscopy discharge time (RR: 2.94, 95%CI: 1.72 - 5.01). Conclusions. The time of illness prior to bronchoscopy and the length of hospital stay after removal of the foreign body were significantly associated when adjusted for age, sex, type of foreign body and mouth sweep maneuver as a rescue measure. Our findings are relevant because they highlight the importance of early care, timely diagnosis and early management of pediatric patients.

Humans , Male , Female , Bronchoscopy
Braz. J. Anesth. (Impr.) ; 73(3): 301-304, May-June 2023.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439607


Abstract Aspiration of gastric contents during induction of general anesthesia remains a significant cause of mortality and morbidity in anesthesia. Recent data show that pulmonary aspiration still accounts for many cases with implications on mortality despite technical and technological evolution. Practical, ethical, and methodological issues prevent high-quality research in the setting of aspiration and rapid sequence induction/intubation, and significant controversy is ongoing. Patients' position, drugs choice, dosing and timing, use of cricoid force, and a reliable risk assessment are widely debated with significant questions still unanswered. We focus our discussion on three approaches to promote a better understanding of rapid sequence induction/intubation and airway management decision-making. Firstly, we review how we can use qualitative and quantitative assessment of fasting status and gastric content with the point-of-care ultrasound as an integral part of preoperative evaluation and planning. Secondly, we propose using imaging-based mathematical models to study different patient positions and aspiration mechanisms, including identifying aspiration triggers. Thirdly, we promote the development of a global data collection system aiming to obtain precise epidemiological data. Therefore, we fill the gap between evidence-based medicine and experts' opinion through easily accessible and diffused computer-based databases. A better understanding of aspiration epidemiology obtained through focused global data gathering systems, the widespread use of ultrasound-based prandial status evaluation, and development of advanced mathematical models might potentially guide safer airway management decision making in the 21st century.

Humans , Airway Management , Anesthesia, General , Incidence , Data Collection , Mathematics
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 21: eAO0391, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528567


ABSTRACT Objective To describe the clinical, bronchoscopic, diagnostic, and therapeutic aspects between children and adults. Methods This retrospective study compared the clinical and bronchoscopic characteristics of adults and children who underwent bronchoscopy for suspected foreign body aspiration. Data on sex, outpatient or emergency origin, bronchoscopy results, characteristics of the aspirated foreign body, and complications were analyzed. Results In total, 108 patients were included in the analysis, with foreign body aspiration diagnosed in 69% of patients (30 children and 44 adults). In 91% of patients, there was a clinical history suggestive of aspiration. The mean age of the adults was 65.89 (±19.75) years, and that of the children was 2.28 (±1.78) years. Most of the children were under 3 years of age (80%), while adults were mostly 70 years of age or older (54.5%). Emergency care was more common among children than adults. The most common foreign bodies found in both age groups were organic bodies, primarily seeds. The most frequent locations of foreign bodies were the lobar bronchi in adults and the main bronchi in children. Flexible bronchoscopy is the primary method for diagnosis and treatment. Transient hypoxemia occurred particularly frequently in children (5%). Conclusion Foreign body aspiration, particularly that involving seeds, is more common in the extremes of age. A clinical history suggestive of aspiration is crucial in determining the need for bronchoscopy, which should be performed as early as possible. Flexible bronchoscopy is an effective and safe diagnostic technique.

Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 21: eRC0628, 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528574


ABSTRACT Pulmonary aspiration of gastric residues during anesthesia is a potentially fatal complication for which no specific treatment is available. The primary way to prevent its occurrence in the context of elective surgeries is adherence to fasting protocols. However, some clinical conditions can prolong the gastric emptying time, and the risk of aspiration may exist despite adequate fasting. Recognizing the risk factors for gastroparesis allows the adoption of preventive methods and is the primary way to reduce morbidity and mortality from pulmonary aspiration. In this scenario, the anesthesiologist can investigate the gastric content by using ultrasound, adjust the anesthetic technique, and even postpone elective surgeries. Here, we describe incidental computed tomography finding of solid contents in the stomach of a patient without prior identification of the risk factors for gastroparesis. The patient underwent elective renal nodule ablation under general anesthesia after fasting for 9 hours. During the procedure, solid contents in the stomach were noted on computed tomography. Subsequently, it was discovered that the patient had been using semaglutide for 6 days and had not disclosed this information. Semaglutide use may represent a new and significant risk factor for anesthesia-related pulmonary aspiration. Until studies provide information on the appropriate perioperative management of patients using semaglutide, anesthesiologists need to adopt preventive measures to avoid aspiration. Awareness of this potential association and open communication among patients, physicians, and anesthesia teams are essential for enhancing patient safety.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991796


