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Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 3(65): 31-50, set-dez.2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567828


A sociedade está cada vez mais exigente e em busca de excelência quando o assunto é estética facial. O sorriso tem grande impacto na harmonia da face e, atualmente, os pacientes estão mais conscientes sobre a influência da gengiva na beleza do sorriso. A exposição da gengiva em excesso, conhecida como sorriso gengival, afeta a estética, podendo interferir na autoestima e nas relações sociais dos pacientes. Existem diversos procedimentos descritos para solucionar o problema e, para o planejamento do caso e escolha do método, é preciso determinar a etiologia e levar em consideração o desejo do paciente. A injeção da proteína botulínica é uma alternativa minimamente invasiva que está sedo cada vez mais utilizada para a correção do sorriso gengival. Com isso, o objetivo do presente trabalho monográfico foi realizar uma revisão de literatura sobre o uso da toxina botulínica na correção do sorriso gengival, analisando técnicas de injeção, identificando o efeito imediato e a longo prazo da toxina nos músculos elevadores do lábio superior, além de avaliar a relevância desse método na correção do sorriso gengival, sozinho ou em conjunto com outros procedimentos. Foi realizada uma revisão de literatura nas bases de dados PubMed e Scielo, buscando artigos dos anos de 2013 até 2022, utilizando os descritores "botulinum toxin", "botox", "gummy smile", "gingival display" e "gingival exposure". Essa revisão analisa 15 artigos que discorrem sobre o método, durabilidade e eficácia da aplicação de proteína botulínica para correção do sorriso gengival. Algumas variantes diferenciam as técnicas de aplicação, como a marca do produto e recomendações do fabricante, classificação do sorriso e extensão da exposição gengival. Com base na revisão de literatura, pôde-se concluir que, apesar de ser transitório, esse procedimento se mostrou eficaz, tanto ao ser realizado como método principal, quanto como coadjuvante no tratamento. Além de ser comprovadamente seguro, rápido, minimamente invasivo e ser o tratamento de preferência entre os pacientes, com alto índice de satisfação, são raras as complicações relacionadas a aplicação da proteína botulínica para esse fim.

Society is becoming increasingly demanding, seeking excellence in facial aesthetics. The smile greatly impacts facial harmony, and nowadays, patients are more aware of the influence of the gums on smile beauty. Excessive gum exposure, known as gummy smile, affects aesthetics and can interfere with patients' self-esteem and social relationships. There are various procedures described to address this issue, and for case planning and method selection, it is necessary to determine the etiology and take into account the patient's desires. The injection of botulinum protein is a minimally invasive alternative that is increasingly being used for gummy smile correction. Thus, the aim of this monographic work was to conduct a literature review on the use of botulinum toxin in gummy smile correction, analyzing injection techniques, identifying the immediate and long-term effects of the toxin on the upper lip elevator muscles, and evaluating the relevance of this method in gummy smile correction, either alone or in conjunction with other procedures. A literature review was conducted in the PubMed and Scielo databases, seeking articles from 2013 to 2022, using the descriptors "botulinum toxin", "botox", "gummy smile", "gingival display", and "gingival exposure". This review analyzes 15 articles that discuss the method, durability, and effectiveness of botulinum toxin application for gummy smile correction. Some variations differentiate the application techniques, such as the product brand and manufacturer's recommendations, smile classification, and extent of gum exposure. Based on the literature review, it was possible to conclude that, despite being temporary, this procedure proved to be effective, both when performed as the main method and as an adjunct in treatment. In addition to being proven safe, fast, minimally invasive, and the preferred treatment among patients, with a high satisfaction rate, complications related to botulinum toxin application for this purpose are rare.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 19(2)ago. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564927


Los trastornos músculo-esqueléticos relacionados con el trabajo constituyen motivo de preocupación para la comunidad científica, avalado por su efecto negativo en la vida de los trabajadores y la productividad de las empresas. En el proceso de fundición de metales, los moldeadores manuales con pisón neumático exteriorizan manifestaciones de estas afecciones. Ello indujo a realizar una investigación que tuvo como objetivo elaborar un programa de Gimnasia Laboral para contribuir a la atención de los trastornos músculo-esqueléticos en los moldeadores manuales metalúrgicos. Para recopilar, analizar y procesar los datos se emplearon métodos teóricos, empíricos y matemático-estadísticos, entre ellos el histórico-lógico, analítico-sintético, inductivo-deductivo, sistémico-estructural-funcional, la observación participante, encuesta, entrevista, revisión documental, el experimento, criterio de usuarios y la estadística descriptiva e inferencial. La población objeto de estudio estuvo conformada por 19 moldeadores manuales metalúrgicos, seleccionados de forma intencional. El diagnóstico y la sistematización teórica alcanzada posibilitaron elaborar un programa de Gimnasia Laboral, en correspondencia con los requerimientos del proceso de moldeo, cuya efectividad fue constatada.

As lesões músculo-esqueléticas relacionadas com o trabalho são motivo de preocupação para a comunidade científica, sustentadas pelos seus efeitos negativos na vida dos trabalhadores e na produtividade das empresas. No processo de fundição do metal, os moldadores manuais com compactador pneumático externalizam as manifestações dessas condições. Isso originou uma pesquisa que teve como objetivo desenvolver um programa de Ginástica Laboral para contribuir no cuidado de lesões osteomusculares em moldadores manuais metalúrgicos. Para coletar, analisar e tratar os dados foram utilizados métodos teóricos, empíricos e matemático-estatísticos, incluindo histórico-lógico, analítico-sintético, indutivo-dedutivo, sistêmico-estrutural-funcional, observação participante, levantamento, entrevista, revisão documental, o experimento, critérios de usuário e estatísticas descritivas e inferenciais. A população em estudo foi composta por 19 modeladores manuais metalúrgicos, selecionados intencionalmente. O diagnóstico e a sistematização teórica conseguidos permitiram desenvolver um programa de Ginástica Laboral, em correspondência com as exigências do processo de moldagem, cuja eficácia foi verificada.

Work-related musculoskeletal disorders are a cause of concern for the scientific community, supported by their negative effect on the lives of workers and the productivity of companies. In the metal casting process, manual molders with pneumatic tamper externalize manifestations of these conditions. This led to carrying out a research that aimed to develop a Labor Gymnastics program to contribute to the care of musculoskeletal disorders in metallurgical manual shapers. To collect, analyze and process the data, theoretical, empirical and mathematical-statistical methods were used, including historical-logical, analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, systemic-structural-functional, participant observation, survey, interview, documentary review, the experiment, user criteria and descriptive and inferential statistics. The population under study was made up of 19 metallurgical manual shapers, intentionally selected. The diagnosis and theoretical systematization achieved made it possible to develop a Labor Gymnastics program, in correspondence with the requirements of the molding process, whose effectiveness was verified.

