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Interacciones ; 9: e357, ene. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1517822


Background: Smartphone users have increased worldwide, due to their multifunctionality and accessibility. Objective: To determine the mediating effect of negative emotions between life satisfaction and smartphone addiction in college students. Method: A structural equation explanatory model was proposed in which each negative emotion (depression, anxiety, and stress) has a mediating role between life satisfaction and cell phone addiction. To this end, 1109 university students from Metropolitan Lima were selected and administered the DASS 21, SABAS, SWLS. Result: A partial effect of each mediating model was found, in addition to Satisfaction with life achieved a direct effect on cell phone addiction; at the same time the mediating variables achieved a significant direct effect on addictive behavior. Conclusion: Negative emotions have a mediating role in explaining smartphone addiction.

Introducción: Los usuarios de teléfonos inteligentes se han incrementado a nivel mundial, debido a su multifuncionalidad y accesibilidad. Objetivo: Determinar el efecto mediador de las emociones negativas entre la satisfacción con la vida y la adicción a los teléfonos inteligentes en universitarios. Método: Se planteó un modelo explicativo de ecuaciones estructurales en el cual cada emoción negativa (depresión, ansiedad y estrés) tienen un rol mediador entre la satisfacción con la vida y la adicción a los celulares. Con tal fin, se seleccionaron 1109 universitarios de Lima Metropolitana a los cuales se les aplicaron el DASS 21, SABAS, SWLS. Resultados: Se encontró un efecto parcial de cada modelo mediador, además la Satisfacción con la vida logró un efecto directo sobre la adicción a los teléfonos celulares; al mismo tiempo las variables mediadoras consiguieron un efecto directo significativo sobre la conducta adictiva. Conclusión: las emociones negativas tienen un rol mediador en la explicación de la adicción a los teléfonos inteligentes.

Investig. desar ; 30(2)jul.-dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534725


El objetivo de esta investigación es validar un instrumento para medir la codependencia laboral. El método implementado fue un enfoque cuantitativo, de diseño no experimental transeccional, utilizando un análisis factorial confirmatorio basado en ecuaciones estructurales. Los resultados mostraron que el modelo presentó un ajuste adecuado NC =1.86; ρ=0.000; NFI=.979; IFI=.990; CFI=.990; MFI=.925 Y RMSEA=.68. Se concluye que los factores relacionados con la falta de confianza y los comportamientos abusivos son los elementos que describen la codependencia en el ámbito laboral.

The objective of this research is to validate an instrument to measure labor co-dependency, using a quantitative approach of non-experimental trans-sectional design, via a Confirmatory Factor Analysis based on structural equations. Results showed that the model presented an adequate adjustment NC = 1.86; p = 0.000; NFI = .979; IFI = .990; CFI = .990; MFI = .925, and RMSEA = .68. It is concluded that the factors related to lack of trust and abusive behaviors are the elements that describe co-dependency in the workplace.

Poblac. salud mesoam ; 19(2)jun. 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1386956


Abstract The aim of this work is to describe and analyze the association of PGI/PGII ratio (indicator of gastric atrophy) with H. pylori-CagA and life style factors such as caloric intake, obesity, and harmful habits amongst H. pylori-positive elderly people infected in Costa Rica using an exploratory multigroup structural equations model (SEM). Using a sample of 1748 H. pylori-positive elderly people from CRELES first wave study, a SEM was employed analyze if the relationships between PGI/PGII ratio with levels of H. pylori-CagA, caloric intake, obesity, and harmful habits, differs by sex, age and risk areas subgroups. The proposed SEMs exhibited a good fit in males (RMSEA = 0.039), females (RMSEA = 0.000), low-risk area (RMSEA = 0.038), middle-risk area (RMSEA = 0.042), individuals under 80 years (RMSEA = 0.038) and individuals aged 80 and over (RMSEA = 0.042), while an acceptable fit was observed for the high-risk area (RMSEA = 0.061). Fitted SEMs showed that CagA predicted PG-ratio as expected, with effects increasing with the risk area, but similar between sex and age groups. All indicators measuring obesity (BMI, arms, and waist) showed significant standardized coefficients, with similar effects between sex, age and risk area groups. No other significant effects or differences between groups were identified. We propose a good-fitted SEM model for the possible relationships between CagA and PG ratio and the geographical risk area level for elderly people. No differences were observed on measured parameters between male and female population, or between under 80 years and older individuals.

Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo es describir y analizar la asociación entre PGI/PGII (indicador de atrofia gástrica con H. pylori-CagA y factores asociados a estilo de vida como ingesta calórica, obesidad y hábitos nocivos entre adultos mayores positivos por H. pylori en Costa Rica utilizando modelos de ecuaciones estructurales multigrupo (SEM). Con una muestra de 1748 adultos mayores del estudio CRELES, se utilizó un SEM para analizar las relaciones entre PGI/PGII, CagA, ingesta calórica, obesidad y hábitos nocivos difieren por sexo, edad y áreas de riesgo. Los SEMs propuestos exhibieron un buen ajuste en hombres (RMSEA = 0.039), mujeres (RMSEA = 0.000), área de bajo riesgo (RMSEA = 0.038), áreas de riesgo medio (RMSEA = 0.042), individuos menores de 80 años (RMSEA = 0.038) e individuos de 80 años o más (RMSEA = 0.042), mientras que hubo un ajuste aceptable en áreas de alto riesgo (RMSEA = 0.061). Los SEMs ajustados mostraron que CagA predice la relación PGI/II en la dirección esperada con efectos proporcionales al área de riesgo, pero no por sexo y edad. Todos los indicadores medibles de obesidad (IMC, brazos y cintura) mostraron coeficientes estandarizados significativos con efectos similares entre los grupos por sexo, edad y área de riesgo. No se encontraron otros efectos o diferencias significativas. Proponemos un modelo SEM bien ajustado para las posibles relaciones entre CagA y PGI/II y el nivel de riesgo del área geográfica en adultos mayores. No se encontraron diferencias en las variables analizadas entre hombres y mujeres ni entre los grupos de edad.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Helicobacter pylori , Energy Intake , Gastritis, Atrophic , Obesity
Interdisciplinaria ; 39(1): 7-25, jun. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360477


Resumen El Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), medida de engagement laboral, ha tenido controversias respecto a la interpretación de su dimensionalidad, es decir, si sus puntajes pueden ser unidimensionales, multidimensionales o de dos niveles (unidimensional y multidimensional). El presente estudio tuvo por objetivo examinar la estructura interna (dimensionalidad, invarianza de medición y confiabilidad) del UWES (dos versiones: larga y breve) en una muestra de 636 trabajadores peruanos. Se aplicó el modelamiento de ecuaciones estructurales para la evaluación de tres modelos de dimensionalidad: un solo factor (unidimensionalidad), tres factores relacionados (multidimensionalidad) y bifactor (dos niveles de interpretación: factor general y factores específicos). Los resultados indican que, luego de aplicar el modelamiento bifactor, la varianza común obtenida de un factor general es más fuerte que la interpretación de tres dimensiones. Este resultado se repitió en ambas versiones del UWES (larga y breve). La invarianza de medición fue satisfactoria en el nivel configuracional, métrica y escalar (en ambas versiones). Con respecto a la consistencia interna, se obtuvieron coeficientes satisfactorios (mayores a .70). Se concluye que el modelo de tres dimensiones del UWES para obtener los puntajes debe ser reemplazado por un modelo unidimensional, representado con un puntaje total. Se discuten las implicaciones teóricas y prácticas.

