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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020418


Objective:To explore the experience of self-management dilemma ofadults with emerging ankylosing spondylitis, and to provide reference for the construction of self-management intervention strategies for emerging adults with ankylosing spondylitis.Methods:Descriptive phenomenology was used to conduct in-depth interviews with 14 adults with emerging ankylosing spondylitis in the Rheumatology and Immunology Department of Drum Tower Hospital Affiliated to Medical College of Nanjing University from August 2022 to March 2023. The interview data were analyzed by Colaizzi′s seven-step analysis method.Results:A total of 14 patients completed the interview,10 males, 4 females, aged 21-30 years. In adults with emerging ankylosing spondylitis, there were dilemmas of role maladjustment and disease management disorder, including role maladjustment of disease management and social role maladjustment. Barriers to disease management included weak self-management awareness, insufficient support for self-management information, inadequate self-management skills, and poor compliance with self-management behaviors.Conclusions:The role adaptation and self-management ability of adults with emerging ankylosing spondylitis are seriously inadequate. It is urgent to construct health management strategies for adults with emerging ankylosing spondylitis to help them improve the level of role adaptation and disease management.

Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 299-318, ago. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448496


Resumen En el ámbito de la discapacidad intelectual, el desarrollo de una vida independiente se ha configurado como un derecho humano y civil que permite a estas personas articular planes de vida deseados. Esta investigación analiza, mediante un estudio de caso, los significados que un grupo asesor compuesto por ocho personas adultas con discapacidad intelectual tiene sobre el concepto de vida independiente en el contexto chileno. Para la recopilación de los datos se diseñó una entrevista grupal semiestructurada acompañada de moodboards que facilitaron la verbalización de las respuestas. Sobre los relatos obtenidos a partir de las entrevistas se realizó un análisis de contenido temático. Los resultados muestran cómo el desempeño de una actividad laboral remunerada o el establecimiento de relaciones afectivas sólidas se conforman como elementos imprescindibles para la independencia personal. La dificultad para ser económicamente independientes o la falta de accesibilidad en el entorno laboral se identifican también como principales barreras para la concreción de este derecho. Igualmente, se destaca el rol que desempeñan la pareja y las amistades como figuras de apoyo constante a la independencia y al empoderamiento personal. Estos resultados sugieren algunas orientaciones para la planificación de intervenciones sobre este constructo, las cuales deben procurar la adquisición de habilidades que fortalezcan la capacidad de autocuidado de este colectivo, promover el incremento de oportunidades para la realización de elecciones significativas en el ámbito laboral, personal y comunitario, y adaptarse a los espacios en los que se desenvuelven las personas con discapacidad intelectual en la edad adulta.

Abstract In the field of intellectual disability, the development of an independent life has been configured as a human and civil right that allows these people to articulate desired life plans. Despite the advances, at the international level, research on aspects related to independent living in people with intellectual disabilities continues to be very scarce. Generally, the approaches to the study of this construct are based on broader investigations dedicated to evaluating the levels of quality of life or self-determination of this population in residential services or sheltered housing. Precisely, this study analyzes, through a case study, the meanings that an advisory group made up of eight adults with intellectual disabilities has on the concept of independent living in the Chilean context in order, on the one hand, to identify relevant elements for the definition of the construct from the perceptions and experiences of this population; and on the other, to propose guidelines at various levels that allow progress in the realization of this right. To collect the data, a semi-structured group interview was designed whose questions were grouped around four themes: previous conceptions of the participants about the construct of independent life, satisfaction with life and possibilities of the context for the development of personal independence, role of family, friendship and partner in independent life, and opportunities of the work context for the achievement of personal independence. During the interview, another strategy was incorporated in which visual language gained more relevance. Specifically, a set of ten moodboards were used that allowed participants to delve into the different topics addressed. The results of the code validation process were calculated using Krippendorff's alpha statistics (.954) and Cohen's kappa (.953), which showed a high level of inter-judge agreement. As a result of this process, categories (N = 6) and subcategories (N = 17) were established. The results show how various needs, barriers and facilitators for the development of independent life are identified from the interviews of the interviewees. Among the main needs is the performance of a paid work activity or the establishment of solid affective relationships. With regard to the barriers that hinder personal independence, the most notorious are related to the difficulty of being financially independent or to the lack of accessibility in the work environment. Regarding the elements that facilitate the development of an independent life, the role of the couple stands out as a constant figure of support for independence and personal empowerment. These results suggest some guidelines for planning interventions on this construct. Among others, they should seek the acquisition of skills that strengthen the self-care capacity of this group; should promote increased opportunities for making meaningful choices in the workplace, personal and community; and they must adapt to the spaces in which people with intellectual disabilities operate in adulthood. On the other hand, it is assumed that one of the main limitations of this research is that the results are not generalizable. However, this study has some strengths. Among others, it contributes to enriching the bulk of research on independent living, this being an aspect barely addressed in the literature. It also complements the results of other research regarding the elements that can condition the development of skills for personal independence. This allows for the design of interventions that provide opportunities for independent living based on the felt needs of these people. In addition, it raises future lines of research related, for example, to the importance of the informed choice of the residential environment or to the study of the possibilities of the digital world as an incident phenomenon in the acquisition of skills for personal independence.

Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 461-477, ago. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448505


Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer si la temporalidad subjetiva -perspectiva y foco temporales- y la capacidad de autocontrol e impulsividad repercuten en el malestar psicológico, en particular durante la pandemia por COVID-19. La conjetura teórica es que el tiempo psicológico está estrechamente vinculado a la autorregulación, que influye en el desarrollo de la impulsividad y el autocontrol e impacta en el malestar psicológico. Se diseñó un modelo y se realizó un estudio empírico cuantitativo, no experimental y transversal (. = 279; 78 % mujeres; ME = 30.14 años; DE = 11.21). Los resultados del análisis de correlación mostraron relaciones significativas entre las variables de interés. Para determinar las variables predictoras del malestar psicológico se realizó un análisis de regresión lineal múltiple. El 48 % de la varianza del malestar psicológico fue explicado por el pasado negativo, autocontrol e impulsividad, y focos temporales futuro y presente. Finalmente, se probó el modelo teórico diseñado para analizar los efectos directos e indirectos del malestar psicológico a través de un análisis de senderos que presentó un buen ajuste a los datos, ya que explicó el 50 % de la varianza de aquel. La perspectiva y el foco temporal explicaron el 53 % de la variabilidad del autocontrol, y presentaron efectos indirectos sobre el malestar psicológico a través del autocontrol. El autocontrol influyó de manera inversa en el malestar. Los hallazgos indican que el tiempo subjetivo y el autocontrol sirven para explicar estados psicológicos, incluso en pandemia, lo cual confirma estudios previos que muestran la importancia de las variables de personalidad -además de las biológicas y contextuales- en la aparición de malestar psicológico.

Abstract Psychological time is an essential aspect of humans. Two of the most important notions of subjective temporality are time perspective and temporal focus. Time perspective is a process by which the flow of personal and social experiences are framed in five different temporal categories: past negative, past positive, present hedonistic, present fatalistic and future. Temporal focus refers to the attention people devote to thinking about the past, present, and future. Previous research shows there is a strong relation between psychological time and self-regulatory processes, specifically self-control and impulsivity. Self-control is the ability to inhibit impulsive behaviors or reactions that can keep the person from pursuing the proposed goals. On the other hand, impulsivity refers to a short attention span and a tendency to engage in risky behaviors, and to prefer immediate rewards. Both subjective temporality and self-regulatory processes influence behaviors and psychological states such as psychological distress. In particular, the objective of this study was to find out if subjective temporality -time perspective and temporal focus-- and self-control and impulsivity have repercussions on psychological distress, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, in an Argentinian sample. The theoretical conjecture is that subjective temporality is closely linked to self-regulation, which influences the development of impulsivity and self-control, and impacts psychological distress. A quantitative, non-experimental, and cross-sectional empirical study was carried out (. = 279; 78 % women; ME = 30.14 years old; SD = 11.21). Firstly, the results of the correlational analysis showed significant relations between the variables. Then, to facilitate further analyses, an index variable of self-control was created, which included the scores of self-control and three dimensions of impulsivity. An optimal parallel analysis was performed. It indicated the existence of a single dimension. Then a semi-confirmatory factor analysis was ran, which showed acceptable results (KMO = .68; X. (6) = 198.8, . < .001; GFI = .99; RMSR = 0.03). Thirdly, to determine the predictive variables of psychological distress, a multiple linear regression analysis was performed. It was found that 48 % of the variance of psychological distress was explained by negative past, self-control index, and future and present temporal focuses (. (4, 266) = 64.66, . < .001, R. = .49, R. adjusted = .48). The best predictor variable was past negative. Afterwards, a theoretical model was tested to explain the direct and indirect causes of psychological distress. It presented a good fit (X./gl = 1.63; GFI = .99; RMSEA = .04). Time perspective and temporal focus explained 53 % of the variability of self-control and presented indirect effects on psychological distress through self-control. Self-control inversely influenced psychological distress; more self-control generates less psychological distress. The model explained half of the variance of psychological distress (R. = .50). The findings indicate that subjective temporality and self-control explain psychological states, even during a pandemic, which confirms previous studies that show the importance of personality variables -in addition to biological and contextual variables- in the manifestation of psychological distress. The results support the theory that psychological time can be considered as a personality trait underlying self-control and psychological distress. A theoretical and practical discussion of the results is presented.

Journal of Modern Urology ; (12): 566-572, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006023


【Objective】 To investigate the penile appearance, sexual function, psychological status and related influencing factors of adult patients who underwent hypospadias repair surgery in their minors, so as to provide reference for the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of hypospadias. 【Methods】 This study included 50 adult hypospadias patients who underwent urethroplasty in our hospital during May 2005 and Aug. 2018. The present appearance, sexual function and psychological status were evaluated. The correlation and consistency between hypospadias objective scoring evaluation (HOSE) and pediatric penile perception score (PPPS) were analyzed. Factors affecting the results were determined with univariate and multivariate regression analysis. 【Results】 The satisfaction rate of HOSE was significantly correlated with the urethral length and complications (P=0.024, P=0.033). The satisfaction rate of PPPS was significantly correlated with the number of urethral operations and postoperative complications (P=0.041, P=0.023). There was a weak correlation between HOSE and PPPS (r=0.291, P=0.040), but almost no consistency (Kappa=0.2, P=0.107). Sixty percent of the patients paid attention to the ventral appearance of penis, whose dissatisfaction rate of PPPS was higher than those who did not pay attention to the ventral appearance of the penis (19/30 vs. 6/20, P=0.021). Patients with multiple operations (>1), postoperative complications or unsatisfactory penile appearance were more likely to have inferiority complex (52.6% vs. 22.6%, P=0.029; 59.1% vs.14.3%, P=0.001;61.5% vs. 24.3%, P=0.015). Multivariate regression analysis showed that dissatisfaction with the appearance of the penis was an independent risk factor for patients’ perception of their own physical defects. Among the patients who believed that they had physical defects, the percentage of patients with grade IV penile erectile hardness was significantly lower than that of those who denied they had physical defects (9/17 vs. 27/33, P=0.047). 【Conclusion】 The undesirable postoperative penis appearance is likely to have a negative impact on patients’ long-term psychological state, which might further damage the sexual function in adulthood. Surgeons should pay attention to the penile appearance during the conduction of hypospadias repair.

Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 45(4): 207-214, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449725


Abstract Supplementation with folic acid (FA) during gestation has been recommended by medical society all over the world, but some studies have shown that intake of high folic acid diet may unleash damages to the descendants. Objectives: Describing the effects of maternal supplementation with FA during gestation on offspring's kidney at late life stages. Data Source: It is a systematic review by which were consulted the following databases: Medline, through Pubmed, Lilacs, and SciELO. The research was performed using the keywords "Folic acid", "Gestation" and "Kidney". Study Selection: Eight studies were regarded for this systematic review. Data Collection: Only studies that evaluated folic acid consumption during gestation and its effects exclusively on descendants' kidney at several phases of life were regarded. Results: Gestational FA intake did not change the renal volume, glomerular filtration rate and the expression of some essential genes in the kidney of puppies whose dams were supplemented with FA. Maternal consumption of double FA plus selenium diet was effective in preserving antioxidant enzymes activity in the kidney of descendants from mothers exposed to alcohol. FA supplementation decreased some gross anomalies in the puppies caused by teratogenic drug despite of had not been effective in preventing some renal architectural damages. Conclusion: FA supplementation did not cause renal toxicity; it exerted an antioxidant protective effect and mitigated some renal disorders caused by severe aggressions.

Resumo A suplementação com ácido fólico (AF) durante a gestação tem sido recomendada pela sociedade médica em todo o mundo, mas alguns estudos têm mostrado que a ingestão de altas quantidades de ácido fólico na dieta pode desencadear danos aos descendentes. Objetivos: Descrever os efeitos da suplementação materna com AF durante a gestação no rim da prole em fases tardias da vida. Fonte de Dados: Trata-se de uma revisão sistemática realizada através da consulta das seguintes bases de dados: Medline, através da Plataforma Pubmed, Lilacs e Scielo. A pesquisa foi realizada utilizando-se as palavras-chave "Ácido Fólico", "Gestação" e "Rim". Seleção dos Estudos: Oito estudos foram considerados para esta revisão sistemática. Coleta de Dados: Foram incluídos estudos que abordaram o consumo de ácido fólico durante a gestação e seus efeitos exclusivamente no rim dos descendentes em diferentes fases da vida. Resultados: O consumo gestacional de AF não alterou o volume renal, a taxa de filtração glomerular e a expressão de alguns genes essenciais no rim dos filhotes de mães suplementadas com AF. A associação de AF e selênio na dieta materna foi eficaz na preservação da atividade de enzimas antioxidantes no rim da prole de mães expostas ao álcool. O consumo de AF diminuiu algumas anomalias importantes nos filhotes causadas por drogas teratogênicas, apesar de não ter sido eficiente na prevenção de alguns danos a arquitetura renal. Conclusão: A suplementação com AF não causou toxicicdade renal, exerceu efeito protetor antioxidante e mitigou algumas desordens renais causadas por agressões severas.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Downflow Filters , Folic Acid/administration & dosage , Kidney
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535311


Introduction: The use of computational systems has ventured into different healthcare areas, such as rehabilitation and stimulation of cognitive processes. To this date, it is possible to identify some reviews collecting studies on the efficacy and effects of those programs in groups such as older adults, children, and teenagers; there is a lack of academic literature giving an account of young and middle-aged adults. Objective: To identify empirical studies that measured the feasibility and effect of computer-based stimulation and rehabilitation programs for cognitive functions in young and middle-aged adults. Materials and methods: The PRISMA ScR (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews) extension was used as a base for a scoping review, as suggested by Cochrane Collaboration. Five databases -Science Direct, Scopus, Springer, PubMed, and Taylor & Francis- were used to trace information. The data registry and synthesis of the results was carried out independently by two reviewers. Results: 896 registries were found between 2015 and 2022, of which 91 met the eligibility principles, which evaluated the effects of programs based on computational systems on executive functions on young and middle-aged adults. Conclusion: Most of the interventions based on computational systems showed to be feasible and had moderate to significant effects on executive functions in young and middle-aged adults.

Introducción: El uso de los sistemas computacionales ha incursionado de forma notable en diferentes áreas de la salud, como la rehabilitación y estimulación de los procesos cognitivos. Si bien a la fecha se pueden identificar algunas revisiones que recopilan estudios sobre la eficacia y efectos de estos programas en grupos como adultos mayores, niños y adolescentes, existe poca literatura orientada a la adultez joven y la adultez media. Objetivo: Identificar estudios empíricos que midieron la viabilidad y el efecto de los programas de estimulación y rehabilitación de las funciones ejecutivas basados en computadora en la población adulta joven y media. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó revisión de alcance basado en la extensión PRISMA ScR (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extensión for Scoping Reviews) sugerido por Cochrane Collaboration. Para el rastreo de información se seleccionaron cinco bases de datos: Science Direct, Scopus, Springer, PubMed y Taylor & Francis. El proceso de registro de datos y la síntesis de los resultados fue realizada por dos revisores de forma independiente. Resultados: Se encontraron 896 registros desde el 2015 al 2022, de los cuales 91 cumplieron los principios de elegibilidad, en los que se evaluaron los efectos de programas basados en sistemas computacionales sobre las funciones ejecutivas en adultos jóvenes y adultos medios. Conclusión: La mayoría de las intervenciones basadas en sistemas computacionales mostraron ser viables y tener efectos favorables de moderados a significativos sobre las funciones ejecutivas de adultos jóvenes y medios.

