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Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-716545


We report the rare case of a 58-year-old woman who was diagnosed with fungal empyema thoracis combined with osteoradionecrosis. After 32 months of home care followed by open window thoracostomy, thoracoplasty with serratus anterior muscle transposition and a latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap was performed successfully. Although thoracoplasty is now rarely indicated, it is still the treatment of choice for the complete obliteration of thoracic spaces.

Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Empyema , Home Care Services , Myocutaneous Flap , Osteoradionecrosis , Superficial Back Muscles , Thoracoplasty , Thoracostomy
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 30(1)2015. ilus, tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-862


INTRODUÇÃO Os pacientes ex-obesos necessitam de uma abordagem complexa, diante do grande excesso de pele decorrente da perda ponderal. Em alguns casos, muitas cirurgias plásticas são necessárias, não havendo uma padronização na associação destas cirurgias. No segmento superior do corpo, a região dos braços, a lateral do tórax e as mamas normalmente são acometidas, principalmente nas mulheres. Diversas técnicas foram desenvolvidas com o objetivo de alcançar resultados melhores e com cicatrizes mais escondidas. Algumas técnicas podem ser associadas, sendo realizadas em um único tempo cirúrgico. Quando a equipe é bem estruturada, o tempo cirúrgico é reduzido, significando mais segurança para o paciente. MÉTODO: Os autores apresentam uma técnica que oferece padronização no tratamento do ex-obeso, que é realizada em tempo único: a Mamoplastia (pela técnica de Pitanguy ou com aposição de prótese mamária), a Toracoplastia (com a retirada do excesso de pele na lateral do tórax) e a Braquioplastia (realizada com um desenho retilíneo na parte mais inferior dos braços). RESULTADOS: Os sete casos foram avaliados quanto ao tempo cirúrgico, à localização das cicatrizes, à forma final e à simetria. Entre as complicações, houve deiscências parciais (14%) e cicatrizes hipertróficas (14%). O resultado estético foi satisfatório para os pacientes em 84% dos casos, sendo que a qualidade da cicatrização do paciente, queloide ou cicatrizes hipercrômicas, foi a maior causa de insatisfação. CONCLUSÃO: A utilização da técnica de Toracobraquio-mamoplastia em um único tempo se mostrou efetiva no tratamento do ex-obeso, oferecendo mais uma opção, diante das outras cirurgias que estes pacientes normalmente necessitam.

INTRODUCTION Ex-obese patients require a complex surgical approach because of the large amount of excess skin due to their massive weight loss. In some cases, several plastic surgeries are needed, and there is no existing standard in the coordination of these surgeries. In the upper segment of the body, the arms, side of the thorax, and breasts are usually affected, mainly in women. Several techniques have been developed with the aim of achieving better results with better hidden scars. Some techniques may be associated, being carried out in a single surgical procedure. A well-structured surgical team leads to a reduced surgical time, which means higher safety for the patient. METHOD: We present a technique for standardization in the treatment of ex-obese patients that is performed in a single step, comprising mammoplasty (according to Pitanguy's technique or with placement of breast prosthesis), thoracoplasty (with the removal of excess skin on the side of the chest), and brachioplasty (performed with a rectilinear drawing at the lowest part of the arms). RESULTS: Seven cases were evaluated in terms of surgical time, location of the scars, and final shape and symmetry. The complications included partial dehiscence (14%) and hypertrophic scars (14%). The aesthetic result was satisfactory for 84% of the patients; on the other hand, the quality of cicatrization, keloid, and hypertrophic scars were the major causes of dissatisfaction. CONCLUSION: The use of the thoracobrachio-mammoplasty technique in a single surgical time was effective in the treatment of ex-obese patients, offering yet another option among other surgeries that these patients usually need.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , History, 21st Century , Postoperative Complications , Surgery, Plastic , Thoracoplasty , Case Reports , Gastroplasty , Weight Loss , Epinephrine , Mammaplasty , Evaluation Study , Anesthesia, General , Obesity , Postoperative Complications/surgery , Surgery, Plastic/adverse effects , Surgery, Plastic/methods , Thoracoplasty/adverse effects , Thoracoplasty/methods , Gastroplasty/adverse effects , Gastroplasty/methods , Epinephrine/therapeutic use , Epinephrine/pharmacology , Mammaplasty/methods , Anesthesia, General/methods , Obesity/surgery
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 30(2): 282-287, 2015. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012


