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MHSalud ; 21(1): 1-34, ene.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558383


Resumen Objetivo: Explorar y discutir literatura científica teórica y práctica para comparar la diversificación y la especialización deportivas tempranas como un enfoque deportivo y educativo. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática siguiendo las pautas PRISMA, se incluyó un total de 61 estudios. Resultados: Entrenadores, padres e hijos consideran que la mejor forma de desarrollar el talento deportivo y alcanzar la élite en el deporte es participar en una sola disciplina y hacerlo lo antes posible para lograr la especialización y las máximas habilidades técnicas, físicas y psicológicas. Los caminos de especialización deportiva pueden conducir a una situación física, social y mental que comprometa su desarrollo integral. Conclusión: Se puede plantear, en primer lugar, la diversificación deportiva en edades tempranas y luego la especialización; una vez alcanzadas las bases de la fuerza, el acondicionamiento y el entrenamiento neuromuscular, así como una maduración psicomotora específica, para que su rendimiento deportivo y su salud no se vean comprometidos en el mediano o largo plazo. Es necesario considerar que pocos niños logran obtener un lugar en los deportes de élite, por lo que, para muchos de ellos, la educación en torno al deporte será la base para el ejercicio de su ciudadanía como personas activas.

Abstract Purpose: To explore and discuss theoretical and practical scientific literature to compare sports diversification and early sports specialization as a sport and educational approach. Methods: A systematic review was conducted following PRISMA guidelines, and 61 studies were included. Results: Coaches, parents, and children consider that the best way to develop sports talent and enter the elite in sports is to practice a single discipline as early as possible to achieve specialization and maximum technical skills and physical and psychological conditions. Sports specialization paths may lead to a physical, social, and mental state that compromises their integral development. Conclusion: Sports diversification should be considered first at an early age and, afterward, the specialization once the bases of strength, conditioning, neuromuscular training, and a specific psychomotor maturation have been achieved, so that sports performance and health are not compromised in the medium or long term. It is necessary to consider that few children enter elite sports, so for many of them, sports education will be the basis for exercising their citizenship as active people.

Resumo Objetivos: Explorar e discutir literatura científica teórica e prática para comparar a diversificação e especialização esportiva precoce como uma abordagem esportiva e educacional. Métodos: uma revisão sistemática foi realizada seguindo as diretrizes do PRISMA, um total de 61 estudos foram incluídos Resultados: Treinadores, pais e crianças acreditam que a melhor maneira de desenvolver talentos esportivos e ingressar na elite do esporte é participar de uma única disciplina e fazer o mais cedo possível para alcançar a especialização e o máximo de habilidades técnicas, físicas e psicológicas. Os caminhos da especialização esportiva podem levar a uma situação física, social e mental que comprometa seu desenvolvimento integral. Conclusão: Primeiro, a diversificação esportiva pode ser considerada em uma idade precoce e depois a especialização, uma vez que os princípios básicos de força, condicionamento e treinamento neuromuscular tenham sido alcançados, bem como a maturação psicomotora específica para que seu desempenho esportivo e saúde não sejam comprometidos a médio ou longo prazo. É necessário considerar que poucas crianças conseguem obter um lugar nos esportes de elite, de modo que, para muitas delas, a educação em torno do esporte será a base para o exercício de sua cidadania como pessoas ativas.

Ciudad de México; Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; 20240510. 148 p. (Diagnostico de competencia transversal autoevaluada de las y los tutores clínicos(de Especializaciones en Enfermería).
Thesis in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1572357


Introducción: La evaluación diagnóstica de competencias transversales de los tutores clínicos de especialización en enfermería es necesaria para sistematizar la práctica clínica, en la cual un especialista acompaña a sus estudiantes. Objetivo: Analizar la competencia transversal de las y los Tutores Clínicos del Programa Único de Especializaciones en Enfermería de la UNAM. Metodología: Cuantitativo, descriptivo y transversal. Se diseñó y validó por jueces la "Escala de Autoevaluación de Competencias Transversales de la y el Tutor Clínico de Especialización en Enfermería". La muestra se obtuvo a partir de la fórmula de poblaciones finitas, y participaron 95 Tutores Clínicos del PUEE-UNAM. La recolección de los datos se llevó a cabo en noviembre del 2022 y se analizaron los datos a través del programa estadístico "IBM SPSS Statistics". Resultados: Los resultados muestran que 73% fueron mujeres y 27% hombres, 56% cuenta con actualización docente mediante cursos, diplomados o certificaciones. Con respecto a la competencia transversal, las y los tutores clínicos promediaron un 88.87% en "Nivel alto". Aunque en general la valoración de las competencias fue alta, se identificaron competencias con porcentajes bajos: Capacidad para diseñar escenarios de aprendizaje del cuidado especializado (68.40%), Capacidad para evaluar el aprendizaje en el entorno práctico (71.60%), Capacidad para promover el trabajo colaborativo (76.80%). Conclusiones: El diagnóstico de la competencia transversal de las y los tutores clínicos del PUEE-UNAM muestra que existen áreas de fortaleza y de oportunidad que demandan capacitación y formación continua en capacidades docentes, socioafectivas e interpersonales

