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Rev. APS (Online) ; 27(Único): e272443311, 05/07/2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1567109


A síndrome metabólica é um distúrbio metabólico complexo, caraterizada pela associação de fatores de risco cardiovascular e resistência à insulina. Na Atenção Primária à Saúde, algumas condições laborais as quais os profissionais estão expostos podem ser fonte de adoecimento, e a literatura evidencia que aspectos laborais estão associados à síndrome metabólica, ou seja, que o contexto ocupacional é capaz de ser um fator de exposição para o desenvolvimento deste problema. O objetivo deste estudo foi estimar a prevalência de síndrome metabólica e os fatores associados em Agentes Comunitários de Saúde de uma cidade do Norte de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Estudo transversal, no qual coletaram dados sociodemográficos, estilo de vida, laborais, antropométricos, bioquímicos e aspectos emocionais. A variável dependente síndrome metabólica foi definida conforme o critério do National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III. Realizaram-se análises descritivas e de regressão múltipla de Poisson, com variância robusta, considerando um nível de significância de 5% (p<0,05) para o modelo final. Foram avaliados 673 Agentes Comunitários de Saúde, a prevalência de síndrome metabólica foi de 20,8% e associou-se à faixa etária ≥40 anos, menor escolaridade (Fundamental e/ou Médio), sobrepeso/obesidade, lipoproteína de baixa densidade ≥130 mg/dl e proteína C-reativa >5,0 mg/dl. Constatou-se uma elevada prevalência de síndrome metabólica em Agentes Comunitários de Saúde. Verifica-se a necessidade de estudos para o aprofundamento sobre a temática e o desenvolvimento de ações que visem a promoção de hábitos comportamentais saudáveis, bem como a prevenção de fatores de riscos.

Metabolic syndrome is a complex metabolic disorder, characterized by the association of cardiovascular risk factors and insulin resistance. In Primary Health Care, some work conditions to which professionals are exposed can be a source of illness and the literature shows that work aspects are associated with metabolic syndrome, that is, that the occupational context is capable of being an exposure factor for the development of this problem. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and associated factors among community health workers in a city in the North of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Cross-sectional study, in which sociodemographic, lifestyle, work, anthropometric, biochemical, and emotional aspects of data were collected. The dependent variable metabolic syndrome was defined according to the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III criteria. Descriptive and multiple Poisson regression analyzes were carried out with robust variance, considering a significance level of 5% (p<0.05) for the final model. 673 community health workers were evaluated, the prevalence of metabolic syndrome was 20.8% and was associated with the age group ≥40 years, lower education (elementary and/or secondary), overweight/obesity, low-density lipoprotein ≥130 mg/dl and C-reactive protein >5.0 mg/dl. A high prevalence of metabolic syndrome was found in community health workers. There is a need for studies to delve deeper into the topic and develop actions aimed at promoting healthy behavioral habits, as well as preventing risk factors.

Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535341


Objective: This study examines factors predicting self-reported voice symptoms in call center workers. Methods: Multivariate analysis and predictive modeling assess personal, work-related, acoustic, and behavioral factors. Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) and Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves are employed. Results: Age and sleep patterns impacted voice quality and effort, while workplace factors influenced symptom perception. Unhealthy vocal behaviors related to tense voice and increased effort, while hydration was protective. Voice acoustics showed diagnostic potential, supported by ROC data. These findings emphasize voice symptom complexity in call center professionals, necessitating comprehensive assessment. Limitations: This study recognizes its limitations, including a moderate-sized convenience sample and reliance on PROM metrics. Future research should incorporate more objective measures in addition to self-reports and acoustic analysis. Value: This research provides novel insights into the interplay of personal, occupational, and voice-related factors in developing voice symptoms among call center workers. Predictive modeling enhances risk assessment and understanding of individual susceptibility to voice disorders. Conclusion: Results show associations between various factors and self-reported voice symptoms. Protective factors include sleeping more than six hours and consistent hydration, whereas risk factors include working conditions, such as location and behaviors like smoking. Diagnostic models indicate good accuracy for some voice symptom PROMs, emphasizing the need for comprehensive models considering work factors, vocal behaviors, and acoustic parameters to understand voice issues complexity.

Objetivo: Este estudio examina los factores que predicen los síntomas de voz en los trabajadores de call centers. Métodos: Se utilizan análisis multivariados y modelos predictivos para evaluar factores personales, laborales, acústicos y de comportamiento. Se emplean Modelos Lineales Generalizados (GLM) y curvas ROC. Resultados: La edad y los patrones de sueño afectaron la calidad vocal y el esfuerzo, mientras que los factores laborales influyeron en la percepción de síntomas. Los comportamientos vocales no saludables se relacionaron con voz tensa y mayor esfuerzo, mientras que la hidratación fue protectora. Los parámetros acústicos de voz mostraron potencial diagnóstico respaldado por datos de ROC. Los hallazgos subrayan complejidad de síntomas vocales en profesionales de centros de llamadas, requiriendo una evaluación integral. Limitaciones: Este estudio reconoce sus limitaciones, que incluyen una muestra de conveniencia de tamaño moderado y la dependencia de medidas PROMs. Futuras investigaciones deberían incorporar medidas objetivas, además de los autorreportes y análisis acústico. Importancia: Esta investigación aporta nuevos conocimientos sobre factores personales, laborales y síntomas de voz en trabajadores de call centers. El modelado predictivo mejora la evaluación de riesgos y la comprensión de la susceptibilidad individual a trastornos de la voz. Conclusión: Los resultados muestran asociaciones entre diversos factores y los síntomas vocales reportados. Los factores de protección incluyen dormir más de seis horas y una hidratación constante; los factores de riesgo incluyen las condiciones de trabajo, como la ubicación y comportamientos como fumar. Los modelos de diagnóstico indican una buena precisión para algunas PROMs de síntomas de la voz, lo que subraya la necesidad de modelos integrales que tengan en cuenta los factores laborales, los comportamientos vocales y los parámetros acústicos para comprender la complejidad de los problemas de la voz.

