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Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982329


Obesity is a global public health problem that imposes a heavy economic burden on society. The current main strategies for treating obesity include lifestyle interventions, pharmacological treatments, endoscopic treatments and metabolic surgery. With the development of medical technology, weight reduction by intragastric occupancy devices represented by intragastric balloons and intragastric capsules are gradually emerging. Intragastric balloons are used to reduce weight by occupying the volume of the stomach with balloons filled with different volumes of gas or liquid, among which ReShape, Orbera, Obalon, Elipse and Spatz balloons are gradually used in patients with mild to moderate obesity due to their non-invasive, high safety and reusable advantages. Intragastric capsules are recommended in overweight and obese patients for weight loss through hydrogels with transient superabsorbent swelling properties and completely noninvasive. Both approaches achieve weight loss by limiting gastric volume, increasing satiety and reducing food intake. Despite the presence of adverse gastrointestinal events associated with nausea, vomiting, and abdominal distention, they offer new ideas for the non-invasive clinical treatment of obesity.

Humans , Capsules , Weight Loss , Obesity/surgery , Overweight , Stomach/surgery
Ghana Medical Journal ; 56(3): 206-214, )2022. Figures, Tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1398796


Objectives: This study identified the predictors of weight reduction among adult obese patients in a Family Practice Setting and developed a statistical model to predict weight reduction. Design: A prospective cohort design. Setting: The Family Practice Clinic, University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria Participants and study tools: Obese adults were recruited into a three-month weight reduction program. Patient Information Leaflets were used for counselling, while questionnaires were administered to obtain socio-demographic and lifestyle factors. Potential predictors were assessed using the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, Zung Depression Scale, Rosenberg Self-Esteem scale, Garner's Eating Attitude Test-26 (EAT-26), 24-hour dietary recall and International Physical Activity Questionnaire-short form. Anthropometric indices, blood pressure and Fasting Lipid Profile were assessed. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for analysis with a significance set at α0.05. Results: Most 99(76.2%) of the 130 participants achieved weight reduction and had a median weight change of -2.3kg (IQR-4, -0.5), with 66 (66.7%) out of 99 attaining the weight reduction target of 10%. The regression model showed predictors of weight reduction to be Total Cholesterol [TC] (p=0.01) and Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol [LDLC] (p=0.03). The statistical model derived for Weight reduction = 0.0028 (LDL-C) -0.029 (TC)-0.053 (EAT-26) +0.041(High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol). The proportion of variance of the model tested was R 2 = 0.3928 (adjusted R2 = 0.2106). Conclusion: Predictors of weight reduction among patients were eating attitude score, Total Cholesterol, Low-Density Lipid and High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol levels. A statistical model was developed for managing obesity among patients

Clinical Laboratory Information Systems , Diet, Reducing , Obesity , Patient Outcome Assessment , Epidemiological Models
Int. j. morphol ; 39(3): 726-731, jun. 2021. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385398


SUMMARY: The main purpose of this study was to determine the body composition and anthropometric reference values of male and female junior Croatian taekwondo competitors according to official weight category. Additional aim of the study was to identify possible differences in variables between the weight categories. The sample comprised 247 junior participants of the national taekwondo championships divided into male (N=121) and female (N=126). The variable sample was defined by a set of 8 measurements: Body height (cm), Body mass (kg), Body mass index, Body fat (%), Body fat (kg), Muscle mass (kg), Lean body mass (kg) and Total body water (%). Results confirm previous studies proving that younger taekwondo practitioners have higher levels of body fat than their more experienced peers (seniors). Significant differences were only found between lean and heavy categories. Male junior taekwondo athletes show total body water percentages from 57.4 to 74.8 %, with significantly lower percentages in higher weight categories, while female athletes in heigher categories demonstrate a worrying level of hydration status, therefore endangering their performance and overall health. As the first paper that investigates the reference values of junior taekwondo athletes but based on official weight categories it is especially important as each weight category warrant different body composition requirements, as seen from significant differences across different variables. Future studies should include motor abilities inspection throughout the weight categories and possible use of calculation of metabolic age.

