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Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 3(65): 175-183, set-dez.2024. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1567962


A comunicação bucossinusal (CBS) é uma complicação relativamente frequente na prática odontológica que ocorre em procedimentos cirúrgicos, principalmente, exodontias dos molares superiores. O diagnóstico dessa comunicação é feito através de exames clínicos intraorais, empregando a manobra de Valsava, e para a confirmação do diagnóstico, utiliza-se exame radiográfico. A literatura cita inúmeros métodos de tratamento, entretanto não evidenciam a técnica específica para cada caso, entre esses métodos existe o retalho com o corpo adiposo da bochecha, que apresenta alto índice de sucesso no fechamento das CBS. Quando a CBS é fechada incorretamente ou de forma tardia o paciente fica propício a desenvolver quadros de sinusite crônica ou aguda, além de fístulas bucossinusais. Portanto, deve-se identificar e tratar essa comunicação de imediato para evitar o desenvolvimento de outras complicações. O objetivo do presente trabalho é apresentar um caso clínico de um paciente com comunicação bucossinusal atendido na clínica odontológica da Unidade de Ensino Superior de Feira de Santana (UNEF), com a finalidade de demostrar a técnica cirúrgica utilizando a rotação do corpo adiposo da bochecha (Bola de Bichat).

The bucosinusal communication (BCS) is a relatively frequent complication in dental practice that occurs in surgical procedures, especially extractions of the upper molars. The diagnosis of this communication is made through intraoral clinical examinations, using the Valsava maneuver, and for the confirmation of the diagnosis, radiographic examination is used. The literature cites numerous methods of treatment, however they do not evidence the specific technique for each case, among these methods there is the graft with the adipose body of the cheek, which has a high success rate in the closure of the CBS. When the CBS is closed incorrectly or late, the patient is prone to develop chronic or acute sinusitis, in addition to bucosinusal fistulas. Therefore, this communication should be identified and treated immediately to prevent the development of other complications. The objective of the present study is to present a clinical case of a patient with bucosinusal communication attended at the dental clinic of Unidade de Ensino Superior de Feira de Santana (UNEF), with the purpose of demonstrating the surgical technique using the rotation of the adipose body of the cheek (Bichat ball).

Humans , Male , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Cheek , Adipose Tissue , Oroantral Fistula , Maxillary Sinus
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 84(1): 43-49, mar. 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565741


Introducción: La cirugía endoscópica nasosinusal (CEN) de cavidades paranasales es un tratamiento ampliamente utilizado para la rinosinusitis crónica, con un impacto significativo en mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Objetivo: Evaluar el impacto de la CEN en la calidad de vida en pacientes con diagnóstico de rinosinusitis crónica en una cohorte nacional y a largo plazo (1 año). Material y Método: Se realizó un estudio de cohorte prospectiva. Se incluyó 95 pacientes con diagnóstico de RSC operados en el servicio de otorrinolaringología del hospital del Salvador en el período 2017-2021. Se compararon síntomas como obstrucción nasal, rinorrea, descarga posterior, algia facial e hiposmia, además de la encuesta SNOT-22 pre y post cirugía utilizando como medidas la escala visual análoga (EVA) de sintomatología cardinal de RSC y SNOT-22. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron una mejoría significativa en todos los síntomas evaluados. La obstrucción nasal, rinorrea, descarga posterior, hiposmia y algia facial presentaron una disminución estadísticamente significativa después de la CEN. Además, la encuesta de calidad de vida SNOT-22 reveló una mejora significativa en la calidad de vida de los pacientes después de la cirugía. Conclusión: Este estudio sugiere que la CEN podría tener un impacto significativo en la mejora de los síntomas y la calidad de vida de los pacientes con rinosinusitis crónica. Los resultados de esta cohorte nacional respaldan la efectividad de la CEN como tratamiento para esta enfermedad a largo plazo (1 año) y destacan la importancia de considerar esta opción terapéutica en el manejo de la RSC.

