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Rev. lasallista investig ; 17(2): 222-235, jul.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361024


Resumen Introducción: en la búsqueda de nuevos materiales útiles como dosímetros termoluminiscentes (TL) la alúmina (α-Al2O3) ha adquirido gran atención. La α-Al2O3 posee una sensibilidad TL que es perceptible a las concentraciones de impurezas y a las condiciones térmicas del crecimiento de sus cristales, por lo que encontrar nuevas variaciones del material permitirá aumentar su respuesta TL. Objetivo: analizar las curvas de brillo de matrices de alúmina pura sinterizadas bajo diferentes condiciones de calcinación y dopadas con cerio a concentración 0.1 % p/p (Al2O3:Ce), usando la función asimétrica logística, para calcular sus parámetros cinéticos termoluminiscentes y explicar el comportamiento del material. Materiales y métodos: polvo de alúmina bohemita fue utilizado para preparar muestras puras sintetizadas de bajo diferentes condiciones de calcinación (NALO y ALO). El cerio se introdujo mediante impregnación húmeda utilizando nitrato de cerio hexa-hidratado. El análisis estructural de las matrices se realizó mediante Difracción de Rayos X. La lectura TL se realizó en un TLD 4500. Resultados: la deconvolución obtenida en las curvas de brillo para los grupos ALO y NALO evidencia la presencia de tres y cuatro señales TL respectivamente, y de seis señales TL en la muestra Al2O3:Ce. Conclusión: los tratamientos térmicos aplicados introdujeron un cambio sustancial en la curva de brillo del material y en su cinética TL, en términos del número de trampas y de la cantidad inicial de portadores de carga atrapados. La introducción de impurezas de cerio produjo una modificación fundamental en la curva de brillo de las matrices de alúmina.

Abstract Introduction: in the search for new materials useful as thermoluminescent dosimeters (TL) alumina (α-Al2O3) has acquired great attention. The α-Al2O3 has a sensitivity TL that is perceptível to the concentrations of impurities and to the thermal conditions of the growth of its crystals, so finding new variations of the material will allow to increase its TL response. Objective: analyze the brightness curves of pure alumina matrices sintered under different calcination conditions and doped with cerium at a concentration of 0.1 % p/p (Al2O3:Ce), using the asymmetric logistic function, to calculate its thermoluminescent kinetic parameters and explain the behavior of the material. Materials and methods: boehmite alumina powder was used to prepare pure sintered samples of under different calcination conditions (NALO and ALO). The cerium was introduced by wet impregnation using cerium hexahydrate nitrate. The structural analysis of the matrices was carried out by X-ray diffraction. The TL reading was performed in a TLD 4500. Results: the deconvolution obtained in the brightness curves for the ALO and NALO groups evidences the presence of three and four TL signals respectively, and of six TL signals in the sample Al2O3:Ce. Conclusion: the applied heat treatments introduced a substantial change in the brightness curve of the material and its TL kinetics, in terms of the number of traps and the initial amount of charge carriers trapped. The introduction of cerium impurities produced a fundamental modification in the brightness curve of the alumina matrices.

Resumo Introdução: na busca por novos materiais úteis como dosímetros termoluminescentes (TL), a alumina (α-Al2O3) tem adquirido grande atenção. O α-Al2O3 possui uma sensibilidade TL que é perceptível às concentrações de impurezas e às condições térmicas do crescimento de seus cristais, portanto, encontrar novas variações do material permitirá aumentar sua resposta TL. Objetivo: analisar as curvas de brilho de matrizes de alumina pura sinterizadas sob diferentes condições de calcinação e dopadas com cério na concentração de 0,1 % p/p (Al2O3:Ce), utilizando a função logística assimétrica, para calcular seus parâmetros cinéticos termoluminescentes e explicar a comportamento do material. Materiais e métodos: o pó de alumina boehmite foi usado para preparar amostras de puro sinterizado sob diferentes condições de calcinação (NALO e ALO). O cério foi introduzido por impregnação a úmido com nitrato de cério hexaidratado. A análise estrutural das matrizes foi realizada por difração de raios X. A leitura TL foi realizada em um TLD 4500. Resultados: a deconvolução obtida nas curvas de brilho para os grupos ALO e NALO mostra a presença de três e quatro sinais TL respectivamente, e de seis sinais TL na amostra Al2O3: Ce. Conclusão: os tratamentos térmicos aplicados introduziram uma mudança substancial na curva de brilho do material e sua cinética de TL, em termos do número de armadilhas e da quantidade inicial de portadores de carga aprisionados. A introdução de impurezas de cério produziu uma modificação fundamental na curva de brilho das matrizes de alumina.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-210690