RESUMEN: El objetivo principal de este estudio fue determinar la composición corporal y los valores de referencia antropométricos de los competidores croatas masculinos y femeninos de taekwondo junior según la categoría oficial de peso. Además, se analizó identificar las posibles diferencias en las variables entre las categorías de peso. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 247 participantes junior de los campeonatos nacionales de taekwondo divididos en hombres (N = 121) y mujeres (N = 126). La muestra variable se definió mediante un conjunto de 8 medidas: altura corporal (cm), masa corporal (kg), índice de masa corporal, grasa corporal (%), grasa corporal (kg), masa muscular (kg), masa corporal magra (kg) y agua corporal total (%). Los resultados confirmaron estudios previos que demuestran que los practicantes de taekwondo más jóvenes tienen niveles más altos de grasa corporal que sus pares más experimentados (personas mayores). Solo se encontraron diferencias significativas entre las categorías magra y pesada. Los atletas masculinos de taekwondo junior muestran porcentajes de agua corporal total del 57,4 al 74,8 %, con porcentajes significativamente más bajos en las categorías de peso más alto, mientras que las atletas femeninas en las categorías más altas, demuestran un nivel preocupante de estado de hidratación, poniendo en peligro su rendimiento y salud en general. Como el primer artículo que investiga los valores de referencia de los atletas de taekwondo junior, pero basado en categorías de peso oficiales, es especialmente importante ya que cada categoría de peso garantiza diferentes requisitos de composición corporal, como se puede observar en las diferencias significativas entre las diversas variables. Los estudios futuros deberían incluir un análisis de las habilidades motoras en todas las categorías de peso y el posible uso del cálculo de la edad metabólica.

Humans , Male , Female , Body Composition , Martial Arts , Reference Values , Weight Loss , Anthropometry , Croatia , Organism Hydration Status
Cambios rev. méd ; 20(1): 99-106, 30 junio 2021. tabs.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1292979


En la actualidad, la obesidad es conside-rada una pandemia, cuya incidencia se ha triplicado en los últimos 30 años, y ha ge-nerado problemas de salud pública cada vez mayores. Tomando como base las guías de la Asociación Americana de Endocrinólogos (AACE), la Sociedad para la Obesidad, la Sociedad Americana de Cirugía Bariátrica y Metabólica (ASMBS), la Asociación para Medicina de la Obe-sidad y la Asociación Americana de Anes-tesiólogos, se realiza el presente docu-mento, con el fin de que se constituya en la hoja de ruta que guíe el procedimiento a seguir en los pacientes que padecen de esta enfermedad crónica y que acuden al Hospital General San Francisco (HGSF)1. La obesidad se caracteriza por el uso de varios medicamentos debido a las co-morbilidades relacionadas: enfermedad cardiovascular, diabetes mellitus tipo 2, enfermedad renal crónica, hígado graso no alcohólico, síndrome metabólico y varios tipos de cánceres2. Este protocolo contiene el más alto nivel de evidencia disponible hasta la fecha, en relación al manejo quirúrgico y no quirúrgico del paciente con diagnóstico de obesidad, incluyendo temas como la identificación de los pacientes candidatos para los pro-cedimientos bariátricos, tipo de proce-dimientos que deberían ser ofertados, el manejo preoperatorio, transoperatorio y el cuidado post operatorio de seguimiento2-4.Desde la publicación por parte de la Ame-rican Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) en el año 2013 de las guías de manejo del paciente con obe-sidad, se ha evidenciado un incremento significativo en las publicaciones que avalan excelentes resultados para el tra-tamiento de los pacientes con obesidad y con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 mediante la cirugía bariátrica y metabólica 2,5,6. En el año 2016 la publicación del Diabetes Sur-gery Summit (DSS2)7 marca diferencia en el manejo de los pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2, es así que las mismas han crecido sustancialmente y la evidencia demuestra que el manejo metabólico ba-riátrico de estos pacientes es superior al manejo médico y cambios de estilo de vida cuando se evalúa el control glucémico y remisión de las comorbilidades. Con la evaluación previa del equipo mul-tidisciplinario, tendremos información científica del más alto nivel que nos per-mita tener un paciente con recuperación óptima aplicando los criterios de En-hanced Recovery after Bariatric Surgery (ERASB)8. En el Ecuador, la obesidad se ha conver-tido en un problema de salud pública, es así que en la población pediátrica ha au-mentado desde el año 1986 pasando del 8,0% al 26,0% para el año 2012 en el grupo de 11 a 19 años. La prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad en población adulta en el Ecuador es del 62,8%, según el sexo es 5,5% mayor en las mujeres (65,5%) que en los hombres (60,0%), y el mayor índice de obesidad y sobrepeso se pre-senta entre la cuarta y quinta décadas de vida, con prevalencias superiores a 73,0%9,10.