INTRODUÇÃO: A braquioplastia trata as deformidades dos membros superiores. A toracoplastia lateral visa o tratamento do torso superior. As braquioplastias, toracoplastias e também as braquiotoracoplastias em Z têm sido utilizadas no Hospital Estadual de Sapopemba no tratamento das deformidades dos membros superiores e terço superior do tórax. Objetivo: Propõe-se descrever as modificações na técnica cirúrgica resultando na braquiotoracoplastia em Z e analisar a casuística e os resultados obtidos, no tratamento das deformidades da região lateral do tórax. MÉTODO: Foram submetidos à braquiotoracoplastia e toracoplastia lateral 31 pacientes. A demarcação foi feita em posição ortostática, e os membros superiores abduzidos em 90o. Iniciou-se pela demarcação da braquioplastia, em duplo fuso, prolongando-se de maneira modificada a demarcação, seguindo pela linha axilar anterior em direção ao sulco inframamário em forma de Z. RESULTADOS: Todos os pacientes referiram melhora do contorno da região e não houve queixas quanto ao posicionamento da cicatriz. DISCUSSÃO: O procedimento da braquiotoracoplastia em Z atual consiste em estender a linha de incisão da face medial do braço, passando proximalmente à axila e continuando pela linha axilar média até o sulco mamário. Ocorreu a melhora do contorno da região dorsal e das dobras cutâneas da região torácica lateral. CONCLUSÃO: A braquiotoracoplastia em Z e a toracoplastia lateral têm a grande vantagem de eliminar a cicatriz circunferencial no torso superior, promovendo a melhoria do contorno dessa região por meio da ressecção cutânea tanto no sentido craniocaudal, como anteroposterior.

INTRODUCTION: Brachioplasty treats deformities of the upper limbs. Lateral thoracoplasty treats the upper torso. Brachioplasties, thoracoplasties, and brachiothoracoplasties have been performed with Z-plasty for deformities of the upper limbs and upper third of the chest, in the Sapopemba State Hospital. Objective: We describe modifications of surgical technique for the performance of Z brachiothoracoplasty, and evaluate the results of treatment of deformities of the lateral chest. METHOD: Thirty-one Patients underwent brachiothoracoplasty and lateral thoracoplasty. The demarcation was made with the patient upright, and the upper limbs abducted at 90º. Marking for brachioplasty was performed using a double-ellipse, to lengthen the modified demarcation along the anterior axillary line toward the inframammary crease in a Z shape. RESULTS: All patients reported an improvement in the contour of the region, and there were no complaints regarding the positioning of the scar. DISCUSSION: Z brachiothoracoplasty consists of extending the incision line on the medial aspect of the arm, passing proximally to the axilla, and continuing through the midaxillary line to the inframammary crease. There was an improvement in the contour of the dorsal region and the skin folds of the lateral thoracic region. CONCLUSION: Z brachiothoracoplasty and lateral thoracoplasty have the great advantage of eliminating a circumferential scar on the upper torso, thereby improving the contour of the region through skin resection in both the craniocaudal and anteroposterior directions.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , History, 21st Century , Thoracoplasty , Weight Loss , Upper Extremity , Thoracic Wall , Upper Extremity Deformities, Congenital , Diffusion of Innovation , Bariatric Surgery , Obesity , Thoracoplasty/methods , Upper Extremity/surgery , Thoracic Wall/surgery , Thoracic Wall/pathology , Upper Extremity Deformities, Congenital/surgery , Upper Extremity Deformities, Congenital/pathology , Bariatric Surgery/methods , Obesity/surgery
Rev. méd. Minas Gerais ; 24(1)jan.-mar. 2014.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-720020


