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Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 52(4)dic. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1559865


Introducción: El Perú es uno de los países con mayor biodiversidad en especies botánicas, algunas con propiedades medicinales conocidas. Objetivo: Determinar el efecto antibacteriano del aceite esencial de las hojas de Eugenia stipitata McVaugh frente a Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 y Salmonella enterica sv Enteritidis ATCC 13076. Métodos: Estudio de tipo básico con enfoque cuantitativo y experimental. Las plantas provienen del distrito de Belén, ciudad de Iquitos, Departamento de Loreto. La técnica para la extracción del aceite esencial fue la de arrastre de vapor y la técnica microbiológica para determinar el efecto antimicrobiano la de Kirby Bauer. Se trabajaron las muestras en 4 concentraciones 100, 75, 50 y un 25 por ciento; un control negativo solo con dimetilsulfóxido, se utilizaron 5 repeticiones por cada muestra. Resultados: La muestra a concentración al 100 por ciento tuvo actividad antibacteriana contra Staphylococcus aureus. La actividad del ensayo frente a Escherichia coli demostró ser efectiva en todas las muestras, sin embargo, se observó que los halos de inhibición de mayor diámetro se manifestaron en las muestras al 100 por ciento y 75 por ciento. Además, se evidenció actividad antibacteriana a concentraciones del 100 por ciento, 75 por ciento y un 50 por ciento frente a Salmonella enterica sv Enteritidis. Conclusiones: El aceite esencial de las hojas de Eugenia stipitata McVaugh presenta efecto antibacteriano frente a Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli y Salmonella enterica sv Enteritidis(AU)

Introduction: Peru is one of the countries with the greatest biodiversity in botanical species, some with known medicinal properties. Objective: To determine the antibacterial effect of the essential oil of Eugenia stipitata McVaugh leaves against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 and Salmonella enterica sv Enteritidis ATCC 13076. Methods: Basic study with a quantitative and experimental approach. Plants came from the district of Belén, city of Iquitos, Department of Loreto. The technique for the extraction of the essential oil was steam dragging and the microbiological technique to determine the antimicrobial effect was Kirby Bauer's technique. The samples were worked in 4 concentrations 100, 75, 50 and 25 percent and a negative control only with dimethyl sulfoxide, using 5 replicates for each sample. Results: The sample at 100 percent concentration had antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus. The activity of the assay against Escherichia coli proved to be effective in all the samples, however, it was observed that the inhibition halos of greater diameter were manifested in the samples at 100 percent and 75 percent. In addition, antibacterial activity was evidenced at concentrations of 100 percent, 75 percent and 50 percent against Salmonella enterica sv Enteritidis. Conclusions: The essential oil of Eugenia stipitata McVaugh leaves has an antibacterial effect against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica sv Enteritidis(AU)

Humans , Staphylococcus aureus/virology , Oils, Volatile/therapeutic use , Salmonella enterica/virology , Escherichia coli/virology , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Plants , Salmonella enteritidis/virology , Evaluation Studies as Topic , Eugenia
J. Health Sci. Inst ; 41(2): 110-116, apr-jun 2023. Figuras e Tabelas
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531227


Pertencente à família Rutaceae, o gênero Citrus tem os mais importantes frutos da colheita de árvores frutíferas mundial, sendo representado por inúmeras espécies de grande importância para a terapêutica moderna. A Citrus sinensis, alvo de estudos recentes perante seu potencial terapêutico sob o estresse, apresenta o isômero destrorotativo do Limoneno como substância ativa para a diminuição da sintomatologia do indivíduo a partir da redução de marcadores endoteliais inflamatórios envolvidos durante todo o ciclo vicioso causado pelo agente estressor. O estresse, capaz de atingir níveis cognitivos, comportamentais e fisiológicos, é também responsável pelo comportamento básico do indivíduo frente ao estímulo estressante. O presente artigo avalia os benefícios da laranja perante seu uso como ansiolítico, além de suas características farmacognósticas mais relevantes comparadas à utilização de produtos nacionais. A metodologia utilizada remete-se à análise bibliográfica de artigos acadêmicos na base de dados da SciELO, PubMed e Google Acadêmico, além da determinação do perfil cromatográfico dos óleos essenciais de limão, tangerina, laranja azeda e a substância ativa contida em cápsulas vendidas comercialmente, para subsequente análise e comparação dos compostos encontrados na prática e na literatura. Os resultados obtidos revelam a semelhança entre as amostras analisadas e o conteúdo das cápsulas, demonstrando qualidade em concentrações significativas para o desenvolvimento e melhoramento dos produtos do mercado nacional. Não obstante, a suma importância do barateamento de custos desses produtos a partir do aprofundamento clínico-científico no óleo das laranjas nacionais utilizadas, garante aumento na qualidade de vida da população-alvo do estudo além da diminuição da incidência da doença.