Introduction: Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) is a widely employed treatment for chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) and has shown significant benefits in enhancing the quality of life for affected patients. Objective: To assess the impact of FESS on the quality of life in patients diagnosed with chronic rhinosinusitis in a national and longterm cohort (1 year). Material and Method: A prospective cohort study was conducted at the otolaryngology service of Hospital del Salvador between 2017 and 2021, involving 95 patients diagnosed with CRS who underwent FESS. Symptoms such as nasal obstruction, rhinorrhea, posterior discharge, facial pain, and hyposmia were evaluated. The visual analog scale (VAS) was used to measure the cardinal symptoms of CRS, and the SNOT-22 survey was administered before and after the surgical procedure. Results: The study demonstrated a significant improvement in all evaluated symptoms following FESS. Nasal obstruction, rhinorrhea, posterior discharge, hyposmia, and facial pain exhibited a statistically significant decrease. Moreover, the SNOT-22 survey revealed a notable enhancement in the quality of life for patients after surgery. Conclusion: The highlights of this national cohort support the impact of FESS in alleviating symptoms and improving the quality of life for patients diagnosed with chronic rhinosinusitis. The findings provide strong evidence supporting the effectiveness of FESS as a treatment option for CRS and emphasize the importance of considering this surgical approach in the management of this condition.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Endoscopy/methods , Nasal Surgical Procedures/methods , Rhinosinusitis/surgery , Paranasal Sinuses/surgery , Quality of Life , Chile , Chronic Disease , Prospective Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires
Int. j. morphol ; 42(1): 52-58, feb. 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528829


SUMMARY: In bovines, anatomical observations of the coronary vascular tree describe qualitative characteristics. The objective of this study was to morphometrically characterize the coronary veins and their tributaries in cattle. An arcuate application with 2.0 silk was performed around the ostium of the coronary sinus of 28 bovine hearts and a number 14 catheter was placed, through which semi- synthetic polyester resin and mineral blue color was perfused. In 22 hearts (78.6 %) the great cardiac vein was originated at the cardiac apex. The configuration of the arteriovenous trigone was mainly closed inferior and superior types (50 %). The caliber of the great cardiac vein at the level of the atrioventricular sulcus was 6.7 +/- 1.2 mm. The origin of the left marginal vein was observed in the lower third of the left cardiac margin (53.6 %), its distal caliber was 4.1 +/- 0.8 mm and its drainage was at the level of the great cardiac vein. The middle cardiac vein originated from the cardiac apex in 78.6 % of the samples, emptied mainly into the coronary sinus (82.1 %) and its distal caliber was 4.7 +/- 0.9 mm. Anastomoses occurred in 28.6 % of the hearts, being found in most cases between the middle cardiac vein and the great cardiac vein (50 %), which was significant compared to other anastomoses (p<0.001). The length of the coronary sinus was 42.2 +/- 5.1 mm, its distal caliber was 13.8 +/- 2 mm, and its shape was cylindrical. Myocardial bridges were found in 3 hearts (10.7 %) mainly in the lower third of the middle cardiac vein (66.6 %). Most of the main coronary veins drained into the coronary sinus, with some cases with atypical outlets and the presence of a high percentage of anastomosis that serves to improve cardiac venous drainage in case of venous compression or obstruction.

En bovinos, las observaciones anatómicas de árbol vascular coronario describen características cualitativas. El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar morfométricamente las venas coronarias y sus tributarias en bovinos. Se realizó una aplicatura arciforme con seda 2.0 alrededor del ostium del seno coronario de 28 corazones de bovino y se colocó un catéter número 14, a través del cual se perfundió resina de poliéster semisintética y color azul mineral. La vena cardiaca magna se originó en 22 corazones (78,6 %) en el ápex cardiaco. La configuración del trígono arteriovenoso fue principalmente cerrado inferior y superior (50 %). El calibre de la vena cardiaca magna a nivel del surco atrioventricular fue 6,7 +/- 1,2 mm. El origen de la vena marginal izquierda se observó en el tercio inferior del margen izquierdo cardiaco (53,6 %), su calibre distal fue 4,1 +/- 0,8 mm y su desembocadura fue a nivel de la vena cardiaca magna. La vena cardiaca media se originó en el ápex cardiaco en el 78,6 % de las muestras, desembocó principalmente en el seno coronario (82.1 %) y su calibre distal fue 4,7 +/- 0,9 mm. Se presentó anastomosis en el 28,6 % de los corazones, encontrándose en la mayoría de los casos entre la vena cardiaca media y la vena cardiaca magna (50 %), lo cual fue significativo en comparación con otras anastomosis (p<0,001). La longitud del seno coronario fue 42,2 +/- 5,1 mm, su calibre distal fue 13,8 +/- 2 mm y su forma fue cilíndrica. Se encontró puentes miocárdicos en 3 corazones (10,7 %) y en el tercio inferior de la vena cardiaca media (66,6 %). La mayoría de las venas coronarias principales desembocan en el seno coronario, con algunos casos con desembocaduras atípicas y la presencia de un alto porcentaje de anastomosis que sirve para mejorar el drenaje venoso cardiaco en caso de compresión u obstrucción venosa.

