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Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 13(2): 32-42, May.-Aug. 2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1519898


Resumen Se buscó identificar el perfil de motivación intrínseca (MI) y su relación con la perspectiva temporal en estudiantes universitarios del noroeste de México. En una muestra no probabilística por conveniencia de 553 estudiantes, se puso a prueba un modelo de motivación intrínseca, autoeficacia, orientación al logro, percepción escolar, morosidad y orientaciones temporales (pasado, presente y futuro). Se conformó un modelo estructural de MI que posee bondad de ajuste práctica adecuada. El modelo explica 48% de la variabilidad de la motivación intrínseca; destaca el efecto positivo de la orientación al logro (peso estructural=.65*) y el efecto negativo e indirecto (a través de la autoeficacia) de la morosidad (peso estructural=-.53*) sobre la MI. Y un efecto positivo de las orientaciones temporales (pasado negativo, presente hedonista y presente fatalista) sobre la morosidad (peso estructural=.54*). El estudio ofrece información sobre los aspectos que deben ser desarrollados en los estudiantes universitarios en relación con la motivación intrínseca.

Abstract The purpose of this study was to identify the intrinsic motivation (IM) profile and its relationship with time perspective in a non-probabilistic convenience sample of 553 students university students from a northwestern region in Mexico. Structural equation models were fitted for intrinsic motivation, with self-efficacy, achievement orientation, school perception, procrastination and temporal orientations (past, present and future) as direct and indirect predictors. A structural model of IM was formed that has adequate practical goodness-of-fit. The overall model explained 48% of the variance for intrinsic motivation. Achievement orientation was positively associated (structural weight =.65*) with intrinsic motivation while procrastination was negatively and indirectly (through self-efficacy) related (structural weight =.53*) to IM. Temporal orientations (negative past, hedonistic present and fatalistic present) were positively related to procrastination (structural weight =.54*). This study provides information regarding important predictors of intrinsic motivation that can be targeted among university students.

Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 393-408, ago. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448501


Resumen El proceso de adopción comprende cambios importantes en las familias adoptivas, pues implica una reestructuración y adaptación a una nueva organización del sistema familiar. Durante este proceso los padres elaboran expectativas y creencias respecto a cómo comportarse frente a los cambios y adaptarse a sus hijos, desde donde dirigen sus prácticas de crianza. La percepción del tiempo que tenga cada persona posee un papel en cómo se desarrolla la identidad tanto individual como familiar, pues las experiencias pasadas, vivencias actuales y expectativas del futuro influyen en sus acciones. Por lo tanto, es posible decir que los padres adoptivos elaboran teorías subjetivas sobre este proceso y especialmente en relación con el tiempo de espera de la adopción, explicaciones que podrían incidir en la forma en que enfrentan este nuevo desafío y se preparan para la parentalidad. El presente estudio tuvo por objetivo comprender las teorías subjetivas sobre el tiempo de espera y las experiencias de la parentalidad adoptiva. Participaron diez madres y padres adoptivos mediante entrevistas episódicas individuales. Se analizaron los datos obtenidos utilizando técnicas de tres procedimientos de análisis: de contenido basado en la Teoría Fundamentada, específico para las teorías subjetivas y de la perspectiva temporal. De los hallazgos se destacan teorías subjetivas de contenido emocional ansioso durante el proceso de adopción. Además, contar con una red de apoyo, compartir experiencias con otros padres y el uso de estrategias personales son las principales estrategias de adaptación de los padres adoptivos que les permiten sobrellevar los sentimientos negativos durante el proceso.

Abstract The adoption process includes important changes in adoptive families, since it implies a restructuring and adaptation to a new organization of the family system. The path to parenthood entails changes at levels of mental, physical and social health, which in the case of adoptive parents, the challenges are greater or are altered in some way due to the unique characteristics of their experiences and the obstacles they face. To these challenges are added the usual stressors that parents face, such as changes in roles, increased stress, lack of sleep, alterations in the relationship and intimacy of the couple and difficulties that arise in raising their children. On the other hand, time is configured as a concrete dimension through which life develop. The relationship between objective time and subjective or psychological time will shape the perception of time that each person has, which has a role in how both individual and family identity develops. This is because people´s actions are influenced by past experiences, current experiences and future expectations. One of the areas of the adoption process that has not yet been deepened is the waiting time, the period of time between obtaining the suitability and assignment of the minor to the adoptive family, which can be considered important for the future family depending on how adoptive parents face it, this because the way in which the adoption process is experienced impacts both the path to parenthood and post-adoption adaptation. In fact, it confirms that waiting time influences the psychological well-being of adoptive parents. Therefore, it is possible to say that adoptive parents elaborate subjective theories about this process and especially in relation to the waiting time for adoption, explanations that could influence the way in which they face this new challenge and prepare for parenthood. The present study aimed to understand subjective theories about the waiting time and experiences of adoptive parenting. Ten adoptive mothers and fathers participated in this study through individual episodic interviews. The data obtained were analyzed using techniques of three analysis procedures: content based on Grounded Theory, specific for subjective theories and time perspective.

Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 461-477, ago. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448505


Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer si la temporalidad subjetiva -perspectiva y foco temporales- y la capacidad de autocontrol e impulsividad repercuten en el malestar psicológico, en particular durante la pandemia por COVID-19. La conjetura teórica es que el tiempo psicológico está estrechamente vinculado a la autorregulación, que influye en el desarrollo de la impulsividad y el autocontrol e impacta en el malestar psicológico. Se diseñó un modelo y se realizó un estudio empírico cuantitativo, no experimental y transversal (. = 279; 78 % mujeres; ME = 30.14 años; DE = 11.21). Los resultados del análisis de correlación mostraron relaciones significativas entre las variables de interés. Para determinar las variables predictoras del malestar psicológico se realizó un análisis de regresión lineal múltiple. El 48 % de la varianza del malestar psicológico fue explicado por el pasado negativo, autocontrol e impulsividad, y focos temporales futuro y presente. Finalmente, se probó el modelo teórico diseñado para analizar los efectos directos e indirectos del malestar psicológico a través de un análisis de senderos que presentó un buen ajuste a los datos, ya que explicó el 50 % de la varianza de aquel. La perspectiva y el foco temporal explicaron el 53 % de la variabilidad del autocontrol, y presentaron efectos indirectos sobre el malestar psicológico a través del autocontrol. El autocontrol influyó de manera inversa en el malestar. Los hallazgos indican que el tiempo subjetivo y el autocontrol sirven para explicar estados psicológicos, incluso en pandemia, lo cual confirma estudios previos que muestran la importancia de las variables de personalidad -además de las biológicas y contextuales- en la aparición de malestar psicológico.

Abstract Psychological time is an essential aspect of humans. Two of the most important notions of subjective temporality are time perspective and temporal focus. Time perspective is a process by which the flow of personal and social experiences are framed in five different temporal categories: past negative, past positive, present hedonistic, present fatalistic and future. Temporal focus refers to the attention people devote to thinking about the past, present, and future. Previous research shows there is a strong relation between psychological time and self-regulatory processes, specifically self-control and impulsivity. Self-control is the ability to inhibit impulsive behaviors or reactions that can keep the person from pursuing the proposed goals. On the other hand, impulsivity refers to a short attention span and a tendency to engage in risky behaviors, and to prefer immediate rewards. Both subjective temporality and self-regulatory processes influence behaviors and psychological states such as psychological distress. In particular, the objective of this study was to find out if subjective temporality -time perspective and temporal focus-- and self-control and impulsivity have repercussions on psychological distress, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, in an Argentinian sample. The theoretical conjecture is that subjective temporality is closely linked to self-regulation, which influences the development of impulsivity and self-control, and impacts psychological distress. A quantitative, non-experimental, and cross-sectional empirical study was carried out (. = 279; 78 % women; ME = 30.14 years old; SD = 11.21). Firstly, the results of the correlational analysis showed significant relations between the variables. Then, to facilitate further analyses, an index variable of self-control was created, which included the scores of self-control and three dimensions of impulsivity. An optimal parallel analysis was performed. It indicated the existence of a single dimension. Then a semi-confirmatory factor analysis was ran, which showed acceptable results (KMO = .68; X. (6) = 198.8, . < .001; GFI = .99; RMSR = 0.03). Thirdly, to determine the predictive variables of psychological distress, a multiple linear regression analysis was performed. It was found that 48 % of the variance of psychological distress was explained by negative past, self-control index, and future and present temporal focuses (. (4, 266) = 64.66, . < .001, R. = .49, R. adjusted = .48). The best predictor variable was past negative. Afterwards, a theoretical model was tested to explain the direct and indirect causes of psychological distress. It presented a good fit (X./gl = 1.63; GFI = .99; RMSEA = .04). Time perspective and temporal focus explained 53 % of the variability of self-control and presented indirect effects on psychological distress through self-control. Self-control inversely influenced psychological distress; more self-control generates less psychological distress. The model explained half of the variance of psychological distress (R. = .50). The findings indicate that subjective temporality and self-control explain psychological states, even during a pandemic, which confirms previous studies that show the importance of personality variables -in addition to biological and contextual variables- in the manifestation of psychological distress. The results support the theory that psychological time can be considered as a personality trait underlying self-control and psychological distress. A theoretical and practical discussion of the results is presented.

Subj. procesos cogn ; 27(1): 27-44, jun. 05, 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1437792


La investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar la relación entre estrategias de aprendizaje y estudio, perspectiva temporal y rendimiento académico en estudiantes universitarios de Buenos Aires. Se trató de un estudio correlacional ­de diferencias entre grupos, con un diseño no experimental, de corte transversal. Participaron 334 sujetos (68.6% mujeres, 31.4% hombres; Medad=25.90, DEedad= 8.23). Los instrumentos de recolección de datos fueron: una encuesta sociodemográfica y de datos académicos, el Inventario de Perspectiva Temporal de Zimbardo, y el Inventario de Estrategias de Aprendizaje. En los análisis de diferencias de medias se hallaron diferencias según rendimiento académico. Se encontró que los alumnos con mejor rendimiento académico presentaron mayores puntajes en Motivación, Competencias para el Manejo de la Información, Futuro Neutro y menores en Pasado Negativo, Presente Fatalista AU

The aim of the research was to analyze the relationship between learning and study strategies, time perspective and academic performance in university students from Buenos Aires. A correlational study ­of differences between groups, with a non-experimental, cross-sectional design was conducted. Participants were 334 subjects (68.6% women, 31.4% men; Mage=25.90, SDage= 8.23). The data collection instruments were: a sociodemographic and academic data survey, the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory, and the Learning Strategies Inventory. In the analysis of differences in means, differences were found according to academic performance. It was found that the students with the best academic performance presented higher scores in Motivation, Information ManagementCompetences, Neutral Future and lower scores in Negative Past, Fatalistic Present AU

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Students , Academic Performance/psychology , Life Course Perspective , Learning , Universities , Surveys and Questionnaires/statistics & numerical data
Av. psicol. latinoam ; 41(1): 1-20, ene.-abr. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1428064


