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J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 13(1): 194-203, mayo 29, 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566709


Introduction: Natural products are an option to be used in different conditions in the oral cavity, such as Camellia sinensis, which due to its different properties would be beneficial in the erosion of the dental surface. Objetive: Determinar el efecto del extracto de Camellia sinensis (C. sinensis) adicionado con flúor frente a la acción erosiva de ácidos no bacterianos en la superficie de la dentina humana. Materials and Methods: Quasi-experimental, prospective, longitudinal, and in vitro study, consisting of 50 samples of human dentin, which were classified into 5 study groups: distilled water, hydrochloric acid, 2% C. sinensis extract, sodium fluoride. 2% and 2% C. sinensis extract added with 2% sodium fluoride. The surface roughness of each sample was evaluated with the SRT6200 digital roughness meter, obtaining a total average roughness and the measurements were carried out in two moments. Results: It was observed that the 2% C. sinensis extract, the 2% sodium fluoride, and the C. sinensis extract added with 2% sodium fluoride, showed a variation in surface roughness between before and after, which was not significant (p<0.05) in all cases. It should be noted that the C. sinensis plus sodium fluoride group is the one that obtained the best variation in the mean surface roughness than the other groups studied. Conclusions: The 2% C. sinensis extract, 2% sodium fluoride, and the combination of both compounds demonstrated an inhibitory effect against the erosive action of hydrochloric acid (0.01 M) on the dentin surface, not presenting a statistically significant difference in the results.

Introducción: Los productos naturales son una opción para ser usados en diferentes afecciones en la cavidad bucal, como lo podría ser la Camellia sinensis, que por sus diferentes propiedades sería de beneficio en la erosión de la superficie dental. Objetivo: Determinar el efecto del extracto de Camellia sinensis (C. sinensis) adicionado con flúor frente a la acción erosiva de ácidos no bacterianos en la superficie de la dentina humana. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio cuasi experimental, prospectivo, longitudinal ein vitro, constituido por 50 muestras de dentina de dientes permanentes, que se clasificaron en 5 grupos de estudio: Agua destilada, ácido clorhídrico, extracto de C. sinensis a 2%, fluoruro de sodio al 2% y extracto de C. sinensisa 2% adicionado con fluoruro de sodio al 2%. Se evaluó la rugosidad superficial de cada muestra con el rugosímetro digital SRT6200, obteniéndose una rugosidad media total y se realizaron las mediciones en dos momentos. Resultado: Se observó que el extracto de C. sinensisal 2%, el fluoruro de sodio al 2% y el extracto de C. sinensis adicionado con fluoruro de sodio al 2%, presentaron una variación de la rugosidad superficial entre el antes y el después, no siendo esta significativa (p<0.05) en todos los casos. Cabe resaltar que el grupo C. sinensis más fluoruro de sodio, es el que obtuvo una mejor variación de la media de rugosidad superficial, que los otros grupos estudiados. Conclusión: El extracto de C. sinensisal 2%, el fluoruro de sodio al 2% y la combinación de ambos compuestos demostraron un efecto inhibitorio frente a la acción erosiva del ácido clorhídrico (0,01 M) en la superficie de dentina, no presentando una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en los resultados.

Humans , Tooth Erosion/therapy , Dentin/anatomy & histology , Fluorine/therapeutic use , Acids
Natal; s.n; 23 maio 2024. 47 p. ilus, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1566324


Introdução: A cárie dentária ainda se constitui um problema de saúde pública. Áreas adjacentes a restaurações são frequentemente acometidas por cárie. Por mais que as resinas compostas estejam sendo estudadas e melhoradas, ainda não apresentam atividade antimicrobiana. As cascas da romã (Punica Granatum) são um recurso potencial para compostos bioativos como fenólicos, proantocianidinas e flavonoides, além de apresentarem atividade antioxidante e efeito inibitório contra bactérias Gram-negativas e Gram-positivas. Objetivo: modificar a resina composta Opus Bulk Fill Flow (FGM®) com o extrato acetônico da casca da romã em diferentes concentrações e avaliar a rugosidade da superfície e mudança de cor. Metodologia: foi realizada a extração de 5g de casca da romã utilizando 100mL de solvente acetona 70%. Após rotaevaporação, filtragem e liofilização do extrato, este foi macerado, peneirado e pesado em concentrações diferentes a partir da concentração inibitória mínima capaz de inibir o crescimento de Streptococcus mutans ATCC 700610. A resina composta Opus Bulk Fill Flow foi modificada com esse extrato em diferentes concentrações de forma a gerar 5 grupos: Controle 0 µg (n=10), G930 µg (n=10), G1860 µg (n=10), G3730 µg (n=10) e G7460 µg (n=10). Rugosidade (Ra), diferença de cor (ΔE00) e índice de brancura (WID) foram submetidos aos testes de normalidade. Os dados não-paramétricos de Ra foram submetidos ao teste de Kruskal-Wallis com pós-teste de Dunn e os dados paramétricos do ΔE00 e WID foram submetidos ao teste ANOVA 1 Fator com pósteste de Tukey por meio do software GraphPad Prism 8 e Microsoft Excel 2019. Resultados: Verificou-se que a média do índice de brancura (WID) diminuiu conforme o aumento da concentração do extrato na resina modificada (p<0,05), assim como, as resinas modificadas se tornaram, visivelmente a olho nu, um pouco mais amareladas. Após 1 mês, as amostras dos grupos experimentais sofreram a mesma variação de cor (ΔE00) que o grupo controle, uma vez que os valores das médias foram semelhantes. Portanto, todos os grupos apresentaram estabilidade de cor. A rugosidade superficial (Ra) não mostrou diferença estatisticamente significativa (p>0,05). Todos os grupos apresentaram médias com valores similares a 0,06µm. Conclusão: A alteração de cor na resina, com a inserção do extrato, ainda na maior concentração, se manteve na classificação do matiz A. O que não afeta as propriedades organolépticas e pode ser considerada uma cor similar à cor dos dentes naturais. A adição do extrato na resina manteve a rugosidade superficial de todos os grupos dentro do valor ideal, prevenindo a adesão de biofilmes e microrganismos e proporcionando conforto ao toque da língua (AU).

