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Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1398819


Este trabalho é um estudo sobre as imagens da televisão argentina na cobertura dos Jogos Olímpicos de Sydney 2000. O corpus é a transmissão pelo canal argentino T&C Sports da cerimônia final dos Jogos Olímpicos. Este trabalho buscou, através da análise qualitativa da informação televisiva na cerimônia de encerramento dos Jogos Olímpicos de Sydney 2000, buscar analisar a construção do evento global e as referências globais e locais. Descrevemos as etapas da cerimônia de encerramento das Olimpíadas de Sydney 2000, destacando a cobertura televisiva dos rituais olímpicos, discursos institucionais, comemorações, representações, os ícones da Austrália e o show e festa (AU)

This work is a study on the images of Argentine television in the coverage of the Olympic Games in Sydney 2000. The corpus is the transmission of T&C Sports of the final ceremony of the Olympic Games. This work sought, through the qualitative analysis of television information at the closing ceremony of the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, to analyze the construction of the global event and the global and local references. We describe the stages of the closing ceremony of the Sydney 2000 Olympics, highlighting television coverage of Olympic rituals, institutional speeches, celebrations, performances, Australian icons, and the show and party. The ceremony was a mix of Olympic rituals, speeches, parties, and shows (AU)

Este trabajo es un estudio sobre las imágenes de la televisión argentina en la cobertura de los Juegos Olímpicos de Sídney 2000. El corpus es la transmisión de T&C Sports de la ceremonia final de los Juegos Olímpicos. Este trabajo buscó, a través del análisis cualitativo de la información televisiva en la ceremonia de clausura de los Juegos Olímpicos de Sídney 2000, analizar la construcción del evento global y las referencias globales y locales. Describimos las etapas de la ceremonia de clausura de los Juegos Olímpicos de Sídney 2000, destacando la cobertura televisiva de rituales olímpicos, discursos institucionales, celebraciones, actuaciones, íconos australianos y el espectáculo y la fiesta. La ceremonia fue una mezcla de rituales olímpicos, discursos, fiestas y espectáculos (AU).

Play and Playthings , Sports , Television , Ceremonial Behavior , Work
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1410846


Este trabalho é um estudo sobre as imagens da televisão argentina na cobertura dos Jogos Olímpicos de Sydney 2000. O corpus é a transmissão pelo canal argentino T&C Sports da cerimônia final dos Jogos Olímpicos. Este trabalho buscou, através da análise qualitativa da informação televisiva na cerimônia de encerramento dos Jogos Olímpicos de Sydney 2000, buscar analisar a construção do evento global e as referências globais e locais. Descrevemos as etapas da cerimônia de encerramento das Olimpíadas de Sydney 2000, destacando a cobertura televisiva dos rituais olímpicos, discursos institucionais, comemorações, representações, os ícones da Austrália e o show e festa.

Este trabajo es un estudio sobre las imágenes de la televisión argentina en la cobertura de los Juegos Olímpicos de Sídney 2000. El corpus es la transmisión de T&C Sports de la ceremonia final de los Juegos Olímpicos. Este trabajo buscó, a través del análisis cualitativo de la información televisiva en la ceremonia de clausura de los Juegos Olímpicos de Sídney 2000, analizar la construcción del evento global y las referencias globales y locales.Describimos las etapas de la ceremonia de clausura de los Juegos Olímpicos de Sídney 2000, destacando la cobertura televisiva de rituales olímpicos, discursos institucionales, celebraciones, actuaciones, íconos australianos y el espectáculo y la fiesta. La ceremonia fue una mezcla de rituales olímpicos, discursos, fiestas y espectáculos.

This work is a study on the images of Argentine television in the coverage of the Olympic Games in Sydney 2000. The corpus is the transmission of T&C Sports of the final ceremony of the Olympic Games. This work sought, through the qualitative analysis of television information at the closing ceremony of the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, to analyze the construction of the global event and the global and local references. We describe the stages of the closing ceremony of the Sydney 2000 Olympics, highlighting television coverage of Olympic rituals, institutional speeches, celebrations, performances, Australian icons, and the show and party. The ceremony was a mix of Olympic rituals, speeches, parties, and shows.