The first aim of this study was to adapt the mdmq to Argentinian Spanish and to collect evidence of its va-lidity and reliability; the second was to determine if time perspectives were adequate predictors of decision-making styles. A first sample of 536 participants served in the validation process; a second sample of 209 individuals who completed the mdmq and the Brief Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ztpi) was used to conduct descriptive-correlational and regression analyses. Confirmatory factor analysis corroborated a fourfactor model with adequate internal consistency for each subscale. Regression analyses showed that future time perspective positively predicted the display of higher vigilant coping patterns ­adaptive and ratio-nal decision-making style­. Meanwhile, less future- time-oriented people were more likely to engage in defensive avoidance mechanisms to reach a decision. Past-negative and present-fatalistic time perspectives were positive predictors of non-vigilant decision-making style. It indicates that individuals with an aversive vision over their past experiences and present situation are more likely to engage in emotionally based and avoidant decision-making patterns. These findings support the reliability and construct-related validity of the mdmq for assessing decision-making styles among Argentinian individuals and set a step for con-ducting more in-depth research in the field of decision-making and time perspective.

El primer objetivo de este estudio fue adaptar el mdmq al español argentino y recolectar evidencia de su validez y confiabilidad; el segundo fue determinar si las perspectivas temporales eran predictores adecuados de los estilos de toma de decisiones. Una primera muestra de 536 participantes sirvió para el proceso de validación y una segunda muestra de 209 individuos completó el mdmq y el Brief Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ztpi), para un análisis descriptivo-correlacional y de regresión. El análisis factorial confirmatorio corroboró un modelo de cuatro factores con adecuada consistencia interna para cada subescala. Los análisis de regresión mostraron que la perspectiva del tiempo futuro predijo positivamente la aparición de patrones de afrontamiento más vigilantes ­estilo de toma de decisiones adaptativo y racional­, mientras que las personas que estaban menos orientadas al tiempo futuro tenían más probabilidades de involucrarse en mecanismos de evitación defensiva para tomar una decisión. Las perspectivas temporales negativas del pasado y fatalistas del presente fueron predictores positivos del estilo de toma de decisiones no vigilante, lo que indicaría que las personas con una visión aversiva sobre sus experiencias pasadas y la situación presente, son más propensas a involucrarse en tipos de toma de decisiones basadas en emociones y evasivas. Estos hallazgos respaldan la confiabilidad y la validez relacionada con el constructo del mdmq para evaluar los estilos de toma de decisiones entre los argentinos y marcan un paso para realizar investigaciones más profundas en el campo de la toma de decisiones y la perspectiva temporal.

O primeiro objetivo deste estudo foi adaptar o mdmqpara o espanhol argentino e coletar evidências de sua validade e confiabilidade; a segunda foi determinar se as perspectivas de tempo eram preditores adequados dos estilos de tomada de decisão. Uma primeira amostra de 536 participantes foi usada para o processo de va-lidação e uma segunda amostra de 209 indivíduos completarou o mdmq e o Brief Zimbardo Time Perspec-tive Inventory (ztpi) e foi usada para realizar análises descritivas-correlacionais e de regressão. A análise fatorial confirmatória corroborou um modelo de quatro fatores com consistência interna adequada para cada subescala. As análises de regressão mostraram que a perspectiva do tempo futuro previu positivamente o surgimento de padrões de enfrentamento mais vigilantes ­estilos de tomada de decisão racionais e adaptativos­ enquanto as pessoas menos orientadas para o futuro eram mais propensas a se envolver em mecanismos de enfrentamento de evasão defensiva para tomar uma decisão. Perspectivas temporais negativas do passado e fatalistas do presente foram preditores positivos do estilo de tomada de decisão não vigilante, indicando que pessoas com uma visão aversiva de suas experiências passadas e da situação presente são mais propensas a se envolver em tipos de tomada de decisão baseadas em emoções e padrões evasivos. Essas descobertas apoiam a confiabilidade e a validade relacionada ao construto do mdmq para avaliar os estilos de tomada de decisão entre os argentinos e marcam um importante passo para realizar pesquisas mais profundas no campo da tomada de decisão e perspectiva de tempo.

Humans , Reference Standards , Research , Unified Health System , Adaptation, Psychological , Persons
CoDAS ; 35(6): e20220151, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514019


RESUMEN Objetivo Validar una propuesta de Entrevista Autobiográfica orientada al adulto mayor típico. Método Se diseñaron preguntas para una entrevista de memoria autobiográfica semiestructurada y se desarrolló un protocolo para la aplicación de esta. Se utilizaron 28 jueces; 14 fonoaudiólogos y 14 adultos mayores. Adicionalmente, se pilotaron 2 entrevistas. Posteriormente, la validez de contenido se obtuvo mediante el procedimiento clásico de Lawshe, utilizando complementariamente una evaluación para la comprensibilidad y extensión de la entrevista, así como un procedimiento de triangulación de datos con los jueces y participantes de la experiencia piloto. Resultados De los 22 ítems evaluados, solo 4 estuvieron por sobre el valor crítico de referencia (0.49). Conclusión Se discute sobre la necesidad de incorporar esta medida de análisis en el contexto del respeto, la identidad y la agencia de los adultos mayores, como parte de un cambio de paradigma bajo la mirada de las atenciones centradas en la persona y un modelo de competencia comunicativa. Así como la necesidad de incorporar paradigmas culturales diferentes y el uso de tecnologías digitales.