Introduction: Dental caries still constitutes a public health problem. Areas adjacent to restorations are often affected by caries. Even though resin composites are being studied and improved, they still do not have antimicrobial activity. Pomegranate peels (Punica Granatum) are a potential resource for bioactive compounds such as phenolics, proanthocyanidins and flavonoids, in addition to presenting antioxidant activity and inhibitory effects against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. Objective: to modify the Opus Bulk Fill Flow (FGM™) resin composite with the acetone extract of pomegranate peel in different concentrations and evaluate the surface roughness, and color change. Methodology: 5g of pomegranate peel was extracted using 100mL of 70% acetone solvent. After rotary evaporation, filtering and lyophilization of the extract, it was macerated, sieved and weighed at different concentrations based on the minimum inhibitory concentration capable of inhibiting the growth of Streptococcus mutans ATCC 700610. The Opus Bulk Fill Flow resin composite was modified with this extract in different concentrations to generate 5 groups: Control 0 µg (n=10), G930 µg (n=10), G1860 µg (n=10), G3730 µg (n=10) e G7460 µg (n=10). Roughness (Ra) and color difference (ΔE00) were subjected to normality tests and non-parametric data were subjected to the Kruskal-Wallis test with Dunn's post-test using GraphPad Prism 8 and Microsoft Excel 2019 software. Results: It was found that the average whiteness index (WID) decreased as the concentration of the extract in the modified resin increased (p<0.05), as well as the modified resins became, visibly to the naked eye, a little more yellowish. After 1 month, samples from the experimental groups suffered the same color variation (ΔE00) as the control group, since the average values were similar. Therefore, all groups showed color stability. Surface roughness (Ra) did not show a statistically significant difference (p>0.05). All groups presented average values similar to 0.06µm. Conclusion: The color change in the resin, with the insertion of the extract, even at the highest concentration, remained in the classification of hue A. This does not affect the organoleptic properties and can be considered a color similar to the color of natural teeth. The addition of the extract to the resin composite maintained the surface roughness of all groups within the ideal value, preventing the adhesion of biofilms and microorganisms and providing comfort to the touch of the tongue (AU).

Colorimetry/methods , Composite Resins , Dental Caries/prevention & control , Pomegranate , Surface Properties , In Vitro Techniques , Plant Extracts/therapeutic use , Analysis of Variance , Statistics, Nonparametric
Braz. dent. j ; 35: e24, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1550084


Abstract This study analyzed the physical-chemical properties of bioactive ionomer materials. Cention N bioactive materials were evaluated chemically activated (CN) and light-cured (CN-LC), Equia Forte Fill (EQUI); conventional resin composite Filtek Z350 XT (Z350); resin glass ionomer cement Riva light Cure (RIVA) and flowable resin composite Filtek Bulk Fill Flow (BULK-F) were evaluated. Sixty specimens (n=10) were prepared for sorption (SR), solubility (SL), flexural strength (FS), shrinkage stress (SS), conversion degree (CD), microhardness (MI), and surface roughness (SR) tests. Non-cured and light-cured materials were assessed on FTIR. 30 human molar teeth were used in the bond strength test (BS). Data were subjected to ANOVA and post-hoc Tukey's test (5% of significance). EQUI showed more sorption in SR and no statistical difference from RIVA and CN-LC. CN group showed more solubility and EQUI presented less (p<0.05). BULK-F showed higher FS (MPa), without differences from CN and Z350, whereas EQUI presented the lowest FS not differing from RIVA. BULK-F and CN-LC showed more shrinkage stress differing from EQUI. CN-LC and CN showed higher CD differing from the other which showed no differences (p>0.05) between them. EQUI showed the highest hardness (p<0.05) in MI. There were no differences (p>0.05) in SR (µm). Z350 and BULK-F presented higher BS, whereas CN-LC showed the lowest, although not differing from EQUI and RIVA. Equia Forte's solubility and microhardness make it a good alternative as a restorative material. Cention N degree of conversion and flexural strength making it an esthetic option to amalgam.

Resumo Este estudo analisou as propriedades físico-químicas dos materiais de ionômero bioativo. Os materiais bioativos Cention N quimicamente ativados (CN) e fotopolimerizados (CN-LC), Equia Forte Fill (EQUI); resina composta convencional Filtek Z350 XT (Z350); resina de ionômero de vidro Riva light Cure (RIVA) e resina composta fluida Filtek Bulk Fill Flow (BULK-F) foram avaliados. Sessenta espécimes (n=10) foram preparados para testes de sorção (SR), solubilidade (SL), resistência à flexão (FS), tensão de contração (SS), grau de conversão (CD), microdureza (MI) e rugosidade da superfície (SR). Os materiais não curados e curados com luz foram avaliados por FTIR. 30 dentes molares humanos foram usados no teste de resistência de união (BS). Os dados foram submetidos a ANOVA e teste de post-hoc Tukey (5% de significância). O EQUI apresentou maior sorção no SR e não mostrou diferença estatística em relação aos grupos RIVA e CN-LC. O grupo CN apresentou maior solubilidade e o EQUI apresentou menor (p<0,05). O BULK-F apresentou maior FS (MPa), sem diferir do CN e do Z350, enquanto o EQUI apresentou o menor FS, não diferindo do RIVA. O BULK-F e o CN-LC apresentaram maior estresse de contração, diferindo do EQUI. O CN-LC e o CN apresentaram maior CD (%), diferindo dos demais, que não apresentaram diferenças (p>0,05) entre si. A EQUI apresentou a maior dureza (p<0,05) no MI. Não houve diferenças (p>0,05) na SR (µm). Z350 and BULK-F apresentaram BS, enquanto a CN-LC apresentou a menor, embora não diferindo da EQUI e da RIVA. A solubilidade e a microdureza do Equia Forte o tornam uma boa alternativa como material restaurador. O grau de conversão e a resistência à flexão do Cention N o tornam uma opção estética ao amálgama.

Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 24: e220113, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1529140


Abstract Objective: To evaluate the effect of different pressures of an oral irrigation device (OID) and the irrigation solution type on the surface roughness of the giomer restorative material. Material and Methods: In this in vitro study, disk-shaped giomer samples were fabricated and assigned to 5 groups (n=23): Group 1, storage in distilled water (control); Group 2, OID #7 pressure/ water; Group 3, OID #10 pressure/ water; Group 4, OID #7 pressure/ 0.05% CHX; Group 5, OID #10 pressure/ 0.05% CHX. The samples' treatment simulated a one-year application of OID. Surface roughness (Ra) and topography of the giomer were evaluated using profilometry and scanning electron microscopy. The data were analyzed with Paired t-test, Tukey, and ANOVA tests (α=0.05). Results: The Ra of the samples increased significantly after treatment with OID (p<0.001). The roughness increase in groups with a pressure of 10 was higher than those with a pressure of 7 (p<0.001). The effect of pressure on surface changes was significant (p<0.001). However, the solution type and the cumulative effect of these two factors were insignificant (p=0.08 and p=0.43, respectively). Conclusion: Oral irrigation device with both solutions significantly increased the surface roughness and topographic changes of the giomer. The severity of these changes was related to the device's pressure.

