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Podium (Pinar Río) ; 19(2)ago. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569403


La Educación Física ha demostrado ser una herramienta eficaz para desarrollar condiciones físicas y mentales en el ser humano. Sin embargo, aún las propuestas a favor de hacer realidad la educación inclusiva en estudiantes con trastorno del espectro autista no logra los niveles mundialmente esperados. Es por ello que en esta obra se plantea como objetivo diseñar un sistema de juegos inclusivos para el desarrollo de la coordinación motriz en estudiantes con trastorno del espectro autista, en la clase de Educación Física. Para lograr este propósito se emplearon como métodos fundamentales del nivel empírico la encuesta, la prueba pedagógica y la observación. Los resultados del diagnóstico apuntan a un deficiente conocimiento por parte de los docentes de Educación Física sobre el tratamiento de los estudiantes con este trastorno, por lo que se procede a la tarea de elaborar un sistema de juegos para el desarrollo de la coordinación motriz que gradualmente los incorpore a la socialización en el grupo, y un sistema evaluativo pertinente donde se pudieron apreciar resultados superiores cuantitativa y cualitativamente.

A Educação Física tem se mostrado uma ferramenta eficaz para desenvolver as condições físicas e mentais do ser humano. No entanto, mesmo as propostas a favor de tornar a educação inclusiva uma realidade para alunos com perturbação do espectro do autismo não atingem os níveis globalmente esperados. Por isso o objetivo deste trabalho é desenhar um sistema de jogos inclusivos para o desenvolvimento da coordenação motora em alunos com transtorno do espectro do autismo, na aula de Educação Física. Para atingir este propósito, o inquérito, o teste pedagógico e a observação foram utilizados como métodos fundamentais a nível empírico. Os resultados do diagnóstico apontam para pouco conhecimento por parte dos professores de Educação Física sobre o tratamento dos alunos com esse transtorno, por isso passam à tarefa de desenvolver um sistema de jogos para o desenvolvimento da coordenação motora que os incorpore gradativamente à socialização em o grupo, e um sistema avaliativo pertinente onde resultados superiores pudessem ser vistos quantitativa e qualitativamente.

Physical Education has proven to be an effective tool to develop physical and mental conditions in human beings. However, even the proposals in favor of making inclusive education a reality for students with autism spectrum disorder do not achieve the globally expected levels. That is why, the objective of this work is to design a system of inclusive games for the development of motor coordination in students with autism spectrum disorder, in the Physical Education class. To achieve this purpose, the survey, the pedagogical test and observation were used as fundamental methods at the empirical level. The results of the diagnosis point to poor knowledge on the part of Physical Education teachers about the treatment of students with this disorder, so it is proceed to the task of developing a system of games for the development of motor coordination that gradually incorporated them into socialization in the group, and a pertinent evaluative system where superior results could be seen quantitatively and qualitatively.

Vive (El Alto) ; 7(20)ago. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570122


Los programas de estimulación temprana son intervenciones dirigidas a niños con trastornos del desarrollo, como lo es el autismo, estos buscan favorecer la adaptación e integración social, así como mejorar habilidades cognitivas, comunicativas y emocionales. Sin embargo, la pandemia del COVID-19 fue un gran desafío para la continuidad y la efectividad de estos programas, debido a las restricciones de movilidad, el cierre de centros educativos y sanitarios, y el aumento del estrés familiar. En este artículo se revisan los principales estudios que evaluaron el impacto de la pandemia en los programas de estimulación temprana para niños dentro del espectro autista y las estrategias para adaptarlos al contexto actual. Metodología: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de estudios publicados entre 2020 y 2023 en Scopus, Web of Science, Scielo, Latindex y Google Scholar. Aplicando ecuaciones de búsqueda elaboradas con los descriptores y operadores booleanos: "programas de estimulación temprana", "trastorno del espectro autista", "pandemia COVID-19". Se seleccionaron 29 trabajos que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión como el aborde de programas de estimulación temprana para niños dentro del espectro autista, producto de investigación empírica o teórica sobre el tema. Los resultados coinciden con los de otras investigaciones que han analizado la misma temática. Se concluye que la pandemia afectó negativamente tanto la calidad como la efectividad de los programas de estimulación temprana, elevando la vulnerabilidad de los niños y niñas con TEA, y que es necesario desarrollar e implementar medidas específicas para garantizar el acceso y la atención adecuada a este colectivo vulnerable.

Early stimulation programs are interventions aimed at children with developmental disorders, such as autism, which seek to promote adaptation and social integration, as well as improve cognitive, communicative and emotional skills. However, the COVID-19 pandemic was a great challenge for the continuity and effectiveness of these programs, due to mobility restrictions, the closure of educational and health centers, and increased family stress. This article reviews the main studies that evaluated the impact of the pandemic on early stimulation programs for children within the autism spectrum and the strategies to adapt them to the current context. Methodology: a bibliographic review of studies published between 2020 and 2023 in Scopus, Web of Science, Scielo, Latindex and Google Scholar was carried out. Applying search equations created with Boolean descriptors and operators: "early stimulation programs", "autism spectrum disorder", "COVID-19 pandemic". 29 works were selected that met the inclusion criteria such as addressing early stimulation programs for children within the autism spectrum, product of empirical or theoretical research on the topic. The results coincide with those of other investigations that have analyzed the same topic. It is concluded that the pandemic negatively affected both the quality and effectiveness of early stimulation programs, increasing the vulnerability of boys and girls with ASD, and that it is necessary to develop and implement specific measures to guarantee access and adequate care for this vulnerable group.