Currently, obesity is considered a pan-demic, the incidence of which has tripled in the last 30 years, and has generated in-creasing public health problems. Based on the guidelines of the American As-sociation of Endocrinologists (AACE), the Obesity Society, the American So-ciety for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS), the Association for Obesity Medicine and the American Association of Anesthesiologists, this document is intended to serve as a roadmap to guide the procedure to be followed in patients suffering from this chronic disease who come to San Francisco General Hospital (HGSF)1.Obesity is characterized by the use of se-veral medications due to related comor-bidities: cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, meta-bolic syndrome and several types of can-cers2. This protocol contains the highest level of evidence available to date, in relation to the surgical and non-surgical management of the patient with a diag-nosis of obesity, including issues such as the identification of candidate patients for bariatric procedures, type of proce-dures that should be offered, preopera-tive, trans-operative management and fo-llow-up post-operative care2-4.Since the publication by the American So-ciety for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) in 2013 of the guidelines for the management of patients with obesity, there has been a significant increase in publications that support excellent results for the treatment of patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus through bariatric and metabolic surgery2,5,6. In 2016 the pu-blication of the Diabetes Surgery Summit (DSS2)7 makes a difference in the mana-gement of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, it is so that the same have grown substantially and the evidence shows that bariatric metabolic management of these patients is superior to medical manage-ment and lifestyle changes when glycemic control and remission of comor-bidities are evaluated. With the previous evaluation of the multidisciplinary team, we will have scientific information of the highest level that will allow us to have a patient with optimal recovery applying the criteria of Enhanced Recovery after Bariatric Surgery (ERASB)8.In Ecuador, obesity has become a public health problem; thus, in the pediatric population it has increased since 1986 from 8,0% to 26,0% in 2012 in the 11 to 19 years age group. The prevalence of overweight and obesity in the adult po-pulation in Ecuador is 62,8%, according to sex is 5,5% higher in women (65,5%) than in men (60,0%), and the highest rate of obesity and overweight occurs between the fourth and fifth decades of life, with prevalences higher than 73,0%9,10.

Humans , Male , Female , Bariatric Surgery , Weight Reduction Programs , Obesity Management , Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases , Obesity , Body Weight , Weight Loss , Feeding and Eating Disorders , Body Mass Index , Diet, Food, and Nutrition , Metabolism
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-877670


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the impacts on weight reduction effect treated with acupoint thread embedding therapy at different tissue levels under ultrasonic guidance.@*METHODS@#A total of 70 patients with overweight or obesity were randomized into a shallow-tissue thread embedding group (35 cases, 5 cases dropped off) and a deep-tissue thread embedding group (35 cases, 4 cases dropped off). Under ultrasonic guidance, the thread was embedded in the shallow tissue level and the deep tissue level respectively. The acupoints were Zhongwan (CV 12), Xiawan (CV 10), Shuifen (CV 9), Zhongji (CV 3), etc. The thread embedding therapy was exerted once every 2 weeks, totally for 3 times. Before and 2 weeks after treatment, body mass, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference and hip circumference were recorded in the patients of the two groups separately. After each treatment, the number and the property of blood vessels under each acupoint were detected by ultrasound. Besides, the needling sensation and the intensity were scored and the adverse events were observed after thread embedding therapy.@*RESULTS@#After treatment, the reduction range of body mass, BMI and waist circumference in the deep-tissue thread embedding group were larger than those in the shallow-tissue thread embedding group successively (@*CONCLUSION@#The deep-tissue thread embedding therapy achieves the stronger

Humans , Acupuncture Points , Acupuncture Therapy , Body Mass Index , Catgut , Ultrasonics , Weight Loss
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-881301


@#Introduction: Designing an effective and comprehensive weight reduction intervention requires an understanding of the motivating factors and barriers to losing weight. This study explored the motivating factors and barriers to weight reduction through the experiences, emotions and ideas shared among suburban overweight and obese Malay adults. Methods: In this qualitative study, 23 overweight or obese Malay adults aged 30-59 years old were divided into three focus group discussion (FGD). The Socio-Ecological Model (SEM), consisting of four levels (intrapersonal, interpersonal, community, and policy) was utilised in this study. Results: The motivating factors were: (1) Intrapersonal level: self-awareness, health concern, self-confidence, and desire to have good physical appearance, (2) Interpersonal level: social support from family and friends, (3) Community level: availability and accessibility of physical activity facilities and health information, and (4) Policy level: healthy lifestyle programme. The barriers were: (1) Intrapersonal level: lack of knowledge about diet, physical limitations, lack of self-control, and emotion/mood, (2) Interpersonal level: spouse and children, career or housework commitment, (3) Community level: lack of neighbourhood safety, and availability and accessibility of outside foods, and (4) Policy level: availability and accessibility of outside foods. Conclusion: Eight factors were identified as motivating factors and barriers for weight reduction practices. Support from family and friends should be considered when developing an effective and comprehensive weight loss programme as it was both a motivating factor as well as a barrier.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-829488