Biguanides , Distilled Water , Chlorhexidine/adverse effects , Composite Resins , Surface Properties , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Analysis of Variance , Hardness Tests/methods
Rev. Fac. Odontol. Porto Alegre ; 64(1): e130840, dez 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526324


Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito de dois métodos de profilaxia sobre a rugosidade superficial de diferentes resinas compostas. Materiais e Métodos: Dez amostras (7 mm x 2 mm) foram confeccionadas para cada resina testada: MH - resina microhíbrida (viscosidade regular - Opallis); NH ­ resina nanohíbrida (viscosidade regular - Vittra APS); BF ­ resina bulk fill (alta viscosidade - Opus Bulk Fill); MHF ­ resina fluida microhíbrida (Opallis flow); e OS ­ resina nanohíbrida camaleão (viscosidade regular - Vittra Unique). Os valores iniciais de rugosidade (Rai) foram obtidos para cada amostra e então subdivididas em dois grupos (n = 5) seguindo o método de profilaxia: SB ­ jato de bicarbonato de sódio (125µm, 30 s, 10 mm de distância, 2 bar); e PP ­ profilaxia com pasta de pedra-pomes e escova rotatória (30 s, 3000 rpm e pressão de 150 g). Após, uma nova medida de Ra (Raf) foi obtida, e a diferença calculada (ΔRa). Os dados foram analisados pelo teste ANOVA três fatores e teste de Bonferroni, e a diferença de rugosidade (ΔRa) pelo teste Anova dois fatores e teste de Tukey (p<0,05). Resultados: MHF apresentou maior rugosidade após profilaxia com jato de bicarbonato, enquanto para NH a abrasão com pedra pomes foi mais deletéria. Para os demais grupos não houve diferença. Discussão: A alteração na rugosidade promovida pela profilaxia é material-dependente. Conclusão: A profilaxia profissional com jato de bicarbonato ou abrasão com pedra-pomes induziu alterações na rugosidade das resinas.

Aim: This study evaluated the effect of two prophylaxis methods over the surface roughness of different resin composites. Materials and Methods: Ten disc-shaped specimens (7 mm x 2 mm) were made for each composite tested: MH - microhybrid composite with regular viscosity (Opallis); NH ­ nanohybrid composite with regular viscosity (Vittra APS); BF ­ high-viscosity bulk fill composite (Opus Bulk Fill); MHF - microhybrid flowable composite (Opallis flow); and OS ­ nanohybrid one-shade composite with regular viscosity (Vittra Unique). Initial roughness (Ra) values were obtained from each sample, and then they were divided into two groups (n = 5) following the prophylaxis method: SB ­ prophylaxis with sodium bicarbonate powder (125µm grain) using an air-powder polishing device (30 s application distanced 10 mm with 2 bar); and PP ­ prophylaxis with pumice paste and rotatory brush (30 s, 3000 rpm and pressure of 150 g). After that, a new Ra measurement (Raf) was obtained, and the difference was calculated (ΔRa). Data were compared using Three-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni teste and the Ra difference (ΔRa) was analyzed by Two-way ANOVA followed by the Tukey test (p<0.05). Results: MHF presented higher Ra values after receiving prophylaxis with SB, while for NH, the abrasion with pumice increased the Ra, and for the other groups, no differences were found. Discussion: Alteration promoted by prophylaxis is material dependent. Conclusion: Professional prophylaxis with a bicarbonate jet or abrasion with pumice-based paste can induce changes in the composites' roughness.

Rev. Fac. Odontol. Porto Alegre ; 64(1): e130840, dez 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526407


Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito de dois métodos de profilaxia sobre a rugosidade superficial de diferentes resinas compostas. Materiais e Métodos: Dez amostras (7 mm x 2 mm) foram confeccionadas para cada resina testada: MH - resina microhíbrida (viscosidade regular - Opallis); NH ­ resina nanohíbrida (viscosidade regular - Vittra APS); BF ­ resina bulk fill (alta viscosidade - Opus Bulk Fill); MHF ­ resina fluida microhíbrida (Opallis flow); e OS ­ resina nanohíbrida camaleão (viscosidade regular - Vittra Unique). Os valores iniciais de rugosidade (Rai) foram obtidos para cada amostra e então subdivididas em dois grupos (n = 5) seguindo o método de profilaxia: SB ­ jato de bicarbonato de sódio (125µm, 30 s, 10 mm de distância, 2 bar); e PP ­ profilaxia com pasta de pedra-pomes e escova rotatória (30 s, 3000 rpm e pressão de 150 g). Após, uma nova medida de Ra (Raf) foi obtida, e a diferença calculada (ΔRa). Os dados foram analisados pelo teste ANOVA três fatores e teste de Bonferroni, e a diferença de rugosidade (ΔRa) pelo teste Anova dois fatores e teste de Tukey (p<0,05). Resultados: MHF apresentou maior rugosidade após profilaxia com jato de bicarbonato, enquanto para NH a abrasão com pedra pomes foi mais deletéria. Para os demais grupos não houve diferença. Discussão: A alteração na rugosidade promovida pela profilaxia é material-dependente. Conclusão: A profilaxia profissional com jato de bicarbonato ou abrasão com pedra-pomes induziu alterações na rugosidade das resinas.

Aim: This study evaluated the effect of two prophylaxis methods over the surface roughness of different resin composites. Materials and Methods: Ten disc-shaped specimens (7 mm x 2 mm) were made for each composite tested: MH - microhybrid composite with regular viscosity (Opallis); NH ­ nanohybrid composite with regular viscosity (Vittra APS); BF ­ high-viscosity bulk fill composite (Opus Bulk Fill); MHF - microhybrid flowable composite (Opallis flow); and OS ­ nanohybrid one-shade composite with regular viscosity (Vittra Unique). Initial roughness (Ra) values were obtained from each sample, and then they were divided into two groups (n = 5) following the prophylaxis method: SB ­ prophylaxis with sodium bicarbonate powder (125µm grain) using an air-powder polishing device (30 s application distanced 10 mm with 2 bar); and PP ­ prophylaxis with pumice paste and rotatory brush (30 s, 3000 rpm and pressure of 150 g). After that, a new Ra measurement (Raf) was obtained, and the difference was calculated (ΔRa). Data were compared using Three-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni teste and the Ra difference (ΔRa) was analyzed by Two-way ANOVA followed by the Tukey test (p<0.05). Results: MHF presented higher Ra values after receiving prophylaxis with SB, while for NH, the abrasion with pumice increased the Ra, and for the other groups, no differences were found. Discussion: Alteration promoted by prophylaxis is material dependent. Conclusion: Professional prophylaxis with a bicarbonate jet or abrasion with pumice-based paste can induce changes in the composites' roughness.

