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rev.cuid. (Bucaramanga. 2010) ; 15(1): 1-11, 20240101.
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1562278


Introduction: Different physical, social, affective, and sexual changes take place during adolescence, such as the sexual debut. Objective: To explore the factors associated with the onset of sexual activity in adolescents attending school (12­16 years) in Bucaramanga. Materials and Methods: This analytical cross-sectional study included 440 adolescents from a public school. An instrument developed by Latin American Center for Perinatology - History of Adolescents was applied, and descriptive and bivariate analyses were conducted using a binomial regression model adjusted by age and sex, with sexual activity onset as the outcome and possible associated factors as exposures. Results: The prevalence of the onset of sexual activity was 22.27% (95% CI: 18.56­26.46). Factors associated with greater prevalence of sexual activity onset were having a criminal record and partner PR=3.24, (95%CI: 2.60­4.05) and PR=2.00, (95%CI: 1.42­2.82), respectively. Male gender PR=1.19, (95% CI: 0.84­1.67), using tobacco PR=1.23 (95% CI: 0.73­2.06), alcohol consumption PR=1.23, (95% CI: 0.73­2.06), and other psychoactive substance use PR=1.78, (95% CI: 0.99­3.19) were risk factors; meanwhile, socializing with friends was a protective factor PR=0.27, (95% CI: 0.20­0.36). Discussion: Follow-up by parents and school support decrease the risk of adolescent sexual activity onset. Furthermore, interventions in the family and school settings are important. Conclusion: There are conditions that could promote the beginning of sexual activity in adolescence such as being male, having a partner, having a criminal record, smoking, and consuming alcohol or other substances could promote adolescent sexual activity onset, while socializing with friends was found to be a protective factor.

Introducción: En la adolescencia se producen cambios físicos, sociales, afectivos, sexuales, entre otros; sobre los cambios sexuales, el debut sexual. Objetivo: Explorar factores asociados al inicio de actividad sexual en adolescentes escolarizados (12 - 16 años) en Bucaramanga. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de corte trasversal analítico, incluyó 440 adolescentes de un colegio público. Se aplicó el instrumento Centro Latinoamericano de Perinatología - Historia del adolescente. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de la información y análisis bivariado, empleando un modelo de regresión binomial ajustadas por edad y sexo empleando como desenlace el inicio de actividad sexual, y como exposiciones los posibles factores asociados. Resultados: La prevalencia del inicio de actividad sexual fue 22,27% (IC 95%: 18,56-26,46). Tener antecedentes judiciales y tener pareja, estaban asociados a mayor prevalencia de inicio de actividad sexual, RP=3,24, (IC 95%: 2,60-4,05) y RP=2,00 (IC 95%: 1,42-2,82), respectivamente. El ser hombre RP=1,19, (IC 95%: 0,84-1,67), consumir tabaco RP=1,23, (IC 95%: 0,73-2,06), alcohol RP= 1,23, (IC 95%: 0,73-2,06) y otras sustancias RP=1,78, (IC 95%: 0,99-3,19) se comportan como factores de riesgo; relacionarse con amigos fue un factor protector RP=0,27, (IC 95%: 0,20-0,36). Discusión: El acompañamiento de los padres y el apoyo del colegio, disminuyen el riesgo de inicio de actividad sexual en la adolescencia; intervenciones familiares y en el colegio son importantes. Conclusiones: Existen condiciones que podrían promover el inicio de actividad sexual en la adolescencia tales como, ser hombre, tener pareja, antecedentes personales judiciales, fumar, consumir alcohol y otras sustancias, mientras que, el relacionarse con amigos es un factor protector.

Introdução: Durante a adolescência ocorrem alterações físicas, sociais, emocionais e sexuais, entre outras; sobre mudanças sexuais, estreia sexual. Objetivo: Explorar fatores associados ao início da atividade sexual em adolescentes escolares (12 - 16 anos) em Bucaramanga. Materiais e métodos: Estudo transversal analítico que incluiu 440 adolescentes de uma escola pública. Foi aplicado o instrumento Centro Latino-Americano de Perinatologia - História do adolescente. Foi realizada análise descritiva das informações e análise bivariada, utilizando modelo de regressão binomial ajustado por idade e sexo, tendo como desfecho o início da atividade sexual e como exposições os possíveis fatores associados. Resultados: A prevalência de início da atividade sexual foi de 22,27% (IC 95%: 18,56-26,46). Ter antecedentes judiciais e ter companheiro estiveram associados a maior prevalência de início da atividade sexual, RP=3,24, (IC 95%: 2,60-4,05) e RP=2,00 (IC 95%: 1,42-2,82), respectivamente. Ser homem RP= 1,19, (IC 95%: 0,84-1,67), consumir tabaco RP=1,23, (IC 95%: 0,73-2,06), álcool RP= 1,23, (IC 95%: 0,73-2,06) e outros substâncias RP=1,78, (IC 95%: 0,99-3,19) comportam-se como fatores de risco; interagir com amigos foi fator de proteção RP=0,27; (IC 95%: 0,20-0,36). Discussão: O acompanhamento parental e o apoio escolar reduzem o risco de início da atividade sexual na adolescência; as intervenções familiares e escolares são importantes. Conclusões: Existem condições que podem favorecer o início da atividade sexual na adolescência como ser homem, ter companheiro, antecedentes criminais pessoais, fumar, consumir álcool e outras substâncias, sendo o relacionamento com amigos um fator de proteção.