Saúde debate ; 48(141): e8714, abr.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565850


RESUMO O presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar a exposição aos agrotóxicos e os danos à saúde dos trabalhadores das plantações de cana-de-açúcar em Pernambuco. Trata-se de pesquisa participante desenvolvida em territórios rurais de cinco municípios com forte expressão em área plantada de cana-de-açúcar. Os dados primários foram produzidos em oficinas com trabalhadores rurais para construção de diagnóstico rural participativo, analisados mediante condensação de significados e interpretados à luz do referencial teórico da epidemiologia crítico latino-americana. Os resultados estão apresentados em três seções: i) Fluxograma do trabalho nas plantações de cana-de-açúcar; ii) Exposição aos agrotóxicos utilizados nas lavouras; iii) Danos à saúde do trabalhador. Conclui-se que a exposição permanente aos agrotóxicos envolve o trabalho nas plantações de cana-de-açúcar e emerge de um construto histórico e socioambiental, em que se encontram subsumidos os modos de vida dos territórios sob o domínio do agronegócio canavieiro. Recomendam-se políticas públicas de fomento à agricultura familiar com diversificação, escoamento e distribuição da produção agroecológica, além do fortalecimento da Atenção Primária à Saúde e de ações integradas de vigilância epidemiológica, sanitária, ambiental e do trabalhador.

ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze exposure to pesticides and harm to the health of workers on sugarcane plantations in Pernambuco. This participatory research was conducted in rural territories of five municipalities with a strong presence in sugarcane-planted areas. The primary data were produced in workshops with rural workers to construct a participatory rural diagnosis, analyzed through condensation of meanings, and interpreted in light of the theoretical framework of Latin American critical epidemiology. The results are presented in three sections: i) Flowchart of work on sugarcane plantations; ii) Exposure to pesticides used on crops; iii) Harm to worker's health. We conclude that permanent exposure to pesticides involves working on sugarcane plantations and emerges from a historical and socio-environmental construct in which the ways of life of the territories under the control of sugarcane agribusiness are subsumed. Public policies are recommended to promote family farming with diversification, flow, distribution of agroecological production, and strengthening primary health care and integrated epidemiological, health, environmental, and worker surveillance actions.

Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 10 (1) 2024;10(1): 34928, 2024 abr. 30. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553535


Introdução: O trabalho sexual consentido é, historicamente, permeado por estigmas, proporcionando a marginalização social de profissionais do sexo e sua maior exposição a fatores de riscos que tendenciam a condutas suicidas. Objetivo: Identificar a prevalência e dos fatores de riscos relacionados a comportamentos suicidas em profissionais do sexo, tendo em vista a vulnerabilidade social desse grupo. Metodologia: Este estudo é uma revisão integrativa de literatura, determinada a partir da seguinte questão de pesquisa: "Qual a prevalência e os fatores de riscos relacionados a comportamentos suicidas entre profissionais do sexo?". Em seguida, aplicou os subsequentes Descritores em Ciências da Saúde: "Suicide" e "Sex workers", que foram combinados com o operador booleano "AND", nas plataformas National Library of Medicine, Science Direct, Portal de Periódicos da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, Literatura Latino-americana e do Caribe, Scientific Eletronic Library Online, BioMed Central, Business Source Completee WorldWideScience. Foram selecionados 19 artigos relacionados ao objeto de estudo. Resultados: A prevalência de suicídio em profissionais do sexo foi classificada em três subcategorias: tentativas de suicídio, com predominância de 31,57% (n=6), ideação suicida com 15,78% (n=3) e o risco de suicídio com 5,26% (n=1). Os riscos de comportamentos suicidas foram associados a diversos fatores, sobretudo a violência (47,36%; n=9), depressão (26,31%; n=5) e a pobreza (15,78%; n=3). Conclusões: Há uma alta prevalência de comportamentos suicidas em profissionais do sexo que está associada a diversos fatores de riscos, verificando a carência de abordagens comunitárias direcionadas à vulnerabilidade social desse grupo (AU).

Introduction: Consensual sex work has historically been permeated by stigma, leading to the social marginalization of sex workers and their increased exposure to risk factors that tend to correlate with suicidal behaviors. Objective:To explore the prevalence and risk factors related to suicidal behavior in sex workers, considering the social vulnerability of this group. Methodology: This study is an integrative literature review, guided by the research question: "What is the prevalence and risk factors related to suicidal behaviors among sex workers?" The following Health Science Descriptors were applied: "Suicide" and "Sex workers," combined with the boolean operator "AND," on platforms such as the National Library of Medicine, Science Direct, Portal de Periódicos da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, Literatura Latino-americana e do Caribe, Scientific Eletronic Library Online, BioMed Central, Business Source Complete, and WorldWideScience. Nineteen articles related to the study's objectivewere selected. Results:The prevalence of suicide among sex workers were classified into three subcategories: suicide attempts, with a predominance of 31.57% (n=6), suicidal ideation with 15.78% (n=3) and the risk of suicide with a prevalence of 5.26% (n=1). The risks of suicidal behavior were associated with several factors, especially violence (47,36%; n=9), depression (26.31%; n=5) and poverty (15.78% /n=3). Conclusions: There is a high prevalence of suicidal behaviors among sex workers, associated with various risk factors, highlighting the need for community-based approaches addressing the social vulnerability of this group (AU).