Animals , Cattle , Cattle/anatomy & histology , Coronary Vessels/anatomy & histology , Veins , Cross-Sectional Studies , Coronary Sinus/anatomy & histology
Acta odontol. latinoam ; 37(1): 79-87, Jan. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563662


ABSTRACT Differentiating orofacial odontogenic pain/disorders from pain/disorders associated with maxillary sinusitis is important to avoid unnecessary dentalprocedures and to properly refer patients to colleagues/dentists and vice versa. Aim To analyze the association between apical lesions and sinus changes and to evaluate the agreement between the diagnoses of an endodontist, a radiologist, an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, and an otolaryngologist. Materials and Method 385 axial, coronal, and sagittal MSCT scans were selected using an image archiving andcommunication system (PACS). The examinations had been performed between 2018 and 2022. Results Apical lesions were observed in 36.10% of sinusitis cases, 73.8% of unilateralsinusitis cases, 48.7% of sinus floor discontinuity cases, and 67.2% of cases in which endodontic treatment had been performed. Agreement between the diagnoses made by the endodontist and those made by the other investigators was high for most study variables (k > 0.60). The exceptions were mucosal thickening, for which agreement between the endodontist and the other investigators was intermediate (k=0.397), and the presence of periapicallesions (k=0.010), previous endodontic treatment (k=0.013), and mucosal thickness (k=0.024), for which agreement between endodontists and radiologists was low. Conclusions: There was an association between sinus changes and apical lesions.

RESUMO Diferenciar a dor/desordens odontogénicas orofaciais da dor/desordens as sociadas á sinusite maxilar é importante para evitar procedimentos odontológicos desnecessários e para encaminhar adequadamente os pacientes aos colegas/dentistas e vice-versa. Objetivo Analisar a associagdo entre lesoes apicais e alteragóes sinusais e avaliar a concordáncia entre os diagnósticos de um endodontista, um radiologista, um cirurgido bucomaxilofacial e um otorrinolaringologista. Material e Método foram avaliadas 385 imagens. Resultados Aslesoes apicais foram observadas em 36,10% dos casos de sinusite, em 73,8% dos casos de sinusite unilateral, em 48,7% dos casos de descontinuidade do assoalho do seio e em 67,2%odos casos em que o tratamento endodontico havia sido realizado. A concordancia entre os diagnósticos feitos pelo endodontista e os feitos pelos outros pesquisadores foi alta para a maioria das variáveis do estudo (k > 0,60). As excegoes foram o espessamento da mucosa, para o qual a concordáncia entre o endodontista e os outros pesquisadores foi intermediária (k=0,397) e a presenga delesoes periapicais (k=0,010), tratamento endodontico prévio (k=0,013) e espessura da mucosa (k=0,024), para os quais a concordáncia entre endodontistas e radiologistas foi baixa. Conclusoes Houve uma associagdo entre as alteragóes sinusais e aslesoes apicais.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006420


Hepatic sinusoidal obstruction syndrome (HSOS), also known as hepatic veno-occlusive disease, is hepatic vascular disease of hepatic sinusoidal obstruction and hepatic venular occlusion and fibrosis due to various causes. This article systematically elaborates on the research advances in HSOS from the aspects of understanding and naming, etiology and pathogenesis, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. HSOS can occur in patients receiving bone marrow hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, radiotherapy/chemotherapy, and medication containing pyrrolidine alkaloids, and the common clinical manifestations of HSOS include abdominal distension, distending pain in the liver area, ascites, jaundice, and hepatomegaly. The diagnostic criteria for HSOS vary with etiology, and it needs to be differentiated from other diseases such as drug-induced liver diseases and hepatic venous outflow tract obstruction. Defibrotide and low-molecular-weight heparin have a therapeutic effect on HSOS associated with hematopoietic stem cells and pyrrolidine alkaloids, respectively, and there are currently no effective drugs for HSOS caused by oxaliplatin chemotherapy.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017620


OBJECTIVE To assess the efficacy of bioabsorbable steroid-releasing sinus stents for improving surgical outcomes and subjective symptoms when placed in the bilateral frontal sinus opening(FSO)following full functional endoscopic sinus surgery in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps(CRSwNP).METHODS CRSwNP patients who had under full functional endoscopic sinus surgery with complete data of nasal endoscopy and sinus computed tomography data were identified and included in the study.The patients were divided into a control group consisting of patients receiving only full functional endoscopic sinus surgery(n=92)and a stent group consisting of patients receiving full functional endoscopic sinus surgery combined with placement of steroid implants in both FSO(n=38).The visual analogue scale(VAS)subjective symptom scores and surgical outcomes were compared preoperatively,and on postoperative day(PD30 and PD90)between the two groups.RESULTS Compared to baseline,the overall symptom VAS scores of patients after operation decreased significantly in both groups(P<0.05),and the degree of improvement of overall symptoms in the stent group was significantly better than in the control group(P<0.05).On PD30,the proportion of patients requiring postoperative interventions for bilateral FSO was reduced by 42.3%in the stent group,and was significantly lower than in the control group(P<0.05).Compared to the control group,the proportion of patients needing postoperative intervention in both ethmoid sinus on the stent group decreased by 17.7%(P>0.05).The results at PD90 were consistent with those at PD30.CONCLUSION Full functional endoscopic sinus surgery in combination with bilateral frontal sinus stent implantation is better than full functional endoscopic sinus surgery alone.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018538