Sexual Behavior , Risk Factors , Adolescent
Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá) ; 21(1): 1-15, ene.-abr. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1427746


durante la adolescencia se adquieren conocimientos y se desarrollan actitudes hacia el sexo, la anticoncepción y la reproducción, aspectos que influirán en el comportamiento sexual que repercute directamente en la calidad de vida. Por tanto, el objetivo de este estudio fue determinar los factores sociales y emocionales asociados al inicio de la actividad sexual, así como sus consecuencias como el embarazo y las enfermedades de transmisión sexual en adolescentes y adultos jóvenes. Materiales y métodos: estudio descriptivo, transversal y correlacional de una muestra de 1191 estudiantes de secundaria que recibieron cuestionarios sobre factores socioemocionales e iniciación sexual. Los datos se procesaron mediante estadística descriptiva y la prueba chi-cuadrado de Pearson para determinar la asociación entre los factores evaluados. Resultados: la tasa de inicio de la actividad sexual entre los adolescentes fue del 45 %, de los cuales el 14 % utilizaba protección. El 88,8 % de los adolescentes dice recibir apoyo de los padres, el 39 % acepta tratos violentos en el hogar y el 47 % tuvo una madre adolescente embarazada, entre otros aspectos. Conclusiones: existe una relación significativa (con p < 0.05) entre los factores socioemocionales de género, proyectos de vida, actividades extracurriculares, apoyo de los padres, violencia intrafamiliar y maltrato, con respecto a las madres con antecedente de embarazo precoz e inicio de la actividad sexual en la adolescencia.

During adolescence, knowledge is acquired and attitudes toward sex, contraception, and reproduction are developed, aspects that will influence sexual behavior, which has a direct impact on quality of life. Therefore, this study was designed to determine the social and emotional factors associated with the onset of sexual activity and its consequences, such as pregnancy and sexually transmitted dis-eases, among adolescents and young adults. Materials and Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional, and cor-relational study involving 1,191 high school students was conducted. A questionnaire containing questions on socio-emotional factors and sexual initiation was administered. Data were processed using descriptive statistics and Pearson's chi-square test to determine the association between the evaluated factors. Results:The initiation rate of sexual activity among adolescents was 45%, of whom 14% used protection. However, 88.8% of the adolescents received parental support, 39% accepted violent treatment at home, and 47% had a pregnant adolescent mother, among other aspects. Conclusions: There is a significant relationship between the socio-emotional factors of sex, life projects, extracurricular activities, parental support, intra-family violence, and mistreatment. Having a mother with a history of early pregnancy is associated with the onset of sexual activity among adolescents.

durante a adolescência, são adquiridos conhecimentos e desenvolvidas atitudes em relação ao sexo, contracepção e reprodução, aspectos que irão influenciar o comportamento sexual que afeta diretamente a qualidade de vida. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi determinar os fatores sociais e emocionais associados ao início da atividade sexual, bem como suas consequências, como a gravidez e doenças sexualmente transmissíveis em adolescentes e jovens adultos. Materiais e métodos: estudo descritivo, transversal e correlacional em uma amostra de 1191 estudantes do ensino médio que rece-beram questionários sobre fatores socioemocionais e iniciação sexual. Os dados foram processados por meio de estatística descritiva e teste qui-quadrado de Pearson para determinar a associação entre os fatores avaliados. Resultados: a taxa de início da atividade sexual entre os adolescentes foi de 45%, dos quais 14% utilizavam proteção. 88,8% dos adolescentes afirmaram receber apoio dos pais, 39% recebem tratamento violento em casa e 47% têm mãe adolescente grávida, entre outros aspectos. Conclusões: existe uma relação significativa com p < 0,05 entre os fatores socioemocionais de gênero, projetos de vida, atividades extracurriculares, apoio parental, violência doméstica e maus-tratos. Mães com histó-rico de gravidez precoce e início da atividade sexual na adolescência.

Humans , Reproduction , Sex , Sexual Behavior , Sexually Transmitted Diseases , Contraception , Education, Primary and Secondary , Gender Identity , Social Factors
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(9): 4944-4961, 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1509522


Objective: to analyze the effect of a free dance protocol (pre and post 12- week intervention) on depressive symptoms, body image and sexual function in women undergoing breast cancer surgery. Methods: a randomized clinical trial, composed of 24 women undergoing surgery after the diagnosis of breast cancer, who were randomized into two groups: Free dance Intervention Group and Control Group. The free dance group received the intervention twice a week, 60 minutes per session, for 12 weeks. The control group maintained their routine activities during the 12 weeks. All participants were evaluated before and after the 12 weeks of intervention. Outcomes evaluated were depressive symptoms (Beck Depression Questionnaire - BDI), body image (Body Image after Breast Cancer questionnaire) and sexual function (Female Sexual Function Index questionnaire). Results: Body image showed a significant intragroup difference in free dance in the vulnerability domain (p=0.031), significant intergroup difference in the limitation domain (p=0.045) and concern with the body (p=0.035). Sexual function showed a significant intragroup difference in free dance in the desired domain (p=0.031) and a significant intragroup difference in the control group in the lubrication domain (p=0.021), however in a negative way. No differences were found for depressive symptoms. Conclusions: The practice of free dancing showed a positive effect, even if small, on body image and a negative effect on sexual function in women undergoing breast cancer surgery.

Objetivo: analisar o efeito de um protocolo de dança livre (pré e pós- intervenção de 12 semanas) sobre os sintomas depressivos, imagem corporal e função sexual em mulheres submetidas a cirurgia de câncer de mama. Métodos: um ensaio clínico randomizado, composto por 24 mulheres submetidas à cirurgia após o diagnóstico de câncer de mama, que foram randomizadas em dois grupos: Free dance Intervention Group e Control Group. O grupo de dança gratuita recebeu a intervenção duas vezes por semana, 60 minutos por sessão, por 12 semanas. O grupo de controle manteve suas atividades de rotina durante as 12 semanas. Todos os participantes foram avaliados antes e depois das 12 semanas de intervenção. Os resultados avaliados foram sintomas depressivos (Beck Depression Questionnaire - BDI), imagem corporal (Body Image após Breast Cancer Questionário) e função sexual (Feminino Sexual Function Index Questionnaire). Resultados: A imagem corporal mostrou diferença intragrupo significativa na dança livre no domínio de vulnerabilidade (p=0,031), diferença significativa no domínio de limitação (p=0,045) e preocupação com o corpo (p=0,035). A função sexual mostrou diferença intragrupo significativa na dança livre no domínio desejado (p=0,031) e diferença intragrupo significativa no grupo controle no domínio de lubrificação (p=0,021), porém de forma negativa. Não foram encontradas diferenças para os sintomas depressivos. Conclusões: A prática da dança livre mostrou um efeito positivo, ainda que pequeno, na imagem corporal e um efeito negativo na função sexual em mulheres submetidas à cirurgia de câncer de mama.

