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Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 86(6): e2021, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520198


ABSTRACT Purpose: Since particles are released in syringes during intravitreal injections, we assessed them quantitatively after agitating syringes commonly used for intravitreal injections. Methods: With and without agitation, the SR 1-ml insulin, Becton-Dickinson Ultra-Fine 0.3-ml Short Needle with a half-unit scale, HSW Norm-Ject Tuberculin, and Becton-Di­ckinson 1-ml Luer Lok Tip were examined with buffer and bevacizumab, aflibercept, and ziv-aflibercept. Flow imaging microscopy was performed to assess the particle numbers, concentrations, morphology, and size distribution. Results: Using the Becton-Dickinson Ultra-Fine syringe, the average particle count after agitation was higher than in the no-agitation group. For particles greater than 10 and 25 µm, differences were observed using the SR syringe between the two studied conditions. There were no significant differences in the means for the other syringes. Without agitation, the SR syringe had the highest number of particles (2,417,361.7 ± 3,421,575.5) followed by the Becton-Dickinson Ultra-Fine with 812.530,9 ± 996.187,2. The Becton-Dickinson Luer Lok Tip and HSW Norm-Ject performed equally with 398,396.8 ± 484,239.2 and 416,016.4 ± 242,650.1 particles, respectively. Conclusions: Flicking syringes to eliminate air bubbles results in increased numbers of particles released during intravitreal injections into the human vitreous.

RESUMO Objetivo: Visto que partículas são liberadas nas seringas durante as injeções intravítreas (IVIs), estas foram avaliadas quantitativamente após a agitação das seringas mais comumente usadas para injeções intravítreas. Métodos: A seringa SR de 1 ml de insulina, a agulha curta Becton-Dickinson Ultra-Fine 0,3 ml com escala de meia unidade, HSW Norm-Ject Tuberculin e a Becton-Dickinson Luer Lok Tip de 1 ml foram estudadas com placedo e com bevacizumabe, aflibercept e ziv-aflibercept, com e sem agitação. MicroFlow Imaging Mi­croscopy foi realizada para avaliar o número de partículas, con­centração, morfologia e distribuição das mesmas por tamanho. Resultados: A contagem média de partículas após agitação foi maior do que no grupo sem agitação usando a seringa Becton-Di­ckinson Ultra-Fine. Diferenças foram observadas usando a seringa SR entre as duas condições estudadas para partículas maiores que 10 e 25 µm. Para as demais seringas, não foram observadas diferenças significativas nas médias. A seringa SR apresentou o maior número de partículas sem agitação (2.417.361,7 ± 3.421.575,5) seguida da Becton-Dickinson Ultra-Fine com 812.530,9 ± 996.187,2. A BD Luer Lok Tip e a HSW Norm-Ject se comportaram de forma semelhante com 398.396,8 ± 484.239,2 e 416.016,4 ± 242.650,1 partículas, respectivamente. Conclusões: Agitar seringas para remover bolhas de ar resulta em um maior número de partículas liberadas durante Becton-Dickinson no vítreo humano.

Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 56: e0353, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514867


ABSTRACT Introduction: By July 2023, Brazil had administered approximately 540 million COVID-19 vaccine doses. This study aimed to quantify wasted doses resulting from dead space in vaccine supplies. Methods: The vaccine supply was initially weighed, filled with distilled water, and expelled to simulate administration. Weighing it again after the application determined the dead space volume. Descriptive analyses calculated the waste rate/wasted dose count. Results: The estimated total number of wasted vaccine doses using supplies with the lowest dead space was 62,097,338. Conclusions: Syringe dead space is a crucial factor in dose wastage, directly influencing the number of wasted doses.

Rev. gaúch. enferm ; 43: e20210071, 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1376952


ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate infusion pumps start-up delay according to different brands of infusion pumps, flow rates and intravenous sets priming techniques. Method: The experimental study simulated clinical practice under controlled conditions, using a 50 mL syringe with NaCl 0.9% solution, two syringe infusion pumps (A and B), six rates (0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 5, 10 and 20 mL/h), two purging techniques (manually or infusion pump's electronic bolus). Data were analyzed according to mean, standard deviation, Student's t and ANOVA tests (p<0.05). Results: The start-up delay was greater in low rates regardless the priming technique. The electronic bolus increased the infusion pump A accuracy at 0.3mL/h (p=0.010), 0.5 mL/h (p=0.002) and 1.0mL/h (p=0.004). Pump's accuracy in all studied rates and manual IV sets filling was similar. Conclusion: In low infusion rates the start-up delay was greater despite the infusion pump brand and electronic bolus improved pumps accuracy.