Os programas de estimulação precoce são intervenções dirigidas a crianças com perturbações do desenvolvimento, como o autismo, que procuram promover a adaptação e a integração social, bem como melhorar as competências cognitivas, comunicativas e emocionais. No entanto, a pandemia da COVID-19 representou um grande desafio para a continuidade e eficácia destes programas, devido às restrições de mobilidade, ao encerramento de centros educativos e de saúde e ao aumento do stress familiar. Este artigo revisa os principais estudos que avaliaram o impacto da pandemia nos programas de estimulação precoce para crianças do espectro do autismo e as estratégias para adaptá-los ao contexto atual. Metodologia: foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica de estudos publicados entre 2020 e 2023 nas bases Scopus, Web of Science, Scielo, Latindex e Google Scholar. Aplicando equações de busca criadas com descritores e operadores booleanos: "programas de estimulação precoce", "transtorno do espectro do autismo", "pandemia de COVID-19". Foram selecionados 29 trabalhos que atenderam aos critérios de inclusão como abordar programas de estimulação precoce para crianças do espectro do autismo, produto de pesquisas empíricas ou teóricas sobre o tema. Os resultados coincidem com os de outras investigações que analisaram o mesmo tema. Conclui-se que a pandemia afetou negativamente tanto a qualidade como a eficácia dos programas de estimulação precoce, aumentando a vulnerabilidade de meninos e meninas com TEA, e que é necessário desenvolver e implementar medidas específicas para garantir o acesso e cuidados adequados a este grupo vulnerável.

Distúrbios Comun. (Online) ; 36(1): 1-9, 17/06/2024.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560929


Introdução: O Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) é um distúrbio do neurodesenvolvimento caracterizado por déficits na comunicação social, alterações de sensibilidade e dificuldades alimentares.Objetivo: Realizar uma revisão integrativa das alterações de deglutição em indivíduos com TEA.Métodos: A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de uma busca por artigos nacionais e internacionais, utilizando descritores para a pesquisa, bem como critérios de inclusão e exclusão para a seleção da amostra final. A estratégia PPOT foi utilizada para definir critérios de elegibilidade, incluindo população (crianças e adultos), preditor (diagnóstico de TEA), desfecho (relato ou diagnóstico de disfagia oral, faríngea ou esofágica) e tipo de estudo (estudos observatórios). A busca foi realizada no período de junho a agosto de 2023, nas bases de dados: Pubmed, Scopus, Embase e Google Scholar. Resultados: Foram selecionados dez estudos com pacientes diagnosticados com TEA que relataram sintomas de disfagia orofaríngea e esofágica, além de queixas sobre ingestão alimentar. Os estudos sugerem que crianças com TEA podem apresentar algum problema de disfunções motoras orais, frequência alimentar inadequada, padrões alimentares obsessivos, apresentação específica de determinados alimentos, seletividade alimentar e dificuldades de processamento sensorial. Conclusão: Conclui-se que não há evidências científicas robustas sobre a presença de disfagia em pacientes com TEA. (AU)

Introduction: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by deficits in social communication, changes in sensitivity and eating difficulties. Objective: To carry out an integrative review of swallowing changes in individuals with ASD. Methods: The research was carried out through a search for national and international articles, using descriptors for the research, as well as inclusion and exclusion criteria for selecting the final sample. The PPOT strategy was used to define eligibility criteria, including population (children and adults), predictor (ASD diagnosis), outcome (report or diagnosis of dysphagia oral, pharyngeal or esophageal), and study type (observatory studies). The search was carried out from June to August 2023, in the databases: Pubmed, Scopus, Embase and Google Scholar. Results: Ten studies were selected with patients diagnosed with ASD who reported symptoms of oropharyngeal and esophageal dysphagia, in addition to complaints about food intake. Studies suggest that children with ASD may present problems with oral motor dysfunction, inadequate eating frequency, obsessive eating patterns, specific presentation of certain foods, food selectivity and sensory processing difficulties. Conclusion: It is concluded that there is no robust scientific evidence about the presence of dysphagia in patients with ASD. (AU)

Introducción: El Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) es un trastorno del neurodesarrollo caracterizado por déficits en la comunicación social, cambios en la sensibilidad y dificultades alimentarias. Objetivo: Realizar una revisión integradora de los cambios en la deglución en individuos con TEA. Métodos: La investigación se realizó mediante una búsqueda de artículos nacionales e internacionales, utilizando descriptores para la investigación, así como criterios de inclusión y exclusión para la selección de la muestra final. La estrategia PPOT se utilizó para definir los criterios de elegibilidad, incluida la población (niños y adultos), el predictor (diagnóstico de TEA), el resultado (informe o diagnóstico de enfermedad oral, faríngea o esofágica) y el tipo de estudio (estudios observatorios). La búsqueda se realizó de junio a agosto de 2023, en las bases de datos: Pubmed, Scopus, Embase y Google Scholar. Resultados: Se seleccionaron diez estudios con pacientes diagnosticados de TEA que refirieron síntomas de disfagia orofaríngea y esofágica, además de quejas sobre la ingesta de alimentos. Los estudios sugieren que los niños con TEA pueden presentar problemas de disfunción motora oral, frecuencia inadecuada de alimentación, patrones alimentarios obsesivos, presentación específica de ciertos alimentos, selectividad alimentaria y dificultades en el procesamiento sensorial. Conclusión: Se concluye que no existe evidencia científica robusta sobre la presencia de disfagia en pacientes con TEA. (AU)

Humans , Child , Deglutition Disorders , Autism Spectrum Disorder
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 13(1): 160-169, mayo 29, 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563437