Introduction: The diagnostic evaluation of transversal competencies of clinical tutors specializing in nursing is necessary to systematize clinical practice, in which a specialist accompanies their students. Objective: Analyze the transversal competence of the Clinical Tutors of the Unique Program of Specializations in Nursing of the UNAM. Methodology: Quantitative, descriptive and transversal. The "Self-Evaluation Scale of Transversal Competencies of the Nursing Specialization Clinical Tutor" was designed and validated by judges. The sample was obtained from the finite population formula, and 95 Clinical Tutors from PUEE-UNAM participated. Data collection took place in November 2022 and the data was analyzed through the statistical program "IBM SPSS Statistics". Results: The results show that 73% were women and 27% men, 56% have teaching updating through graduate courses or certifications. Regarding transversal competence, the clinical tutors averaged 88.87% in "High level". Although in general the assessment of the competencies was high, competencies with low percentages were identified: Ability to design specialized care learning scenarios (68.40%), Ability to evaluate learning in the practical environment (71.60%), Ability to promote collaborative work (76.80%). Conclusions: The diagnosis of the transversal competence of the PUEE-UNAM clinical tutors shows that there are areas of strength and opportunity that demand training and continuous training in teaching, socio-affective and interpersonal skills

Introdução: A avaliação diagnóstica das proficiências interdisciplinares dos tutores clínicos de especialização em enfermagem é necessária para sistematizar a prática clínica, na qual um especialista acompanha os seus estudantes. Objetivo: Analisar a proficiência transversal das e dos Tutores Clínicos do Programa Único de Especializações em Enfermagem da UNAM. Metodologia: Quantitativa, descritiva e interdisciplinar. Juízes desenharam e validaram a "Escala de Autoavaliação de Competências Transversais da e do Tutor Clínico de Especialização em Enfermagem. A amostra foi obtida a partir da fórmula de populações finitas, da qual participaram 95 Tutores Clínicos do PUEE-UNAM. A compilação de dados foi feita em novembro de 2022, na qual foram analisados dados mediante o programa estatístico "IBM SPSS". Resultados: Os resultados mostram que, do total de participantes, 73% foi de mulheres e 27% de homens; 56% conta com atualização docente ­ obtida mediante cursos, programas de graduação ou certificações. No que diz respeito à competência transversal, 88,87% das e dos tutores clínicos atingiu o "Nível Alto". Embora a apreciação tenha sido alta em geral, foram também identificadas percentagens baixas: Capacidade para projetar cenários de aprendizado de cuidado especializado (68,40%), Capacidade para avaliar o aprendizado em uma atmosfera prática (71,60%), Capacidade para promover o trabalho colaborativo (76,80%). Conclusões: O diagnóstico da competência transversal das e dos tutores clínicos do PUEE-UNAM demonstra que existem áreas de fortaleza e de oportunidade para melhorar que precisam de capacitação e de formatura contínua em capacidades docentes, socioafetivas e interpessoais

Humans , Nurse Clinicians
Espaç. saúde (Online) ; 25: 1-12, 02 abr. 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554584


O ensino superior em Enfermagem está em constante transformação, ensejando o uso de metodologias ativas que colaborem para o desenvolvimento de competências. Objetivou-se apresentar o panorama dos marcos de competência para formação de enfermeiros no Brasil. Trata-se de uma Revisão de Escopo, realizada nas bases de dados Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), PubMed, Portal da Capes e Biblioteca Eletrônica Científica Online (SciELO), no período de 2012 a 2022. Foram utilizados os descritores "Educação Baseada em Competências", "Perfil de Competências de Enfermeiros"; "Educação do Enfermeiro" e "Competência" nos idiomas inglês e espanhol, com o booleano "AND". Os 11 estudos selecionados evidenciaram a mudança de paradigma de formação baseada em competências, a partir das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais, clareamento do conceito de competência e marco de competências. Na realidade brasileira o tema é incipiente, com iniciativas baseadas em perfis de competências de gestão, liderança, promoção e educação em saúde.