RESUMEN Objetivo: El objetivo fue investigar el retraso en la operación de bombas de infusión de acuerdo con diferentes marcas de bombas de infusión, velocidades de infusión y técnicas de purga de lo sistema de infusión. Método: Estudio experimental que simuló la práctica clínica en condiciones controladas con jeringas de 50 mL y solución de NaCl 0,9%, dos bombas de infusión de jeringa (A y B), seis velocidades (0,3; 0,5; 1,0; 5; 10 y 20 mL/h), dos modos de purga (manual o electrónico por la bomba de infusión - bolo). Los datos se analizaron según media, desviación estándar, Test-T y ANOVA (p<0,05). Resultados: El retraso de la operación de las bombas ocurrió en tasas bajas independientemente de la técnica de purga. El modo electrónico aumentó la precisión de la bomba de infusión A en 0,3 mL/h (p=0,010), 0,5 mL/h (p = 0,002) y 1,0 mL/h (p=0,004). Con la técnica manual la precisión fue similar. Conclusión: Los retrasos de operación fueran significantes en bajas velocidades de infusión y el modo electrónico optimizó la precisión.

RESUMO Objetivo: Verificar o atraso de inicialização de bomba de infusão, segundo diferentes marcas de bombas de infusão, velocidades e técnicas de preenchimento do sistema de infusão intravenosa. Método: Estudo experimental que simulou a prática clínica, utilizando seringas de 50 mL com solução de NaCl 0,9%, duas marcas de bombas de infusão por seringa (A e B), seis velocidades (0,3; 0,5; 1,0; 5; 10 e 20 mL/h), dois modos de preenchimento do sistema (manual ou eletrônico pelo modo bolus do equipamento). Os dados foram analisados segundo média, desvio padrão e testes t de Student e ANOVA (p<0,05). Resultados: O atraso na inicialização foi maior em velocidades baixas, independentemente da marca e modo de preenchimento. O preenchimento eletrônico aumentou a acurácia na bomba A em 0,3 mL/h (p=0,010), 0,5 mL/h (p=0,002) e 1,0 mL/h (p=0,004). A acurácia em preenchimento manual foi semelhante. Conclusão: Em baixas velocidades de infusão o atraso de inicialização foi maior e o preenchimento do sistema de infusão pelo modo eletrônico melhorou a acurácia dos equipamentos.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 25(7): 2813-2819, Jul. 2020. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1133087


Resumo A pesquisa teve como objetivo caracterizar e quantificar os resíduos perfurocortantes produzidos no domicílio de pessoas com diabetes mellitus (DM), bem como analisar as práticas de descarte desse material. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de um questionário aplicado aos pacientes da Atenção Primária. A amostra foi composta por 149 pessoas, das quais a maioria era idosa e com baixo nível de escolaridade. No que tange à geração dos resíduos, 88,64% dos depoentes atestaram utilizar uma seringa por dia, realizando de 1 a 4 aplicações. O reuso do material foi relatado por 66,67% dos investigados. Depois de utilizados, os resíduos eram armazenados - com maior prevalência - em sacolas plásticas (20,80%), garrafas PET, frascos de amaciante/maionese, etc. (46,98%). O lixo doméstico comum foi o principal local de descarte dos perfurocortantes. Ademais, verificou que aqueles que não receberam informações sobre o manejo dos resíduos os desprezam de maneira incorreta. Diante dos resultados, pode-se concluir que os diabéticos que participaram desse estudo possuem práticas inadequadas de acondicionamento e descarte dos perfurocortantes em decorrência da ausência de orientações e de programas públicos.

Abstract The scope of this research was to characterize and quantify the perforating waste produced domestically by people with diabetes mellitus (DM), as well as to analyze the discard and disposal practices for these materials. The data collection was performed through a questionnaire applied to primary care patients. The sample consisted of 149 people, the majority of whom were elderly and with a low level of schooling. Regarding the generation of waste, 88.64% of the deponents declared the use of one syringe per day, performing 1 to 4 applications. The reuse of the material was reported by 66.67% of the declarants. After being used, the waste was stored - with higher prevalence - in plastic bags (20.8%), plastic bottles, clothes softener and mayonnaise containers, etc. (46.98%). Ordinary household waste was the main disposal site for the perforating waste. Furthermore, it was revealed that those people who did not receive instructions regarding appropriate waste disposal discarded their waste incorrectly. Based on the results, the conclusion drawn is that the diabetics who participated in this study fail to discard and dispose of the perforating waste appropriately due to the lack of adequate guidelines and public programs.