Introducción: El trabajo sexual consensuado ha estado históricamente impregnado de estigmas, llevando a la marginación social de los profesionales del sexo y a una mayor exposición a factores de riesgo que tienden a asociarse con conductas suicidas. Objetivo: Identificar la prevalencia y los factores de riesgo relacionados con comportamientos suicidas en profesionales del sexo, considerando la vulnerabilidad social de este grupo. Metodología: Este estudio es una revisión integradora de la literatura, derivada de la siguiente pregunta de investigación: "¿Cuál es laprevalencia y los factores de riesgo relacionados con comportamientos suicidas entre los profesionales del sexo?". Posteriormente, se aplicaron los siguientes Descriptores en Ciencias de la Salud: "Suicide" y "Sex workers", combinados con el operador booleano "AND", en plataformas como la Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina, Science Direct, Portal de Periódicos de la Coordinación de Perfeccionamiento de Personal de Nivel Superior, Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe, Scientific Electronic Library Online, BioMed Central, Business Source Complete y WorldWideScience. Se seleccionaron 19 artículos relacionados con el objeto de estudio. Resultados: La prevalencia de suicidio en profesionales del sexo se clasificó en tres subcategorías: intentos de suicidio, con una predominancia del 31,57% (n=6), ideación suicida con el 15,78% (n=3) y el riesgo de suicidio con el 5,26% (n=1). Los riesgos de comportamientos suicidas se asociaron con varios factores, especialmente la violencia (47,36%; n=9), la depresión (26,31%; n=5) y la pobreza (15,78%; n=3). Conclusiones: Existe una alta prevalencia de comportamientos suicidas en profesionales del sexo asociada con diversos factores de riesgo, destacando la necesidad de enfoques comunitarios dirigidos a la vulnerabilidad social de este grupo (AU).

Humans , Sex Work , Suicidal Ideation , Sex Workers/psychology , Social Vulnerability , Suicide/psychology , Violence , Mental Health , Social Stigma , Social Marginalization/psychology
Ciudad de México; s.n; 20240216. 126 p.
Thesis in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1537448


Introducción. A nivel mundial, la obesidad es considerada como un problema de salud pública debido a que afecta a la población de todas las edades, incluso al mismo personal que trabaja en instituciones de salud, situación que repercute en su ámbito personal, familiar, pero sobre todo laboral, causando en el trabajador dificultad para realizar algunos procedimientos, ausentismo laboral, discapacidad parcial o total y/o necesidad de cuidado, entre otros.  Objetivo.  Evaluar el efecto de una intervención de autocuidado en hábitos de vida saludable con relación a la obesidad en personal de salud de una institución de tercer nivel.  Metodología. Estudio cuasi experimental, muestra 30 trabajadores con sobrepeso o algún grado de obesidad de una institución de salud de tercer nivel. Se impartieron 10 temas con relación a la obesidad, para cambiar hábitos deficientes por hábitos saludables, además de 10 sesiones de actividad física.    Resultados. Al final de la intervención, dos personas bajaron el nivel de su índice de masa corporal, una persona con obesidad grado III y una de grado II bajaron a peso normal. En cuanto a las medidas antropométricas posterior a la intervención, hubo reducción en cada uno de los parámetros, referente a la evaluación del cuestionario hábitos de vida saludable, relacionados con la obesidad posterior a la intervención, se encontraron cambios positivos en cada una de las dimensiones. Sin embargo, tanto en la reducción de IMC, así como en las dimensiones del cuestionario, la diferencia encontrada, no fue estadísticamente significativa.  Conclusiones. Los resultados sugieren que una intervención educativa en hábitos de vida saludable vinculados con la obesidad en personal de salud, son eficaces para contribuir al autocuidado de los trabajadores en el ámbito laboral

Introduction. Worldwide, obesity is considered a public health problem because it affects the population of all ages, including the same personnel who work in health institutions, a situation that has repercussions in their personal and family environment, but above all at work, causing the worker difficulty in performing some procedures, absenteeism, partial or total disability and/or need for care, among others. Objective. To evaluate the effect of a self-care intervention on healthy life habits in relation to obesity in health personnel of a third level institution. Methodology. Quasi-experimental study, sample of 30 workers with overweight or some degree of obesity in a tertiary health institution. Ten topics related to obesity were taught in order to change deficient habits for healthy habits, in addition to 10 sessions of physical activity. Results. At the end of the intervention, two people lowered their body mass index level, one person with grade III obesity and one with grade II obesity lowered to normal weight. Regarding the anthropometric measures after the intervention, there was a reduction in each one of the parameters, regarding the evaluation of the healthy life habits questionnaire, related to obesity after the intervention, positive changes were found in each one of the dimensions. However, both in the reduction of BMI and in the dimensions of the questionnaire, the difference found was not statistically significant. Conclusions. The results suggest that an educational intervention on healthy lifestyle habits related to obesity in health personnel is effective in contributing to the self-care of workers in the workplace