Higher education in Nursing is constantly changing, stimulating the use of active methodologies that contribute to the development of competencies. The objective was to present an overview of the competency milestones for nurse training in Brazil. This is a Scoping Review, carried out in the Virtual Health Library (VHL), PubMed, Capes, Portal and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) databases, from 2012 to 2022. The descriptors "Based Education Skills", "Profile of Nurses' Skills"; "Nurse Education" and "Competency" were used in English and Spanish, with the Boolean "AND". The 11 selected studies showed a change in the paradigm of competency-based training, using the National Curriculum Guidelines, clarifying the concept of competency and the competency milestones. In the Brazilian reality, the theme is incipient, with initiatives inscribed in records of management skills, leadership, promotion and health education.

La educación superior en Enfermería está en constante cambio, promovendo el uso de metodologías activas que contribuyan al desarrollo de competencias. El objetivo fue presentar un panorama de los hitos competenciales para la formación de enfermeros en Brasil. Se trata de una Revisión de Alcance, realizada en las bases de datos Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS), PubMed, Portal Capes y Biblioteca Electrónica Científica en Línea (SciELO), de 2012 a 2022. Se utilizaron los descriptores "Educación Basada en Habilidades", "Perfil de Competencias del Enfermero"; "Educación de enfermería" y "Competencia" en inglés y español, con el booleano "AND". Los 11 estudios seleccionados evidenciaron un cambio en el paradigma de la formación por competencias, tomando como base los Lineamientos Curriculares Nacionales, aclarando el concepto de competencia y el marco de competencias. En la realidad brasileña, el tema es incipiente, con iniciativas inscritas en registros de habilidades de gestión, liderazgo, promoción y educación en salud.

Competency-Based Education , Nurse's Role
Invest. educ. enferm ; 42(1): 165-176, 20240408. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1554632


Objective. To develop a valid and reliable scale to measure entrepreneurship competences of nursing students, by assessing the level of development of diverse entrepreneurship dimensions. Methods. An Entrepreneurship Measurement Instrument, Catalonia (IME.Cat) was constructed, by adapting two existing instruments, and a psychometric study was performed to address the validity of the content and the construct, and the reliability. The internal consistency and the discrimination capacity of the instrument's items were examined. Results. The IME.Cat scale showed a high reliability (α=0.89) for the complete set of items. The Cronbach's α value of the individual dimensions were: Problem management=0.78; Creativity=0.76; Personal confidence =0.64; and Risk acceptance =0.46. The corrected homogeneity indices for each of the item in the instrument were high (>0.40). The Confirmatory Factorial Analysis validated the proposed structure of the items according to dimension. Conclusion. The IME.Cat scale showed solid psychometric values for assessing the entrepreneurship competences of nursing students within its dimensions, which are fundamental for the professional development of nursing.

Objetivo. Desarrollar una escala válida y fiable para medir competencias emprendedoras para estudiantes de enfermería, evaluando el nivel de desarrollo en diversas dimensiones del emprendimiento. Métodos. Se construyó el Instrumento de Medición Emprendedora Cataluña (IME.Cat) adaptando dos instrumentos existentes y se llevó a cabo un estudio psicométrico que abordó la validez de contenido, de constructo y la fiabilidad. Se examinaron la consistencia interna y la capacidad de discriminación de los ítems del instrumento. Resultados. La escala IME.Cat mostró una alta fiabilidad (α=0.89) para el conjunto completo de 25 ítems. Los valores del α de Cronbach de las dimensiones individuales fueron: Manejo de problemas=0.78; Creatividad=0.76; Seguridad personal=0.64; y Aceptación del riesgo=0.46. Los índices de homogeneidad corregidos para cada ítem del instrumento fueron elevados (>0.40). El Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio validó la estructura propuesta de ítems por dimensión. Conclusión. La escala IME.Cat mostró valores psicométricos sólidos para evaluar competencias emprendedoras en estudiantes de enfermería en sus dimensiones, las cuales son fundamentales en el desarrollo profesional de la enfermería.

Objetivo. Desenvolver uma escala válida e confiável para medir as competências empreendedoras dos alunos de enfermagem, avaliando o nível de desenvolvimento em várias dimensões do empreendedorismo. Métodos. O Instrumento de Medição de Empreendedorismo da Catalunha (IME.Cat) foi construído com a adaptação de dois instrumentos existentes, e um estudo psicométrico foi realizado para abordar a validade de conteúdo, a validade de construção e a confiabilidade. A consistência interna e a capacidade discriminatória dos itens do instrumento foram examinadas. Resultados. A escala apresentou alta confiabilidade (α=0.89) para o conjunto completo de 25 itens. Os valores de α de Cronbach para as dimensões individuais foram: Tratamento de problemas=0.78; Criatividade=0.76; Segurança pessoal=0.64; e Aceitação de riscos=0.46. Os índices de homogeneidade corrigidos para cada item do instrumento foram altos (>0.40). A análise fatorial confirmatória validou a estrutura de itens proposta por dimensão. Conclusões. A escala IME.Cat apresentou bons valores psicométricos para avaliar as competências empreendedoras dos estudantes de enfermagem em suas dimensões, que são fundamentais para o desenvolvimento profissional da enfermagem.