Humans , Anti-Anxiety Agents , Oils, Volatile , Pharmacognosy , Limonene , Inflammation
Curitiba; s.n; 20230215. 85 p. ilus, tab, graf.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1434344


Resumo: Pesquisa desenvolvida em programa de mestrado acadêmico em enfermagem, da Universidade Federal do Paraná, na Linha de Pesquisa Tecnologia e Inovação para Cuidar em Saúde e Enfermagem. A iniciativa partiu da realidade de que as doenças crônicas como o câncer, apresentam projeções de incidência crescente para os próximos triênios, segundo o Instituto Nacional do Câncer. Na trajetória do tratamento, devem ser disponibilizadas informações pertinentes incluindo as práticas integrativas e complementares, baseadas em evidências para guiar os familiares, profissionais de saúde, e especialmente a equipe de enfermagem. Esta pesquisa inova ao atender a necessidade em reunir e dispor sistematicamente, as características relacionadas aos métodos de escolha, aplicação e segurança da aromaterapia para indivíduos em tratamento oncológico. Objetivo foi mapear as evidências, dos últimos 20 anos, relativas à aromaterapia durante o tratamento oncológico para adultos com câncer, quanto a sua aplicação e medidas de segurança. O método adotado foi a Scoping Review, segundo as diretrizes JBI®. Incluídos 296 estudos, publicados entre Setembro / 2021 a Outubro / 2022, resgatados nas bases de dados: Cochrane Library; EMBASE; CINAHL; PubMed; Scopus; LILACS e Web of Science. E, 328 evidências em literatura cinzenta disponíveis na Open Acess Theses and Dissertations, TROVE Austrália e ProQuest. Os critérios de inclusão foram estudos com adultos (> 18 anos), diagnosticados com câncer, submetidos à alguma modalidade de tratamento neoadjuvante ou adjuvante, como cirurgia, quimioterapia, radioterapia, imunoterapia ou hormonioterapia; e, que recebiam, de forma complementar, a aromaterapia inalatória ou tópica em cenário hospitalar, ou ambulatorial. A triagem e seleção dos estudos se deu por dois revisores independentes, com auxílio online do Rayyan. Excluídos estudos: conduzidos em cuidados paliativos; com população com diagnóstico de metástase; com gestantes; e, que incluíssem outra modalidade de prática complementar - isolada ou em associação à aromaterapia -; e, experimentos in vitro. A amostra final foi de 25 estudos. As pesquisas foram predominantes em países orientais, publicadas em revistas dos Estados Unidos da América; o método prevalente foi de Ensaio Clínico Randomizado, com média amostral de 103 participantes. O diagnóstico recordista foi de câncer de mama, e a utilização da aromaterapia ocorreu, mais frequentemente, na forma inalatória, utilizando os óleos essenciais de Lavanda (Lavandula angustifólia) e Menta (Menta x piperita), para redução da ansiedade, náusea ou vômitos induzidos pela quimioterapia. Para a segurança na aplicação da aromaterapia enfatizaram-se os cuidados com a seleção dos participantes, o armazenamento e a garantia de qualidade dos óleos essenciais utilizados. Nenhum efeito colateral grave ou toxicidade foram reportados pelas pesquisas e, concluiu-se que seu uso apresenta potencial benefício para manejo de sintomas físicos, emocionais e psicológicos, para adultos com câncer, durante o tratamento oncológico. A execução do estudo favoreceu a apropriação das evidências para desenvolvimento de novas pesquisas clínicas, o que potencialmente pode resultar em oferta de uma assistência complementar, centrada no indivíduo, versátil e segura para manejo de sintomas provocados pelo uso da quimioterapia, radioterapia, imunoterapia ou hormonioterapia por meio da aromaterapia. Sugere-se novos estudos clínicos, com maior rigor metodológico quanto aos dados de aplicação e segurança da aromaterapia.

Abstract: Research developed in the academic master's program in nursing, at the Federal University of Paraná, in the Technology and Innovation Research Line for Health Care and Nursing. The initiative was based on the fact that chronic diseases such as cancer are projected to increase in incidence over the next three years, according to the National Cancer Institute. In the course of treatment, relevant information should be made available, including integrative and complementary practices, based on evidence to guide family members, health professionals, and especially the nursing team. This research innovates by meeting the need to systematically gather and arrange the characteristics related to the methods of choice, application and safety of aromatherapy for individuals undergoing cancer treatment. The objective was to map the evidence, from the last 20 years, regarding aromatherapy during oncological treatment for adults with cancer, regarding its application and safety measures. The method adopted was the Scoping Review, according to the JBI® guidelines. Included 296 studies, published between September/2021 to October/2022, retrieved from the databases: Cochrane Library; BASE; CINAHL; PubMed; Scopus; LILACS and Web of Science. And, 328 gray literature evidence available from Open Access Theses and Dissertations, TROVE Australia, and ProQuest. Inclusion criteria were studies with adults (> 18 years old), diagnosed with cancer, undergoing some form of neoadjuvant or adjuvant treatment, such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy or hormone therapy; and, who received, in a complementary way, inhaled or topical aromatherapy in a hospital or outpatient setting. The screening and selection of studies was carried out by two independent reviewers, with online help from Rayyan. Excluded studies: conducted in palliative care; with population diagnosed with metastasis; with pregnant women; and, which included another modality of complementary practice - alone or in association with aromatherapy -; and, in vitro experiments. The final sample consisted of 25 studies. The surveys were predominant in eastern countries, published in journals in the United States of America; the prevalent method was the Randomized Clinical Trial, with a sample mean of 103 participants. The record-breaking diagnosis was breast cancer, and the use of aromatherapy occurred, more frequently, in the inhaled form, using the essential oils of Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and Peppermint (Menta x piperita), to reduce anxiety, nausea or induced vomiting. by chemotherapy. For safety in the application of aromatherapy, care was taken with the selection of participants, storage and quality assurance of the essential oils used. No serious side effects or toxicity were reported by research, and it was concluded that its use has potential benefit for managing physical, emotional and psychological symptoms for adults with cancer during cancer treatment. The execution of the study favored the appropriation of evidence for the development of new clinical research, which can potentially result in the provision of complementary, individual-centered, versatile and safe assistance for the management of symptoms caused by the use of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy or hormone therapy through aromatherapy. New clinical studies are suggested, with greater methodological rigor regarding data on the application and safety of aromatherapy.