Braz. dent. j ; 34(5): 53-62, Sept.-Oct. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1528018


Abstract The present study evaluated the influence of carvacrol, terpinene-4-ol, and chlorhexidine on the physical-chemical properties of titanium surfaces, cell viability, proliferation, adhesion, and spreading of fibroblasts and osteoblasts in vitro. Titanium surfaces (Ti) were treated with Carvacrol (Cvc), Terpinen-4-ol (T4ol), Chlorhexidine (CHX), DMSO, and ultrapure water (Control group). Physical-chemical modifications were evaluated by surface wettability, the surface free energy (SFE) calculated from the contact angle values using the Owens-Wendt-Rabel-Kaeble (OWRK) equation, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectrometry probe (EDS) system. Cells were seeded onto Ti-treated surfaces and incubated for 24 h and 72 h, then evaluated by Alamar blue assay and fluorescence microscopy. Surfaces treated with Cvc and T4ol showed the presence of Na, O, and Cl. All surfaces showed hydrophilic characteristics and SFE values between 5.5 mN/m and 3.4 mN/m. On the other hand, EDS peaks demonstrated the presence of O and Cl after CHX treatment. A reduction of cell viability and adhesion was noted on titanium surfaces treated with CHX after 24 and 72h. In conclusion, the results indicate that the decontamination with Cvc and T4ol on Ti surfaces does not alter the surface proprieties and allows an adequate interaction with cells involved in the re-osseointegration process such as fibroblasts and osteoblasts.

Resumo O presente estudo avaliou a influência do carvacrol, terpineno-4-ol e clorexidina nas propriedades físico-químicas de superfícies de titânio, viabilidade celular, proliferação, adesão e esplhamento de fibroblastos e osteoblastos in vitro. Superfícies de titânio (Ti) foram tratadas com Carvacrol (Cvc), Terpinen-4-ol (T4ol), Clorexidina (CHX), DMSO e água ultrapura (Grupo Controle). As modificações físico-químicas foram avaliadas pela molhabilidade da superfície, a energia livre de superfície (ELS) calculada a partir dos valores do ângulo de contato usando a equação de Owens-Wendt-Rabel-Kaeble (OWRK), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e espectroscopia de raios X por energia dispersiva (EDS). As células foram semeadas em superfícies tratadas com Ti e incubadas por 24 h e 72 h, e avaliadas pelo ensaio Alamar blue e microscopia de fluorescência. As superfícies tratadas com Cvc e T4ol mostraram a presença de Na, O e Cl. Todas as superfícies apresentaram características hidrofílicas e valores de ELS entre 5,5 mN/m e 3,4 mN/m. Por outro lado, os picos de EDS demonstraram a presença de O e Cl após o tratamento com CHX. Uma redução da viabilidade celular e adesão foi observada em superfícies de titânio tratadas com CHX após 24 e 72h. Em conclusão, os resultados indicam que a descontaminação com Cvc e T4ol em superfícies de Ti não altera as propriedades da superfície e permite uma interação adequada com células envolvidas no processo de reosseointegração como fibroblastos e osteoblastos.

Acta odontol. latinoam ; 36(1): 58-65, Apr. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447077


ABSTRACT Color stability is among the most frequent causes of restoration failures, and influences surface properties. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of pigment solutions on low-shrinkage and conventional composites regarding changes in the physical properties of composite surfaces. Materials and Method: Specimens of four composites (Filtek Z350 XT, Point 4, N'Durance and Venus Diamond) were randomly distributed into three groups to be submitted to each of three pigment solutions (red wine, tomato sauce and coffee) in fifteen-minute daily cycles, for twenty-eight days. There were 12 groups altogether (n = 10). Color, surface roughness and hardness tests were performed. Statistical analysis includedAnalysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey's significance test (a = 0.05). Results: Color changes caused by the solutions did not differ significantly among Filtek Z350 XT, Venus Diamond and N'Durance. Hardness decreased significantly in Filtek Z350 XT and Venus Diamond after chemical challenge with each solution. For the composite independent factor, roughness was highest in Venus Diamond, followed by Filtek Z350 XT, Point 4 and N'Durance. Conclusions: Treatment with different pigment solutions (red wine, tomato sauce or coffee) increased stainability and decreased hardness of both low-shrinkage and conventional composites, while roughness was unaffected.

RESUMO A estabilidade de cor está entre as causas mais frequentes de falhas de restauragoes, que também influenciam suas propriedades superficiais. Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a influencia de solugoes de pigmentos em compósitos convencionais e de baixa retragao, bem como alteragoes naspropriedades físicas da superficie dos compósitos. Materiais eMétodo: Amostras de cada compósito (Filtek Z350XT, Point 4, N'Durance e Venus Diamond) foram distribuidas aleatoriamente em grupos submetidos a cada solugao pigmentante (vinho tinto, molho de tomate e café) em ciclos diários de quinze minutos, durante vinte e oito dias. Assim, totalizando 12 grupos (n = 10). Foram realizados testes de cor, rugosidade superficial e dureza. A Análise Estatistica foi realizada usando Análise de variáncia (ANOVA) e o teste de significáncia de Tukey (a = 0.05). Resultados: As alteragoes de cor desencadeadas pelas solugoes investigadas nao mostraram diferenga estatisticamente significativa entre os compósitos Filtek Z350 XT, Venus Diamond e N'Durance. Os valores de dureza registrados para Filtek Z350XT e Venus Diamond diminuiram significativamente após o desafio químico com cada uma das solugoes pigmentantes. Para o fator independente compósito, Venus Diamond registrou a maior rugosidade; foi seguido por Filtek Z350XT, Point 4 e N'Durance. Conclusoes: Os tratamentos das amostras com diferentes solugoes pigmentantes (vinho tinto, molho de tomate e café) aumentaram a manchabilidade dos compósitos convencionais e de baixa retragao e diminuiram sua dureza, embora nao tenham afetado a rugosidade dos compósitos.

Braz. dent. sci ; 26(3): 1-9, 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1442905


Objetivo: Este estudo avaliou as propriedades de polimento dos materiais de splint oclusal obtidos usando métodos de fabricação subtrativos e aditivos com os procedimentos de polimento laboratorial (LP) e polimento em consultório (CP). Material e Métodos: As amostras (N=180, n=60 para cada grupo) foram fabricadas usando um dos seguintes métodos: método de fabricação subtrativo (SMM) (M-PM Disc, Merz Dental GmbH), método de fabricação aditivo (AMM) (Freeprint Splint 2.0, DETAX GmbH & Co. KG) e o método de fabricação convencional (CMM) (Promolux HC, Merz Dental GmbH). Seguindo os procedimentos de LP e CP, a rugosidade da superfície dos espécimes foi medida usando um perfilômetro de superfície digital. Um espécime representativo foi selecionado de cada grupo, e uma imagem de microscópio eletrônico de varredura (SEM) foi obtida. Resultados: Tanto o método de fabricação quanto os procedimentos de polimento afetaram significativamente os resultados (P<0,01). Os termos de interação também foram significativos (P<0,001). Conclusão: Com ambos os métodos de polimento, a rugosidade superficial do grupo AMM foi a maior e a do grupo CMM a menor. Embora o procedimento CP tenha sido mais eficaz do que LP com ambos os métodos, a rugosidade da superfície ficou abaixo do limite de 0,2 µm após ambos os procedimentos de polimento testados (AU)