Humans , Aged , Refuse Disposal , Waste Management , Diabetes Mellitus/epidemiology , Primary Health Care , Brazil , Surveys and Questionnaires
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-811301


Until now, automatic contrast agent injector syringes licensed for consecutive one-time use have been employed with a number of patients. In 2016, regulation of automatic injector syringes ensured their single use, and reuse was strictly limited by law. However, this regulation creates the social problems of rising medical costs and resource waste. Many doctors are not significantly concerned about infection from contrast agent injection because the needle and connection lines on the patient side are set up for single use, the connections between syringes and contrast agents are reusable, and there are no reports of excessive infection. However, infection can nevertheless occur with injection of contrast agents. We should therefore implement the correct and safe use of contrast agents and take precautions against infection. To prevent infection due to contrast agents, syringes and connection lines for injection of such agents should be used once per patient, or multi-use licensed products should be used. In the latter case, reverse flow prevention filters must be used on the patient's side.

Humans , Contrast Media , Injections, Intravenous , Jurisprudence , Needles , Social Problems , Syringes
Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 107(3): 116-119, jul.-sept. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1048801


La presente comunicación tiene como objetivo informar sobre la cantidad de material que se pierde junto con las puntas dispensadoras descartables durante el uso de materiales endodónticos contenidos en jeringas y comprobar si esa cantidad es significativa en comparación con el contenido total original (15 g). Se procedió a pesar en una balanza de precisión 12 puntas dispensadoras descartables vacías, pertenecientes a dos materiales de uso endodóntico: 2Seal EasyMix (VDW) y Activa BioActive-Base/Liner (PulpDent Corp.). La sumatoria del peso (masa) en las 12 puntas pertenecientes a cada uno de los materiales ensayados fue considerada como peso total de las puntas vacías. Posteriormente, las puntas se llenaron completamente con los materiales, se almacenaron durante 48 horas para permitir el fraguado y finalmente se las pesó nuevamente. La diferencia entre el peso de las 12 puntas vacías y llenas fue considerada como la cantidad de material remanente que se descarta con ellas. La diferencia entre los totales de masa contenida en las puntas llenas de cada material y el contenido original de las jeringas representó la proporción de material que se descarta sin haber sido utilizado. Cuando el porcentaje de material descartado fue menor o igual al 20%, el resultado se consideró aceptable. Se observó que la proporción de ambos materiales fue mayor al 20% (2Seal EasyMix=44,36%; Activa BioActive-Base/Liner=36,87%). Se concluyó que el empleo de materiales endodónticos contenidos en jeringas dispensadoras produce la pérdida de una importante proporción de material durante los procedimientos operatorios (AU)

In order to inform about the amount of material that is lost along with the disposable dispensing tips during the use of endodontic materials contained in deliver syringes and check if that amount is significant compared to the total original content (15 g) of them. 12 empty disposable dispensing tips belonging to two endodontic materials: 2Seal EasyMix (VDW) and ActivaBioactive Base/liner (PulpDent Corp.), were weighed on a precision scale. The sum of the weight (mass) of each of the 12 tips belonging to each of the materials tested was considered as the total weight of the empty tips. Subsequently, the tips were completely filled with the materials, stored for 48 hours to allow them to set and finally weighed again. The difference between the weight of the 12 empty and full tips was considered as the amount of material remaining within them that is discarded. The difference between the total mass contained in 12 filled tips of each material and the original syringe content represented the proportion of material discarded without being used. It was considered that if the % of discarded material was ≤20% this would be considered acceptable. It was observed that the proportion of both materials was >20% (2Seal EasyMix = 44.36%; ActivaBioactive Base/liner = 36.87%). The use of endodontic materials contained in dispensing syringes causes the loss of a significant proportion of material during the operative procedures (AU)

Root Canal Filling Materials , Syringes , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Disposable Equipment
Asia Pacific Allergy ; (4): e12-2019.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-750181