ABSTRACT Purpose To validate a proposal for an autobiographical interview oriented to the typical older adult. Methods Questions for a semi-structured autobiographical memory interview were designed and a protocol for its application was developed. Fourteen Speech and Language Pathologists judges and 14 older adults were used. Additionally, 2 interviews were conducted. Subsequently, content validity was obtained by means of Lawshe's classic procedure. Also, using a complementary evaluation for comprehensibility and length of the interview, as well as a data triangulation procedure with the judges and participants of the pilot experience. Results Of the 22 items evaluated, only 4 were above the critical reference value (0.49). Conclusion The need to incorporate this measure of analysis in the context of respect, identity and agency of older adults is discussed as part of a change in thinking under the gaze of person-centered care and a communicative competence model. As well as the need to incorporate different cultural paradigms and the use of digital technologies.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-992113


Objective:To explore the relationship between negative evaluation fear and mobile phone addiction, and the mediating role of balanced time perspective.Methods:In April 2021, totally 1 158 secondary vocational school students were investigated by scales of fear of negative evaluation(FNE), mobile phone addiction index(MPAI)and Zimbardo time perspective inventory(ZTPI). The balanced time perspective was calculated by deviation from the balanced time perspective(DBTP). SPSS 20.0 statistical software was used for descriptive statistical analysis and correlation analysis of the data.Bootstrap method was used to test the mediating effect.Results:(1) Negative evaluation fear(37.87±7.71)was significantly positively correlated with balanced time perspective(4.50±0.75)( r= 0.379, P<0.01) and mobile phone addiction(46.11±11.92)( r=0.437, P<0.01). The balanced time perspective was significantly positively correlated with mobile phone addiction( r=0.475, P<0.01). (2) Negative evaluation fear directly and positively predicted mobile phone addiction( β=0.300, 95% CI=0.248-0.352). The balanced time perspective played a partial mediating role between negative evaluation fear and mobile phone addiction, and the mediating effect value was 0.137, accounted for 31.31%(0.137/0.437) of the total effect. Conclusion:The fear of negative evaluation can directly affect the mobile phone addiction behavior of secondary vocational students, and can also indirectly affect the mobile phone addiction by affecting the balanced time perspective.Good balanced time perspective can reduce the risk caused by the fear of negative evaluation.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 24(1): 63-71, Jan.-June 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1278123


Resumen El suicidio es una de las principales causas de muerte en el mundo, problema que en los últimos años ha venido en aumento sostenido para la población adolescente. En particular, la ideación suicida se ha relacionado fuertemente con el intento suicida, un predictor directo del suicidio; sin embargo, se encuentran escasas estrategias para disminuir la ideación suicida diseñadas principalmente para la depresión. Considerando las posibilidades terapéuticas de la teoría de Zimbardo sobre la perspectiva temporal equilibrada, en el presente estudio se diseñó una intervención breve basada en la perspectiva del tiempo para adolescentes con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto de una intervención de perspectiva temporal en la modificación de indicadores de ideación y conducta suicida en adolescentes. De este modo, se realizó un estudio experimental, donde 82 participantes de 15 a 19 años fueron asignados a una intervención experimental o a un grupo control. Los participantes del grupo experimental (n = 43) participaron durante 8 sesiones del programa de intervención de perspectiva del tiempo denominado "Serenamente". Las mediciones pre-post se realizaron sobre las variables de ideación suicida (Okasha), el perfil temporal (ZTPI) y la calidad de vida (SF-36). Como resultados, se encontró que la intervención reduce la ideación suicida en un 41 %; y que, posiblemente, mejora la salud física de quienes reciben este tipo de tratamiento. Los resultados son un avance promisorio con fines preventivos en contextos educativos y de salud.

Abstract Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in the world, a problem that has been steadily increasing in recent years for the adolescent population. In particular, suicidal ideation has been strongly associated with suicide attempt, a direct predictor of suicide; however, few strategies to decrease suicidal ideation designed primarily for depression are found. Considering the therapeutic possibilities of Zimbardo's theory on balanced time perspective, in the present study a brief intervention for adolescents based on that theory was designed with the aim of evaluating the effect of a time perspective intervention on the modification of indicators of suicidal ideation and behavior in adolescents. Thus, an experimental study was conducted, where 82 participants aged 15 to 19 were assigned to either an experimental intervention or a control group. The participants of the experimental group (n = 43) engaged in eight sessions of the time perspective intervention program called "Serenity". Pre-post measurements were made on the variables of suicidal ideation (Okasha), time profile (ZTPI) and quality of life (SF-36). Results show that the intervention reduces suicidal ideation by 41%; and that, possibly, it improves the physical health of those who receive this type of treatment. The results are a promising advance for preventive purposes in educational and health contexts.

Rev. bras. orientac. prof ; 21(2): 215-232, jul.-dez. 2020. tab
Article in Portuguese | INDEXPSI, LILACS | ID: biblio-1156181


O objetivo deste estudo teórico é apresentar as principais teorias, construtos e instrumentos utilizados na literatura internacional sobre perspectiva temporal futura (PTF). A revisão indicou dois tipos de abordagens teóricas. As abordagens atemáticas destacam uma tendência geral que orienta processos psicológicos associados ao futuro, de modo a investigar a PTF com escalas psicométricas cujos itens não se associam a conteúdos específicos. As abordagens temáticas enfocam as antecipações do futuro psicológico no presente e investigam as representações de futuro e os seus aspectos cognitivos, dinâmicos, afetivos e comportamentais. Os métodos de avaliação incluem escalas psicométricas associadas a domínios da vida ou instrumentos em que o conteúdo da PTF é listado de modo indutivo. As duas abordagens não são excludentes, mas complementares.

This theoretical study presents the main theories, constructs, and instruments used in international literature on future temporal perspective (FTP). The review indicated two theoretical approaches about the theme. The athematic approaches highlight a general tendency that guides psychological processes associated with future, in order to investigate FTP with psychometric scales with items not associated with specific contents. The thematic approaches focus on the anticipations of psychological future in present and investigate future representations and their cognitive, dynamic, affective, and behavioral aspects. Assessment methods include psychometric scales associated with life domains or instruments in which FTP content is listed inductively. The two approaches are not exclusive, but complementary.