J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 13(1): 136-149, mayo 29, 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563412


Background: Denture adhesives are alternatives used to improve retention, stability, comfort and satisfaction in patients with complete dentures. Evidence on the effectiveness of denture adhesives on resorbed mandibular ridges is scarce. Among the many commercially available denture adhesives, the ideal material for the severely resorbed mandibular ridge remains in dispute. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of different quantities of four commercially available denture adhesives on the retention of mandibular complete dentures in severely resorbed ridges. Materials and Methods: A resorbed edentulous mandibular ridge model was manufactured in acrylic resin. A denture base was made and three loops were attached to it. Four commercially available denture adhesives (Fixodent, Perlie White, Fiftydent and Polident) were tested in amounts of 0.2 g, 0.4 g, 0.6 g, 0.8 g and 1.0 g. The acrylic resin model was evenly moistened with 1 ml of water and a weighted amount of adhesive material was applied to the denture base. The universal testing machine engaged the loops fixed on the denture base and applied the vertical displacement force. The maximum vertical displacement force values were recorded for each denture adhesive material at different amounts. Statistical calculation was performed using Kruskal Wallis with Bonferroni post hoc correction. Results: Statistically significant differences were observed in the mean values of the vertical displacement force for adhesive amounts of 0.2 g, 0.4 g, 0.6 g and 1.0 g (p<0.05) between the four adhesive materials tested. Statistically significant differences were observed when four denture adhesives were compared to each other in different amounts (p<0.05). Statistically significant differences were observed between different amounts for each of four denture adhesives (p<0.05). Conclusions: Among the four materials tested, Polident showed greater effectiveness at 0.6 g and 0.8 g, Fittydent at 0.6 g, 0.8 g and 1 g, Fixodent at 0.4 g and 0.6 g and Perlie White at 1 g and 0.8g quantity to resist vertical displacement. forces on the severely resorbed mandibular crest. Using an appropriate amount of denture adhesive allows for proper retention of the denture; Replacement of this adhesive is necessary once a day.

Introducción: Los adhesivos para prótesis dentales son alternativas utilizadas para mejorar la retención, la estabilidad, la comodidad y la satisfacción en los pacientes con prótesis completas. La evidencia sobre la efectividad de los adhesivos para prótesis dentales en los rebordes mandibulares reabsorbidos es escasa. Entre los muchos adhesivos para prótesis dentales disponibles comercialmente, sigue estando en disputa cuál es el material ideal para el reborde mandibular severamente reabsorbido. Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la efectividad de diferentes cantidades de cuatro adhesivos para prótesis dentales disponibles comercialmente sobre la retención de prótesis dentales completas mandibulares en reborde mandibular reabsorbido severamente. Materiales y Métodos: Se fabricó un modelo de reborde mandibular edéntulo reabsorbido en resina acrílica. Se hizo una base para la prótesis y se le colocaron tres bucles. Se probaron cuatro adhesivos para dentaduras postizas disponibles comercialmente (Fixodent, Perlie White, Fiftydent y Polident) en cantidades de 0,2 g, 0,4 g, 0,6 g, 0,8 g y 1,0 g. El modelo de resina acrílica se humedeció uniformemente con 1 ml de agua y se aplicó la cantidad correspondiente de material adhesivo sobre la base de la dentadura. La máquina de prueba universal enganchó los bucles fijados en la base de la dentadura postiza y aplicó la fuerza de desplazamiento vertical. Se registraron los valores máximos de fuerza de desplazamiento vertical para cada material adhesivo para dentaduras postizas en diferentes cantidades. El cálculo estadístico se realizó utilizando Kruskal Wallis con corrección post hoc de Bonferroni. Resultado: Se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los valores medios de la fuerza de desplazamiento vertical para cantidades de 0,2 g, 0,4 g, 0,6 g y 1,0 g (p<0,05) entre los cuatro materiales adhesivos para prótesis dentales probados. Se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas cuando se compararon cuatro adhesivos para prótesis dentales entre sí en diferentes cantidades (p<0,05). Se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre diferentes cantidades en los cuatro adhesivos para prótesis (p<0,05). Conclusión: De los cuatro materiales probados, Polident mostró mayor efectividad a 0,6 g y 0,8 g, Fittydent a 0,6 g, 0,8 g y 1 g, Fixodent a 0,4 g y 0,6 g y Perlie White a 1 g y 0,8 g para resistir fuerzas de desplazamiento vertical en la cresta mandibular severamente reabsorbida. El uso de una cantidad adecuada de adhesivo para dentaduras postizas permite una retención adecuada de la dentadura postiza; El reemplazo de este adhesivo es necesario una vez al día.

Humans , Adhesives/therapeutic use , Denture Retention/methods , Denture Design , Dental Prosthesis/methods , Models, Dental , Denture, Complete , Mandible/pathology
Invest. educ. enferm ; 42(1): 39-52, 20240408. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1554603


Objective.To evaluate the effectiveness of Virtual Teaching (VT) Programme regarding palliative care on knowledge, self-efficacy and attitude among Nursing Personnel working in selected hospitals of North India. Methods. A quasi-experimental study with non-equivalent control group pre-test-post-test design was conducted on 121 Nursing Personnel, selected by convenient sampling technique. Knowledge, self-efficacy and attitude were assessed using structured knowledge questionnaire, Palliative Care Self-efficacy Scale, and Frommelt Attitudes toward care of dying scale respectively. Nursing personnel in experimental group received Virtual Teaching Programme regarding palliative care whereas those in comparison group received conventional teaching (CT). The study included a pre-test followed by the teaching (virtual/ conventional) on day one. The post-test was conducted on 15th day after the intervention. Results. The results showed that there was a significant difference in mean post-test knowledge (VT group: 17.11 to CT group: 25.05; t=9.25, p<0.001), self-efficacy (VT group: 39.27 to CT group: 43.38; t=6.39, p<0.001) and attitude (VT group: 108.86 to CT group: 133.23; t=9.27, p<0.001) scores between virtual teaching group and conventional teaching group. ANCOVA test revealed statistically significant differences in the mean scores of knowledge [F (1.11) = 86.61, p<0.001], self-efficacy [F (1.11) = 841.75, p<0.001] and attitude [F (1.11) = 82.92, p<0.001] between the groups, with higher means obtained in the CT group. Conclusion. Virtual Teaching programme and Conventional teaching both were effective in enhancing the knowledge, self-efficacy and attitude among Nursing Personnel regarding palliative care with conventional teaching being more effective.

