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Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 84(1): 77-83, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1426375


No dia 31 de dezembro de 2019, a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) recebeu a primeira comunicação sobre um surto de pneumonia ocorrido na cidade de Wuhan, onde o agente causador foi determinado como um novo coronavírus. No Brasil, o primeiro caso foi registrado em 26 de fevereiro de 2020 e após 21 dias foi anunciado pela Secretaria de Estado da Saúde da Paraíba o primeiro caso de COVID-19 nesse estado. Uma das opções utilizadas pela população para a chamada prevenção contra a COVID-19 foi o uso de medicamentos homeopáticos. Esta pesquisa objetivou identificar os medicamentos homeopáticos mais vendidos em farmácias homeopáticas do município de João Pessoa no período de janeiro a setembro de 2020. Para coleta dos dados foi realizada uma entrevista com os proprietários das farmácias homeopáticas que responderam a um questionário previamente elaborado. O estudo evidenciou um aumento expressivo na venda de medicamentos homeopáticos a partir do mês de março de 2020 nas farmácias pesquisadas. Os medicamentos mais comercializados por ordem de frequência foram: Camphora, Arsenicum album, Gelsemium, Oscilococcinum, Influenzinum, Antimonium tartaricum, Carbo vegetabilis e Aviarium. Os dados obtidos neste trabalho sugerem que o fluxo de incidência de Oscilococcinum e Influenzinum foi maior nos meses iniciais da Pandemia, provavelmente, relacionado a sua indicação como preventivo, assim como o aumento expressivo de Camphora e Arsenicum álbum nos meses de abril, maio e junho de 2020, reflete a indicação desses medicamentos não apenas como preventivo, mas também nos casos da doença já instalada.

On December 31, 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) received the first communication about a pneumonia outbreak in the city of Wuhan, which was caused by a new coronavirus. In Brazil, the first case was registered in February 26, 2020, and after 21 days the State Health Department of Paraíba announced the first case of COVID-19 in this state. One of the options used by the population to what was considered prevention against the COVID-19 was the homeopathic medicines. This research aimed to identify the best-selling homeopathic medicines in homeopathic drugstores in the municipality of João Pessoa, in the period from January to September 2020. The data was collected in an interview with the owners of the homeopathic drugstores, which answered to a previously designed questionnaire. The study evidenced an expressive enhance in the selling of homeopathic medicines starting from March 2020 in the research drugstores. The most commercialized medicines, in order of frequency, were: Camphora, Arsenicum album, Gelsemium, Oscilococcinum, Influenzinum, Antimonium tartaricum, Carbo vegetabilis and Aviarium. The data found in this study suggest that the incidence flow of Oscilococcinum and Influenzinum was higher in the initial months of the Pandemic, probably, because of their indication as a preventive, and the expressive enhance of Camphora and Arsenicum álbum in the months of April, May and June, 2020 reflect the indication of these medicines not only as preventive, but also in the cases that the illness is confirmed.

Humans , Homeopathic Pharmacies , Homeopathic Remedy , Pharmaceutical Trade , COVID-19 Drug Treatment , Arsenicum Album/therapeutic use , Camphora/therapeutic use , Evaluation Studies as Topic
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(2): 23-23, May 6, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1396708