Humans , Male , Female , Psychometrics , Entrepreneurship , Competency-Based Education , Validation Study
Espaç. saúde (Online) ; 25: 1-10, 02 abr. 2024. ilust
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552082


O presente estudo teve como objetivo descrever e analisar as competências gerais, específicas e as dificuldades para a atuação dos farmacêuticos como preceptores. Para isso, foi realizada uma revisão de literatura nas bases de dados eletrônicas PubMed, Web of Science, Embase e Scopus, utilizando artigos publicados sobre competências gerais e específicas dos preceptores farmacêuticos. A busca inicial identificou 355 artigos, dentre os quais 14 atenderam aos critérios de inclusão. Foram encontradas como principais competências gerais: habilidade de comunicação, conhecimento, resolução de problemas, desenvolvimento de pensamento crítico e profissionalismo; como específicas: feedbacks, relacionamento interpessoal, atividades baseadas nas necessidades dos alunos, planejamento, expectativa compartilhada e liderança; e foram vistas como principais dificuldades: necessidade de maior qualificação dos preceptores e falta de tempo para exercer as atividades da preceptoria. O conhecimento dessas competências e dificuldades pode contribuir para uma melhor força de trabalho na educação acadêmica e experiencial em farmácia

The present study aimed aimed at describing and analyzing the general and specific skills and difficulties for pharmacists to act as preceptors. To this end, a literature review was carried out in the electronic databases PubMed, Web of Science, Embase and Scopus, for articles published on general and specific competencies of pharmaceutical preceptors. The initial search identified 355 articles and 14 using articles published met the inclusion criteria. The main general competencies were found to be: communication skills, knowledge, problem solving, development of critical thinking and professionalism; as specific: feedback, interpersonal relationships, activities based on student needs, planning, shared expectations and leadership; and the main difficulties were seen as: need for greater qualification of preceptors and lack of time to carry out preceptorship activities. Knowledge of these skills and difficulties can contribute to a better workforce in academic and experiential pharmacy education

El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo describir y analizar las competencias generales y específicas y las dificultades para la actuación de los farmacéuticos como preceptores. Para ello, se realizó una revisión de literatura en las bases de datos electrónicas PubMed, Web of Science, Embase y Scopus, usando artículos publicados sobre competencias generales y específicas de los preceptores farmacéuticos. La búsqueda inicial identificó 355 artículos, dentro de los quales 14 cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Se encontraron como principales competencias generales: habilidad de comunicación, conocimiento, resolución de problemas, desarrollo de pensamiento crítico y profesionalismo; como específicas: retroalimentación, relaciones interpersonales, actividades basadas en las necesidades de los alumnos, planificación, expectativa compartida y liderazgo; y fueron vistas como principales dificultades: necesidad de más cualificación de los preceptores y falta de tiempo para ejercer las actividades de la preceptoría. El conocimiento de estas competencias y dificultades puede contribuir a una mejor fuerza laboral en la educación académica y experiencial en farmacia

Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(2): 209-217, 20240220. tab, fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532576


Introducción. Los cuidados paliativos responden al sufrimiento de pacientes terminales y requieren personal entrenado para la intervención. Forman parte de la actividad en cirugía, sin embargo, no encontramos información sobre la educación de postgrado en cirugía en Colombia. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el nivel de conocimientos en cuidados paliativos, la calidad de la formación y las estrategias pedagógicas en los residentes. Métodos. Estudio observacional con recolección de la información autodiligenciada por medio electrónico. Resultados. Participaron 228 residentes, 7,8 % mencionaron asistir a rotación en cuidado paliativo y 66,6 % tener contacto con especialistas en cuidados paliativos. El 30,7 % no identificó una estrategia pedagógica clara. El 29,3 % tuvo alto nivel de conocimiento y 21,1 % adecuada calidad de formación. El 83,8 % tuvo un alto nivel en el manejo de obstrucción intestinal. No hubo asociación entre el nivel de conocimiento y las variables evaluadas (p>0,05). Conclusiones. Ni el aprendizaje recibido, ni el año de entrenamiento tuvieron efecto en el nivel percibido de conocimiento. Las competencias en cuidados paliativos, sus métodos y la calidad del aprendizaje son deficientes a nivel de postgrado en cirugía en Colombia. Probablemente está en un currículo oculto. Es necesario implementar estrategias pedagógicas en los currículos de estudios de los programas de formación de cirujanos.