Based on the research results of aspiration in patients with dysphagia after ischemic stroke at home and abroad, this paper reviews the definition, detection methods, and risk factors of aspiration and emphasizes the incidence rate and severity of this disease. The authors conclude that preventing aspiration can decrease the incidence rate of aspiration pneumonia, change the clinical outcome of patients, and thereby save medical resources.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020322


Objective:To analyze the application effect of information health education combined with teach-back method in patients with posterior fossa tumor during perioperative period and provide experience and reference for clinical practice.Methods:From March 2022 to October 2022, a total of 80 patients diagnosed as posterior fossa tumors in the neurosurgery department were divided into a control group and an experimental group, with 40 patients in each group to conduct an experimental research, based on the length of hospitalization. The control group was given the conventional health education combined with the teach-back method, and the experimental group was given the information health education combined with the teach-back method. The scores of standard swallowing assessment, quality of life, awareness score of health education and incidence of respiratory aspiration were compared between the two groups.Results:On the 7th day after surgery and 1 day before discharge, the standard swallowing score of the experimental group were 25.29 ± 2.21 and 22.97 ± 3.36, which was significantly lower than that of the control group 26.45 ± 2.01 and 24.92 ± 3.56, ( t=2.44, 2.52, both P<0.05). The total score of quality of life on the day before discharge was 64.55 ± 4.27, significantly higher than 61.80 ± 4.82 in the control group, with a statistically significant difference ( t=-2.09, P<0.05). The patients in the experimental group were familiar with preoperative guidance, various dietary requirements, various drug effects and precautions, the prevention of various complications, various rehabilitation training methods, and the purpose and precautions of the head drainage tube, with the score of 4.70 ± 0.56, 4.52 ± 0.71, 4.65 ± 0.57, 4.67 ± 0.52, 4.72 ± 0.50, 4.77 ± 0.47, were higher than the control group 3.40 ± 1.05, 3.62 ± 0.97, 3.77 ± 0.94, 3.80 ± 0.88, 3.75 ± 0.89, 3.92 ± 0.88. The difference was statistically significant ( t values were -6.86 to -4.69, all P<0.05). The incidence of respiratory aspiration in experimental group was 0, significantly lower than that in control group 12.5%(5/40) ( χ2=5.33, P<0.05). Conclusions:The application of information health education combined with back teaching can improve the quality of life, health education awareness rate and reduce the incidence of aspiration in patients with posterior fossa tumor.

Audiol., Commun. res ; 27: e2666, 2022. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403548


RESUMO Objetivo verificar a associação entre o número de deglutições e presença de resíduo faríngeo e broncoaspiração em pessoas com esclerose múltipla. Métodos estudo transversal observacional de exames de videofluoroscopia de 231 deglutições de indivíduos com esclerose múltipla. Três fonoaudiólogas avaliaram as deglutições de IDDSI 1 (International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative) (5 ml e 10 ml) e IDDSI 4 (8 ml) quanto à presença de resíduo faríngeo e de penetração/aspiração. Deglutições que não apresentaram resíduo faríngeo foram classificadas como deglutições sem resíduos faríngeos (DSR) e as que apresentaram, como deglutições com resíduos faríngeos (DCR), sendo estas últimas subdivididas em resíduos faríngeos em todas as ofertas ou eventuais (DCR1 e DCR2). O número de deglutições foi analisado por um avaliador cego e comparado com os dados demográficos e clínicos. Resultados das 231 deglutições, 73 (31,6%) apresentaram resíduos faríngeos. O número médio de deglutições foi semelhante nas deglutições sem e com resíduos faríngeos em cada consistência e volume e nas variáveis idade, gênero, tipo de esclerose múltipla e incapacidade funcional. Houve associação entre a média do número de deglutições e a ausência de penetração/aspiração, quando comparada às deglutições sem e com resíduos faríngeos, nas DCR2 e em indivíduos acima de 50 anos. Ao analisar intragrupo, observou-se associação nas DCR, sendo maior na ausência de penetração/aspiração e nas DCR2. Conclusão não houve correlação entre o número de deglutições e a presença de resíduos em recessos faríngeos na esclerose múltipla. Todavia, o número de deglutições foi maior quando houve resíduo e ausência de disfagia e de penetração/aspiração, em indivíduos mais velhos.