Objective: This study evaluated the polishing properties of the occlusal splint materials obtained using subtractive and additive manufacturing methods with the laboratory-type polishing (LP) and chairside-type polishing (CP) procedures. Material and Methods: Specimens (N=180, n=60 each group) were manufactured using one of the following methods: subtractive manufacturing method (SMM) (M-PM Disc, Merz Dental GmbH), additive manufacturing method (AMM) (Freeprint Splint 2.0, DETAX GmbH & Co. KG), and the conventional manufacturing method (CMM) (Promolux HC, Merz Dental GmbH). Following LP and CP procedures, surface roughness of the specimens was measured using a digital surface profilometer. One representative specimen was selected from each group, and a scanning electron microscope (SEM) image was made. Results: Both the manufacturing method and the polishing procedures significantly affected the results (P<0.01). Interaction terms were also significant (P<0.001). Conclusion: With both polishing methods, surface roughness of the AMM group was the highest and the CMM group the least. Although the CP procedure was more effective than LP with both methods, surface roughness was below the 0.2 µm threshold after both polishing procedures tested. (AU)

Surface Properties , Occlusal Splints , Computer-Aided Design , Polymethyl Methacrylate , Dental Materials
São José dos Campos; s.n; 2023. 94 p. ilus, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1444122


Apesar da confiabilidade, as falhas mecânicas e biológicas das reabilitações protéticas sobre implantes ainda são persistentes. A capacidade altamente adaptativa das bactérias e sua colonização na superfície dos implantes e componentes protéticos ainda hoje é um sério problema clínico, causando mucosite e peri-implantite. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito antimicrobiano do fino filmes de carbono tipo diamante (DLC) dopado com nanopartículas de prata, depositado nos parafusos protéticos. Os filmes de DLC e DLC-Ag foram depositados pelo processo conhecido como PECVD (Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition). A caracterização do material foi realizada em discos da liga Ti6Al4V pelas análises scratch test, espectroscopia de espalhamento Raman, perfilometria mecânica, goniometria e espectroscopia de energia dispersiva (EDS). A atividade antimicrobiana foi avaliada utilizando uma cepa padrão de Enterococcus faecalis (ATCC 29212). Para avaliar a efetividade dos filmes depositados, foram realizados ensaios nos discos e nos parafusos (isolados e no modelo implante/pilar). Foram utilizados implantes hexágono externo de plataforma regular 4,1 mm com os respectivos pilares. Para todas as análises, as amostras foram divididas em 3 grupos de acordo com o tipo de tratamento: Grupo controle (sem tratamento); Grupo DLC, amostras revestidas com filme de DLC, Grupo DLC-Ag, amostras revestidas com filme de DLC com prata. As amostras foram analisadas por MEV. Também foi avaliada a citotoxicidade dos filmes frente a células de fibroblastos (3T3) através do ensaio de MTT. A caracterização dos filmes por espectroscopia de espalhamento raman e EDS, apresentaram resultados característicos ao DLC e DLC-Ag, como uma distribuição homogênea de carbono, prata e silício. As análises de scratch test, perfilometria mecânica e goniometria, apresentaram filmes com características hidrofóbicas, sendo DLC-Ag o grupo de maior rugosidade e coeficiente de atrito. Os dados obtidos foram analisados estatisticamente com auxílio do programa GraphPad Prism versão 9.0 (GraphPad Software Inc., San Diego, CA, USA) e realizado os testes ANOVA e de Tukey para comparações entre os grupos (discos), e os testes Kruskal-Wallis e post-hoc de Dunn (parafusos). O nível de significância para todos os testes foi estabelecido em 5%. Os resultados demonstraram que a deposição do filme de DLC e DLC-Ag apresentaram redução de maneira significativa (p<0,05) na contagem de UFC/ml nos discos e parafusos isolados. Porém a dopagem com prata não trouxe um resultado superior ao filme DLC e ambos os materiais se apresentaram como não citotóxico. Concluímos que o revestimento com DLC e DLC-Ag é um material promissor, com efeito antimicrobiano, porém com limitação de aplicação (AU)

Despite the reliability, the mechanical and biological failures in rehabilitating implantsupported dental are still persistent. Mucositis and peri-implantitis are still severe clinical problems due to the high adaptive capacity of bacteria that colonize the surface of implants and prosthetic components. The present study aimed to evaluate, in vitro, the antimicrobial action of thin films of diamond-like carbon (DLC) doped with silver nanoparticles, deposited on prosthetic screws. The deposition of the films was performed by PECVD (Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition). The characterizations were performed of both deposited samples and control (Ti6Al4V) by scratch test analysis, raman scattering spectroscopy, mechanical profilometry, goniometry, and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The antimicrobial was evaluated activity against Enterococcus faecalis (ATCC 29212). To evaluate the effectiveness of the deposited films, tests were performed on disks and screws (isolated and on the implant/abutment model) Using 30 regular platforms with 4.1 mm external hexagon implants with the respective abutments, distributed into 3 groups according to the type of prosthetic screw treatment (n=10): Group control screw (no treatment); Group screw coated with DLC film, Group screw coated with DLC film doped with silver nanoparticles (Ag-DLC). The samples were also analyzed by SEM The cytotoxicity of the films against (3T3) fibroblast cells was also assessed using the MTT assay. The caracterization was performed from raman spectroscopy and EDS, showed results which are characteristics of DLC and Ag-DLC films, such as a homogeneous distribution of carbon, silver and silicon. The scratch test, mechanical profilometry and goniometry analyzes showed films with hydrophobic characteristics, with Ag-DLC being the group with the higher coefficient of friction values and roughness Data were statistically analyzed using GraphPad Prism version 9.0 (GraphPad Software Inc., San Diego, CA, USA). ANOVA and Tukey tests were performed, followed by comparisons between groups (disks) and Kruskal-Walis and post-hoc Dunn (screw) tests The significance level for all tests was set at 5%. The results demonstrated that the deposition of the DLC and Ag-DLC film showed a significant reduction (p<0.05) in the CFU/ml count compared to the contro, disks and isolated screwl. However, silver doping did not enhance the DLC films; both materials were non-cytotoxic. It concludes that titanium alloys coated with DLC and Ag-DLC are promising materials with antibacterial properties to prevent peri-implantitis (AU)

Dental Implants , Enterococcus faecalis
Araçatuba; s.n; 2023. 44 p. ilus, tab, graf.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1510490