Na era das cirurgias minimamente invasivas, parece controverso advogar grandes operações. Entretanto, ainda há espaço para grandes intervenções oncológicas. É relatado caso de paciente de 23 anos de idade portador de tumor desmoide em hemitórax direito, com deformidade e erosão de arcos costais, atelectasia parcial do pulmão ipsilateral, compressão e desvio contralateral do mediastino, invasão de nervos do plexo braquial, vasos subclávios e pleura apical direita. Realizada toracectomia, ressecção de tumor em mediastino, amputação do membro superior direito, escapulectomia e reconstrução da parede torácica com tela de márlex e metilmetacrilato e confecção de retalho fasciocutâneo. O paciente encontra-se em seguimento ambulatorial com suas funções diárias quase recuperadas, limitado apenas nas atividades que envolviam o membro desarticulado. Em casos selecionados devem ser consideras grandes intervenções com o objetivo de ressecção R0 (ressecção com margens cirúrgicas livres) e melhora na qualidade de vida, atentando-se sempre para a ressocialização.

In the era of minimally invasive surgery, advocating large operations seems controversial. However, there is still room for major oncologic interventions. This is report of a 23 yearold patient with desmoid tumor in the right hemithorax, deformed and eroded ribs, ipsilateral lung partial atelectasis, contralateral mediastinal compression and shift, invasion ofnerves in the brachial plexus, subclavian vessels and right apical pleura. Thoracectomy was performed with resection of the tumor in the mediastinum, right upper limb amputation, scapulectomy, and chest wall reconstruction with methylmethacrylate and marlex screen, and use of a fasciocutaneous flap. The subject is in follow up as an outpatient andhas almost recovered his daily functions, which are now limited only for activities involving the inarticulate member. Selected cases should be considered for major interventions with aiming at R0 resection (resection with free surgical margins) and improved quality of life, always bearing in mind the need for rehabilitation and socialization.

Humans , Male , Adult , Fibromatosis, Aggressive/surgery , Thoracic Neoplasms/surgery , Fibromatosis, Aggressive/psychology , Fibromatosis, Aggressive/rehabilitation , Thoracoplasty/psychology , Thoracoplasty/rehabilitation
Arch. méd. Camaguey ; 17(4): 490-498, jul.-ago. 2013.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-691234


Introducción: el condrosarcoma es un tumor maligno de células productoras de cartílago y se divide en dos tipos: primario y secundario, aunque se puede clasificar también atendiendo a la localización y el grado histológico. Objetivo: presentar un caso infrecuente de condrosarcoma gigante de la pared torácica con infiltración de la parrilla costal izquierda. Caso clínico: se presenta un paciente de 74 años con antecedentes de hipertensión arterial y acude al Servicio de Cirugía por presentar desde hacía 13 años aumento de volumen en la región pectoral izquierda, que desde hace seis meses aceleró su crecimiento. Se destacó al examen físico tumoración de 15 cm en la región precordial izquierda, adherida a planos profundos, no desplazable, no dolorosa a la palpación, multilobulada, caliente, con circulación venosa superficial visible. Conclusiones: el diagnóstico histológico se correspondió con condrosarcoma primario. La conducta a seguir en este paciente fue la cirugía con resección en bloque de la masa tumorosa y toracoplastia, pero después presentó complicaciones en la Unidad de Terapia Intensiva y falleció por un tromboembolismo pulmonar en silla de montar.