Rev. CES psicol ; 15(3): 133-153, sep.-dic. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406722


Resumen El consumo de alcohol, tabaco y marihuana presenta una alta prevalencia entre adultos emergentes universitarios. Una variable que incide en el consumo de estas tres sustancias psicoactivas es la percepción de riesgo asociada a dicha conducta. Este estudio examinó -en adultos emergentes universitarios argentinos- la relación bi o multivariada, entre el riesgo percibido de consumir alcohol, tabaco y marihuana, y el consumo propiamente dicho de estas sustancias. Se analizaron también variaciones en la percepción de riesgo en función del sexo y del tipo de consumo (con y sin consumo episódico excesivo de alcohol [CEEA], con y sin consumo de tabaco o marihuana). La muestra final, no probabilística y de carácter accidental, estuvo compuesta por 279 estudiantes universitarios (75.6% mujeres; M edad = 23.02; DE = 3.36) que completaron un cuestionario online. Se encontraron diferencias significativas en la percepción de riesgo (global y para indicadores individuales) en función del sexo y del tipo de consumo. A su vez, el sexo (i.e., ser hombre) y la mayor frecuencia de CEEA, de consumo de tabaco y marihuana se asociaron a la percepción de un menor riesgo atribuido al consumo de cada sustancia. Los hallazgos sugieren que las conductas de consumo frecuente e intensivo podrían ser el foco de intervenciones para corregir posibles sesgos en la interpretación o valoración del riesgo percibido.

Abstract Alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana consumption is highly prevalent among emerging adult college students. One of the variables influencing the consumption of these three psychoactive substances is the perception of risk associated with such behavior. This work examined bivariate and multivariate relationships between risk perception of alcohol, tobacco and marijuana use, and the use of those substances, in Argentinian emerging adults that attend college. Additionally, we analyzed differences in risk perception in regards of gender. A sample of 279 college students (75.6% women; M age = 23.02; SD = 3.36) completed an online survey. We used a non-probabilistic and accidental sampling. We found significant differences in risk perception as a function of gender and type of consumption (i.e., with/without heavy episodic drinking [HED], with or without tobacco/marijuana use). Being men and exhibiting a higher frequency of HED, tobacco or marijuana consumption were significantly associated to the perception of a lower risk attributed to each substance. These findings suggests that frequent and intensive substance use behaviors could be the focus for interventions to correct risk perceptions.

Psicol. conoc. Soc ; 12(3)nov. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406409


Resumen: El inicio de los estudios universitarios constituye un momento de transición y crisis. Poseer un propósito vital (PV) puede contribuir a la adaptación de los estudiantes. Las actividades extracurriculares y laborales son contextos con potencial para el desarrollo del PV. Este trabajo se propone indagar la relación entre la participación en actividades extracurriculares y laborales con el sentido de PV de estudiantes que inician sus estudios universitarios. Como objetivo secundario se realizó la validación de la Escala de Propósito Vital para Estudiantes Universitarios (EPVE). Por lo tanto, esta investigación se dividió en dos fases. En total participaron 232 estudiantes de ambos sexos (mujeres, 60.3%). En la primera fase se analizaron las propiedades psicométricas de la EPVE. Los resultados indican que posee una adecuada validez de contenido y factorial, y una buena consistencia interna. En la segunda fase, se seleccionaron de la muestra total a los estudiantes que iniciaban sus estudios universitarios y se encontraban en la adultez emergente (n = 160). Se comparó el sentido de PV en función de la participación en las actividades, y se analizó la relación entre el PV y el grado de vinculación percibida entre las actividades y la carrera. Los resultados indicaron que la participación en actividades laborales se asocia a una menor identificación de PV. Sin embargo, cuando se perciben vinculadas a la carrera universitaria, se asocia a una mayor identificación de PV.

Abstract: The beginning of university studies constitutes a moment of transition and crisis. Having a purpose in life (PL) can contribute to students' adaptation. Extracurricular and work activities are contexts with potential for the development of PL. This work aims to investigate the relationship between participation in extracurricular and work activities with the sense of PL in students who begin their university studies. As a secondary objective, the validation of the Purpose in Life Scale for University Students (PLSS) was carried out. Therefore, this research was divided in two stages. A total of 232 students of both sexes participated (women, 60.3%). In the first stage, the psychometric properties of the PLSS were analyzed. The results indicate that it has adequate content and factor validity, and good internal consistency. In the second stage, students who were beginning their university studies and were emerging adults (n = 160) were selected from the total sample. The sense of PL was compared based on the participation in activities, and the relationship between PL and the degree of perceived link between activities and career was analyzed. The results indicated that the participation in work activities was associated with a lower identification of PL. However, when it was perceived as linked to a university career, it was associated with a greater identification of PL.

