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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220537


For centuries Ramayana has been the centre of contention for the critics with respect to dei?cation of Rama, epitome of virtue and defamation of Ravana, the king of the darkest kind. Joseph Campbell's de?nition of a Hero resides with a person's heroic quest to achieve something that is beyond himself through his encounter with a challenging enemy and his victorious return. Ravana, the antagonist, underwent a challenging quest and was unconquerable until he was faced with his one tragic ?aw – his lust for Sita. Upon looking through the lens of deconstruction, this abduction doesn't make Ravana the antagonist of the plot but actually a Tragic Hero of Aristotle. This Hamartia of Ravana was not implied by him but was imposed upon him by the circumstances which make him a fallen hero – the Lucifer of Genesis. This paper aims to apply Philip Zimbardo's Lucifer Effect theory to explore Campbell's ideology of heroism with reference to Ravana and also attempts to answer the question whether Ravana is the greatest villain or is he actually a situational victim, who is outshined as a villain by his tragic ?aw intensi?ed by circumstantial pressures

Junguiana ; 39(1): 167-178, jan.-jun. 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1287108


Este artigo dedica- se à reflexão a respeito da passagem da adolescência para vida adulta que, em alguns casos, pode ser experimentada com muita dificuldade. O termo adultescência é um neologismo muito recente, usado para nomear o prolongamento da adolescência e a dificuldade na entrada na vida adulta. A reflexão sobre essa problemática conta com a discussão sobre as dinâmicas arquetípicas atuantes neste momento do desenvolvimento e com a consideração de aspectos da cultura contemporânea influentes e relevantes na vida dos jovens na atualidade. A articulação entre as forças dos arquétipos Grande Mãe, Pai, Alteridade, Herói, Puer-Senex e Eros se soma às influências dos aspectos da cultura contemporânea, formando uma trama complexa de interações que pode favorecer ou atravancar a entrada na vida adulta.

This article is oriented to the reflection on the transition from adolescence to adulthood, which in some cases can be experienced with great difficulty. The term adultecence is a very recent neologism, used to name the prolongation of adolescence and the difficulty in entering adult life. The reflection on this problem relies on the discussion of the archetypal dynamics at this time of development and on the consideration of aspects of contemporary culture that are influential and relevant in the lives of young people today. The articulation between the forces of the archetypes Great Mother, Father, Alterity, Hero, Puer-Senex and Eros, add to the influences of the aspects of contemporary culture, forming a complex plot of interactions, which can favor or hinder entry into adult life.

Este artículo está dedicado a la reflexión sobre la transición de la adolescencia a la edad adulta, que en algunos casos se puede experimentar con gran dificultad. El término adultescencia es un neologismo muy reciente, utilizado para nombrar la prolongación de la adolescencia y la dificultad para entrar en la vida adulta. La reflexión sobre este problema se basa en el debate sobre la dinámica arquetípica en este momento de desarrollo y la consideración de aspectos influyentes y relevantes de la cultura contemporánea en la vida de los jóvenes de hoy. La articulación entre las fuerzas de los arquetipos Gran Madre, Padre, Alteridad, Hero, Puer-Senex y Eros, se suman a las influencias de aspectos de la cultura contemporánea, formando una compleja red de interacciones, que pueden favorecer o dificultar la entrada a la vida adulta.

Psicol. USP ; 29(3): 394-403, set.-dez. 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-976551


Resumo Embora o herói não receba um estatuto propriamente conceitual, o termo é recorrente no pensamento de Freud e Lacan no cerne da elaboração teórico-clínica da psicanálise. Este texto trabalha os desdobramentos das significações do herói de acordo com as transformações da metapsicologia analítica. A partir disso, traz duas dimensões do herói no âmbito dos destinos do sujeito no mal-estar na civilização: a revolução, que se lança a uma transformação nos laços sociais, mas promove a manutenção do lugar do Pai, e a subversão, que avança em um ato que produz mudanças em relação às coordenadas simbólico-imaginárias que determinam o sujeito.

Résumé Bien que le héros ne reçoive pas un statut proprement conceptuel, ce terme est récurrent dans les pensées de Freud et Lacan dans les développements théorico-cliniques de la psychanalyse. Cet article traite des significations du héros selon les transformations de la métapsychologie. De là, il apporte deux dimensions du héros à propos des destins du sujet dans le malaise de la civilisation: la révolution, qui se lance vers une transformation des liens sociaux, mais qui favorise la manutention de la place du Père ; et la subversion, qui avance dans un acte qui produit des changements par rapport aux coordonnées symboliques-imaginaires qui déterminent le sujet.