Abstract The Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), a measure of work engagement, has had controversies regarding the interpretation of its dimensionality, that is, whether its scores can be one-dimensional, multidimensional or two-level (one-dimensional and multidimensional). The dimensionality of the UWES has been questioned mainly due to the high covariation between its components, an aspect consistently verified in the observed scores and latent variables (De Bruin y Henn 2013), even by the same authors (Schaufeli et al., 2006). This has two implications, one operational and one conceptual. In the operational context, the calculation of scores is also influenced by the statistical differentiation of the factors found in the factor analyzes. This means that if one or more factors are retained and justified, this also determines the same number of observed scores that can be calculated and interpreted. On the other hand, the conceptual implication is that the comprehensive framework of a three-dimensional psychological phenomenon differs from the one-dimensional. For example, the differentiation between dimensions generates the possibility of different trends between dimensions (e. g., one of three is high and the other low) and in this case, the concept of engagement becomes very generic and ambiguous to name and understand the different possibilities. Specific combination of its dimensions or jeopardizes its content validity, implying the need for other more specific concepts, which although related to engagement, can be independent. The objective of the present study was to examine the internal structure (dimensionality, measurement invariance and reliability) of the UWES (two versions: long and short) in a sample of 636 Peruvian workers. Structural equation modeling was applied to evaluate three dimensionality models: a single factor (one-dimensionality), three related factors (multidimensionality) and bifactor (two levels of interpretation: general factor and specific factors). The results indicate that, after applying bifactor modeling, the common variance obtained from a general factor is stronger than the three-dimensional interpretation. This result was repeated in both versions of the UWES (long and short). The measurement invariance was satisfactory at the configurational, metric and scalar levels (in both versions). Regarding internal consistency, satisfactory coefficients (greater than .70) were obtained. Three issues emerge from this study that modify the original theoretical interpretation of the UWES (which consists of using three related factors). The first is the existence of a general factor underlying the items, and which is statistically substantial as a source of variance of the items, independent of specific factors. In this general factor, the items generally contribute to their variance, except for two items whose discriminative capacity is moderately low (11 and 13, both of the specific factor Absorption). The main element of this general factor is the Dedication factor, whose items completely represented this general factor. Second, the differentiation of two specific factors corresponding to Vigor and Absorption does not appear to be psychometrically sufficient to describe nested constructs within the engagement construct, and therefore its independent interpretation of the general factor could be questioned. However, a contrary argument is that both factors show different amount of specific variance, although low compared to the general factor; for example, Absorption shows more divergent validity compared to Vigor, while the latter contains more common variance (general factor). Third, Dedication was completely absorbed by the general factor, and is only relevant insofar as its items are completely related to the general factor. Therefore, this component lost statistical autonomy and, consequently, very poor conceptual differentiation. It is concluded that the UWES - three-dimensional model to obtain the scores must be replaced by a one-dimensional model, represented with a total score. Implications are future research are discussed.

Ter. psicol ; 39(1): 81-102, abr. 2021. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390455


Resumen Introducción: Actualmente existe una tendencia a la realización de dietas no saludables, siendo particularmente vulnerable el estudiantado universitario debido a la asunción de responsabilidades en la adquisición de hábitos alimentarios. Objetivos: El propósito de esta investigación ha sido verificar el ajuste de un modelo teórico, con ecuaciones estructurales, para la explicación del número de dietas a través del porcentaje de grasa y la insatisfacción corporal. Las participantes han sido 244 universitarias mexicanas, con una edad media de 19.98 años (DE=1.24). Los instrumentos utilizados han sido el porcentaje de grasa, el número de dietas para perder peso realizadas durante los dos últimos años y el Cuestionario IMAGEN para evaluar los distintos componentes de la insatisfacción corporal. Resultados: Se ha obtenido un ajuste satisfactorio siendo significativas la mayoría de las relaciones hipotetizadas. Se destaca que solo el planteamiento de cambio y el componente comportamental tiene un efecto directo en el número de dietas. También se resalta la capacidad mediadora de los factores de insatisfacción corporal entre las variables porcentaje de grasa y número de dietas. Conclusiones: Teniendo en cuenta el efecto total (efectos directos e indirectos), el componente comportamental, seguido por los componentes malestar emocional, perceptivo y planteamiento de cambio de la insatisfacción corporal, son las variables con mayor poder explicativo sobre el número de dietas. El porcentaje de grasa no muestra efecto directo sobre el número de dietas.

Abstract Introduction: Currently there is a trend towards unhealthy diets with university students being particularly vulnerable due to the assumption of responsibility for the acquisition of eating habits. Objective: The purpose of this research has been to fit the theorical model for the explication of the number of diets through percentage of body fat and body dissatisfaction through structural equations. The participants have been 244 Mexican college women, whose average age was 19.88 years (DE=1.24). The used tools have been the percentage body fat, the number of diets to lose weight for the last two years and the IMAGE Questionnaire to measure the different components of body dissatisfaction. Results: A satisfactory fit has been obtained, with most of the hypothesized relationships being significant. It is highlighted that only the change approach and the behavioral component have a direct effect on the number of diets. The mediating capacity of the body dissatisfaction factors between the variable's percentage of body fat and number of diets is also highlighted. Conclusions: Considering the total effect (direct and indirect effects), the behavioral component, followed by the emotional discomfort, perceptual discomfort and the change approach components of body dissatisfaction are the variables with the greatest explanatory power on the number of diets. The percentage of body fat shows no direct effect on the number of diets.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult
Rev. colomb. psicol ; 29(2): 41-55, jul-dic. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1138806