Introdução. A nível mundial, a obesidade é considerada um problema de saúde pública porque afecta a população de todas as idades, incluindo o próprio pessoal que trabalha nas instituições de saúde, situação que tem repercussões no seu ambiente pessoal e familiar, mas sobretudo no trabalho, causando ao trabalhador dificuldade na realização de alguns procedimentos, absentismo, incapacidade parcial ou total e/ou necessidade de cuidados, entre outros. Objectivos. Avaliar o efeito de uma intervenção de autocuidado sobre hábitos de vida saudáveis em relação à obesidade em profissionais de saúde de uma instituição de cuidados terciários. Metodologia. Estudo quase-experimental, amostra de 30 trabalhadores com excesso de peso ou algum grau de obesidade numa instituição de saúde terciária. Foram ensinados dez temas relacionados com a obesidade, com o objetivo de mudar hábitos deficientes por hábitos saudáveis, além de 10 sessões de atividade física. Resultados. No final da intervenção, duas pessoas baixaram o índice de massa corporal, uma pessoa com obesidade de grau III e uma com obesidade de grau II passaram para o peso normal. Relativamente às medidas antropométricas após a intervenção, verificou-se uma redução em cada um dos parâmetros, e relativamente à avaliação do questionário de hábitos de vida saudáveis relacionados com a obesidade após a intervenção, verificaram-se alterações positivas em cada uma das dimensões. No entanto, tanto na redução do IMC como nas dimensões do questionário, a diferença encontrada não foi estatisticamente significativa. Conclusões. Os resultados sugerem que uma intervenção educativa sobre hábitos de vida saudáveis ligados à obesidade no pessoal de saúde é eficaz para contribuir para o autocuidado dos trabalhadores no local de trabalho

Humans , Self Care/adverse effects
Online braz. j. nurs. (Online) ; 23: e20246670, 02 jan 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560800


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether the attributes of Primary Healthcare are present in leprosy control actions in Londrina from Community Health Workers' (CHW) perspectives. METHOD: Observational and evaluative study. Data collection occurred between January and March 2020 in Londrina, Paraná, using the questionnaire "Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCATool) - Hansen's disease - CHW version" and a population-based census of 246 CHWs from 52 Primary Healthcare Units. The analyses used a cutoff point (≥ 6.6), central tendency, and dispersion measures. One-way ANOVA and Tukey's post hoc tests were used to analyze differences. Results: The general performance towards the primary healthcare attributes were evaluated as strong (mean = 6.95 / SD = 1.08) and the essential score (mean = 7.39 / SD = 1.0). On the other hand, the derived score was evaluated as poor (mean = 6.07 / sd = 1.06). Concerning the Access attribute, the rural zone had a lower score than the urban (mean = 4.47 / SD = 1.63). Conclusion: The study highlights issues that can be improved, such as first contact access, catalog of services offered to leprosy patients, information provided to the community, professional training, and differences in PHC performance between urban and rural regions.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016994


Objective To analyze the prevalence, annual trends, and co-morbidity trends of common chronic diseases among workers in a large automotive industry from 2019 to 2021, and to provide a scientific basis for the health management of workers in the automotive industry. Methods The health examination data of workers in a large automotive industry from 2019-2021 were analyzed. Trends in the prevalence of chronic diseases and co-morbidities were analyzed using Join Point software and trend χ2 test. Results The prevalence of metabolic syndrome, hyperuricemia, and fatty liver in the 2019 – 2021 health checkups of workers in this enterprise increased at an average rate of 9.27%, 11.35%, and 3.99% per year, respectively. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome, hyperuricemia, and fatty liver in male workers showed an increasing trend at an average rate of 7.05%, 9.25%, and 2.91% per year, respectively. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome in female workers showed an increasing trend at an average rate of 20.76% per year. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome, hyperuricemia and fatty liver was on the rise in the age groups ≤ 29 years old and 40 – 49 years old. The proportion of metabolic syndrome and its co-morbidity with one or two common chronic diseases showed an increasing trend. Conclusion The prevalence and co-morbidity of common chronic diseases in this enterprise are generally on the rise. The enterprise should focus on health education and preventive care for chronic diseases among workers aged ≤ 29 and 40 – 49 years old and male workers and control the annual increasing trend of metabolic syndrome among female workers and workers in the age group ≤ 29 years.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017037


Objective To design a mobile personnel radiation protection equipment for operation in environments with high radiation such as spent fuel reprocessing plants, to achieve simultaneous protection against γ radiation, neutron radiation, and radioactive aerosol, to reduce the internal and external exposure dose of radioactive workers, and to meet the requirement of operation for two hours. Methods The core parts of the mobile personnel radiation protection equipment included a shielding chamber and a respiratory maintenance system. An automated chassis was used for the movement and lifting of the shielding chamber. MCNP software was used to simulate and calculate the protective effects of shielding chamber made of different materials and material thicknesses. Experimental verification of the shielding chamber design was conducted. Mathematical models were established to describe the variations in the content of various gases in the chamber with personnel operation time. A respiratory maintenance system, a harmful gas absorption device, and an automated mobile chassis were designed. Results The shielding chamber made of polyethylene with a thickness of 80 mm achieved an 80% neutron shielding rate. The respiratory maintenance system could support workers for 2 hours of operation inside the equipment. The mobile chassis allowed operation of the equipment with one person. Conclusion This mobile personnel radiation protection equipment can solve the problem in simultaneous protection against γ radiation, neutron radiation, and radioactive aerosol. The equipment can provide radiation protection for radioactive workers, reduce exposure dose, and reduce personnel burden. This system provides technical means for the operation and maintenance of equipment in high-radiation sites such as spent fuel reprocessing plants.