@#Increasing overweight and obesity prevalence are growing health concerns globally and in Malaysia due to various contributing factors such as life style, dietary intake (high sugar & high fat diets), less physical activities etc. In order to explore an effective weight reducing strategy for overweight and obese students; this study aimed to examine the significance of offering a monetary reward to students for weight reduction at the University Pendidkan Sultan Idris (UPSI), Malaysia. An experimental study was conducted among Forty Eight (48) University students selected based on criteria of Body Mass Index (BMI) above 25. The convenient sampling was used for 3-months weight reduction experimental program comprised of "repeated measure design" which involved multiple measurement of each subject and their exposure to all study conditions. Participants were divided into two groups: 12-pairs and 24-individuals to further compare results. Three introductory lectures were given to students by a nutritionist to educate both groups on ' nutritional aspects of everyday eating'. Participants were requested to attend follow-ups every two weeks to record their weight. ANOVA repeated measure with fixed effects were used to analyze data. Results indicated that "offering monetary reward" brought significant change in both groups students' weight reduction (F (3.09, 142.24) = 18.16, p <0.05.), and hasn't found significant comparative difference between two groups' weight reduction (F (1, 46) =2.74, p =0.10). The study reveals that offering monetary incentive or reinforcement to University-level students is an effective strategy in weight reduction either incentive is given to the groups or individuals. A similar long-term research project needs to be implemented and/or further research is required with large sample size to examine sustainability of weight loosing behavior reinforced by monetary incentives.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-850652


As a common medicine and homologous plant, Nelumbo nucifera mainly contains alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides, terpenes, steroids, fatty acids, proteins, minerals, vitamins and other chemical constituents, with lipid-lowering, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, hemostasis and other pharmacological activities. After reviewing the literatures at home and abroad for nearly 40 years, 385 compounds have been reported from different parts of N. nucifera including lotus leaves, plumula nelumbinis, lotus, lotus seeds, lotus root, lotus seedpod, nelumbinis rhizome node, lotus stem, N. nucifera stamens and lotus seed skins. There are 86 alkaloids, 133 flavonoids, and 166 other compounds. In this review, we summarized the chemical constituents and pharmacological effects reported in N. nucifera, and it provides a reference for further study on the chemical constituents, pharmacological activity and development and utilization of N. nucifera.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-786291


Mindfulness training is growing in popularity as an adjunctive intervention in disordered eating and weight loss. Lifestyle modification, pharmacologic treatment, and surgical intervention have been widely used for weight reduction in obese persons, but these modifications are sometimes insufficient. In particular, stress-induced eating and binge-eating disorder have been frequently associated with increased risk of regaining weight. Initial research suggests that mindfulness training may be an effective intervention for binge eating. In this article, we reviewed 19 studies that investigated mindfulness training as an intervention for weight change and/or emotional eating. Results suggest that mindfulness training effectively decreases emotional eating in persons with good adherence to the training; evidence for its effect on weight reduction, however, is mixed. Further large-scale studies are warranted to explore the effectiveness of mindfulness training on long-term weight loss and emotional eating in persons with obesity.

Humans , Binge-Eating Disorder , Bulimia , Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , Eating , Life Style , Mindfulness , Obesity , Overweight , Weight Loss , Weight Reduction Programs
J. Health NPEPS ; 3(1): 253-267, Janeiro-Junho. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1052138


Objetivo: identificar las intervenciones psicoeducativas (IP) dirigidas a reducir factores psicosociales (ansiedad, depresión, estrés, imagen corporal, autoestima y apoyo social) y controlar el aumento de peso en mujeres embarazadas. Método: revisión sistemática de ensayos clínicos aleatorizados y estudios cuasi-experimentales consultado en las bases de datos de PubMed, Academic Search Complete, Medline, Web of Science, Ovid, ScienceDirect, Wiley Online Library y Scopus. Resultados: se incluyeron 4 estudios publicados entre el 2000 y 2016. Las IP que incluyen algún componente psicoeducativo como: psicoterapia, entrevista motivacional, establecimiento de objetivos y resolución de problemas junto con asesoramiento en conductas como alimentación saludable y actividad física, tienen un efecto significativo en disminuir la depresión y ansiedad, y a la vez mejoran el control del peso gestacional. Las IP dirigidas al estrés, autoestima, imagen corporal y apoyo social no mostraron efecto significativo para mejorar estas condiciones ni para el control de peso gestacional. Conclusión: se debe considerar componentes psicoeducativos, aunado con terapias complementarias para reducir los factores psicológicos y GPG. Se necesitan más investigaciones para identificar la detección de estos síntomas.