Objetivo: analizar el efecto de un protocolo de baile libre (pre y post intervención de 12 semanas) sobre la sintomatología depresiva, imagen corporal y función sexual en mujeres sometidas a cirugía por cáncer de mama. Métodos: ensayo clínico aleatorizado, compuesto por 24 mujeres sometidas a cirugía después del diagnóstico de cáncer de mama, que fueron aleatorizadas en dos grupos: Grupo de Intervención de Danza Libre y Grupo Control. El grupo de baile gratuito recibió la intervención dos veces por semana, 60 minutos por sesión, durante 12 semanas. El grupo control mantuvo sus actividades rutinarias durante las 12 semanas. Todos los participantes fueron evaluados antes y después de las 12 semanas de intervención. Los resultados evaluados fueron síntomas depresivos (cuestionario de depresión de Beck - BDI), imagen corporal (cuestionario de imagen corporal después de cáncer de mama) y función sexual (cuestionario de índice de función sexual femenina). Resultados: La imagen corporal mostró una diferencia intragrupo significativa en la danza libre en el dominio de vulnerabilidad (p=0,031), diferencia intergrupal significativa en el dominio de limitación (p=0,045) y preocupación por el cuerpo (p=0,035). La función sexual mostró una diferencia intragrupo significativa en la danza libre en el dominio deseado (p=0,031) y una diferencia intragrupo significativa en el grupo control en el dominio de lubricación (p=0,021), sin embargo de manera negativa. No se encontraron diferencias para la sintomatología depresiva. Conclusiones: La práctica del baile libre mostró un efecto positivo, aunque pequeño, sobre la imagen corporal y un efecto negativo sobre la función sexual en mujeres sometidas a cirugía por cáncer de mama.

Humanidad. med ; 22(1)abr. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405086


RESUMEN La producción científica sobre la pandemia COVID- 19 ha estado centrada sobre todo en las medidas de prevención y la atención al enfermo. Lo que al principio se comprendió como una infección respiratoria capaz de causar neumonía, ha demostrado ser una disfunción endotelial, por lo que es lógico pensar en su repercusión sexual. Se realizó una revisión de trabajos relacionados con dicho efecto en previas pandemias, con hincapié en la actual COVID- 19. Los trabajos coinciden en expresar que las condiciones de confinamiento, trabajo a distancia y limitación de actividad social, además del consiguiente efecto psicológico, ansiedad y manifestaciones depresivas, pueden ser capaces de provocar dificultades en el desempeño sexual masculino y femenino. Varios investigadores han demostrado vínculos entre la infección por COVID- 19 y la disfunción sexual eréctil, a la vez que se ha constatado un menoscabo del impulso y la respuesta sexual en el sexo femenino.

ABSTRACT Scientific production on the COVID- 19 pandemic has been focused above all on prevention measures and patient care. What was initially conceived as a respiratory infection capable of causing pneumonia has been shown to be an endothelial dysfunction, so it is logical to think of its sexual impact.This article consists on a bibliographic review on papers related to this repercussion in previous pandemics, and mostly in the actual COVID- 19. Papers reviewed sustain that the conditions of confinement, remote work and limitation of social activity, in addition to the consequent psychological effect, anxiety and depressive manifestations, may be capable of causing difficulties in male and female sexual performance.

Rev. argent. reumatolg. (En línea) ; 33(1): 26-34, ene. - mar. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1394707


Introducción: la disfunción sexual (DS) es común entre las mujeres con enfermedades crónicas, incluyendo esclerosis sistémica (ES). Se ha asociado con características como la duración de la enfermedad, dolor, disminución de la actividad funcional, entre otras. Desde nuestro conocimiento, aún no contamos con datos locales. Objetivos: evaluar la frecuencia de DS en mujeres con ES; describir las características sociodemográficas, clínicas y psicológicas asociadas con la DS en mujeres con ES. Materiales y métodos: estudio observacional, analítico y de corte transversal. Se incluyeron mujeres de entre 20 y 59 años con diagnóstico de ES, según los criterios de clasificación del European League Against Rheumatism/American College of Rheumatology (ACR/EULAR 2013). Se excluyeron pacientes con enfermedades crónicas no controladas, otras patologías reumatológicas autoinmunes, e inactividad sexual o patología genitourinaria no relacionadas a ES en las últimas 4 semanas. La DS se evaluó con la versión en español del cuestionario índice de función sexual femenina (Female sexual function index, FSFI). Resultados: se incluyeron 56 pacientes. El 78,57% presentó DS y 19,64% era sexualmente inactiva debido a la enfermedad. Escala visual análoga (EVA) de fatiga (coeficiente β: -0,08, IC 95%: -0,14 a -0,02; p<0,01), edad (coeficiente β: -0,23, IC 95%: -0,40 a -0,05; p=0,01) y fibromialgia (coeficiente β: -11,90, IC 95%: -17,98 a -5,82; p<0,01) mostraron una asociación significativa e independiente con DS en el análisis multivariado. Conclusiones: la DS es frecuente entre las mujeres con ES, y las pacientes más jóvenes, sin fibromialgia y con menor fatiga presentaron una mejor funcionalidad sexual.