Bioactive metabolite production by marine Saccharothrix flava VSM-3was modeled by response surface methodology(RSM) statistical optimization, and kinetic parameter estimation was executed using unstructured models to depict theimportance of growth-associated metabolite production. RSM-based optimization of the variables and their interactionswas analyzed where the modeled data and experimental data are in concurrence and better responses were yieldedin terms of inhibition zones for active metabolite with good regression coefficients. The regression model developedthe significance of five variables and their influence on the bioactive metabolite production and its effect against theresponses. Logistic, Luedeking–Piret equations were used for batch fermentation to produce bioactive metabolites byS. flava VSM-3, where the anticipated parameter data followed experimental data. Chemotype (using ethyl acetateextract) analysis of actinobacterial isolate S. flava was elucidated for the first time by liquid chromatography quadrupoletime-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-QTOF-MS) analysis. The main compounds identified in the positive ion modewere 7-Deazaadenosine, 5-Hydroxy-9-Methylstreptimidone, Amiclenomycin, Dihydroabikoviromycin, EpopromycinA, OAP Silane 55 and MKN-003B. In the present study, maritime silt specimen of Bay of Bengal comprising S. flavaVSM-3 recorded prominent broad-spectrum activity against various plant pathogens and LC-QTOF-MS data alsosupported VSM-3 was the most active strain. This study also reveals that under-explored Bay of Bengal of northcoastal Andhra Pradesh should be continuously explored for extracting bioactive compounds from diverse strains.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-847573


BACKGROUND: The impact of obesity on total hip arthroplasty has been discussed. However, there is a lack of follow-up study on the patients with different body mass indexes using three-dimensional gait analysis. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of body mass index on the early-term functional recovery after total hip arthroplasty by three-dimensional gait analysis. METHODS: Sixty patients who underwent total hip arthroplasty at Department of Joint Surgery of Affiliated Zhongshan Hospital of Dalian University from January 2017 to June 2018 were enrolled. According to the body mass index at admission, they were divided into overweight group (body mass index ≥ 25 kg/m2) and normal group (body mass index 0.05). The operation time in the overweight group was significantly longer than that in the normal group (P=0.000). (2) In terms of time-distance parameters, there was no significant difference in the stride length, stride frequency and mean velocity between two groups. The stride length in the overweight group was smaller than that in the normal group (1.08±0.18 vs. 1.35±1.45 m). (3) The range of motion of each planes of hip joint in the overweight group was significantly less than that in the normal group (P < 0.05). (4) In terms of kinetic parameters, the peak torque of hip flexion in the overweight group was significantly less than in the normal group (P=0.011). There was no significant difference in the peak torque of hip extension between two groups (P=1.000). (5) To conclude, obesity has certain effect on the early functional recovery after total hip arthroplasty.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; 24(5): 939-947, set.-out. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056092


RESUMO Este trabalho teve como objetivo a determinação dos parâmetros cinéticos que descrevem o crescimento das bactérias heterotróficas e autotróficas nitrificantes em três sistemas de lodos ativados com aeração prolongada, operados com baixa aeração, a fim de se obter a remoção de nitrogênio de esgoto sanitário pelo processo de nitrificação e desnitrificação simultâneas (NDS). Em relação às remoções de matéria orgânica e nitrogênio, aplicando-se idade do lodo na faixa de 12 a 20 dias e concentrações de oxigênio dissolvido (OD) nos reatores em torno de 0,5 mg O2.L-1, foi possível obter eficiências superiores a 90% e um esgoto tratado com concentrações de nitrato inferiores a 7,0 mg N.L-1. Os experimentos realizados comprovam que, nas condições operacionais adotadas durante os testes respirométricos, as bactérias heterotróficas e autotróficas presentes nos lodos ativados estavam ativos e, ainda que baixa, a concentração de OD não foi limitante para o desenvolvimento da cinética dos processos envolvidos na remoção de materiais orgânico e nitrogenado.

ABSTRACT The objective of this work was to determine the kinetic parameters that describe the growth of heterotrophic and autotrophic nitrifying bacteria in three systems of activated sludge with prolonged aeration, operated with low aeration, with the objective of obtaining nitrogen removal of sanitary sewage by simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND). In relation to the removal of organic matter and nitrogen, by using sludge ages ranging from 12 to 20 days and OD concentrations in the reactors around 0.5 mgO2.L-1, it was possible to obtain efficiencies higher than 90% and a sewer treated with nitrate concentrations below 7.0 mgN.L-1. The experiments carried out prove that, under the operating conditions adopted during the respirometric tests, heterotrophic and autotrophic bacteria present in activated sludge were active and, although the low concentration of OD was not limiting for the development of the kinetics of the processes involved in the removal of organic and nitrogenous material.

Rev. colomb. ciencias quim. farm ; 48(2): 436-454, mayo-ago. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1092955


SUMMARY Some new pyrimidine derivatives have been synthesized and their decomposition characteristics have been studied by thermogravimetric and differential scanning calorimetric analysis. The thermal stability and some kinetics parameters of decomposition were evaluated from thermograms. It is observed that depending upon the structure, substitutions, thermal stability and decomposition kinetics varies in different compounds.

RESUMEN Se sintetizaron algunos nuevos derivados de pirimidina y se estudiaron sus características de descomposición mediante análisis termogravimétrico y calorimétrico diferencial de barrido. La estabilidad térmica y algunos parámetros cinéticos de descomposición se evaluaron a partir de los respectivos termogramas. Se observa que, dependiendo de la estructura y las sustituciones, la estabilidad térmica y la cinética de descomposición varían entre los diferentes compuestos.