Objetivo. Evaluar la efectividad de un programa de Enseñanza Virtual (EV) sobre cuidados paliativos en cuanto a conocimientos, autoeficacia y actitud entre el personal de enfermería que trabaja en hospitales seleccionados del norte de la India. Métodos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio cuasiexperimental con un diseño de grupo de control no equivalente. Se realizaron pre y post-prueba a 121 miembros del personal de enfermería, seleccionados mediante una técnica de muestreo por conveniencia. Se evaluaron los conocimientos, la autoeficacia y las actitudes mediante un cuestionario estructurado de conocimientos, una escala de autoeficacia en cuidados paliativos y una escala de actitudes de Frommelt hacia el cuidado de personas al final de su vida. El personal de enfermería del grupo experimental recibió un programa de EV sobre cuidados paliativos, mientras que el del grupo de comparación recibió enseñanza convencional (EC). El estudio incluyó una preprueba seguida de la enseñanza virtual o convencional el primer día y una prueba posterior al decimoquinto día después de la intervención. Resultados. Los resultados mostraron que había una diferencia significativa en las puntuaciones medias post-test entre los grupos en: conocimientos (EV: 17.11 y EC: 25.05; t=9.25, p<0.001), autoeficacia (grupo VT: 39.27 y grupo CT: 43.38; t=6.39, p<0.001) y actitud (grupo EV: 108.86 y grupo EC: 133.23; t=9.27, p=<0.001) La prueba ANCOVA también reveló diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las puntuaciones medias de conocimientos [F (1.11) = 86.61, p=<0.001], autoeficacia [F (1.12) =841.75, p=<0.001] y actitud [F (1.11) = 82.91, p<0.001] entre los grupos, obteniéndose medias más altas en el grupo CT. Conclusión. Tanto el programa de enseñanza virtual como la enseñanza convencional fueron efectivos para mejorar los conocimientos, la autoeficacia y la actitud del personal de enfermería en relación con los cuidados paliativos, siendo el beneficio mucho mayor la enseñanza convencional.

Objetivo. Avaliar a eficácia de um programa de Aprendizagem Virtual (VE) sobre cuidados paliativos em termos de conhecimento, autoeficácia e atitude entre a equipe de enfermagem que trabalha em hospitais selecionados no norte da Índia. Métodos. Um estudo quase experimental foi conduzido com um desenho de grupo controle não equivalente. Foram realizados pré e pós-testes em 121 membros da equipe de enfermagem, selecionados por meio de técnica de amostragem por conveniência. Foram utilizados os instrumentos: questionário de conhecimento estruturado, escala de autoeficácia em cuidados paliativos e escala de atitudes de Frommelt em relação ao cuidado de pessoas em fim de vida. A equipe de enfermagem do grupo experimental recebeu um programa de VE sobre cuidados paliativos, enquanto o grupo controle recebeu ensino convencional (CE). O estudo incluiu um pré-teste seguido de ensino virtual ou convencional no primeiro dia e um pós-teste no 15º dia após a intervenção. Resultados. Os resultados mostraram que houve diferença significativa nas médias dos escores pós-teste entre os grupos em: conhecimento (EV: 17.11 e EC: 25.05; t=9.25, p<0.001), autoeficácia (grupo VT: 39.27 e grupo CT: 43.38; t=6.39, p<0.001) e atitude (grupo EV: 108.86 e grupo EC: 133.23; t=9.27, p=<0.001). O teste ANCOVA também revelou diferenças estatisticamente significativas nas pontuações médias de conhecimento [F (1.11) = 86.61, p=<0.001], autoeficácia [F (1.12) =841.75, p=<0.001] e atitude [F (1.11) = 82.91, p<0.001] entre os grupos, obtendo maiores médias em o grupo CT. Conclusão. Tanto o programa de ensino virtual quanto o ensino convencional foram eficazes na melhoria do conhecimento, da autoeficácia e da atitude da equipe de enfermagem em relação aos cuidados paliativos, sendo o benefício muito maior com o ensino convencional.

Humans , Palliative Care , Control Groups , Telemedicine , Knowledge , Self Efficacy
Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 40(1): e00038723, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528217


Abstract: Brazil has the second largest number of leprosy cases (a disease with a significant burden) in the world. Despite global and local efforts to eliminate this public health problem, inadequate or late diagnosis contribute to perpetuate its transmission, especially among household contacts. Tests such as the rapid IgM antibody detection (RT) and real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) were developed to overcome the challenges of early diagnosis of leprosy. This study aimed to analyze the cost-effectiveness of a new diagnostic algorithm recommended by the Brazilian government to diagnose leprosy in household contacts of confirmed leprosy cases, which includes the RT and RT-PCR tests. A decision tree model was constructed and the perspective of the Brazilian Unified National Health System (SUS) and a 1-year time horizon were adopted. Only direct medical costs related to diagnostic tests were included. Effectiveness was measured as the number of avoided undiagnosed leprosy cases. Different scenarios were analyzed. The sequential use of RT, slit-skin smear (SSS) microscopy, and RT-PCR as recommended by the Brazilian Ministry of Health was compared to a base case (isolated SSS microscopy), yielding an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of USD 616.46 per avoided undiagnosed leprosy case. Univariate sensitivity analysis showed that the prevalence of leprosy among household contacts was the variable that influenced the model the most. This is the first economic model to analyze a diagnostic algorithm of leprosy. Results may aid managers to define policies and strategies to eradicate leprosy in Brazil.

Resumo: O Brasil tem o segundo maior número de casos de hanseníase (doença com carga significativa) do mundo. Apesar dos esforços globais e locais para eliminar esse problema de saúde pública, o diagnóstico inadequado ou tardio contribui para perpetuar sua transmissão, especialmente entre contatos intradomiciliares. Exames como o teste rápido de anticorpos IgM (RT) e a reação em cadeia da polimerase em tempo real (RT-PCR) foram desenvolvidos para superar as barreiras do diagnóstico precoce da hanseníase. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a relação custo-efetividade de um novo algoritmo de diagnóstico recomendado pelo governo brasileiro para diagnosticar a hanseníase em contatos domiciliares de casos confirmados de hanseníase, que inclui os testes RT e RT-PCR. Foi construído um modelo de árvore de decisão e adotada a perspectiva do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) considerando o período de um ano. Foram incluídos apenas os custos médicos diretos relacionados aos exames diagnósticos. A efetividade foi medida considerando o número de casos evitados de hanseníase. Diferentes cenários foram analisados. O uso sequencial de RT, baciloscopia e RT-PCR, conforme recomendado pelo Ministério da Saúde, foi comparado a um caso base (baciloscopia isolada), obtendo-se uma razão de custo-efetividade incremental de USD 616,46 por caso evitado de hanseníase. A análise de sensibilidade univariada mostrou que a prevalência de hanseníase entre contatos intradomiciliares foi a variável que mais influenciou o modelo. Este é o primeiro modelo econômico a analisar um algoritmo diagnóstico da hanseníase. Os resultados poderão auxiliar os gestores na definição de políticas e estratégias para a erradicação da hanseníase no Brasil.