two Python bivittatussnakes were received at Project Selva Viva, a zoo in Taubaté, Brazil, both presenting respiratory noises and oro-nasal discharge. A thoracic ultrasonographic examination was performed for evaluation on February 25th,2022, which diagnosed the presence of multiple vertical hyperechoic artifactsemerging from the pleural line, coalescing in some of the examined areas, and the presence a hypoechoic structure located in the subpleural region. Another serpent, from the Boa constrictor species, was apprehended and arrived at the same zoo without medical history, showing a low body score. During a thoracic ultrasonographic evaluation realized on April 1st,2022, B lines emerging from the pleural line were found. These vertical reverberating lines are a result of respiratory illness (SOLDATI et al., 2014).Methodology:The report was authorized by the owner of the zoo. All the patients received homeopathic therapy with 2 globules of Arsenicum album30 cH/ BID into the mouth, after being diagnosed with the respiratory condition by the ultrasonographic examination. The medication was chosen according to the similarity with the symptoms. The snakes had a runny nose and hissing breathing noise. Weekly ultrasound scans were performed on the Python bivittatus snakes to follow up on the respiratory condition. Results: On March 04th, it was observed that both snakes showed a reduction in respiratory noises and were more active. Ars 30 cH was maintained BID. On March 25th, both presented significant improvement in the ultrasound images, which showed only A lines, compatible with a healthy lung, and the treatment was suspended. Boa constrictor snake ́streatment started on April 1st. On April 8th, the ultrasonographic examination performed only presented A lines, which are characterized in ultrasound by parallel horizontal lines in the near field with the loss of image continuity in the far field, indicating improvement of the condition (LICHTENSTEIN et al., 2003). Conclusion:Given these results, the homeopathic treatment is an option to be considered for the treatment of respiratory symptoms in snakes, although the duration of the therapy varies based on the stage and chronicity of the disease.

Animals , Pneumonia/therapy , Arsenicum Album/therapeutic use , Homeopathic Therapeutics , Boidae
São Paulo; AMHB; mar. 3, 2020. 21 p.
Monography in Portuguese | LILACS, HomeoIndex, MTYCI | ID: biblio-1087382


Estamos no meio da pandemia do Covid-19, em franco desenvolvimento no Brasil. No momento há perspectivas terapêuticas medicamentosa sem fases iniciais de teste, especialmente para o tratamento dos casos graves, aqueles que implicam em internação ou encaminhamento para Unidades de Terapia Intensiva. Pouco tem sido abordado sobre tentativas de tratamento de pacientes com síndrome respiratória leve. Não há escolha terapêutica efetiva para o início do quadro e, desta forma, a doença cursa de acordo com a resposta imune ou suscetibilidade individual do acometido, e há muito pouco de efetivo e específico que altere a história natural dessa enfermidade. (AU)

Arsenicum Album/therapeutic use , China officinalis/therapeutic use , Chininum Arsenicosum/therapeutic use , Epidemic Gender , Coronaviridae , Coronaviridae Infections , Bryonia , Pandemics , Homeopathy , Brazil/epidemiology
Int. j. high dilution res ; 18(3/4): 47-62, 2019.
Article in English | HomeoIndex, LILACS | ID: biblio-1050039


Background Simple and mucopurulent chronic bronchitis (SMCB) is characterized by recurrent mucoid or mucopurulent expectoration in absence of localized suppurative disease. This observational open label study was undertaken to evaluate the effects of homeopathic medicine in SMCB. Methods 1902 patients were screened from 07 centres out of which 1305 were excluded. 597 patients were enrolled as per the inclusion and exclusion criteria. A total of 14 pre-defined homeopathic medicines were shortlisted for prescription after repertorizing the pathological symptoms of SMCB. Outcomes were assessed through chronic bronchitis symptom scale (CBSS) and FEV1/ FVC ratio with spirometry for over a period of two years. Appearance of any change (relief/ worse)/ status quo was immediately followed by placebo/ change in dilution/ change in remedy. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS version 20. Results: 532 patients were analyzed based on the intention to treat principle using last observation carry forward method. Mean CBS score reduced from 29.86±4.5 at baseline to 12.33±7.6 at completion of 2 years. Repeated measures ANOVA, at time points 0 (baseline), 3, 6, 9, 12 ,15, 18, 21 and 24 months, showed significant reduction in CBS scores [Wilk's Lambda 0.104, F=564, df 524; p=00001]. The FEV1 and FEV1/FVC was maintained within normal limits. 86% prescriptions included Lycopodium, Arsenicum album, Pulsatilla, Phosphorus, Stannum metallicum, Calcarea carbonica, Silicea, Bryonia alba. Conclusion: The result suggests effectiveness of homeopathic treatment in early years of SCMB patients. Controlled trials are warranted. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Bronchitis, Chronic/therapy , Homeopathy , Pulsatilla nigricans/therapeutic use , Arsenicum Album/therapeutic use , Calcarea Carbonica/therapeutic use , Lycopodium clavatum/therapeutic use , Silicea Terra/therapeutic use , Stannum Metallicum/therapeutic use , Bryonia
Rev. homeopatia (Säo Paulo) ; 81(3/4): 49-59, 2018. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-969649