Oncology Nursing , Quality of Life , Therapeutics , Aromatherapy , Nursing Care
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 21(6): 737-756, nov. 2022. tab, graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554687


The objective of this study was to investigate the seasonal variance of the content and chemical composition of the essential oil from Lantana camara accessions at two harvest times, and to analyze the trypanocidal activity on Phytomonas serpens. Essential oil content ranged from 0.13 to 0.29% in the rainy season and from 0.13 to 0.33% in the dry season. The compounds E-caryophyllene, α-humulene, α-curcumene and germacrene D defined the formation of four chemical clusters in the rainy and dry seasons, classified as: Cluster 1 (E-caryophyllene + germacrene D); Cluster 2 (germacrene D + E-caryophyllene); Cluster 3 (α-humulene + E-caryophyllene); and Cluster 4 (α-curcumene + E-caryophyllene). All L. camara essential oils, representing the four chemical clusters, inhibited P. serpenswith low concentrations, considering the following IC50 values: 18.34±6.60 µg/mL (LAC-018, Cluster 1); 9.14±3.87 µg/mL (LAC-027, Cluster 2); 14.56±3.40 µg/mL (LAC-037, Cluster 3); and 14.97±2.68 µg/mL (LAC-019, Cluster 4).

El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar la variación estacional del contenido y la composición química del aceite esencial de accesiones de Lantana camara en dos tiempos de cosecha y analizar la actividad tripanocida en Phytomonas serpens. El contenido de aceite esencial osciló entre 0,13% y 0,29% en la temporada de lluvias y entre 0,13% y 0,33% en la temporada seca. Los compuestos E-cariofileno, α-humuleno, α-curcumeno y germacreno D definieron la formación de cuatro grupos químicos en las estaciones lluviosa y seca, clasificados como: Grupo 1 (E-cariofileno + germacreno D); Grupo 2 (germacreno D + E-cariofileno); Grupo 3 (α-humuleno + E-cariofileno); y Grupo 4 (α-curcumeno + E-cariofileno). Todos los aceites esenciales de L. camara, que representan los cuatro grupos químicos, inhibieron P. serpens con bajas concentraciones, considerando los siguientes valores de CI50:18,34 ± 6,60 µg / mL (LAC-018, grupo 1); 9,14 ± 3,87 µg / ml (LAC-027, grupo 2); 14,56 ± 3,40 µg / ml (LAC-037, grupo 3); y 14,97 ± 2,68 µg / ml (LAC-019, grupo 4).

Seasons , Oils, Volatile/chemistry , Verbenaceae/chemistry , Antiprotozoal Agents/chemistry , Terpenes/analysis , Oils, Volatile/pharmacology , Trypanosomatina/drug effects , Dry Season , Rainy Season , Antiprotozoal Agents/pharmacology
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-927911


Forsythiae Fructus is the dried fruit of Forsythia suspensa and the volatile compounds are its main bioactive components. According to the different harvest periods, F. suspensa can be divided into Qingqiao(mature F. suspensa) and Laoqiao(ripe F. suspensa). To investigate dynamic changes of volatile components in Qingqiao and Laoqiao samples collected at different periods, the present study extracted and analyzed the total volatile oils in Qingqiao and Laoqiao samples(four harvest periods for Qingqiao and two for Laoqiao) by steam distillation method. The results indicated that the content of volatile oils in F. suspensa samples at different harvest periods was significantly different. The content of volatile oils in Qingqiao samples(except those harvested in the first period) was higher than that of Laoqiao, and the content of volatile oils in both Qingqiao and Laoqiao increased with the harvest period. Furthermore, volatile compounds in F. suspensa were qualitatively analyzed by the gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS), and 28 volatile compounds were identified. Chemometrics analyses including principal component analysis(PCA) and partial least squares discriminant analysis(PLS-DA) were further applied to explore differential markers and dynamic changes of volatile components in Qingqiao and Laoqiao samples at different harvest periods. Finally, four volatile compounds, including α-pinene, sabinene, β-pinene, and 4-terpenol were selected as potential differential markers. The relative content of α-pinene and 4-terpenol was consistent with that of total volatile oils in the changing trend.