Rev. cienc. med. Pinar Rio ; 24(3): e4305, mayo.-jun. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1126212


RESUMEN Introducción: el envejecimiento trae como consecuencia el deterioro de las funciones cognitivas, por lo que resulta necesario diseñar alternativas terapéuticas para prevenir este proceso. Objetivo: determinar el efecto que tiene la estimulación de las funciones cognitivas en adultos mayores. Métodos: se realizó un estudio con un diseño pre-experimental. El universo consistió en 44 adultos mayor, la muestra estuvo compuesta por 18 pacientes a los que se le realizó el estímulo cognoscitivo. La intervención tuvo un total de 20 sesiones, con una frecuencia de dos veces por semana. Las técnicas de evaluación empleadas fueron el análisis de documentos, la entrevista psicológica semiestructurada, la observación participativa, la Batería de Exploración Neuropsicológica (NEUROPSI), la Escala de Depresión Geriátrica, el test no paramétrico de Wilcoxon y la distribución de frecuencia absoluta y porcentaje relativo. Resultados: se obtuvo cambios significativos en las tareas de dígitos en regresión, memoria, comprensión, fluidez verbal semántica y fonológica, lectura, semejanzas, cálculo, cambios en las posiciones de las manos (mano derecha), movimientos alternos y reacciones opuestas. Conclusiones: la estimulación cognitiva demostró un efecto medianamente positivo en las funciones de los adultos mayores de la Casa de Abuelos #1 en Santa Clara.

ABSTRACT Introduction: aging results in the decline of cognitive functions, consequently it is necessary to design therapeutic alternatives to prevent this process. Objective: to determine the effects of the stimulation of cognitive functions in the elderly. Methods: a study with a pre-experimental design was conducted. The target group included 44 of the oldest adults, the sample comprised 18 of them, and it was chosen from whom received the cognitive stimulus. The intervention had 20 sessions with a frequency of two times per week. The assessment techniques applied were documentary analysis, along with the Battery of Neuropsychological Exploration (NEUROPSI), Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), Wilcoxon non-parametric test, as well as the distribution by absolute frequency and relative percentage. Results: significant changes were observed in the tasks of counting numbers in regression, memory, comprehension, semantic and phonological oral fluency, reading, similarities, calculation, changes in the position of hands (right hand), alternative movements and opposite reactions Conclusions: cognitive stimulation showed an average positive effect on the functions of the elderly.

Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1400583


La premisa de "Hang the DJ" es bastante simple: las personas prefieren que un sistema de software decida por ellas. Es más fácil que Otro decida y solamente obedecer, eso quita la responsabilidad y la duda de haber realizado la opción correcta. La eterna, insidiosa, asfixiante duda se diluye, en la medida que no hay que decidir. La vida se torna una sumisa obediencia a los mandatos de un Otro sabio. Pero en cuestiones del amor, no hay saber que se sustente y este será el eje en el que se centre nuestro análisis

The premise of "Hang the DJ" is quite simple: people prefer that a software system decides for them. It is easier for Another to decide and only obey, that removes the responsibility and doubt of having made the right choice. The eternal, insidious, suffocating doubt is diluted, to the extent that there is no need to decide. Life becomes a submissive obedience to the commands of a wise Other. But in matters of love, there is no knowing that it is sustained and this will be the axis on which our analysis is centered

Humans , Male , Female , User-Computer Interface , Fantasy , Virtual Reality , Asexuality
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 24(1): 201-221, jan.-mar. 2017. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-840684


Resumen Este artículo rescata la obra de teatro guiñol Las calenturas de Don Ferruco, televisada a finales de la década de 1950 para promover la erradicación del paludismo en México como un útil instrumento de educación para la salud. Se analiza cómo la difusión del teatro guiñol educativo en la televisión mexicana evidenció la necesidad de mantener vigente la enseñanza dirigida a prevenir enfermedades y se subraya la importancia de la televisión como una producción educativa para promover la salud hacia mediados del siglo XX. El artículo muestra los inicios de su uso como una herramienta de especial importancia para lo que posteriormente sería la masificación de los discursos emitidos por la Secretaría de Salubridad y Asistencia.

This article resurrects the puppet show Las calenturas de Don Ferruco (Don Ferruco’s Fevers), which was televised in the late 1950s in order to help eradicate malaria in Mexico, as a useful instrument for health education. It analyzes how the spread of educational puppet shows on Mexican television showed the need to keep updating preventive healthcare pedagogy and it underlines the importance of television as an educational health-promotion production in the mid-twentieth century. The article discusses the early use of puppet shows as an especially important tool for what would later become mass-media transmission of discourses from the Secretaría de Salubridad y Asistencia (Department of Health and Healthcare).

Humans , History, 20th Century , Play and Playthings , Television/history , Health Education/history , Malaria/history , Communicable Disease Control/history , Hygiene/education , Hygiene/history , Health Education/methods , Health Promotion/history , Health Promotion/methods , Malaria/prevention & control , Mass Media/history , Mexico
Arq. bras. psicol. (Rio J. 2003) ; 63(2): 14-27, 2011. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-606066


Neste artigo relata-se uma análise de conteúdo das notícias sobre comportamento agressivo em shows musicais veiculadas em jornal Correio Braziliense, Brasília, DF. Esta análise permite entender comportamentos agressivos em shows, quais as características destas situações e como a mídia impressa tratou o assunto. A despeito da influência dos jornais na formação de opiniões públicas, transmissão de atitudes e repertórios comportamentais, evidenciou-se que este tipo de análise ainda é escasso na literatura da psicologia social brasileira. Com o objetivo, portanto, de contribuir com a área realizou-se esta pesquisa exploratória com 31 artigos de jornal. Os resultados da análise de conteúdo apontam que os comportamentos agressivos aconteceram em shows dos mais diversos estilos musicais. Com base na teoria social cognitiva e pesquisas prévias sobre a análise de jornais discutimos os principais resultados.