Resumen Aunque el héroe no reciba un estatuto propiamente conceptual, este término es recurrente en el pensamiento de Freud y Lacan en el centro de la elaboración teórico-clínica del psicoanálisis. Este texto trabaja los desdoblamientos de las significaciones del héroe de acuerdo con las transformaciones de la metapsicología analítica. A partir de eso, trae dos dimensiones del héroe en el ámbito de los destinos del sujeto en el malestar de la civilización: la revolución, que se lanza a una transformación en los lazos sociales, pero promueve el mantenimiento del lugar del Padre; y la subversión, que avanza en un acto que produce cambios con relación a las coordenadas simbólico-imaginarias que determinan al sujeto.

Abstract Although the hero does not receive a properly conceptual statute, the term is recurrent in Freudian and Lacanian thoughts inside the theoretical-clinical elaborations of Psychoanalysis. This study unfolds the meanings of hero according to the transformations of analytical metapsychology. From this, it brings two dimensions of the hero regarding the destinies of the subject inside civilization and its discontents: revolution, which is launched to a transformation in social bonds, but promotes the maintenance of the Father's place; and subversion, which advances in an act that produces changes regarding the symbolic and imaginary coordinates that determines the subject.

Humans , Psychoanalysis , Freudian Theory
aSEPHallus ; 13(25): 47-59, nov.2017-abr.2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-988207


Este artigo aborda a existência do herói, na atualidade, por meio de contraponto com o herói clássico que tinha como princípio o amor à vida ou a honra de seu ser. Percorre dois marcos decisivos para a alteração da concepção do heroico, ou seja, a democracia grega e os novos valores que propiciam a construção de políticas excludentes do sujeito, especialmente a partir da modernidade, repercutindo decisivamente na constituição da subjetividade contemporânea e nas relações entre os homens. A psicanálise é oaporte teórico nessa leitura do social. Mediante a análise das novas formas discursivas da atualidade, concluiu-se que o herói se caracteriza como ídolo de barro, desprovido de honra, vergonha e desbussolado, na crença de que tudo é possível e de que é preciso gozar sem limites

This article discusses the existence of the hero, nowadays, by means of counterpoint with the classic hero, whose principle was the love of life or the honor of his being. It goes through two decisive milestones for the change in the conception of the heroic, that is, Greek democracy and the new values that propitiate the construction of exclusionary policies of the subject, especially from modernity, having a decisive repercussion on the constitution of contemporary subjectivity and relations between men. Psychoanalysis is the theoretical contribution in this reading of the social. Through the analysis of the new discursive forms of the present time, it was concluded that the hero is characterized as a clay idol, devoid of honor, shame and bewilderment, in the belief that everything is possible and that it is necessary to enjoy without limits

Cet article discute l'existence d'un héros actuel, contrepoint du héros classique dont le principe est l'amour de la vie ou encore l'honneur de son être. Cette transformation passe par deux moments décisifs avant d'atteindre la conception actuelle de l'acte héroïque, il s'agit de la démocratie grecque et des nouvelles valeurs qui favorisent la construction de politiques d'exclusion du sujet, notamment la modernité, dont la répercussion est décisive sur la constitution de la subjectivité contemporaine et dans les relations humaines. La psychanalyse apporte une contribution théorique à cette lecture sociale. Ceci au moyen de l'analyse des nouvelles formes discursives. On a ainsi conclu que le héros actuel se caractérise comme idole d'argile dépourvue d'honneur et de honte, désorientée, croyant que tout est possible et qu'il est nécessaire de jouir sans limite

Humans , Psychoanalysis , Shame , Courage , Mythology/psychology
Poiésis (En línea) ; 32: 22-31, 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-999101


El siguiente artículo constituye una aproximación al desarrollo del arquetipo del héroe, y cómo su contenido se ha transformado para nuestra cultura, a través del análisis del personaje Batman en la trilogía del director Cristopher Nolan; también se trabaja sobre los contenidos que lo convierten en un superhéroe y la función del arquetipo en la psique humana. Es también el resultado de la investigación realizada como requisito para obtener el título de Psicólogo en la Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó, de la ciudad de Medellín; la investigación comprende la metodología de estudio de caso y análisis descriptivo; en esta dirección, el trabajo se orientó en un personaje imaginario, y cómo su posible existencia está enmarcado en el desarrollo del arquetipo que trabajo Carl Gustav Jung.