Atualmente novos princípios ativos de função reabsortiva têm ganhado campo de estudo para avaliar seus mecanismos e comportamento biológico. Com isso, um novo antirreabsortivo, inibidor da catepsina K tem apresentado efeito positivo na osseointegração. Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a resposta óssea da superfície de implantes revestida por duplo ataque ácido e Odanacatib (MK-0822) em ratas ovariectomizadas. Neste estudo foram utilizadas ratas (Albinus, Wistar) ovariectomizadas ou sham (placebo). Cinquenta e dois (52) tiveram as superfícies revestidas por duplo ataque ácido e MK-0822 a 0,06 mg/ml através do método biomimético, e 48 implantes foram instalados em tíbias de ratas ovariectomizadas ou sham. Microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e energia dispersiva de raios-x (EDS) foram realizadas em 4 implantes após tratamento de superfície, para análise da topografia e composição química, além da realização da análise do ângulo de contato em 16 discos de titânio comercialmente puro tratados com as mesmas superfícies. Aos 15 e 40 dias após instalação de implantes (n=6), foi realizada microtomografia computadorizada. Dados quantitativos foram avaliados adotando-se o nível de significância p< 0,05. Além dos resultados topográficos favoráveis para os grupos tratados com MK-0822, os resultados microtomográficos apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos SHAM e OVX na maioria dos parâmetros (p< 0,05). Ainda assim, os grupos tratados com MK-0822 apresentaram resultado semelhante ou maior, porém sem diferença estatística, em relação ao grupo controle em todos os parâmetros (TV, BV, BV ̸TV, Tb.Sp e Tb.N)(AU)

Currently new active principles of resorptive function have gained field of study to evaluate their mechanisms and biological behavior. Thereby a new anti-absorbent, cathepsin K inhibitor has had a positive effect on osseointegration. This study aims to evaluate the bone response of the surface of implants coated by double acid-etched and Odanacatib (MK-0822) in ovariectomized rats. In this study, either ovariectomized rats (Albinus, Wistar) or sham (placebo) have been used. Fifty-two (52) implants had the surfaces coated with double acid-etched and MK-0822 at 0,06 mg/ml by the biomimetic method and 48 implants were installed on sham or ovariectomized rat tibias. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray dispersive energy (EDS) were performed in 4 implants after surface treatment for analysis of topography and chemical composition, in addition to performing contact angle analysis on 16 commercially pure titanium discs treated with the same surfaces. At 15 and 40 days after implant installation, microcomputer tomography was performed. Quantitative data was evaluated by adopting the significance level of p< 0.05. Besides the favorable topographic results to MK-0822 coated implants group, the microtomographic results presents statistically significant differences between the SHAM and OVX groups at most of the parameters (p< 0,05). Nevertheless, the MK-0822 coated group presents similar or higher values, although without statistic differences related to the control group in all parameters (TV, BV, BV ̸TV, Tb.Sp and Tb.N)(AU)

Animals , Rats , Surface Properties , Bone Resorption , Dental Implants , Rats, Wistar , Cathepsin K
Braz. j. oral sci ; 22: e238637, Jan.-Dec. 2023. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1512222


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of abrasion wear on surface roughness and microhardness of different commercially available resin composites simulating pH-challenges of the oral cavity. Methods: Three resin composites (RC) were used in this study: one conventional: Z250; and two bulk fill resin composites (BRC): Tetric N-Ceram (TNC) and Sonic Fill (SF). The RC was inserted in a prefabricated mold (15mm wide x 4mm thickness) in two layers, or in a single layer for BRC. Thirty samples were prepared and surface roughness (Ra) and Knoop microhardness (KHN) test were performed at three different time-points of evaluation: baseline (24h after sample preparation); partial (after pH cycling); and final (after simulated toothbrushing procedure). Two samples of each group were selected after different treatments and analyzed descriptively on a scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Data from Ra and KHN were analyzed by two-way repeated-measures ANOVA and Bonferroni's post-hoc test with a significance level set at 5%. Results: Ra increased for all groups (p<0.001), at the final time-point, Z250 and TNC groups present the highest values. Oppositely, KHN decreased for all groups (p<0.001), Z250 group showed the highest KHN values for all time-points (p<0.001). The SEM imagens showed a regular surface for samples cycled and irregular with inorganic particles exposed for samples toothbrushed. Conclusion: pH-cycling and simulated toothbrushing affected the superficial properties (roughness and Knoop microhardness), as observed at SEM imagens, with irregular surface with inorganic particles exposure

Surface Properties , Toothbrushing , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Composite Resins
Rev. odontol. UNESP (Online) ; 52: e20230021, 2023. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1530303


Introdução: A importância da rugosidade para a osseointegração se dá pela correlação das interações das proteínas com a superfície do implante, a adsorção. Diferentes métodos são utilizados nos tratamentos de superfície, em que ocorre a remoção de partes da camada superficial, como o ataque ácido. Objetivo: Analisar as alterações de rugosidade na superfície dos implantes osseointegrados tratadas por duplo ataque ácido com uso único e até quatro reutilizações dos ácidos. Material e método As amostras de implantes dentários de liga de titânio (SINGULAR Implants ®) (n = 10) foram subdividas em cinco grupos: controle, tratamento 1, 2, 3 e 4, conforme as reutilizações dos ácidos. As capturas dos implantes no aumento de 500x, 1000x, 2000x e 4000x foram realizadas no microscópio eletrônico de varredura, para posterior análise de rugosidade pelo software ImageJ. Os valores de Ra e Rq foram analisados estatisticamente pelo teste ANOVA e o pós-teste de Tukey. Resultado: Os dados obtidos pelas imagens capturadas e pelos números de Ra e Rq adquiridos pelo ImageJ demonstraram que o tratamento com o duplo ataque ácido com cinco utilizações dos mesmos ácidos foi positivo para o tratamento de superfície do implante de liga de titânio. Conclusão: Pode-se concluir que até quatro reutilizações dos ácidos não interferiu estatisticamente nos valores de rugosidade em diferentes aumentos. São necessários mais estudos referentes à reutilização dos ácidos, contribuindo para a diminuição dos custos aos fabricantes, aumentando a sustentabilidade e mantendo-se a qualidade do produto.

Introduction: The importance of roughness for osseointegration is due to the configuration of proteins with the surface of the implant, and adsorption. Different methods are used in surface treatments, in which parts of the surface layer are removed, such as acid attack. Objective: To analyze changes in roughness on the surface of osseointegrated implants treated by double acid etching with single-use and up to 4 reuses of serums at a magnification of 500x, 1000x, 2000x, and 4000x in the scanning microscope (SEM). Method Samples of adherent implants (SINGULAR Implants ®) of lever alloy (n=10) were subdivided into 5 groups: control, treatment 1, 2, 3, and 4, according to the reuses. For the surface topography of the samples, SEM was used, followed by analysis by ImageJ software. Using the ANOVA test and Turkeys post-test, Ra and Rq values were statistically analyzed. Result: The data obtained both by the images captured in the SEM and by the Ra and Rq numbers acquired by the ImageJ illustrate that the treatment with the double acid attack with 5 uses of the same ones served, was positive for the surface treatment of the alloy implant of independent. Conclusion: It can be concluded that up to four reuses of food do not statistically interfere with roughness values. More studies are needed regarding the reuse of acids, certainly to reduce costs to manufacturers, increasing sustainability while maintaining product quality.