Chemometrics , Forsythia , Fruit , Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry , Oils, Volatile
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-950194


@# Objective: To investigate the effect of Oroxylum indicum fruit extract on high-fat diet-induced hyperlipidemic mice. Methods: The phytochemical composition of Oroxylum indicum fruit extract was determined by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Forty-two male mice were used. The mice were divided into six groups: normal control, high-fat diet control, simvastatin treatment (20 mg/kg BW/day), and Oroxylum indicum fruit extract (100, 200, 300 mg/kg BW/day) treatment groups. Food intake, body weight, serum parameters, lipid profile, and histopathological lesions of the kidney, liver, and epididymal fat were observed. Results: LC-MS/MS results revealed four major components of Oroxylum indicum fruit extract: luteolin, apigenin, baicalein, and oroxylin A. Twenty-seven volatile oils were identified from Oroxylum indicum fruit extract. Daily oral administration of Oroxylum indicum fruit extract at 100 to 300 mg/kg BW/day significantly reduced the body weight, total cholesterol, triglyceride, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol level (P<0.05), whereas high-density lipoprotein cholesterol was higher than the high-fat diet control group. Treatment with 300 mg/kg BW/day Oroxylum indicum fruit extract reduced the pathological lesion and prevented fat accumulation in the kidney and liver. Conclusions: Oroxylum indicum fruit extract has hypolipidemic effect in hyperlipidemic mice, and the active ingredients of Oroxylum indicum fruit extract, both flavonoids and volatile oils, should be further explored as an antihyperlipidemic agent.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-906320


Perilla frutescens is a traditional medicinal and edible plant widely distributed in China and enjoys an extensive usage. P. frutescens contains multiple essential oils, which are composed of monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and their oxygen-containing derivatives. Compared with other parts of P. frutescens, Perillae Folium produce more oils, with volatile oils as the main constituents. There are many active substances in the volatile oils from Perillae Folium, mainly including perillaldehyde, perillaketone, perillaalcohol, D-limonene, β-caryophylene, etc. Such factors as germplasm, growth environment, extraction method, cultivation time, and harvest period all can trigger changes in volatile oil constituents and content from Perillae Folium. The volatile oils from Perillae Folium have diverse pharmacological effects like anti-oxidation, anti-bacteria, anti-inflammation, vasodilation, anti-tumor, and anti-depression, implying its high clinical application value. However, the chemical constituents in volatile oils from Perillae Folium are complex and unstable and their pharmacological activities are affected by many factors, so the safety and effectiveness of clinical medication fail to be guaranteed, which may has impeded the rational and effective use of these volatile oils. Many scholars in China and abroad have conducted a lot of research on the volatile oils from Perillae Folium, but there is currently no systematic and comprehensive research report on the chemical constituents of volatile oils from Perillae Folium and their pharmacological effects. This paper reviewed the relevant domestic and foreign literature, analyzed the development status of volatile oils from Perillae Folium, and summarized their extraction process, chemical constituents, and pharmacological actions, aiming to provide a reference for their further development, clinical application, and risk assessment.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 64(spe): e21200772, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1278459


Abstract Eucalyptus species possess anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antibacterial, and insecticidal properties. In this study, the chemical composition and biological activities of Eucalyptus cinerea essential oil (EO) and the leaf and stem anatomy were investigated. EO was extracted by Clevenger apparatus and the compounds were identified by GC/MS. The antioxidant activity was evaluated by DPPH, ABTS, and reducing phosphomolybdenum complex. Broth microdilution was used to determine antimicrobial activity. Cytotoxicity was verified against HeLa, HRT-18, and Calu-3 cells by MTT assay. The cytotoxic mechanism was studied by cell DNA content, cell cycle, and DNA fragmentation. The microscopic analyzes of the leaves and the stems were performed by light microscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy, and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The main constituent of the EO was 1,8-cineole (55.24%). The EO showed low antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Calu-3 cells showed a significant reduction in viability with IC50 of 689.79 ± 29.34 μg/mL. EO at 1000 μg/mL decreased the DNA content in Jurkat cells. In general, EO increased cell percentage in sub-G0 and S phases with concomitant reduction of cell percentage in G0/G1 and G2/M phases and provided DNA fragmentation of 29.73%. Anatomical and micromorphological features of the leaves and stems can help in the species identification and its differentiation from other Eucalyptus species.