Objective: To evaluate the influence of opacity and the layering technique on the fluorescence of different composite resins. Materials and Methods: Two opacities (enamel and dentin) and the layering technique (enamel + dentin) of the composite resins: Filtek® Z350 and Palfique LX5 were evaluated in vitro. Composite resin discs were fabricated using a preformed matrix of 10 mm diameter and 0.5 mm thick for the single opacity groups and 10 mm thick for the layering technique groups, using 2 layers of 0.5 mm thickness of each opacity (n = 5). Specimens were analyzed using the Raman spectroscopy method. Data were analyzed using the Kruskall-wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests. Results: When evaluating the intensity of fluorescence, no statistically significant difference was found when comparing the layering technique and enamel opacity (p2> 0.05) and an increase in the dentin opacity value for both brands of composite resin. Regarding wavelength, no statistically significant difference was found when comparing the layering technique with enamel opacity and dentin opacity for both Filtek® Z350 and Palfique LX5® composite resins (p2 > 0.05). Conclusions: The fluorescence intensity of the layering technique is similar to enamel opacity for both composite resins. Likewise, the wavelength of the layering technique is similar to the enamel opacity and dentin opacity for both brands.

Objetive: Evaluar la influencia de la opacidad y de la técnica de estratificación en la fluorescencia de diferentes resinas compuestas. Materiales y Métodos: Se evaluó in vitro 2 opacidades (Esmalte y Dentina) y la técnica de estratificación (Esmalte + Dentina) de las resinas compuestas: Filtek® Z350 y Palfique LX5. Se fabricaron discos de resina compuesta, utilizando una matriz preformada de 10 mm de diámetro y 0,5 mm de grosor para los grupos de opacidad única y 10 mm de grosor para los grupos de técnica estratificada, utilizando 2 capas de 0,5 mm de cada opacidad (n = 5). Los especímenes se analizaron mediante el método de Espectroscopía Raman. Los datos se analizaron utilizando la prueba de Kruskall-wallis y Prueba U de Mann Whitney. Resultado: Al evaluar la intensidad de fluorescencia no se encontró diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre los pares: Técnica estratificada versus Opacidad Esmalte para ambas marcas de resina compuesta Filtek® Z350 y para Palfique LX5® (p2 > 0,05). Para longitud de onda no se encontró diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre los pares: Técnica estratificada versus Opacidad Esmalte y Técnica estratificada VS Opacidad Dentina para ambas resinas compuesta Filtek® Z350 y Palfique LX5® (p2> 0,05). Conclusión: La intensidad de fluorescencia de la técnica estratificada es similar a la opacidad Esmalte para ambas resinas compuestas. De igual manera la longitud de onda de la técnica estratificada es similar a la opacidad Esmalte y opacidad Dentina para ambas marcas.

Humans , Composite Resins/chemistry , Nanotechnology/methods , Spectrum Analysis , In Vitro Techniques
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 84(supl.1): 9-14, mayo 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558477


Resumen Los trastornos del sueño son frecuentes en niños y afectan al desarrollo neurológico, con importante repercusión cognitiva, emocional y conductual. Existe una alta prevalencia de trastornos del sueño (TS) en los trastornos del neurodesarrollo (TND), como trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) y trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH). Los TS en población pediá trica tienen una prevalencia del 6-25%, mientras que en los niños con TND esta cifra asciende al 50-80%. En los TND se observa un incremento de las dificultades para conciliar el sueño, de los despertares nocturnos y de la somnolencia diurna. Así mismo, presentan alteracio nes del ritmo circadiano y trastornos respiratorios del sueño. Como consecuencia se produce una reducción de la alerta para las actividades diarias con incremento de trastornos conductuales, problemas emocionales y dificultades académicas asociadas a disfunciones eje cutivas y de memoria. La evaluación del sueño debe formar parte sistemática en la valoración clínica de los niños con TND, con el fin de realizar un diagnóstico y un tratamiento adecuados a cada caso, permitiendo mejorar la calidad de vida del niño y de su familia.

Abstract Sleep disorders are common in children and affect neurological development with important cognitive, emotional and behavioral repercussions. There is a high prevalence of sleep disorders (SD) in neurodevelop mental disorders (NDD) such as autism spectrum dis order (ASD) and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Sleep disorders in pediatric population have a prevalence of 6-25%, while in children with NDD this number rises to 50-80%. In NDDs, higher rates of dif ficulties in falling asleep, nocturnal awakenings and daytime sleepiness are observed. Disturbances in the circadian rhythm as well as respiratory sleep disorders are also observed. Consequently, there is a decrease in alertness for daytime activities with increased be havioral disorders, emotional problems and academic difficulties associated with executive and memory dys functions. Sleep assessment has to be a systemic part in the clinical evaluation of children with NDDs, so as to give a convenient diagnosis and treatment in each case, allowing to improve the quality of life of children and their families.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; 84(supl.1): 50-56, mayo 2024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558484


Abstract With the upsurge of community uptake in popula tion-based early screening for autism, the main obstacle to increasing access to early treatment and intervention services is the extremely limited access to high quality diagnosis, specifically the shortage of expert clinicians. Diagnostic evaluation models deployed by academic cen ters of excellence, which typically require the investment of 6-10 hours by specialized multidisciplinary teams, is not a viable solution to the vast needs of communities, resulting in parents' "diagnostic odysseys" and delays, often of several years, for treatment, interventions and supports. Biomarker-based objective procedures for early diagnosis and assessment of autism are now available, clinically validated, and cleared for broad implementa tion by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). They are intended to increase access while maintaining high quality. Such solutions, however, will require change in entrenched models of diagnostic care, and aggressive prioritization of the needs of the community at large. If these innovations are successful, the number of children diagnosed in the first three years of life will double or triple. This will, in turn, require much greater inves tments in resources for treatment, including massive workforce training of providers capable of delivering community-viable caregiver-mediated interventions, and of early educators capable of serving autistic children in therapeutic inclusive preschool settings.