Resumen El objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala Orientación hacia la Dominancia Social (SDO), en una muestra no universitaria de la ciudad de Arica, Chile, implementando técnicas psicométricas de acuerdo con el estado del arte disciplinar. El muestreo fue no probabilístico, por conveniencia y disponibilidad de 812 participantes, entre edades de 18 a 89 años. Se realizaron estimaciones de fiabilidad, análisis factoriales confirmatorios y modelos de ecuaciones estructurales exploratorios, contrastando diferentes modelos. Los resultados proporcionaron evidencia de validez basada en la estructura interna de la prueba, presentando buen ajuste de la estructura de la SDO (RMSEA=.076; CFI=.963; TLI=.956), y adecuados niveles estimados de fiabilidad (Oposición a la Igualdad: α=.85, ω=.84; Dominancia Grupal: α =.67, ω =.66). Finalmente, se concluye que las puntuaciones de la escala SDO poseen evidencia suficiente para sustentar su uso e interpretación, en población no universitaria equivalente a la del presente estudio.

Abstract The objective of this research is to analyze the psychometric properties of the Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) Scale in a non-university sample of the city of Arica, Chile, implementing psychometric techniques according to the state of disciplinary art. The sampling was non-probabilistic due to the convenience and availability of 812 participants in a range of ages from 18 to 89 years. To contrast different models were performed reliability estimates, confirmatory factorial analyses, and exploratory structural equation models. The results provided evidence of validity based on the internal structure of the test, presenting good adjustment of the SDO structure (RMSEA=.076; CFI=.963; TLI=.956), and estimated adequate levels of reliability (Opposition to the Equality: α=.85, ω=.84, Group dominance: α =.67, ω =.66). Finally, the research concluded that the scores of the SDO scale have sufficient evidence to support its use and interpretation, in a non-university population equivalent to that of the present study.

Psico USF ; 25(3): 425-437, jul.-set. 2020. tab, il
Article in Portuguese | INDEXPSI, LILACS | ID: biblio-1135739


A violência conjugal é um fenômeno multideterminado, o qual sofre impacto de experiências precoces e atuais. O objetivo deste estudo foi testar um modelo teórico no qual o ciúme é mediador entre as experiências na família de origem e a violência física conjugal. Trata-se de um estudo com delineamento quantitativo, transversal e explicativo. Contou com uma amostra de 600 pessoas, de 18 a 65 anos, residentes em 13 estados brasileiros. Os instrumentos foram questionário sociodemográfico, FBQ, CTS2 e ICR, em uma coleta por formulário eletrônico na internet. Modelagem de equações estruturais foi utilizada para testar a validade empírica do modelo teórico. Os resultados indicaram que o ciúme media parcialmente as experiências na família de origem e a ocorrência da violência conjugal. Os dados apontam para a necessidade de atenção ao ciúme nos relacionamentos amorosos, como forma de atuar na prevenção às situações de violência conjugal. (AU)

Conjugal violence is a multidetermined phenomenon, which is impacted by early and present experiences. The objective of this study was to test a theoretical model in which jealousy mediates between experiences in the family of origin and physical domestic violence. This was a quantitative, transversal, and explanatory study, which counted on a sample of 600 people, aged from 18 to 65 years, from 13 Brazilian states. The instruments included a sociodemographic questionnaire, the FBQ, the CTS2, and the RJI, all collected electronically. Structural equation modeling was used to test the empirical validity of the theoretical model. The results indicated that jealousy partially mediates the experiences in the family of origin and the occurrence of conjugal violence. The data point to the need for attention to jealousy in love relationships, as a way of acting in the prevention of situations of conjugal violence. (AU)