ABSTRACT Purpose To verify the association between the number of swallows and the presence of pharyngeal residue and bronchoaspiration in people with Multiple Sclerosis. Methods An observational cross-sectional study of videofluoroscopic examinations of 231 swallows from individuals with Multiple Sclerosis. Three speech therapists evaluated IDDSI 1 (International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative) (5ml and 10ml) and IDDSI 4 (8ml) deglutitions for pharyngeal residue and penetration/ aspiration. Swallows with no pharyngeal residue were classified as swallows without pharyngeal residue (SWTR) and those with pharyngeal residue (SWR), the latter subdivided into pharyngeal residue in all or occasional offerings (SWR1 e SWR2). The number of swallows was analyzed by a blind evaluator and compared with demographic and clinical data. Results Of the 231 swallows, 73 (31.6%) showed pharyngeal residues. The mean number of swallows was similar in the deglutitions with and without pharyngeal residues in each consistency and volume and in the variables age, gender, type of Multiple Sclerosis and functional disability. There was an association between the mean number of swallows and the absence of penetration/aspiration when comparing deglutitions with and without pharyngeal residues, in SWR2 and in individuals over 50 years of age. When analyzing intragroup, an association was observed in SWR, being higher in the absence of penetration/aspiration and in SWR2. Conclusion There was no correlation between the number of swallows and the presence of residues in pharyngeal recesses in multiple sclerosis. However, the number of swallows was higher when there was residue and absence of dysphagia and penetration/aspiration, and in older individuals.

Humans , Aphasia/complications , Deglutition Disorders/physiopathology , Deglutition Disorders/diagnostic imaging , Respiratory Aspiration , Multiple Sclerosis/physiopathology
Rev. bras. enferm ; 75(3): e20210220, 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1351711


ABSTRACT Objectives: to determine the prevalence of bronchopulmonary aspiration in the Brazilian scenario, the factors associated with the incident and the variables associated with death. Methods: a cross-sectional and analytical study, carried out from analysis of notifications of incidents related to bronchopulmonary aspiration of the Health Surveillance Notification System, from January 2014 to December 2018. Results: of the 264,590 notifications, 553 referred to aspiration, whose prevalence rate was 0.21%. There was an association between the event and age, ethnicity, main medical diagnosis, country region, service type, health unit and consequences for patients. Furthermore, four independent predictor variables for death were found: living in the North or South regions, being elderly and receiving healthcare at night. Conclusions: the prevalence rate of bronchopulmonary aspiration was small, but with a negative impact on patients.

RESUMEN Objetivos: determinar la prevalencia de broncoaspiración en el escenario brasileño, los factores asociados al incidente y las variables asociadas a la muerte. Métodos: estudio transversal y analítico, realizado a partir del análisis de notificaciones de incidentes relacionados con la aspiración broncopulmonar del Sistema de Notificación de Vigilancia Sanitaria, de enero de 2014 a diciembre de 2018. Resultados: de las 264.590 notificaciones, 553 se refirieron a aspiración, cuya tasa de prevalencia fue del 0,21%. Hubo asociación entre el evento y la edad, etnia, diagnóstico médico principal, región del país, tipo de servicio, unidad de salud y consecuencias para el paciente. Además, se encontraron cuatro variables predictoras independientes de muerte: vivir en la región Norte o Sur, ser anciano y recibir atención médica por la noche. Conclusiones: la tasa de prevalencia de aspiración broncopulmonar fue pequeña, pero con impacto negativo en los pacientes.

RESUMO Objetivos: determinar a prevalência de aspiração broncopulmonar no cenário brasileiro, os fatores associados ao incidente e as variáveis associadas ao óbito. Métodos: estudo transversal e analítico, realizado a partir da análise das notificações de incidentes relacionados à aspiração broncopulmonar do Sistema de Notificações em Vigilância Sanitária, no período de janeiro de 2014 a dezembro de 2018. Resultados: das 264.590 notificações, 553 se referiam à aspiração, cuja taxa de prevalência foi de 0,21%. Houve associação entre o evento e idade, etnia, diagnóstico médico principal, região do país, tipo de serviço, unidade de saúde e consequência para o paciente. Ainda, verificaram-se quatro variáveis preditoras independentes para o óbito: residir na Região Norte ou Sul, ser idoso e receber atendimento à saúde no período noturno. Conclusões: a taxa de prevalência de aspiração broncopulmonar foi pequena, mas com impacto negativo para os pacientes.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-931618