Univ. sci ; 24(1): 1-31, Jan-Apr. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1014751


Abstract Thermal behaviour of pine needles (Pinus Roxburghii) is examined through a thermogravimetry technique. The dried samples of pine needles undergo the non-isothermal decomposition at temperature range of 308-1173 K. The heating rates used for experimental purposes are: 5 ◦ C min-1, 10 ◦ C min-1 and 15 ◦ C min-1. Kinetic parameters of thermal decomposition reactions of pine needles are obtained through the model-free schemes. The estimated values of activation energy and frequency factor derived from Kissinger method are 132.77 kJ mol-1 and 13.15 x 107 min-1, respectively. Furthermore, the averaged values of the same kinetics parameters retrieved from the isoconversional methods are 82.38 kJ mol-1 and 74.833 kJ mol-1, 25.42 x 1013 min-1 and 13.449 x 1010 min-1, respectively. Instead of the Flynn-Wall- Ozawa (FWO) and Kissinger- Akahira- Sunrose (KAS) schemes, the kinetic parameters derived from the Kissinger method are relatively promising for the thermal decomposition process, since the kinetic parameters are highly affected by intermediate stages and overlapping of the concurrent reaction occurred during pyrolysis.

Resumen Se examina el comportamiento térmico de las agujas de pino (Pinus roxburghii) a través de la técnica de termogravimetría. Las muestras secas de las agujas de pino se someten a una descomposición no isotérmica en un rango de temperatura de 308-1173 K. Las tasas de calentamiento usadas para los propósitos experimentales son: 5 °C min-1, 10 °C min-1 y 15 °C min-1. Los parámetros cinéticos de las reacciones de descomposición térmica de las agujas de pino se obtuvieron a través de esquemas de modelo libre. Los valores estimados de la energía de activación y el factor de frecuencia derivado del método Kissinger son: 132.77 kJ mol-1 y 13.15 x 107 min-1, respectivamente. Por otra parte, los valores promediados de los mismos parámetros cinéticos recuperados por los métodos isoconversionales son 82.38 kJ mol-1 y 74.833 kJ mol-1, 25.42 x 1013 min-1 y 13.449 x 1010 min-1, respectivamente. A diferencia de los esquemas Flynn-Wall-Ozawa (FWO) y Kissinger-Akahira-Sunrose (KAS), los parámetros cinéticos derivados del método Kissinger son relativamente promisorios para los procesos de descomposición térmica, ya que estos parámetros se afectan grandemente por los estados intermedios y la superposición de la reacción concurrente que ocurre durante la pirólisis.

Resumo O comportamento térmico de agulhas de pinheiro (Pinus roxburghii) foi examinado por meio da técnica de gravimetria. As amostras secas das agulhas de pinheiro se submeteram a uma decomposição não-isotérmica em uma faixa de temperatura de 308-1173 K. As taxas de aquecimento usadas para propósitos experimentais foram: 5 °C min-1, 10 °C min-1 e 15 °C min-1. Os parâmetros cinéticos das reações de decomposição térmica das agulhas de pinheiro se obtiveram por meio de esquemas de modelo livre. Os valores estimados da energia de ativação e o fator de frequência derivado do método Kissinger são: 132.77 kJ mol-1 e 13.15 x 107 min-1, respectivamente. Adicionalmente, os valores médios dos mesmos parâmetros cinéticos recuperados pelos métodos isoconversionais são 82.38 kJ mol-1 e 74.833 kJ mol-1, 25.42 x 1013 min-1 y 13.449 x 1010 min-1, respectivamente. Diferentemente dos esquemas Flynn-Wall-Ozawa (FWO) e Kissinger-Akahira-Sunrose (KAS), os parâmetros cine'ticos derivados do método Kissinger são relativamente promissórios para os processos de decomposição térmica, já que estes parâmetros são altamente afetados pelos estados intermediários e sobreposição da reação concorrente que ocorre durante a pirólise.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; 23(3): 459-470, maio-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-953263


RESUMO O presente trabalho avalia os parâmetros cinéticos de modelos de primeira ordem (exponenciais) para geração de metano em aterros sanitários na região subtropical de São Paulo (SP). Construiu-se uma célula experimental especialmente para esse objetivo. A função resposta temporal da célula para geração de metano devido a uma deposição de resíduos sólidos urbanos (RSU) foi obtida ao longo de 600 dias. O tempo necessário para iniciar a geração de metano foi de 190 dias. Entre o 400º e o 500º dia após a deposição dos resíduos houve uma fase de elevada taxa de geração de metano e, após o 560º dia, esta começou a diminuir de forma relevante. Os parâmetros cinéticos potencial de geração de metano (L) e constante de biodegradação para geração de metano (k) foram inferidos por meio de ajustes do modelo de primeira ordem à função resposta obtida experimentalmente e utilizando informações de composição dos RSU. Os valores obtidos para L e k para biodegradação rápida (nos primeiros 3 anos) foram, respectivamente, 1.481±1.072 mol t-1 RSU e 0,18±0,13 ano-1. Os valores obtidos para L e k considerando biodegradação rápida e lenta (até dezenas de anos) foram 3.835 mol t-1 RSU e 0,069±0,002 ano-1 e 5.027 mol t-1 RSU e 0,052±0,002 ano-1, respectivamente, dependendo da metodologia utilizada para a determinação de L. Os resultados obtidos na célula experimental indicam que a biodegradação dos RSU em Caieiras (SP) ocorre rapidamente, isto é, com valores maiores para k e menores para L do que aqueles sugeridos na literatura. Esses resultados indicam possível redução da longevidade dos projetos de aproveitamento energético do metano em aterros sanitários em regiões tropicais e subtropicais. Ao final são feitas recomendações para a escolha de L e k para dimensionamento de projetos de aproveitamento energético e para avaliações e remediações ambientais.