Resumen Con el aumento de la aceptación comunitaria de la detección temprana del autismo basada en la pobla ción, el principal obstáculo para aumentar el acceso al tratamiento temprano y a los servicios de intervención es el acceso extremadamente limitado a un diagnóstico de alta calidad, específicamente la escasez de médicos expertos. Los modelos de evaluación diagnóstica imple mentados por centros académicos de excelencia, que normalmente requieren la inversión de 6 a 10 horas por parte de equipos multidisciplinarios especializados, no son una solución viable para las vastas necesidades de las comunidades, lo que resulta en "odiseas diagnósti cas" y retrasos, a menudo de gran importancia, para los padres varios años, para tratamiento, intervenciones y apoyos. Los procedimientos objetivos basados en bio marcadores para el diagnóstico temprano y la evaluación del autismo ya están disponibles, clínicamente validados y aprobados para su amplia implementación por la Ad ministración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de EE. UU. (FDA). Su objetivo es aumentar el acceso manteniendo una alta calidad. Sin embargo, tales soluciones requeri rán cambios en los modelos arraigados de atención de diagnóstico y una priorización agresiva de las necesida des de la comunidad en general. Si estas innovaciones tienen éxito, el número de niños diagnosticados en los primeros tres años de vida se duplicará o triplicará. 51 Esto, a su vez, requerirá inversiones mucho mayores en recursos para el tratamiento, incluida la capacitación masiva de la fuerza laboral de proveedores capaces de brindar intervenciones comunitarias viables mediadas por cuidadores, y de educadores tempranos capaces de atender a niños autistas en entornos preescolares terapéuticos inclusivos.

Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 10 (1) 2024;10(1): 31807, 2024 abr. 30. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553546


Introdução: O Transtorno do Espectro Autista e Transtorno Desafiante de Oposição, são desordens comumente diagnosticadas em indivíduos ainda na infância. Objetivo: Identificar possíveis fatores dificultadores no diagnóstico diferencial dos referidos transtornos. Metodologia: Foi realizada uma revisão integrativa da literatura, a qual selecionou artigos nas bases de dados Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde, periódico Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior e Periódicos Eletrônicos de Psicologia entre os meses de setembro e outubro de 2021. Para tanto, foram utilizadas as palavras chaves Transtorno do Espectro Autista, autismo, Transtorno Desafiante de Oposição, Transtorno Opositor Desafiador, diagnóstico, comorbidades, comportamentos disruptivos e dificuldades diagnósticas. Resultados: Oito artigos foram selecionados para extração de dados. O diagnóstico correto desses transtornos pode ser desafiador devido à sobreposição de sinais com outros transtornos e comorbidades, bem como à diversidade presente no espectro autista e à variedade de manifestações dos transtornos disruptivos. Além disso, a maioria dos estudos destacam os prejuízos na área da comunicação, o comprometimento na área social e os graus de severidade, como sendo características semelhantes entre os dois transtornos, podendo serem possíveis fatores que podem dificultar no diagnóstico do Transtorno do Espectro Autista e Transtorno Desafiante de Oposição, de maneira diferencial ou concomitante. Conclusões: O número de pesquisas relacionadas aos transtornos citados acima é inferior ao que se faz necessário para melhor conhecimento sobre o tema. No que diz respeito as pesquisas de materiais científicos, foram encontradas dificuldades para obtenção de estudos que estivessem de acordo com a nossa pesquisa. Com isso, faz-se necessário mais pesquisas que tentem investigar e compreender o porquê da escassez de material que estudem tais diagnósticos de maneira concomitante (AU).

Introduction: Autism Spectrum Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorderare disorders commonly diagnosed in individuals in childhood. Objective:Identify possible factors that hinder the differential diagnosis of these disorders. Methodology:An integrative review of the literature was carried out, which selected articles from the Virtual Health Library databases, Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel journal and Electronic Psychology Journalsdatabases between the months of September and October 2021. To this end, the keywords Autistic Spectrum Disorder, autism, Disorder Defiant Disorder, Opposition, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, diagnosis, comorbidities, disruptive behaviors and diagnostic difficulties.Results:Eight articles were selected for data extraction. Correctly diagnosing these disorders can be challenging due to overlapping signs with other disorders and comorbidities, as well as the diversity present in the autism spectrum and the variety of manifestations of disruptive disorders. Furthermore, most studies highlight losses in the area of communication, impairment in the social area and degrees of severity, as being similar characteristics between the two disorders, and may be possible factors that can make it difficult to diagnose Autism Spectrum Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder, differentially or concomitantly. Conclusions:The number of studies related to the disorders mentioned above is lower than what is needed for a better understanding of the subject. With regard to research on scientific materials, difficulties were encountered in obtaining studies that were in accordance with our research. With this, more research is needed to try to investigate and understand the reason for the scarcity of material that studies such diagnoses concomitantly (AU).