Resumo: O início dos estudos universitários constitui um momento de transição e crise. Possuir um propósito vital (PV) pode contribuir para a adaptação dos alunos. As atividades extracurriculares e laborais são contextos com potencial para o desenvolvimento da PV. Este trabalho tem como objetivo investigar a relação entre a participação em atividades extracurriculares e laborais com o sentido de PV de estudantes que iniciam seus estudos universitários. Como objetivo secundário, foi realizada a validação da Escala de Propósito Vital para Estudantes Universitários (EPVE). Portanto, esta pesquisa foi dividida em duas fases. No total, participaram 232 alunos de ambos os sexos (mulheres, 60,3%). Na primeira fase, foram analisadas as propriedades psicométricas do EPVE. Os resultados indicam que possui validade de conteúdo e fatorial adequada e boa consistência interna. Na segunda fase, foram selecionados do total da amostra alunos que estavam iniciando seus estudos universitários e em fase adulta emergente (n = 160). Comparou-se o sentido de PV em função da participação nas atividades, e analisou-se a relação entre PV e o grau de vínculo percebido entre atividades e carreira. Os resultados indicam que a participação em atividades laborais está associada a uma menor identificação de PV. No entanto, quando percebidos como vinculados a uma carreira universitária, associa-se a uma maior identificação de PV.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2022 Oct; 70(10): 3575-3578
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224616


Purpose: We aimed to evaluate the normative pupillometry values and mean pupil dilatation speed in healthy individuals in different age groups in our study. Methods: The study group included 180 eyes of 90 healthy volunteers in different age groups. Group 1 consisted of 30 participants between the ages of 6 and 18, group 2 consisted of 30 participants aged 19–40, and group 3 consisted of 30 participants aged 41–75. Scotopic, mesopic, photopic, and dynamic measurements were taken with automatic pupillometry of Sirius Topographer (CSO, Firenze, Italy). The mean pupil dilation speed at the 18th second was calculated according to dynamic measurements. Results: Group 1 had a significantly larger pupil diameter than groups 2 and 3 in all static and dynamic parameters, and the mean pupil dilation speed was the highest among the groups (P < 0.001 for all static and dynamic parameters). In addition, group 2 had a significantly larger pupil diameter than group 3 (P < 0.001 for all static and dynamic parameters) and the mean pupil dilation speed was faster than group 3 (P = 0.027). Conclusion: We have presented the static and dynamic parameters and the mean speed of pupil dilatation at the 18th second with automatic pupillometry in healthy individuals in childhood, adulthood, and old age. More studies with higher participants and younger age children are needed.

Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 18(1): 70-87, ene.-jun. 2022. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421359


Resumen El presente artículo parte de la importancia que el tránsito a la vida adulta ha adquirido a lo largo del tiempo, por ser un tema de reflexión y de múltiples estudios para conocer cómo las condiciones de hoy en día permiten este proceso en los jóvenes. Este artículo es un estudio cualitativo de revisión sistemática y tuvo como objetivo describir el tránsito a la adultez desde dos perspectivas. La primera, una construcción por medio de investigaciones realizadas por varios autores, los cuales encontraron que la transición a la adultez está mediada por aspectos como la autonomía, los nuevos roles, las expectativas individuales, las demandas, entre otras. Y la segunda, una visión anclada a paradigmas emergentes y el enfoque sistémico, que plantean que el tránsito a la vida adulta se ve permeado por elementos como la desvinculación, la individuación y las dinámicas familiares. La revisión permitió concluir que las condiciones familiares y sociales en las que se desarrolla el individuo son determinantes en su tránsito a la vida adulta, favoreciendo o dificultando este proceso.

Abstract This article is based on the importance that the transition to adulthood has had over time, as it is a subject of reflection and multiple studies that aim to understand how the current conditions allow this process in young people. This is a qualitative study of systematic review and its objective is to describe the transition to adulthood from two perspectives. The first, a construction through research conducted by different authors, who found that the transition to adulthood is mediated by aspects such as autonomy, new roles, individual expectations, and demands, among others. The second one, a vision anchored to emerging paradigms and the systemic approach, which suggests that the transition to adulthood is influenced by elements such as decoupling, individuation, and family dynamics. The review made it possible to conclude that the social and family conditions in which the individual develops are determining factors in his/her transition to adulthood, either favoring or hindering this process.

Rev. Costarric. psicol ; 41(1)jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387268


Resumen La desregulación emocional es un constructo multidimensional determinado por formas poco adaptativas de responder frente a las emociones. Las personas adultas emergentes (i.e., entre 18 y 25/30 años de edad), particularmente universitarias, son vulnerables a involucrarse en comportamientos riesgosos en contextos emocionales. La Escala de Dificultades en la Regulación Emocional Estado (S-DERS) resulta adecuada para medir dimensiones de desregulación emocional momentánea en esta población; sin embargo, no se conocen estudios confirmatorios de su estructura factorial ni estudios de adaptación al idioma español. El objetivo del presente estudio fue examinar las propiedades psicométricas de la S-DERS. Se evaluaron 178 adultos emergentes universitarios argentinos (18-28 años; 53.9% mujeres; Medad= 22.03; DE ±2.06). Se analizó la estructura y la consistencia interna del modelo original (S-DERS; cuatro factores: aceptación, conciencia, claridad y modulación) y un modelo alternativo (S-DERS-R; 3 factores) sin el factor claridad. Ambos modelos presentaron un ajuste satisfactorio de su estructura factorial y valores aceptables de consistencia interna, a excepción de la subescala claridad. Mayormente, para las subescalas aceptación y modulación y puntajes totales de ambos modelos, se obtuvieron evidencias de validez convergente con dos escalas de desregulación emocional rasgo concurrente con una escala de afecto positivo y negativo y predictiva con una medida de activación emocional. Los resultados muestran propiedades psicométricas adecuadas. S-DERS-R, que prescinde del factor claridad, mejora el ajuste y mantiene valores de consistencia interna aceptables respecto a S-DERS. Se espera que este instrumento sea útil en estudios transversales y longitudinales de la desregulación emocional estado en universitarios.