This article presents an approximation to the development of the hero archetype, and how its content has entered our culture, through the analysis of Batman, the character in the trilogy of the director Christopher Nolan; it also discusses on what makes him a superhero and the role of the archetype in the human psyche. It is the result of research done as a requirement to graduate from the undergraduate program in psychology at Luis Amigó University, in Medellín city; research includes the methodology of case study and descriptive analysis; in this direction, the work focused on an imaginary character, and on how his possible existence is framed in the development of the archetype proposed by Carl Gustav Jung.

Humans , Jungian Theory , Unconscious, Psychology , Bereavement , Ego , Motion Pictures
Pensar prát. (Impr.) ; 19(2): 272-285, abr.-jun.2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-912837


O objetivo deste artigo foi analisar como a Folha de São Paulo retratou a imagem de Ronaldo no Campeonato Paulista de 2009. As fontes constituíram-se pelo caderno de esportes da Folha de São Paulo, sendo a delimitação temporal entre o início do mês de março, quando Ronaldo começou a atuar em jogos do Campeonato Paulista e o início do mês de maio, logo após o título. Tal escolha justifica-se devido ao objetivo da análise tratar do tema no intervalo de tempo em que a competição ocorria. A análise de conteúdo de Bardin serviu de técnica metodológica para análise do material empírico. Em caráter conclusivo, notamos que o periódico foi um meio propício para construção da memória esportiva, acentuando o mito do herói, pois relembrava feitos passados como forma de consolidar os fatos do presente. Tal representação heroica é retratada por meio de características discursivas interligadas à emoção e à polêmica.

The purpose of this article was to analyze how the Folha de São Paulo portrayed the image of Ronaldo in the Championship 2009. The sources constituted by the sports section of Folha de São Paulo, with the temporal distinction between the beginning of March when Ronaldo began acting in the Championship games and the beginning of May, after the title. This choice is justified by the objective of the analysis address the issue in the time frame in which the competition occurred. The Bardin content analysis served as a methodological technique for analysis of the empirical material. In a conclusive nature, it is noticed that the journal was a suitable way for the construction of sports memory, emphasizing the hero myth, as recalled past made as a way to consolidate the facts of the present. This heroic representation is portrayed through discursive characteristics linked to emotion and controversy.

El propósito de este artículo fue analizar de qué modo la Folha de São Paulo retrató la imagen de Ronaldo, en el campeonato de 2009. Las fuentes constituidas por la sección de deportes del periódico Folha de São Paulo se delimita temporalmente entre el inicio de marzo, cuando Ronaldo comenzó a actuar en los partidos del campeonato, y principios de mayo, después del título. Esta elección se justifica porque el objetivo de análisis es tratar el tema durante el período temporal en que aconteció la competición. El análisis de contenido de Bardin sirvió como técnica metodológica para el análisis del material empírico. Concluimos que la revista fue un medio adecuado para la construcción de la memoria deportiva, enfatizando el mito del héroe, pues recordaba hechos pasados como forma de consolidar hechos del presente. Esta representación heroica se retrata a través de las características discursivas vinculadas a la emoción y la controversia.

Humans , Soccer , Athletic Performance , Social Media , Courage
Junguiana ; 33(1): 39-47, jan.-jun. 2015.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-762290


O presente trabalho tem por objetivo a análise simbólica da obra literária e cinematográfica Harry Potter de acordo com o referencial da psicologia analítica. Na amplificação simbólica da saga procurou-se compreender clinicamente o desenvolvimento anímico de Harry Potter, especialmente facultado por seu encontro com Gina Weasley, aquela que viria a se tornar sua esposa e mãe dos seus filhos. O foco do estudo foi delimitado segundo o eixo temático adolescência e processo de individuação. Ao longo do processo relatado, "o menino que sobreviveu" simboliza a criança ferida e o adolescente que encontra com tutores de resiliência que o auxiliam a confrontar suas feridas e consolidar sua identidade. Conclui-se que, ao final da saga, o personagem abre mão do poder ilimitado, supera a ferida e as defesas narcísicas, podendo entregar-se a um relacionamento maduro e fértil.

The present work aims to symbolically analyze both the literary and the cinematographic Harry Potter series in accordance with the framework of analytical psychology. By analyzing the saga, this paper sought to clinically understand the animic development of Harry Potter, especially facilitated by Gina Weasley. The focus of the study was defined according to the themes of adolescence and the process of individuation. Throughout the described process "the boy who survived" symbolizes the injured child and teenager who meets tutors of resilience. These encounters helped him to confront his wounds and consolidate his identity. At the end of the saga, our hero gives up the unlimited power, overcomes the wound and the narcissistic defenses and succeeds in a mature and fertile relationship.