Introducción: El Trastorno del Espectro Autista y el Trastorno Negativista Desafiante son trastornos comúnmente diagnosticados en individuos en la infancia. Objetivo: Identificar posibles factores que puedan dificultar el diagnóstico diferencial de los trastornos antes mencionados.Metodología:Se realizó una revisión integrativa de la literatura, que seleccionó artículos en las bases de datos Biblioteca Virtual en Salud, revista Coordinación para el Perfeccionamiento del Personal de Educación Superior y Revistas Electrónicas de Psicología entre septiembre y octubre de 2021. Para ello, se utilizaron las palabras clave Trastorno del espectro autista, autismo, Trastorno negativista desafiante, Trastorno negativista desafiante, diagnóstico, comorbilidades, conductas disruptivas y dificultades diagnósticas. Resultados: Se seleccionaron ocho artículos para la extracción de datos. El diagnóstico correcto de estos trastornos puede ser un desafío debido a la superposición de síntomas con otros trastornos y comorbilidades, así como a la diversidad presente en el espectro del autismo y la variedad de manifestaciones de los trastornos disruptivos. Además, la mayoría de los estudios destacan las deficiencias en el área de la comunicación, la deficiencia en el área social y los grados de gravedad, como características similares entre ambos trastornos, que pueden ser posibles factores que dificulten el diagnóstico del Trastorno del Espectro Autista y Trastorno de Oposición Desafiante, ya sea de forma diferencial o concomitante. Conclusiones: El número de estudios relacionados con los trastornos antes mencionados es inferior al necesario para una mejor comprensión del tema. En cuanto a la investigación sobre materiales científicos, se encontraron dificultades para obtener estudios que estuvieran de acuerdo con nuestra investigación. Con esto, se necesita más investigación para tratar de investigar y comprender la razón de la escasez de material que estudie dichos diagnósticos de forma concomitante (AU).

Humans , Autistic Disorder/diagnosis , Early Diagnosis , Autism Spectrum Disorder/diagnosis , Oppositional Defiant Disorder/diagnosis , Disabled Children
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 10 (1) 2024;10(1): 34541, 2024 abr. 30.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553609


Introdução: O transtorno do espectro autista é uma condição neuropsiquiátrica que demanda atenção interdisciplinar e multiprofissional. A abordagem nutricional é necessária frente aos possíveis sintomas associados, como seletividade alimentar e alterações do hábito intestinal. Famílias residentes em locais de acesso limitado à serviços de saúde podem possuir dificuldades para o adequado acompanhamento. Objetivo: Relatar a experiência de atendimentos em nutrição realizados pela Liga Acadêmica de Nutrição e Saúde Coletiva a crianças com transtorno do espectro autista explorando as principais demandas identificadas e enfrentadas em uma região de acesso remoto. Metodologia: Abordagem descritiva, do tipo relato de experiência, de atendimentos realizados no município de Coari, interior do Amazonas. Os encontros foram realizados com vista a identificar demandas e refletir sobre a melhor maneira de auxiliar as crianças com essas comorbidades. Resultados: Foram atendidas 9 crianças, nem todas com o diagnóstico fechado. Seletividade alimentar, distúrbios gastrointestinais e excesso de peso foram desafios recorrentes. Nota-se a carência da percepção da importância do acompanhamento nutricional, em um cenário de relatos importantes sobre as dificuldades no acesso a medicações, por falta no município ou por ausência de recursos para aquisição, assim como terapias especializadas. Aspectos que se tornam ainda mais desafiadores frente à distância geográfica e carência de profissionais especializados e que realizem uma atenção multiprofissional. Conclusões: O acompanhamento nutricional adequado é essencial para atender às necessidades específicas e melhorar a qualidade de vida dessas crianças. Diante das limitações identificadas na região, são necessários esforços contínuos para desenvolver soluções que garantam uma assistência inclusiva e eficaz às crianças com transtorno do espectro autista no interior do Amazonas. A colaboração entre instituições, a conscientização da comunidade e o fortalecimento da rede de saúde local são cruciais para promover uma abordagem abrangente e de alta qualidade para essas crianças e suas famílias (AU).

Introduction: Autism spectrum disorder is a neuropsychiatric condition that demands interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary attention. Nutritional intervention is necessary in the face of possible associated symptoms, such as food selectivity and changes in bowel habits. Families living in places with limited access to health services may have difficulties in obtaining adequate support and follow-up.Objective: Reporting the experience of nutrition services provided by the Academic League of Nutrition and Public Health to children with autism spectrum disorder, exploring the main identified demands and challengesfaced in a remote access region. Methodology:Descriptive approach, experience of an report, of services provided in the municipality of Coari, in the interiorof Amazonas. The meetings were held with the aim identifying demands and reflecting on the best way to assistchildren with these comorbidities. Results: Ninechildren attended to, not all with a confirmed diagnosis. Food selectivity, gastrointestinal disorders and overweight were recurring challenges. There is a lack of perception of the importance of nutritional monitoring, in a scenario where there areimportant reportsofdifficulties in accessing medications, either due to lack of availability in the municipality or lack of resources for acquisition, as well as specialized therapies. Theseaspects become even more challenging given the geographical distance and scarcity of specialized professionals whocanprovide multidisciplinary care. Conclusions: Adequate nutritional monitoring is essential to meet the specific needs and improve the quality of life of these children. Given the limitations identified in the region, continuous efforts are needed to develop solutions that guarantee inclusive and effective assistance for children with autism spectrum disorder in the interior of Amazonas. Collaboration between institutions, community awareness, and strengthening the local health network are crucial to promoting a comprehensive, high-quality approach for these children and their families (AU).