BACKGROUND: Carrying epinephrine can save lives in patients with anaphylaxis. The feature of epinephrine in prefilled syringe that commonly prescribed in Thailand may influence the willingness to carry. However, the rates of carrying prefilled syringe epinephrine are unknown in children with history of food-induced anaphylaxis. OBJECTIVE: To determine the rate of epinephrine carrying in children with history of food-induced anaphylaxis and factors influencing the decision to use the devices. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted by performing the structured interview in the parent(s) who were the main caregiver of the children with history of food-induced anaphylaxis. RESULTS: The parents of 99 children (male, 50.5%) were interviewed. The median age of the child was 11 years old (range, 9 months to 18 years). Rate of carrying epinephrine was 84.7% (always 57.6%, some occasions 27.2%). The most common reason for not carrying was the thoughts that the children could avoid the food allergens. The first-aid facility at school was available in 48.3%. Rate of carrying epinephrine tended to be lesser in children attend the schools without first aid facility (p = 0.053). Forty-one patients had relapsing episodes, 34 (82.9%) had epinephrine carried, and 20 (58.8%) injected the epinephrine. The most common reason for not using epinephrine despite carrying was that they were afraid of getting injection (28.5%). CONCLUSION: Most children with history of food-induced anaphylaxis carried epinephrine, but only half used it at the episodes. Interventions to promote epinephrine-carrying and injection training are needed in our setting.

Child , Humans , Allergens , Anaphylaxis , Caregivers , Cross-Sectional Studies , Epinephrine , First Aid , Food Hypersensitivity , Parents , Syringes , Thailand
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-861316


Objective: To investigate the impact of saline flush for syringe after 18F-FDG injection on the residual dose of 18F-FDG and the standardized uptake value (SUV) of liver during PET/CT examination. Methods: A total of 50 patients who underwent PET/CT examination were enrolled and divided into control group (n=25) and experimental group (n=25) according to different injection methods. Device system of the vein passage was established with 23 gauge scalp needle. In control group, the intravenous line was directly flushed with 5 ml physiological saline after 18F-FDG injection, while in experimental group, firstly the intravenous line was flushed with 1 ml saline, then the syringe was flushed with 2 ml saline, finally the intravenous line was flushed again with the residual 2 ml saline. The residual dose of 18F-FDG and SUVmean and SUVmax of liver were compared between the two groups. Results: The total residual dose ([0.22±0.08]mCi), syringe residual dose ([0.19±0.07]mCi) and intravenous channel residual dose ([0.03±0.02]mCi) in the experimental group were all lower than those in control group (all P0.05). Conclusion: Flushing the syringe can reduce residual dose of 18F-FDG injection. A small amount of radiopharmaceuticals retention in the syringe may not affect SUV for liver, but further standardization of the operation process of 18F-FDG injection is still necessary.

J. bras. econ. saúde (Impr.) ; 10(3): 239-245, dez. 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, ECOS | ID: biblio-980933


Objetivo: O avanço da tecnologia no setor da saúde vem provocando, principalmente às Operadoras de Saúde, uma discussão sobre qual o melhor caminho para a incorporação de novos produtos médico-hospitalares. O objetivo deste estudo é fazer uma análise de custo comparando uma nova tecnologia (seringa pré-enchida) com uma tecnologia usual (seringa preenchida manualmente) em pacientes em uso de cateter venoso central (CVC). Métodos: Uma avaliação econômica baseada em modelo de Árvore de decisão foi desenvolvida para avaliar a seringa pré-enchida comercialmente em comparação com a seringa preenchida manualmente com solução salina para flushing em pacientes com CVC, considerando-se a perspectiva das operadoras de saúde. O horizonte de tempo considerado foi de um ano. Como desfechos clínicos, foram adotadas a ocorrência de infecção da corrente sanguínea associada a cateter (ICSAC) e a de oclusões. Para os desfechos econômicos, foram considerados os custos com flush, redução de ocorrência de ICSAC e da oclusão. Todos os custos foram extraídos de base de dados locais de custo para o Brasil. Resultados: A avaliação econômica mostrou que o uso da seringa pré-enchida promove redução de 77% (1,17 vs. 5,10) e 62% (3,26 vs. 8,57) nas ocorrências de ICSAC e oclusão, respectivamente, comparada à seringa de preenchimento manual. O custo por flushing é de R$ 32,88 e R$ 98,48 para seringa pré-enchida e seringa preenchida manualmente, respectivamente, redução absoluta de R$ 65,60 e percentual de 67%. Conclusão: A utilização da seringa pré-enchida comercialmente demonstrou ser uma opção dominante econômica e clinicamente para o flushing em pacientes com CVC, quando comparada à seringa preenchida manualmente.