Introduction. Palliative care responds to the suffering of terminal patients and requires trained personnel for intervention. They are part of the activity in surgery; however, we did not find information about postgraduate education in surgery in Colombia. The objective of this study was to evaluate the level of knowledge in palliative care, the quality of training and pedagogical strategies in residents. Methods. Observational study with self-completed information collection by electronic means. Results. A total of 228 residents participated, 7.8% mentioned a palliative care rotation and 66.6% mentioned having contact with palliative care specialists; 30.7% did not identify a clear pedagogical strategy; 29.3% had a high level of knowledge and 21.1% had adequate quality of training; 83.8% had a high level in the management of intestinal obstruction. There was no association between the level of knowledge and the variables evaluated (p>0.05). Conclusions. Neither the learning received nor the year of training had an effect on the perceived level of knowledge. Competencies in palliative care, its methods and the quality of learning are deficient at the postgraduate level in surgery in Colombia. It is probably on a hidden resume. It is necessary to implement pedagogical strategies in the study curricula of surgeon training programs.

Humans , Palliative Care , General Surgery , Education, Medical, Graduate , Competency-Based Education , Palliative Medicine , Surgical Oncology
Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 24(1): 169-178, ene.-mar. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565144


RESUMEN Introducción: Con el panorama cambiante de la educación médica, es crucial examinar críticamente los enfoques y marcos existentes. La educación médica basada en competencias (EMBC) surge como un prometedor cambio de paradigma, que prioriza el desarrollo de habilidades, conocimientos y actitudes explícitas centrado en el alumno y orientado a los resultados. Objetivo: Identificar los ajustes estructurales y procedimentales esenciales necesarios para una implementación eficaz de la EMBC. Se subraya la importancia de reorganizar las instituciones educativas, adaptar las técnicas de instrucción y evaluación y fomentar la adopción de la EMBC en el aula. Resultados: Para impartir con eficacia la EMBC, es imperativo reestructurar las instituciones educativas para que se centren en planes de estudios basados en competencias y en la enseñanza personalizada. Asimismo, es necesario modificar las estrategias de enseñanza y evaluación para facilitar la evaluación continua y el aprendizaje activo. Conclusiones: Adoptar los principios de EMBC puede permitir que la educación médica produzca profesionales equipados con las habilidades necesarias para satisfacer las demandas dinámicas de la medicina moderna.

ABSTRACT Introduction: With the changing landscape of medical education, it is crucial to critically examine existing approaches and frameworks. competency-based medical education (CBME) emerges as a promising paradigm shift, which prioritizes learner-centered, outcome-oriented development of skills, knowledge, and attitudes. Objective: To identify the essential structural and procedural adjustments needed for effective implementation of CBME. It underscores the importance of reorganizing educational institutions, adapting instructional and assessment techniques, and fostering acceptance of CBME in the classroom. Results: To effectively deliver CBME, it is imperative to restructure educational institutions to focus on competency-based curricula and personalized instruction. Also, there is a need to modify teaching and assessment strategies to facilitate continuous assessment and active learning. Conclusions: Adopting CBME principles can enable medical education to produce professionals equipped with the skills necessary to meet the dynamic demands of modern medicine.

Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine ; (4): 181-183,191, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019974


Objective To cultivate the ability of laboratory resident physicians in multiple aspects and enhance their post-competence for laboratory medicine.Methods The residents recruited into the Cancer Hospital of China Academy of Medical Sciences Laboratory Base were divided into junior residents and senior residents.According to the different training contents and objectives,the exploration of the hierarchically progressive training model was carried out,which mainly included three aspects:training plan,process training and process assessment.Results After the implementation of the hierarchical progressive training model,the average theoretical score and the average score in the skill operation examination of the residents increased to over 90 and 95,respectively.Meanwhile,the comprehensive clinical ability was also improved.Breakthroughs of teaching,scientific research and honor were achieved from"nothing"before the implementation to"something"after the implementation,and it actively promoted the improvement of the post-competency of the residents in laboratory medicine.Conclusion The application of the hierarchically progressive training mode in standardized training of residents in laboratory medicine could play a good role in promoting the training of post-competence for residents.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020523