Introducción: El trastorno del espectro autista es una condiciónneuropsiquiátrica que requiere atención interdisciplinaria y multidisciplinaria. El enfoque nutricionales frente a losposibles síntomas, como selectividad alimentaria y alteraciones delhábitosintestinales. Las familias que viven en lugares con accesolimitado a los servicios de salud pueden tener dificultades para recibir un seguimiento adecuado. Objetivo: Reportar la experiencia de los servicios de nutrición brindados por la Liga Académica de Nutrición y Salud Pública a niños con trastorno del espectro autista, explorando las principales demandas identificadas y enfrentadas en una región de acceso remoto.Metodología: Enfoque descriptivo, relato de experiencia, de los servicios prestados en Coari, en el interior de Amazonas. Los encuentros se realizaron con el objetivo de identificar demandas y reflexionar sobre la mejor manera de ayudar. Resultados:Se atendieron 9 niños, no todos con diagnóstico confirmado. Selectividad alimentaria, trastornos gastrointestinales y exceso de peso fueron desafíos recurrentes. Se observa una falta percepción de la importancia del seguimiento nutricional, en un escenario de informes importantes sobre las dificultades en el acceso a medicamentos, debido a lafaltade suministro en el municipio o a la falta de recursos para su adquisición, así como terapias especializadas. Estosaspectos que se vuelven aún más desafiantes dada la distancia geográfica y falta de profesionales especializados que brinden una atención multidisciplinaria.Conclusiones: Un adecuado seguimiento nutricional es fundamental para satisfacerlas necesidades específicas y mejorar la calidad de vida de estos niños. Antelas limitaciones identificadas, se necesitan esfuerzos continuos para desarrollar soluciones que garanticen una atención inclusiva y efectiva estosniños en el interior de Amazonas. Colaboración entre instituciones, concientización comunitaria y fortalecimiento de la red de salud local son cruciales para promover un enfoque integral y de alta calidad para estos niños com trastorno del espectro autista y sus familias (AU).

Humans , Patient Care Team , Nutritional Support , Autism Spectrum Disorder/psychology , Interdisciplinary Placement , Autistic Disorder/psychology , Food Fussiness
Medisur ; 22(1)feb. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558545


Fundamento: el trastorno del espectro autista es una entidad de origen neurobiológico, caracterizada por una variedad de signos y síntomas. Objetivo: elevar el nivel de conocimiento en familiares de educandos con trastorno del espectro de autismo. Métodos: se realizó un estudio cuasiexperimental, de intervención educativa en los nueve Servicios de Rehabilitación de las áreas de salud del municipio de Camagüey, durante los meses enero-diciembre de 2022. La muestra quedó constituida por 25 familiares que cumplieron con los criterios de elegibilidad. Para evaluar los resultados de la intervención se aplicó un cuestionario antes y después de desarrollada la intervención. Resultados: existió predominio del sexo femenino 23 (92 %), un rango de edad de 30-39 años 11 (44 %) y un nivel escolar de bachiller 13 (52 %). Antes de la intervención fue insuficiente el nivel de conocimiento general sobre el trastorno del espectro autista en un 68 %. En lo referente a la competencia emocional, alcanzó el 84 %, el tratamiento indicado el 84 %, y los métodos educativos el 60 %. Posterior a la estrategia se logró elevar el nivel de conocimiento general en el 100 %, el 92 % alcanzó el objetivo de la competencia emocional, el 100 % logró suficiencia sobre el tratamiento indicado y en el 92 % obtuvo mejoría en el conocimiento sobre los estilos educativos. Conclusiones: se logró elevar el nivel de conocimientos generales sobre el trastorno del espectro autista, la competencia emocional, cumplimiento del tratamiento neurosensorial y estilos educativos.

Background: autism spectrum disorder" is an entity of neurobiological origin, characterized by a variety of signs and symptoms. Objective: raise the knowledge level in relatives of students with autism spectrum disorder. Methods: a quasi-experimental study of educational intervention was carried out in the nine Rehabilitation Services of the Camagüey municipality health areas, from January to December 2022. The sample consisted of 25 family members who met the eligibility criteria. To evaluate the results of the intervention, a questionnaire was applied before and after the intervention was developed. Results: there was a predominance of the female sex 23 (92%), an age range of 30-39 years 11 (44%) and a high school level 13 (52%). Before the intervention, the level of general knowledge about autism spectrum disorder was insufficient by 68%. Regarding emotional competence, it reached 84%, the indicated treatment 84%, and educational methods 60%. After the strategy, it was possible to raise the level of general knowledge by 100%, 92% achieved the objective of emotional competence, 100% achieved sufficiency regarding the indicated treatment and 92% obtained improvement in educational styles knowledge. Conclusions: it was possible to raise the level of general knowledge about autism spectrum disorder, emotional competence, compliance with neurosensory treatment and educational styles.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016988


Objective To analyze the main factors influencing the management effect of rural epilepsy prevention and control projects in Hubei Province, and to provide reference for further improving the management effect. Methods According to the phenobarbital treatment and management plan of the rural epilepsy project, the target population was screened and reviewed, and patients who met the inclusion criteria were enrolled into the project management. Regular follow-up visits, free drug treatment, health education and other measures were carried out, and all relevant information was collected and integrated into the survey data. After the data was reviewed level by level, SPSS20.0 software was used for statistical analysis. Results From January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2020, among patients treated and managed with phenobarbital in 6 project counties, 1430 patients were treated and managed for more than 1 year, of whom 1119 (78.25%) had no seizures or had more than 75% reduction in the number of seizures during the observation period. Compared with other age groups, the age group of 65 years and above had the highest markedly effective/effective ratio (95.77%). From the point of follow-up, the markedly effective/effective ratio of 5 years and above was the highest (91.51%). Compared with those who received no treatment prior to enrollment and those who received regular treatment, the patients receiving informal treatment had the lowest markedly effective/effective ratio (82.43%). 1213 cases (84.83%) had good compliance during the observation period, of whom 1062 cases (87.55%) had a reduction in the number of seizures by more than 50% compared with that before treatment. Univariate analysis showed that the age of patients, the length of follow-up, the treatment status before enrollment, the average daily dose of phenobarbital and the compliance of patients all had an impact on the management effect, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Multivariate analysis showed that the markedly effective/effective rate of patients in the age group of 65 years and above was 6.749 times that of the younger age group. Receiving informal treatment prior to enrollment was a risk factor for difficult-to-control epilepsy. The markedly effective/effective rate of patients receiving informal treatment was 0.29 times that of patients never receiving treatment. Good compliance was a protective factor for epilepsy control, and the markedly effective/effective rate of patients with good compliance was 2.058 times that of patients with poor compliance. Conclusion The epilepsy prevention and management project in rural areas has a significant effect on seizure control. Early treatment, standardized treatment, and improvement of treatment compliance are effective ways to improve the management effect of epilepsy patients.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017126