Objective: The advancement of technology in the health sector has brought, mainly to the Health Insurances, a discussion on what is the best path for the incorporation of new medical and hospital products. The objective of this study is to do a cost analysis comparing a new technology (pre-filled syringe) with a usual technology (manually filled syringe) in patients in use of central venous catheter (CVC). Methods: An economic assessment based on a Decision Tree model was developed to evaluate the commercially pre-filled syringe in comparison to the manually filled syringe with saline solution for flushing in patients with CVC, considering the perspective of private health care providers. The time horizon considered was 1 year. As clinical outcomes, the occurrence of central line-associated blood stream (CLABSI) and occlusions were adopted. For economic outcomes, we considered flush costs, reduction of CLABSI and occlusion. All costs were extracted from local cost database for Brazil. Results: The economic evaluation indicated that the use of the pre-filled syringe presented a reduction of 77% (1.17 vs. 5.10) and 62% (3.26 vs. 8.57) in the occurrences of CLABSI and occlusion, respectively, compared to the manually filled syringe. The cost per flushing is R$ 32.88 and R$ 98.48 for pre-filled syringe and manually filled syringe, respectively, representing an absolute reduction of R$ 65.60 and percentual of 67%. Conclusion: The use of the commercially pre-filled syringe has been shown to be an economically and clinically dominant option for flushing in patients with CVC when compared to the manually filled syringe.

Humans , Syringes , Catheterization, Central Venous , Costs and Cost Analysis , Catheter-Related Infections , Catheter Obstruction
Saúde debate ; 42(116): 214-224, jan.-mar. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-962651


RESUMO A certificação metrológica é uma importante ferramenta de Vigilância Sanitária. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o perfil das notificações de queixas técnicas de seringas hipodérmicas realizadas no Notivisa/Anvisa (Sistema Nacional de Notificações de Eventos Adversos e Queixas Técnicas/Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária) entre 2012 e 2015. As notificações foram analisadas individualmente e classificadas conforme os motivos relatados. Foram avaliadas 4181 notificações, e as queixas mais prevalentes foram: 'produto quebrado na embalagem lacrada' (22%) e 'sujidade/manchas no interior do produto/embalagem' (15,8%). Não foram observadas alterações significativas no perfil das queixas após a certificação compulsória, que, embora imprescindível, não é capaz de substituir o monitoramento pós-comercialização.

ABSTRACT Metrological certification is an important Sanitary Surveillance tool. The objective of this study was to evaluate the profile of notifications of technical complaints of hypodermic syringes performed in Notivisa/Anvisa (Sistema Nacional de Notificações de Eventos Adversos e Queixas Técnicas/Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária) between 2012 and 2015. The notifications were analyzed individually and classified according to the reasons reported. 4181 notifications were evaluated and the most prevalent complaints were: 'broken product in the sealed package' (22%) and 'dirt/stains inside the product/packaging' (15.8%). There were no significant changes in the profile of the complaints after compulsory certification, which, although indispensable, is not capable of replacing post-marketing monitoring.

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP ; 52: e03307, 2018. graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-896654


RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar a morfologia de biséis de agulhas hipodérmicas após a aspiração de drogas e a percepção de conforto ocasionado pela troca ou não de agulhas entre preparo e administração de medicamentos pela via subcutânea. Método Pesquisa experimental realizada em dois momentos. Inicialmente, agulhas hipodérmicas foram analisadas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura e, em seguida, um ensaio piloto foi conduzido com os participantes, que indicaram o nível de conforto percebido no momento da penetração dos biséis das agulhas durante a administração pela via subcutânea. Resultados Participaram do estudo 41 pacientes adultos internados. Apesar de as agulhas terem apresentado de discreta a importante alteração morfológica, quando avaliadas por ultramicroscopia, os participantes deste estudo não foram capazes de relatar alterações sensoriais significativas durante a penetração destas nas duas técnicas adotadas. Conclusões A padronização de seringas com agulhas fixas ou o uso de uma única agulha tanto para o preparo quanto para a administração de medicamentos pela via subcutânea devem ser considerados como estratégias para redução da produção de resíduos perfurocortantes, diminuição do custo por procedimento e limitação do risco de contaminação de dispositivos considerados críticos.