Objective: Identify psychoeducational interventions (PI) aimed at reducing psychosocial factors (anxiety, depression, stress, body image, self-esteem and social support) and controlling weight gain in pregnant women. Method: Systematic review of randomized clinical trials and quasi-experimental studies consulted in the databases of PubMed, Academic Search Complete, Medline, Web of Science, Ovid, ScienceDirect, Wiley Online Library and Scopus. Results: We include four studies published between el 2000 y 2016. The PIs that include some psychoeducational component such as: psychotherapy, motivational interview, goal setting and problem solving together with counseling on behaviors such as healthy eating and physical activity, have a significant effect in reducing depression and anxiety, and at the same time improve the control of gestational weight. The PIs aimed at stress, self-esteem, body image and social support showed no significant effect to improve these conditions or for the control of gestational weight. Conclusion: psychoeducational components should be considered, combined with complementary therapies to reduce psychological factors and GPG. More research is needed to identify the detection of these symptoms.

Objetivo: Identificar intervenções psicoeducativas (IP) voltadas à redução de fatores psicossociais (ansiedade, depressão, estresse, imagem corporal, autoestima e suporte social) e controle do ganho de peso em gestantes. Método: Revisão sistemática de ensaios clínicos randomizados e estudos quase-experimentais consultados nas bases de datos de PubMed, Academic Search Complete, Medline, Web of Science, Ovid, ScienceDirect, Wiley Online Library e Scopus. Resultados: Quatro estudos publicados entre 2000 e 2016. IP incluindo um componente psicoeducacional como incluído: psicoterapia, entrevista motivacional, estabelecimento de metas e resolução de problemas, juntamente com conselhos sobre comportamentos, como alimentação saudável e atividade física, têm um efeito significativo na diminuição depressão e ansiedade e, ao mesmo tempo, melhorar o controle do peso gestacional. Os IPs voltados ao estresse, autoestima, imagem corporal e suporte social não apresentaram efeito significativo para melhorar essas condições ou para o controle do peso gestacional. Conclusão: os componentes psicoeducacionais devem ser considerados, combinados com terapias complementares para reduzir fatores psicológicos e GPG. Mais pesquisas são necessárias para identificar a detecção desses sintomas.

Body Mass Index , Patient Care Bundles
J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 94(1): 40-47, Jan.-Feb. 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-894094


Abstract Objective: To investigate the association between the perception of body weight (as above or below the desired) and behaviors for body weight control in adolescents. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study that included 1051 adolescents (aged 15-19 years) who were high school students attending public schools. The authors collected information on the perception of body weight (dependent variable), weight control behaviors (initiative to change the weight, physical exercise, eating less or cutting calories, fasting for 24 h, taking medications, vomiting, or taking laxatives), and measured body weight and height to calculate the body mass index and then classify the weight status. Associations were tested by multinomial logistic regression analysis. Results: Adolescents of both sexes who perceived their body weight as below the expected weight took more initiatives to gain weight, and those who perceived themselves as overweight made more efforts to lose weight. In adolescents who perceived themselves as overweight, the behavior of not taking medication was associated with the outcome only in boys (Odds Ratio = 8.12), whereas in girls, an association was observed with the variables eating less, cutting calories, or avoiding fatty foods aiming to lose or avoid increasing body weight (Odds Ratio = 3.39). Adolescents of both sexes who practiced exercises were more likely to perceive themselves as overweight (male Odds Ratio = 2.00; Odds Ratio = 1.93 female). Conclusion: The perception of the body weight as above and below one's expected weight was associated with weight control behaviors, which were more likely to result in initiatives to lose and gain weight, respectively.

Resumo Objetivo: Verificar a associação da percepção (acima ou abaixo) do peso corporal esperado com os comportamentos para controle de peso em adolescentes. Métodos: Estudo transversal, feito com 1.051 adolescentes (15 a 19 anos) do ensino médio de escolas públicas estaduais. Foram coletadas informações sobre a percepção do peso corporal (variável dependente), comportamentos de controle de peso (iniciativa para mudar o peso, prática de exercícios físicos, comer menos ou cortar calorias, ficar 24 h sem comer, tomar medicamentos, vomitar ou tomar laxantes) e aferidas as medidas de massa corporal e estatura para cálculo do índice de massa corporal e classificação do status do peso. As associações foram testadas por meio da regressão logística multinomial. Resultados: Adolescentes de ambos os sexos com percepção do peso corporal abaixo do peso esperado apresentaram mais iniciativas para ganhar peso e aqueles que se percebiam acima do peso tiveram mais iniciativas para perder peso. Nos adolescentes que se percebiam acima do peso, o comportamento de não tomar medicamento esteve associado ao desfecho apenas nos rapazes (OR = 8,12), enquanto nas moças observou-se associação com comer menos, cortar calorias ou evitar alimentos gordurosos para perder ou para não aumentar o peso corporal (OR = 3,39). Adolescentes de ambos os sexos que faziam exercício físico tiveram maior chance de se perceber acima do peso (masculino OR = 2,00; feminino OR = 1,93). Conclusão: A percepção do peso acima e abaixo do peso esperado esteve associada aos comportamentos de controle de peso, nos quais, respectivamente, tinham mais chances de tomar iniciativas para perder e para ganhar peso.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Young Adult , Weight Perception , Body Image/psychology , Energy Intake , Exercise , Weight Gain , Weight Loss , Adolescent Behavior/psychology , Students , Sex Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-156659