Se realizó un estudio prospectivo, longitudinal, cuasiexperimental en el consultorio médico de la familia (CMF) 19 del Consejo Popular 10 de Octubre, municipio Ranchuelo, Villa Clara, Cuba, de febrero 2013 a febrero 2014, para determinar el efecto de la terapia homeopática en el tratamiento del asma bronquial en adultos durante un año. Se utilizó una formulación homeopática compuesta por Kalium nitricum 200 cH y Arsenicum album 200 cH. Se realizaron análisis estadísticos con pruebas no paramétricas. Al finalizar la intervención del número de crisis disminuyó en los pacientes que adhirieron al tratamiento de forma constante. Al comenzar el año de tratamiento, la totalidad de los pacientes se distribuían entre los 4 grupos de clasificación según la evolución temporal. Luego de aplicar el tratamiento, los pacientes adheridos al mismo disminuyeron en la clasificación de la enfermedad. Se recomienda promover la prescripción de los medicamentos homeopáticos junto al tratamiento convencional en el asma. (AU)

We performed a prospective, longitudinal and quasi experimental study at family outpatient clinic 19, October 10th Popular Council, Ranchuelo, Villa Clara, Cuba, from February 2013 through February 2014. The aim of the present study was to establish the effect of homeopathic medication for treatment of asthma among adults along 1 year. Patients received a combination of Kalium nitricum 200cH and Arsenicum album 200cH. Statistical analysis involved non-parametric tests. At the end of follow-up the number of asthma attacks decreased among the patients who took the medication continuously. At baseline, patients were distributed across all 4 severity groups; the degree of severity decreased among all the participants who adhered to treatment. Use of homeopathy as adjuvant to conventional treatment should be promoted. (AU)

Humans , Adult , Asthma/therapy , Arsenicum Album/therapeutic use , Homeopathy , Kali Nitricum/therapeutic use
Rev. homeopatia (Säo Paulo) ; 81(3/4): 25-31, 2018. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-969664


O objetivo do presente estudo foi a importância da homeopatia para o tratamento das patologias crônicas que não encontram boa resolução quando abordadas apenas de forma tradicional. Através de estudo de caso foram acompanhados e revisitados 2 casos clínicos com diagnóstico de líquen comprovados por biópsia que foram abordados inicialmente de modo convencional e que após tratamento sem sucesso, buscaram uma alternativa na homeopatia. Houve remissão dos processos crônicos em ambos os casos com bons resultados. Houve restabelecimento rápido duradouro e sem grandes efeitos indesejáveis no longo prazo em ambos os casos relatados, como preconizam os princípios da homeopatia em que "cura é o restabelecimento rápido, suave e duradouro da saúde". A homeopatia pode atuar de forma interdisciplinar junto ao tratamento convencional de doenças crônicas dermatológicas do tipo líquen, melhorando seus resultados. (AU)

The aim of the present study was to establish the relevance of homeopathy for treatment of chronic diseases when conventional treatment does not lead to satisfactory outcomes. We describe 2 cases of lichen confirmed on biopsy initially given conventional treatment. Due to therapeutic failure, the patients sought homeopathic treatment, which induced regression of disease. In both cases, cure occurred rapidly, was long-lasting action and without undesirable side effects, as established in homeopathy principles: "the highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of health." Homeopathy might be considered for interdisciplinary treatment of chronic skin problems, such as lichen, together with conventional approaches to improve therapeutic outcomes.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Middle Aged , Arsenicum Album/therapeutic use , Aurum Metallicum/therapeutic use , Homeopathy , Lichen Planus/therapy
Homeopatia Méx ; 84(694): 5-11, ene.-feb. 2015. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-762162


Dos de los obstáculos que han impedido la difusión e incorporación de la Homeopatía en los planos nacional e internacional, son comprender la estructura de las ultradiluciones así como entender y explicar cuál es, o cuáles son, los mecanismos de acción de dichas ultradiluciones para efectuar respuestas biológicas en organismos o cultivos celulares que llamamos respuestas curativas. El objetivo del presente trabajo es mostrar brevemente la información y los artículos científicos que permiten explicar y sustentar uno de los varios mecanismos de acción de los medicamentos homeopáticos en ultradiluciones, como es la modulación de la expresión genética.