La violencia conyugal es un fenómeno multideterminado, el cual sufre impacto de experiencias tempranas y actuales. El objetivo de este estudio fue testar un modelo teórico en el cual los celos son mediadores entre las vivencias en la familia de origen y la violencia física conyugal. Se trata de un estudio con delineamiento cuantitativo, transversal y explicativo. Se contó con una muestra de 600 personas, de 18 a 65 años, residentes en 13 estados brasileños. Los instrumentos fueron el cuestionario sociodemográfico, FBQ, CTS2 e ICR, recogidos por medio de formulario electrónico en internet. El modelo de ecuaciones estructurales fue utilizado para testar la validez empírica del modelo teórico. Los resultados indicaron que los celos midieron parcialmente las vivencias en la familia de origen y la ocurrencia de la violencia conyugal. Los datos señalan la necesidad de atención de los celos en las relaciones amorosas, como forma de actuar en la prevención de las situaciones de violencia conyugal. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Spouse Abuse/psychology , Domestic Violence/psychology , Family Conflict , Jealousy , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Factor Analysis, Statistical
Acta colomb. psicol ; 23(1): 138-146, Jan.-June 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1098007


Abstract In order to explore the functional relationship between Engagement and Quality of Life at Work, an associative research strategy was used. 221 employees of a higher education organization in Colombia participated, who voluntarily agreed to be part of the study. To evaluate the quality of life at work, the instrument "Profile of Quality of Work Life" developed by Gómez (2010)was applied, which consists of 39 items that evaluate 8 dimensions of this construct. To evaluate the variable Engagement, the adaptation made by Ospina and Delgado-Abella (2014) of the UWES - Utrecht Work Engagement Scale developed by Schaufeli and Bakker (2004) was used, which consists of 17 items that evaluate three dimensions: vigor, dedication and absorption. There was a significant association between the study variables. The relationship and the adjustment are presented in a model of structural equations. Evidence was found about the dimensions of the QWL that contribute most in the configuration of this variable, and the differences by sex in the punctuations of the research variables.

Resumen Con el objetivo de explorar la relación funcional entre el engagement y la calidad de vida en el trabajo (CVT), en el presente estudio se utilizó una estrategia de investigación asociativa con 221 empleados de una institución de educación superior en Colombia, quienes accedieron a participar de manera voluntaria. Para evaluar la CVT se aplicó el instrumento "Perfil de Calidad de Vida Laboral", desarrollado por Gómez (2010), conformado por 39 ítems que evalúan ocho dimensiones; mientras que, para evaluar el engagement, se utilizó la adaptación realizada por Ospina y Delgado-Abella (2014) del UWES (Utrecht Work Engagement Scale), desarrollada por Schaufeli y Bakker (2004), que consta de 17 ítems que evalúan tres dimensiones: vigor, dedicación y absorción. Como resultado, se halló una asociación significativa entre las distintas variables del estudio a partir de un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales; y se encontró evidencia sobre las dimensiones de la CVT que más aportan para su configuración, además de las diferencias por sexo en las puntuaciones de las variables de estudio.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 21(1): 290-309, Jan.-June 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-886329


Abstract In Ecuador, as in the rest of Latin America, the problem of insecurity is undeniable. Although there are surveys in the country that measure the perception of insecurity or victimization, there is no instrument that measures fear of crime. This research was aimed at the structural validation of a scale to measure the fear of crime from the psychosocial perspective. To validate this theoretical model, an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) were conducted. A total of 298 students from the city of Ambato, Ecuador, participated in the study. The average age was 21.28 years (SD = 1.62). Results showed satisfactory psychometric and structural properties of the scale. Furthermore, two theoretical models of fear of crime were developed: a first order factor and a second order factor. Results confirm the relevance of the second order model for explaining the psychosocial construction of the fear of crime.

Resumo No Equador, assim como em toda a América Latina, a problemática da insegurança é inegável e, apesar de existirem, no país, pesquisas que meçam a percepção de insegurança ou vitimização, não há nenhum instrumento que meça o medo do delito. A presente pesquisa tem como propósito realizar um estudo psicométrico de uma escala do medo do delito que parte de uma perspectiva psicossocial. Para validar esse modelo teórico, realizou-se uma análise fatorial exploratória (AFE) e uma análise fatorial confirmatoria (AFC) com uma amostra conformada por 298 estudantes universitários da cidade de Ambato, Equador, com uma média de idade de 21.28 anos (DT=1.62); os resultados mostraram que a escala apresenta índices de bondade de ajuste satisfatórios. Especificamente, utilizaram-se dois modelos explicativos do medo do delito, um de primeira ordem e outro de segunda ordem; este último explicou melhor a estrutura psicossocial do medo do delito.