Modern Hospital ; (6): 68-70,87, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022202


Objective To understand the status quo of job embeddedness and turnover intention of hospital nurses,and to explore their correlation.Methods Using convenient sampling method,we selected 538 nursing workers from 8 tertiary hospi-tals in Guangzhou,and conducted an electronic questionnaire survey with job embeddedness Scale and Turnover Intention Scale.Results The total average score of job embeddedness was(3.41±1.26),and the total average score of turnover intention was(2.66±0.94).There was a negative correlation between job embeddedness and turnover intention(r =-0.060,P>0.05).Conclusion The scores of job embeddedness and turnover intention of hospital nurses are at the middle level,and job embed-dedness is negatively correlated with the total average score of turnover intention.It is suggested that the management mode of hospital nurses should be standardized,the legitimate rights and interests of nurses should be guaranteed,the construction of pro-fessional certification system should be promoted,the nurses'positive job embeddedness should be promoted,the hospital nurs-ing staff should be stabilized,and the satisfaction of nursing service should be improved.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027412


Objective:To analyze the eye lens dose and annual effective dose to interventional radiation workers in some hospitals of Xinxiang city from 2020 to 2022, and to ascertain the dose to interventional radiation workers.Methods:By using TLDs, the eye lens dose Hp(3) and annual effective dose Hp(10) were monitored for three consecutive years in six hospitals in Xinxiang city. The lens doses and annual effective doses to intervention radiation workers in different years in different-level hospitals and departments were analyzed. Results:From 2020 to 2022, a total of 117 people were monitored. The left eye lens dose range was 0.12-164.24 mSv, and the right eye lens dose range was 0.07-51.64 mSv. The average annual dose was 8.56 mSv for left eye lens and 4.49 mSv for right eye lens The average annual dose distribution in the MDL-5 mSv range for the left and right eye lens was 60.68% and 73.50%, respectively. 9.41% (11 people) of the left eye lens doses exceeded 20 mSv. The annual effective doses range was 0.11-31.27 mSv, with average annual dose of 2.56 mSv. The proportion of average annual effective doses mainly distributed in the range of MDL to 1.25 mSv was 52.14%, with 2.56% annual effective dose exceeding 20 mSv. There was no significant difference in left and right eye lens dose and annual effective dose between the tertiary hospitals and the secondary hospitals in three years ( P>0.05). Compared with different departments, the cumulative per capita dose in three years was statistically significant (left eye H=11.42, right eye H=13.72, annual effective dose H=25.94, P<0.05). The lens dose and annual effective dose in neurology department were lower than those in cardiology department and comprehensive intervention department ( Zcardiology department=-3.33, -3.78, -4.83, P<0.05; Zcomprehensive intervention department=-2.71, -2.63, -4.39, P<0.05). Conclusions:Most of the annual equivalent dose and annual effective dose to eye lens of the interventional radiation workers in Xinxiang city meet the national limits, but some of them have higher doses and exceed the national limits. It is suggested that the routine and continuous monitoring of eye lens doses to interventional radiologists should be strengthened while routine monitoring of annual effective dose, and attention should be paid to the eye lens and annual effective dose to interventional radiologists in secondary hospitals to improve the awareness of protection.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036198


Background@#The COVID-19 pandemic led to a public health emergency causing changes that may pose a greater risk of behavioral and psychosocial problems for children. Children of healthcare workers are possibly at increased risk of mental health problems due to their parent’s constant exposure to COVID-19. The Pediatric Symptoms Checklist-35 (PSC-35) is one of the validated psychosocial screening tools that helps identify emotional, cognitive, and behavior problems in children.@*Objective@#To determine the psychosocial impact of COVID-19 pandemic on 6-16 years old children of healthcare workers using the PSC-35.@*Methodology@#This is a cross-sectional analytic study. Demographic and clinical data were collected. PSC-35 were administered from June 2023-September 2023 to the healthcare worker parents with children aged 6-16 years old. Using this validated PSC-35, questions are a series of signs and symptoms related to impairments in cognitive, emotional, and/or behavioral well-being of children. This 35-item questionnaire was rated and scored as 0 for Never,1 for Sometimes, and 2 for Often. The total scores were evaluated, calculated, and interpreted. A cut off score of 28 or higher indicates a high possibility psychosocial impairment that warrant further investigation or referral to a specialist.@*Results and Conclusions@#Out of 372 respondents, 4.57% (n=17) children were found at risk of psychosocial impairment with PSC-35 score of 28 and higher. Two demographic factors were found to have a significant correlation with scores above the cutoff: maternal occupation (p-value 0.018) and the presence of comorbidity in the parent (p-value 0.000). Children found to be at risk were advised consultation with a specialist.