Two of the obstacles that have prevented the dissemination and incorporation of Homeopathy at national and international levels , they are to understand the structure of the ultradiluciones and understand and explain what is , or what are the mechanisms ultradiluciones action to effect such biological responses in organisms or cell cultures we call healing responses . The objective ofthis paper is to briefly display the information and scientific articlesthat explain and support one of several mechanisms of action ultradiluciones homeopathic medicines , as is the modulation of expression gene .

Mechanisms of Action of Homeopathic Remedies , Dynamization , Gene Expression , Homeopathy , Arsenicum Album/therapeutic use , Leukemia, Promyelocytic, Acute/genetics
Rev. homeopatia (Säo Paulo) ; 76(3/4): 7-14, 2013. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-716554


A acne é uma ocorrência comum, que basicamente consiste na inflamação dos folículos cutâneos, eventualmente seguida de infeção. Os objetivos do tratamento convencional são reduzir a produção das glândulas sebáceas, acelerar a renovação celular cutânea, diminuir a infecção e evitar a disseminação da infecção. Para tanto, dispõe-se de uma ampla variedade de agentes para aplicação tópica ou uso sistêmico. No entanto, a própria existência de tal variedade de abordagens aponta para o fato de que nenhuma modalidade terapêutica é completamente efetiva. A homeopatia pode constituir um valioso tratamento para a acne, na medida em que leva em consideração os sintomas e sinais mais peculiares da condição patológica reunidos em configurações sindrômicas. O presente artigo é dedicado à análise das características da acne correspondentes aos medicamentos homeopáticos Arsenicum album e Pulsatilla nigricans.

Acne is a common occurrence that basically consists in inflammation of the skin follicles eventually followed by infection. The aims of conventional treatment are to reduce the sebaceous production, increase the skin cell turnover, reduce infection and hinder the spread of infection. For that purpose, several topical and systemic agents are available. However, that very broad range of therapies points to their relative effectiveness. Homeopathy might represent a valuable treatment of acne inasmuch as it takes intrinsically consistent and coherent configurations of the most peculiar signs and symptoms of diseases into consideration. The present article describes the typical characteristics of acne corresponding to homeopathic medicines Arsenicum album and Pulsatilla nigricans.

Humans , Male , Female , Acne Vulgaris/therapy , Arsenicum Album/therapeutic use , Homeopathy , Polychrests , Pulsatilla nigricans/therapeutic use
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-621625


The homeopathic complex Homeo-Pax® has been used as an antidepressant and anxiolytic homeopathic medicine available in Brazil. It is a complex mixture prepared with Aconitum nap.6cH, Aurum met. 6cH, Phosphorus 6cH, Argentum nitricum 6cH, Arsenicum alb. 6cH, and Valeriana officinalis 3cH. This study had evaluated the behavior in rats after treatment with Homeo-Pax® in pre-clinical models of depression and anxiety. Elevated Plus Maze Test (EPM), Forced Swimming Test (FST), Open Field Test (OFT) and the Rota Rod Test (RRT) behavior assays were used to confirm its activity. In the EPM, the animals treated with Homeo-pax® on the 1st day and until the 20th day of treatment remained longer in the open arms of the maze than on 30th day. This result was statistically significant compared with the control group (p < 0.05). In the FST, the treatment with Homeo-pax® (0.5 ml, p.o) increased the swimming time, compared to the control group. This effect was dependent on treatment time, resulting in a similar effect to that presented by amfepramone (10 mg/kg, p.o). In the OFT, crossing by the animals was significantly increased by the treatment with amfepramone (10mg/kg, p.o), and also with the 30- day treatment with Homeo-pax® . In the RRT, the 30-day treatment with Homeo-pax® (0.5 ml, p.o) did not affect the animals? motor coordination, compared with the control group, which presented the same behavior. Based on the results obtained, it can be suggested that the homeopathic complex Homeo-pax® has anxiolytic and antidepressant properties without affecting motor coordination capacity.