Abstract: Emotion dysregulation is a multidimensional construct determined by maladaptive ways of responding to emotions. Emerging adults (i.e., aged from 18 to 25/30), particularly college students, are vulnerable to involvement in risky behaviors under emotions. The State Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (S-DERS) became suitable to measure facets of momentary emotion dysregulation in this population; however, there are no confirmatory studies or studies of adaptation to the Spanish language. The aim of this study was to examine psychometric properties of S-DERS. A sample of 178 Argentine emerging college-age adults was evaluated (18-28 years old; 53.9% women; Mage= 22.03; DE ± 2.06). Internal structure and consistency of the original model (i.e., S-DERS; four factors: Nonacceptance, Awareness, Clarity, Modulation) and an alternative model without Clarity (i.e., S-DERS-R; three factors) was analyzed. Both models presented a factor structure with satisfactory fit and acceptable values of internal consistency, with the exception of the Clarity subscale. Mainly to Nonacceptance and Modulation subscales, we observed evidence of convergent validity with two-trait emotion dysregulation scales, concurrent validity with a positive and negative affect scale, and predictive validity with an emotion arousal measure. Results show suitable sychometric properties. The S-DERS-R model (i.e., without Clarity factor) improves the model fit and maintains acceptable internal consistency values with respect to the S-DERS model. This instrument is expected to be useful in cross-sectional and longitudinal studies of state emotion dysregulation in college students.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Emotional Adjustment , Emotional Regulation , Argentina , Students , Universities
Rev. Costarric. psicol ; 41(1)jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387270


Resumen El objetivo de la investigación fue determinar las estrategias de afrontamiento personales y familiares en el desarrollo de la experiencia de confinamiento, por causa de la contingencia sanitaria por COVID-19, en población adulta de la zona centro-sur de Chile. El estudio fue de tipo cuantitativo, con un diseño de tipo transversal, asociativo. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 251 personas, 139 (55.4%) mujeres y 112 (44.6%) hombres, con un rango etario de 18 a 40 años. Los instrumentos aplicados fueron el Inventario de Estrategias de Afrontamiento (CSI) y la Escala de Evaluación Personal del Funcionamiento Familiar en Situaciones de Crisis (F-COPE). El análisis de los datos se realizó al emplear SPSS 22 y considerar un intervalo de confianza del 95% para el desarrollo de estadística descriptiva, pruebas de diferencias de medias t de Student, pruebas de correlación r de Pearson y ANOVA de una vía. Los resultados muestran que el afrontamiento individual se relaciona positivamente con el familiar, encontrando diferencias significativas según género y edad. Se discuten los hallazgos de acuerdo a los antecedentes teóricos y empíricos revisados.

Abstract: The aim of the research was to determine the personal and family coping strategies as the confinement experience developed, due to the COVID-19 health contingency, in an adult population of the south-central zone of Chile. The study was quantitative, with a cross-sectional, associative design. The sample consisted of 251 young adults, 139 (55.4%) women, and 112 (44.6%) men, with an age range of 18 to 40 years. The instruments applied were the Coping Strategies Inventory (CSI) and the Personal Evaluation Scale of Family Functioning in Crisis Situations (F-COPE). Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, Pearson's r correlation tests, Student's t-test, and one-way ANOVA. The results show that an individual's coping is positively related to his/her family one, with significant differences according to gender and age. The findings are discussed according to the reviewed theoretical and empirical background.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Adaptation, Psychological , Mental Health , COVID-19 , Chile
African Journal of Disability ; 11: 1-8, 2022. Tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1397040


Society places people with physical disabilities acquired during adulthood in disadvantaged positions, especially when they cannot participate in activities like their non-disabled counterparts. The situation can be worse for individuals who acquire disabilities during adulthood, where they have to learn to cope with the adulthood-acquired physical disabilities. Objectives: This study aimed to identify the types of physical disabilities acquired during adulthood and their causes and explore how participants defined their disabilities and the coping strategies they used. Methods: The study used a phenomenological research design. Five adults (three women, two men) with adulthood-acquired disabilities were purposefully selected from a rural area in Limpopo, South Africa. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews. Thematic analysis was used to generate themes about coping strategies study participants used. Results: The results show four types of adulthood-acquired disabilities amongst the participants: visual impairment, paraplegia, weakened muscles which led to bilateral amputation, loss of function on both hands and legs. Participants' meanings of their physical adulthood-acquired disabilities ranged from a punishment, pain, not a bother, black magic, to results of doing wrong things to someone. In coming to terms with their adulthood-acquired disabilities, participants used problem- and emotion-focused strategies. Four themes from the participants' responses were spiritual support, social support, substance dependency, access to health and rehabilitation services. Conclusion: The study contributes to understanding the experiences of individuals who acquired disabilities in adulthood, how they define their disabilities and the divergent coping strategies they use. This study established that participants used problem-focused, positive emotion-focused and negative emotion-focused coping strategies.

