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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-777958


@# Objective To understand the awareness of AIDS related knowledge, high risk behaviors, the infection status of HIV, syphilis and HSV-2, and to explore the associated factors with HSV-2 infection among whoremasters in Kaiyuan City, so as to provide scientific evidence for targeted intervention to prevent and control HIV and other STDs. Methods A self-designed questionnaire survey was conducted among whoremasters recruited through outreach activities and snowball sampling. The blood and urine were also collected for corresponding laboratory examination. Results Among the whoremasters, 98.22% had a high awareness of AIDS related knowledge, 9.33% once used drugs, and 14.67% did not use a condom during the latest commercial sex. 62.22% of the whoremasters ever had non-marital sex partners, and of those who had sex with non-marital sex partners in the past year, 59.55% reported using condoms inconsistently. The total infection rate of HIV/syphilis/HSV-2 was 18.22% and the infection rates of HIV, syphilis and HSV-2 were 3.11%, 1.33% and 16.44%, respectively. The older whoremasters were more likely to have a higher HSV-2 infection rate (AOR=1.044,95%CI:1.016-1.073,P=0.002), and those whoremasters not using a condom during the latest commercial sex were more likely to have a higher HSV-2 infection rate (AOR=3.125,95%CI:1.229-7.945,P=0.017). Conclusions Though whoremasters in Kaiyuan City had a high awareness of AIDS related knowledge, they had high-risk behaviors and relatively high HIV and other STDs infection rates. Targeted interventions are needed to improve the risk awareness of STDs infection to promote consistent condom use in both commercial and non-marital sexual behaviors among whoremasters.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-789455


[Objective] To investigate the awareness rate of AIDS and STDs related knowledge, the epidemic features of high-risk behaviors and related risk factors among pregnant women in a sentinel hospital of Liangxi District of Wuxi City. [Methods]The pregnant women who built health care manual or accepted pregnancy health care from April to June in every year during 2010-2015 were investigated.[Results]Of more than 2 400 pregnant women investigated, the infection rates of HIV, syphilis, and HCV were 0.04%, 0.46% and 0.25%. The awareness rate of knowledge was 85.79%. But, the understanding of AIDS was not scientific and comprehensive. [Conclusion]The infection rates of HIV and other STDs were observed at low levels among pregnant women in the sentinel hospital of Liangxi District. But, some still had high-risk behaviors. The mastery degree of the knowledge of AIDS prevention and control were not comprehensive. Policy advocacy, health education, voluntary consultation test and many other prevention and control strategies must extend the coverage from high risk groups to pregnant women and many other general population. Intensive education about AIDS should be carried out to help people have a correct and scientific understanding of AIDS.

Rev. cuba. med. gen. integr ; 28(3): 260-269, jul.-set. 2012.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-656375


Introducción: se observa en el mundo una tendencia ascendente en el padecimiento de las infecciones de transmisión sexual, debido al comienzo de las relaciones sexuales a edades cada vez más tempranas. Objetivo: incrementar el nivel de información acerca de las enfermedades de transmisión sexual. Métodos: se realizó un estudio experimental de intervención, sobre ITS/VIH/sida en un grupo de adolescentes pertenecientes a dos consultorios. De un universo de 125 adolescentes se seleccionó una muestra de 70 de ellos. Se aplicó una encuesta previa al programa de intervención, luego se implementó el curso y después se aplicó nuevamente el cuestionario. Resultados: inicialmente 65 adolescentes (92,8 porciento), respondieron tener información sobre el tema tratado, y después de la intervención se elevó a un 100 porciento. Dentro de las fuentes de obtención de la información, la familia fue la más identificada por 47 encuestados (67,1 porciento) y después de la intervención por 67 (95,7 porciento). Al analizar los grupos de edades a los que afectan las infecciones de transmisión sexual, 62 encuestados (88,5 porciento), identificaron que puede ser a todas las edades y después se elevó a 64 (91,4 porciento). Con respecto a la eficacia en el uso del condón para evitar las infecciones de transmisión sexual, al comienzo respondieron afirmativamente 41 (58,5 porciento) y luego se elevó a un 100 porciento. Conclusiones: en primera instancia los adolescentes conocían muy poco sobre algunos de los aspectos estudiados, y después de impartido el curso, se observó un aumento del conocimiento sobre estas enfermedades en sentido general