O complexo homeopático Homeo-Pax® tem sido usado no Brasil como um medicamento homeopático de ação antidepressiva e ansiolítica. O Homeo-Pax® é um complexo preparado com Aconitum nap. 6cH, Aurum met. 6cH, Phosphorus 6cH, Argentum nitricum 6cH, Arsenicum alb. 6cH e Valeriana officinalis 3cH. Este estudo avaliou o comportamento de ratos após o tratamento com Homeo-Pax® em modelos pré-clínicos de depressão e ansiedade. Testes de labirinto em cruz elevado (EPM), nado forçado (FST), campo aberto (OFT) e Rotarod (RRT) foram usados para avaliar a atividade dos animais. No EPM, os animais tratados com Homeo-pax® permaneceram mais tempo nos braços abertos do labirinto, durante do 20 primeiros dias de tratamento, em relação ao 30º dia. Este resultado foi estatisticamente significativo quando comparado com o grupo controle (p < 0.05). No FST, o tratamento com Homeo-pax® (0.5 ml, p.o) aumentou o tempo de nado, comparado ao grupo controle. Este efeito foi dependente o tempo de tratamento, resultando similar ao efeito da amfepramona (10 mg/kg, p.o). No OFT, o movimento dos animais foi significativamente aumentado pelo tratamento com amfepramona (10mg/kg, p.o) e também no 30º dia de tratamento com Homeo-pax® . No RRT, o tratamento por 30 dias com Homeo-pax® (0.5 ml, p.o) não afetou a coordenação motora dos animais, em relação ao grupo controle. Baseado nesses resultados, pode ser sugerido que o complexo homoepático Homeo-pax® tem propriedades ansiolíticas e antidepressivas sem afetar a coordenação motora.

El complejo homeopático Homeo-pax® viene siendo usado en Brasil como un medicamento homeopático de acción antidepresiva y ansiolítica. El Homeo-pax® es un complejo preparado con Aconitum nap 6cH, Aurum Met 6cH, Phosphorus 6cH, Argentum Nitricum 6cH, Arsenicum Alb 6cH y Valeriana officinalis 3cH. Este estudio evaluó el comportamiento de camondongos después del tratamiento con Homeo-pax® en modelos preclinicos de depresión y ansiedad. Testes de laberinto en cruz elevado (EPM) nado forzado (FST), campo abierto (OFT) y Rotarod (RRT) fueron usados para evaluar la actividad de los animales. En el EPM los animales tratados com Homeo-pax® permanecieron mas tiempo en los brazos abiertos del laberinto durante los 20 primeros dias de tratamiento en relación al 30º dia. Este resultado fue estadísticamente significativo si comparado con el grupo control (p<0.05). En el FST, el tratamiento con Homeo-pax® (0.5 ml,p.o) aumentó el tiempo de nado, comparado al grupo control. Este efecto fue dependiente del tiempo de tratamiento, resultando similar al efecto de la anfepramona (10 mg/kg, p.o). En el OFT, el movimiento de los animales fue significativamente aumentado por el tratamiento con anfepramona (10mg/kg, p.o) y tambien en el 30º dia de tratamiento con Homeo-pax® . En el RRT el tratamiento por 30 dias con Homeo-pax® (0.5 ml, p.o) no afectó la coodinación motora de los animales, en relación al grupo control. Basado en esos resultados puede ser sugerido que el complejo homeopático Homeo-pax® tiene propiedades ansiolíticas y antidepresivas sin afectar la coordinación motora.