Background: chondrosarcoma is a malignant tumor of the cartilage-producing cells and it is divided into two groups: primary and secondary, but it can be also classified according to the location and the histological degree. Objective: to present an infrequent case of giant chondrosarcoma of the thoracic wall with infiltration in the left ribs. Clinical case: a seventy-four-year-old patient with hypertension antecedents came to the Surgery Department because, for 13 years, he showed volume increase in his left pectoral region; the growth had accelerated in the last six months. In the physical examination a fifteen-centimeter tumor was detected in the left precordial region, adhered to deep planes; it was non-displaced, non-painful, multilobate, hot, and with visible superficial venous circulation. Conclusions: the histological diagnosis was primary chondrosarcoma. The patient underwent a surgery with block removal of the tumorous mass and thoracoplasty; but soon afterward he showed complications while staying in the Intensive Care Unit and died of pulmonary thromboembolism in sella.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-421027


Objective To verify the safety of non-thoracoscopic Nuss procedure,and review our experience in correction of pectus excavatum by Nuss procedure with post-implantation thoracoscopic assistance.Methods 191 patients with pectus excavatum were surgically corrected by Nuss procedure with post-implantation thoracoscopic assistance.There were 146 boys and 45 girls,The age ranged from 2.8 to 20 years with mean age was ( 6.46 ± 3.36) years.Hailer' s index was 4.68 ± 1.84.The operation was performed under Non-thoracoscopic assistance first and then with thoracoscopic observation.Results The operation in all patients had been performed successfully.The time of the operation ranged from 27 to 50 minutes with mean time was ( 32.49 ± 2.79) minutes.The average bleeding volume during procedure was ( 2.19 ± 0.87 ) ml.The durstion of follow-up was 10 to 23 months.All patients have been satisfied with their surgical correction.The postoperative complication was 13 cases( 6.81% ).The bar outsides the pleura in both sides was 18 cases( 9.42% ).The bar outsides the right pleura was 23cases( 12.0% ).The bar outsides the left pleura was 17 cases( 8.90% ).Conclusion Nuss procedure with non-thoracoscopic assistance for correction of poctus excavatum is safety if the surgeon experienced and have certain methods.Post-implantation thoracoscopic Nuss procedure is safer,and can deal with the damage caused by non-thoracoscopic assistance.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-421028


Objective To summarize the experience of diagnosis and treatment of pectus excavatum associated with congenital pulmonary disease in children.Methods The data of 91 patients with pectus excavatum associated with congenital pulmonary disease was collected from July 2002 to August 2010 in Beijing Children's Hospital.There were 64 males and 27 females.30 patients with pectus excavatum associated with congenital pulmonary cyst,congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation,pulmonary sequestration,and some severe cases of congenital lobar emphysema received the Nuss surgery and lobectomy simultaneously.Results 30 cases with pectus excavatum asseeiated with congenital pulmonary disease received simultaneous Nuss procedure and lobectomy.All cases were confirmed by pathology and recovered uneventfully.Conclusion Chest CT scan is an effective way to evaluate pectus excavatum associated with pulmonary diseases.Whether surgery is needed for the pulmonary disease depend on the specific types of disease,age and other various factors.Simultaneous surgery for pectus excavatum and pulmonary disease can lower the risk of the multiple operations,and reduce the financial burden of famihes.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-421029


Objective To review our experience in correction of pectus Nuss procedure without thoracoscopic assistance.Methods 412 patients with pectus excavatum were surgically corrected using Nuss technique without thoracoscopic assistance.There were 329 boys and 83 girls with average age of 7 years and 8 months ( range from 2 years and 8 months to 28 yeats and 5 months).The bars were removed after surgery in 102 patients.Results The operation in all patients had been performed successfully without any severe complications The average time of the operation was 40 minutes.The average blood lose during operation was ( 10 ±2) ml.Conclusion Nuss procedure without thoracoscopic assistance is safety and effective.It could be minimize the trauma and shorter operating time.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-421030


Objective To summarize the experiences of Nuss procedure for complicated pectus excavatum.Methods From August 2006 to July 2011,443 patients with pectus excavatum received Nuss operation.Among them,95 patients with complicated pectus excavatum (CT Haller index > 6) received modified technique of Nuss procedure,including multi-bar technique,oblique placed bar,double arc bar technique; fix with wire ; osteotomies ; auxiliary small incision; thoracoscopy placed by different lateral.Results All operations were successfully accomplished without severe complications.The mean operative time was (90.13 ± 39.12 ) minutes and the mean volume of blood loss was (45.41 ± 19.23 )ml.The mean hospital stay was (7.21 ± 2.87 ) days.All patients have been satisfied with their surgical correction.Therapeutic results evaluation was excellent in 75.8% of patients,good in 16.8%.Conclusion Multi modified technique of Nuss procedure can lead to a satisfactory outcome for complicated pectus excavatum patients.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-421031