Terpenes , Biological Phenomena , Oils, Volatile , Myrtaceae , Microscopy
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 36(6): 1951-1960, 01-11-2020. tab, graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1147960


This work aimed to compare the antifungal activity of the essential oil of Varronia curassavica obtained by hydrodistillation and microwave against the fungus Colletotrichum musae and verify the alterations caused by these extraction methods on the leaf surface. This study used four essential oil samples obtained by different methods, two by hydrodistillation [HD1 (1.0 L of water and 100 min.) and HD2 (2.0 L of water and 140 min.)] and two by microwave [MI1 (500W, 20 min, without water) and MI2 (700W, 40 min, with 50 mL of water added to fresh leaves)]. Essential oils concentrations of 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, and 3.0% (v / v) were tested in PDA medium. The mycelial growth of C. musae was evaluated by measuring the diameter, every 24 hours up to 144 hours after the beginning of the incubation. Untreated leaves and leaves treated with HD1 and MI1 were prepared for observation in a scanning electron microscope (SEM) LEO EVO 40. The most abundant compounds detected in the essential oil samples analyzed by gas chromatography were: shyobunol, germacrene D-4-ol, E-caryophyllene, bicyclogermacrene, and α-cadinol. Up to 72 hours after the beginning of the incubation, C. musae presented no mycelial growth, even at the lowest essential oil concentration. Conversely, mycelial growth was detected in the control (PDA + DMSO) from 24 hours after incubation. At 144 hours after incubation, regardless of the concentration, the essential oil samples obtained by HD provided lower mycelial growth of C. musae (1.49 cm) when compared with samples obtained by MI (1.80 cm). This difference possibly occurred due to the reduction to less than half of the germacrene D-4-ol content in the samples obtained by MI. The four essential oil samples tested inhibited the mycelial growth and thus presented a inhibitory effect on C. musae. The SEM revealed more drastic changes on the surface of the leaf treated with MI than on those treated with HD. The essential oil of V. curassavica, mainly when obtained by hydrodistillation, has the potential for use in the control of C. musae.

O objetivo do trabalho foi comparar a atividade antifúngica do óleo essencial de Varronia curassavica obtido por hidrodestilação e micro-ondas frente ao fungo Colletotrichum musae e verificar as alterações que esses métodos de extração causam na superfície da folha. Quatro amostras de óleo essencial obtidas em diferentes condições foram utilizadas. Sendo duas por hidrodestilação, HD1 (1,0 L de água e 100 min.) e HD2 (2,0 L de água e 140 min.); e duas por micro-ondas, MI1 (500W, 20 min. sem adição de água) e MI2 (700W, 40 min. com adição de 50 mL de água às folhas frescas). Foram testadas as concentrações 0,05; 0,1; 0,5; 1,0 e 3,0 % (v/v) de óleo essencial em meio BDA. O crescimento micelial do C. musae foi avaliado por medições do diâmetro, a cada 24 horas até 144 horas após o início da incubação. Folhas sem qualquer tratamento e após os tratamentos HD1 e MI1 foram preparadas para observação em microscópio eletrônico de varredura (MEV) LEO EVO 40. Os compostos mais abundantes nas amostras de óleo essencial analisadas por cromatografia gasosa foram: shyobunol, germacreno D-4-ol, E-cariofileno, biciclogermacreno e α-cadinol. Até 72 horas após o início da incubação, não foi observado nenhum crescimento micelial do C. musae, mesmo nas concentrações mais baixas de óleo essencial, enquanto, para o controle (BDA + DMSO), foi observado crescimento do fungo a partir de 24 horas. Após 144 horas, independentemente da concentração, as amostras de óleo essencial obtidas por HD proporcionaram menor crescimento micelial do C. musae (1,49 cm) quando comparadas às amostras obtidas por MI (1,80 cm). Possivelmente essa diferença ocorreu devido à redução para menos da metade, do teor de germacreno D-4-ol, nas amostras obtidas por MI. As quatro amostras de óleo essencial testadas foram capazes de inibir o crescimento micelial, apresentando portanto, um efeito inibitório sobre o C. musae. Alterações mais drásticas observadas através da MEV foram visualizadas na superfície da folha submetida ao processo de extração por MI em comparação à HD. O óleo essencial de V. curassavica, sobretudo o obtido por hidrodestilação, apresenta potencial para o controle de C. musae.

Oils, Volatile , Distillation , Cordia , Antifungal Agents
Kasmera ; 48(2): e48231678, jul-dic. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1145308


El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la actividad antifúngica del aceite volátil de las partes aéreas de la especie vegetal Hedyosmum sp., frente al complejo Candida albicans, C. glabrata, C. tropicalis y C. parapsilosis. El material vegetal se recolectó del bosque natural Jacarón, Provincia de Chimborazo, Ecuador. La extracción del aceite volátil se realizó por hidrodestilación, obteniéndose un rendimiento de 0,09%. La actividad antifúngica fue estudiada mediante el método de difusión en agar y los resultados se interpretaron mediante detección-medición de halos de inhibición y concentración mínima inhibitoria. El estudio se realizó partiendo del aceite puro y diluciones con dimetil sulfóxido. Los resultados se validaron mediante controles positivos (Fluconazol) y negativos (dimetil sulfóxido). El aceite puro mostró actividad antifúngica frente a C. albicans, C. tropicalis, C. parapsilosis, pero no frente a C. glabrata. Mientras que, la actividad antifúngica determinada empleando diluciones del aceite permitió establecer la concentración mínima inhibitoria para C. tropicalis, C. parapsilosis, en 0,25x106 µg/mL y para C. albicans en 0,5x106 µg/mL. Estos resultados concluyeron que el aceite volátil de Hedyosmum sp., presenta actividad antifúngica poco significativa frente a tres de las cuatro especies de Candida estudiadas