Surface Properties , Titanium , Dental Implants , Analysis of Variance , Osseointegration , Adsorption , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 39: e39051, 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555445


Alternative surface treatments have been proposed for the cementation of lithium disilicate ceramics aiming to improve adhesive and flexural strength under fatigue. This study aimed to evaluate the slow crack growth (SCG) parameters of the lithium disilicate ceramic after hydrofluoric acid (HF) etching or air abrasion (AB) as surface treatments. Ceramic discs were treated with HF (5%, 20 s) or AB (30 µm silica-modified alumina particles, 2.8 bar, 10 mm distance, 15 s), and received a layer of resin cement. The surface roughness after surface treatment was evaluated (n = 5). Samples were tested in a piston-on-three-ball assembly to evaluate the flexural strength (n = 20), inert strength (n = 25), and to determine SCG parameters n and D (n = 35). The highest roughness (p < 0.01) was observed in the AB group, with the highest reliability according to the Weibull analysis, but the lowest SCG susceptibility. Flexural (p = 0.03) and inert strength (p < 0.01) were the greatest in the HF group. Despite exhibiting lower strength than 5% HF, air abrasion may be an alternative for the surface treatment of lithium disilicate surfaces, indicating the best prognosis over time.

Braz. j. oral sci ; 21: e224265, jan.-dez. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1354719


Aim: This study assessed the color and translucency stability of a polymer infiltrated ceramic network (PICN) and compared it with a resin composite (RC) and a feldspathic ceramic (FEL). Methods: Disc-shaped samples of a PICN (Vita Enamic), a feldspathic ceramic (Vitablocks Mark II), and a resin composite (Brava block) were prepared from CAD/CAM blocks. PICN and RC surfaces were finished with a sequence of polishing discs and diamond paste. FEL samples received a glaze layer. The samples were subjected to 30-min immersions in red wine twice a day for 30 days. CIEL*a*b* coordinates were assessed with a spectrophotometer at baseline and after 15 and 30 days of immersion. Color alteration (ΔE00) and translucency parameter (TP00) were calculated with CIEDE2000. Average roughness was measured before the staining procedures. Color difference and translucency data were analyzed with repeated-measures ANOVA and Tukey's tests. Roughness was analyzed with the Kruskal-Wallis test. Results: Roughness was similar among the experimental groups. All materials had their color alteration significantly increased from 15 to 30 days of staining. PICN reached an intermediate ΔE00 between FEL and RC at 15 days. PICN revealed a color alteration as high as the composite after 30 days. No statistical difference was observed regarding translucency. Conclusion: PICN was not as color stable as the feldspathic ceramic at the end of the study. Its color alteration was comparable to the resin composite when exposed to red wine. However, the translucency of the tested materials was stable throughout the 30-day staining

Surface Properties , Materials Testing , Ceramics , Computer-Aided Design , Color , Composite Resins
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 11(5): 1-12, nov. 23, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1435341


In Purpose: The fabrication technique can influence the mechanical properties of Cobalt-Chromium (Co-Cr) dental alloys. Hence, the present study aims to determine the corrosion resistance and thermal expansion of alloys manufactured using three contemporary techniques. Material and Methods: A total of nine specimens of Co-Cr alloy were prepared according to ISO 22674 by each one of the three manufacturing processes (three in each process); conventional casting, direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) and milling (MIL). All these specimens were tested for coefficient of thermal expansion and corrosion resistance. The data was tabulated and analyzed statistically. Results: The difference in the thermal expansion of alloys fabricated using three techniques was non-significant at almost all the temperatures from 50 ºC to 950 ºC (p>0.05), except 450 ºC and 600 °C. The polarization resistance of specimens manufactured using the conventional method was more compared to DMLS and MIL at pH 5 (Conventional>MIL>DMLS) (p<0.001). Conclusion: The thermal expansion behavior of alloys manufactured using the three selected techniques were similar, whereas, at acidic pH, the corrosion resistance of conventional and MIL were better than the DMLS.

Antecedentes: La técnica de fabricación puede influir en las propiedades mecánicas de las aleaciones dentales de cobalto-cromo (Co-Cr). Por lo tanto, el presente estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la resistencia a la corrosión y la expansión térmica de aleaciones fabricadas con tres técnicas contemporáneas. Material y Métodos: Se prepararon un total de nueve probetas de aleación de Co-Cr según ISO 22674 por cada uno de los tres procesos de fabricación (tres en cada proceso); fundición convencional, sinterización directa de metal por láser (DMLS) y fresado (MIL). Todos estos especímenes fueron probados para determinar el coeficiente de expansión térmica y la resistencia a la corrosión. Los datos fueron tabulados y analizados estadísticamente. Resultados: La diferencia en la dilatación térmica de las aleaciones fabricadas con las tres técnicas no fue significativa en casi todas las temperaturas desde 50ºC hasta 950ºC (p>0,05), excepto 450ºC y 600ºC. La resistencia a la polarización de las muestras fabricadas con el método convencional fue mayor en comparación con DMLS y MIL a pH 5 (Convencional>MIL>DMLS) (p<0, 0 01). Conclusión: El comportamiento de expansión térmica de las aleaciones fabricadas con las tres técnicas seleccionadas fue similar, mientras que, a pH ácido, la resistencia a la corrosión de la convencional y la MIL fue mejor que la de la DMLS.

Humans , Temperature , Chromium Alloys , Corrosion , Dental Alloys , Surface Properties , In Vitro Techniques , Chromium/chemistry , Cobalt/chemistry , Lasers
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 11(4): 1-11, jul. 21, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1426955


Aim: This study aims to evaluate the surface roughness and susceptibility to staining of bleached composite resin with 22% carbamide peroxide, as well as the effect of subsequent prophylaxis with NaHCO3 powder. Material and Methods: Forty disk-shaped (2 × 6 mm) specimens of composite resin (Z250 XT) were prepared. Half of the specimens were subjected to bleaching with 22% carbamide peroxide, and the other half were stored in artificial saliva. In sequence, all specimens were immersed in acai juice (Euterpe oleracea) for 4 h for 14 days, and subdivided into two groups. Group 1 samples were subjected to prophylaxis treatment, while group 2 samples were subjected to treatment with artificial saliva. Surface roughness (Ra) and color (ΔE*) were measured after polishing (T0), bleaching (T1), immersion in acai juice (T2), and application of NaHCO3 powder (T3) using a profilometer and a spectrophotometer. Results: Statistical analyses (analysis of variance and Tukey's test, p≤0.05) revealed that regarding color there was statistically significance for the factors in isolation, except for the factor bleaching. For both color and surface roughness there was statistically significant difference for the interaction, except for the interaction between NaHCO3 power and bleaching. Conclusion: The NaHCO3 air-powder polishing decreases the staining of the composite resin; however, it increases the surface roughness. With respect to the color variable, the whitening factor had no significant effect on the tested material; however, it increases surface roughness.