Objective To summarize the experiences with minimally invasive pectus repair (Nuss procedure) for recurrent and acquired pectus excavatum after open thoracic surgery.Methods From Jun 2004 to Sep 2011,eighteen patients with recurrent or acquired pectus excavatum underwent Nuss procedure,including 12 males and 6 females The age ranged from 3.1to 14.8 years with mean age of (8.8 ±4.0) years.The body weight was 11 to 55kg with mean weight of (30.2 ±14.8 ) kg.Ten cases were recurrent pectus excavatum with previously failed open surgery repair,eight were acquired pectus excavatum after other open thoracic surgery.Sixteen cases had symmetrical and 2 had asymmetrical pectus excavatum.Haller' s index was 5.4 ± 3.4.The operation was performed with thoracoscopic assistance.Results All patients had successful operation with one bar insertion in each patient,one stabilizer was put on right side in seventeen and double stabilizers were put in one case.Therapeutic results evaluation was excellent in 16 cases and good in 2.Percentage of excellent and good was the same with that in our primary Nuss procedure ( P > 0.05 ).Chest drainage duration was 1 to 4 days.One case had bar displacement revision 5 months later.Heart perforation occurred in one on whom a sternotomy and perforation repair were immediately performed.The echocardiography exam shows normal cardiac function after operation,and no nerve system complications were detected.One developed pneumothorax on operative day and one had pleural effusion three days later,both were treated by chest tube drainage.Twelve patients' bars were removed after 24 - 45 months of stagnation period.Anatomic results at bar removal were 10 excellent and 2 good,there were no recurrent cases.Conclusion Nuss procedure is an effective method and has good results on recurrent and acquired pectus excavatum.Safety of patients and complications minimization is always the first to be considered.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-421032


Objective To investigate the safty and feasibility of simultaneous minimally invasive technique for congenital heart disease (CHD) and pectus excavatum (PE).Methods From July 2006 to June 2011,6 children with PE associated with CHD were treated by simultaneous minimally invasive technique.They were 4 boys and 2 girls,aged from 4 years to 6 years 5 months ( average 5 years and 4 month),.The body weight were from 16 kg to 20 kg [ average ( 18.00 ± 1.79kg ].CT Hailer index were 3.9 - 5.0 ( average 4.35 ± 0.43 ).4 patients with ventricular septal defect (VSD) were treated by minimally invasive closure device,including 3 membranous VSD and 1 subaortic VSD.The defect diameter was 4 - 5 mm.2 cases with atrial septal defect (ASD) were treated using the same technique.the diameter of ASD was 12 - 16 mm.After minimally invasive heart surgery,Nuss operation was carried out in all 6 patients for their PE.Results All operations were successful and patients were extubated 5 - 11 h after operation [ mean ( 8.17 ± 2.04) h ].The pericardial mediastinal drainage was removed at 48 h postoperatively.There were no operative mortality and severe postoperative complications.1 patient had delayed wound healing and was successfully discharged.The plate was removed in 3 cases,and they all had satisfactory outcomes.Conclusion Simultaneous minimally invasive technique is a safe and effeictive mothod for treating pectus excavatum and congenital heart disease.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-385507


Objective To discuss the technical points and clinical effects of thoracic reconstruction after resection of the sternal tumnors with autogenous rib graft and pedicle oinental flap. Method A retrospective study was made on 12 patients,who underwent resection of sternal tumors and thoracic reconstruction with autogenous rib graft and pedicle omental flap between January 2004 and March 2010. The tumor involved the manubrium in 4 patients and the sternal body in 8 patients. Results All operations of 12 patients were succeed with no perioperative mortality or severe complications. Incisions healed by primary intention healing,and no paradoxical breathing was found. The postoperative period was uneventful.Conclusion It's an effective way to treat sternal tumors by the resection and thoracic reconstruction with autogenous rib graft and pedicle omental flap.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-103126