Objective:To investigate the diagnosis and treatment of severe pneumonia caused by unexplained complex infections by analyzing and summarizing the clinical data of one patient with severe pneumonia.Methods:We included one case of severe pneumonia who was cured in the Department of Critical Care Medicine of Anhui Provincial Cancer Hospital in 2018. We used descriptive methods to analyze the case data and reviewed pieces of literature related to clinical data collected during diagnosis and treatment.Results:The 34-year-old male patient had chest tightness and asthma attacks in December 2017. He received treatment in Departments of Respiratory Medicine and Critical Care Medicine, Class III Grade A hospitals outside Anhui Province. Chest CT scans showed atelectasis and consolidation of the right lung, and bilateral pleural effusion. Laboratory test results suggested widespread drug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii, Aspergillus, and Candida infections. Cardiac color Doppler ultrasound images suggested pulmonary hypertension. He had recurrent respiratory failure. After mechanical ventilation, he had septic shock. These findings indicated severe pneumonia. Later, he was escorted by a 120 ambulance hospital transportation car from Guangzhou to the Department of Critical Care Medicine, Anhui Provincial Cancer Hospital to alleviate respiratory failure and shock. During hospitalization, the patient underwent nasal feeding because of an aspiration mistake. He was also subject to an active anti-infection, nutritional support, and airway management. The patient's condition improved, but respiratory failure could not be completely alleviated. After experimental anti-tuberculosis treatment, the patient was discharged because his condition improved. The patient was treated for a total of 102 days. Conclusion:A single pathogen or a single pathogenic factor is involved in community-acquired severe pneumonia in young and middle-aged patients. During diagnosis and treatment of severe pneumonia, laboratory test results have a guiding significance for judging the patient's condition. Diagnosis of severe pneumonia caused by unexplained complex infections does not simply rely on laboratory test results. Under the condition of infection by non-specific pathogens such as tuberculosis, severe pneumonia should be treated after analyzing clinical manifestations, asking the medical history in detail, carefully monitoring the changes in disease condition, paying attention to details, and finding the pathological factors.

Arq. gastroenterol ; 58(2): 180-184, Apr.-June 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285315


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Bowel preparation with mannitol is a well-established method in Brazil. However, factors that interfere with the gastric emptying time period are yet to be known. Knowing these factors may favor the examination scheduling logistics and the individualized orientation for each patient. OBJECTIVE: Know the factors that can contribute to the gastric emptying time after intestinal preparation with express mannitol. METHODS: This is a prospective observational study to know factors that may contribute on the gastric emptying timing: predominant type of diet, comorbidities, medication usage, previous surgeries, number of evacuation per week, bearer of bowel obstipation, fecal type, diet type, number of evacuations after the home usage of bisacodyl before the ingestion of mannitol and number of evacuations after the ingestion of mannitol until reaching a proper bowel preparation. Before starting the colonoscopy exam, an upper digestive endoscopy exam was made to aspirate the gastric content. RESULTS: Sample was composed of 103 patients, 55 (53.4%) women, medium age 61 (±12.1) years, medium weight 75.3 (±14.1) kg, medium height 1.7 (±10) m and medium BMI of 26.6 (±3.9) kg/m2. Average gastric residual volume was 120.9 (0-900) mL. Gastric residual volume (GRV) below 100 mL (GRV ≤100 mL) occurred in 45 (43.6%) patients, 24 (53.3%) women, medium age of 61.0 years and medium BMI of 26.7 kg/m2. Gastric residual volume above 100 mL (GRV >100 mL) occurred on 58 (56.3%) patients, 29 (50%) women, medium age of 61.0 years and medium BMI of 26.2 kg/m2. Comparing both groups, average fasting time period after the ingestion of mannitol was significantly higher on the group with GRV ≤100 mL than group with GRV >100 mL, 123.1 (60-246) vs 95.3 (55-195) minutes, respectively. There was also statistical significance concerning the usage of ezetimibe 6 (13.7%) in the group with GRV ≤100 mL and statistical significance in the group with GRV >100 mL concerning the usage of paroxetine 3 (6.7%) and tadalafil 3 (6.7%) and surgical history of prostatectomy 3 (6.7%) and bridle withdrawal 3 (6.7%). CONCLUSION: We may conclude in this study that the usage of ezetimibe and fasting above 2 hours after the ingestion of mannitol decrease significantly the incidence of a GRV >100 mL. The usage of paroxetine, tadalafil and surgical history of prostatectomy or bridle withdrawal may contribute to increase de incidence of a GRV >100 mL.

