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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220672


One can use time to make an economic good which transferable but it cannot be sold or oven to somebody. It cannot be stealing. Time goes with each individual. It includes time used for personal are, eating, sleep and rest, medical care and related activities like cooking and shopping etc, these activities are needed for more subsistence. It includes time required to make a living or to keep a house. It is important, because, a substantial part of our lives is spent in working, whether we enjoy it or not “work is life and life is work” says Batten. Time used for work is not available for other activities. Work related time includes time used for such activities as travelling daily to and from work and growing one does for work. The researcher takes survey in the OMEGA ZIPS Company and impact of time usage in the production system.

Textos contextos (Porto Alegre) ; 15(2): 264-274, 2016.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-912944


El conocimiento es una mercancía especial que presenta una diferencia importante entre su costo de producción y de reproducción. Este hecho, sumado a la cuestión de constituirse en bienes que no poseen rivalidad en el consumo, de no degradarse con el uso, implica que no sea susceptible de ser apropiable. Sin embargo, bajo las condiciones del capitalismo contemporáneo, el capital logra privatizar el conocimiento, excluyendo de sus beneficios a los que no tienen la posibilidad de adquirirlo. El conocimiento humano deja de ser valor de uso y se presenta, desvirtuándose, como valor de cambio; su potencial emancipador se enfrenta siempre con las barreras que erige la propiedad privada para transformarlo artificialmente en valor de cambio. Esta contradicción cesará a medida que el sistema, regido por la lógica destructiva de la producción mercantil, se transforme en la sociedad del tiempo disponible y de la producción de bienes socialmente útiles y necesarios.

Knowledge is a special commodity that presents an important difference among its production and reproduction costs. This fact, added to the question of being commodities with nonrivalry on their consumption, and not being degraded by use, implies that knowledge is not susceptible to appropriation. Nevertheless, under the contemporary capitalism conditions, capital is allowed to privatize knowledge, excluding from its benefits those who have no possibility of acquiring it. Human knowledge stops being an value of use, and then it is presented as value of exchange; its potential for emancipation is always facing the barriers erected by private property in order to artificially transform it into a value of exchange. This contradiction will cease on the same measure that the system, ruled by the destructive logic of the commodities production, is transformed into a society of the available time and the production of socially useful goods.

Communism , Economics , Work
Rev. Univ. Ind. Santander, Salud ; 47(3): 313-323, Octubre 28, 2015. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-768104


Introducción: La carga física de trabajo es uno de los principales factores de riesgo a los que se enfrentan los trabajadores. En la actualidad los métodos propuestos para evaluar la carga física dinámica contemplan el trabajo con todo el cuerpo y no discriminan por segmentos corporales. Objetivo: Determinar el tiempo máximo aceptable de trabajo cuando el trabajo se ejecuta con todo el cuerpo, con los miembros superiores o los miembros inferiores. Métodos: Se realizó medición de consumo de oxígeno mediante ergoespirometria y monitorización de la frecuencia cardiaca en 30 trabajadores expuestos a diversas cargas ejecutadas con todo el cuerpo, miembros inferiores y miembros superiores. Se determinó el umbral anaeróbico por coeficiente respiratorio, el cual sirvió de base para de determinación del tiempo máximo aceptable de trabajo. Resultados: Los tiempos máximos aceptables de trabajo fueron similares para tareas con todo el cuerpo y con miembros inferiores, pero significativamente menores para tareas realizadas con miembros superiores. Se halló un modelo de correlación exponencial negativo entre en tiempo de trabajo, el consumo de oxígeno, y la frecuencia cardiaca, R > 0,9 en todos los casos. Se plantearon 9 ecuaciones de regresión para determinar el tiempo máximo aceptable de trabajo. Conclusiones: El tiempo máximo aceptable de trabajo para miembros inferiores y para todo el cuerpo se comportan de manera similar. El tiempo máximo aceptables de trabajo con miembros superiores es significativamente inferior a los anteriores. La frecuencia cardiaca relativa parece ser el mejor indicador para medir el tiempo máximo aceptables de trabajo en campo.

Introduction: The physical workload is one of the major risk factors for the workers. At present the proposed methods to assess physical dynamic work load contemplate working with the whole body and not discriminate on body segments. Objective: Determine the maximum acceptable dynamic work time when the work is with the whole body, with the upper and lower limbs. Methods: Oxygen consumption was measurement by ergospirometry and heart rate was monitoring in 30 workers exposed to various loads executed with the whole body, legs and upper limbs. Anaerobic threshold was determined by respiratory quotient, this was used by calculate the acceptable dynamic work time. Results: Statistically significant differences between acceptable dynamic work time for upper limbs and lower limbs were found. Negative exponential correlation model was found between the time the work load and the oxygen consumption and heart rate, R> 0.9 in all cases. Nine regression equations were proposed to determine the acceptable dynamic work time. Conclusion: The acceptable dynamic work time for lower limbs and whole body is similar. The acceptable dynamic work time with upper limbs is significantly lower than the previous. The relative heart rate seems to be the best indicator to measure acceptable dynamic work time.