BACKGROUND: Rates of overweight and obese Australians are high and continue to rise, putting a large proportion of the population at risk of chronic illness. Examining characteristics associated with preference for a work-based weight-loss program will enable employers to better target programs to increase enrolment and benefit employees' health and fitness for work. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was undertaken at two Australian mining sites. The survey collected information on employee demographics, health characteristics, work characteristics, stages of behavior change, and preference for workplace assistance with reaching a healthy weight. RESULTS: A total of 897 employees participated; 73.7% were male, and 68% had a body mass index in the overweight or obese range. Employees at risk of developing obesity-related chronic illnesses (based on high body mass index) were more likely to report preference for weight management assistance than lower risk employees. This indicates that, even in the absence of workplace promotion for weight management, some at risk employees want workplace assistance. Employees who were not aware of a need to change their current nutrition or physical activity behaviors were less likely to seek assistance. This indicates that practitioners need to communicate the negative effects of excess weight and promote the benefits of a healthy lifestyle to increase the likelihood of weight management. CONCLUSION: Weight management programs should provide information, motivation. and trouble-shooting assistance to meet the needs of at-risk mining employees, including those who are attempting to change and maintain behaviors to achieve a healthy weight and be suitably fit for work.

Humans , Male , Body Mass Index , Chronic Disease , Cross-Sectional Studies , Demography , Healthy People Programs , Life Style , Mining , Motivation , Motor Activity , Obesity , Occupational Health , Occupational Health Services , Overweight , Population Characteristics
Salud ment ; 39(3): 109-116, May.-Jun. 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-830811


Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Scaling in obesity classes increases its effect on medical comorbidities and psychiatric symptoms. Anxiety and depression have a significant effect on treatment adherence and weight loss. OBJECTIVE: This study had three aims: a) to evaluate the prevalence of psychiatric symptoms; b) to evaluate the interactions between obesity classes and demographic variables in relation to psychiatric symptoms; and c) to analyze the interactions between obesity classes, demographic variables, and psychiatric symptoms in association with medical comorbidities in a sample of obese individuals seeking treatment for weight loss. METHOD: Medical record review of 22 weight loss clinics during January-December 2014. Binomial logistic regression was carried to assess univariate associations, second- and third-order interactions. RESULTS: Total sample was composed of 13,305 patients, mostly women (82.04%), married (53.66%), with elementary education (38.6%), mean body max index was 34.94 (SD = 4.39). The most prevalent psychiatric symptoms were anxiety (45.21%) and depression (16.36%). When analyzing interactions, it was found that men with class II obesity had higher odds for alcohol use (OR 1.56, IC 95% 1.10-2.22), and participants with obesity class III and married had more probability of diabetes II (OR 1.53, IC 95% 1.06-2.19). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Results show the complexity of the relation between demographic variables, psychiatric symptoms, medical comorbidities and obesity, underscoring the need to tailor treatments based in such variables, to promote adherence and weight loss.

Resumen: INTRODUCCIÓN: El incremento en el grado de obesidad se asocia con comorbilidades médicas y los síntomas psiquiátricos. La ansiedad y la depresión afectan la adherencia al tratamiento de la obesidad y la reducción de peso corporal. OBJETIVO: El estudio tuvo tres objetivos principales: a) Evaluar la prevalencia de síntomas psiquiátricos; b) evaluar las interacciones entre grados de obesidad, variables demográficas y síntomas psiquiátricos; c) analizar las interacciones entre grados de obesidad, síntomas psiquiátricos y comorbilidades médicas. MÉTODO: A través de revisión de expedientes médicos de 22 clínicas de reducción de peso entre enero-diciembre de 2014. Se analizó a través de regresión logística univariada y evaluando interacciones de segundo y tercer orden. RESULTADOS: La muestra total fue de 13305, mayormente mujeres (82.04%) la mayoría son casados (53.66%) con escolaridad de secundaria (38.6%) y preparatoria (36.7%), el IMC promedio fue de 34.94 (SD = 4.39). Las comorbilidades más prevalentes fueron síntomas de ansiedad (45.21%) y depresión (16.36%). Al analizar las interacciones los hombres con obesidad tipo II tuvieron mayor probabilidad de consumo de alcohol (OR 1.56 IC 95% 1.10-2.22), y los participantes con obesidad tipo III y casados tuvieron mayor probabilidad de diabetes (OR 1.53 IC 95% 1.06-2.19). DISCUSIÓN Y CONCLUSIÓN: Los resultados muestran la compleja relación entre variables demográficas, obesidad, síntomas psiquiátricos y comorbilidades, implicando la necesidad de desarrollar programas de tratamiento que tomen en cuenta dichas variables para promover la adherencia al tratamiento y la reducción de peso.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-487974