RESUMO CONTEXTO: O preparo intestinal com manitol é um método bem estabelecido no Brasil. No entanto, os fatores que interferem no tempo de esvaziamento gástrico ainda não são conhecidos. O conhecimento desses fatores pode favorecer a logística de agendamento do exame e a orientação individualizada para cada paciente. OBJETIVO: Estudar os fatores que podem contribuir para o tempo de esvaziamento gástrico após o preparo intestinal com manitol expresso. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo observacional prospectivo com o objetivo de conhecer os seguintes fatores que podem contribuir no tempo de esvaziamento gástrico: tipo de dieta predominante, comorbidades, uso de medicamentos, cirurgias anteriores, número de evacuações por semana, portador de obstipação intestinal, tipo fecal, tipo de dieta, número de evacuações após o uso domiciliar de bisacodil antes da ingestão de manitol e número de evacuações após a ingestão de manitol até atingir o preparo intestinal adequado. Antes de iniciar o preparo intestinal, os pacientes responderam a um questionário clínico. O endoscópio foi introduzido para aspirar o conteúdo gástrico, antes de iniciar a colonoscopia. RESULTADOS: A amostra foi composta por 103 pacientes, sendo 55 mulheres, com média de idade de 61 anos, peso médio de 75,3 kg, altura média de 1,7 m e IMC médio de 26,6 kg/m2. O volume residual gástrico médio medido foi 120,9 (0-900) mL. Volume residual gástrico inferior a 100 mL (VRG ≤100 mL) foi encontrado em 45 (43,6%) pacientes, sendo 24 (53,3%) mulheres, com média de idade de 61,0 anos e IMC médio de 26,7 kg/m2. Volume residual gástrico acima de 100 mL (VRG >100 mL) ocorreu em 58 (56,3%) pacientes, sendo 29 (50%) mulheres, com idade média de 61,0 anos e IMC médio de 26,2 kg/m2. Comparando os dois grupos, notou-se que o tempo médio de jejum após a ingestão de manitol foi significativamente maior no grupo com VRG ≤100 mL do que no grupo com VRG> 100 mL, 123,1 (60-246) vs 95,3 (55-195) minutos, respectivamente. Também houve significância estatística em relação ao uso de ezetimiba 6 (13,7%), sendo maior no grupo com VRG ≤100 mL. Além disso, houve significância estatística no grupo com VRG >100 mL quanto ao uso de paroxetina 3 (6,7%) e tadalafil 3 (6,7%) e história cirúrgica de prostatectomia 3 (6,7%) e retirada de bridas 3 (6,7%). CONCLUSÃO: Podemos concluir neste estudo que o uso de ezetimiba e o jejum acima de 2 horas após a ingestão de manitol diminuem significativamente a incidência de um VRG> 100 mL. O uso de paroxetina, tadalafil e história cirúrgica de prostatectomia ou retirada de bridas podem contribuir para o aumento da incidência de um VRG >100 mL.

Humans , Male , Female , Stomach , Mannitol , Residual Volume , Gastric Emptying , Gastrointestinal Contents , Middle Aged
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 117(6): 412-420, dic. 2019. tab, graf, ilus
Article in Spanish | BINACIS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1051585


La aspiración pulmonar es el pasaje de alimentos, reflujo gastroesofágico y/o saliva a la vía aérea de manera suficiente que ocasione síntomas respiratorios crónicos o recurrentes. Es una ausa importante de neumonía recurrente, enfermedad pulmonar progresiva, bronquiectasias e, incluso, muerte. La aspiración es intermitente y, con frecuencia, ocurre en niños con anomalías médicas subyacentes o síndromes que ocasionan síntomas respiratorios similares a la aspiración pulmonar crónica, por lo que, muchas veces, el diagnóstico de aspiración se demora hasta que haya una lesión pulmonar significativa. Se describen los métodos diagnósticos disponibles y sus limitaciones, y las opciones de tratamiento de la aspiración pulmonar crónica en la población pediátrica.

Pulmonary aspiration is the passage of food, gastroesophageal reflux and/or saliva to the airway in a manner sufficient to cause chronic or recurrent respiratory symptoms. It is an important cause of recurrent pneumonia, progressive lung disease, bronchiectasis and even death.Aspiration is intermittent and often occurs in children with underlying medical conditions or syndromes that cause respiratory symptoms similar to chronic pulmonary aspiration, so diagnosis of aspiration is often delayed until there is a significant lung injury. The available diagnostic methods and their limitations, and treatment options of chronic pulmonary aspiration in the pediatric population are described.

Humans , Respiratory Aspiration/diagnosis , Respiratory Aspiration/etiology , Respiratory Aspiration/physiopathology , Respiratory Aspiration/therapy , Pediatrics , Suction , Deglutition Disorders , Capsule Endoscopy
Rev. bras. ter. intensiva ; 31(1): 39-46, jan.-mar. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1003623