@#Abstract: This study aims to find out the causes for the dissolution of unqualified samples found during evaluation sampling of lansoprazole enteric-coated preparations by the laser infrared imaging system and orbitrap high resolution mass spectrometry, with suggestions for improvement. Lansoprazole enteric-coated preparations were tested by current standard, the dissolution of a batch of samples was below the limit and other items were in line with the standard. Considering that this product is unstable to acid and alkali, the following exploratory experiments were designed from different dimensions, based on the conclusion of the unannounced inspection of the company, to explore the reasons for the unqualified batch, including the influence of high-temperature and high-humidity storage environment on the key quality properties of the sample, the influence of 2-hour acid resistance test on dissolution result, the imaging of the core and the measure of coating layer thickness, the optimization of chromatographic conditions of related substances, and the analysis of the source of impurities. It was found that improper storage in circulation and poor coating process caused the low dissolution of this batch: the high-temperature and high-humidity storage environment possible in the circulation process led to the decreasing efficacy of disintegrating agent in the samples and thus the difficulty to release the active pharmaceutical ingredient fully; the coating solution could not be uniformly sprayed on the core, resulting in thin isolation layer and different thickness, which then affected the protection of the main drug against acid degradation. The above two reasons together resulted in unqualified dissolution of this batch. The overall quality of lansoprazole enteric-soluble preparation is good, but the formulation and process in some companies need to be optimized; and the temperature and humidity in the circulation process need to be controlled in strict accordance with the regulations.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017346


Early start denver model(ESDM)is a comprehensive early intervention approach for the children with autism spectrum disorder(ASD)between 12-month-old-36-month-old.The model is built upon the theoretical foundations of applied behavior analysis,denver model(DM),and pivotal response treatment,and it is one of the naturalistic developmental behavioral interventions.Compared with the other early intervention methods,ESDM is not limited by the environment of intervention;it encompasses all the areas of development during teaching practice and has been widely adopted for the early intervention of the children with ASD,and achieves the satisfactory therapeutic effect.The ESDM typically uses an intensive one-on-one intervention approach,but variabilities have emerged in its practical application,such as group ESDM(G-ESDM),parent-implemented ESDM(P-ESDM),and peer-mediated ESDM.In particular,G-ESDM and P-ESDM have provided the learning opportunities for more families,showing a broad application prospect.This study reviews the theoretical foundations,teaching models,and the effects of various intervention modalities of the ESDM in the treatment of ASD;combined with the domestic and international research findings,this study offers a reference for further studies on the mechanism of ESDM intervention for ASD.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017719


Autism spectrum disorder(ASD)is a serious neurodevelopmental disorder,with deficits in social and language communication,rigid behaviors,limited interests and activities. At present,research on the pathogenesis of ASD involving immunity has been making progress worldwide. In terms of cytokines(such as IL-1β,IL-8,IL-17,etc.)and ASD animal models,it has been found that the onset of ASD is associated with nervous system immune dysfunction,which may lead to synaptic function impairment. The purpose of this review is to describe the recent research on ASD and immune dysfunction to provide ideas for exploring the etiology,pathogenesis and potential therapeutic measures of ASD.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020150


Objective To explore the diagnostic value of energy spectrum CT quantitative parameters combined with serum thy-roid stimulating hormone receptor-messenger ribonucleic acid(TSHR-mRNA)for papillary thyroid microcarcinoma(PTMC).Methods A total of 105 patients with thyroid micronodules confirmed by surgery and pathology were collected,61 of whom were PTMC(PTMC group),and 44 patients with micronodular goiter(MNG)(MNG group).Energy spectrum CT quantitative parameters and serum TSHR-mRNA expression were compared between the two groups.The diagnostic value of energy spectrum CT quantitative parame-ters alone and combined with serum TSHR-mRNA for PTMC was analyzed by receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve.Results The iodine concentration and slope of energy spectrum CT quantitative parameters between PTMC group and MNG group were signifi-cantly different in plain scan,arterial and venous phases(P<0.05).The mean serum TSHR-mRNA expression in the PTMC group was higher than that in MNG group(P<0.05).The area under the curve(AUC)for diagnosing PTMC using quantitative parame-ters of energy spectrum CT combined with serum TSHR-mRNA was 0.913,and the accuracy,sensitivity,and negative predictive value of diagnosing PTMC were significantly higher than those of quantitative parameters of energy spectrum CT or serum TSHR-mRNA(P<0.05).Conclusion Both energy spectrum CT quantitative parameters and serum TSHR-mRNA can be used to diagnose PTMC alone,and the combination of both is more accurately.

Journal of Practical Radiology ; (12): 231-234, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020190


Objective To investigate the feasibility of energy spectrum CT material separation technology for quantitative evaluation of nonalcoholic fatty liver patients,to compare the accuracy of this method with the conventional liver/spleen CT ratio for grading liver fat content.Methods Sixty patients diagnosed with nonalcoholic fatty liver and 20 healthy volunteers were chosen to undergo liver MR multi-echo(ME)Dixon and energy spectrum CT scans.The proton density fat fraction(PDFF),fat concentration(FC),and liver/spleen CT ratio were then measured for each participant.According to PDFF,nonalcoholic fatty liver patients were divided into mild fatty liver group,moderate fatty liver group,and severe fatty liver group.Results With the increase in PDFF,FC increased and the liver/spleen CT ratio decreased.The difference between FC groups in normal,mild,moderate and severe fatty liver groups was statistically significant(P<0.05),while the difference between the liver/spleen CT ratio of normal group and mild fatty liver group was not statistically significant(P>0.05).The receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve analysis showed that when the critical value of FC was 351.19 mg/mL,the sensitivity,specificity and area under the curve for normal group and fatty liver group were 0.95,0.1 and 0.99,respectively.Conclusion The energy spectrum CT material separation technology has a good correlation between the fat content measured by the MR ME Dixon,which is superior to the fat content measured by the liver/spleen CT ratio.For patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver,FC in energy spectrum CT has high accuracy in differentiating normal and mild fatty liver.