The high-intensity interval training often consisted of groups of interval high-intensity exercise of exhaustion or above 90%maximal oxygen consumption, which can be applied to improve aerobic capacity. Adaption of skeletal muscles might be resulted from high-intensity interval training, including recruitment, glucose metabolism and activity of mitochondrial oxidase, etc., and improve maxi-mum oxygen uptake. It has been used for physical fitness, such as weight reduction, rehabilitation of heart diseases and diabetes mellitus, etc.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-97092


Impact of intestinal microbes on obesity and health is a new topic recently started to get attention. Comparing to the global concern and research trends, there are few research on the association between intestinal bacteria and life style disease in Korean. One voluntary case (female) was reported to show the change in gut microbiota and weight by diet intervention. She was overweight (BMI 23.2 kg/m2) and has abnormal liver function, and the causes of overweight were frequent drinking and meat consumption at the late evening hours. For 47 days, she was administered an improved diet on breakfast and dinner with reduction of meat consumption frequency by 50%. Alcohol consumption was reduced to once a week. As a result, she lost 3 kilograms of body weight. Her fecal sample was collected before and after the intervention, and gut microbiota change was compared using a high-throughput sequencing technique. After diet correction, the shift of gut microbiota was clearly observed with decreased proportion of Firmicutes (from 75.7% to 47.3% in total microbiota) but increased proportion of Bacteroidetes upto 47.7%. After incorporating the diet intervention, it is meaningful to confirm the changes in dominant gut microbiota and weight loss.

Alcohol Drinking , Bacteria , Bacteroidetes , Body Weight , Breakfast , Caloric Restriction , Diet , Drinking , Life Style , Liver , Meals , Meat , Microbiota , Obesity , Overweight , Weight Loss
Indian Pediatr ; 2015 Oct; 52(10): 857-863
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-172129


Objective: To identify risk-groups adhering to weight-changing plans for body dissatisfaction in a National sample of Iranian students. Design: Cross-sectional. Setting: Primary, Middle and high-schools. Participants: 13486 students (mean age, 12.5 y). Main outcome measures: Demographic and anthropometric characteristics were collected via valid instruments. Body image and adherence to weight- changing diets were assessed by using validated questionnaires. Results: 46.5% students were satisfied with their weight and12.5% declared that they had attempts for weight control, this was significantly higher among adolescent girls (13.8%, P=0.0005). Participants who perceived themselves as overweight and obese, were more likely (OR= 5.32) to follow weight-reduction diets than their peers with normal-weight perception. Actual overweight-BMI and obese-BMI individuals had greater odds for being on a diet (1.3 and 1.47, respectively) compared to their normal-BMI counterparts. Conclusion: Promoting strategies to improve body image concerns and prevent adverse outcomes of chronic dieting among adolescents are necessary.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-165075


Background: Obesity is an important preventable risk factor that can affect wound healing. Oral hypoglycemic drug metformin apart from its antihyperglycemic and not hypoglycemic property has been reported to promote wound healing in nondiabetic animal studies and weight reduction in non-diabetic individuals. Hence, this: prospective randomized study single-blind placebo-controlled study was designed with the aim to assess the efficacy and safety of metformin in wound healing and weight reduction in a tertiary care hospital in Pondicherry during the period between December 2012 and January 2014. Methods: 215 non-diabetic post-operative patients with body mass index (BMI) of 25-29.9 kg/m2 from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology included after obtaining informed consent received tablet metformin 500 mg or placebo B.D from 2nd post-operative day up-to 30 days. Fasting blood sugar, postprandial blood sugar, BMI were recorded initially, and at the end. Clinical evaluation of wound was done on 8th, 15th and 30th post-operative days. Unpaired t-test was applied to compare the two groups for quantitative analysis and Chi-square test to analyze the qualitative outcome by using GraphPad prism - 6 software. p<0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Results: Surgical site infection of 13.3% and 3.3% was observed in control and metformin groups respectively. Wound healing promoting effect of metformin was evidenced by p=0.0087 and 0.01 on 8th and on 15th day. Weight reducing effect was evidenced by p=0.0001 on comparing BMI. No significant hypoglycemia was observed. No adverse drug reaction was reported. Conclusions: Our study has shown metformin having best wound healing and weight reducing effect without producing hypoglycemia. Long-term studies on all types of surgeries in both males and females including emergencies are suggested.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-212508