Books , Individuation , Parenting , Resilience, Psychological , Symbolism
Junguiana ; 33(1): 5-12, jan.-jun. 2015.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-762294


A proposição do texto é pensar as emergências anímicas (anima e animus) como estruturas arquetípicas presentes tanto no homem quanto na mulher. Ambas se manifestam no homem e na mulher como complexos estruturantes. Ao se manifestarem apresentam características próprias definidas como dedicação exclusiva lealdade-fidelidade, transcedência do dever pelo ser e coniunctio com o si mesmo. A coniunctio com o si mesmo representa condição intrínseca do processo de individuação e se expressa pela geração do novo anthropos; a integração das insuportabilidades. O texto também trata da natureza dos talentos e a responsabilidade sobre o que fazemos com eles, da importância da função simbólica e do exercício do herói anônimo.

This paper discusses the anima-animus emergences as archetypical structures present in both men and women. They emerge as structuring complexes. By doing so they have their own characteristics such as exclusive dedication to loyalty-fidelity, transcendence from duty to being and coniunctio with oneself. The coniunctio with oneself represents the intrinsic condition in the process of becoming an individual and expresses itself by creating the new anthropos. The text also discusses the nature of the talents and the responsibility for what we do with them, the importance of symbolic function and the exercise of the anonymous hero.

Aptitude , Individuation , Marriage , Men , Women
Rev. bras. ciênc. esporte ; 33(3): 637-651, jul.-set. 2011.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-611255


O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os discursos e imagens utilizadas na construção do herói esportivo. O corpus de análise foi constituído por três peças publicitárias com o jogador de futebol Ronaldo, que foram descritas e posteriormente analisadas com base na Análise de Discurso e na Semiologia. Pode-se concluir que a propaganda "Ronaldo toureiro" criou a imagem do herói capaz de feitos extraordinários, inexplicáveis e admiráveis, misturando elementos do real e do irreal. Já nas propagandas "Boas vindas a Ronaldo" e "Ronaldo brahmeiro", as estratégias discursivas constroem a imagem do herói capaz de superar os obstáculos e dificuldades, ressaltando a persistência, determinação e a capacidade de acreditar em si, se ancorando na formação ideológica do neoliberalismo.

The aim of this study was to analyze the discourses and images used in the construction of the sporting hero. The corpus analysis consisted of three parts advertising with soccer star Ronaldo, who were subsequently described and analyzed based on the Discourse Analisys and Semiology. It can be concluded that propaganda "bullfighter Ronaldo" created the image of the hero capable of extraordinary feats, and unexplained admirable, mixing elements of the real and the unreal. Already advertisements in "Welcome to Ronaldo" and "Ronaldo Brahmeiro" discursive strategies that construct the image the hero who can overcome obstacles and difficulties, highlighting the persistence, determination and ability to believe in themselves, anchoring the ideological formation of neoliberalism.

El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las imágenes y discursos utilizados en la construcción del héroe deportivo. El corpus se compone de tres piezas de publicidad con el futbolista Ronaldo, que se describe a continuación y analizadas con base en el Análisis del Discurso y la Semiología. Se puede concluir que el anuncio "Ronaldo matador" creó la imagen del héroe que puede hacer extraordinario, inexplicable y maravilloso, los elementos de la mezcla de lo real y lo irreal. Ya en los anuncios de "Bienvenido a Ronaldo" y "Brahmeiro Ronaldo" las estrategias discursivas construir la imagen del héroe que puede superar los obstáculos y dificultades, haciendo hincapié en la persistencia, determinación y capacidad de creer en sí mismos, anclar la formación ideológica del neo-liberalismo .

Junguiana ; 28(2): 66-73, dez. 2010.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-610137


This paper is an approach to suicide and sacrifice as a way of seeing the soul’s passion for death and its relatioship to it. It is introduced through the author’s more recent experience with a family member’s suicide, suggesting the possibilities for cultural renewal through a greater acknowledgement of this passion, inherent to na individuating life.

O artigo aborda o suicídio e o sacrifício como formas de vislumbrar a paixão da alma pela morte e seu relacionamento com esta. É apresentado com base na recente experiência do autor com o suicídio de um membro de sua família e sugere as possibilidades uma renovação cultural por meio de um melhor conhecimento dessa paixão, inerente a uma vida em individuação.