Bipolar affective disorder refers to a category of mood disorders characterized clinically by the presence of both manic or hypomanic episodes and depressive episodes.Lithium stands out as the primary pharmacological intervention for managing bipolar affective disorder.However,its therapeutic dosage closely approaches toxic levels.Toxic symptoms appear when the blood lithium concentration surpasses 1.4 mmol/L,typically giving rise to gastrointestinal and central nervous system reactions.Cardiac toxicity is rare but serious in cases of lithium poisoning.The study reports a case of a patient with bipolar affective disorder who reached a blood lithium concentration of 6.08 mmol/L after the patient took lithium carbonate sustained-release tablets beyond the prescribed dosage daily and concurrently using other mood stabilizers.This resulted in symptoms such as arrhythmia,shock,impaired consciousness,and coarse tremors.Following symptomatic supportive treatment,including blood dialysis,the patient's physical symptoms gradually improved.It is necessary for clinicians to strengthen the prevention and recognition of lithium poisoning.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018799


Objective To investigate the efficacy of Amplatzer duct occluder-Ⅱ device(ADO-Ⅱ)in treating ventricular septal detect(VSD)with aortic sinus prolapse(ASP)in child patients.Methods The clinical data of 94 child patients with VSD complicated by ASP,who were admitted to the Hunan Provincial Children's Hospital of China between January 2018 and September 2022,were retrospectively collected.The child patients included 60 males and 34 females with a mean age of(4.7±3.1)years.Mild-moderate ASP was seen in 83 child patients,with a mean(4.12±0.97)mm-sized VSD.Severe ASP was seen in 11 child patients,with a mean(4.95±0.51)mm-sized VSD.Perimembrane VSD was observed in 54 child patients and intracristal VSD in 40 child patients.The relationship of VSD size and degree of ASP to the selection of ADO-Ⅱ,postoperative middle period aortic valve regurgitation and residual leakage was analyzed,so as to clarify the applicability of ADO-Ⅱ to such child patients.Results In the postoperative middle period,6 child patients had mild aortic valve regurgitation,most seen in the child patients who received 4-4 mm or 5-4 mm ADO-occluder;and 10 child patients had residual leakage,mainly seen in the child patients who received 5-4 mm or 6-4 mm occluder.Conclusion In the condition when the ADO-Ⅱ occluder shows satisfactory placement pattern,this treatment is suitable for the child patient having<6 mm VSD with ASP.Although there are some residual leakage and aortic valve regurgitation after surgery,this interventional therapy still meets the clinical requirements.(J Intervent Radiol,2024,32:17-21)

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018955


Objective:To explore the value of ultrasound measuring gastric sinus cross-sectional area (CSA) to guide early individualized enteral nutrition implementation strategies in sepsis patients.Methods:Thirty septic patients admitted to the EICU and comprehensive ICU of The Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine between January 2021 and December 2022 each were included. EICU patients used bedside ultrasound for gastric sinus CSA to guide the implementation of early enteral nutrition in septic patients, and a routine nutritional support strategy was adopted in the integrated ICU. The correlation of CSA and feeding intolerance in patients with septic gastrointestinal dysfunction, the ROC curve and other relevant indicators of gastrointestinal dysfunction gastrointestinal dysfunction score, SOFA score, APACHEⅡ score, intra-abdominal pressure (IAP), serum protein (PA), [albumin (Alb)]. By comparing the indicators related to inflammation, nutritional status and days of ICU stay after different strategies of the two groups, the advantages of different strategies were analyzed.Results:The baseline data of the two groups were balanced and comparable; the incidence of feeding intolerance was significantly higher (36.67%) than the conventional group (10.00%), with aggressive and early individualized treatment, the incidence rate on the third day was only 10.00%, significantly lower than that in the conventional treatment group (40.00%). Treatment up to the 5th day, the related function scores (gastrointestinal dysfunction score, APACHEⅡ score, SOFA score, IAP), nutritional status indicators (5 d hot card reaching the standard rate, PA, Alb) and inflammation indicators (WBC, PCT, hs-CRP) were significantly improved compared with admission, and is better than the conventional treatment group. In addition, the ICU hospital days and the incidence of aspiration were lower in the ultrasound treatment group ( P <0.05). CSA showed favorable correlation with gastrointestinal dysfunction score, APACHEⅡ score, SOFA score, IAP, PA and Alb, correlation coefficients were 0.79、0.60、0.66、0.71、-0.6 and -0.64( P <0.05). The ROC curve for predicting feeding intolerance by CSA showed the AUC was 0.828, 95% CI was 0.737-0.919, its optimal cutoff value for predicted feeding intolerance was 7.835 cm 2, the sensitivity and specificity were 88.20% and 71.80%. Conclusions:Ultrasound measuring CSA can early and effectively found the feeding intolerance in the patients with sepsis , via giving individualized enteral nutrition implementation strategy, significantly improve the organ function score, nutritional status and inflammation index, reduce the ICU hospital days and aspiration, and correlate with the conventional evaluation index, and sensitivity and specificity are high, worthy of the clinical further promotion.