El objetivo de este estudio teórico es presentar las principales teorías, constructos e instrumentos utilizados en la literatura internacional sobre perspectiva temporal futura (PTF). La revisión indicó dos tipos de enfoques teóricos. Los enfoques atemáticos destacan una tendencia general que orienta procesos psicológicos asociados al futuro, de modo a investigar la PTF con escalas psicométricas cuyos ítems no se asocian a contenidos específicos. Los enfoques temáticos enfocan las anticipaciones del futuro psicológico en el presente e investigan las representaciones de futuro y sus aspectos cognitivos, dinámicos, afectivos y comportamentales. Los métodos de evaluación incluyen escalas psicométricas asociadas a ámbitos de la vida o instrumentos en los que el contenido de la PTF se muestra de forma inductiva. Los dos enfoques no son excluyentes, sino complementarios.

Psychological Phenomena , Psychometrics , Time , Life , Models, Theoretical
Rev. chil. nutr ; 47(1): 41-49, feb. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1092742


RESUMEN La perspectiva temporal se ha asociado a hábitos relacionados con salud. Específicamente, el futuro ha sido asociado a cambios en el estilo de vida como la incorporación de ejercicio físico. En cambio, el presente hedonista se ha asociado a la perdida sub-óptima de peso en pacientes bariátricos. Objetivo: Evaluar la relación entre las variables de la perspectiva temporal y el porcentaje de peso total perdido; su mantención o re-ganancia desde el nadir, en pacientes bariátricos. Material y métodos: Se aplicó a 97 pacientes bariátricos el Inventario de la Perspectiva Temporal de Zimbardo y Boyd, y un cuestionario de estilo de vida construido para esta investigación. Resultados: Un mayor porcentaje de peso total perdido se asoció significativamente a futuro (r= 0,221; p<0,05) y desviación del perfil temporal negativo (r= 0,324; p<0,05). La pérdida de peso insuficiente estuvo asociada al presente fatalista (t= −2,16; p= 0,033) y desviación del perfil temporal balanceado (t= −2,81; p= 0,006). La re-ganancia del %PTP se asoció significativamente a la desviación del perfil temporal balanceado (t= −2,09; p= 0,045) y al consumo de dulces (X2= 13,42; p= 0,009). Conclusiones: Una mayor desviación de la perspectiva temporal balanceada y un mayor consumo de dulces se asociaron a una pérdida de peso insuficiente y a la recuperación desde el nadir.

ABSTRACT Background: A person's perspective of time has been associated with health-related habits. Specifically, future has been associated with changes in lifestyle as well the incorporation of physical exercise. In contrast, current hedonism is associated with sub-optimal weight loss in bariatric patients. Aim: To evaluate the relationship between seven variables of a time perspective and percentage of total weight loss; maintenance or weight regain among bariatric patients. Material and Methods: A sample of 97 bariatric patients answered the Inventory of Temporary Orientation and lifestyle questionnaires. Results: A greater percentage of total weight loss was significantly associated with future (r= 0.221; p<0.05) and deviations from negative time profile (r= 0.324; p<0.05). Insufficient weight loss was associated with a fatalistic present (t= −2.16, p= 0.033) and deviations from a balanced time perspective (t= −2.81; p= 0.006). Regaining weight was significantly associated to deviations from a balanced time perspective (t= −2.09; p=0.045) and consumption of sweets (X2= 13.42; p= 0.009). Conclusions: Deviations from a balanced time perspective and consumption of sweets are associated with sub-optimal weight loss and regaining weight.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Body Weight Changes , Bariatric Surgery , Time Perception , Health Behavior , Weight Gain , Weight Loss , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Feeding Behavior , Life Style
Palliative Care Research ; : 117-127, 2020.
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-822114


Objective: This study aimed to reveal the psychological adjustment process to getting close to death of palliative care staff focusing on views on death and time perspectives. Method: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 palliative care staff. The obtained data analyzed using TEM (Trajectory Equifinality Model). Results: palliative care staffs worked maintaining mental health by changing the way they perceive death in palliative care careers. In addition, it is speculated that the environment of palliative care where death is familiar extends the perspective to the past, present and future, and promotes the formation of an adaptive time perspective. Furthermore, it was inferred that such an environment would increase awareness to send a better life. Conclusion: It is necessary to understand and to promote positive meaning of view on death of the staff. In addition, it is thought that taking time perspective into palliative care may also lead an awareness of the engagement as a source of human growth and change a consciousness of daily care. Therefore it can be said that taking time perspective into palliative care is very beneficial.

Ter. psicol ; 37(3): 199-209, dic. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1059118


Resumen La cirugía bariátrica permite una pérdida ponderal significativa y acelerada en el corto plazo. La re-ganancia del peso se observa entre el 15 al 30% de los pacientes. Los factores psicológicos explicarían en mayor medida la recuperación del peso en pacientes bariátricos. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la capacidad predictiva de las variables "locus de control del peso", "perspectiva temporal" y "autoeficacia, para la re-ganancia del peso en pacientes bariátricos. Estudio multivariado predictivo. Se evalúo a 97 pacientes bariátricos. Los resultados indican que las variables psicológicas "locus de control", "presente fatalista" y "pasado positivo" explican el 27.1% de la varianza de la re-ganancia del peso (p<.001). Este modelo clasifica de forma correcta a un 88.7% de los pacientes. Las variables locus de control del peso, pasado positivo y presente fatalista predicen la re-ganancia del peso.