The objective of the study was to determine the antifungal activity of the volatile oil of the aerial parts of the plant species Hedyosmum sp., against Candida albicans, C. glabrata, C. tropicalis and C. parapsilosis complex. The plant material was collected from the Jacarón natural forest, Chimborazo Province, Ecuador. The extraction of the essential oil was carried out by hydro-distillation, obtaining a yield of 0.09%. Antifungal activity was studied by means of the diffusion in agar method and the results were interpreted by detection-measurement of inhibition halos and minimum inhibitory concentration. The study was carried out starting from the pure oil and dilutions with dimethyl sulfoxide. The results were validated by positive controls (Fluconazole) and negative controls (dimethyl sulfoxide). The pure oil showed antifungal activity against C. albicans, C. tropicalis, and C. parapsilosis complex, but not against C. glabrata. While, the antifungal activity determined using dilutions of the oil allowed establishing the minimum inhibitory concentration for C. tropicalis, C. parapsilosis complex, at 0,25x106 µg/mL and for C. albicans at 0,5x106 µg/mL. These results concluded that the volatile oil of Hedyosmum sp., Presents little antifungal activity against three of the four Candida species studied

Rev. ciênc. farm. básica apl ; 41: [12], 01/01/2020.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1147072


Anxiety in the world population has increased significantly; the problem has encouraged studies regarding innovative alternatives for treatment. Research with Citrus aurantium L. essential oil (CEO) has revealed positive results with anxiolytic effects in both animals and humans. However, certain limitations affect its storage and preservation, its efficiency in therapy, and determination of adequate posologies. The potential use of cyclodextrins as drug carriers has been successfully explored. This study aims to assess the anxiolytic potential of a CEO/2-hydroxypropyl-ß-cyclodextrin (HP-ß-CD) inclusion complex. Preparation of the inclusion complex was performed using the Alpha 1-2 LDplus lyophilizer. To allow formation, and avoid loss of volatiles to the atmosphere, Limonene (LIM), the main compound in CEO, together with HP-ß-CD in a molar ratio of (1: 1M) was dispersed in ethanol for 36 hours using a laboratory shaker at room temperature (25°C). Non-clinical murine pharmacological tests were performed for anxiety assessment in experimental and control groups. To assess anxiety and motor impairment, the animals were evaluated using the elevated plus maze, open field, and rota-rod tests. Satisfactory results of the anxiolytic effect of the OEC complexed in HP-ß-CD were observed, with the indication of an potentiation of the effect with doses lower than 500 mg/kg and 250 mg/kg complexed, suggesting improvement in the anxiolytic properties of the OEC.

Mediation Analysis
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-872740


Objective:The molecular connectivity index method and total statistical moment method were used to control the quality of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), and the stability and consistency of volatile components of Lonicerae Japonicae Flos and Lonicerae Flos were clarified. Method:Volatile oils in Lonicerae Japonicae Flos and Lonicerae Flos from different producing areas was extracted for GC-MS determination with electron bombardment ion source, ion source temperature of 230 ℃, and detection range of m/z 35-650. Then National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 05 and ChemicalBook database were used for qualitative analysis of these volatile components, the peak area normalization method was used for quantitative analysis, and the total statistical moment parameters and the zero-order, first-order, second-order, third-order molecular connectivity indexes of the components were calculated. Result:Number of peaks (RSD were 28.5%, 33.4%, respectively), total zero-order moments (RSD were 55.5%, 128.9%, respectively) and total second-order moments (RSD were 15.3%, 21.5%, respectively) of 10 batches of Lonicerae Japonicae Flos and Lonicerae Flos were unstable, indicating that the types and contents of volatile components fluctuated sharply, but the total first-order moments (RSD were 7.5%, 8.8%, respectively) and the zero-order, first-order, second-order and third-order molecular connectivity indexes (RSD ranged from 8.1% to 10.3% and 4.2% to 5.5%, respectively) were relatively stable, indicating that the overall "imprinting template" of the components was similar. Statistical analysis of each parameter found that there were no significant differences in the number of peaks, total first-order moments and zero-order, first-order, second-order, third-order molecular connectivity indexes between volatile oils from Lonicerae Japonicae Flos and Lonicerae Flos. Conclusion:Under the guidance of supramolecular gas evolution "imprinting template" theory, the molecular connectivity index method and total statistical moment parameters are used to jointly characterize the "imprinting template" of TCM components in vitro, which can control the stability and consistency of TCM quality.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008534