Objective:To study and analyze the status quo and influencing factors of breast cancer patients′ concern about the upbringing of their minor children, and to provide a reference for clinical improvement of the level of breast cancer patients′ concern about parenting.Methods:A total of 247 breast cancer patients in the daytime ward of Tianjin Medical University Cancer Hospital from March to May 2023 were selected by convenience sampling. The General Information Questionnaire, Parenting Concerns Questionnaire, Parenting Sense of Competence Scale were selected for cross-sectional investigation. The multiple linear regression model was used to analyze the influencing factors of breast cancer patients′ worries about the upbringing of their minor children.Results:Finally, 240 valid questionnaires were ultimately collected. There were 12 patients with breast cancer aged 20-29 years old, 76 patients aged 30-39 years old, 117 patients aged 40-49 years old, and 35 patients aged ≥50 years old. The total score of breast cancer patients′anxiety about minor children′s rearing was (37.34 ± 2.56) points. The scores of each dimension were in order of (15.14 ± 1.02) worry about the actual impact on children, (11.15 ± 0.83) worry about the emotional impact on children, and (11.05 ± 0.71) worry about the parents of children. The total score of parenting competence (66.54 ± 11.68) points. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that parenting competence, educational level, number of underage children, per capita monthly income of families, and TNM stage (T: tumor primary lesion; N: regional lymphnode involvement; M: remote metastasis situation) affected parenting anxiety ( t values were -15.24-8.56, all P<0.05), which could explain 81.2% of the total variation in parenting anxiety level. Conclusions:Breast cancer patients′ concern about the upbringing of minor children is at a medium level, so medical staff should give relevant intervention measures to breast cancer patients with different characteristics, in order to provide reference for reducing the level of concern about the upbringing of minor children.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023349


In 2022, Chinese Medical Doctor Association issued the model of physician competency that includes six core competencies. Workplace-based formative assessment is an important method for the implementation of competency-based medical education, among which direct observation assessment, such as mini-clinical evaluation exercise and direct observation of procedural skills, together with multi-source assessment (i.e., 360-degree assessment), widely covers competency assessment, and entrustable professional activities (EPAs) are also worth exploring. Design of a comprehensive assessment system, establishment of a clinical competency committee, and enhancement of the external conditions of medical education may help with the implementation of competency assessment. Extending competency-based medical education to the stage of undergraduate education is an important measure to improve the quality of medical education.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023352


Objective:To develop employer's satisfaction evaluation index system towards post competency of residents.Methods:Using Delphi method, the employer's satisfaction evaluation index system towards post competency of residents was formulated through a two-round expert consultation among 19 experts. SPSS 20.0 was used for statistical analysis to calculate the positive coefficient, authority coefficient and coordination degree of experts.Results:For the two rounds of the expert consultation, the questionnaire recovery rate was 95.0% and 100% respectively. The experts' authority coefficient was 0.92, and the system was ultimately determined, including 5 first-level indicators, and 32 secondary indicators. The coefficient of variation (CV) of first-level indicators was 0.00, and the Kendall's W of secondary indicators was 0.663. Conclusions:Employer's satisfaction evaluation index system towards post competency of residents is scientific and reliable, which could provide employer with systematic and objective tool to evaluate residents' post competency.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023375


Objective:To construct an objective and scientific core competence training system for intensive care unit (ICU) specialized nurses in Yunnan Province, and to provide references for formulating a homogeneous and standardized ICU specialized nurse training strategy and assessment.Methods:Based on the theoretical basis of the nurse-patient safety competency framework, the relevant literature of nursing job competence was consulted, the core competency training system of ICU specialized nurses in Yunnan Province was constructed, and the expert letter questionnaire was designed through theoretical analysis. From January to May 2020, 15 experts of critical care medicine from Yunnan Province were consulted by Delphi method to establish a core competency training system for ICU specialized nurses in Yunnan Province. SPSS 21.0 was used to input and analyze the data.Results:A total of 2 rounds of Delphi expert consultation were carried out. The final core competency indicators for ICU specialized nurses included effective communication, teamwork, safety risk management, nursing quality improvement and professionalism, including 5 first-level indicators, 14 second-level indicators and 59 third-level indicators. The effective recovery rates of the two rounds of Delphi expert consultation questionnaires were 100.00% (15/15) and 86.67% (13/15), the expert authority coefficient values were 0.863 and 0.881 respectively, the Kendall harmony coefficients of the first-level index, the second-level index and the third-level index were 0.381, 0.299 and 0.250, and χ2 value was 22.86, 58.22 and 217.30, with statistically significant differences ( P<0.001). The 5 first-level indicators were safety risk management (0.360), professionalism (0.280), teamwork (0.200), nursing quality improvement (0.120), and effective communication (0.040) in descending order. Conclusions:The established core competence training system for ICU specialized nurses in Yunnan Province based on patient safety is reliable and scientific, which can provide objective basis for the on-the-job training, evaluation and development of patient safety education courses for ICU specialized nurses in Yunnan Province.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023378