Introduction: There is an upward trend in the world related to sexually transmitted infections, due to the onset of sexual intercourse at increasingly early ages. Objective: to increase the level of information about sexually transmitted diseases. Methods: An experimental study intervention was carried out on STI/HIV/AIDS in a group of teenagers from two medical practices. From a universe of 125 adolescents, we selected a sample of 70 adolescents. These persons had a survey before the intervention program. This survey was implemented one more time after the intervention. Results: initially 65 adolescents (92.8 percent), responded to have information on the topic, and after the intervention this number rose to 100 percent. Among the sources for obtaining the information, the family was the most identified by 47 respondents and after the intervention the number increased to 67 (67.1 percent and 95.7 percent respectively). When analyzing the age groups for those who can be affected by sexually transmitted infections, 62 respondents (88.5 percent) identified at all ages and then the number rose to 64 (91.4 percent). With regard to the efficient use of condoms to prevent sexually transmitted infections at the beginning 41 (58.5 percent) answered affirmatively and 100 percent after the intervention. Conclusions: Firstly, teenagers knew little about some of the aspects studied, and after the course was over, we observed there was an increase of knowledge about these diseases in general

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Health Education/methods , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/prevention & control , HIV Infections/prevention & control , Health Promotion/methods , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/prevention & control
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-834420


Introdução: As adolescentes merecem atenção especial em saúde pública, pois ao iniciar atividade sexual se expõem aos riscos das DSTs, da gravidez indesejada, do câncer cervical e de outras doenças inflamatórias pélvicas. Objetivos: Avaliar os aspectos ginecológicos e a frequência de infecções do trato genital inferior em adolescentes. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo de caso-controle, onde foram estudadas pacientes adolescentes (n=68) e adultas (n=112) atendidas em uma clínica privada, que presta atendimento em ginecologia e obstetrícia. Excluíram-se aquelas que apresentavam qualquer tipo problema que impossibilitasse a realização dos exames necessários (sangramento genital, uso de cremes ou gel vaginal ou relação sexual em intervalo inferior a 72 horas da consulta médica) e as que não assinaram o Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido (TCLE). As pacientes foram submetidas à anamnese e exame físico, com coleta de material para a realização de citologia, exame a fresco e pesquisa do DNA do Papilomavírus humano (HPV), pela técnica de captura híbrida II. Quando necessário realizou-se a biópsia de colo uterino, guiada pela colposcopia. No teste de significância estatística das diferenças observadas na análise, utilizou-se o teste do qui-quadrado e/ou o teste T de Student, dependendo da natureza dos dados comparados. O nível de significância adotado na análise foi de 5%. Resultados: A frequência de infecção pelo HPV diagnosticada pela captura híbrida foi de 47,3% para as pacientes adultas e de 35,3% para as adolescentes (p=0,42). A frequência de neoplasia intraepitelial de alto grau foi mais frequente em pacientes adultas, mas as adolescentes apresentaram 19% de neoplasia intraepitelial cervical diagnosticada pela histopatologia. Conclusão: Identificou-se percentual elevado de neoplasia intraepitelial cervical em adolescentes, o que pode estar associado ao comportamento de risco deste grupo, com trocas frequentes de parceiros e prática do sexo sem proteção.

Background: Adolescents deserve special attention in public health, because when they start sexual activity these are individuals exposed to the risks of STDs, unwanted pregnancies, cervical cancer and other pelvic inflammatory diseases. Aim: To evaluate the frequency of gynecological and lower genital tract infections in adolescents. Methods: This is a case-control study where patients were studied, both adolescents (n = 68) and adults (n=112) attended a private clinic. We excluded those who had any problems that hinder the achievement of the necessary examinations (vaginal bleeding, use of creams or gels or vaginal intercourse at an interval less than 72 hours of medical consultation) and that did not sign the informed consent. The patients underwent history and physical examination, with collection of material for the Pap smear and research DNAHPV, the technique of hybrid capture II. When appropriate a cervix biopsy was done guided by colposcopy. Statistical analysis were performed considering p<0.05. Results: The frequency of HPV infection diagnosed by hybrid capture was 47.3% for adult patients and 35.3% for girls (p=0.42). The frequency of intraepithelial neoplasia of high degree was more frequent in adult patients, but 19% of adolescents had cervical intraepithelial neoplasia diagnosed by histopathology. Conclusion: We identified a high percentage of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in adolescents, which may be associated with a risky behavior in this group, with frequent partners changes and practice of unprotected sex.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Age Factors , Reproductive Tract Infections/etiology , Risk-Taking , Sexual Behavior , Gynecological Examination/methods
Rev. AMRIGS ; 55(2): 147-154, abr.-jun. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-835346