Resumen En Ecuador, al igual que en el resto de Latinoamérica, la problemática de la inseguridad es innegable, y a pesar de que en el país existen encuestas que miden la percepción de inseguridad o la victimización, no existe ningún instrumento que mida el miedo al delito. La presente investigación tiene como propósito realizar un estudio psicométrico de una escala del miedo al delito que parte de una perspectiva psicosocial. Para validar este modelo teórico se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) y un análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC) con una muestra conformada por 298 estudiantes universitarios de la ciudad de Ambato, Ecuador, con un promedio de edad de 21.28 años (DT = 1.62). Los resultados muestran que la escala presenta índices de bondad de ajuste satisfactorios. Específicamente, se utilizaron dos modelos explicativos del miedo al delito, uno de primer orden y otro de segundo orden, siendo este último el que explicó mejor la estructura psicosocial del miedo al delito.

Humans , Male , Female , Young Adult , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Fear
Univ. psychol ; 15(4): 1-11, oct.-dic. 2016. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-963208


El estudio examinó, por medio de un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales, posibles factores causales del rendimiento académico en cursos de Matemáticas de la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería de Nicaragua, en una muestra estratificada por conglomerados de 713 estudiantes de segundo año distribuidos en 33 grupos de clases, con sus respectivos profesores. Además de la nota final en el curso, se incluyeron en el modelo causal, y de acuerdo con la literatura, variables de dimensiones sociodemográficas, psicosociales, institucionales y pedagógicas. Los resultados destacan tres variables del estudiante como determinantes del desempeño en el curso de Matemática: la inteligencia fluida, los hábitos de estudio y las actitudes negativas hacia las Matemáticas, resultando relevantes también los efectos indirectos en las dos primeras, y en las direcciones esperadas. Las variables del docente que mostraron efectos directos de importancia fueron edad, nivel académico y la asistencia a cursos pedagógicos promovidos por la institución.

The study examined, using structural equations model (SEM) possible causal factors for Math achievement in students from the National University of Engineering in Nicaragua, using a stratified sample of complete conglomerates of 713 students in second year, spread over 33 groups and their respective teachers. Besides the final grade in the course, and according to the literature review, variables of the socio-demographic, psychosocial, institutional and pedagogical dimensions were included in the model. The results emphasized three student variables as determinants of the achievement in Math: fluid intelligence, study habits and negative attitudes towards Mathematics, with the indirect effects of the last two also relevant, and in the expected direction. Teacher variables that showed relevant direct effects were age, academic level and attendance to pedagogical courses promoted by the institution.

Rev. lasallista investig ; 13(2)dic. 2016.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536460


Introducción. En la literatura el estudio de la satisfacción laboral (SL) ha sido abordado desde múltiples enfoques por lo que se le vincula con variables psicológicas, organizacionales y económicas, entre otras, pero su relación con aspectos ergonómicos no ha sido suficientemente probada, principalmente en el contexto de la industria manufacturera. Objetivo. En este estudio se presenta un modelo predictor de la SL teniendo como variable independiente los factores ergoambientales (FEA), y como variable mediadora, los factores socioculturales (FSC), puesto que estos últimos han estado vinculados a la SL, aunque con distintos grados de intensidad. Materiales y métodos. Un instrumento de medición basado en la teoría es aplicado al personal operativo de ocho empresas maquiladoras del sector automotriz en Ciudad Juárez, México. Se obtiene una muestra de 301 casos y los datos se modelan con ecuaciones estructurales para probar las hipótesis de investigación. Resultados. Los resultados sugieren que los FEA se relacionan de manera positiva y significativa en la SL de los sujetos investigados (coeficiente estandarizado= 0.349, p<.01) y con una mediación parcial de los factores socioculturales (VAF=35.7 %). Conclusiones. El modelo predice razonablemente la SL con un efecto directo de los FEA, e indirecto a través de los FSC (R² = 40 %).