ABSTRACT This work evaluates the kinetic parameters of first order (exponential) models for methane generation in sanitary landfills in the subtropical region of São Paulo, SP. Specially for this purpose, a test cell was built. The temporal response function for the test cell's methane generation was obtained over 600 days due to placement of municipal solid waste (MSW). The time required to start the methane generation was 190 days. Between the 400th and 500th day after the MSW placement there was a period of high methane generation rate, and after the 560th day it began to decrease. The kinetic parameters methane generation potential (L) and biodegradation constant for methane generation (k) were inferred through fittings of the first order model to the experimental response function and using MSW composition information. The values obtained for L and k for fast biodegradation were respectively 1,481±1,072 mol t-1 MSW and 0.18±0.13 year-1. The values obtained for L and k considering fast and slow biodegradation were 3,835 mol t-1 MSW and 0.069±0.002 year-1 and 5,027 mol t-1 RSU and 0.052±0.002 year-1, respectively, depending on the methodology used for determining L. The results obtained in the test cell indicate that the biodegradation of municipal solid waste in Caieiras occurs rapidly, i.e., with higher values for k and lower values for L than those suggested in the literature. These results indicate a possible reduction in the longevity of energy generation projects through methane recovery in landfills located in tropical and subtropical regions. Finally, we present recommendations for choosing L and k for sizing energy recovery projects and for undertaking environmental assessments and remediation.

Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 40: e39401, 20180000. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460838


The ability of microalgae to grow heterotrophically lies in the ability to oxidize organic compounds present in the external environment. The aim of this work was to evaluate the growth of Chlorella vulgaris under heterotrophic culture conditions using Basal Bold and NPK media supplemented with different sole carbon sources (glucose, fructose, sucrose, glycerol or acetate). The kinetic parameters obtained were maximum specific growth rate (μmax), doubling time (DT), maximal absorbance, which was also converted to cell concentration values using a linear relation, and cell productivity (PX). Among all the treatments analyzed, the highest maximum specific growth rate found was 0.030 hour-1 (0.72 day-1) in the treatment using Basal Bold medium supplemented with glucose. The highest cellular concentration and cell productivity were also found for this same treatment (4.03 x 106 cell mL-1 and 64.0 x 106 cell L-1 day-1, respectively). It was concluded that that the Basal Bold medium was more efficient for Chlorella vulgaris growth, since it induced higher values of μmax and cellular concentration. Results obtained were very reproducible using microplate assay.

A capacidade das microalgas de crescer heterotroficamente reside na habilidade de oxidar compostos orgânicos presentes no ambiente externo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento de Chlorella vulgaris em condições heterotróficas de cultura, usando meios Basal Bold e NPK, suplementados com diferentes fontes de carbono (glicose, frutose, sacarose, glicerol ou acetato). Os parâmetros cinéticos obtidos foram a velocidade específica máxima de crescimento (μmax), tempo de duplicação (TD), absorbância máxima, sendo que esta última também foi convertida em valores de concentração celular, usando uma relação linear e produtividade celular (PX). Entre todos os tratamentos analisados, a maior velocidade específica máxima de crescimento encontrada foi de 0,030 h-1 (0,72 dia-1) no tratamento usando o meio Basal Bold suplementado com glicose. A maior concentração celular e a maior produtividade celular também foram encontradas para esse mesmo tratamento (4,03 x 106 cel mL-1 e 64,0 x 106 cel L-1 dia-1, respectivamente). Concluiu-se que o meio Basal Bold foi mais eficiente para o crescimento de Chlorella vulgaris, pois induziu valores mais elevados de μmax e de concentração celular. Os resultados obtidos foram muito reproduzíveis, utilizando o ensaio de microplacas.

Vitae (Medellín) ; 25(1): 17-25, 2018. Ilustraciones
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-994920


Background: the growth of world aquaculture has generated important environmental impacts as discard residues that are important sources of protein, which has been used to manufacture low-value products, such as animal food, fish flour and fertilizers. Objectives: to evaluate the effect of enzyme and substrate concentration on the degree of hydrolysis (DH) of proteins in the red tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) viscera (RTV). Methods: the commercial alcalase 2.4 L enzyme was used at different concentrations to hydrolyse the proteins in RTV at 53.5°C and a pH of 9.5 in a 1 L magnetically stirred, jacketed, glass batch reactor connected to an automatic titrator. Each experiment was conducted over 6 h in which every consumed volume of base was recorded every 5 min to determine the corresponding DH at each point. Results: the results indicated that increasing the enzyme concentration produced an increase in the DH and in the reaction rate, while increasing the substrate concentration produced a decrease in both parameters. For this reason, a mathematical model was adjusted for the inhibition of substrate from the exponential kinetic equation d(DH)/dt = a* EXP[-b* (DH)] to explain the behavior of the DH as a function of substrate concentration in this hydrolytic process. The parameters a and b were estimated from a nonlinear regression. Based on these results, the reaction constants were determined as Ks = 456.75 g L-1, K2 = 1.2191 min-1, Kd = 0.2224 min-1, KM = 1.8963 and K3 = 0.1173 L g-1 min-1, which allowed the generation of a good correlation between the predicted and experimental values at the different evaluated operating conditions. This correlation was supported by a low average relative error (ARE) of 3.26%. Conclusion: under evaluated experimental conditions, the kinetics of the hydrolysis reaction followed a substrate inhibition mechanism without product inhibition, which was adjusted through a typical exponential Equation that involves two parameters (a and b) associated with the kinetic constants (Ks, K2, and Kd).