Humans , Male , Female , Death , Suicide
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 7(2)abr.-jun. 2008.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-629733


Convertir la vida cotidiana en un proceso extraordinario en beneficio de la sociedad y que incluso ello sea reconocido por los semejantes hace que el hombre común ascienda a la condición de héroe. En nuestras instituciones de salud, encontramos a estas personalidades relevantes y debemos reconocerlas si queremos ganar en una formación en valores. Por ello, hemos tenido el privilegio de examinar la historia de la vida de un Profesor Consultante de Cirugía y Angiología, quien alcanza las cumbres del conocimiento, en la ciencia, la docencia y el trabajo asistencial, con obras que aportan a la especialidad y a la educación popular, y todo ello junto a la constitución de una familia honorable. Se trata del doctor Brunet Pedroso, en activo dentro del Hospital Militar Central Carlos J. Finlay, de Ciuda de La Habana. Su trayectoria es ejemplo y estímulo. Reconocer héroes los hace. Contribuir a este propósito, se encamina el presente trabajo.

To turn the daily life into an extraordinary process in behalf of the society and that even it being recognized by others, causes that the common man ascends to the condition of hero. In our institutions of health we found these kind of excellent personalities and we must recognize them if we want to win in a formation in values. For that reason we have had the privilege to examine the history of life of the Surgery and Angiology Consultant Professor summit of the knowledge, in science, teaching, the welfare work, with papers that contribute to the specialty and the popular education. One is doctor Brunet Pedroso,an active-duty within the Military Hospital Central “Carlos J. Finlay”, of Havana . Its trajectory is example and stimulus. The present work is about recognition of those heroes.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-214347


The purpose of this study was to compare the shaping ability of three Ni-Ti file systems used by dental students or the experts and consequently to aid in choosing a proper systems for educational courses of dental students and beginners. Fifty students and ten dentists who have clinical experience over two years prepared 180 simulated root canals in resin blocks with three Ni-Ti systems; ProFile(R) (PF), HeroShaper(R) (HS), K3TM (K3). After preparation, the Ni-Ti files were evaluated for distortion and canal preparation time was recorded. The images of pre- and post-instrumented canals were scanned and superimposed. Amounts of increased canal widths, deviation, and centering ratio were calculated at apical 1, 3 and 5 mm levels and statistical analysis was performed. The results were as follows: 1. HS showed the shortest preparation time and instrumented canal width in K3 was significantly larger than other groups (P < 0.05). 2. At 1 and 3 mm levels, all groups had outward deviation. In student group, at the 1 mm level, PF had the least deviation (P < 0.05). 3. In the centering ratio, the PF had the best centering ability compared to the others at 5 mm level. At 1 and 3 mm levels, HS and PF had better abilities than K3. Student group had better ratio than the expert at 3 mm level with PF (P < 0.05). Based on the results, it is surmised that the ProFile(R) is the safest and most ideal instrument for students and beginners.

Humans , Dental Pulp Cavity , Dentists , Students, Dental
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-16570


The purpose of this study was to evaluate which type of Ni-Ti files are able to maintain canal configuration better in the simulated canal with abrupt curvature near it's apex. Ninety six simulated root canals were made in epoxy resin and #15 finger spreader was used as root canal templates. The simulated root canals were made with radius of curvature of 1.5 mm, 3.0 mm, 4.0 mm, 6.0 mm respectively and the angle of curvature of all simulated canals were adjusted to 90 degree. The simulated canals were instrumented by ProFile, ProTaper, Hero 642, and K3 at a 300 rpm using crown-down pressureless technique. Pre-instrumented and post-instrumented images were taken by digital camera and were superimposed with Adobe Photoshop 6.0 program. Images were compared by image analysis program. The changes of canal width at the inner and outer side of the canal curvature, canal transportation were measured at 9 measuring point with 1 mm interval. Statistical analysis among the types of Ni-Ti files was performed using Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whitney U-test. The result was that ProFile maintain original canal configuration better than other engine driven Ni-Ti files in the canals above 3.0 mm radius of curvature, and in the 1.5 mm radius of curvature, most of Ni-Ti flies were deformed or separated during instrumentation.