Introduction. In the literature, the study about labor satisfaction (LS) has been approached from several focuses and it has been related to psychological, organizational and economic variables, among others, but its relation to ergonomical aspects has not yet been proved enough, especially in the manufacturing industries. Objective. This paper introduces a predictive LS model having as independent variable the ergo environmental factors (EEF) and, as mediating variable, the socio cultural factors (SCF), as the latter have been related to the LS in different intensity degrees. Materials and methods. A measuring instrument based on the theory is applied to the operational staff in eight maquiladora companies in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. A sample of 301 cases is obtained and the data are modeled with structural equations in order to demonstrate the research hypotheses. Results. The results obtained suggest that the EEF are positively and significantly related in the LS of the subjects studied (standardized coefficient = 0.349, p<.01) and with a partial mediation of the socio cultural factors (VAF=35.7 %). Conclusions. The model reasonably predicts the LS with a direct effect of the EEG, and with an indirect one of the SCF (R² = 40 %).

Introdução. Na literatura o estudo da satisfação laboral (SL) há sido abordado desde múltiplos enfoques pelo que se lhe vincula com variáveis psicológicas, organizacionais e econômicas, entre outras, mas sua relação com aspectos ergonômicos não há sido suficientemente provada, principalmente no contexto da indústria manufatureira. Objetivo. Neste estudo se apresenta um modelo preditor da SL tendo como variável independente os fatores ergoambientais (FEA), e como variável mediadora, os fatores socioculturais (FSC), posto que estes últimos há estado vinculados à SL, embora com diferentes graus de intensidade. Materiais e métodos. Um instrumento de medição baseado na teoria é aplicado ao pessoal operativo de oito empresas maquiladoras do setor automotriz na Ciudad Juárez, México. Se obtém uma amostra de 301 casos e os dados se modelam com equações estruturais para provar as hipóteses de investigação. Resultados. Os resultados sugerem que os FEA se relacionam de maneira positiva e significativa na SL dos sujeitos investigados (coeficiente padronizado= 0.349, p<.01) e com uma mediação parcial dos fatores socioculturais (VAF=35.7 %). Conclusões. O modelo prediz razoavelmente a SL com um efeito direto dos FEA, e indireto através dos FSC (R² = 40 %).

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 21(4): 1105-1112, Abr. 2016. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-778597


Resumen Debido al aumento del sedentarismo entre los jóvenes, conocer la intención de práctica de actividad física en esta población puede ser determinante a la hora de inculcar futuros hábitos de práctica física para mejorar la salud actual y futura de los escolares. Así, el objetivo de este trabajo fue hallar un modelo predictivo de la intención de práctica de actividad física en tiempo libre a partir de la motivación, la satisfacción y la competencia. La muestra fue de 347 hombres y 411 mujeres de educación secundaria en España, con edades de entre 13 y 18 años. Se utilizó un cuestionario compuesto por el Sport Motivation Scale, Sport Satisfaction Instrument, el factor competencia de Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scalee Intention to partake in leisure-time physicalactivity, todos ellos adaptados a la Educación Física escolar. Se realizaron análisis factoriales confirmatorios y modelos de ecuaciones estructurales. La intención de práctica fue predicha por la competencia y ésta por la satisfacción/diversión. La motivación intrínseca se mostró como el mejor predictor de la satisfacción/diversión. Para predecir la intención de práctica física se debería potenciar la motivación intrínseca entre el alumnado de Educación Física.

Abstract In view of the rise in sedentary lifestyle amongst young people, knowledge regarding their intention to partake in physical activity can be decisive when it comes to instilling physical activity habits to improve the current and future health of school students. Therefore, the object of this study was to find a predictive model of the intention to partake in leisure- time physical activity based on motivation, satisfaction and competence. The sample consisted of 347 Spanish, male, high school students and 411 female students aged between 13 and 18 years old. We used a questionnaire made up of the Sport Motivation Scale, Sport Satisfaction Instrument, and the competence factor in the Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale and Intention to Partake in Leisure-Time Physical Activity, all of them adapted to school Physical Education. We carried out confirmatory factor analyses and structural equation models. The intention to partake in leisure-time physical activity was predicted by competence and the latter by satisfaction/fun. Intrinsic motivation was revealed to be the best predictor of satisfaction/fun. Intrinsic motivation should be enhanced in order to predict an intention to partake in physical activity in Physical Education students.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Physical Education and Training , Attitude to Health , Intention , Leisure Activities , Students , Exercise , Surveys and Questionnaires , Motivation , Motor Activity
Rev. bras. geriatr. gerontol ; 18(2): 433-442, Mar-Apr/2015. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-754025