A 43-yr-old patient visited our department with intermittent chest pain he had suffered with for the past 2 months. Chest CT showed an egg shaped mass in the left chest wall. Local resection was performed for distinguishing the mass from a neurogenic tumor. The diagnosis was periosteal Ewing sarcoma of the rib. Since there was no evidence of metastasis based on the PET-CT, a 2nd operation was done with wide resection and thoracoplasty. The patient was then treated with combined chemotherapy. There has been no local recurrence for the last 1 year. The patient's age and tumor origin were distinct from the usual characteristics of Ewing's sarcoma. Periosteal Ewing's sarcoma of the rib has rarely been reported. We report here on a case of periosteal Ewing's sarcoma of the rib along with a review of the relevant medical literature.

Humans , Chest Pain , Neoplasm Metastasis , Ovum , Recurrence , Ribs , Sarcoma, Ewing , Thoracic Wall , Thoracoplasty , Thorax
J. bras. pneumol ; 33(3): 351-354, maio-jun. 2007. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-462001


O trauma é uma doença que afeta predominantemente os jovens, sendo a principal causa de morte nas primeiras três décadas de vida. O tórax instável é observado em aproximadamente 10 por cento dos casos de trauma de tórax, com mortalidade de 10-15 por cento. O caso clínico apresentado refere-se a uma paciente, vítima de acidente automobilístico, com trauma de tórax, ocasionando hemopneumotórax e fratura de múltiplos arcos costais, dor de difícil controle e deformidade torácica. São discutidas as opções terapêuticas. No presente caso, foi realizada fixação cirúrgica, com bom resultado.

Trauma primarily affects young people and is the leading cause of death in the first three decades of life. Flail chest is observed in approximately 10 percent of all patients with severe chest trauma, and the mortality rate among such patients is 10-15 percent. We report herein the case of a car accident victim with chest trauma causing hemopneumothorax and multiple rib fractures, intense pain and deformity of the chest wall. Surgical stabilization was performed, with good results. Therapeutic options are also discussed.

Adult , Female , Humans , Rib Fractures/surgery , Thoracoplasty , Accidents, Traffic , Hemopneumothorax/etiology , Rib Fractures/etiology , Rib Fractures , Thoracoplasty/methods
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-95012


BACKGROUND: Thoracoplasty has become a rarity in current clinical practice, although it has been widely employed for well over a century as a procedure for reducing the capacity of the thoracic cavity. Yet we have perform tailoring thoracoplasty following or concomitant with pulmonary resection in 20 patients. The aim of this study is to evaluate the early and late clinical results and also the significance of tailoring thoracoplasty. MATERIAL AND METHOD: From March 1995 to June 2005, modified thoracoplasty following or concomitant with pulmonary resection was performed in 20 patients out of a total of 298 pulmonary resections for closing air leaks and for treating persistent pleural space following pulmonary resections, and to tailor the thoracic cavity to accept a diminished lung volume. Of the 20 patients, 14 patients had tailoring thoracoplasty performed concomitant with pulmonary resection, and the remaining 6 patients also had tailoring thoracoplasty performed following pulmonary resection. The subjects ages ranged from 24 to 77 (mean 59.1+/-6.4) and a male preponderance was noted (17:3); the number of left and right surgeries was equal. The preoperative primary underlying diseases were lung cancer in 7 patients, pneumothorax with giant bullous change in 6 patients, bronchiectasis in 2 patients, previous pulmonary tuberculosis associated with aspergilloma in 2 patients, empyema with fibrothorax in 2 patients and multiple lung abscesses & destruction due to previous trauma in 1 patient. The operative methods were apicolysis and subperiosteal removal of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th ribs (the costochondral junction to the posterior portions of the ribs) with preservation of the first rib and compression of the anterior chest via cotton bags and elastic bandages. RESULT: The mean duration of the air leaks after thoracoplasty was 1.6+/-0.2 days (range: 0~7 days) and the mean duration of an indwelling chest tube was 7 days (range: 5~11 days); the mean duration of hospitalization was 19.2+/-2.8 days (range: 8~47 days). The postoperative complications were wound infection (2) and pneumonia (2); reoperation was done due to bleeding (1) in one patient who underwent concomitant thoracoplasty and there was 1 case of wound infection (1) after postresection thoracoplasty. The mortality was 1 patient in the early phase and 4 patients in the late phase. CONCLUSION: We conclude that tailoring thoracoplasty may be performed to close anticipated persistent pleural spaces and to accommodate the diminished lung volume with acceptable cosmetic results when this procedure is combined with pulmonary resection in selected patients.