RESUMO Objetivo: Comparar a eficiência das técnicas de vibrocompressão e hiperinsuflação com ventilador mecânico de forma isolada e a associação das duas técnicas (hiperinsuflação com ventilador mecânico + vibrocompressão), na quantidade de secreção aspirada e na alteração de parâmetros hemodinâmicos e pulmonares. Métodos: Ensaio clínico randomizado com pacientes críticos em ventilação mecânica, realizado na unidade de terapia intensiva de um hospital universitário. Os pacientes foram randomizados para receber uma das técnicas de higiene brônquica por 10 minutos (vibrocompressão, ou hiperinsuflação com ventilador mecânico, ou hiperinsuflação com ventilador mecânico + vibrocompressão). Após, foram novamente randomizados para receber inicialmente a técnica (previamente randomizada) ou apenas a aspiração isolada. Foram analisados o peso de secreção aspirada (em gramas), dados de mecânica ventilatória e cardiopulmonares, antes e após a aplicação das técnicas. A frequência de reintubação traqueal, o tempo de ventilação mecânica e a mortalidade, também foram avaliados. Resultados: Foram incluídos 93 pacientes (29 vibrocompressão, 32 hiperinsuflação com ventilador mecânico e 32 hiperinsuflação com ventilador mecânico + vibrocompressão) em ventilação mecânica por mais de 24 horas. O grupo hiperinsuflação com ventilador mecânico + vibrocompressão foi o único que apresentou aumento significativo da secreção aspirada, quando comparado a aspiração isolada 0,7g (0,1 - 2,5g) versus 0,2g (0,0 - 0,6g), com valor de p = 0,006. Conclusão: Quando comparada à aspiração isolada, a associação das técnicas hiperinsuflação com ventilador mecânico + vibrocompressão foi mais eficiente na quantidade de secreção aspirada.

ABSTRACT Objective: To compare the effects of vibrocompression and hyperinflation with mechanical ventilator techniques alone and in combination (hyperinflation with mechanical ventilator + vibrocompression) on the amount of aspirated secretion and the change in hemodynamic and pulmonary parameters. Methods: A randomized clinical trial with critically ill patients on mechanical ventilation conducted in the intensive care unit of a university hospital. The patients were randomly allocated to receive one of the bronchial hygiene techniques for 10 minutes (vibrocompression or hyperinflation with mechanical ventilator or hyperinflation with mechanical ventilator + vibrocompression). Afterwards, the patients were again randomly allocated to receive either the previous randomly allocated technique or only tracheal aspiration. The weight of aspirated secretions (in grams), ventilatory mechanics and cardiopulmonary data before and after the application of the techniques were analyzed. The tracheal reintubation frequency and time and mortality on mechanical ventilation were also evaluated. Results: A total of 93 patients (29 vibrocompression, 32 hyperinflation with mechanical ventilator and 32 hyperinflation with mechanical ventilator + vibrocompression) on mechanical ventilation for more than 24 hours were included. The hyperinflation with mechanical ventilator + vibrocompression group was the only one that presented a significant increase in aspirated secretions compared to tracheal aspiration alone [0.7g (0.1 - 2.5g) versus 0.2g (0.0 - 0.6g), p value = 0.006]. Conclusion: Compared to tracheal aspiration alone, the combination of hyperinflation with mechanical ventilator + vibrocompression techniques was most efficient for increasing the amount of aspirated secretions.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Respiration, Artificial , Suction/methods , Ventilators, Mechanical , Intensive Care Units , Time Factors , Critical Illness , Hemodynamics , Hospitals, University , Middle Aged
REME rev. min. enferm ; 23: e-1218, jan.2019.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1051144


OBJETIVO: caracterizar os casos de óbitos decorrentes de asfixia acidental por sufocação em crianças. MÉTODO: estudo descritivo e retrospectivo de dados secundários no qual procedeu-se à análise dos dados dos óbitos de crianças menores de um ano e de um a quatro anos ocorridos no estado de Minas Gerais e notificados no banco de dados do Sistema Único de Saúde, no período de 2005 a 2015. Foram identificados 233 casos de óbitos por asfixia. Entre as vítimas prevaleceram o sexo masculino (131, 56,2%), a raça/cor branca (118, 50,6%), sendo em maior proporção nas crianças menores de um ano (175, 75,1%). Os diagnósticos mais frequentes foram inalação e ingestão de alimentos, causando obstrução do trato respiratório (155, 66,5%), em menores de um ano e de um a quatro anos. RESULTADOS: foram notificados, em média, 14,6 casos por ano com grande oscilação no período estudado, sendo que no ano de 2002 houve maior número de óbitos (21, 9,0%) e em 2006 apresentou-se o menor número de casos (7, 3%). CONCLUSÃO: destaca-se a importância da implementação de medidas preventivas e educativas, com vistas a reduzir o evento, as lesões e as sequelas decorrentes.(AU)

Objective: to characterize the cases of deaths due to accidental asphyxia by suffocation in children. Method: a descriptive and retrospective study of secondary data of death certificates of children, from 2005 to 2015, including those under one year old and those from one to four years old, in the state of Minas Gerais, that were reported in the Unified Health System database. The study identified 233 cases of death from asphyxia. Among the victims, the male sex (131, 56.2%), white race/skin color (118, 50.6%), and children under one year (175, 75.1%) were the most common. The most frequent diagnoses were inhalation and food intake, causing respiratory obstruction (155, 66.5%) in children under one year and from one to four years old. Results: an average of 14.6 cases per year were reported, with great variation, during the study period. The year 2002 had the highest number of deaths (21, 9.0%) and 2006, the lowest (7, 3%). Conclusion: the importance of the implementation of preventive and educational measures to reduce this occurrences, its injuries and sequelae, is highlighted. (AU)