Objective:To investigate the geriatric nursing competency of undergraduate nursing interns in four schools of nursing in Beijing as well as the influencing factors, and to provide a reference for perfecting the geriatric nursing education system in colleges and universities.Methods:From October to November 2022, a cross-sectional survey was performed on 223 undergraduate nursing interns selected by convenience sampling from four schools of nursing in Beijing, with the use of a general information questionnaire and the Gerontological Nursing Competence instrument. A general linear regression model was established to explore the factors influencing the geriatric nursing competency of nursing interns.Results:The mean total score for gerontological nursing competency was (3.19±0.40). In all dimensions, the mean score was highest for "Providing a safe living environment for older persons" (3.40±0.47) and lowest for "Understanding the sexual needs of older persons" (2.78±0.73). The thought about whether gerontological nursing contents were enough and the level of motivation to study gerontological nursing courses were the factors affecting nursing interns' gerontological nursing competency ( P<0.05). Conclusions:The overall gerontological nursing competency of the nursing interns was at a medium level, with uneven competencies in different dimensions. Nursing schools should strengthen gerontological nursing course building and stimulate students' learning motivation to improve their gerontological nursing competency.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023382


Objective:To establish an indicator system of entrustable professional activities (EPAs) for entering residency, and to provide support for targeted training and ability evaluation of entering residency.Methods:Based on the existing indicator systems of EPAs for entering residency in China and globally, two rounds of Delphi consultation were performed to identify and optimize the indicators for EPAs. The scores of indicators were evaluated using means and coefficient of variation, and the degree of expert authority and Kendall's W coefficient were used to test the reliability of results.Results:A total of 17 indicators for EPAs were established, which defined the entrustable level of each EPA that residents should reach at the time of entry and at the end of the first year.Conclusions:This study preliminarily establishes an indicator system of EPAs for entering residency.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023401


The Clinical Medicine Proficiency Test developed by the National Medical Examination Center of China in 2020 aims to assess whether clinical medical students possess the necessary medical humanities and basic medical theoretical knowledge and skills required for clinical internships. Since 2002, Japan has implemented the pre-clinical clerkship objective structured clinical examination and computer-based testing, which share similarities with China's proficiency test in terms of examination objectives, content, format, and score evaluation. Through comparing the examinations of China and Japan, this article concludes that it is necessary to learn from Japan's experience to expedite the process of promoting the Clinical Medicine Proficiency Test as an industry admission examination in China. We suggest that medical schools should keep tracking the development of the proficiency test and fully leverage its role in urging students to pay more attention to clinical internships. We also urge medical schools to establish a three-level examination system based on post competency criteria in line with the standards of the National Medical Licensing Examination to improve the quality of medical education.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023416


Objective:To explore the factors influencing the supportive communication ability of medical undergraduates, and to propose strategies to improve supportive communication.Methods:By cluster sampling, we selected 388 medical undergraduates of grades 2017 and 2018 from Harbin Medical University for a questionnaire survey on supportive communication, general self-efficacy, and health education abilities. SPSS 22.0 was used for descriptive statistical analysis. AMOS 22.0 was used to construct a structural equation model to verify the relationship between the three variables. Mediating effects were also tested.Results:The students showed good supportive communication ability, with a total score of (74.28±10.84) points. The general self-efficacy score was (27.81±5.58) points, and the total score of health education ability was (25.50±4.76) points. General self-efficacy had direct positive effects on supportive communication and health education abilities ( β=0.75, 0.31, both P<0.001). Health education ability had a direct positive effect on supportive communication ability ( β=0.14, P<0.001). Health education ability played a significant mediating role in the influence of general self-efficacy on supportive communication ability (standardized mediating effect value=0.042, P<0.01), with the mediating effect accounting for 5.1%. Conclusions:The health education competency of medical undergraduates can mediate the effect of general self-efficacy on supportive communication ability. By strengthening medical humanities education to increase general self-efficacy and also emphasizing the cultivation of health education competency, the supportive communication ability of students can be improved.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029084