Abstract Bariatric surgery allows a significant and accelerated weight loss in the short term. The regain of the weight is observed between 15 to 30% of the patients. The psychological factors would explain to a greater extent the recovery of weight in bariatric patients. Aim: To evaluate the predictive capacity of the variables "locus of weight control", "temporal perspective" and "self-efficacy", for the re-gain of weight in bariatric patients. Method: Predictive multivariate study. A total of 97 bariatric patients were evaluated. Results: The psychological variables "locus of control", "present fatalist" and "positive past" explain 27.1% of the variance of the regain of weight (p <.001). This model correctly classifies 88.7% of patients. Conclusion: The variables locus of weight control, positive past and fatalistic present predict the regain of weight.

Humans , Male , Female , Psychology , Weights and Measures , Weight Loss , Bariatric Surgery
Interdisciplinaria ; 36(2): 111-127, dic. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056544


Resumen La perspectiva temporal es un término psicológico que refiere al modo en que las personas ordenan sus experiencias en categorías temporales. Se asocia con la salud mental, las conductas de riesgo y los proyectos a futuro. El Inventario de Perspectiva Temporal de Zimbardo (ZTPI; Zimbardo y Boyd, 1999) es un cuestionario autoadministrable que evalúa la perspectiva temporal. En este artículo se informan los resultados del estudio psicométrico del ZTPI, realizado en Buenos Aires, sobre la base de la adaptación española del inventario. En este sentido, un propósito fundamental fue analizar si la adaptación española del ZTPI es igualmente válida para su uso en Argentina. Para ello, se llevó a cabo una adaptación lingüística del instrumento que redundó en cambios en la redacción y contenido en la presente versión para adecuarlas a las particularidades del habla en Argentina. Con esta versión, se realizó un estudio piloto con una muestra de 323 personas adultas cuyos datos permitieron el análisis básico de sus propiedades psicométricas. Las evidencias de validez interna corroboran la estructura de cinco componentes del estudio original. La fiabilidad de los ítems en cada factor fue satisfactoria (valores α entre .59 y .78). Los resultados de validez externa muestran asociaciones significativas entre pasado negativo y malestar psicológico (r = .43; p < .005), presente fatalista y locus de control (r = .45; p < .005), presente hedonista y autoeficacia generalizada (r = .31; p < .005). Respecto a la variabilidad obtenida en las puntuaciones del ZTPI se sugiere que, en parte, se debe al nivel educativo y, secundariamente, al sexo. Conforme aumenta la edad, el patrón de orientación al presente hedonista decrece. Lo contrario sucede con el predominio de la orientación futura.

Abstract Time perspective is a psychological term that refers to the process by which a person sorts out personal experiences into temporal categories. It is associated with mental health, risk behaviors, cognitive and emotional empathy, and future goals. The Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) from Zimbardo & Boyd (1999) is a self-administered questionnaire consisting in 56 items with 5 answer options. It examines time perspective in a quantifiable way. The questionnaire was translated and adapted to many languages and cultures, most of which reported satisfactory psychometric evidences. The Spanish version of the ZTPI was first made in Spain by Diaz-Morales (2006). Based on this version, two other Spanish speaking countries, Chile and Mexico, made their own version of the questionnaire. In Argentina, there is a version of the ZTPI valid only for teenagers. In the present work the original ZTPI was translated by 3 experts and a linguistic adaptation was done in order to adequate the items to Argentinean speech. A pilot test using the Diaz-Morales version was carried out. Based on the independent and blinded translations, and on the results of the pilot test, an analysis was made. Many items of the Spanish versions were kept, but 34 of the 56 items were changed so as to be compressible for Argentinians. This work resulted in an Argentinian version of the ZTPI, specially done for that culture. Using this version, a pilot study was done with a sample of 323 adults from Buenos Aires. The analysis shows that the reliability of items was satisfactory (values between a = .59 to a = .78). Internal validity evidences confirm the 5 factors structure shown by the authors. External validity was analyzed showing significant associations among negative past and psychological distress (r = .43; p < .005), present fatalistic and locus of control (r = .45; p < .005) and present hedonistic and Self-efficacy (r = .31; p < .005). To study the error variance due to passing of time, test-retest was carried out, showing high and positive correlations. This means that scores of time perspective show time stability. In conclusion, the results of the psychometric analysis are satisfactory. This indicates that the ZTPI is a reliable and valid instrument that can be used to evaluate time perspective in adults from Buenos Aires. An analysis of the variability of ZTPI punctuations was done. It suggests that they are due to two main reasons: educational level and sex. Regarding educational level, significant variations were shown in four of the five factors. The only factor that showed no difference was the positive past. Considering sex, significative differences were shown in four of the five factors of the test, in which medias were higher in women than in men. No differences were shown in hedonistic present factor. With respect to the age, present hedonistic orientation decrease as age grows. On the other hand, as age grows future orientation grows too. These three variables (educational level, sex and age) explain the variability, but it is a partial significance. This implies that time orientation can be understood as a personality characteristic. Consequently, the different punctuations people get in the ZTPI are due to individual differences. Suggestions are made in order to make a definitive adaptation of the ZTPI for Argentina. The most important are increasing the sample with people from other regions of the country and increase the sample to make test-retest. Finally, future research could be oriented to make a short version of the ZTPI and use the questionnaire for evaluation in clinical samples to understand how time perspective works in psychopathologies and then use time orientation as a valid variable for diagnosis and treatment.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-765196


