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Apesar do aumento da oferta de produtos sem glúten, observa-se ainda a limitação de opções no mercado de panificados. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar as características físico-químicas e sensoriais de bolos formulados com farinhas substitutivas ao trigo. Duas formulações contendo farinhas mistas substitutivas ao trigo (amaranto, quinoa, soja e fécula de mandioca) e uma controle (contendo trigo) foram analisadas quanto às medições e composição centesimal. Coliformes totais, pH e acidez total titulável (ATT) foram determinados no 1° e 4° dias de armazenamento. Aceitação e preferência foram avaliadas por meio de testes sensoriais. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância, seguida de testes paramétricos e não-paramétricos a 5% de probabilidade. Os bolos apresentaram características físicas de medições similares à formulação controle. A formulação com maior teor de soja apresentou maior teor de lipídios quando comparada com o controle. Os bolos com farinhas mistas obtiveram aceitação e preferência semelhantes entre si, porém inferiores à amostra controle. As amostras mantiveram-se estáveis quanto ao pH e ATT durante os quatro dias de armazenamento, não havendo crescimento de coliformes totais. Conclui-se que há viabilidade na formulação destes produtos com boa aceitação e valor nutricional agregado.

Despite the increase in the supply of gluten-free products, an option limitation in the bread-making market is still observed. The objective of this study was to determine the physicochemical and sensorial characteristics of the cakes formulated with the wheat substitute flours. Two formulations containing mixed wheat substitutes (amaranth, quinoa, soybean and cassava starch) and a control sample (containing wheat) were analyzed on the measurementsand proximate composition. Total coliforms, pH and titratable total acidity (TTA) were determined at the 1st and 4th days of storage. Acceptance and preference were assessed by means of sensory tests. The data were evaluated by the variance analysis, followed by parametric and non-parametric tests at 5% probability. The cakes presented physical characteristics of measurements similar to the control formulation. The formulation containing the highest soybean contents showed the major lipid contents when compared to the control. The mixedflour cakes had similar acceptance and preference, but lower than the control sample. The samples pH and TTA were stable during the four days of storage, and no growth of total coliforms occurred. Therefore, it is viable the formulation of these products with good acceptance andnutritional value.

Humans , Amaranth Dye , Chenopodium quinoa , Diet, Gluten-Free , Foods of Confectionery , Glycine max
Eng. sanit. ambient ; 13(1): 73-77, jan.-mar. 2008. ilus, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-485072


Neste trabalho foi realizado o estudo da degradação fotoquímica do corante vermelho bordeaux. O estudo objetivou a avaliação de tratamentos alternativos com vistas à aplicação de tecnologias limpas. Os experimentos de fotodegradação foram realizados através da incidência de radiação UV em um compartimento contendo o corante (solução). O tratamento fotoquímico reduziu em 99 por cento a coloração e a concentração da solução contendo o corante vermelho bordeaux.

This paper studied the photochemical degradation of food dye (red dye). The investigation aimed at the assessment of alternative treatments, focusing the use of clean technologies. The photochemical degradation experiments were performed in a compartment with UV radiation (mercury lamp - 250W). The photochemical treatment showed a 99 percent color and concentration reduction in the dye solution.

Amaranth Dye , Amaranthus , Clean Technology , Coloring Agents , Food Coloring Agents , Photochemistry
Rev. argent. microbiol ; 32(4): 185-189, oct.-dec. 2000.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-332515


In this paper the influence of the amaranth seed meal and the aeration conditions on the alpha-amylase production by Aspergillus niger NRRL 3112 were studied. The assays of selection of culture medium were carried out in a rotary shaker at 250 rpm and 2.5 cm stroke. The aeration conditions were studied in a mechanically stirred fermentor New Brunswick type. A concentration of alpha-amylase of 2750 U.Dun/ml was achieved at 120 h with a dry weight of 8.0 g/l, using a base medium with 5.0 g/l Amaranthus cruentus seed meal. In the experiment performed in a New Brunswick fermentor, the highest value was 2806 U.Dun/ml. This result was obtained after 120 h, operating at 300 rpm and an airflow of 1 l/l. min. in a limited dissolved oxygen concentration. It was determined that the increase in the agitation rate was not favorable to the enzyme production, despite that an increase was verified in the dissolved oxygen. The morphology of the microorganism, in long and ramified hyphae, was the critical factor to obtain higher levels of alpha-amylase.

alpha-Amylases , Amaranth Dye , Aspergillus niger , Coloring Agents , Culture Media , Indicators and Reagents , Fungal Proteins/biosynthesis , Aspergillus niger , Fermentation
Cajanus ; 17(4): 213-4, 1984.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-32088