Introduction: sexual impairment (SI) is common among women with chronic diseases, including systemic sclerosis (SSc). It has been associated with characteristics such as the duration of the disease, pain, decreased functional activity, among others. To the best of our knowledge, we still do not have local data. Objectives: to evaluate the frequency of SI in women with SSc. To describe the sociodemographic characteristics, disease itself and psychological items associated with SI in women with SSc. Materials and methods: observational, analytical, cross-sectional study. We included women between 20 and 59 years diagnosed with SSc according to 2013 classification criteria ACR/EULAR. We excluded patients with uncontrolled chronic diseases or other autoimmune rheumatologic diseases and patients who, in the last 4 weeks, had dyspareunia or were sexually inactive due to causes not attributable to their disease. SI was assessed using the Spanish version of female sexual function index questionnaire (FSFI). Results: 56 patients were included. 78.57% presented SI and 19.64% of them were sexually inactive patients due to the disease. Fatigue VAS (β coefficient: -0.08, CI 95%: -0.14 to -0.02; p<0.01), age (β coefficient: -0.23, CI 95%: -0.40 to -0.05; p=0.01) and fibromyalgia (β coefficient: -11.90, CI 95%: -17.98 to -5.82; p<0.01) showed significant and independent association with SI in the multivariate analysis. Conclusions: SI is frequent among women with SSc, and younger patients, without fibromyalgia and with less fatigue have better sexual function.

Female , Sexual Behavior , Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological , Sexuality
Rev. argent. reumatolg. (En línea) ; 33(1): 26-34, ene. - mar. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1393035


Introducción: la disfunción sexual (DS) es común entre las mujeres con enfermedades crónicas, incluyendo esclerosis sistémica (ES). Se ha asociado con características como la duración de la enfermedad, dolor, disminución de la actividad funcional, entre otras. Desde nuestro conocimiento, aún no contamos con datos locales. Objetivos: evaluar la frecuencia de DS en mujeres con ES; describir las características sociodemográficas, clínicas y psicológicas asociadas con la DS en mujeres con ES. Materiales y métodos: estudio observacional, analítico y de corte transversal. Se incluyeron mujeres de entre 20 y 59 años con diagnóstico de ES, según los criterios de clasificación del European League Against Rheumatism/American College of Rheumatology (ACR/EULAR 2013). Se excluyeron pacientes con enfermedades crónicas no controladas, otras patologías reumatológicas autoinmunes, e inactividad sexual o patología genitourinaria no relacionadas a ES en las últimas 4 semanas. La DS se evaluó con la versión en español del cuestionario índice de función sexual femenina (Female sexual function index, FSFI). Resultados: se incluyeron 56 pacientes. El 78,57% presentó DS y 19,64% era sexualmente inactiva debido a la enfermedad. Escala visual análoga (EVA) de fatiga (coeficiente ß: -0,08, IC 95%: -0,14 a -0,02; p<0,01), edad (coeficiente ß: -0,23, IC 95%: -0,40 a -0,05; p=0,01) y fibromialgia (coeficiente ß: -11,90, IC 95%: -17,98 a -5,82; p<0,01) mostraron una asociación significativa e independiente con DS en el análisis multivariado. Conclusiones: la DS es frecuente entre las mujeres con ES, y las pacientes más jóvenes, sin fibromialgia y con menor fatiga presentaron una mejor funcionalidad sexual.

Introduction: sexual impairment (SI) is common among women with chronic diseases, including systemic sclerosis (SSc). It has been associated with characteristics such as the duration of the disease, pain, decreased functional activity, among others. To the best of our knowledge, we still do not have local data. Objectives: to evaluate the frequency of SI in women with SSc. To describe the sociodemographic characteristics, disease itself and psychological items associated with SI in women with SSc. Materials and methods: observational, analytical, cross-sectional study. We included women between 20 and 59 years diagnosed with SSc according to 2013 classification criteria ACR/EULAR. We excluded patients with uncontrolled chronic diseases or other autoimmune rheumatologic diseases and patients who, in the last 4 weeks, had dyspareunia or were sexually inactive due to causes not attributable to their disease. SI was assessed using the Spanish version of female sexual function index questionnaire (FSFI). Results: 56 patients were included. 78.57% presented SI and 19.64% of them were sexually inactive patients due to the disease. Fatigue VAS (ß coefficient: -0.08, CI 95%: -0.14 to -0.02; p<0.01), age (ß coefficient: -0.23, CI 95%: -0.40 to -0.05; p=0.01) and fibromyalgia (ß coefficient: -11.90, CI 95%: -17.98 to -5.82; p<0.01) showed significant and independent association with SI in the multivariate analysis. Conclusions: SI is frequent among women with SSc, and younger patients, without fibromyalgia and with less fatigue have better sexual function.

Female , Scleroderma, Systemic , Sexual Behavior , Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological , Women , Sexuality
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-201962


Background: Pre-menopause is the beginning of a climacteric transition, which starts several (2-5) years before the menopause comes. Symptoms that arise are changes in the menstrual cycle becoming irregular, the menstrual cycle lengthens, then menstruation will stop. Changes in reproductive organs will affect the composition of hormones in the reproductive organs. Decreasing hormones can reduce sex desire. Psychological symptoms are decreased memory, anxiety, irritability, stress and depression. Psychological factors such as anxiety can affect a person's sexual function. This study was conducted to determine the relationship between anxiety and sexual activity in climacteric women in facing menopause at Soropadan Posyandu, Sleman Regency.Methods: This research employed quantitative methods with observational analytic research design with cross sectional approach. The research sample was 44 respondents in Soropadan Posyandu Sleman Regency. The measurement was done using a questionnaire to measure anxiety and sexual activity. The data analysis was done using univariate and bivariate analysis.Results: Chi square statistical test showed the p value of anxiety with sexual activity which was 0.653 (p<0.05).Conclusions: There is no relationship between anxiety and sexual activity in climacteric women in the face of menopause in Posyandu Soropadan, Sleman Regency.

Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet ; 42(8): 493-500, 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1137858


Abstract Objective To examine women with pelvic floor dysfunction (PFDs) and identify factors associated with sexual activity (SA) status that impacts quality of life (QoL). Methods We conducted a cross-sectional study that includedwomen> 18 years old who presented with at least one PFD symptom (urinary incontinence [UI] and/or pelvic organ prolapse [POP]), in outpatient clinics specializing in urogynecology and PFD in Fortaleza, state of Ceará, Brazil, using a service evaluation form and QoL questionnaires. Results The analysis of 659 women with PFD included 286 SA (43.4%) women and 373 non-sexually active (NSA) (56.6%) women, with a mean age of 54.7 (±12) years old. The results revealed that age (odds ratio [OR]= 1.07, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.03-1.12) and post-menopausal status (OR= 2.28, 95% CI 1.08-4.8) were negatively associated with SA. Being married (OR= 0.43, 95% CI 0.21-0.88) was associated with SA. Pelvic organ prolapse (OR= 1.16, 95% CI 0.81-1.68) and UI (OR= 0.17, 95% CI 0.08-0.36) did not prevent SA. SF-36 Health Survey results indicated that only the domain functional capacity was significantly worse in NSA women (p= 0.012). Two King's Health Questionnaire domains in NSA women, impact of UI (p= 0.005) and personal relationships (p< 0.001), were significantly associated factors. Data from the Prolapse Quality-of-life Questionnaire indicated that NSA women exhibited compromised QoL. Conclusion Postmenopausal status and age negatively affected SA. Being married facilitated SA. Presence of POP and UI did not affect SA. However, NSAwomen with POP exhibited compromised QoL.

Resumo Objetivo Examinar mulheres com disfunções do assoalho pélvico (DAP) e identificar fatores associados ao status de atividade sexual (AS) e impacto na qualidade de vida (QV). Métodos Realizamos um estudo transversal, no qual participaram mulheres > 18 anos, que apresentaram pelo menos um sintoma de DAP (incontinência urinária [UI] e/ou prolapso de órgão pélvico [POP]), em ambulatórios especializados em uroginecologia e DAP emFortaleza, CE, Brasil, utilizando um formulário de avaliação de serviço e questionários de QV. Resultados A análise de 659 mulheres comDAP incluiu 286 mulheres sexualmente ativas (SA) (43,4%) e 373 mulheres não sexualmente ativas (NSA) (56,6%), com idade média de 54,7 (±12) anos. Os resultados revelaram que idade (odds ratio [OR]= 1,07; intervalo de confiança [IC] 95%: 1,03-1,12) e status pós-menopausa (OR= 2,28; IC 95% 1,08-4,8) foram negativamente associados à atividade sexual. O casamento (OR= 0,43; IC 95% 0,21-0,88) foi associado à AS. Por outro lado, POP (OR= 1,16; IC 95% 0,81-1,68) e IU (OR= 0,17; IC 95% 0,08-0,36) não impediram a AS. Os resultados do SF-36 Health Survey indicaram que apenas a capacidade funcional do domínio (p = 0,012) foi significativamente pior em mulheres NSA. Dois domínios King's Health Questionnaire (KHQ, na sigla em inglês) em mulheres NSA, impacto da IU (p = 0,005) e relacionamento pessoal (p< 0,001), foram fatores significativamente associados. Os dados do Prolapse Qualityof- life Questionnaire (P-QoL, na sigla em inglês) indicaram que as mulheres NSA apresentavam QV comprometida. Conclusão O status pós-menopausa e a idade afetaram negativamente a AS, enquanto o casamento facilitou a AS. A presença de POP e IU não afetou a AS. No entanto, as mulheres NSA com POP apresentaram QV comprometida.

Humans , Female , Adult , Aged , Pelvic Floor Disorders/epidemiology , Quality of Life , Sexual Behavior/statistics & numerical data , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Middle Aged
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 53(3): e9058, 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1089340


The objective of this study was to evaluate changes in sexual function after total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH) or transabdominal hysterectomy (TAH). This retrospective cohort study included patients with benign uterine tumors that were divided into TLH group and TAH group based on the hysterectomy technique used. Baseline, intraoperative, and postoperative characteristics were compared between groups. Postoperative sexual function was assessed using the Brief Index of Sexual Functioning for Women. The TLH and TAH groups contained 119 patients (age, 51.5±6.1 years) and 126 patients (age, 50.0±4.7 years), respectively. Baseline characteristics were comparable between groups, although uterine size was larger in the TAH group (P<0.001). Compared with the TAH group, the TLH group had a longer operative time (130.0±36.2 vs 107.3±28.5 min, P<0.001), lower pain index at 24 h (2.0±1.6 vs 4.0±2.6, P<0.001), and shorter hospitalization time (5.7±1.1 vs 8.1±1.2 days, P<0.001). Many patients in the TLH and TAH groups reported decreased satisfaction with their sexual life (67.5 and 56.0%, respectively), reduced frequency of sexual activity (70.1 and 56.0%, respectively), decreased libido (67.5 and 56.0%, respectively), orgasm dysfunction (42.9 and 42.9%, respectively), and increased dyspareunia (77.9 and 85.7%, respectively). However, there was no significant difference between groups in any of the indexes of postoperative sexual function (P>0.05). Both TLH and TAH had comparable negative effects on sexual function in women treated for benign uterine tumors in China, with a decreased frequency of sexual activity, reduced libido, orgasm dysfunction, and increased dyspareunia.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological , Uterine Diseases/surgery , Sexual Health , Postoperative Period , Uterine Diseases/psychology , Retrospective Studies , Cohort Studies , Laparoscopy , Hysterectomy
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 32: 25, 2019. tab
Article in English | INDEXPSI, LILACS | ID: biblio-1101330


Abstract Adolescent sexual practices have been widely investigated as experiences that pose potential risks for health. The present study, therefore, aimed to investigate individual and contextual factors associated with sexual initiation, sexual activity before the age of 15 years, and inconsistent condom use. A total of 253 adolescents aged 11 to 18 years, from public schools in the capital and metropolitan region of Rio Grande do Sul, were interviewed. They answered a questionnaire covering sociodemographic data and sexual behaviors and completed the Perception of Family Support Inventory. The data were analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics and it was verified that both individual (higher level of education, school repetition, and use of licit and illicit substances) and contextual factors (perception of less affective-consistent support and greater autonomy from the family) were related to sexual initiation among adolescents. The associations found for the groups with sexual initiation before and after 15 years of age were similar, indicating that age did not increase the exposure to risks. Inconsistent condom use was related to the use of tobacco and other drugs. Taken together, the results indicated the cooccurrence of risk behaviors, such as sexual risks and substance abuse, as well as highlighting some family characteristics as protective factors.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Sexual Behavior/psychology , Adolescent Behavior/psychology , Unsafe Sex , Risk-Taking , Cross-Sectional Studies
Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 87(3): 153-166, ene. 2019. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250014