Objetivo: caracterizar los casos de muerte por asfixia accidental en niños. Método: estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo de datos secundarios en el que se analizaron datos de la muerte de niños menores de un año y de uno a cuatro años en el estado de Minas Gerais informados en la base de datos del Sistema Únicode Salud de 2005 a 2015. Se identificaron 233 casos de muerte por asfixia. Entre las víctimas había más varones (131; 56,2%), de tez blanca (118; 50,6%), y en una proporción mayor entre los niños menores de un año (175; 75,1%). Los diagnósticos más frecuentes fueron inhalación e ingesta de alimentos, causando obstrucción del tracto respiratorio (155; 66.5%) en niños menores de un año y de uno a cuatro años. Resultados: en promedio, se informaron 14,6 casos por año con gran oscilación durante el período de estudio; en 2002 hubo más cantidad de muertes (21; 9,0%) y en 2006 menos muertes (7; 3%). Conclusión: se realza la importancia de la implementación de medidas preventivas y educativas para reducir los eventos, lesiones y secuelas. (AU)

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Risk Factors , Mortality , Airway Obstruction , Respiratory Aspiration , Foreign Bodies , Pediatric Nursing , Child Care
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-766407


Aspiration is the entry of materials, such as pharyngeal secretions, food, or stomach contents, into the respiratory system. Dysphagia is the most common risk factor of aspiration, but there are many other risk factors. A single factor or multiple factors may be present to induce the aspiration, and the risk factors of aspiration should be considered multidimensional. The bedside water test is suitable as a screening test for an evaluation of aspiration. Videofluoroscopic swallowing study and flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing are the diagnostic tests of aspiration and the tests are required if the screening test shows signs of aspiration or silent aspiration is strongly suspected. The diagnostic test should assess not only the presence of aspiration, but also the pathophysiologic risk factors of aspiration.

Deglutition , Deglutition Disorders , Diagnosis , Diagnostic Tests, Routine , Gastrointestinal Contents , Mass Screening , Respiratory Aspiration , Respiratory System , Risk Factors , Water
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-787489


Foreign body aspiration is most likely to occur in children and in adults aged above 60 years, causing a respiratory emergency, such as airway closure. It is diagnosed based on a history of aspiration, presenting symptoms, and radiographic findings. The treatment may include removal of the foreign body via bronchoscopy or surgery. Here, we report a rare case of bronchial aspiration of a foreign body, confirmed with clinical and radiographic examinations, in a 57-year-old patient. The patient was transferred for treatment; however, spontaneous passage of the foreign body to the gastrointestinal tract led to its removal from the bronchus.

Adult , Child , Humans , Middle Aged , Bronchi , Bronchoscopy , Emergencies , Foreign Bodies , Gastrointestinal Tract , Respiratory Aspiration
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-762244


Recently, balanced sedation has commonly been used during procedural sedation. Dexmedetomidine is known for its relative safety to cause “conscious sedation” with little respiratory depression but has some limitations such as frequent awakening and hemodynamic instability during surgery. To facilitate sedation, a small dose of midazolam can be co-administered rather than escalating the dose of dexmedetomidine, especially in elderly patient. Despite the respiratory safety profile of dexmedetomidine, the overall safety of co-administration has not been clarified. We describe the first case of fatal pulmonary aspiration that developed in an elderly patient during balanced sedation with spinal anesthesia for elective femur fracture surgery.

Aged , Humans , Anesthesia, Spinal , Conscious Sedation , Dexmedetomidine , Femur , Hemodynamics , Midazolam , Respiratory Aspiration of Gastric Contents , Respiratory Insufficiency
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-719519


Exogenous lipoid pneumonia is an uncommon medical condition resulting from aspiration or inhalation of oily material. Generally, lipoid pneumonia has nonspecific clinical and radiological presentations, and may be misdiagnosed as bacterial pneumonia or lung cancer. We describe an unusual case of exogenous lipoid pneumonia accompanied by peripheral blood and pulmonary eosinophilia. A 63-year-old man was admitted with progressively worsening exertional dyspnea and productive cough for 5 days. A chest radiograph showed abnormalities in the lower lobe of the right lung, and a diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia was made; intravenous antibiotics were administered. However, dyspnea and hypoxia gradually worsened and peripheral blood eosinophilia developed. A bronchoscopy was performed and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid analysis showed markedly increased numbers of eosinophils (40%). Subsequently, a comprehensive review of history revealed that he fell asleep with camellia oil in his mouth for 2 weeks to relieve foreign body sensation of the throat. Sputum and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid cytology showed the presence of lipid-laden macrophages. He was diagnosed with lipoid pneumonia and acute eosinophilic pneumonia. Chest radiograph and symptom were rapidly improved after treatment with intravenous methylprednisolone.