Journal of Practical Radiology ; (12): 539-542, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020250


Objective To investigate the CT and MRI findings of different types of small round cell tumor(SRCT)in the nasal cavity and sinuses.Methods A retrospective analysis was conducted on the imaging data and clinical data of 35 SRCT patients confirmed by pathology.Thirty-one SRCT patients underwent CT examination,and 19 SRCT patients underwent MRI examination.Results There were 20 cases of tumors that invaded the nasal cavity and 19 cases involved the sinuses,including 11 cases of the maxillary sinus,7 cases of the ethmoid sinus,2 cases of the sphenoid sinus,and 1 case of the frontal sinus.CT findings of SRCT were all soft tissue masses.Lymphoma was relatively homogeneous with mild bone destruction,and usually involved nasal vestibular skin.Rhabdomyosarcoma(embryonic type)happened at an early age and easily caused bone destruction and metastasis.Melanoma generally occurred in the nasal septum and nasal cavity,which was prone to bleeding.Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma was heterogeneous,with moderate to significant enhancement,bone absorption and destruction were often noticed.The MRI manifestations of SRCT were equal or long signal on T1WI,high signal on T2WI,and significant diffusion limitation on diffusion weighted imaging(DWI)and apparent diffusion coefficient(ADC)except for melanoma.On contrast-enhanced images,lymphoma showed mild to moderate enhancement,rhabdomyosarcoma showed typical"grape sign",and small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma showed"sieve"and"map-like"obvious enhancement.Typical melanoma showed a high signal on T1WI and a low signal on T2WI and usually caused bleeding.The MRI findings were related to the presence of melanoma and hemorrhage within the lesion.Conclusion SRCT of the nasal cavity and sinuses have a high degree of malignancy and poor prognosis,CT and MRI have many similar manifestations.Combining clinical data,bone destruction,MRI enhancement,and DWI sequence can effectively distinguish different types of SRCT,as well as squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal cavity and sinuses and adenoid cystic carcinoma.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022957


Objective To analyze the characteristics of adult anomalous aortic origin of coronary artery(AAOCA)and the causes of missed diagnosis by transthoracic echocardiography(TTE)so as to facilitate TTE in diagnosing adult AAOCA.Methods A total of 37 adult patients with AAOCA diagnosed by non-invasive coronary CT angiography(CCTA)and/or invasive coronary angiography(ICA)were selected as research samples at some hospital from January 2019 to December 2022,and their clinical symptoms and the findings of 12-lead electrocardiogram,cardiac enzymes and TTE were summarized;the patients were typed according to the site of origin of coronary artery anomalies,and the causes for the missed diagnosis of TTE were eplored.Chi-square test was used to compare the differences in TTE missed diagnoses.Results Of the 37 patients,31 ones had no or only mild symptoms;most ones had negative results in terms of 12-lead electrocardiography,cardiac enzymes,changes in the size of the cardiac chambers,segmental ventricular wall motion abnormalities and left ventricular systolic function.The patients with anomalous origin of the right coronary artery from left sinus(ARCA-L)gained the largest proportion of 59.45%(22/37);21 patients were diagnosed with anomalous origin of coronary artery arising from the opposite sinus(ACAOS)in the two examinations of TTE,of whom there were 19 cases of ARCA-L,and the detection rate of ACAOS by TTE was 87.5%;all the 13 patients origins in branches and high-grade openings were missed by TTE.The detection rate of ACAOS by TTE was significantly higher than that of coronary artery anomalies originating in branches and in high openings,and the difference was statistically significant(21/24 vs 0/13,P<0.001).Conclusion Most adult AAOCA patients lack specificity in symptoms and related examination results.TTE has a high detection rate of ACAOS,while it is easy to miss the diagnosis of coronary artery anomalies originating from branches and high openings.Ultrasonographers have to identify false negative AAOCA by multi-section and multi-angle scanning and color Doppler flow imaging in order to reduce the rate of missed diagnosis.[Chinese Medical Equipment Journal,2024,45(1):71-75]