Antecedentes: el crecimiento de la acuicultura en el mundo ha provocado importantes impactos ambientales como el descarte de residuos que son importantes fuentes de proteína, los cuales han sido usados para manufacturar productos de bajo valor tales como: alimento para animales, harina de pescado y fertilizantes. Objetivo: evaluar el efecto de la concentración de enzima y de sustrato sobre el grado de hidrolisis (GH) de las proteínas presentes en las vísceras de tilapia roja (Oreochromis sp.) (VTR). Métodos: se empleó la enzima commercial alcalasa 2.4 L a diferentes concentraciones para hidrolizar las proteínas presentes en la VTR a 53°C y a un pH de 9.5 en un reactor de vidrio de 1 L con chaqueta, magnéticamente agitado y conectado a un titulador automático. Cada experimento se llevó cabo por 6 h registrando cada 5 min el volumen de base cosumido para determinar el grado de hidrolisis correspondiente a cada punto. Resultados: los resultados indicaron que un incremento en la concentración de enzima producía un incremento en el GH y en la velocidad de reacción, mientras que un aumento en la concentración de sustrato provocaba una disminución en ambos parámetros. Por esta razón, se ajustó un modelo matemático para la inhibición de sustrato a partir de la ecuación de cinética exponencial d(GH)/dt = a*EXP[-b*(GH)] para explicar el comportamiento del GH como una función de la concentración de sustrato en este proceso hidrolítico. Los parámetros a y b fueron evaluados mediante una regresión no lineal. Con base en estos resultados, las constantes de reacción fueron determinadas como Ks = 456.75 g L-1, K2 = 1.2191 min-1, Kd = 0.2224 min-1, KM = 1.8963 and K3 = 0.1173 L g-1 min-1, los cuales permitieron obtener una buena correlación entre los valores experimentales y los predichos a las diferentes condiciones de operación. Esta correlación fue soportada por un bajo error medio relativo del 3.26%. Conclusión: bajo las condiciones experimentales evaluadas, la cinética de la reacción de hidrólisis siguió un mecanismo de inhibición por sustrato sin inhibición por producto, el cual fue ajustado mediante una ecuación típica exponencial que involucra dos parámetros (a and b) asociados a las constantes cinéticas Ks, K2, and Kd.

Humans , Hydrolysis , Kinetics , Tilapia , Models, Theoretical
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 39(4): 423-430, Oct. - Dec. 2017. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-878455


The seaweeds are bio-resource rich in sulfated and neutral polysaccharides. The tropical seaweed species used in this study (Solieria filiformis), after dried, shows 65.8% (w/w) carbohydrate, 9.6% (w/w) protein, 1.7% (w/w) lipid, 7.0% (w/w) moisture and 15.9% (w/w) ash. The dried seaweed was easily hydrolyzed under mild conditions (0.5 M sulfuric acid, 20 min.), generating fermentable monosaccharides with a maximum hydrolysis efficiency of 63.21%. Galactose and glucose present in the hydrolyzed were simultaneously fermented by Saccharomyces cerevisiae when the yeast was acclimated to galactose and cultivated in broth containing only galactose. The kinetic parameters of the fermentation of the seaweed hydrolyzed were Y(P/S) = 0.48 ± 0.02 g.g−1, PP = 0.27 ± 0.04 g.L−1.h−1, η = 94.1%, representing a 41% increase in bioethanol productivity. Therefore, S. filiformis was a promising renewable resource of polysaccharides easily hydrolyzed, generating a broth rich in fermentable monosaccharides for ethanol production.

As algas marinhas são recursos naturais ricos em polissacarídeos sulfatados e neutros. A espécie de macroalga tropical utilizada neste estudo (Solieria filiformis) apresentou teores de carboidratos de 65,8% (m/m), proteínas de 9,6% (m/m), lipídios de 1,7% (m/m), umidade de 7,0% (m/m) e 15,9 % (m/m) de cinzas. A macroalga seca foi facilmente hidrolisada em condições brandas, na presença de ácido sulfúrico 0,5 M, por 20 min, produzindo monossacarídeos fermentáveis com uma eficiência de hidrólise máxima de 63,21%. A galactose e a glicose presentes no hidrolisado foram fermentadas simultaneamente por Saccharomyces cerevisiae, após aclimatação da levedura cultivada em meio contendo apenas galactose como fonte de carbono. Os parâmetros cinéticos da fermentação do hidrolisado algáceo pela levedura aclimatada a galactose foram Y(P/S) = 0,48 ± 0,02 g.g-1, PP = 0,27 ± 0,04 g.L- 1.h-1, η = 94,1%. Portanto, a macroalga S. filiformis se mostrou um recurso renovável promissor como fonte de polissacarídeos facilmente hidrolisados, gerando um meio nutritivo rico em glucose e galactose para a produção de etanol.