RESUMEN Objetivo Evaluar la morfología de biseles de agujas hipodérmicas luego de la aspiración de drogas y la percepción de confort ocasionado por el cambio de agujas entre la preparación y la administración de fármacos por la vía subcutánea. Método Investigación experimental llevada a cabo en dos momentos. Inicialmente, agujas hipodérmicas fueron analizadas por microscopia electrónica de barrido y, a continuación, un ensayo piloto fue conducido con los participantes, quienes señalaron el nivel de confort percibido en el momento de la penetración de los biseles de las agujas durante la administración por la vía subcutánea. Resultados Participaron en el estudio 41 pacientes adultos ingresados. A pesar de que las agujas hayan presentado de discreta a importante modificación morfológica, cuando evaluados por ultramicroscopia, los participantes de este estudio no fueron capaces de relatar modificaciones sensoriales significativas durante la penetración de esas en ambas técnicas adoptadas. Conclusión La estandarización de jeringas con agujas fijas o el empleo de una sola aguja tanto para la preparación como la administración de fármacos por la vía subcutánea se deben considerar como estrategias para reducción de la producción de residuos punzocortantes, reducción del costo por procedimiento y limitación del riesgo de contaminación de dispositivos considerados críticos.

ABSTRACT Objective To evaluate the morphology of hypodermic needle bevels after drug aspiration, and the perception of comfort caused by the change or not of needles between preparation and subcutaneous drug administration. Method Experimental research carried out in two moments. Initially, hypodermic needles were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, and then a pilot trial was conducted with the participants, which indicated the level of comfort perceived at the time of needle bevel penetration during subcutaneous administration. Results Forty-one adult inpatients participated in the study. Although the needles presented a slight to significant morphological alteration when evaluated by ultramicroscopy, the participants in this study were not able to report significant sensory changes during their penetration in the two techniques used. Conclusions The standardization of fixed needle syringes, or the use of a single needle for both the preparation and the subcutaneous drug administration should be considered as strategies to reduce the production of sharp-perforating residues, to decrease the cost per procedure, and to limit the risk of contamination of critical devices.

Syringes , Patient Comfort , Injections, Subcutaneous , Needles , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Evidence-Based Nursing
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-658044


Objective:To explore influence of secondary turntable abdomen insulin injection positioning ruler (STAI-IPR)on blood glucose level and complications in aged patients with diabetes mellitus (DM).Methods:A total of 120 aged DM patients treated in our hospital from Jan 2016 to Dec 2016 were selected.According to random number ta-ble,patients were randomly and equally divided into random rotation group (received random rotated injection)and STAIIPR group (received positioning injection by STAIIPR),both groups were injected for 1000 times.Levels of fasting blood glucose (FBG)and 2h postprandial blood glucose (2hPG)before and after treatment,pain score and incidence of complications after treatment were observed and compared between two groups.Results:Compared with before treatment,there were significant reductions in levels of FBG and 2hPG in both groups after treatment, P =0.001 all.Compared with random rotation group after treatment,there were significant reductions in levels of FBG [(6.58±1.07)mmol/L vs.(5.67±1.58)mmol/L],2hPG [(9.35±1.59)mmol/L vs.(8.41±1.27)mmol/L]and incidence rate of complications (20.0% vs.5.0%);and significant rise in percentage of 0 pain score (30.0% vs.55.0%)in STAIIPR group,P <0.05 or <0.01. Conclusion:Insulin injection by STAIIPR can disperse injection point without overlap.It can effectively control blood glucose level,reduce complications of injection sites and is easy for patients to do it themselves in aged DM patients,which is worth clinical extension.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-660734


Objective:To explore influence of secondary turntable abdomen insulin injection positioning ruler (STAI-IPR)on blood glucose level and complications in aged patients with diabetes mellitus (DM).Methods:A total of 120 aged DM patients treated in our hospital from Jan 2016 to Dec 2016 were selected.According to random number ta-ble,patients were randomly and equally divided into random rotation group (received random rotated injection)and STAIIPR group (received positioning injection by STAIIPR),both groups were injected for 1000 times.Levels of fasting blood glucose (FBG)and 2h postprandial blood glucose (2hPG)before and after treatment,pain score and incidence of complications after treatment were observed and compared between two groups.Results:Compared with before treatment,there were significant reductions in levels of FBG and 2hPG in both groups after treatment, P =0.001 all.Compared with random rotation group after treatment,there were significant reductions in levels of FBG [(6.58±1.07)mmol/L vs.(5.67±1.58)mmol/L],2hPG [(9.35±1.59)mmol/L vs.(8.41±1.27)mmol/L]and incidence rate of complications (20.0% vs.5.0%);and significant rise in percentage of 0 pain score (30.0% vs.55.0%)in STAIIPR group,P <0.05 or <0.01. Conclusion:Insulin injection by STAIIPR can disperse injection point without overlap.It can effectively control blood glucose level,reduce complications of injection sites and is easy for patients to do it themselves in aged DM patients,which is worth clinical extension.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-159417