Humans , Middle Aged , Hypoxia , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid , Bronchoscopy , Camellia , Cough , Diagnosis , Dyspnea , Eosinophilia , Eosinophils , Foreign Bodies , Inhalation , Lung , Lung Neoplasms , Macrophages , Methylprednisolone , Mouth , Pharynx , Pneumonia , Pneumonia, Bacterial , Pneumonia, Lipid , Pulmonary Eosinophilia , Radiography, Thoracic , Respiratory Aspiration , Sensation , Sputum
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-755598


Objective To evaluate the value of bedside ultrasound-measured antral cross-sectional area (CSA) in diagnosing an empty stomach in patients with chronic hepatitis B.Methods One hundred and fifty-nine patients with chronic hepatitis B,aged 18-64 yr,with body height>150 cm,weighing 45-110 kg,were enrolled in this study.The antero-posterior diameter and craniocaudal diameter of the gastric antrumn were measured by bedside ultrasound when patients were in the supine position,and CSA was calculated.Gastroscope negative pressure was used to suction fluid from stomach at the end of gastroscopy,and the fluid volume was recorded,and gastric fluid volume ≤0.8 ml/kg was defined as the standard for empty stomach.Results The cut-off value of CSA measured by bedside ultrasound in diagnosing an empty stomach was 440 mm2,with sensitivity 85.07%,specificity 80.95%,positive predictive value 96.61%,negative predictive value 45.95%,coincidence rate 84.52%.Conclusion The cut-off value of bedside ultrasound-measured CSA in diagnosing an empty stomach is 440 mm2 for the patients with chronic hepatitis B.

Rev. chil. enferm. respir ; 34(2): 111-117, ago. 2018. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-959415


Resumen El reflujo gastroesofágico (RGE) y la aspiración oculta de contenido digestivo están probablemente implicados en la etiopatogenia y progresión de la fibrosis pulmonar idiopática (FPI). Los mecanismos patogénicos involucrados son la disminución de la distensibilidad pulmonar y el consiguiente aumento de la presión negativa intratorácica durante la inspiración, así como la disminución de los mecanismos de control de la motilidad esofágica o del tono del esfínter esofágico inferior. La prevalencia de RGE y anomalías de la motilidad esofágica están aumentadas en los pacientes con FPI comparado con la población general. Entre los pacientes con FPI, el 67-76% demostraron exposición anormal al contenido ácido en el esófago. Sin embargo, no hubo relación entre la gravedad del RGE y la gravedad de la FPI. Los estudios que han examinado el tratamiento antirreflujo en esta población han sido escasos. Incluso, algunos datos sugieren que el tratamiento antiácido puede ser perjudicial en algunos pacientes con esta condición. Después de analizar toda la evidencia relevante encontrada hasta la fecha, concluimos que no se puede establecer una relación causal entre el RGE, la aspiración del contenido gástrico y la patogénesis de la FPI. Además, existe escasa evidencia clínica que haya examinado el tratamiento antirreflujo en pacientes con fibrosis pulmonar idiopática.

ABSTRACT Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) and hidden aspiration of gastric contents are probably involved in the pathogenesis and progression of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). The pathological mechanisms involved are decreased pulmonary distensibility and consequent increase of intrathoracic negative pressure during inspiration, as well as decreased control mechanisms of esophageal motility or lower esophageal sphincter. The prevalence of GERD and oesophageal dysmotility was higher in patients with IPF as compared with general population. Among patients with IPF, 67-76% demonstrated abnormal oesophageal acid exposure. However, no relationship was demonstrated between severity of GERD and severity of IPF. Data are scant on outcomes of antireflux treatment in patients with IPF. Actually, some data suggests that antacid treatment may be deleterious in some IPF patients. After analyzing all the relevant evidence found to date, a causal relationship between GERD, gastric content aspiration and IPF pathogenesis cannot be established. There is scant evidence examining antireflux treatment in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patients.

Humans , Gastroesophageal Reflux/complications , Gastroesophageal Reflux/physiopathology , Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis/etiology , Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis/physiopathology , Respiratory Aspiration of Gastric Contents/complications , Esophageal Motility Disorders/diagnosis , Esophageal Motility Disorders/pathology , Disease Progression , Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis/genetics , Respiratory Aspiration of Gastric Contents/etiology , Antacids