Introdução: O Planejamento Familiar decorre da necessidade de limitar a prole em número compatível com a capacidade de proporcionar condições dignas de vida. O objetivo do estudo foi verificar as práticas adotadas para controle da fecundidade e demais características sexuais entre universitárias. Métodos: Estudo transversal com mulheres matriculadas em universidade do sul do Brasil no ano de 2009. O questionário autoaplicável e anônimo continha questões sobre características sociodemográficas, sexuais, reprodutivas, gravidez e aborto. A análise estatística dos dados foi feita com auxílio do SPSS versão 16.0. Resultados: Foram estudadas 409 universitárias com média de idade de 22,4 anos e 84,6% eram sexualmente ativas. A maioria (93,4%) tinha relações sexuais com parceiro fixo e sem utilização de preservativo (71,3%). Os métodos contraceptivos mais utilizados foram pílula oral (69,7%) e preservativo (35,5%) e a contracepção de emergência foi reportada por 53%. Entre as universitárias que já engravidaram (16,7%), 7,2% sofreram abortamento espontâneo e 1,8% provocado. Questionadas sobre uma gravidez indesejada, 10,8% afirmaram que abortariam, tendo como principais motivos o fato de atrapalhar os estudos (19,3%). Conclusão: A amostra apresentou perfil similar à maioria da população brasileira, ainda que se trate de uma população altamente escolarizada. A baixa adesão ao uso de preservativo, o uso de drogas e de anticoncepção de emergência mostraram comportamento de risco para DST, gravidez indesejada e aborto.

Introduction: Family planning is the need to limit the offspring in a number compatible with the capacity to provide decent living conditions. The aim of this study was to assess practices related to fertility control and other sexual characteristics in female university students. Methods: A cross-sectional study with women enrolled in a University of Southern Brazil in 2009. The self-administered anonymous questionnaire contained questions about sociodemographic, sexual, and reproductive characteristics, as well as pregnancy and abortion. The statistical analysis was performed with the aid of SPSS, version 16.0. Results: We studied 409 college students with a mean age of 22.4 years and 84.6% were sexually active. The majority (93.4%) had sex with a steady partner without using condoms (71.3%). The contraceptive methods used were oral pill (69.7%) and condoms (35.5%). Emergency contraception was reported by 53%. Among the students that have gotten pregnant (16.7%), 7.2% had miscarriages and 1.8% had abortions. When asked about an unwanted pregnancy, 10.8% said they would have an abortion, the main reason being the fact that it would disrupt the studies (19.3%). Conclusion: The sample showed a similar profile to the majority of the Brazilian population, even though it is a highly educated population. The low frequency of condom use, drug use and emergency contraception evidence risk for STDs, unwanted pregnancy and abortion.

Humans , Female , Young Adult , Abortion , Contraception , Reproductive Behavior , Sexual Behavior , Sexually Transmitted Diseases , Risk Factors
Article in Vietnamese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-5194


10% long route car drivers had self reported once they got sexual transmitted diseases, their 37.5% used state health care services. 83.3% had recognized the risk of transmission of HIV when they have sexual intercourse, 11.1% when sharing infection needle. 77.8% - 99.4% of long route car drivers had recognized precisely the 3 measures to prevent HIV. 80% had agreed to undergo HIV cheeking for. 13.3% of long route car drivers had riceived condom, 2.9% injection needle, 46.1% leaf let on HIV/AIDS.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases/prevention & control , HIV , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome , Knowledge , Risk Factors