Humans , Work Hours , Occupational Health , Workload , Oxygen Consumption , Heart Rate
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-445015


Objective To measure the daily nursing workload by simplified therapeutic intervention scoring system and provide information for reasonable dynamic management of nursing manpower and improving nursing service satisfaction of patients in elderly ICU.Methods 113 patients in elderly ICU were selected from July 2012 to June 2013.The Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System 28(TISS-28) was used to measure the nursing workload,reasonably arranged the nursing staff according to the daily total nursing workload.The average daily working time and service satisfaction were compared before and after the application of dynamic management of nursing manpower.Results After the application of dynamic management of nursing manpower,the average daily working time of nurses decreased,satisfactory degree of patients with nursing service increased,and satisfactory degree of medical workers with nursing manpower management also increased.Conclusions Measurement of nursing workload by TISS-28 can provide the basis for the dynamic management of nursing manpower in elderly ICU and improve satisfaction degree of medical workers.

Cad. psicol. soc. trab ; 15(2): 219-228, dez. 2012.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-688879


Neste estudo, buscamos refletir sobre as transformações percebidas na apreensão do termo "trabalho" frente à relação entre sujeito e tempo. Elegemos como ponto de partida de tais ponderações dois mitos gregos, Kronos e Kairós, para demarcar a percepção daquela sociedade em seu estágio mítico-erótico, no intuito de delimitar o registro de um significado do que gera vida (Kairós) e outro do que a consome (Kronos). Sem pretensões de estabelecer definições arraigadas, a proposta é sugerir diálogos e reflexões para delinearmos algumas elaborações sobre o trabalho ao longo da linha do tempo de nossa sociedade ocidental, sem perder a noção de que se trata de mais um recorte possível, entre tantos. O estudo é resultado de investigação bibliográfica, portanto de abordagem qualitativa a partir de consulta a livros, artigos e outras pesquisas publicadas em bases de dados sobre a temática. Os resultados nos levam a inferir que nas sociedades mítico-eróticas os processos de trabalho centravam-se em atividades indistintas, e estas se confundiam com a existência das comunidades, não havendo clara distinção entre trabalho e ócio. Por outro lado, a mudança nos meios de produção e os processos de industrialização conduziram os sujeitos à alienação na cadeia produtiva e ao conhecimento apenas parcial desse processo. Com a vinculação dessa lógica à produção em série, o sujeito não mais vendia produtos, mas, sim, seu tempo. A partir disso, inferimos que, apesar das evoluções registradas, o trabalho segue em sua perspectiva contemporânea, ora no tempo de Kairós, quando se permite a expressão subjetiva, ora tomado por Kronos, quando o sujeito é destituído de sua possibilidade criativa.

In this study we aim at considering the changes perceived in the comprehension of the term "work" in relation to subject and time. As a starting point of our consideration, we chose Kronos and Kairos, two Greek myths, to establish a perception of that society in its mythic-erotic state, since we intend to mark the meaning of something that generates life (Kairos) and that of what consumes it (Kronos). Without intending to establish final definitions, our proposal are some dialogues and considerations aiming at delineating a few formulations on the subject work, following the history of Western society, without ignoring the fact that it is only one possible viewpoint among many. This study results from a bibliographical research and, as such, it has a qualitative approach to books, essays and other researches published in relevant databases concerning the theme. The results lead us to infer that in mythic-erotic societies the processes of work were centered in unclear activities, which were mingled with the existence of communities, and there was no clear distinction between work and leisure. On the other hand, changes in production means and industrialization processes led workers to alienation in the production chain and to a limited conscience of this process. Linking this logic to serial production, the worker was no more selling products, but his own time. Thus, we could infer that, notwithstanding some developments, working follows its contemporary perspective, sometimes in Kairos time, when it allows a subjective expression, sometimes taken by Kronos, when the worker is destitute of his creative capabilities.