Os elevados índices de prevalência de obesidade em idosos suscitam a necessidade de compreender os fatores envolvidos nesta desordem nutricional, por meio de métodos quantitativos que permitam uma análise relacional desses determinantes. O objetivo deste estudo foi propor um modelo hipotético que estabeleça as relações entre os determinantes sociais da saúde associados à obesidade em idosos. Para a construção do modelo hipotético, foram delineadas as variáveis latentes e observadas de acordo com a análise de 45 artigos nacionais e internacionais e em concordância com o referencial da Modelagem de Equações Estruturais. Foi construído um diagrama representativo para evidenciar as correlações entre os 11 determinantes sociais da saúde relacionados à obesidade no idoso: atividade física, tabagismo, etilismo, consumo alimentar, contato social, ocupação, renda, escolaridade, idade, sexo e estado civil. Espera-se que as relações hipotéticas estabelecidas no estudo contribuam para a compreensão das relações dos fatores que estão envolvidos nesse contexto visando ao desenvolvimento de estratégias para a saúde da pessoa idosa.

The high prevalence rates of obesity in elderly raise the need to understand the factors involved in this nutritional disorder using quantitative methods that allow a relational analysis of these determinants. This study aimed to propose a hypothetical model to establish the relationship between the social determinants of health associated with obesity in elderly. For construction of the hypothetical model were delineated latent and observed variables according to the analysis of 45 national and international papers in reference of Structural Equation Modeling. It was constructed a representative diagram to show the correlations between the eleven social of health related to obesity in the elderly: physical activity, smoking, alcohol consumption, dietary, social contact, occupation, income, education, age, sex and marital status. It is expected that the hypothetical relationships (established in this study contribute to the understanding of the relationships of factors involved in this context for the development of strategies for the health of the elderly.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged , Obesity , Social Determinants of Health , Brazil
Univ. psychol ; 11(1): 165-175, ene.-abr. 2012. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-659544


El objetivo de este estudio fue traducir y analizar las propiedades psico-métricas de la versión española de la Échelle des Perceptions du Soutien á l'Autonomie en Sport, en un contexto deportivo. Los resultados apoyaron la estructura unifactorial de la escala. Asimismo, el modelo de ecuaciones estructurales mostró evidencias de validez concurrente, en el que la percepción del apoyo a la autonomía predice de manera positiva la percepción de autonomía y la percepción de competencia y estas, a su vez, predicen la motivación intrínseca, que muestra un efecto positivo sobre las emociones positivas durante la práctica deportiva. Finalmente, se muestran evidencias de fiabilidad. Los resultados apoyan preliminarmente el uso de la versión española en el contexto deportivo.

The aim of the present research was to translate and to analyze the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Échelle des Perceptions du Soutien á l'Autonomie en Sport in sport context. Results supported the unidimentional structure of the scale. The predictive validity was tested using a structural equation model which perceived autonomy support predicted the perceived autonomy and perceived competence and these two the intrinsic motivation. Finally, intrinsic motivation predicted positive emotions. Likewise, results showed evidences of reliability. Results support preliminary the use of the Spanish version of the scale in sport context.

Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 6(2): 375-387, dic. 2010. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-635593


Este trabajo es un estudio transversal descriptivo, cuyo interés es conocer el papel que desempeñan el compromiso organizacional y la inteligencia emocional en la labor de los mediadores mexicanos. Para tal finalidad, se utilizó una muestra de 38 mediadores del Poder Judicial de Oaxaca. Además, para realizar el análisis de la situación, a través de ecuaciones estructurales, nos centraremos en el estudio de diferentes constructos, tales como: el compromiso, la inteligencia emocional, el sexo y la edad. Así, los resultados de esta investigación indican el impacto que estas variables tienen en el comportamiento del mediador. Además, encontramos que, según la edad y el sexo de los participantes, existen notables diferencias en los componentes del compromiso e inteligencia emocional.

This work is a descriptive traverse study that deposits the interest in knowing the paper that you/ they carry out the organizational commitment and the emotional intelligence in the work of the Mexican mediators. For such a purpose, a sample of 38 mediators of the Judicial Power of Oaxaca is used. Also, to carry out the analysis of the situation, through structural equations, we will center ourselves in the study of different aspects, such as, the commitment, the emotional intelligence, the sex and the age. This way, the results of this investigation indicate the impact that these variables have in the mediator's behavior. Also, we find that, according to the age and the sex of the participants, notables differences exist in the components of the commitment and emotional intelligence.