Journal of Practical Radiology ; (12): 443-446, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020234


Objective To measure and compare the cerebral blood flow(CBF)of children with autism spectrum disorder(ASD),global developmental delay(GDD),and ASD with GDD groups via arterial spin labeling(ASL)technique,and to evaluate the diag-nostic value of CBF values.Methods ASL images of ASD,GDD,and ASD with GDD groups of children were firstly acquired,and the CBF values of frontal lobe,temporal lobe,parietal lobe,occipital lobe,striatum and thalamus region of interest(ROI)were fur-ther measured,respectively.One-way analysis of variance or Kruskal-Wallis H test was used to compare the differences in CBF values among these three groups,and the receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve was used to analyze the efficacy of CBF values in distinguishing ASD with GDD from without GDD.Results ASD with GDD had significantly lower CBF values in the left and right frontal lobes than those with ASD or GDD alone,and the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).The CBF values in the left and right frontal lobes effectively distinguished ASD with GDD from without GDD[area under the curve(AUC)>0.7].Conclusion ASL technique can noninvasively assess CBF in children with or without GDD,helping to understand the pathophysiology of ASD with GDD and improving diagnostic accuracy.

Journal of Practical Radiology ; (12): 543-547, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020251


Objective To investigate the application value of quantitative analysis of the energy spectrum CT in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of pulmonary mucinous adenocarcinoma and non-mucinous adenocarcinoma.Methods A retrospective analysis was conducted on the energy spectrum CT parameters of 12 cases of pulmonary mucinous adenocarcinoma and 24 cases of non-mucinous adenocarcinoma confirmed by surgery and pathology.Results There were significant differences between pulmonary mucinous adenocarcinoma and non-mucinous adenocarcinoma in 40-60 keV in plain scan,50-100 keV in arterial phase,40-140 keV CT value in venous phase and delayed phase,effective atomic number in plain scan,iodine concentration in venous phase and delayed phase(P<0.05).Conclusion The analysis of parameters of energy spectrum CT can be used for qualitative diagnosis and differential diagnosis of pulmonary mucinous adenocarcinoma and non-mucinous adenocarcinoma.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021035


The social communication impairment is one of the core impairments of children with autism spec-trum disorder(ASD).This paper introduced five play-based intervention models that can improve social communica-tion skills of children with ASD.Guided by the concept of precision rehabilitation,practitioners who master these methods may effectively tailor interventions to different cases,by integrating personalized therapy for prescriptive treatment,may ensure healthy mind and body development of children with ASD while solving social communication problems,thus provide practice reference for parents of children with ASD,researchers and clinical educators in China.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021041


Objective To investigate the effect of auditory brainstem response(ABR)in clinical detection and severity assessment of autism spectrum disorder(ASD)in children with normal hearing.Methods ① A total of 55 autistic children(110 ears)with normal hearing and 55 children(110 ears)with typical development(TD)who did not differ in sex composition ratio and average monthly age were divided into four sub-groups according to age:≤24 months group(22 ears),25~36 months group(40 ears),37~48 months group(28 ears)and>48 months group(20 ears).The ABR latencies and interpeak latencies were compared between ASD children and age-matched TD children.② ASD children were graded by severity according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Dis-orders(DSM-V),and the correlations between the ABR latencies and interpeak latencies in autistic children with normal hearing and the severity grading were studied.Results ① No statistically significant differences in ABR wave latencies and interpeak latencies were found in autistic children with normal hearing under 24 months of age compared to age-matched TD children(P>0.05).② Compared with children with TD,autistic children with nor-mal hearing at 25~36 months of age had significantly longer wave Ⅲ latencies and the interpeak latencies of Ⅰ-Ⅲ andⅠ-Ⅴ;the significantly longer wave Ⅲ,Ⅴ latencies,the interpeak latencies of Ⅰ-Ⅲ,Ⅲ-Ⅴ and Ⅰ-Ⅴ in autistic chil-dren with normal hearing at 37~48 months of age.Autistic children with normal hearing in the>48 months group had significantly longer wave Ⅴ latencies and interpeak latencies of Ⅲ-Ⅴ,Ⅰ-Ⅴ than age-matched TD children(P<0.05).③ The higher the ASD severity grading the longer the wave Ⅲ and V latencies and the longer interpeak latencies of Ⅰ-Ⅲ,Ⅲ-Ⅴ,and Ⅰ-Ⅴ(P<0.05).Conclusion Differences in the level of auditory brainstem pathway de-velopment emerged at 25 months of age,and autistic children with normal hearing had significantly lower levels of auditory brainstem development than age-matched TD children.There were correlations between the latencies and interpeak latencies of ABR in autistic children with normal hearing and the severity grading.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021053


Children with autism spectrum disorder usually response abnormally to auditory stimuli.Previous studies of their auditory functions mostly adapted objective electrophysiology tests,including auditory brainstem re-sponse and a series of cortical auditory evoked potentials.Combining the test results of these studies suggests that children with autism spectrum disorder have varying degree of central auditory processing impairment compared to typically developmental children.