Essential oils are easy to cause oxidative damage, chemical transformation or polymerization, and have some intrinsic problems, such as instability, low water solubility and low bioavailability, which restrict their application in the fields of product development. Nanostructured lipid carriers(NLCs) can overcome some of the restrictions of other colloidal carriers, such as emulsions, liposomes, polymer nanoparticles and solid lipid nanoparticles. NLC is an efficient and stable delivery system for bioactive substances. With unique lipid properties(mixture of solid and liquid lipid), it can overcome the disadvantages of essential oils and protect them from adverse environments, thus improving the stability, bioavailability and safety of essential oils, and achieve sustained release and controlled release. In EOs-NLCs system, essential oils, as special liquid lipid with biological activities and medicinal properties, can fully play the role of medicine-adjuvant integration by changing the structural characteristics of mixed lipid. Based on the development of nanocarriers system, this paper introduces the composition and structural characteristics of EOs-NLCs, and clarifies how to improve the stability of essential oils based on the effects of NLCs on physical and chemical properties, physical stability and release of active components of essential oils. In addition, it also introduces the application of the system in the fields of pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics and skin care products. This review aims to provide some references for improving the stability of essential oils and their applications by using NLCs.

Drug Carriers , Emulsions , Lipids , Liposomes , Nanostructures , Oils, Volatile , Particle Size
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-800655


Objective@#To optimize the extraction technology for Gegen-Shujin granules.@*Methods@#With yield of volatile oil as index, single factor tests were used to investigate effects of water, soaking time and distillation time on extraction technology of volatile oil. The water amount, extraction time and numbers of extraction as factors, the contents of puerarin and total solid as indexes, orthogonal test was employed to optimize the extraction technology of Gegen-Shujin granules.@*Results@#The optimical extraction technology conditions were as follows: Cinnamomi Ramulus, cinnamomi ramulus, notopterygium, turmeric were extracted to get volatile oil with eight-folds amount water of herbs for 6 hours; while the other herbs were boiled with ten-folds amount water of herbs and extrancted for two times, 1.5 hours each time.@*Conclusions@#This extraction process is reasonable and practical, and can guarantee the quality of preparation.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-801856


The infructescence of Platycarya strobilacea is the dry infructescence of P. strobilacea, which is a traditional medicinal plant in China. It has functions of clearing up heat and detoxification, dispelling wind and relieving pain, activating blood circulation and removing stasis, clearing orifices and expelling pus. It is commonly used by people to treat various complications caused by acute and chronic rhinitis, sinusitis and acute upper respiratory tract infection, and is a kind of Chinese medicine with excellent development space and utilization value and has broad market prospects. There are many chemical constituents in the infructescence of P. strobilacea, including volatile oils, Phenols, flavonoids, terpenoids, carbohydrates and other compounds. Among them, volatile oils are the most abundant, but lack of correlated activity studies. Phenolic compounds, flavonoids and terpenoids are the main pharmacogenetics constituents. However, few of these compounds have been isolated and identified. Modern pharmacological studies have shown that the infructescence of P. strobilacea has many pharmacological activities, such as anti-tumor, anti-virus, anti-inflammatory and bacteriostasis, anti-aging, growth promotion, hypotension and sedation, but the existing studies mainly focus on anti-virus, anti-inflammatory and bacteriostasis, anti-tumor effects, and other activities have not been further explored. In the future, the chemical constituents and pharmacological activities of the infructescence of P. strobilacea should be studied in depth, and its mechanism should be further clarified so that it can be more fully and reasonably applied. By consulting domestic and foreign literature in recent years in CNKI, VIP database, Wanfang date, PubMed and other databases. The chemical constituents, pharmacological effects and clinical application of the infructescence of P. strobilacea were summarized and expounded its research progress in order to provide theoretical reference for further research and further development and application of the Infructescence of P. strobilacea.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-802058


Objective: To discuss the effect of herbal compatibility on the components of volatile oils in Menthae Haplocalycix Herba and Schizonepetae Herba,and the comparison of the anti-bacterial effects in vitro,in order to provide the experimental basis for investigating the effective material basis of their herb-pair. Method: Steam distillation was used to extract volatile oils of Menthae Haplocalycix Herba, Schizonepetae Herba,and their combination. GC-MS was employed to analyze their volatile oils,and the anti-bacterial effects in vitro were compared. Result: Totally 50 compounds were identified from the volatile oils of Menthae Haplocalycix Herba;41 compounds were identified from the volatile oils of Schizonepetae Herba;and 60 compounds were identified from the volatile oils of their herbal pairs. A total of 27 common compounds were found in the samples of three volatile oils. Totally 5 new compounds were detected in the volatile oils of their herbal pairs,and 9 compounds were not detected. In vitro,volatile oils of both their herbal pairs and individual herbs had bacteriostatic effects on dung Enterococcus (ATCC2922),Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC2923),Escherichia coli (ATCC35218),and E. coli (ATCC25922). Among them,volatile oils of their herbal pairs had stronger bacteriostatic effects on dung enterococcus (ATCC2922) and staphylococcus aureus (ATCC2923) than volatile oils of individual herbs. Moreover,the order of the inhibitory effects of volatile oils on E. coli (ATCC35218 and ATCC25922) were "herbal pairs=peppermint > herba schizonepetae". Conclusion: There were some changes between the volatile oils of individual herbs and the volatile oils of their herbal pairs. These phenomena may be caused by the occurrence of certain chemical reactions and physical changes in compatibility of decocting process. The antibacterial effects of volatile oils of their herbal pairs were better than those of individual herbs in vitro.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-823601