Objective:To evaluate the application feasibility of the post competency index system of rural general practice assistant physicians, and to analyze and compare the post competency of rural general practice assistant physicians with different characteristics through a survey among rural general practice assistant physicians in China.Methods:This study was a cross-sectional study. A questionnaire survey was conducted among rural general practice assistant physicians in 10 provinces/municipalities selected by stratified cluster sampling method from October 2020 to September 2021. The post competency scores were self-evaluated based on the post competency index system of rural general practice assistant physicians. The results of the survey were analyzed and the application feasibility of the index system was evaluated.Results:A total of 1 123 questionnaires were distributed and 1 024 valid questionnaires were returned with a recovery rate of 91.2%. Of the 1 024 respondents, 529 were males (51.7%), 435 were aged 40-49 years (42.5%), 434 had a secondary school education or less (42.4%), and 531 were junior practitioners (51.9%). The Cronbach′s α coefficient of the overall questionnaire was 0.987, and the Cronbach′s α coefficient of the first level index ranged from 0.897 to 0.974. The cumulative variance contribution rate of exploratory factor analysis was 72.012%. The confirmatory factor analysis showed χ2/ df=3.926, RMSEA=0.076, CFI=0.858, IFI=0.859, indicating that the model fit was basically good. The average self-evaluation scores of the first level index ranged from 3.95 to 4.25, and the average self-evaluation scores of the second level index ranged from 3.74 to 4.36. There were significant differences in self-evaluation scores of post competency among rural general practice assistant physicians with different working years, professional titles, working units and economic regions( F=4.67, 10.54, 22.16 and 20.90,all P<0.05). People with low self-evaluation scores of post competency had the following characteristics: working 10-19 years, intermediate or above titles, working in community health service centers, located in the eastern region.People with high self-evaluation scores of post competency had the following characteristics: primary professional title, working in the village clinic. Conclusion:The competency index system of rural general practice assistant physicians has good application feasibility,and it can be used to evaluate post competency for the education and training of rural general practice assistant physicians.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029106


Objective:To explore the current status of the post competency evaluation index systems of Chinese general practitioners (GPs), and to summarize the post competency evaluation index systems of GPs in China.Methods:This study was a systematic review. We searched China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Wanfang Data Knowledge Service Platform, China Science and Technology Journal Database (CQVIP), SinoMed, PubMed and other databases using "general practitioner" or "family doctor" or "standardized training for residents" or "post competency" or "evaluation system" or "core capability" or "assessment" or "evaluation" etc. as search terms and adding free words. The search was conducted from data establishment to October 2022. Literature screening and data extraction were carried out independently by 2 researchers using strict inclusion and exclusion criteria. The Ekman quality evaluation tool was used to evaluate the quality of the included literature. Excel was used to extract data information, including basic information of literatures, basic information of index systems and index content.Results:A total of 1 284 literatures were retrieved and 33 studies were included. A total of 15 research methods were used, and 28 (84.8%) applied 3 or more methods. There were 14 studies (42.4%) with good reliability and validity, and 17 studies (51.5%) with index weights. There were 12 applied theoretical bases, of which 20 studies (60.6%) used mature foreign competency models as a reference, 14 studies (42.4%) combined the job analysis and position requirements of GPs, and 11 studies (33.3%) interpreted policy documents. The content analysis method yielded 1 537 initial indicators, 1 268 indicators after eliminating repeated indicators, and 6 first-level indicators and 31 second-level indicators after combining and summarizing. Among the first-level indexes, "patient care" appeared most frequently (36.4% (462/1 268)); the secondary index with the highest frequency in this dimension was "master medical theoretical knowledge" followed by "community-oriented care ability" and "treatment and follow-up of common and frequently-occurring diseases"; the indicators "family-based care ability" and "human-centered care concept" reflected the characteristics of general medical practice. The frequency of "professional spirit and moral quality" (16.3%(207/1 268)), "clinical teaching and learning ability" (14.3%(181/1 268)) and "system-based practical ability"(11.1%(141/1 268)) ranked second, third and fourth among the first-level indicators respectively. The frequency of "basic public health service ability" (11.0%(139/1 268)) ranked the fifth, and the secondary indicator "health management of key community groups" reflected the concept of the whole life cycle of residents and the basic principle of continuity of care in general medicine. The frequency of "interpersonal and communication skills"(10.9%(138/1 268)) ranked sixth.Conclusions:There have been numerous researches on the post competency index evaluation system of GPs in China, but more research is still needed. There are many research methods with rich theoretical basis and Chinese characteristics. This study summarized the post competency evaluation index systems of GPs in China, generalized 6 first-level indicators and 31 second-level indicators that reflect the basic principles and characteristics of general medicine.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1032329


Nosocomial infection control personnel are crucial in ensuring the nosocomial infection management and the implementation of prevention and control measures. The level of their job competency directly determines the quality and standard of nosocomial infection management. This article reviews the research progress of competency requirements and evaluation indicators of nosocomial infection personnel domestically and internationally. It also summarizes the current gaps and primary reasons behind these gaps in China’s research, so as to offer insights for the future development and improvement of the comprehensive capabilities of these professionals.