Humans , Male , Bronchiectasis , Chest Tubes , Compression Bandages , Empyema , Hemorrhage , Hospitalization , Lung , Lung Abscess , Lung Neoplasms , Mortality , Pneumonia , Pneumothorax , Postoperative Complications , Reoperation , Ribs , Thoracic Cavity , Thoracoplasty , Thorax , Tuberculosis, Pulmonary , Wound Infection
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-218386


BACKGROUND: Postpneumonectomy empyema (PPE) due to bronchopleural fistula (BPF) can be a surgical challenge for surgeons. We analyzed the follow-up outcomes after performing omentopexy and thoracoplasty for the treatment of PPE with BPF after pneumonectomy. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Between December 1991 and January 2006, 9 patients underwent BPF closure using an omental pedicled flap for the treatment of PPE with BPF after pneumonectomy. There were 7 males and 2 females (mean age: 45.9+/-9 years). The patients were followed up for a mean of 58 months (median: 28 months, range: 6~169). When we performed omentopexy, the surgical procedures for empyema were thoracoplasy for 8 patients and the Clagett procedure for 1 patient. Thoracoplasty was performed for the latter patient due to recurrence of empyema. RESULT: For the 8 patients who were treated by omentopexy and thoracoplasty, there was 1 operation-related death due to sepsis. During follow up, 1 patient, who was treated by omentopexy and a Clagett procedure, died of acute hepatitis 40 months postoperatively. The early mortality was 11.1% (8/9). Of the 8 patients, including the 1 late death patient, successful closure of the BPF were achieved in all patients (8/9) and the empyema was cured in 7 patients (7/8). CONCLUSION: The BPF closure using an omental pedicled flap was an effective method for treating PPE with BPF due to TB-destroyed lung, and thoracoplasty with simultaneous omentopexy was effective and safe for removing dead space if the patient was young and in a good general condition.

Female , Humans , Male , Empyema , Fistula , Follow-Up Studies , Hepatitis , Lung , Mortality , Pneumonectomy , Recurrence , Sepsis , Surgical Flaps , Thoracoplasty
Korean Journal of Pediatrics ; : 1076-1080, 2004.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-108572


PURPOSE: To evaluate the patterns of preoperative pulmonary function tests(PFTs) and their correlation with postoperative pulmonary impairment in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis(AIS), who had orthopaedic operation with or without rib resection thoracoplasty. METHODS: The case records and radiographs of 79 patients(12, boys and 67, girls) of a mean age of 13.3 years(7-15 years) with AIS who underwent orthopaedic operations at the author's institute between 1997 and 2003 were reviewed. RESULTS: The average preoperative coronal Cobb measurement was 56 (range, 32-81 ). Thirty-one patients(39%) had normal values of of PFTs. Forty five patients(57%) with severe scoliosis(Cobb's angle 65-90 ) showed mild to moderate decrease on PFTs with FVC(73%), FEV1(79%), FEV25-75%(58 %). The severity of Cobb's angle were correlated with the decrease in FVC, FEV1, FEV25-75%(P< 0.05). Forty-three patients had thoracoplasty. Twenty-two(51%) of them had pleural effusions. Eleven patients among them had chest tube inserted postoperatively. But, none of the patients had any increased requirement of postoperative ventilatory support. The incidence of postoperative pulmonary effusion in patients with thoracoplasty was a 17-fold increase, compared to the patients without thoracoplasty(O.R.=17, chi-squared-test, P<0.05). CONCLUSION: The fall in FVC and FEV1 of patients with mild to moderate scoliosis(Cobb's angle, below 65 ) was mild and was unlikely to be of clinical significance. It appeared that patients with severe AIS had mild to moderate restrictive patterns with reduced lung volumes. Performance of the thoracoplasty was the important risk factor for postoperative pulmonary complications in patients underwent surgical operation.