Objetivo: Este estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar la rugosidad de la superficie y la susceptibilidad a la tinción de la resina compuesta blanqueada con peróxido de carbamida al 22%, así como el efecto de la profilaxis posterior con polvo de NaHCO3. Material y Métodos: Se prepararon cuarenta especímenes en forma de disco (2 × 6 mm) de resina compuesta (Z250 XT). La mitad de los especímenes se sometieron a blanqueo con peróxido de carbamida al 22% y la otra mitad se almacenó en saliva artificial. En secuencia, todos los especímenes se sumergieron en jugo de acai (Euterpe oleracea) durante 4h durante 14 días, y se subdividieron en dos grupos. Las muestras del grupo 1 se sometieron a tratamiento profiláctico, mientras que las muestras del grupo 2 se sometieron a tratamiento con saliva artificial. La rugosidad de la superficie (Ra) y el color (ΔE*) se midieron después del pulido (T0), el blanqueo (T1), la inmersión en jugo de acai (T2) y la aplicación de polvo de NaHCO3 (T3) utilizando un perfilómetro y un espectrofotómetro. Resultados: Los análisis estadísticos (análisis de varianza y prueba de Tukey, p≤0.05) revelaron que en relación al color hubo significancia estadística para los factores en forma aislada, excepto para el factor blanqueamiento. Tanto para el color como para la rugosidad de la superficie hubo una diferencia estadísticamente significativa para la interacción, excepto para la interacción entre el poder de NaHCO3 y el blanqueo. Conclusión: El pulido al aire con polvo de NaHCO3 disminuye el manchado de la resina compuesta; sin embargo, aumenta la rugosidad de la superficie. Con respecto a la variable color, el factor de blanqueamiento no tuvo efecto significativo sobre el material ensayado; sin embargo, aumenta la rugosidad de la superficie.

Humans , Sodium Bicarbonate , Composite Resins/chemistry , Saliva , Brazil , Color , Dental Prophylaxis/methods , Euterpe , Immersion
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-955810


In the past few decades, some studies reported that changing the specific surface properties of titanium implants, such as surface morphology, surface chemistry, surface charge and wettability, improved the bone bonding ability of titanium implants. Based on the existing evidence, this review paper analyzes the methods and characteristics of surface chemical modification of the superhydrophilic implants (Thommen INICELL?) that were listed in China in recent years, and clarifies the process of early osseointegration from the viewpoint of histomorphology, and evaluates its clinical application effects.

Braz. j. oral sci ; 20: e213736, jan.-dez. 2021. ilus
Article in English | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1253012


Although Spondias mombin L. extract has an excellent antimicrobial effect against oral microorganisms, it should be clarified how it affects enamel surface properties. Aim: To evaluate the color change, wettability/contact angle, surface roughness and morphology of bovine enamel submitted to the Spondias mombin L. extract. Methods: Thirty bovine teeth were distributed into the following groups: 0.12% chlorhexidine digluconate, 1:32 Spondias mombin L. extract and distilled water. Color change (CC) was evaluated after immerging specimens into the solutions for 14 days. Surface roughness (Ra) was measured using a roughness meter; wettability/contact angles (CA) were determined by the sessile drop method, and scanning electron microscopy images were obtained to characterize the morphology (SMA). The pH of the solutions was evaluated using a pHmeter. The Ra, CA, and CC data were parametric (Kolmogorov-Smirnov; p>0.05). Two-way ANOVA (for Ra and CA) and one-way ANOVA (for CC) with Tukey's posthoc tests at a significance level of 5% were used. SMA was analyzed descriptively. Results: The Spondias mombin L. extract revealed an acidic pH, and when in contact with the bovine teeth, it increased the wettability, but it did not cause statistically significant differences in the Ra. Spondias mombin L. extract caused the highest color change. The SEM images showed differences in the specimens' surface submitted to the extract compared to the other groups. Conclusion: Spondias mombin L. extract provided negative effects on bovine enamel's surface, including a high color change and a more wettable substrate

Animals , Cattle , Surface Properties , Anacardiaceae , Dental Enamel , Phytotherapy , Mouthwashes
Braz. j. oral sci ; 20: e211670, jan.-dez. 2021. ilus
Article in English | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1254259


Aim: To evaluate the effect of different surface treatments and adhesive approaches on the microshear bond strength of resin cement to a polymer-infiltrated ceramic network (PICN). Methods: PICN blocks were randomly assigned into 9 groups (n=10): CTRL: no treatment; HF: 5% hydrofluoric acid etching; HF-S: HF + silane; HF-S-A: HF-S + adhesive (Adper Single Bond 2); HF-UA: HF + universal adhesive (Single Bond Universal); SB: sandblasting with 50 µm Al2O3 particles; SB-S: SB + silane; SB-S-A: SB-S + adhesive; SB-UA: SB + universal adhesive. Resin cement microcylinders (Ø = 0.96 mm; height = 1 mm) (RelyX Ultimate) were built upon the PICN surface after roughness and contact angle measurements. Next, microshear bonding tests (µSBS) were performed (0.5 mm/min) after water storage (37ºC, 90 days) and thermocycling (12,000 cycles; 5ºC-55ºC). Failure modes were observed under stereomicroscope. Bond strength data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA/Tukey's test and t-tests. Kruskal-Wallis/Dunn's tests were conducted for roughness and contact angle data (α = 0.05). Results: A rougher surface and lower contact angles were observed for Sandblasting. HF-S (18.54 ± 2.03 MPa), SB-S (19.00 ± 1.66 MPa) and SB-UA (18.07 ± 2.36 MPa) provided the highest bond strength values, followed by the other treated groups. The CTRL group resulted in lower bond strength (7.18 ± 2.34 MPa). Conclusion: Hydrofluoric acid etching followed by silane application and sandblasting followed by silane or universal adhesive are useful clinical steps to enhance bonding to PICN. Adhesive applications after HF etching have no advantages in bonding to PICN

Surface Properties , Ceramics , Dentin-Bonding Agents , Resin Cements , Air Abrasion, Dental , Hydrofluoric Acid