Resumen OBJETIVO: Evaluar, a través de una encuesta, la situación actual de las conductas sexuales de riesgo en una muestra de población mexicana de entre 15-60 años, e identificar los métodos de planificación familiar más utilizados y el promedio de inicio de la vida sexual. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo, transversal, con muestreo no probabilístico tipo "bola de nieve". Se aplicó una encuesta validada internacionalmente de conductas sexuales de riesgo, entre julio y octubre de 2017, en una muestra mexicana de 15-60 años de edad. Se excluyeron las encuestas incompletas y con discordancias, y personas de otras nacionalidades. Entre las variables estudiadas se incluyeron: sexo, edad y estado socioeconómico. Se calculó un tamaño de muestra de 385, con un intervalo de confianza de 95% (IC95%). Los datos se reunieron en el programa de Excel 2016, donde se analizaron e interpretaron. RESULTADOS: Se encuestaron 689 sujetos, pero se excluyeron 38; de esta forma se registraron 650 casos. El 87.4% de los casos inició su vida sexual entre los 16 y 25 años; un tercio la calificó satisfactoria. El 50% de los encuestados de entre 13 y 15 años utilizó preservativo. El 61% refirió la comunicación de temas sexuales con sus padres poco satisfactoria o inexistente; 6.6% no utiliza o es usuario de algún método de planificación y 40.3% recurre a uno poco efectivo. CONCLUSIÓN: Es importante conocer las prácticas sexuales de la población mexicana, para identificar las áreas de oportunidad, promover la prevención de prácticas sexuales de riesgo y aumentar la difusión de la información.

Abstract OBJECTIVE: Evaluate, through an internationally validated survey, the risky sexual behavior in a Mexican sample between 15-60 years, the average of initiation of sexual activity and the most used contraceptive methods. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Descriptive, cross-sectional study, with non-probabilistic sampling type snowball. We apply an internationally validated survey of Risky Sexual Behavior between July and October 2017 through social networks to Mexican population between 15 and 60 years. Incomplete surveys were excluded, with disagreements in responses and people of other nationalities. The variables studied included sex, age and socioeconomic status. A sample size of 385 was calculated with a confidence level of 95%. The data was gathered in an Excel sheet 2016 where they were analyzed and interpreted. RESULTS: A total of 689 subjects were surveyed, 38 were excluded; In this way, a total of 650 cases were registered. 87.4% started sexual life between 16 and 25 years old, being satisfactory in a third of the cases. 50% of people between 13 and 15 years used condoms and 56% between 16 and 18 years. 61% reported the communication of sexual issues with their parents unsatisfactory or non-existent. 6.6% of people do not have a planning method while 40.3% have a little cash. CONCLUSION: It is important to know the sexual practices in the Mexican population to detect areas of opportunity, make changes in the prevention of risky sexual actions and in the distribution of information.

Adv Rheumatol ; 59: 13, 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1088595


Abstract Objective: To evaluate sexual function female adolescents and young adults with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) and healthy controls. Methods: After exclusion, 21 female adolescent and young JIA patients and 25 healthy controls were selected for this study. Sexual function was assessed by the Sexual Quotient Questionnaire for Females (SQQ-F) score, which is a validated tool and adapted for Brazilian Portuguese language. Demographic data, JIA clinical/laboratory parameters and treatment were also assessed. Results: The median current age [26.5 (17-38.1) vs. 29.3 (19.7-35.8) years, p = 0.700)] as well as age at the first sexual activity [18 (14-30) vs. 17 (10-24) years, p = 0.158] were similar in JIA patients and healthy controls. The median of SQQ-F score was alike in both groups [75.9 (50-92) vs. 78.2 (58-94), p = 0.529], as well as frequencies of sexual dysfunction (14% vs. 12%, p = 1.000). The frequencies of all sexual domains (desire/sexual fantasies, desire/interest, arousal/foreplay, arousal/lubrication, arousal/in tune with partner, penetration/relaxation, pain/penetration, desire/involvement, orgasm and general satisfaction scores) were similar in JIA patients and healthy controls (p > 0.05). Conclusions: To our knowledge, this was the first study using a validated sexual score in a chronic arthritis population suggesting a low frequency of overall sexual dysfunction in young JIA patients. Future multicenter studies with a large sample will be necessary to confirm this finding.

Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Breast Neoplasms/epidemiology , Hypothyroidism/epidemiology , Breast Neoplasms/complications , Breast Neoplasms/mortality , Breast Neoplasms/pathology , Population Surveillance , Risk Factors , Cause of Death , Risk Assessment , Denmark/epidemiology , Hypothyroidism/etiology , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local , Neoplasm Staging
Arch. cardiol. Méx ; 88(2): 116-123, abr.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1055002


Resumen Objetivos: Analizar los efectos de un programa de rehabilitación cardiaca (PRC) en pacientes portadores de desfibrilador automático implantable (DAI), a nivel de calidad de vida y de actividad sexual. Método: Se incluyeron 25 pacientes (22 hombres y 3 mujeres). Se estudiaron la existencia de descargas del desfibrilador y su repercusión sobre la pareja, así como los efectos del PRC a nivel físico, psicológico y en la esfera sexual. Resultados: La edad media de los enfermos fue de 55 años (22 a 79). Al inicio, el miedo a las descargas del dispositivo estaba presente en todos los enfermos. A su llegada, 14 pacientes (56%) no habían tenido actividad sexual: 2 con edades de 69 y 79 años; una mujer por ansiedad severa, un hombre alcohólico, y 10 por haber transcurrido menos de un mes desde el implante. Nueve hombres y dos mujeres la habían reiniciado: 5 a los 5-52 meses del implante y 6 a los 30 días de hacerse implantado el DAI, mientras realizaban el PRC. Al finalizar, 21 pacientes habían reiniciado la actividad sexual. Dos hombres presentaron signos clínicos de depresión y ansiedad, uno de ellos precisó tratamiento especializado. La capacidad funcional mejoró de forma significativa: 6,5 ± 3,0 MET al inicio del programa y 9,2 ± 3,3 MET al final, con p < 0,005. Hubo una sola descarga inapropiada. Conclusiones: Las descargas con los nuevos dispositivos han descendido significativamente. Por este motivo, y con las acciones de los PRC a nivel físico, psicológico e informativo, se consigue controlar las disfunciones en calidad de vida y sexualidad. © 2017 Instituto Nacional de Cardiología Ignacio Chávez. Publicado por Masson Doyma México S.A. Este es un artículo Open Access bajo la licencia CC BY-NC-ND (