Adolescent , Humans , Chest Tubes , Incidence , Lung , Pleural Effusion , Reference Values , Respiratory Function Tests , Ribs , Risk Factors , Scoliosis , Thoracoplasty
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-31703


BACKGROUND: Primary chest wall tumors originate from soft tissue, bone or cartilage of the chest wall and it comprises 1~2% of all primary tumors. Resection of tumor is often indicated for chronic ulceration or pain, and long-term survival might be achieved after surgery depending on the histology and the surgical procedure. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Retrospective study of 125 primary chest wall tumors (86 benign, 39 malignant) operated between Sep. 1976 to Mar. 2001 were reviewed and their clinical outcomes were analyzed. Follow-up data were collected at the outpatient clinic. RESULT: All patients with benign tumors were treated by excision without recurrence or death, and most malignancies were treated by wide resection. Malignant fibrous histiocytoma and chondrosarcoma constituted 46.2% of the malignant neoplasm. There was no operative death. The overall 3-year survival for patients with primary malignant neoplasm was 76.0%, and the 10-year survival was 60.5%. All deaths were disease-related and the tumor recurred in 11 patients. There was no significant difference in survival between patients with resection margins less than 4 cm and those with resection margins greater than 4 cm. CONCLUSION: Chest wall resection offers excellent results for benign chest wall tumors and substantial long-term survival for malignant diseases. Safe resection margin of 4 cm or more did not correlate with the survival rate although the tumor recurrence correlated with poor survival.

Humans , Ambulatory Care Facilities , Bone and Bones , Cartilage , Chondrosarcoma , Follow-Up Studies , Histiocytoma, Malignant Fibrous , Recurrence , Retrospective Studies , Survival Rate , Thoracic Surgery , Thoracic Wall , Thoracoplasty , Thorax , Ulcer
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-682397


Objective: To discuss the feasibility of using tissue engineered bone to repair large chest wall defects. Methods: Skeletal chest wall defects were reconstructed by tissue engineered bones in five dogs. These tissue engineered bones were constructed by seeding autologous mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) onto xenogenic acellular porcine bone matrix (APBM), a biodegradable scaffold. Within every regenerated bone was and assistant nutrition catheter designed to keep the cell living before reformation of blood supply. This catherter could also maintain the bone regeneration microenvironment through bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) and other growth factors delivered every day. Apparently diminished repair potential may be prevented by periodic administration of MACs. Results: Three-months follow-up showed that sufficient chest wall stability was obtained, and no postoperative complication occurred such as flail chest, infection. Conclusion: Tissue engineered bone is a perfect biomaterial for chest wall defect reconstruction.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-572845


Objective To review the experience of costal cartilageplasty and sternal elevation on pectus excavatum (PE) children. Methods A transverse anterior wedge osteotomy of the sternum is made at the level of maximal depression. The posterior table of the sternum is gently fractured without displacement and then elevated to the desired position. Tight sutures are placed through the anterior table across the osteotomy with stainless-steel wire. The deformed costal cartilages are partially resected subperichondrially and plasty is performed. Between Jan 1994 and Oct 2003, 57 patients who underwent costal cartilageplasty and sternum elevation operation were followed-up. Results With the exception of one patient, all children had normal thoracic contour. The preoperative symptoms improved markedly. Conclusion The costal cartilageplasty and sternum elevation may yield satisfactory results.