Wrong-route or -patient medication errors due to human mistakes have been considered difficult to resolve in clinical settings. In this study, we suggest a safety injection system that can help to prevent an injection when a mismatch exists between the drug and route or patient. For this, we prepared two distinct adapters with key and keyhole patterns specifically assigned to a pair of drug and route or patient. When connected to a syringe tip and its counterpart, a catheter injection-port, respectively, the adapters allowed for a seamless connection only with their matching patterns. In this study, each of the adapters possessed a specific key and keyhole pattern at one end and the other end was shaped to be a universal fit for syringe tips or catheter injection-ports in clinical use. With the scheme proposed herein, we could generate 27,000 patterns, depending on the location and shape of the key tooth in the adapters. With a rapid prototyping technique, multiple distinct pairs of adapters could be prepared in a relatively short period of time and thus, we envision that a specific adapter pair can be produced on-site after patient hospitalization, much like patient identification barcodes.

Humans , Catheters , Hospitalization , Medication Errors , Syringes , Tooth
Chinese Journal of Dermatology ; (12): 606-610, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-476134


Objective To compare the efficacy of intralesional glucocorticoid injection with a needle-free injector versus an ordinary injector for the treatment of keloid. Methods A total of 60 patients with keloid were enrolled and randomly divided into two groups by using a random number table to receive intralesional injection of compound betamethasone with a needle-free injector(n=31)or an ordinary injector(n=29). The injection was given at a dose of 0.2 ml/cm3 once every 3 weeks for 3 sessions. Parameters for therapeutic efficacy were assessed, adverse reactions were recorded, and clinical pictures were taken before and after each treatment. Statistical analysis was carried out by the Mann-Whitney U test and chi-square test with the SPSS 19.0 software. Results Compared with the ordinary injector group, the needle-free injector group showed significantly different injection time during the first and second treatment (U=299.000, 773.500, respectively, both P=0.000), as well as duration of pain after the first injection(U=730.000, P=0.003). After three sessions of treatment, there was a significant difference in the volume, height, hardness of keloid, scores for pain, itching and appearance, and number of injection points between the needle-free injector group and ordinary injector group (U=295.000, 336.500, 264.000, 464.000, 451.500, 308.000, 233.500, P=0.001, 0.007, 0.000, 0.041, 0.043, 0.003, 0.001, respectively). No significant differences were observed in the incidence of adverse reactions between the two groups(all P>0.05). Moreover, the interval for lesion recurrence was significantly shorter in the needle-free injector group(11.8 days, 95%CI:10.96-12.6 days)than in the ordinary injector group(21.2 days, 95%CI:13.96-28.45 days). Conclusion Compared with the ordinary injector, the needle-free injector shows better efficiency for the treatment of keloid with decreased difficulty in injection and improved compliance in patients.

Modern Clinical Nursing ; (6): 81-83, 2013.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-435366


Objective To explore the effects of needle retractable syringe.Methods 400 patients undergoing injection treatment were randomly divided into the experiment group and the control group in equal number.The conventional syringe was used in the control group and the needle retractable syringe was adopted.The pains in the patients,time for puncturing and incidence of puncturing-induced injuries were compared between two groups.Result The pains,time for puncturing and incidence of puncturing-induced injuries in the observation group were all significantly lower than those of the control group(all P < 0.05). Conclusion Needle retractable syringes may help to alleviate the pain,reduce the workload of nurses and lower the incidence of needle stick injuries.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-437421


Objective To make a concrete analysis of micro-perfusion pump and compatible syringes used in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) for low birth weight infants,and to find solutions to the defects in application.Methods 20 ml sterile syringes were set different infusion rates (1ml/h,5ml/h,6ml/h,10ml/h),different infusion time (5min,30min,lh).Then,the card slot on the micro-perfusion pump where the end of 20ml sterile syringe was placed was regulated.The regulated syringes were also set different infusion rates (5ml/h,6ml/h,l0ml/h) and time as before.The error accuracy was calculated.Results The results showed that at the end stage of 20ml sterile syringes pumping,there was always 0.5~1.5 ml residual liquid which could not be pumped out,but perfusion pump displayed injection was completed.Before regulation,the error accuracy between different infusion rates of 20ml sterile syringes was 6.00%,3.80%,2.33%,1.30% respectively.However,after improvement,the regulated syringes could completely pump all liquid out,and the error accuracy between different infusion rates and different infusion time was also superior to pre-improvement.Conclusions Improved micro-infusion pump and sterile solution prefilled syringe have no drug residual,and display high accuracy and small error accuracy.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-151477