This paper reports a content analysis of the newspaper articles dealing with aggressive behavior in music shows. This analysis permits an understanding of the characteristics of these situations, the aggressive behaviors in shows, and the way in which the print media treat the subject. Despite of the newspapers' influence on public opinion formation, that is, the transmission of attitudes and behavior repertoires, this kind of analysis is rarely reported in Brazilian social psychological literature. Some 31 newspaper articles were content analyzed as to aggressive behavior during music shows. Results indicate that aggressive behaviors occur in shows of most varied musical styles. Results are discussed on the basis of social cognitive theory.

En este artículo se presenta un análisis de contenido de las noticias de diario sobre el comportamiento agresivo en los espectáculos musicales de difusión en diario Correio Braziliense, Brasília, DF. Este análisis nos permite comprender el comportamiento agresivo en los conciertos, ¿qué características de estas situaciones y cómo fueram tratados pelos medios impreso?. A pesar de la influencia de los periódicos en la conformación de la opinión pública, la transmisión de actitudes y de los repertorios de conducta, se hizo evidente que este tipo de análisis es todavía escasa en la literatura de la psicología social en Brasil. Con el fin de contribuir con este ámbito de estudios se llevó a cabo esta investigación exploratoria, con 31 artículos de prensa. Los resultados del análisis de contenido muestran que el comportamiento agresivo no se dio en la muestra de diferentes estilos musicales. Basado en la teoría social cognitiva y la investigación previa sobre el análisis de los periódicos se analiza los principales resultados.

Dangerous Behavior , Periodical , Psychology, Social , Violence
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-402270


OBJECTIVE: To review the current research of tissue engineered venous valve at home and abroad, to analyze the developing trend of tissue engineered venous valve in the clinical application.METHODS: A computer retrieve was performed among PubMed, ProQuest Health & Medical Complete database, Springer English Academic Journal Full-text database, Elsevier Full-text database between January 2000 and August 2009, with the key words of "tissue engineering venous valve", and the language was limited to English. At the same time, Chongqing VIP database, Qinghua Academic Journals Database, Chinese Biomedical Literature database were also screened on computer by using the

International Eye Science ; (12): 769-774, 2006.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-641729


AIM: To assess whether the new microincision cataract surgery (MICS) induces less endothelium damages than the standard coaxial phacoemulsification.METHODS: Two hundred consecutive patients affected by age-related cataract were randomly assigned to undergo phacoemulsification using either standard coaxial phaco (SCP) or MICS. Central cornea and 12 o'clock endothelial cell count,cell size variation coefficient, percentage of hexagonality and central cornea thickness were measured before and up to one year after surgery.RESULTS: One hundred and seventy-three patients completed the trial. At the one-year follow-up visit, the loss of endothelium cells was 6.5204% in the MICS group and 8.726% in the SCP group (P<0.00005). There was no significant differences between the two groups in terms of coefficient of variation in cell size, percentage of hexagonal cells,corneal thickness the day after surgery and variation of endothelial cell density measured both at the incision site and at the central cornea. In patients with hard cataracts, the increase in endothelial cell density loss was higher independently of the procedure.CONCLUSION: MICS induced a significant lower endothelial cell density loss than SCP.

Psicol. rev. (Belo Horizonte) ; 8(12): 24-31, dez. 2002.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-444641


Este artigo se propõe investigar - a partir de um dos ícones da cultura de massa contemporânea, os reality shows - as relações entre a violência, o imperativo do prazer imediato e a exclusão social, tão intensa quanto o sucesso desses programas de televisão. Analisaremos o contexto da emergência dos reality shows a partir de dois imaginários sociais que representam duas formas de estar no mundo atual: o imaginário da excelência e o da inutilidade. Indicaremos também como uma espécie de infantilização universal se relaciona com o risco de esquecimento coletivo da História que o foco no presente imediato e a sociedade do espetáculo auxiliam a reforçar.

Having as point of departure one of the icons of contemporary mass culture,the reality shows, this essay aims at investigating the connections betweenviolence, the demand of immediate pleasure and social exclusion, which isas intense as these TV programs are successful. We will analyse the contextof the emergence of the reality shows, considering the two social represen-tations available nowadays: the social representation of excellence and thesocial representation of uselessness. We will also indicate how a sort ofuniversal infantilism is related to the risk of the collective forgetfulness ofHistory which both the focus on the immediate pleasure and the entertain-ment society help to consolidate

Television , Social Problems