OBJECTIVES: This study examined the association between executive functions and time perspectives in patients with adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The executive function including self-management to time, self-organization/problem solving, self-restraint or inhibition, self-motivation, and self-regulation of emotion was analyzed. In addition, the time perspective, including past-negative, past-positive, present-hedonistic, present-fatalistic, future-negative, and future-positive, were investigated. The correlations between the executive functions and time perspectives were analyzed in an adult ADHD patient group. METHODS: Thirty-six participants were divided into 17 in the ADHD group and 19 in the Control group. The participants conduct psychological tests including Barkley Deficits in Executive Functioning Scale (BDEFS), ADHD Self-Report Scale, and the Swedish Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory to confirm their executive functions, attention, and time perspectives. The participants were recruited at Samsung Medical Center from April 2017 to November 2018. The collected data was analyzed using a t-test and Pearson correlation analysis. RESULTS: The adult ADHD patients group showed significantly higher scores in the BDEFS and ADHD Self-Report Scale than the control group. In time perspective scores, the adult ADHD patients group was higher in the past-negative, present-hedonistic, present-fatalistic time perspectives than the control group. In addition, the adult ADHD patients group was lower in future-positive than the control group. In the adult ADHD patients group, the future-positive time perspectives were negatively correlated with the executive functions. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that the negative time perspective is related to the executive function deficits in an adult ADHD group, particularly in the self-management of time, self-organization/problem solving, and self-motivation.

Adult , Humans , Executive Function , Psychological Tests , Self Care , Self-Control
Rev. bras. psicodrama ; 26(2): 96-107, jul.-dez. 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-985339


O texto aborda o conceito de momento partindo do contexto no qual Moreno o forjou. Analisa o paradoxo da anunciada centralidade desse conceito na obra de Moreno, ainda que este não tenha lhe dedicado tanta atenção. A partir da apresentação e problematização da noção habitual de tempo, linear, universal, objetiva e cronológica, a autora apresenta a noção de momento de Moreno e busca delinear e retomar o sentido central que tem em sua obra. Termina por sugerir uma reaproximação entre a obra de Moreno e de alguns filósofos, em particular Bergson e Deleuze, para que a teoria e a clínica psicodramáticas possam se beneficiar da profundidade que uma teoria da temporalidade fundada na noção de momento possa vir a ter.

The text approaches the concept of moment based on the context in which Moreno created it. It analyzes the paradox of the announced centrality of this concept in his work, although he did not pay much attention to it. From the presentation and problematization of the usual notion of time, linear, universal, objective and chronological, the author presents the notion of Moreno's moment and attempts to delineate and retake the central meaning it has in his work. It ends by suggesting a rapprochement between Moreno's work and some philosophers', particularly Bergson and Deleuze, so that psychodramatic theory and clinical practice can benefit from the depth that a theory of temporality based on the notion of moment may have.

El texto aborda el concepto de momento partiendo del contexto en el que Moreno lo creó. Analiza la paradoja de la anunciada centralidad de ese concepto en la obra de Moreno, aunque éste no le haya prestado tanta atención. A partir de la presentación y de la problematización de la noción habitual de tiempo, lineal, universal, objetiva y cronológica, la autora presenta la noción de momento de Moreno y busca delinear y retomar el sentido central que tiene en su obra. En el caso de Moreno y de algunos filósofos, en particular Bergson y Deleuze, la teoría y clínica psicodramáticas pueden beneficiarse de la profundidad que una teoría de la temporalidad fundada en la noción de momento pueda tener.

Estud. psicol. (Natal) ; 23(3): 296-305, jul./set. 2018.
Article in Portuguese | INDEXPSI, LILACS | ID: biblio-1008676


A noção de enraizamento na Psicologia Ambiental apresenta caráter polissêmico, delimitando um campo de discussão importante nesta área de conhecimento. De maneira geral, as definições enfatizam a importância do passado e da recorrência dos ambientes vividos na constituição da identidade pessoal e coletiva. O objetivo deste trabalho é colaborar com uma definição mais rigorosa deste termo. Para isso, analisa-se seu uso por autores centrais deste campo do conhecimento e procura-se comparar alguns dos sentidos presentes em suas obras. Defende-se que a ênfase no quadro temporal passado e na recorrência dos lugares representa um viés identitário limitador, o que permite propor que o enraizamento implica a participação ativa em uma coletividade, de modo a articular passado, presente e futuro em projetos coletivos significativos para o indivíduo e seu grupo (AU).

Rootedness, time, and participation in Environmental Psychology. The notion of rootedness in Environmental Psychology presents a polysemic character and can be understood in different ways, which, however, emphasize the importance of the past and the recurrence of the lived environments in the constitution of personal and collective identity. The objective of this work is to collaborate with a more rigorous definition of this term. For this, it analyzes its use by central authors of this field of knowledge and tries to compare the meanings that it presents in their works. It is argued that the emphasis on the past time frame and the recurrence of the environment represents a limiting identity bias, which allows us to propose that rooting implies active participation in a collectivity, in order to articulate past, present and future in collective projects that are significant for the individual and his/ her group (AU).

Arraigo, tiempo y participación en la Psicología Ambiental. La noción de arraigo en la Psicología Ambiental presenta carácter polisémico y puede ser entendida de formas distintas, que, sin embargo, enfatizan la importancia del pasado y de la recurrencia de los ambientes vividos en la constitución de la identidad personal y colectiva. El objetivo de este trabajo es colaborar con una definición más rigurosa de este término. Para ello, se analiza su uso por autores centrales de este campo del conocimiento y se busca comparar algunos de los sentidos que presenta en sus obras. Se defiende que el énfasis en el marco temporal pasado y en la recurrencia de los lugares representa un sesgo identitario limitador, lo que permite proponer que el arraigo implica la participación activa en una colectividad, de modo a articular pasado, presente y futuro en proyectos colectivos significativos para el individuo y su grupo (AU).