COVID-19 , Pandemics
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039574


@#This study aims to determine the knowledge, attitudes and ergonomic practices (KAP) of office workers in Malaysia in preventing work-related musculoskeletal disorders. An online crosssectional survey of 266 office workers in Malaysia was conducted. All participants were asked to complete a five-part questionnaire to extract information on sociodemographic data, prevalence of work-related muscle disorders (WMSD), level of knowledge, attitudes, and ergonomic practices. The prevalence of WMSD was measured using the Cornell MS Discomfort Questionnaire (CMDQ) with high reliability and validity, with a Cronbach's Alpha value exceeding 0.95, and an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC)= 0.69-0.95. Ergonomic knowledge was measured using the Ergonomic Knowledge Questionnaire with high validity (0.98) and fair reliability (r= 0.75). The attitude questionnaire was measured using a Likert scale consisting of yes, no, and maybe. Ergonomic practices are obtained by using the Rapid Office Strain Assessment (ROSA). ROSA is a questionnaire with high inter-observer and intraobserver reliability (ICC 0.88 and 0.91). Participants answered a picture-based questionnaire consisting of 3 parts: (1) chair, (2) monitor and telephone, (3) mouse. Most office workers experienced WMSD (99.3%) with moderate discomfort (66.5%). The common complaints being upper back (83%), right upper arm (78.9%) and neck (78.6%). A total of 73.7% of office workers have poor and little knowledge about ergonomics. The majority of office workers (97%) have a positive attitude towards ergonomics. 75.2% of office workers in Malaysia have good ergonomic practices. Most office workers in Malaysia have poor ergonomic knowledge, positive attitudes and good ergonomic practices.

Journal of Rural Medicine ; : 131-140, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1040008


Objectives: Migrant technical intern trainees who migrate to Japan have become essential to the Japanese labour force, especially in rural areas. Persons in charge of supervising organisations and training coordinators both support the trainees’ health and daily lives during their stay in Japan. This support is significant for trainees as it helps them access and interact with Japanese society. This study explored the perspectives of persons in charge of female technical trainees regarding support for the latter’s health and daily lives.Materials and Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 14 persons in charge of female technical trainees, followed by a thematic analysis of the interview data to extract key themes.Results: Four primary themes emerged: fostered beliefs and roles, cultural considerations and health support, language considerations, and concerns about female trainees in relationships. These considerations and support developed solely through experience of persons in charge of female trainees. Additionally, those in charge expressed concerns about trainees being involved in a relationship. However, no specific measures, such as providing female trainees with information, have been taken.Conclusion: Persons in charge of female technical intern trainees need to be provided opportunities to learn about cultural considerations and providing health support for their trainees. Furthermore, the cooperation of health professionals with supervising organisations and training facilities is essential to promote the healthy lives of technical intern trainees. These insights can contribute to the development of an integrated community-based approach to support the health and daily lives of female trainees.

Chinese Health Economics ; (12): 7-9, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025256


The process of establishing and improving the Employee Health Insurance Outpatient Co-payment Protection Mecha-nism is one of the major livelihood projects to deepen the reform of China's medical insurance system.The implementation of the mu-tual-aid mechanism for covering outpatient bills in each coordinating region is accompanied by the risks of squeezing outpatient medi-cal resources,the prevalence of fraud and deception,the increase of the government s economic burden and the lack of public ac-ceptance.In this regard,suggestions are made to improve the policy:open source and cut costs to make up for the shortage of funds,linkage of three medical institutions to build a medical security pattem,coordinated supervision to maintain the stability of medical insurance funds,and optimized policies to promote the reform of medical insurance payment methods.

Chinese Health Economics ; (12): 10-15, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025257


Objective:Efficiency is a key factor in the sustainable operation of the medical insurance system.By measuring the current efficiency of the urban employee basic medical insurance system in 31 provinces in China from 2020 to 2021,it discovers possible problems,and provides reference suggestions for improving the efficiency of the system.Methods:Using the super efficiency SBM model based on unexpected output and the Malmquist index to measure the static and dynamic efficiency of employee medical in-surance in 31 provinces in China,and using Tobit regression analysis to analyze its influencing factors.Results:The overall compre-hensive efficiency of the national employee medical insurance operation is 0.826 in 2020 and 0.827 in 2021 respectively.The efficien-cy of employee medical insurance operation in the eastern region is significantly higher than that in the central and westem regions.Over 60%of provinces have inefficient operation of employee medical insurance.The overall total factor productivity of employee medical insurance operation is showing a downward trend,and the decline in technological progress is the main limiting factor.The level of economic development has a significant promotion effect on the efficiency of employee medical insurance operation,and the degree of population aging has a significant inhibitory effect on it.Conclusion:The efficiency of employee medical insurance opera-tion in China still needs to be improved,and there is a significant efficiency gap among different regions.Therefore,investment and attention should be increased in the central and western regions to bridge regional gaps and promote the equity development of medi-cal insurance.Therefore,the reform efforts should be continuously intensified to achieve technological progress.In addition,attention should also be paid to the driving role of economic development in the efficiency of employee medical insurance operation and the for-mulation of positive policies on population aging.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036337