Resumen: Brasil tiene el segundo mayor número de casos de lepra (enfermedad con carga significativa) del mundo. A pesar de los esfuerzos globales y locales para eliminar ese problema de salud pública, el diagnóstico inadecuado o tardío contribuye a perpetuar su transmisión, sobre todo entre contactos intradomiciliarios. Los exámenes como la prueba rápida de anticuerpos IgM (RT) y la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa en tiempo real (RT-PCR) se desarrollaron para superar las barreras del diagnóstico precoz de la lepra. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la relación de costo-efectividad de un nuevo algoritmo de diagnóstico recomendado por el gobierno brasileño para diagnosticar la lepra en contactos domiciliarios de casos confirmados de lepra, que incluye las pruebas RT y RT-PCR. Se construyó un modelo de árbol de decisión y se adoptó la perspectiva del Sistema Único de Salud (SUS) teniendo en cuenta el periodo de un año. Solo se incluyeron los costos médicos directos relacionados con los exámenes diagnósticos. Se midió la efectividad teniendo en cuenta el número de casos de lepra evitados. Se analizaron distintos escenarios. Se comparó el uso secuencial de RT, baciloscopia y RT-PCR, conforme el Ministerio de Salud recomienda, con un caso base (baciloscopia aislada), y se obtuvo un cociente de costo-efectividad incremental de USD 616,46 por cada caso de lepra evitado. El análisis de sensibilidad univariante mostró que la prevalencia de lepra entre contactos intradomiciliarios fue la variable que más influyó el modelo. Este es el primer modelo económico que analiza un algoritmo diagnóstico de lepra. Los resultados podrán ayudar los gestores a definir políticas y estrategias para erradicar la lepra en Brasil.

Epidemiol. serv. saúde ; 33: e2023214, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534444


ABSTRACT Objective to analyze the vaccine effectiveness in preventing deaths attributed to severe acute respiratory syndrome due to COVID-19 (SARS/COVID-19) in adults and the elderly, in Blumenau, state of Santa Catarina, Brazil, 2021. this was a population-based study conducted among individuals aged 20 years and older hospitalized with SARS/COVID-19; each death due to SARS/COVID-19 was considered a "case", and every survivor was considered a "control"; the association between vaccination status and the outcome of "death" was estimated using logistic regression, and vaccine effectiveness was estimated as (1-OR)*100. The study included 1,756 cases of SARS/COVID-19 (59.2% male, mean age of 56 years, 50.4% with elementary education, 68.4% with comorbidities and 39.1% in intensive care), of whom 398 died (cases) and 1,358 survived (controls); vaccine effectiveness was 74% and 85% (20-59 years old) and 72% and 75% (≥ 60 years old), respectively, for those who were partially vaccinated and fully vaccinated. Conclusion vaccines proved to be effective in reducing case fatality ratio due to SARS/COVID-19 in individuals ≥ 20 years old.

RESUMEN Objetivo analizar la efectividad de la vacuna para prevención de muertes por SRAG-COVID en adultos y ancianos de Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brasil, 2021. Método estudio de base poblacional con personas hospitalizadas por SRAG-COVID mayores de 20 años; las muertes por SRAG-COVID se consideraron casos y todos los supervivientes, controles; la asociación entre el estado de vacunación y la muerte se estimó mediante regresión logística; la efectividad de la vacuna se estimó por (1-OR)*100. Resultados participaram do estudo 1.756 casos de SRAG-COVID (59,2% del sexo masculino, edad media de 56 años, 50,4% con estudios primarios, 68,4% con comorbilidades y 39,1% en cuidados intensivos), dos quais 398 foram a óbito (casos) e 1.358 sobreviveram (controles); la efectividad de la vacuna fue del 74% y el 85% (20 a 59 años) y del 72% y el 75% (60 y más años), entre los que tenían vacunación parcial y completa, respectivamente. Conclusión las vacunas fueran efectivas para reducir la letalidad del SRAG-covid.

RESUMO Objetivo Analisar a efetividade vacinal na prevenção de óbitos atribuídos a síndrome respiratória aguda grave por covid-19 (SRAG-covid) em adultos e idosos, em Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brasil, 2021. Métodos Estudo populacional, entre maiores de 20 anos de idade internados por SRAG-covid; considerou-se "caso" cada óbito por SRAG-covid, e "controle", todo sobrevivente; estimou-se a associação entre a condição vacinal e o desfecho "óbito" por regressão logística, e a efetividade vacinal, por (1-OR)*100. Resultados Participaram do estudo 1.756 casos de SRAG-covid (59,2% do sexo masculino, idade média de 56 anos, 50,4% com ensino fundamental, 68,4% com comorbidades e 39,1% em cuidado intensivo), dos quais 398 foram a óbito (casos) e 1.358 sobreviveram (controles); a efetividade vacinal foi de 74% e 85% (20-59 anos) e de 72% e 75% (≥ 60 anos), respectivamente, para quem possuía vacinação parcial e vacinação completa. Conclusão Vacinas mostraram-se efetivas na redução da letalidade por SRAG-covid em indivíduos com idade ≥ 20 anos.

Fisioter. Mov. (Online) ; 37: e37201, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534461


Abstract Introduction The relevance of the studied topic lies in the complexity of the treatment of infection caused by SARS-CoV-2. Objective To discuss the potential advantages and disadvantages of alternative treatments compared to conventional medical approaches, and to highlight the importance of collaborative communication between patients and healthcare providers in making informed decisions about alternative treatments of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Methods The research methodology employed literature analysis methods, including bibliographic and bibliosemantic approaches. The study used theoretical, systematic, and statistical methods, including analysis, synthesis, generalization, interpretation, classification, and meta-analysis to explore alternative treatments for SARS-CoV-2 infections, their interrelationships, and statistical trends in incidence. Results The study identifies diverse alternative therapies for treating SARS-CoV-2 infections, highlighting herbal medicine, acupuncture, reflexology, biohacking, homoeopathy, and magnetotherapy. It underscores the potential benefits of herbal remedies like garlic, ginger, chamomile, and honeysuckle, as well as vitamins (C, D, B12) and minerals (zinc, selenium) in managing COVID-19 symptoms. Conclusion While of-fering holistic benefits, these therapies warrant cautious consideration due to limited scientific backing and potential interactions. Cultural understanding, patient-provider dialogue, and informed choices are key in harnessing the potential of alternative medicine along-side conventional approaches for managing COVID-19 challenges.

Resumo Introdução A relevância do tema estudado reside na comple-xidade do tratamento da infeção causada pelo SARS-CoV-2. Objetivo Discutir as potenciais vantagens e desvantagens dos tratamentos alternativos em comparação com as abordagens médicas convencionais e realçar a importância da comunicação colaborativa entre os doentes e os prestadores de cuidados de saúde na tomada de decisões informadas sobre os tratamentos alternativos do vírus SARS-CoV-2. Métodos A metodologia de investigação utilizou métodos de análise da literatura, incluindo abordagens bibliográficas e bibliosemânticas. O estudo utilizou métodos teóricos, sistemáticos e estatísticos, incluindo análise, síntese, generalização, interpretação, classificação e meta-aná-lise para explorar tratamentos alternativos para as infecções por SARS-CoV-2, suas inter-relações e tendências estatísticas da incidência. Resultados O estudo identifica diversas terapias alternativas para o tratamento das infecções por SARS-CoV-2, destacando a fitoterapia, a acupunctura, a reflexologia, o biohacking, a homeopatia e a magnetoterapia. Sublinha os potenciais benefícios dos remédios à base de plantas como o alho, o gengibre, a camomila e a madressilva, bem como das vitaminas (C, D, B12) e dos minerais (zinco, selénio) na gestão dos sintomas da COVID-19. Conclusão Embora ofereçam benefícios holísticos, estas terapias devem ser consideradas com cautela devido ao apoio científico limitado e às potenciais interações. A compreensão cultural, o diálogo paciente-prove-dor e as escolhas informadas são fundamentais para aproveitar o potencial da medicina alternativa juntamente às abordagens convencionais para gerir os desafios da COVID-19.

Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 57: e00402, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550680


ABSTRACT Background: The treatment strategy for latent tuberculosis infection is to reduce the number of tuberculosis cases and consequently reduce the transmission of pathogenic bacteria. This study aimed to determine the safety, effectiveness, and adherence of isoniazid use for latent tuberculosis infection treatment. Methods: To identify studies on isoniazid use for latent tuberculosis infection, five electronic databases were searched. The methods and results are presented in accordance with Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. Results: Most studies (53) used isoniazid for 9 months. The prevalence of use and adherence to treatment varied considerably (18% to 100%), and were evaluated by participant completion of isoniazid treatment for latent tuberculosis infection. The adverse events most frequently reported were hepatotoxicity, gastric intolerance, and neuropathy; the rates of occurrence ranged from < 1% to 48%. In the studies that evaluated the effectiveness of isoniazid for latent tuberculosis infection, the rate varied from 0 to 19.7% for patients who did not have active tuberculosis after the follow-up period. Conclusions: The importance of maintaining follow up for patients using isoniazid should be emphasized due to the risk of developing adverse events. Despite the treatment challenges, the rates of patients who used isoniazid and developed active tuberculosis during the follow-up period were low. We believe that isoniazid continues to contribute to tuberculosis control worldwide, and better care strategies are required.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533693


Introducción: Las fracturas supracondíleas del húmero en el niño son por lo general de tratamiento quirúrgico, mediante reducción cerrada o abierta asociada a la colocación de alambres. Por su parte, la fijación externa es una opción aceptada en ciertas circunstancias. Objetivo: Actualizar sobre el uso de la fijación externa en pacientes con fractura supracondílea del húmero en el niño. Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda y análisis de la información en un periodo de 61 días (primero de junio al 31 de julio de 2023) y se emplearon las siguientes palabras: pediatric supracondylar humeral fractures AND external fixation, external fixation AND elbow, complex fractures AND pediatric supracondylar. A partir de la información obtenida se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de un total de 177 artículos publicados en las bases de datos PubMed, Hinari, SciELO y Medline mediante el gestor de búsqueda y administrador de referencias EndNote. De ellos, se utilizaron 34 citas seleccionadas para realizar la revisión, 32 de los últimos cinco años. Resultados: Se hizo referencia a las indicaciones y contraindicaciones, además de las ventajas de la fijación externa. Se mencionaron las principales diferencias entre la fijación con alambres de Kirschner y la fijación externa. Se expuso la técnica en cinco pasos. Se plasmaron los cuidados posoperatorios, complicaciones y comentarios sobre los resultados. Conclusiones: La fijación externa constituye una modalidad de tratamiento efectiva para pacientes pediátricos con patrones de fractura complejos. Es una técnica factible de realizar y reproducir. Los resultados son iguales o superiores al ser comparados con las otras modalidades quirúrgicas.

Introduction: Supracondylar humerus fractures in children are generally treated surgically, through closed or open reduction associated with placement of the wires. For its part, external fixation is an accepted option in certain circumstances. Objective: To update on the use of external fixation in patients with supracondylar fracture of the humerus in children. Methods: The search and analysis of the information was carried out in a period of 61 days (June 1st to July 31st, 2023) and the following words were used: pediatric supracondylar humeral fractures AND external fixation, external fixation AND elbow, complex fractures AND pediatric supracondylar. Based on the information obtained, a bibliographic review of a total of 177 articles published in the PubMed, Hinari, SciELO and Medline databases was carried out using the EndNote search engine and reference administrator. Of these, 34 selected citations were used to carry out the review, 32 of the last five years. Results: References are made to the indications and contraindications, in addition to the advantages of external fixation. The main differences between Kirschner wire fixation and external fixation are mentioned. The technique is exposed in five steps. Postoperative care, complications and comments on the results are reflected. Conclusions: External fixation is an effective treatment modality for pediatric patients with complex fracture patterns. It is a feasible technique to perform and reproduce. The results are equal or superior when compared with other surgical modalities.

Adv Rheumatol ; 64: 26, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556786


Abstract Background To assess the drug survival and change of disease activity using a second Janus kinase inhibitor (JAKi) after failure to a JAKi and subsequent biologic disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (bDMARDs) in patients with difficult-to-treat rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Methods This retrospective cohort study included 32 patients with difficult-to-treat RA who failed to a JAKi and subsequently to one or more bDMARDs and then switched to a second JAKi. To assess drug survival, electronic medical records of each patient were reviewed. Data on whether the second JAKi was discontinued, and the reasons for discontinuation were collected. The change of disease activity was assessed by analyzing changes in tender joint count (TJC), swollen joint count (SJC), patient's global assessment of disease activity on a visual-analogue scale (VAS), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP), Disease Activity Score for 28 joints with ESR (DAS28-ESR), and DAS28-CRP from baseline to that at six months from initiation of the second JAKi. Results Overall, discontinuation of the second JAKi occurred in 20 (62.5%) patients. Primary failure, secondary failure, adverse events, and insurance coverage issues were the reasons for discontinuation in 9 (45.0%), 5 (25.0%), 2 (10.0%), and 4 (20.0%) patients, respectively. The estimated 2-year drug survival rate was 39.3%. In terms of change of disease activity, the second JAKi significantly improved TJC (p < 0.001), SJC (p < 0.001), VAS (p < 0.001), CRP (p = 0.026), DAS28-ESR (p < 0.001), and DAS28-CRP (p < 0.001) at 6-month compared with that at the baseline. Conclusions Second JAKi could be a therapeutic option in patients with difficult-to-treat RA who have failed to a JAKi and subsequent bDMARDs.