Karachi is the most advanced and populated city of Pakistan with approximately 20 million residents. The good health care practices awareness among health professionals especially use of syringes is an important role player for the control of disease spread by re-use of syringes. A quantitative approach involving a cross sectional survey based study, was carried out among four different categories of health personnel. A total of 200 participants were asked to fill a structured questionnaire (Doctors, Nursing staff, Lab technicians, and graduating health care students with a sample size of 50 for each group). A large proportion of participants were aware of the impact of re-use of disposable syringes and emphasized on the need for proper disposal system existence to eradicate the issue. The study results also showed that about 71 % of the health professionals had awareness on Auto-disable syringes use and around 29% had no knowledge about AD syringes. About 79 % of health care professionals agreed that AD syringe would reduce needle sharing and would help to cut down Hepatitis B, C and HIV.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-189227


PURPOSE: The endotracheal tube cuff pressure must be kept within the optimal range. This study compared the usefulness of the conventional pilot balloon palpation technique using a 10 cc disposable syringe and passive release technique using a Loss of Resistance (LOR) syringe for obtaining adequate intracuff pressures of endotracheal intubated patients in an emergency department. METHODS: This was a prospective, observational study, conducted at the emergency department of a university teaching hospital. Patients who required endotracheal intubation in an emergency department were enrolled in this study. The patients were divided into two groups: one group who underwent the pilot balloon palpation technique using a conventional syringe (group A, n=40) and the other group who underwent the passive release technique using a LOR syringe technique (group B, n=40). The amount of air that infused into the cuff and the cuff pressure were measured. RESULTS: The mean cuff pressures of groups A and B were 41.0+/-23.7 cmH2O and 23.7+/-16.5 cmH2O, respectively. The mean cuff pressure of group A were significantly higher than group B (p=0.002). The mean air volume that infused into the cuff of groups A and B were 8.6+/-2.6 ml and 7.6+/-2.4 ml, respectively, showing no significant difference (p=0.688). The proportion of the optimal cuff pressure (Normal range: 22-32 cmH2O) of group A (9/40, 22.5%) was higher than that of group B (3/40, 7.5%). CONCLUSION: The range of air volumes and pressures for cuff inflation varied and it may not be possible to obtain the appropriate pressure using the LOR syringe technique. The endotracheal tube cuff pressure must be kept within the optimal range using a pressure monitor control inflator.

Humans , Benzeneacetamides , Emergencies , Hospitals, Teaching , Inflation, Economic , Intubation , Intubation, Intratracheal , Organothiophosphorus Compounds , Palpation , Piperidones , Prospective Studies , Syringes
Chinese Journal of Anesthesiology ; (12): 1040-1042, 2012.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-430820


Objective To assess the efficacy of recoil of inflating syringe plunger in limiting laryngeal mask airway (LMA) cuff pressure.Methods Sixty ASA Ⅰ or Ⅱ patients aged 22-64 yr with body mass index of 18-30 kg/m2 undergoing elective surgery under general anesthesia with LMA were enrolled in this study.LMA Supreme (Laryngeal Mask Co.Singapore) size # 3 (for patients with body weight ≤50 kg) or # 4 (for patients with body weight > 50 kg) was placed after induction of anesthesia.Correct position of LMA was confirmed by fiberoptic bronchoscopy.The LMA cuff was inflated to 60,80,100 and 120 cm H2O step by step using a 20 ml-syringe.The cuff pressure was measured with a monometer through a 3-way stopcock and maintained at each level for 10 seconds.The plunger was then allowed to recoil.The cuff pressure at the end of recoil (residual cuff pressure) was recorded.The patients were mechanically ventilated.The inspiratory pressure was limited to 30 cm H2 O.The airway pressure at which the air started to leak between LMA and larynx (leak pressure-Pleak) was recorded.Results The residual cuff pressure following the 4 inflating pressures was all < 60 cm H2 O.The Pleak was >20 cm H2O.There was no significant difference in residual cuff pressure and Pleak between size # 3 and # 4.Conclusion Recoil of inflating syringe plunger can limit LMA pressure to safe level.