BACKGROUND: Bariatric surgeries performed in the USA has increased twelve-fold in the past two decades. The effects of rapid weight loss on facial features has not been previously studied. We hypothesized that bariatric surgery will mimic the effects of aging thus giving the patient an older and less attractive appearance. METHODS: Consecutive patients were enrolled from the bariatric surgical clinic at our institution. Pre and post weight loss photographs were taken and used to generate two surveys. The surveys were distributed through social media to assess the difference between the preoperative and postoperative facial photos, in terms of patients' perceived age and overall attractiveness. 102 respondents completed the first survey and 95 respondents completed the second survey. RESULTS: Of the 14 patients, five showed statistically significant change in perceived age (three more likely to be perceived older and two less likely to be perceived older). The patients were assessed to be more attractive postoperatively, which showed statistical significance. CONCLUSIONS: Weight loss does affect facial aesthetics. Mild weight loss is perceived by survey respondents to give the appearance of a younger but less attractive patient, while substantial weight loss is perceived to give the appearance of an older but more attractive patient.

Humans , Age Factors , Aging , Bariatric Surgery , Surveys and Questionnaires , Esthetics , Social Media , Weight Loss
Arq. bras. endocrinol. metab ; 58(7): 744-749, 10/2014. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-726257


Objective Our goal was to assess the effects of weight loss on antioxidant enzymes of red blood cells and it’s relation with vitamins A, E and C intake in 30 obese women. Subjects and methods General information, anthropometric measurements, 3-day food recall, and fasting blood samples were collected from 30 obese women at the beginning of the study and after 3 months intervention. Weight loss was set at about 10% of their weight before the intervention. Results Glutathione reductase and catalase activities showed a significant increase (P < 0.01) after weight reduction, but no significant changes were seen in the superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase activities. There was a positive linear correlation between daily vitamin C intake with superoxide dismutase enzyme after intervention (P = 0.004, r = 0.507). There was a negative linear correlation between vitamin E intake and glutathione peroxidase activity before intervention (P = 0.005, r = -0.5). A negative correlation was found between daily vitamin A intake and glutathione reductase enzyme before and after intervention (r = -0.385, r = -0.397, P < 0.05) respectively. No significant correlation was observed between vitamins A, C, E amounts and catalase activity. Conclusions Ten percent weight reduction can have a significant role in increasing antioxidant enzymes activities, especially glutathione reductase, and catalase enzymes in obese women. However, it is important to take into consideration a balanced amount of certain nutrients while administering a diet with limited energy. .

Objetivo Nosso objetivo foi avaliar os efeitos da perda de peso sobre as enzimas antioxidantes de eritrócitos, e a relação destas com a ingestão das vitaminas A, E e C. Sujeitos e métodos Foram coletadas informações gerais e medidas antropométricas, registro alimentar de três dias e amostras de sangue em jejum de 30 mulheres obesas no início do estudo e depois de três meses da intervenção. A perda de peso determinada antes da intervenção foi de 10% do peso. Resultados As atividades da glutationa redutase e da catalase mostraram aumento significativo (P < 0,01) depois da perda de peso, mas não houve mudanças significativas nas atividades da superóxido dismutase e da glutationa peroxidase. Foi observada uma correlação linear positiva entre a ingestão diária de vitamina C e a enzima superóxido dismutase após a intervenção (P = 0,004, r = 0,507). Houve uma correlação linear negativa entre a ingestão de vitamina E e a atividade da glutationa peroxidase antes da intervenção (P = 0,005, r = -0,5). Foi observada uma correlação negativa entre a ingestão diária de vitamina A e a enzima glutationa redutase antes e depois da intervenção (r = -0,385, r = -0,397, P < 0,05), respectivamente. Não foram observadas correlações significativas entre as vitaminas A, C, E e os níveis e a atividade da catalase. Conclusões Uma redução de 10% no peso pode ter um papel significativo no aumento da atividade das enzimas antioxidantes, especialmente na glutationa redutase e catalase em mulheres obesas. Entretanto, é importante levar em consideração uma ingestão equilibrada de certos nutrientes ao se recomendar uma dieta com níveis de energia restritos. .

Adult , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Ascorbic Acid/administration & dosage , Obesity/diet therapy , Oxidoreductases/metabolism , Vitamin A/administration & dosage , Vitamin E/administration & dosage , Vitamin E/metabolism , Weight Loss/physiology , Antioxidants/metabolism , Ascorbic Acid/metabolism , Body Weight/physiology , Caloric Restriction , Catalase/blood , Glutathione Peroxidase/blood , Glutathione Reductase/blood , Hemoglobins/analysis , Non-Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic/methods , Oxidoreductases/analysis , Superoxide Dismutase/blood , Vitamin A/metabolism , Weight Loss/drug effects