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029389


This article reported a case of fetal congenital pyriform sinus fistula (CPSF) diagnosed by prenatal ultrasound. An oval cystic mass in the left side of the fetal neck was detected during routine prenatal ultrasonography at 17 +2 weeks of gestation, which was also found in the systemic ultrasound screening at 23 weeks. Besides, a narrow fistula between the cyst and pharynx was observed in the coronal view of the neck, raising the suspicion of CPSF. On day 21 after birth, the cystic mass bulged out of the neck and the neonate started choking and coughing during feeding alongside wheezing respiration. Ultrasound examination showed a strong gas echo in the cystic mass, which was also confirmed by CT scan on day 25. On day 26, cystectomy, ligation of high fistula, and fistulectomy were performed, and the diagnosis of CPSF was confirmed. The baby recovered after the operation and was healthy during follow-up till three months.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030620


@#Acute Stanford type A aortic dissection has the characteristics of acute onset, severe condition and high mortality. Once making a definite diagnosis, surgical treatment is needed as soon as possible. It is difficult for cardiac surgeons to treat the acute aortic dissection involving the aortic sinus, which is an important risk factor for death. Improving the surgical treatment for the aortic sinus can be a key to improving the prognosis. In this review, we will introduce the modified sandwich technique for acute Stanford type A aortic dissection and the prognosis, and summarize the experiences of different modified sandwich techniques. However, there is still no unified standardized technique in aortic root repair, and there is a lack of large studies with long-term follow-up, so it is necessary to further improve the aortic root repair techniques.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031771


Objective@#To analyze the spatial relationship between the roots of maxillary anterior premolars and the maxillary sinus, thus providing an anatomical basis for timing, planning, surgical approaches, and implant selection at this site.@*Methods@#Cone beam CT (CBCT) images were collected from 264 patients (aged 20-65 years) who visited the Ruihua Dental Clinic between January 2017 and March 2023. The minimum distance from the apex of the maxillary anterior premolar roots to the lower wall of the maxillary sinus was measured on the coronal plane. The classification of the vertical relationship between the tooth root and the lower wall of the maxillary sinus was performed, and comparisons were made bilaterally, between genders, and among different age groups.@*Results@#The minimum distance (Q50) from the apex of the first maxillary premolar root to the lower wall of the maxillary sinus was 7.34 mm for the single-root type, 7.80 mm for the buccal root of the double-root type, and 7.36 mm for the palatal root. For the second maxillary premolar, the median distance was 2.56 mm for the single root type, 1.73 mm for the buccal root type, and 1.23 mm for the palatal root type. There was a significant difference in the shortest distance from the apex of the right second maxillary premolar single root to the lower wall of the maxillary sinus among the different age groups (P<0.05), with the 20-29-year-old group having the smallest median distance (1.52 mm) and the ≥ 40-year-old group having the largest (4.44 mm). There was no significant difference in the effect of sex or laterality on distance (P>0.05). The most common vertical relationship between the apex of the maxillary anterior premolar roots and the lower wall of the maxillary sinus was noncontact. There was no significant difference in the vertical relationship classification between the single-root and double-root types (P>0.05).@*Conclusion@#Most maxillary first premolar roots can provide sufficient bone height, which makes it easy to achieve immediate implantation. The maxillary second premolar root frequently involves insufficient bone, which is necessary to make full use of the bone wall of the extraction socket or the sinus floor cortical bone to achieve initial stability. The vertical relationship between the premolar root and maxillary sinus was influenced by age and dental position. Younger age groups often exhibit inadequate bone height, and the indication for immediate implantation should be carefully considered. The number of roots does not significantly affect the relationship between the sinus and root; however, double-rooted premolars offer more support for immediate implantation and socket healing due to the small root diameter and bony separation between the roots.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031919