Background Pneumoconiosis is a widespread occupational disease in China at present. As a type of lung diseases, its pathological damage is mainly irreversible fibrotic changes in the lungs. Several studies have shown that the occurrence and development of lung diseases such as coal workers' pneumoconiosis are closely related to intestinal flora. Objective To observe intestinal flora of coal workers' pneumoconiosis patients based on the results of 16SrDNA high-throughput sequencing and evaluate the changes of intestinal flora after treatment with tetrandrine tablets. Methods A total of 80 patients with coal workers' pneumoconiosis attending the outpatient clinic of the Department of Occupational Diseases of the Emergency General Hospital from April to July 2022 were enrolled. All patients were treated with tetrandrine tablets for 4 weeks, with group A before the treatment of tetrandrine tablets and group B after the treatment. In the same period, 24 healthy controls (group C) were set up. Stool samples were collected before and after the treatment. Using 16SrDNA high-throughput sequencing, gene V3-V4 sequencing technology, and bioinformatic analysis platform, we evaluated the intestinal flora after treatment by groups. Results The dominant flora at the phylum level and genus level were the same across three groups. The relative abundances of phylum Bacteroidetes, Bifidobacterium, Bacteroides, and Facealibacterium in groups B and C were higher than those in group A, and the relative abundances of phy-lum Actinobacteria, genus Blautia, and genus Romboutsia in groups B and C were lower than those in group A (P<0.05). The relative abundances of genus Clostridium, genus Megamonas, and genus Lactobacillus in group C was lower than that in groups A and B (P<0.05). The alpha diversity analysis showed that the Chao1 index was higher in group A than in group C (P<0.01). Compared with group A, the Shannon index was higher in group B, and the increases of Simpson index were all statistically significant in stage I patients (P<0.05), but the differences in Chao1 index were not statistically significant (P>0.05). The differences in the values of Chao1 index, Shannon index, and Simpson index in stage Ⅱ and stage III patients were not statistically significant (P>0.05). The beta diversity analysis showed that the difference in flora structure between group A and group C was statistically significant (P<0.05); the differences in flora structure before and after treatment in the same stage patients were statistically significant (P<0.05). The partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) showed that there were significant differences between group A and group C, and between group A and group B. The LEfSe analysis showed that the significant markers contributing to the differences were basically the same in stage I, stage Ⅱ, and stage Ⅲ after treatment, which were mainly phylum Bacteroidetes and its subordinate groups, class Negativicutes, or-der Selenomonas, and genus Facealibacterium. Conclusion There are differences in the distribution of flora between coal workers' pneumoconiosis patients and healthy individuals, and the structure and relative abundance of intestinal flora are changed and the number of beneficial flora is increased after treatment with tetrandrine tablets.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036346


Background Coal workers' pneumoconiosis (CWP) is a serious occupational lung disease and one of the prescript occupational diseases in China. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is involved in the diffuse fibrosis of lung tissue of pneumoconiosis patients, and its mechanism may be related to the polarization of macrophages regulated by let-7c. Objective To investigate the effect of let-7c on the regulation of macrophage polarization in EMT in rats induced by coal dust exposure with different content of free SiO2. Methods SD rats were randomly divided into a control group, a 5% SiO2 group, a 30% SiO2 group, and a 99.9% SiO2 group, with 16 rats in each group. The rats in each group were tracheally titrated with 100 μL of 20 mg·mL−1 suspension (5% SiO2, 30% SiO2, and 99.9% SiO2) or normal saline, respectively. Alveolar lavage fluid was collected at the ends of the 1st month and the 3rd month. The relative expression levels of M1 or M2 markers, CD86 or CD206, in alveolar macrophages (AMs) were detected by immunofluorescence. The inflammation and fibrosis of lung tissue were observed by hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining and Masson staining. The expression levels of transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1), E-cadherin, and vimentin were detected by Western blotting. The expression levels of let-7c and c/EBP-δ genes were detected by real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR. Results The HE and Masson staining results showed that compared with the control group, the degree of pulmonary fibrosis in the 5% SiO2 group, the 30% SiO2 group, and the 99.9% SiO2 group gradually increased with the increase of dust exposure time. Compared with the control group, the expressions of CD86 and CD206 in the 5% SiO2 group, the 30% SiO2 group, and the 99.9% SiO2 group gradually increased at the end of the 1st month (F=330.904, 146.801, P<0.05), and the expression of CD86 in each group decreased gradually at the end of the 3rd month (F=331.781, P<0.05), but the expression of CD206 increased (F=1164.190, P<0.05). At the end of the 1st month, the expressions of TGF-β1 (F=8.847, P<0.05) and vimentin (F=13.275, P<0.05) gradually increased, and the expression of E-cadherin (F=6.253, P<0.05) gradually reduced in the 5% SiO2 group, the 30% SiO2 group, and the 99.9% SiO2 group. At the end of the 3rd month, the expressions of TGF-β1 (F=16.833, P<0.05) and vimentin (F=55.021, P<0.05) increased, and the expression of E-cadherin (F=12.790, P<0.05) gradually decreased in all groups. The PCR results showed that compared with the control group, the expression of let-7c mRNA in the 5% SiO2 group, the 30% SiO2 group, and the 99.9% SiO2 group increased at the ends of the 1st month and the 3rd month (F=11.251, 28.136, P<0.05). The expression of c/EBP-δ mRNA decreased in all groups at the ends of the 1st month and the 3rd month (F=49.204, 177.090, P<0.05). Conclusion In response to dust stimulation, let-7c promotes EMT by modulating macrophage polarization, which is involved in the formation of pulmonary fibrosis and thus influences the progression of CWP .