Territoriality , Time , Environmental Psychology , Brazil
Investig. desar. ; 25(2): 61-81, jul.-dic. 2017. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1090712


RESUMEN La perspectiva temporal futura plantea un espectro de motivaciones ubicadas cognitivamente en el futuro. Este estudio la describe veinticuatro mujeres sentenciadas por el delito de terrorismo en un establecimiento penitenciario de Lima. Para ello, se utilizó el método de inducción motivacional que usando frecuencias porcentuales categoriza y jerarquiza las metas de las participantes. La conclusión principal es que la distribución general y la extensión de las metas muestran proporciones similares con la población no penitenciaria estudiada en nuestro medio. Esto contradice la opinión pública, cuya imagen de las participantes es que su único interés corresponde a los fines del partido en el cual han militado.

ABSTRACT Future Time Perspective (PTF) formulates a spectrum of goals, cognitively located in the future. This study describes the PTF of 24 female prison inmates convicted for the crime of terrorism in Lima. To do so, we used the Motivational Induction Method, which categorizes and hierarchizes the goals of the participants using percentage frequencies. Our main conclusion is that proportions regarding the general distribution and the extension of the goals are similar to the non-prisoned society groups studied by Martínez (2004c). This is opposite to the public's opinion of the participants, according to which their only interest corresponds with the goals of the party they have been ascribed to.

Humans , Population , Women , Motivation
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-670256


Objective To study the relationship between mental effort and personal time perspective during the process of individual changing bad habits.Methods 230 graduate students were collected to attend this longitudinal study of 21 days by experience sampling method.The data on mental effort and performance were obtained from the process of daily change of the bad behavior.Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) was applied to graduate students.The survey results were analyzed by hierarchical linear modeling (HLM).Results In 21 days,the mental effort of subjects showed very clear downward trend,the trend of the change was statistical significant (total score(5.63±2.62),t=-5.590,P<0.01).Mental effort didn't have significant difference in five kinds of behavioral objectives (keeping early hours,exercising daily,dieting,reading daily,limiting screen time) (P>0.05).The male obviously put more effort than the female during the study(t=2.743,P<0.01).Both Present Hedonism and Futurism were inversely related to mental effort,which was statistical significant (t=-2.504,P<0.05;t=2.39,P<0.05).Both Present Fatalism and Futurism had the effects on the changing trend of the mental effort regulatory,which was statistical significant (t=-3.099,P<0.01;t=-2.400,P<0.05).Conclusion The mental effort of changing the behavior will gradually decline during the process of habit establishment.The mental effort of subjects who had present fatalism or futurism show a faster decline.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-494044


Time perspective therapy (TPT) which belongs to positive psychology is a new psychological intervention to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).A large number of studies abroad have testified that TPT is very long-term effective,what′s more, TPT has been popularized and improved by foreign scholars but not been applied in China.TPT has been a study issue in mental and psychological fields,but that how to apply TPT rightly in China needs to explore.Therefore, this paper systematically introduced and analyzed TPT theory, the problems of applying TPT and the enlightenment of nursing PTSD,so as to help Chinese scholars apply TPT to solve problems and status of nursing PTSD in China.

Paidéia (Ribeiräo Preto) ; 25(61): 163-172, May-Aug/2015. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-748333


Developing perspectives concerning the future in adolescence has been associated with several adaptive behaviors in school context. However, a need to understand how these prospects are build remains. In this paper, two studies on adolescents’ future time perspective (FTP) are presented, highlighting its connection to the present experience. Participants were adolescents, aged 14 to 18. In the first study (N = 551), it is analyzed the factorial structure of a questionnaire designed to assess FTP in school context. A significant association of academic performance with FTP was found. In the second study (N = 11), through an analysis, based on Grounded Theory, to qualitative data derived from interviews, it was found that adolescents think considerably about their future, despite showing to be predominantly focused on career related dimensions. The influence on prospective thinking of both educational agents of the participation in multiple activities was also identified.

O desenvolvimento de perspectivas temporais de futuro (PTF) na adolescência tem sido associado a comportamentos adaptativos em contexto escolar. Contudo, persiste a necessidade de compreensão de como essas PTF são construídas. Neste trabalho, apresentamos dois estudos sobre a PTF, destacando a sua ligação com a experiência presente. Os participantes foram adolescentes com idades entre 14 e 18 anos. No primeiro estudo (N = 551), analisamos a estrutura fatorial de um questionário construído para avaliar a PTF em contexto escolar. Identificamos uma associação significativa entre desempenho académico e PTF. No segundo estudo (N = 11), através de uma análise, fundada na Grounded Theory, de dados qualitativos decorrentes de entrevistas, verificamos que os adolescentes se preocupam com o seu futuro, referindo-se predominantemente a dimensões relacionadas com a carreira. Tais resultados apontam ainda para a influência que diferentes agentes educativos e a participação em múltiplas atividades têm no seu pensamento prospetivo.

El desarrollo de perspectivas de futuro (PTF) en la adolescencia se asocia con varias conductas adaptativas en contexto escolar. Sin embargo, sigue existiendo la necesidad de comprender cómo se construyen estas PTF. En este trabajo se presentan dos estudios sobre la PTF, destacando su conexión con la experiencia presente. Los participantes fueron adolescentes de 14 hasta 18 años. En el primer estudio, se analiza la estructura factorial de los resultados de un cuestionario diseñado para evaluar la PTF en contexto escolar. Fue encontrada además una asociación significativa entre PTF y el rendimiento académico. En el segundo estudio, a través de un análisis basado en la Grounded Theory a datos cualitativos obtenidos de entrevistas, se encontró que los adolescentes se preocupan por su futuro, refiriéndose predominantemente a dimensiones relacionadas con la carrera. Estos resultados también apuntan hacia la influencia de los diferentes agentes educativos y de participación en múltiples actividades en su visión de futuro.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Qualitative Research , Schools , Time Perception