Objective@#To assess the depths of the anterior epitympanic recess (AER) and the sinus tympani (ST) among Filipino adults and to classify the AER and ST according to grade and type, respectively.@*Methods@#Design:Retrospective Review of CT ScansSetting:Tertiary Private Teaching Hospital Participants: Scans of 182 non-pathologic ears from patients aged 18 and above with non-pathologic temporal bones (paranasal sinus, screening sinus, temporal bone, facial and cranial) with 0.62mm cuts seen from CT scans from January 01, 2010 to September 31, 2022 were analyzed. The depths of the AER and ST were measured separately and classified according to AER grade and ST type.@*Results@#The mean depth of the AER (AER-D) was 3.64 mm (SD 1.17). No significant difference was seen between right and left ears. The AER grading of the anterior-posterior depth was found to be Grade 1 (<3mm) in 54 ears (29.7%), Grade 2 (3-5mm) in 106 ears (58.2%), and Grade 3 (>5mm) in 22 ears (12.1%). The mean depth of the sinus tympani (ST-D) was 3.30 mm (SD 0.80). Out of the 182 ears, 121 (66.5%) had Type A, 50 (27.5%) had Type B while 11 (6%) had Type C.@*Conclusion@#Majority of the AER depths measured 3-5mm while most of the sinus tympani were Type A. These hidden recesses should be separately analyzed in preoperative planning for cholesteatoma surgery in order to prepare the adequate equipment to be used and approach towards these areas thereby reducing the risk for residual cholesteatomas and recurrence.

Tomography , Temporal Bone
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1035959


Objective:To summarize the imaging features of severe unilateral transverse sinus and sigmoid sinus thromboses, and evaluate the efficacy and safety of intravascular interventional therapy in them.Methods:Thirty-seven patients with severe unilateral transverse sinus and sigmoid sinus thromboses clinically mainly manifested as intracranial hypertension and accepted endovascular intervention in Department of Interventional Radiology, First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University from June 2012 to September 2022 were chosen; their clinical data were retrospectively analyzed and imaging features were summarized. Short-term efficacy was evaluated according to blood flow restoration degrees and pressure gradient reduction in the occlusive sinus and modified neurological symptoms before and after endovascular intervention. Hospitalized complications were observed; safety and long-term efficacy were evaluated according to postoperative clinical follow-up and imaging results 6-12 months after endovascular intervention.Results:(1) Preoperative brain MRI and (or) CT showed different degrees of swelling of the brain tissues, with the affected side as the target; mixed signals/density shadow could be seen in the blocked transverse sinus and sigmoid sinus; venous cerebral infarction or post-infarction cerebral hemorrhage could be combined in some patients. MRV, CTV and DSA showed poor or completely occluded transverse sinus and sigmoid sinus while normal in the contralateral side; obvious thrombus filling-defect was observed in the occluded venous sinus after mechanical thrombolysis. (2) Occlusive sinus blood flow was restored in all patients after endovascular intervention, and pressure gradient of the occlusive segment decreased from (16.6±3.3) mmHg before to (2.8±0.8) mmHg after endovascular intervention. Before discharge, clinical symptoms of all patients were significantly improved (modified Rankin scale [mRS] scores of 0 in 30 patients, 1 in 5 patients, 2 in 1 patient and 3 in 1 patient), and 2 patients had unilateral limb movement disorder (muscle strength grading III and IV, respectively). All patients received clinical follow-up for (9.6±3.0) months. At the last follow-up, neurological function obviously improved compared with that before endovascular intervention, without new neurosystem-related symptoms (mRS scores of 0 in 30 patients, 1 in 6, and 2 in 1 patient). In 34 patients received MRV or DSA follow-up, 28 had complete recanalization of occlusive sinus and 6 had partial recanalization, without obvious stenosis or recurrent occlusion.Conclusions:Severe unilateral transverse sinus and sigmoid sinus thrombosis can cause local intracranial venous blood stasis, and then cause "increased regional venous sinus pressure", which is manifested as unilateral brain tissue swelling and even venous cerebral infarction or post-infarction cerebral hemorrhage. Early diagnosis and endovascular intervention can obviously improve the prognosis of these patients, enjoying good safety.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012678


@#Introduction: Race estimation of unknown individual is essential in forensic investigation. The resiliency of frontal sinus makes it a potential tool for biological profiling, particularly in cases where fragmented skeleton persists. Geometric morphometrics is an efficient way to characterise shape. However, the use of frontal sinus to identify race of Malaysians is yet to be investigated. This research employed a two-dimensional (2D) geometric morphometric to examine the morphological differences of the frontal sinus among the major races in Malaysia. Methods: Lateral skull radiographs which comprising of 453 adult Malaysian (151 Malays, Chinese and Indian respectively) were used. The 2D landmarks of eight were placed on the digitalized radiographs and 2D geometric morphometric analysis was performed using MorphoJ software. Results: Procrustes ANOVA revealed a significantly different frontal sinus shape (p-value < 0.05) between races. Canonical variate analysis showed significantly different frontal sinus morphology (p-value < 0.05) between Malay and Indian as well as Chinese and Indian. Discriminant function analysis with cross-validation demonstrated a 57.4% accuracy rate. Conclusion: This population-specific study based on frontal sinus of Malaysians using the 2D geometric morphometric, though less reliable, sheds new light on the potential applicability of this method for race estimation purpose.