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036408


@#Objective: This paper summarizes and evaluates a test-based strategy for early return to work for health-care workers (HCWs) with mild coronavirus disease in Brunei Darussalam during the Omicron wave in February 2022 and compares the characteristics of HCWs by how long it took them to return to work. Methods: The early return-to-work strategy involved testing on day 3 of infection with reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction and with a rapid antigen test on days 5 and 6 or days 5 and 7. Data about infected HCWs were extracted from the Ministry of Health’s public health surveillance database. Percentages and proportions were used for descriptive statistics, and Pearson’s chi-squared test and the paired t-test were used to compare return-to-work patterns with demographic factors and vaccination status of the HCWs, as well as between cycle threshold (Ct) values and occupational groups of HCWs. Results: From 15 February to 15 March 2022, a total of 1121 HCWs were notified as being infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Of these, 175 (15.6%) were able to return to work on day 4 of their infection, 153 (13.6%) on day 6 and 268 (23.9%) on day 7; 525 (46.8%) required 10 days of home isolation. Statistically significant associations were observed between return-to-work periods and occupational group (P < 0.01) and Ct value (P < 0.01), but not between return to work and age, sex or vaccination status. Discussion: This test-based strategy ensured a balance between mitigating a shortage of HCWs and enabling them to return to work early without compromising their safety and that of their patients.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038718


The right of occupational disease diagnosis is a worker's right to occupational health protection, and a procedural right to protect substantive rights. Its contents include the submission of occupational disease diagnosis, the application for occupational disease diagnosis and appraisal, as well as the cooperative obligation of the parties. The right of occupational disease diagnosis and appraisal is the embodiment and extension of the right of occupational disease diagnosis. For workers, the right of occupational disease diagnosis is private, and waiving the diagnosis of occupational diseases is a personal right. For employers, there is no legal right to request initial occupational disease diagnosis, but there is a right to apply for occupational disease diagnosis appraisal and to request re-diagnosis of occupational diseases. The cooperative obligation in occupational disease diagnosis is to guarantee the initiation and smooth progression of the right to occupational disease diagnosis. After workers request occupational disease diagnosis, if they unreasonably refuse to cooperate in health examinations or medical examinations during the diagnosis process, it can be considered as waiving the right to occupational disease diagnosis. If the employers apply for appraisal of occupational disease diagnosis without paying the appraisal fee, it can be handled as waiving their rights or withdrawing their appraisal applications. When workers apply for occupational disease diagnosis or appraisal of occupational disease diagnosis, but the employer refuses to pay the corresponding fee, it does not affect the progress of occupational disease diagnosis and appraisal work. In this case, the employer should bear the corresponding administrative responsibilities according to law.

China Occupational Medicine ; (6): 16-24, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038720


ObjectiveTo investigate the correlation of polymorphism and loci interaction of nucleic acid binding oligomeric domain-like receptor heat protein domain associated protein 3 (NLRP3) gene and susceptibility to coal workers' pneumoconiosis (CWP) in Xinjiang Region. Methods A total of 109 CWP were selected as the case group, and 69 coal miners with similar age, years of dust exposure and work types were selected as the control group by convenient sampling method. Blood samples of individuals in workers in these two groups were collected, and the genotypes of single nucleotide polymorphism loci, rs1539019, rs4612666, rs4925650 and rs7525979, in the NLRP3 gene were detected using an improved multiplex ligation detection reaction. The optimal genetic model was selected based on the Akaike information criterion. Results The results of unconditional logistic regression analysis showed that individuals with the C allele of rs1539019 or rs4612666 had a higher risk of CWP than those with the A or T allele (all P<0.05), and individuals with the AA genotype of rs1539019 or the TT genotype of rs4612666 had a lower risk of CWP than those with the CC genotype (all P<0.05), after adjusting for age, years of work, alcohol, and smoking. The optimal genetic models for rs1539019 and rs4612666 were the recessive model and the additive model, respectively, and these differences were associated with the susceptibility to CWP at the Bonferroni-corrected level (all P<0.05). No correlation was found between rs4925650 and rs7525979 and the susceptibility to CWP (all P>0.05). In the smoking population, the rs1539019 co-dominant model, recessive model, and additive model were associated with a decreased risk of CWP (all P<0.05). The rs4612666 co-dominant model, dominant model and additive model were associated with an increased risk of CWP (all P<0.05), with the optimal genetic models being the recessive model and the additive model among smokers. The rs1539019 and rs4612666 were not found to be associated with the increased risk of CWP in non-smokers (all P>0.05). The rs4612666 dominant model and additive model were associated with an increased risk of CWP (all P<0.05), and the rs4925650 recessive model and over-dominant model were associated with a decreased and increased risk of developing CWP (all P<0.05), with the optimal genetic models being the dominant model and the over-dominant model in drinkers. The rs1539019 co-dominant model, dominant model, recessive model, and additive model were associated with a decreased risk of developing CWP (all P<0.05), and the rs4612666 co-dominant model, recessive model, and additive model were associated with an increased risk of developing CWP (all P<0.05), with the optimal genetic models being the additive model and the recessive model in non-drinkers. The result of haplotype analysis showed that the ACAC and ACGC haplotypes were associated with a reduced risk of CWP (all P<0.05). Conclusion The rs1539019 and rs4612666 loci of the NLRP3 gene are associated with susceptibility to CWP. This study provides clues for further research on the risk of CWP in coal workers.