Abstract Objectives: To analyse the effects of a Cardiac Rehabilitation Program (CRP) on quality of life and sexual activity levels in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICD). Method: A total of 25 patients (22 men and 3 women) were included in a study that consisted of the analysis of any defibrillator discharges, their repercussion on the couple, and the effects of CRP on physical and psychological aspects, and on sexual activity (SA). Results: The mean age of the patients was 55 years (22 to 79). Initially, fear for device discharges was present in all patients. On arrival, 14 patients (56%) did not have any SA: 2 with ages of 69 and 79 years; one woman due to severe anxiety; an alcoholic man, and 10 because the ICD had been implanted less than 1 month before. Nine men and two women had restarted SA: 5 of them 5-52 months after the implantation, and the other 6, 30 days after implantation of the ICD while attending the CRP. At the end of the study, 21 patients had regained SA. Two men had clinical signs of depression and anxiety, with one requiring specialised treatment. Functional capacity improved significantly, 6.5 ± 3.0 METs at the beginning of the program and 9.2 ± 3.3 METs at the end, with a P < .005. There was only one inappropriate discharge. Conclusions: Discharges caused by newest devices have dropped significantly. This fact, together with the action of CRP at physical, psychological, and informative levels, makes it possible to control the dysfunctions in the quality of life and sexuality in patients. © 2017 Instituto Nacional de Cardiología Ignacio Chávez. Published by Masson Doyma México S.A. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Quality of Life , Sexual Behavior , Defibrillators, Implantable , Cardiac Rehabilitation , Prospective Studies
Rev. salud pública ; 20(3): 279-285, mayo-jun. 2018. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-978979


RESUMEN Objetivo Analizar los factores educativos como la supervisión y el apoyo de los padres; así como el tipo de educación, diferenciada y no diferenciada, y su relación con el inicio de la actividad sexual de adolescentes escolarizados. Materiales y Métodos Estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo, explicativo transversal, con 522 participantes entre 12 y 18 años de edad. Se aplicó una prueba de 26 preguntas que evaluaron algunas prácticas parentales, el tipo de educación y el inicio de la actividad sexual. El análisis se realizó en el programa SPSS versión 23. Cada participante formalizó el consentimiento informado garantizando la confidencialidad en los datos. Resultados Se encontraron diferencias significativas en el inicio de la actividad sexual de acuerdo con el tipo de educación y la edad. Según el tipo de familia no se encontraron diferencias. Los padres de familia de educación diferenciada supervisan más que los de educación mixta. A mayor edad del adolescente, mayor apoyo del papá y menor supervisión de éste, se incrementa la probabilidad de tener relaciones sexuales en la adolescencia. En contexto de educación mixta se encontró una proporción mayor de adolescentes que habían iniciado su actividad sexual. Conclusiones Se resalta la importancia de la participación del padre en la educación de los hijos para posponer el inicio de la actividad sexual, como práctica saludable. A menor supervisión parental y a mayor edad del adolescente se espera mayor inicio de la actividad sexual. Inician más temprano los adolescentes de educación mixta, supervisan más las mamás de educación diferenciada.(AU)

ABSTRACT Objective To analyze factors such as parental supervision and support, as well as the type of education (single-gender education and co-education) and its correlation with the initiation of sexual activity in adolescents. Materials and Methods Quantitative, descriptive, explanatory cross-sectional study with 522 participants between 12 and 18 years of age. A questionnaire with 26 questions was applied to evaluate some parental practices, the type of education and the initiation of sexual activity. The results were analyzed using the SPSS program version 23. Each participant gave informed consent, and the confidentiality of the data was preserved. Results Significant differences were found regarding the onset of sexual activity in adolescents according to the type of education and age; no differences were observed with respect to family type. As the age of the adolescent increases, parents show more support and less supervision, therefore, the likelihood of engaging in sexual intercourse increases. In the context of co-education, a greater number of adolescents who had initiated sexual activity was found. Conclusions This study highlights the importance of parental involvement in the education of children to delay the onset of sexual activity as a healthy practice during adolescence. Less parental supervision and a greater age result in earlier onset of sexual activity in young people. Co-educated teens engage in this activity earlier, although their mothers tend to supervise them more. Family and school are important contexts for fostering healthy life styles in teenagers.(AU)

Humans , Adolescent , Parent-Child Relations , Schools , Sexual Behavior , Adolescent Behavior , Adolescent Health , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies/instrumentation , Colombia
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-750591


@#Exhibitionism is a distressing condition which may have a link with the increasing availability and usage of online sexual activities (OSA). We highlight a 42-year-old man who presented with a constant craving for OSA to achieve his sexual satisfaction which included exposing his genitalia to virtual partners, unsuspected strangers, and colleagues in public areas. His sexual behaviours were further reinforced by an online video chatting with genitalia exposure, which ended commonly with an exchange of masturbatory acts. He denied any problem with his erection and able to achieve orgasm via common sexual acts. There was no past psychiatric history nor family history of mental disorder. He volunteered to seek psychiatric help and subsequently given a psycho education on his illness and how to cope with the distress associated with his sexual acts. He was scheduled for an intensive psychotherapy to instil insight and hope to deal with his sexual difficulties.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-100429