Journal of Clinical Hepatology ; (12): 533-538, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013133


ObjectiveTo investigate the role and mechanism of podoplanin (PDPN) in hepatic stellate cell (HSC) activation and liver fibrosis. MethodsLiver biopsy samples were collected from 75 patients with chronic hepatitis B who attended Department of Infectious Diseases, Putuo Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, for the first time from September 2019 to June 2022, and RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry were used to measure the expression of PDPN in liver tissue of patients in different stages of liver fibrosis. A total of 12 male C57/BL6 mice were randomly divided into control group and model group. The mice in the model group were given intraperitoneal injection of 10% CCl4, and those in the control group were injected with an equal volume of olive oil, for 6 weeks. HE staining and Sirius Red staining were used to observe liver histopathological changes; primary mouse liver cells were separated to measure the mRNA expression of PDPN in various types of cells; primary mouse HSCs were treated with PDPN protein, followed by treatment with the NF-‍κB inhibitor BAY11-708, to measure the expression of inflammatory factors in HSCs induced by PDPN. The independent-samples t test was used for comparison of normally distributed continuous data between two groups; a one-way analysis of variance was used for comparison between multiple groups, and the least significant difference t-test was used for further comparison between two groups. The Spearman correlation analysis was used to investigate data correlation. ResultsAs for the liver biopsy samples, there was a relatively low mRNA expression level of PDPN in normal liver, and there was a significant increase in the mRNA expression level of PDPN in liver tissue of stage S3 or S4 fibrosis (all P<0.001). Immunohistochemical staining showed that PDPN was mainly expressed in the fibrous septum and the hepatic sinusoid, and the PDPN-positive area in S4 liver tissue was significantly higher than that in S0 liver tissue (t=8.892, P=0.001). In normal mice, PDPN was mainly expressed in the hepatic sinusoid, and there was a significant increase in the expression of PDPN in CCl4 model mice (t=0.95, P<0.001), mainly in the fibrous septum. RT-PCR showed a significant increase in the mRNA expression of PDPN in the CCl4 model mice (t=11.25, P=0.002). Compared with hepatocytes, HSCs, Kupffer cells, and bile duct endothelial cells, hepatic sinusoidal endothelial cells showed a significantly high expression level of PDPN (F=20.56, P<0.001). Compared with the control group, the primary mouse HSCs treated by PDPN protein for 15 minutes showed significant increases in the mRNA expression levels of the inflammation-related factors TNFα, CCL3, CXCL1, and CXCR1 (all P<0.05), and there were significant reductions in the levels of these indicators after treatment with BAY11-7082 (all P<0.05). ConclusionThere is an increase in the expression of PDPN mainly in hepatic sinusoidal endothelial cells during liver fibrosis, and PDPN regulates HSC activation and promotes the progression of liver fibrosis via the NF-κB signaling pathway.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016566


Objective@#To investigate the clinical characteristics, diagnosis and treatment of severe combined periodontal-endodontic lesions in a double-rooted maxillary lateral incisor with a palatal radicular groove and to provide a reference for clinical diagnosis and treatment.@*Methods@#A patient with a double-rooted left maxillary lateral incisor with a palatal radicular groove and severe combined periodontal-endodontic lesions underwent complete root canal therapy and intentional replantation, and a retrospective analysis of the management of this type of patient was performed based on the literature.@*Results@#The 3-year follow-up examination revealed no discomfort, good healing of the upper left lateral incisor, no pathological loosening, and a palatal gingival sulcus was found at a depth of approximately 1 mm. Review of the literature showed that the prognosis of the affected tooth and the choice of treatment plan were correlated with the length and depth of extension of the lingual groove toward the root, the periodontal condition and the pulpal status of the affected tooth. For minor PRGs or for affected teeth with no loss of pulpal viability, flap surgery and odontoplasty can be used to avoid endodontic treatment or retreatment. For deep or long lingual grooves that result in significant loss of periodontal tissue, endodontic treatment, odontoplasty, or closure of the grooves and guided tissue regeneration are needed. In the case of PRGs with double root formation, the affected tooth can be preserved via root canal therapy, removal of the small root and filling with apical restorative material, and intentional replantation.@*Conclusion@#In cases of severe combined periodontal-endodontic lesions due to palatal radicular grooves occurring in double-rooted maxillary lateral incisors, clinical presentation and imaging can prevent missed diagnoses, and appropriate treatment should be based on the length and depth of lingual grooves extending toward the roots, periodontal conditions, and pulpal status of the affected teeth.