Carrageenan , Cellulose , Fermentation , Galactose , Seaweed , Sulfuric Acids
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-109782


Tissue distribution of marbofloxacin was studied in pigs after a single intramuscular injection at 2.5 mg/kg body weight. Samples of plasma, muscle, liver, kidney, heart, lung, and muscle at the injection site were randomly collected from five pigs at 2, 6, 10, 24, 48, 72, and 96 h after administration. Marbofloxacin concentrations were determined by using high-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection and were subjected to non-compartmental analysis to obtain kinetic parameters. The elimination half-life (t(1/2λz)) of marbofloxacin at the injection site was 22.12 h, while those in kidney, plasma, liver, lung, heart, and muscle were 16.75, 21.48, 21.84, 24.00, 24.45, and 28.91 h, respectively. Areas under the concentration-time curve from 0 h to (∞) (AUC(0–∞)s) were calculated to be 31.17 h·µg·mL⁻¹ for plasma and 32.97, 33.92, 34.78, 37.58, 42.02, and 98.80 h·µg·g⁻¹ for heart, muscle, lung, liver, kidney, and injection site, respectively. The peak concentration (C(max)) of marbofloxacin was 1.62 µg/mL in plasma and 1.71, 1.74, 1.86, 1.93, 2.45, and 7.64 µg/g in heart, lung, muscle, kidney, liver, and injection site, respectively. The results show that marbofloxacin was fast absorbed, extensively distributed, and slowly eliminated from pigs after a single intramuscular administration.

Body Weight , Chromatography, Liquid , Half-Life , Heart , Injections, Intramuscular , Kidney , Liver , Lung , Plasma , Swine , Tissue Distribution
Biol. Res ; 50: 39, 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-950886


BACKGROUND: Ferredoxin NADP(H) oxidoreductases (EC (FNR) are flavoenzymes present in photosynthetic organisms; they are relevant for the production of reduced donors to redox reactions, i.e. in photosynthesis, the reduction of NADP+ to NADPH using the electrons provided by Ferredoxin (Fd), a small FeS soluble protein acceptor of electrons from PSI in chloroplasts. In rhodophyta no information about this system has been reported, this work is a contribution to the molecular and functional characterization of FNR from Gracilaria chilensis, also providing a structural analysis of the complex FNR/Fd. METHODS: The biochemical and kinetic characterization of FNR was performed from the enzyme purified from phycobilisomes enriched fractions. The sequence of the gene that codifies for the enzyme, was obtained using primers designed by comparison with sequences of Synechocystis and EST from Gracilaria. 5'RACE was used to confirm the absence of a CpcD domain in FNRPBS of Gracilaria chilensis. A three dimensional model for FNR and Fd, was built by comparative modeling and a model for the complex FNR: Fd by docking. RESULTS: The kinetic analysis shows KMNADPH of 12.5 M and a kcat of 86 s-1, data consistent with the parameters determined for the enzyme purified from a soluble extract. The sequence for FNR was obtained and translated to a protein of 33646 Da. A FAD and a NADP+ binding domain were clearly identified by sequence analysis as well as a chloroplast signal sequence. Phycobilisome binding domain, present in some cyanobacteria was absent. Transcriptome analysis of Gch revealed the presence of two Fd; FdL and FdS, sharing the motif CX5CX2CX29X. The analysis indicated that the most probable partner for FNR is FdS. CONCLUSION: The interaction model produced, was consistent with functional properties reported for FNR in plants leaves, and opens the possibilities for research in other rhodophyta of commercial interest.

Gracilaria/enzymology , Ferredoxin-NADP Reductase/chemistry , Ferredoxins/metabolism , Oxidation-Reduction , Photosynthesis/physiology , Amino Acid Sequence , Gracilaria/chemistry , Electrophoresis, Polyacrylamide Gel , Ferredoxin-NADP Reductase/genetics , Ferredoxin-NADP Reductase/pharmacokinetics
Braz. j. pharm. sci ; 52(4): 709-714, Oct.-Dec. 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-951883


ABSTRACT The Maillard reaction of hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) and lactose has been previously demonstrated in pharmaceutical formulations. In this study, the activation energy of - hydrohlorothiazide and lactose interaction in the liquid state was ascertained under basic and neutral conditions. Conventional isothermal High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) technique was employed to ascertain the kinetic parameters using Arrhenius method. Results: The activation energy obtained was 82.43 and 100.28 kJ/mol under basic and neutral conditions, respectively. Consequently, it can be inferred that Maillard reaction is significantly affected by pH, which can be used as a control factor whenever the reaction potentially occurs.

Kinetics , Hydrochlorothiazide/analysis , Lactose/analysis , Pharmaceutical Preparations/classification , Maillard Reaction , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid/methods
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-176941


Ecuador generates lots of lingo cellulosic organic waste from cocoa, rice and corn agribusiness, and these products are rich in cellulose and can be used in fermentation processes by enzyme producing yeasts. In this study, the phytopathogenic fungus Moniliophthora roreri was isolated, characterized and the kinetics of production of cellulose was studied using rice husks, cocoa shell and cob as a growth inducer substance for a period of 20 days. The carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) was used as specific substrate to evaluate the kinetic parameters of the enzyme at different concentration of 0.5%, 1% and 1.5%; to evaluate the Vmax, Km, specific activity, Kcat we worked with the Michaelis-Menten and Line weaver-Burk linearization and the crude enzyme was purified with ammonium sulfate. The enzyme production was increased on 10th, 15th and 20th day in rice husk, cocoa shell and cob, respectively. There was also an increased enzyme activity and the kinetic parameters obtained from rice husk. The purification is a step to increase the specific activity of the enzyme in each of the extracts is under study.