Humans , Time , Work , Perception , Time Factors
Psicol. USP ; 21(1): 199-215, jan.-mar. 2010.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-557911


Este artigo expõe os resultados de uma pesquisa que procurou compreender o modo como as cooperativas de trabalho, pautadas pela Economia Solidária, poderiam se apresentar como um espaço de expressão da subjetividade do trabalhador cooperado. A partir da definição dos objetivos, buscou-se uma cooperativa que estivesse pautada nos princípios da Economia Solidária. Depois de percorrer diversas cooperativas, a CooperSol se constituiu uma parceira valiosa e se mostrou, por meio de observações e depoimentos, como um espaço de expressão da subjetividade do trabalhador cooperado em relação à autogestão, ao tempo de trabalho e à construção de uma cultura solidária. O aspecto apresentado neste artigo se relaciona ao tempo de trabalho, que na CooperSol ganhava em sua dimensão subjetiva, qualitativa, restaurando elementos esquecidos, como o caráter cíclico e heterogêneo do tempo, ou seja, o tempo vivido guiado pelos ritmos da vida, considerando as várias dimensões do cotidiano

This article presents the results of a research project aimed at understanding how a working cooperative, based on the tenets of Solidary Economy, could provide a space for expression of the subjectivity of the cooperative worker. Based on the definition of the objectives, it was sought a cooperative based on the principles of Solidary Economy. After scanning through various cooperatives, CooperSol constituted a valuable partner and observations and interviews revealed it like a space for the expression of cooperative worker subjectivity as regards self-management, work time and construction of a solidary culture. The aspect presented in this article relates to work time, which at CooperSol gained in its subjective and qualitative dimension, restoring forgotten elements, such as the cyclical and heterogeneous nature of time, i.e., the time spent guided by the rhythms of life, taking into consideration the various dimensions of everyday life

Cet article expose les résultats d'une recherche scientifique ayant d'abord conçu la manière dont les coopératives de travail, géerées par une Économie Solidaire, pourraient se présenter comme un espace d'expression de subjectivité du travailleur associé. À partir de la précision des objetifs, on y a poursuivi à la recherche d'une coopéerative étant réglée d'après les principes de l'Économie Solidaire. Après avoir examiné de diverses coopératives, il a été conçu que CooperSol s'est au fur et à mesure constituée un partenaire avantageux et s'est également montrée grâce aux observations et témoignages étant un espace d'expression de la subjectivité du travailleur coopéré concernant l'autogestion, le temps de travail et la création d'une culture solidaire. L'aspect présenté dans cet article se rapporte au temps de travail qui, chez CooperSol, gagne dans sa dimension subjective, qualitative, en tenant compte de certains éléments oubliés, comme l'aspect cyclique et hétérogène du temps, ou bien, le temps vécu, guidé par le rythme habituel de la vie, en comptant sur plusieurs dimensions du quotidien

Este artículo busca exponer los resultados de una investigación que trató de comprender de qué modo las cooperativas de trabajo, pautadas por la economía solidaria, podrían presentarse como un espacio de expresión de la subjetividad del trabajador cooperado. A partir de la definición de los objetivos de la investigación, se inició la búsqueda de una cooperativa que estuviera pautada en los principios de la Economía Solidaria. Después de recorrer diversas cooperativas, CooperSol se constituyó en una aliada valiosa y se mostró, por medio de observaciones y testimonios, como un espacio de expresión de la subjetividad del trabajador cooperado en relación con la autogestión, con el tiempo de trabajo y con la construcción de una cultura solidaria. El aspecto presentado en este artículo se relaciona con el tiempo de trabajo, que en CooperSol crecía en su dimensión subjetiva, cualitativa, restaurando elementos olvidados, como el carácter cíclico y heterogéneo del tiempo, o sea, el tiempo vivido guiado por los ritmos de la vida, considerando las varias dimensiones del cotidiano

Humans , Individuality , Occupational Groups/psychology , Work Hours
Rev. psicol. organ. trab ; 8(1): 118-141, jun. 2008. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-591500


A presente pesquisa empírica foi realizada com o objetivo de analisar a percepção dos servidores de uma universidade acerca do processo de socialização organizacional, segundo os grupos ocupacionais (docentes e funcionários técnico administrativos) e o tempo de serviço global e na instituição. Foi desenvolvida com uma amostra de 524 servidores, aos quais foram aplicados o Inventário de Socialização Organizacional e uma ficha sociodemográfica. Os resultados indicaram a tendência a uma socialização organizacional bem sucedida, embora existam grupos com dificuldades relevantes. Entre essas, chamaram a atenção aquelas referentes ao acesso à informação e à percepção de menos competência e proatividade pelos funcionários técnico-administrativos, à medida que avançam no tempo de serviço. Os resultados reclamam ações institucionais de suporte ao servidor.

This empirical research was developed to analyze civil servants' perception on the university about the organizational socialization process in conformity to occupational groups (professors, and technical bureaucratic functionaries), and to global and institutional work time. The research was developed with a sample of 524 civil servitors, to whom the Organizational Socialization Inventory and a socio-demographic form were applied. The results indicate a tendency to well succeed organizational socialization; however there are groups with relevant difficulties. Among them, the access of information, and the perception of less competence and pro-activity by the older technical bureaucratic functionaries can be detached. The results claim institutional actions of support to servants.

Humans , Male , Female , Public Administration , Professional Competence , Interpersonal Relations , Socialization