Bogotá; s.n; 2024. ilus, tab.
Thesis in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1562465


Introducción: El cáncer de próstata es el cáncer de mayor prevalencia en hombres. La enfermedad y el tratamiento generan síntomas urinarios, intestinales, sexuales, hormonales y emocionales que repercuten en el rendimiento funcional de los hombres quienes las padecen, el automanejo de los síntomas ha sido considerada desde la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) como una estrategia para permitir que los hombres puedan conocer mejor su enfermedad y generar habilidades para manejarla desde un ámbito domiciliario. Objetivo: Determinar la efectividad de la Intervención Prostactive para el automanejo de síntomas y su repercusión en el rendimiento funcional, en personas con cáncer de próstata en tratamiento que asisten a la Unidad Oncológica de la Clínica Nogales entre 2022 y 2023. Materiales y métodos: Es un diseño experimental paralelo determinado por la conformación aleatoria de dos grupos con un tamaño de muestra de 100 participantes, 50 para el control (GC) que recibirá el cuidado habitual y 50 para el experimental (GI) al cual se implementó la intervención Prostactive que consta de 4 sesiones presenciales en las cuales se le explicará cómo manejar los síntomas que presenta debido al cáncer de próstata y el tratamiento. Posteriormente se realizó el seguimiento telefónico para conocer el estado de salud a la semana 8 después de las sesiones presenciales. Resultados: la Intervención Prostactive mejoró los niveles de autoeficacia en los participantes del GI, el rendimiento funcional (0,0001) además del automanejo de síntomas urinarios con diferencias estadísticamente significativas frente al GC. No se identificaron cambios en los síntomas obstructivos (valor P= 0.6), síntomas sexuales y síntomas hormonales. Conclusión: La Intervención Prostactive mejora el automanejo de síntomas en hombres con CP en tratamiento, además de la autoeficacia y el Rendimiento Funcional. (AU)

Introduction: Prostate cancer is more prevalent in men. The disease and treatment generate urinary, intestinal, sexual, hormonal and emotional symptoms that impact the functional performance of men who suffer from them. Self-management of symptoms has been considered since the World Health Organization (WHO) as a strategy to allow men to better understand their disease and generate skills to manage it from a home environment. Objective: Determine the effectiveness of the Prostactive Intervention for the selfmanagement of symptoms and its impact on functional performance, in people with prostate cancer undergoing treatment who attend the Oncology Unit of the Nogales Clinic between 2022 and 2023. Materials and methods: It is a parallel experimental design determined by the random formation of two groups with a sample size of 100 participants, 50 for the control (CG) who will receive the usual care and 50 for the experimental (GI) to which the Prostactive intervention was implemented, which It consists of 4 face-to-face sessions in which you will be explained how to manage the symptoms you present due to prostate cancer and the treatment. Subsequently, telephone follow-up was carried out to determine the health status at week 8 after the face-to-face sessions. Results: the Prostactive Intervention improved the levels of self-efficacy in the IG participants, functional performance (0.0001) in addition to the self-management of urinary symptoms with statistically significant differences compared to the CG. No changes were identified in obstructive symptoms (P value= 0.6), sexual symptoms, and hormonal symptoms. Conclusion: The Prostactive Intervention improves symptom self-management in men with CP undergoing treatment, in addition to self-efficacy and Functional Performance. (AU)

Humans , Male , Prostatic Neoplasms/nursing , Clinical Trial , Evaluation of the Efficacy-Effectiveness of Interventions , Self-Management
BrJP ; 7: e20240033, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564062


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The extraction of third molars can lead to undesired effects such as pain, trismus, and edema, necessitating preemptive therapy to alleviate these effects. For this purpose, an economic evaluation was conducted to analyze the cost-effectiveness of preemptive drugs used in the extraction of third molars. METHODS: Costs were obtained from a market survey. Effectiveness measures were limitation of interincisal distance and postoperative pain, obtained from randomized clinical trials in the literature. For both models, a Monte Carlo simulation generated a hypothetical cohort of a thousand individuals, considering a 5% variation in estimates. The evaluated therapies were dexamethasone 8 mg (DX8); methylprednisolone 40 mg (MP); diclofenac 50 mg associated with tramadol 50 mg (DCTR); and dexamethasone 4mg associated with tramadol 50 mg (DXTR). RESULTS: MP and DCTR therapies were dominated in all scenarios. For the reduction of postoperative pain, DXTR treatment showed the best cost-benefit, with a net monetary benefit (NMB) gain of 31.10% compared to the lowest-cost treatment (DX, R$ 1.76). Considering the reduction in limitation of interincisal distance, DXTR medication presented higher cost-benefit compared to DX8 (NMB gain = 18.25%), being a preferred option alongside DX8. CONCLUSION: In the extraction of third molars, preemptive administration of dexamethasone 4mg associated with tramadol 50mg is the preferred cost-effective option to reduce postoperative pain and limitation of interincisal distance after 48 hours.

RESUMO JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A exodontia de terceiros molares pode acarretar efeitos indesejados, como dor, trismo e edema, sendo necessário ofertar uma terapia preemptiva para amenizá-los. Para tal, realizou-se uma avaliação econômica para analisar o custo-efetividade de fármacos preemptivos utilizados na exodontia de terceiros molares. MÉTODOS: Os custos foram obtidos a partir de uma pesquisa de mercado. As medidas de efetividade foram: limitação da distância interincisal e dor pós-operatória, sendo obtidas em ensaios clínicos randomizados da literatura. Para os dois modelos, uma simulação de Monte Carlo gerou uma coorte hipotética de mil indivíduos, considerando uma variação de 5% das estimativas. As terapias avaliadas foram: dexametasona 8 mg (DX8); metilprednisolona 40 mg (MP); diclofenaco 50 mg associado a tramadol 50 mg (DCTR); e dexametasona 4 mg associada a tramadol 50 mg (DXTR). RESULTADOS: As terapias com MP e DCTR foram dominadas em todos os cenários. Para redução da dor pós-operatória, o tratamento com DXTR apresentou o melhor custo-benefício, com ganho de benefício monetário líquido (NMB) de 31,10% comparado ao tratamento de menor custo (DX, R$ 1,76). Considerando a redução da limitação da distância interincisal, o fármaco DXTR apresentou maior custo-benefício em relação à DX8 (ganho de NMB = 18,25%), sendo uma opção de escolha junto a DX8. CONCLUSÃO: Na exodontia de terceiros molares, a administração preemptiva de dexametasona 4 mg associada com tramadol 50 mg é a opção de escolha, do ponto de vista de custo-efetividade, para reduzir a dor pós-operatória e limitação da distância interincisal após 48 horas.

Texto & contexto enferm ; 33: e20230211, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1565925


ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the cost-effectiveness of using silicone adhesive multilayer foam and transparent polyurethane film in preventing pressure injuries in patients admitted to an Intensive Care Unit. Method: this is an economic cost-effectiveness study, developed with public domain data and a rapid literature review, which included three studies developed in Canada, the United Kingdom, Italy and the United States. The searches were carried out in the PubMed, Cochrane and Scopus databases. The population was patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit. The perspective was from the Brazilian Health System, with a time horizon of less than one year. Data was collected and analyzed between March and June 2022. A decision tree model was developed using TreeAge Pro® 2017 software to project economic outcomes of incremental cost and effectiveness, incremental cost per effectiveness, and cost per percentage increase in preventing the development of pressure injuries. Sensitivity analysis was also performed. The Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards and the Methodological Guideline for Economic Evaluation of the Brazilian Ministry of Health recommendations were adopted. Results: multilayer foam reduces the occurrence of pressure injuries at a lower cost when compared to film, promoting an average saving of R$ 278.78 (US$ 1,393.90) for each patient. Conclusion: multilayer foam was the most cost-effective technology in preventing pressure injuries in Intensive Care Unit patients in the Brazilian Health System.