Animals , Guinea Pigs , Anxiety/therapy , Homeopathic Remedy , Depression/therapy , Phosphorus/therapeutic use , Valerian , Argentum Nitricum/therapeutic use , Arsenicum Album/therapeutic use , Aurum Metallicum/therapeutic use , Rats, Wistar , Aconitum
Homeopatia Méx ; 69(608): 169-73, sept.-oct. 2000.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-285900


Demostrado por experimentos en animales, el efecto de las diluciones infinitesimales homeopaticas de toxinas, sobre la eliminacion de la misma toxina previamente fijada al organismo, es que se realiza el presente trabajo en la Comarca Lagunera, situada en la parte central del norte de Mexico, donde el hidroarsenico cronico regional endemico se ha estudiado por mas de 3 decadas. Se estudio el efecto...

Humans , Female , Adult , Arsenicum Album/therapeutic use , Arsenic/adverse effects
Homeopatía (B. Aires) ; 60(3): 207-10, 1995.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-207820


Síntesis de la fisiología del acto del vómito y las causas que determinan su aparición tanto en el niño como en el lactante. Dar las pautas sobre el abordaje clínico y de estudio y por último una breve reseña de los medicamentos más comunmente utilizados para resolver este cuadro de una manera rápida y eficaz

Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Vomiting/physiopathology , Homeopathic Therapeutics , Vomiting/etiology , Vomiting/therapy , Aethusa cynapium/therapeutic use , Antimonium Crudum/therapeutic use , Arsenicum Album/therapeutic use , Calcarea Carbonica/therapeutic use , China officinalis/therapeutic use , /therapeutic use , /therapeutic use , Podophyllum peltatum/therapeutic use , Ipecac/therapeutic use
Homeopatía (B. Aires) ; 59(3): 171-4, 1994. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-168624


En el presente articulo, se comunica el tratamiento homeopatico de un caso de Anemia Hemolitica Autoimune, prescindiendo de drogas inmunosupresoras

Animals , Dogs , Anemia, Hemolytic, Autoimmune/therapy , Arsenicum Album/therapeutic use
Homeopatía (B. Aires) ; 58(4): 271-4, 1993.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-144347


La síntesis de los principales trabajos de investigación experimental en homeopatía efectuada por el Dr. Pollevin (director de los laboratorios experimentales homeopáticos de Francia) son para poner en evidencia la actividad y la similitud de las diluciones homeopáticas. Dichos trabajos se han hecho en el campo de la toxicología, como así también en cancerología, endocrinología, psicofarmacología e inmunología. En toxicología se ha estudiado en ratas la eliminación de arsénico mediante la utilización de ars. alb 7CH por vía intraperitoneal 12 horas después de la eliminación del tóxico, observándose en los grupos tratados una considerable disminución de la concentración sanguínea de arsénico y además una mayor concentración del mismo a nivel fecal y urinario con respecto a los grupos testigos. En cancerología experimental uno de los trabajos notables ha sido el de Roberfroid, quien estudió a las ratas con hepatocarcinoma inducido por una sustancia cancerígena y los beneficios obtenidos por diversas diluciones homeopáticas. En endocrinología experimental se destaca el trabajo de Prasad y Chandrasekhar, quienes administraron a ratas diluciones infinitesimales de Pulsatilla comprobando efectos tipo progesterona. En psicofarmacología se ha evaluado la acción de Chamomilla y Coffea en ratas sometidas a shocks eléctricos. En inmunología es de sumo interés la acción de Apis mellífica sobre el eritema provocado en el cobayo por los rayos U.V. Un trabajo interesante que se menciona es el efecto de las diluciones homeopáticas sobre la degranulación de los basófilos humanos. Por último consideré de buena práctica hacer una reflexión acerca de la importancia de estudiar la energía de los seres vivos, ya que su conocimiento nos puede dar quizá la respuesta a casos difíciles de resolver

Humans , Animals , Rats , Vital Force , Experiment of Substances , Homeopathic Remedy/administration & dosage , Basic Homeopathic Research , /therapeutic use , Arsenicum Album/toxicity , Arsenicum Album/therapeutic use , Principle of Similarity , /therapeutic use , Simillimum Potency , Homeopathic Remedy/adverse effects