Adaptation, Psychological , Flatfoot , Adult , Community Support , Learning Disabilities , Rural Population , Life Change Events
Humanidad. med ; 21(3)dic. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405059


RESUMEN Introducción: El envejecimiento poblacional impone la necesidad de prever servicios de salud de calidad y especializados, así como un soporte psicológico y social adecuado para la promoción del bienestar de las personas mayores. Objetivo: Caracterizar el sentido de vida en personas mayores semi-institucionalizadas de la ciudad de Santa Clara, Cuba. Métodos: Se asumió un enfoque cualitativo con un diseño fenomenológico. Se emplearon como técnicas la entrevista en profundidad, el Registro de la Actividad Método Directo e Indirecto y el Cuestionario PIL. Los datos fueron procesados mediante el análisis de contenido y la triangulación de datos. Resultados: Como principales resultados se señala que, en las personas mayores participantes, se apreciaron limitaciones en las dimensiones experiencias de sentido, metas y tareas y dialéctica destino-libertad. Discusión: El sentido de vida en las personas mayores participantes se configuró en torno a la salud, los contactos sociales y familiares, las metas propias, la necesidad de trascendencia, la libertad, la felicidad y la participación. La ausencia de sentido se asoció a la carencia de un objetivo específico, a la incapacidad de legar sus conocimientos y experiencias de vida; así como a llevar una vida rutinaria.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Population aging imposes the need to provide quality and specialized health services, as well as adequate psychological and social support to promote the well-being of the elderly. Objective: To characterize the meaning of life in semi-institutionalized elderly people in the city of Santa Clara, Cuba. Methods: A qualitative approach with a phenomenological design was assumed. The in-depth interview, the Direct and Indirect Method Activity Record and the PIL Questionnaire were used as techniques. The data were processed through content analysis and data triangulation. Results: As main results, it is pointed out that, in the elderly participants, limitations were seen in the dimensions experiences of meaning, goals and tasks and the destination-freedom dialectic. Discussion: The sense of life in the participating elderly people was configured around health, social and family contacts, their own goals, the need for transcendence, freedom, happiness and participation. The absence of meaning was associated with the lack of a specific objective, the inability to pass on their knowledgement and life experiences; as well as leading a routine life.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 53: 30-36, jul.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1347628


Abstract Aim and Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate how different types of goals may affect the satisfaction in life of Brazilian emerging adults in different developmental stages and, what characteristics they associate with adulthood. Method: Participants were 970 Brazilian youth aged from 18 to 30 years old (M = 22.8; SD = 3.4). The instruments we used were a socio-demographic questionnaire, the Aspiration Index and the Satisfaction with Life Scale. We performed a descriptive statistical analysis to elicit the characteristics related with becoming an adult, as well as ANOVAs to test if there was a difference between the endorsement of intrinsic or extrinsic goals based on sociodemographic characteristics; and if there was a difference, did it affect their satisfaction with life. Results: Results showed that the most important characteristic to be considered an adult was to be financially independent and to be responsible for oneself, while the least important were to be married and to have children. There was a significant difference in the importance participants gave to intrinsic goals based on sex and age. Consistently with previous research, we found that giving greater importance to intrinsic goals had a positive and significant effect on life satisfaction. However, different sets of goals were deemed important according to the developmental stage youth were in, and these changes had in turn a significant effect on life satisfaction. Conclusions: Finally, we found that prioritizing intrinsic goals contributes to greater life satisfaction in general. This study acknowledges that there are individual and contextual factors that may propel youth to choose their goals in order to attend these demands, regardless of their impact on life satisfaction.

Resumen Objetivo e introducción: El objetivo de este artículo fue investigar como diferentes tipos de metas pueden afectar la satisfacción con la vida de adultos emergentes brasileños en diferentes etapas de su desarrollo, y definir qué características ellos asocian con la edad adulta. Método: Participaron 970 jóvenes brasileños con edades entre 18 y 30 años (M = 22.8; DE = 3.4). Los instrumentos utilizados fueron un cuestionario sociodemográfico, el Índice de Aspiraciones y la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida. Ejecutamos un análisis descriptivo para elucidar cuáles fueron las características asociadas con volverse adultos. Luego, ANOVAs para verificar si había diferencia en su endoso de metas intrínsecas o extrínsecas basada en sus características sociodemográficas; y en caso de que la hubiese, si esta afectaba su nivel de satisfacción con la vida. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron que la característica más importante para ser considerado un adulto es ser financieramente independiente y ser responsable de sí mismo, mientras que las menos importantes fueron estar casados y tener hijos. Hubo una diferencia significativa en la importancia que los participantes dieron a las metas intrínsecas, con base en el sexo y la edad. Consistentemente con investigaciones previas, encontramos que dar mayor importancia a metas intrínsecas está positiva y significativamente relacionado con la satisfacción con la vida. Sin embargo, diferentes grupos de metas fueron encontradas como más importantes en diferentes etapas del desarrollo de los jóvenes, y esos cambios, a su vez, tuvieron un efecto significativo en la satisfacción con la vida. Conclusiones: Finalmente, aunque dar importancia a las metas intrínsecas está asociada con una mayor satisfacción con la vida en general. Este estudio contribuyó a reconocer que existen factores individuales y contextuales que impulsan a los jóvenes hacia la elección de dichas metas para atender estas demandas, independientemente de su impacto en la satisfacción con la vida.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222745


Background: The current study aims to find the correlation between social media addiction and empathy among emerging adults ranging from the age 16-24. It also aims to investigate whether there is a significant difference in the empathy and social media addiction with respect to age and gender. Methodology: The current study aims to find the correlation between social media addiction and empathy among emerging adults ranging from the age 16-24. It also aims to investigate whether there is a significant difference in the empathy and social media addiction with respect to age and gender. Results: The results suggested that there is no correlation between social media addiction and empathy amongst emerging adults. When empathy was compared between males and females who are addicted to social media, there was a significant difference, but when compared between the age groups of 16-24 years, there was no significant difference. The researcher also found that there was no significant difference in social media addiction with respect to both gender and age. Conclusion: Out of the five hypotheses of this study, four of them were accepted. No significant correlation between social media addiction and empathy was found. Further studies are needed in this direction.