RESUMEN Objetivo: analizar la costo-efectividad del uso de espuma de poliuretano multicapa con silicona y película de poliuretano transparente en la prevención de lesiones por presión en pacientes ingresados en una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. Método: estudio de costo-efectividad económica, desarrollado con datos de dominio público y una revisión rápida de la literatura, que incluyó tres producciones desarrolladas en Canadá, Reino Unido, Italia y Estados Unidos. Las búsquedas se realizaron en las bases de datos PubMed, Cochrane y Scopus. La población fueron pacientes ingresados ​​en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. La perspectiva fue desde el Sistema Único de Salud, con un horizonte temporal inferior a un año. Los datos se recopilaron y analizaron entre marzo y junio de 2022. Se desarrolló un modelo de árbol de decisiones utilizando el software TreeAge Pro® 2017 para proyectar resultados económicos de costo y efectividad incrementales, costo incremental por efectividad y costo por aumento porcentual en la prevención del desarrollo de lesiones por presión. También se realizó un análisis de sensibilidad. Se adoptaron las recomendaciones de los Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standarts y la Guía Metodológica para la Evaluación Económica del Ministerio de Salud de Brasil. Resultados: la espuma multicapa reduce la aparición de lesiones por presión a un costo menor en comparación con la película, promoviendo un ahorro promedio de R$ 278,78 (US$ 1.393,90) por cada paciente. Conclusión: la espuma multicapa fue la tecnología más costo-efectiva en la prevención de lesiones por presión en pacientes de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Sistema Único de Salud.

RESUMO Objetivo: analisar o custo-efetividade do uso da espuma multicamadas de poliuretano com silicone e do filme transparente de poliuretano na prevenção de lesões por pressão, em pacientes internados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. Método: estudo econômico de custo-efetividade, desenvolvido com dados de domínio público e de uma revisão rápida da literatura, que incluiu três produções desenvolvidas no Canadá, Reino Unido, Itália e Estados Unidos. As buscas foram realizadas nas bases PubMed, Cochrane e Scopus. A população foi de pacientes internados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. A perspectiva foi do Sistema Único de Saúde, com horizonte temporal inferior a um ano. Os dados foram coletados e analisados entre março e junho de 2022. Um modelo de árvore de decisão foi desenvolvido por meio do Software TreeAge Pro ® 2017 para projetar resultados econômicos de custos e eficácia incremental, custo incremental por eficácia, e custo por aumento percentual na prevenção do desenvolvimento de lesões por pressão; também foi feita análise de sensibilidade. Adotou-se as recomendações do Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standarts e da Diretriz Metodológica de Avaliação Econômica do Ministério da Saúde do Brasil. Resultados: a espuma multicamadas reduz a ocorrência de lesão por pressão a um custo inferior quando comparado ao filme, promovendo em média, uma economia de R$ 278,78 (US$ 1.393,90) para cada paciente. Conclusão: a espuma multicamadas apresentou-se como a tecnologia mais custo-efetiva na prevenção de lesão por pressão em pacientes de Unidade de Terapia Intensiva, no contexto do Sistema Único de Saúde.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009103


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate short-term effectiveness of arthroscopic repair via modified subacromial viewing portal (hereinafter referred to as modified viewing portal) in treatment of LafosseⅠsubscapularis tendon tears.@*METHODS@#A clinical data of 52 patients with LafosseⅠsubscapularis tendon tears, who underwent the arthroscopic repair via modified viewing portal between October 2020 and November 2022 and met the selective criteria, was retrospectively analyzed. There were 15 males and 37 females with an average age of 63.4 years (range, 41-76 years). Twelve patients had trauma history and the other 40 patients had no obvious inducement. The main clinical symptom was shoulder pain and the hug resistance tests were positive in all patients. The interval between symptom onset and admission ranged from 3 to 26 months (mean, 7.2 months). The shoulder pain and function were evaluated by visual analogue scale (VAS) score, American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES) score, and University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) score before operation and at 12 months after operation. The shoulder range of motion (ROM) of forward flexion, abduction, and external rotation and the internal rotation strength were measured before operation and at 3 and 12 months after operation. MRI was performed at 3-6 months after operation to assess the tendon healing and the structural integrity and tension of reattached tendon. Patient's satisfactions were calculated at last follow-up.@*RESULTS@#All incisions healed by first intention, no complication such as incision infection or nerve injury occurred. All patients were followed up 12-37 months (mean, 18.5 months). The VAS, UCLA, and ASES scores at 12 months after operation significantly improved when compared with those before operation ( P<0.05). The ROMs of abduction and forward flexion and the internal rotation strength at 3 and 12 months significantly improved when compared with those before operation ( P<0.05); and the ROMs at 12 months significantly improved compared to that at 3 months ( P<0.05). However, there was no significant difference ( P>0.05) in the ROM of external rotation at 3 months compared to that before operation; but the ROM at 12 months significantly improved compared to that before operation and at 3 months after operation ( P<0.05). Thirty-one patients underwent MRI at 3-6 months, of which 28 patients possessed intact structural integrity, good tendon tension and tendon healing; 3 patients underwent tendon re-tear. At last follow-up, 41 patients (78.8%) were very satisfied with the effectiveness, 7 were satisfied (13.5%), and 4 were dissatisfied (7.7%).@*CONCLUSION@#Arthroscopic repair via modified viewing portal for Lafosse Ⅰsubscapularis tendon tears, which can achieve the satisfactory visualization and working space, can obtain good short-term effectiveness with low overall re-tear risk.

Male , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Rotator Cuff/surgery , Rotator Cuff Injuries/surgery , Shoulder Pain , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Arthroscopy , Shoulder Joint/surgery , Tendons/surgery , Range of Motion, Articular
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009106


OBJECTIVE@#To compare the accuracy and effectiveness of orthopaedic robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery versus open surgery for limb osteoid osteoma.@*METHODS@#A clinical data of 36 patients with limb osteoid osteomas admitted between June 2016 and June 2023 was retrospectively analyzed. Among them, 16 patients underwent orthopaedic robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery (robot-assisted surgery group), and 20 patients underwent tumor resection after lotcated by C-arm X-ray fluoroscopy (open surgery group). There was no significant difference between the two groups in the gender, age, lesion site, tumor nidus diameter, and preoperative pain visual analogue scale (VAS) scores ( P>0.05). The operation time, lesion resection time, intraoperative blood loss, intraoperative fluoroscopy frequency, lesion resection accuracy, and postoperative analgesic use frequency were recorded and compared between the two groups. The VAS scores for pain severity were compared preoperatively and at 3 days and 3 months postoperatively.@*RESULTS@#Compared with the open surgery group, the robot-assisted surgery group had a longer operation time, less intraoperative blood loss, less fluoroscopy frequency, less postoperative analgesic use frequency, and higher lesion resection accuracy ( P<0.05). There was no significant difference in lesion resection time ( P>0.05). All patients were followed up after surgery, with a follow-up period of 3-24 months (median, 12 months) in the two groups. No postoperative complication such as wound infection or fracture occurred in either group during follow-up. No tumor recurrence was observed during follow-up. The VAS scores significantly improved in both groups at 3 days and 3 months after surgery when compared with preoperative value ( P<0.05). The VAS score at 3 days after surgery was significantly lower in robot-assisted surgery group than that in open surgery group ( P<0.05). However, there was no significant difference in VAS scores at 3 months between the two groups ( P>0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Compared with open surgery, robot-assisted resection of limb osteoid osteomas has longer operation time, but the accuracy of lesion resection improve, intraoperative blood loss reduce, and early postoperative pain is lighter. It has the advantages of precision and minimally invasive surgery.