Objective To optimize the extraction technology for Gegen-Shujin granules. Methods With yield of volatile oil as index, single factor tests were used to investigate effects of water, soaking time and distillation time on extraction technology of volatile oil. The water amount, extraction time and numbers of extraction as factors, the contents of puerarin and total solid as indexes, orthogonal test was employed to optimize the extraction technology of Gegen-Shujin granules. Results The optimical extraction technology conditions were as follows: Cinnamomi Ramulus, cinnamomi ramulus, notopterygium, turmeric were extracted to get volatile oil with eight-folds amount water of herbs for 6 hours; while the other herbs were boiled with ten-folds amount water of herbs and extrancted for two times, 1.5 hours each time. Conclusions This extraction process is reasonable and practical, and can guarantee the quality of preparation.

Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 55: e17011, 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1055296


The analgesic activity of Artemisia sieberi oil was assessed by acetic acid-induced writhing test and Eddy's hot plate method; while the acute anti-inflammatory effect was investigated by inflammatory paw edema test in rats. The administration rout of the essential oil, standard drugs and the vehicle used in all assays was intraperitoneal injection. The 1 and 2.5 mg/kg doses of the studied oil significantly decreased the number of acetic acid-induced writhes in mice. The dose of 1 mg/kg of the oil also exhibited a central analgesic effect as evidenced by a significant increase in reaction time at several time points after 15 min treatment in the hot plate method. In addition, the 1 mg/kg dose of the oil significantly reduced carrageenan induced paw edema in rats at the first hour of the test by 72.7% inhibition and lasted to the third hour of the test by 74.3% inhibition found to be very close to that of the standard drug, diclofenac sodium (50 mg/kg). The major components of the oil were characterized as camphor (31.2%) and 1,8-cineole (20.0%). The results suggest that A. sieberi essential oil has a significant effect against acute inflammation and has central and peripheral anti-nociceptive effects.

Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 28(6): 647-653, Nov.-Dec. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-977752


ABSTRACT Bioguided isolation to discriminate antimicrobial compounds from volatile oils is a time- and money-consuming process. Considering the limitations of the classical methods, it would be a great improvement to use chemometric techniques to identify putative biomarkers from volatile oils. For this purpose, antimicrobial assays of volatile oils extracted from different plant species were carried out against Streptococcus mutans. Eight volatile oils that showed different antimicrobial effects (inactive, weakly active, moderately active and very active) were selected in this work. The volatile oils' composition was determined by GC-MS-based metabolomic analysis. Orthogonal projection to latent structures discriminant analysis and decision tree were carried out to access the metabolites that were highly correlated with a good antimicrobial activity. Initially, the GC-MS metabolomic data were pretreated by different methods such as centering, autoscaling, Pareto scaling, level scaling and power transformation. The level scaling was selected by orthogonal projection to latent structures discriminant analysis as the best pretreatment according to the validation results. Based on this data, decision tree was also carried out using the same pretreatment. Both techniques (orthogonal projection to latent structures discriminant analysis and decision tree) pointed palmitic acid as a discriminant biomarker for the antimicrobial activity of the volatile oils against S. mutans. Additionally, orthogonal projection to latent structures discriminant analysis and decision tree predicted as "very active" the antimicrobial activity of volatile oils, which did not belong to the training group. This predicted result is in agreement with our experimental result (MIC = 31.25 µg ml−1). The present study can contribute to the development of useful strategies to help identifying antimicrobial constituents of complex oils.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194831


Volatile oils are concentrated odorous essences extracted from various plant parts such as flowers, fruits, heart-wood, rhizome and leaves. They are frequently employed in food flavoring, perfume, medicine and aromatherapy. Essential oils are extracted from various processes such as hydro distillation, effleurage and eucelle depending upon the plant part containing the essential oil. Essential oils are inhaled in the form of fine mist of vapour through aromatherapy and some of them are highly beneficial when ingested. These oils have been used traditionally for preservation of foods, spices and condiments. Essential oils or ethereal oils are natural, complex, multi-component, highly concentrated essences of aromatic plant systems composed mainly of terpenes units in addition to some other non-terpene components. These units biosynthesized by mevalonic acid pathway. Isoprenes/hemi-terpenes are five carbon compound having two unsaturated bonds. In this review paper an attempt has been done to emphasize the most valuable essential oils of Indian origin from nature with focus particularly on the chemical constituents, medicinal and pharmacological usage of volatile oils.