Rev. bras. orientac. prof ; 22(1): 1-15, jan.-jun. 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1351862


O presente estudo objetivou investigar os fatores relacionados à condição "nem-nem" entre jovens à luz do conceito de adultez emergente e das transformações ocorridas no mundo do trabalho. A amostra foi composta de 224 jovens que não estudam e nem trabalham. Os instrumentos foram um questionário sociodemográfico e duas questões abertas sobre os motivos dos jovens estarem sem estudar e trabalhar, e sobre suas perspectivas de futuro. As respostas provenientes das questões abertas foram submetidas a estatísticas textuais. Os resultados revelaram que jovens na condição nem-nem vivenciam aspectos típicos da adultez emergente, e que essas vivências são atravessadas por aspectos como gênero, escolaridade, experiência de trabalho, pela precariedade do mercado de trabalho e a forma como a mesma afeta a juventude em particular.

The present study aimed to investigate the factors related to the neither-nor condition among young people in the light of the concept of emerging adulthood and the transformations that occurred in the world of work. The sample consisted of 224 young people who neither study nor work. The instruments were a sociodemographic questionnaire and two open questions about why young people are not studying and working, and about their future prospects. Answers from open questions were submitted to textual statistics. The results revealed that young people in the neither-nor condition experience typical aspects of emerging adulthood, and that these experiences are crossed by aspects such as gender, education, previous work experience, the precariousness of the labor market and the way it is affects youth in particular.

El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar los factores relacionados con la condición de ni-ni entre los jóvenes a la luz del concepto de adultez emergente y las transformaciones ocurridas en el mundo laboral. La muestra estuvo formada por 224 jóvenes que ni estudian ni trabajan. Los instrumentos fueron un cuestionario sociodemográfico y dos preguntas abiertas sobre por qué los jóvenes no estudian ni trabajan, y sobre sus perspectivas de futuro. Las respuestas de las preguntas abiertas se enviaron a las estadísticas textuales. Los resultados revelaron que los jóvenes en la condición ni-ni experimentan aspectos típicos de la adultez emergente, y que estas experiencias son atravesadas por aspectos como el género , la educación, la experiencia laboral previa, la precariedad del mercado laboral y la forma en que se encuentra afecta a los jóvenes en particular.

Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Work , Education , Educational Status , Job Market , Psychology, Developmental
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-911363


Early adulthood is a critical stage in life cycle. Weight change during this period boasts several significant physiological features, and is suggested to have an effect on future cardiometabolic health. However, few studies have systematically described the association of weight change in early adulthood with long-term cardiometabolic risk. Therefore, we tried to comprehensively summarize the influence of different weight change patterns during early adulthood on cardiovascular diseases, and discuss some potentials in future research.

Rev. bras. estud. popul ; 38: e0161, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1288518


Multidimensional discussion about transition to adulthood is an incipient theme in Latin America. This paper seeks to describe and characterize the process of change in the transition of men and women in the region between the 1960s and 2010's. Using census data from IPUMS-International for 15 Latin American countries, we calculate the mean ages at transition to adulthood, at entering the labor market, at first union, and at first birth. We concluded there was a process of postponing transition to adulthood, although much stronger for males than for females, which we attribute to the events linked to the transition of each group. With these results, we hope to encourage further research into transition to adulthood in Latin America.

A transição para a vida adulta é um tema pouco explorado de forma multidimensional na América Latina. Este artigo busca descrever e caracterizar o processo de mudança na transição de homens e mulheres na região, entre 1960 e 2010. Utilizando dados censitários fornecidos pela plataforma IPUMS para 15 países latino-americanos, foram calculadas as idades médias na transição para a vida adulta, no ingresso no mercado de trabalho, na primeira união e no nascimento do primeiro filho. Conclui-se que houve um processo de postergação da transição para a vida adulta, porém, foi muito mais forte para os homens do que para as mulheres, o que pode ser atribuído aos acontecimentos ligados à transição de cada grupo. Com esses resultados, esperamos encorajar mais investigações sobre a transição para a vida adulta na América Latina.

La transición a la adultez es un tema poco explorado de manera multidimensional en América Latina. Este artículo busca describir y caracterizar el proceso de cambio en la transición de hombres y mujeres en la región entre las décadas de 1960 y 2010. Utilizando datos censales proporcionados por la plataforma IPUMS para 15 países de América Latina, calculamos las edades medias en la transición a la edad adulta, entrada al mercado laboral, primera unión y primer nacimiento. Concluimos que hubo un proceso de postergación de la transición a la adultez que fue mucho más fuerte para los hombres que para las mujeres, lo que atribuimos a los hechos relacionados con la transición de cada grupo. Con estos resultados esperamos impulsar nuevas investigaciones sobre la transición a la vida adulta en América Latina.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Marriage , Birth Order , Adolescent , Job Market , Family Characteristics , Censuses , Young Adult , Latin America