Br Biotechnol J ; 2015 9(3): 1-14
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-174809


Aims: To develop a mathematical model for prediction of variation in oxygen concentration inside the bed of tray type bioreactor for solid state fermentation and comparison of oxygen profile of unsteady state and pseudo steady state approximation. Place and Duration of Study: All the simulations were performed at the Applied and Industrial Microbiology laboratory, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, from October 2013 to September 2014. Methodology: Models for various reaction kinetics (zero order, first order and Monod’s kinetics) were derived from the general model. Ordinary differential equations (Pseudo steady state approximation) and partial differential equations (unsteady state assumption) were solved by numerical techniques – Finite difference method (FDM) and Runge-kutta method. Simulation runs were carried out for various parameters such as bed height gas phase oxygen concentration, saturation constant, and porosity of the bed. Results: Oxygen profiles of unsteady state and pseudo steady state assumption were compared and results show lower oxygen concentration in case of unsteady state assumption. Concentration of oxygen was low for the organism following first order when compared to zero order and Monod kinetics. Results of simulation runs revealed that the oxygen concentration decreases as the bed height increases irrespective of the kinetics of the reaction. And it increases with increasing gas phase oxygen concentration, saturation constant and porosity. Conclusion: Mathematical model with unsteady state assumption was reported and it can be employed in calculating the design and operational parameters for solid state fermentors to yield optimal productivity.

Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 16(2): 68-73, jul.-dic. 2014. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-731732


Wickerhamomyces anomalus, una levadura aislada de frutas cítricas en la provincia de Misiones, Argentina, produce una poligalacturonasa (endo-PG) con capacidad macerante de tejidos vegetales. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinai los parámetros cinéticos y estequiométricos del crecimiento de W. anomalus y la producción de la enzima poligalacturonasa en un medio de cultivo sintético, operado en sistema por lote, en un biorreactor a escala laboratorio. Los cultivos se realizaron en un biorreactor de 4 l que contenía 3 l de un medio sintético compuesto por glucosa, pectina de citrus, vitaminas, aminoácidos, sulfato de amonio y sales, y se incubaron con agitación y aireación, a 30 °C durante 12 h. El transcurso de proceso fermentativo se siguió por medidas de biomasa, glucosa residual, actividad poligalacturonasa y contenido de O2 y CO2 de los gases a la salida del reactor. La velocidad específica de crecimiento máxima (-im) de W. anomalus fue de 0,337 h-1 y el rendimiento de biomasa producida (Yx/s) de 0,401 gx/gs. Al finalizar el cultivo, la actividad PG en el sobrenadante fue de PG de ~ 83,7 UE/ml. La actividad específica y la productividad obtenidas fueron de ~ 1,91. 10(4) UE/gx y ~ 9.301 UE/l.h, respectivamente. El cociente respiratorio fue cercano a 1 durante el proceso fermentativo. No se formó ningún otro producto, además de biomasa y CO 2 . El cultivo por lote resultó ser una buena alternativa para la producción de PG a partir de W. anomalus, obteniéndose un extracto con elevada actividad enzimática, en un medio de cultivo sintético y de bajo costo.

Wickerhamomyces anomalus, a yeast isolated from citrus fruit peels in the province of Misiones, Argentina, produces a polygalacturonase (endo-PG) with maceration activity of vegetable tissues. The objective of the present work was to determine kinetic and stoichiometric parameters of W. anomalus growth and polygalacturonase production in a synthetic culture medium, operating in a batch-type bioreactor at laboratory scale. Cultures were performed in a bioreactor of 4 l, containing 3 l of a synthetic medium composed of glucose, citrus pectin, vitamins, amino acids, ammonium sulfate and salts, and were incubated with agitation (450 rpm) and aeration at 30 °C, during 12 h. The course of the fermentation process was followed by measuring biomass, residual glucose, polygalacturonase activity and O2 and CO2 content of outlet gases from the reactor. The maximum specific growth rate (Um) of W. anomalus was 0.337 h-1 and the biomass yield (Yx/s) was 0.40 gx/gs. At the end of the culture, PG activity in the supernatant was ~84 UE/ml. The specific activity and the productivity obtained were ~1.91 104 UE/gx and ~9,301 UE/l.h, respectively. Respiratory quotient was approximately 1.0 throughout the fermentation process. No other product different from biomass and CO2 was detected. Batch culture could be an adequate alternative for the production of polygalacturonase from W. anomalus and an extract with high enzymatic activity using a synthetic and economic culture medium could be obtained.

Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 16(1): 137-145, ene.-jun. 2014. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-715308


El lactosuero acidificado espontáneamente pone en riesgo la salud del consumidor al utilizarlo como acidificante de la leche usada en la elaboración del queso tipo mozzarella, y además reduce la calidad del producto. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar el proceso de fermentación del lactosuero ácido (entero y desproteinizado) con Lactobacillus casei, utilizando diferentes porcentajes de su inóculo. Se caracterizaron fisicoquímicamente los lactosueros, sometiéndolos a fermentación anaeróbica a 37°C y 120 rpm por 96 h. Se evaluó la concentración de biomasa celular, el consumo de lactosa, la producción de ácido láctico (AL) y se estimaron los parámetros cinéticos y estequiométricos. Se aplicó un diseño experimental completamente al azar con arreglo factorial 2x3, empleando la metodología de medidas repetidas. Los datos, se procesaron a través de los paquetes estadísticos SAS® versión 9 y Statgraphics Centurión XVI®. El lactosuero, entero y desproteinizado, se encontró dentro de los intervalos fisicoquímicos aceptables para su acidificación. Los valores de acidez fueron superiores a 120 Grados Dornic (120°D) con la inoculación de L. casei, excepto en lactosuero desproteinizado, inoculado con 15% de cultivo. El lactosuero entero con 15% de inóculo, alcanzo 120°D en el menor tiempo (34h). Altas concentraciones de inóculo (15%) favorecieron la acidificación en el lactosuero entero, mostrando la mayor producción (20.83gAL/l), Y´p/s=0.86, Qp=0.173gAL/l*h; mientras el lactosuero desproteinizado mostró un mayor crecimiento microbiano, menor conversión de lactosa (8.2%) y menor producción media de ácido láctico (8.19g/l).

The spontaneously acidified whey threatens consumer health and reduces quality of mozzarella cheese. The goal of this research was to evaluate the acidification process of acid whey (whole and deproteinized) by fermentation with different inoculum concentrations of Lactobacillus casei. The whey was physicochemically characterized and anaerobically fermented at 37°C and120 rpm during 96h. Cellular biomass was evaluated, as well as lactose consumption, lactic acid production, kinetic and stoichiometric parameters were estimated. A completely randomized design with factorial arrangement (2x3) was applied by using the repeated measures methodology. Data was processed by using SAS® statistical package, version 9 and Statgraphics Centurion XVI®. The acidification for the whole and deproteinized whey was found within the acceptable intervals. Acidification values were above 120 degrees Dornic (120°D) with L. casei inoculation, except in the deproteinized whey inoculated with 15% of inoculum. The whole whey with 15% of inoculum reached 120°D in the shortest time (34 hours). High concentrations of inoculum (15%) aided the acidification in whole whey and showed the highest production (20.83 g LA/l), and p/s=0.86, Qp=0.173 g AL/l*h; on the other hand, the deproteinized whey showed the highest microbial growth, lowest conversion of lactose (8.2%) and lowest lactic acid production (8.19g/l).

Fermentation , Lacticaseibacillus casei , Cultured Milk Products , Serum , Lactic Acid
Eng. sanit. ambient ; 17(3): 255-262, jul.-set. 2012. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-665927


O presente trabalho objetivou determinar parâmetros cinéticos da inativação térmica de Escherichia coli em lodo de esgoto. Os ensaios foram realizados em laboratório pelo método do frasco de três bocas nas temperaturas de 45, 50, 55, 60 e 65ºC. Os resultados indicaram que a cinética de inativação térmica deste microrganismo pode ser descrita por um modelo de primeira ordem. A resistência da bactéria é reduzida consideravelmente em temperaturas acima de 55ºC. A energia de inativação encontrada foi 2,48x10(5) J.mol-1. O tempo de redução decimal D55ºC foi de 3,61 minutos e o coeficiente térmico z foi 8,3ºC.

The present study aimed to determine the kinetic parameters of thermal inactivation of Escherichia coli in sewage sludge. The tests were performed in the laboratory using the three-neck flask method at temperatures of 45, 50, 55, 60 and 65ºC. The results indicated that the thermal inactivation kinetic of this microorganism can be described by a first order model. The resistance of bacteria is greatly reduced at temperatures above 55ºC. The inactivation energy was found 2.48x10(5) J.mol-1. The decimal reduction time D55ºC was 3.61 minutes and the thermal coefficient z was 8.3ºC.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-159143


This study was designed to evaluate the performance of a cylindrical immobilized fixed Bed. Anaerobic digester in treating diluted municipal waste water. A series of three independent batch experiments was performed for a total operation time of 28 days. The system of anaerobic digestion showed stability conditions, with no noticeable scum or foaming problems. The anaerobic treatment of diluted municipal waste water is done using immobilized fixed bed anaerobic batch reactor. The source of waste generation is a mixed sludge collected from dock yard. The present study, thus initiated a need based experimental work on anaerobic digester incorporated with immobilized poly urethane foam system. The kinetic parameters are also estimated using experimental data. Empirical relations were developed for the characteristics like BOD, COD, SCOD, TDS and TSS using modeling equations.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-227811


To develop an advanced non-linear curve fitting (NLCF) algorithm for performing dynamic susceptibility contrast study of the brain. The first pass effects give rise to spuriously high estimates of Ktrans for the voxels that represent the large vascular components. An explicit threshold value was used to reject voxels. The blood perfusion and volume estimation were accurately evaluated in the T2*-weighted dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE)-MR images. From each of the recalculated parameters, a perfusion weighted image was outlined by using the modified non-linear curve fitting algorithm. The present study demonstrated an improvement of an estimation of the kinetic parameters from the DCE T2*-weighted magnetic resonance imaging data with using contrast agents.

Humans , Brain , Contrast Media , Gadolinium DTPA , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Perfusion