PURPOSE: Change in sexual activity after acetabular fracture has not been elucidated to date. Hence, the purpose of this study was to reveal: (1) how acetabular fracture affects the status of sexual activity; (2) how acetabular fracture affects patient satisfaction about sexual activity; and (3) what are the concerns of patients regarding sexual activity. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between January 2014 and December 2014, a self-reported questionnaire was conducted with patients who had been sexually active before the treatment for acetabular fracture. Out of the nineteen patients who participated in the questionnaire, twelve men and three women were included for final analysis; patients who were treated conservatively were excluded. RESULTS: All patients had hip pain (mean visual analogue scale score, 2.9; range, 1-7) at 1 year after the trauma. Fourteen patients (93.3%, 14/15) resumed sexual activity within 1 year (mean, 3.9 months; range, 2–6 months). After excluding one patient who did not recover to allow sexual activity, the frequency of sex was decreased in 11 patients (78.6%, 11/14). Sexual satisfaction was decreased in seven patients (46.7%, 7/15). Old age was associated with decreased sexual satisfaction. CONCLUSION: Half of the patients showed a decreased satisfaction from sexual activity after acetabular fracture, with hip pain being the most common problem. Although our study was a small, single-center study, it provides information regarding sexual activity of patients after acetabular fracture.

Female , Humans , Male , Acetabulum , Hip , Orgasm , Patient Satisfaction , Sexual Behavior
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-470160


Objective To survey the female sexual status and its influence factors during the second trimester of pregnancy.Methods The Chinese Version of Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) and self-administered questionnaires were used to collect the data of 304 women during the second trimester of pregnancy.The investigation results were analyzed.Results Most women reported a decrease in sexual desire(74.7%,227/304),intercourse frequency(90.8%,276/304) and sexual satisfaction(41.1%,125/304).FSFI all dimensions mean scores of these 304 women during the second trimester of pregnancy were less than the critical value,and total FSFI was (20.82±3.74) scores.The female sexual status during the second trimester of pregnancy were affected by age,duration of marriage,education,the way of pregnancy,F=21.974,12.288,3.345,7.748,the differences were statistically significant,P<0.05.Conclusion Pregnant women are in a low level sexual function during the relative safety stage for sexual behavior during the second trimester of pregnancy,so providing some sexual education is necessary to improve couples' sexual health.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-182590


Objective: To study the sexual desire and activity of men and women aged 30-80 years. Methodology: A representative sample was surveyed and correlated with their social, individual and interpersonal characteristics. A total of 100 subjects were recruited. Observations: The study showed that sexual desire declined with advancing age with overall men reporting more frequent and stronger sexual desire compared to women. For both men and women, sexual activity in older participants was mostly an issue of denial or disagreement of the other partner. There were additional social and personality determinants of lack of sexual desire and sexual inactivity, which included illness, lack of privacy, erectile dysfunction, spiritual reasons and menopause. Conclusions: Sexual history should be a routine part of history taking and should be undertaken during assessment of the patient.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-63504


Fisting is an uncommon sexual activity, and death due to fisting is very rare. In the present report, we describe a case of a woman who died from fisting by her male partner. A 38-year-old woman went to a motel with a man after consuming alcohol, and there they kissed each other. As desired by woman, the man inserted his fingers into her vagina and anus, and later inserted his fist and forearm into her vagina and anus. After 20-30 minutes of fisting, the woman became unconscious and died. The autopsy confirmed the presence of perineal and vaginal lacerations with massive internal pelvic soft tissue injury with uterine artery rupture. A partial tear was noted at the rectosigmoid junction. The cause of death was hypovolemic shock due to uterine artery rupture. Following court trials, the assailant was sentenced to 4 years of imprisonment for the felony of inflicting bodily injury resulting in death.

Female , Humans , Male , Anal Canal , Autopsy , Cause of Death , Fingers , Forearm , Lacerations , Rupture , Sexual Behavior , Shock , Soft Tissue Injuries , Unconscious, Psychology , Uterine Artery , Vagina
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-442430


Objective To explore the effect and mechanism of stent implantation on the quality of sexual activity in middle and old age male patients with exertional angina pectoris.Methods One hundred and seventy-two male patients with exertional angina pectoris were enrolled in this study,and they were divided into control group (94 patients) and percutaneous coronary intervention group (78 patients).The patients in control group were given routine pharmacotherapy and the patients in percutaneous coronary intervention group were given drug-eluting stent implantation and routine pharmacotherapy.The sexual activity function was evaluated by international index of erectile function (IIEF)-5 scale before treatment and 3 months after treatment.The times of sexual intercourse was added up.The evaluation of angina pectoris was performed by the grade of Canadian cardiovascular society (CCS).At the same time,the walking distance and heart rate were measured through 6-minute walking test.The left ventricular ejection fraction(LVEF) was detected by echocardiogram.Results After treatment for 3 months,the scores of IIEF-5,the degree of sexual satisfaction,the times of sexual intercourse and the grade of CCS in percutaneous coronary intervention group were significantly improved compared with those in control group [(20.58 ± 7.36) scores vs.(16.38 ± 6.35) scores,(4.32 ± 1.38) scores vs.(2.51 ± 1.89) scores,(6.3 ± 3.2) times/month vs.(3.5 ± 1.6) times/month,(1.10 ± 0.43) grades vs.(2.50 ± 1.1 0) grades] (P < 0.05).The walking distance and heart rate after 6-minute walking test and LVEF in percutaneous coronary intervention group were significant improved compared with those in control group [(386 ± 82) m vs.(281 ± 86) m,(95 ± 18) times/minute vs.(122 ± 25) times/minute,(65.2 ± 11.2)% vs.(55.6 ± 13.8)%] (P < 0.05).Conclusions Stent implantation can significandy improve the quality of sexual activity in middle and old age male patients with exertional angina pectoris.The mechanisms are associated with the exercise capacity increasing and the frequency of angina pectoris attacks decreasing during sexual intercourse.