Humans , Robotics , Osteoma, Osteoid/surgery , Orthopedics , Blood Loss, Surgical , Retrospective Studies , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures , Bone Neoplasms/surgery , Analgesics , Treatment Outcome
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030578


ObjectiveTo determine the serum antibody level and risk factors in the adolescent population in a county in Zhejiang Province, following the immunization with inactivated COVID-19 vaccine, and to construct a prediction model for antibody concentration. MethodsWe conducted the study in a county in Zhejiang Province, employing a stratified cluster random sampling strategy in school children who had received the inactivated COVID-19 vaccine. Data on gender, age, type of vaccine, and time of vaccination was collected. Serum samples were also collected to test for anti-S and N IgG antibody against the SARS-CoV-2 by using chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA). Risk factors were determined to construct a prediction model for antibody concentration. ResultsThe IgG antibody concentration was significantly higher in girls, those who received two doses, and those who had simply received the KX vaccine . It decreased with age and time interval between the sampling and last vaccination. The prediction model constructed by random forest regression in the study had a better model fit and predictive ability than that by the multivariable linear stepwise regression. ConclusionGender, age, vaccination dose, type of vaccine, and time of vaccination are associated with vaccination effectiveness of inactivated COVID-19 vaccines in adolescents. Prediction model could predict the antibody level in the vaccinated population, which can provide a new tool for better evaluation of vaccination effectiveness against emerging infectious diseases in future.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 1238-1242, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030851


OBJECTIVE To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of apatinib combined with adriamycin in the second-line chemotherapy of platinum-resistant recurrent ovarian cancer (OC) from the perspective of the health system in China. METHODS A three-state partitioned survival model was constructed based on the APPROVE clinical trial and related literature data, with a model simulation time frame of 10 years and a 4-week cycle, and both cost and utility values were discounted using a 5% discount rate. Cost and quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) were used as a model output indicator and the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was calculated to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of apatinib combined with adriamycin versus adriamycin chemotherapy in the second-line treatment of platinum-resistant recurrent OC. One-way sensitivity analysis, probability sensitivity analysis and scenario analysis were used to verify the robustness of the base-case analysis results. RESULTS The results of base-case analysis indicated that compared with chemotherapy alone, ICER of patients receiving apatinib combined with adriamycin was 124 678.25 yuan/QALY, which was less than willingness-to-pay (WTP) threshold set in this study [3 times per capita gross domestic product (GDP) of China in 2022 (257 094 yuan)]. The results of scenario analysis showed that, with the extension of the simulation time limit, the ICER of apatinib combined with adriamycin was gradually reduced, and the decline was gradually reduced, but both were less than WTP threshold. The results of single factor sensitivity analysis showed that the factors that had the greatest impact on ICER were the utility value of progression, body surface area, discount rate,and the cost of best supportive treatment, etc. The results of probability sensitivity analysis showed that under WTP threshold set in this study, the economic probability of apatinib combined with adriamycin was about 99%. CONCLUSIONS From the perspective of China’s health system, using three times the per capita GDP in 2022 as the WTP threshold, the combination of apatinib and adriamycin is more cost-effective than adriamycin alone in second-line chemotherapy for platinum-resistant recurrent OC.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030947


ObjectiveTo explore the effect of Dingkundan on Qi stagnation and blood stasis syndrome in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) at a stable phase. MethodA randomized controlled clinical design method was adopted, and 60 patients who were diagnosed with Qi stagnation and blood stasis syndrome in COPD at a stable phase in the outpatient and inpatient departments of the respiratory department of Guang' anmen Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences from June 2019 to December 2019 were divided into observation group and control group according to 1∶1. During the study period, there was no dropout, loss of follow-up, or exclusion between the two groups. On the basis of both groups receiving traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) lung rehabilitation training, the observation group took Dingkundan 7 g/time orally, twice a day. The control group received oral administration of the same specification of Dingkundan starch simulator of 7 g/time, twice a day. Both groups have a treatment period of 12 weeks. The COPD Assessment Test (CAT), modified Medical Research Council (mMRC), fatigue scale-14 (FS-14), self-rating anxiety scale (SAS), self-rating depression scale (SDS), 6-minute walk distance (6MWD), and pulmonary function before and after treatment were evaluated. ResultAfter treatment, both groups showed improvements in CAT, mMRC, FS-14, SAS scores, and 6MWD (P<0.05). The observation group also showed improvements in SDS scores and lung function indicators (P<0.05). Compared with the control group after treatment, the observation group showed more significant improvement in CAT, FS-14, SAS, SDS scores, and 6MWD (P<0.05). ConclusionDingkundan has a clear therapeutic effect on Qi stagnation and blood stasis syndrome in patients with COPD at a stable phase. It can reduce symptom burden, enhance exercise capacity, and improve psychological status and has the potential to improve lung function.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031625


【Objective】 To explore the effectiveness of an image recognition system based on artificial intelligence (AI) in diagnosing benign and malignant endometrial cell clumps. 【Methods】 We selected endometrial cytological specimens from The First Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University and Xi’an Daxing Hospital from August 2021 to February 2023; histopathology was used as the gold standard. We compared and analyzed the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, accuracy and diagnostic time of AI image recognition system (AI diagnosis) and professional pathologists’ manual diagnosis (manual diagnosis) of benign and malignant endometrial cell clumps. 【Results】 Among the 126 patients included in the analysis, the overall coincidence rate of AI diagnosis and histological diagnosis was 92.1% (116/126), which was highly consistent with histopathological results (Kappa=0.841). The overall coincidence rate of manual diagnosis and histological diagnosis was 94.4% (119/126), which was highly consistent with histopathological results (Kappa=0.889). There was no statistically significant difference between AI diagnosis and manual diagnosis methods (χ2=0.568, P=0.451). The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of AI diagnosis were 91.8%, 92.3%, 91.8%, and 92.3%, respectively. There were 126 cytology sections, each of which required 6.67 minutes for manual diagnosis and 5.00 minutes for AI diagnosis. 【Conclusion】 The AI image recognition system has high diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity and specificity, which is equivalent to the manual diagnosis level of professional pathologists. Therefore, this system has application value in the diagnosis of benign and malignant endometrial cell clumps.