Dental Pulp Cavity , Diptera , Fingers , Radius , Transportation
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-117872


The purpose of this study was to investigate the quantity of debris which was extruded apically after canal instrumentation using different types of enlarging instrument in endodontic resin models. Five groups of 9 endodontic resin models were instrumented using each different technique : hand instrumentation without early coronal flaring, hand instrumentation after early coronal flaring, and three nickel-titanium engine-driven instrumentations (Hero 642, Protaper, K3). Debris extruded from apical foramen during instrumentation was collected on preweighed CBC bottle, desiccated and weighted using electronic balance. The results were analyzed using Kruskal-wallis test and Mann-Whitney U rank sum test at a significance level of 0.05. The results were as follows: 1. All of instrumentation techniques produced apically extruded debris. 2. Group without early coronal flaring extruded significant more debris than groups with early coronal flaring. 3. There was no significant difference among early coronal flaring groups. The early coronal flaring is very important to reduce the amount of debris extruded apically.

Dental Instruments , Tooth Apex
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-170924


There are increasing usage of Nickel-Titanium rotary files in modern clinical endodontic treatment because it is effective and faster than hand filing due to reduced step. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of canal preparations using 3 different rotary Nickel-Titanium files that has different cross sectional shape and taper on the maintenance of canal curvature. Simulated resin block were instrumented with Profile(Dentsply, USA), GT rotary files(Dentsply, USA), Hero 642(Micro-Mega, France), and Pro-Taper(Dentsply, USA). The image of Pre-instrumentation and Post-instrumentation were acquired using digital camera and overspreaded in the computer. Then the total differences of canal diameter, deviation at the outer portion of curvature, deviation at the inner portion of curvature, movement of center of the canal and the centering ratio at the pre-determined level from the apex were measured. Results were statistically analyzed by means of ANOVA, followed by Scheffe test at a significance level of 0.05. The results were as follows; 1. Deviation at the outer portion of curvature, deviation at the inner portion of curvature were showed largest in Pro-Taper, so also did in the total differences of canal diameter(p<0.05). 2. All the groups showed movements of center. Profile combined with GT rotary files and Hero 642 has no difference but Pro-Taper showed the most deviation(p<0.05). 3. At the 1, 2, 3mm level from the apex movements of center directed toward the outer portion of curvature, but in 4, 5 mm level directed toward the inner portion of curvature(p<0.05). As a results of this study, it could be concluded that combined use of other Nickel-Titanium rotary files is strongly recommended when use Pro-Taper file because it could be remove too much canal structure and also made more deviation of canal curvature than others.

Hand , Transportation
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-203712


The purpose of this in vitro study was to compare the effects of root canal debridement following rotary Ni-Ti instruments with positive versus negative rake angle. Seventy sound, extracted human anterior teeth & premolars were randomly divided into four groups. The used rotary instruments were Ni-Ti HERO 642(Micro-Mega in France, 20 specimen), Ni-Ti ProFile(Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland, 20 specimen), stainless steel engine reamer(Mani, Matsutani Seisakusho Co.,Japan, 20 specimen) and negative control group(10 specimen) was only extirpated with barbed broach(Mani, Matsutani Seisakusho Co.,Japan) Group 1 & 2 teeth were prepared to a #40 at the apex followed by 1 mm using crown-down technique. Group 3 teeth were instrumented from a #15 to a #40 in sequential order. After preparation and final irrigation, the roots split longitudinally into a bucco-lingual direction. Root halves were cross-sectioned in apical third portion again. all root specimens were prepared for SEM investigation & photographed. Separate evaluations were undertaken for smear layer on prepared walls with a five score-index for each using reference photograph in root halves. the penetration depth of smear layer into dentinal tubules was also estimated in the other halves. the following results were obtained : 1. Smear layer was observed on all the prepared walls with three experimental groups except negative control group 2. Smear layer characteristics 1) HERO 642 groups showed snowy & dusty appearance & were observed only few some dentinal tubuli open on the prepared walls, and the penetration depth of it into dentinal tubules may be 1-2 microm thick. 2) ProFile groups showed shiny & burnished appearance & complete root canal wall covered by a homogenous smear layer with no open dentinal tubuli and penetration depth of it into dentinal tubules may be 1-2 microm thick. 3) Engine reamer groups showed obviously file's passed tracks on the prepared walls & were observed complete root canal wall covered by a homogenous smear layer with no open dentinal tubuli. The results revealed that a completely clean root canal could not be achieved regardless of positive & negative rake angle, which is in accordance with the majority of studies on root canal cleanliness. In conclusion, throughout irrigation with antibacterial solutions or chelating agents is recommended to remove the smear layer on prepared canal walls.

Humans , Bicuspid , Chelating Agents , Debridement , Dental Pulp Cavity , Dentin , Electrons , France , Nickel , Smear Layer , Stainless Steel , Switzerland , Titanium , Tooth , Track and Field