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Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 21(4): 1352-1373, dez. 2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1359212


Nesta pesquisa, analisamos projetos de lei, apresentados à Câmara Legislativa Federal, que propõem o ensino da Bíblia e do criacionismo na educação brasileira. A partir da reflexão sobre fundamentalismo religioso e ultraconservadorismo, discutimos como a laicidade se fragiliza por meio da incidência de propostas pretensamente seculares, mas baseadas em fé religiosa. Foram analisados quatro projetos de lei apresentados no período de 2014 a 2018, selecionados por meio de busca ativa no site da Câmara dos Deputados, utilizando-se os descritores "ensino da Bíblia", "estudo da Bíblia" e "criacionismo". Por meio de análise qualitativa dos argumentos adotados em tais projetos, os resultados deste estudo indicam que há uma disputa em torno da legitimidade epistêmica, bem como por legitimidade ético-moral e política nas proposições legislativas em tramitação no Congresso Nacional. Concluímos ser importante reafirmar a laicidade na educação para a formação de subjetividades democráticas, recusando a superioridade moral cristã diante da diversidade moral e cultural. (AU)

In this research, we analyzed bills, presented to the Brazilian Federal Chamber, which propose the teaching of the Bible and creationism in public schools. Based on the reflection on religious fundamentalism and ultra-conservatism, we discuss how secularism is weakened due to the incidence of supposedly secular rhetoric, but based on religious faith. Four bills submitted from 2014 to 2018 were analyzed, selected through an active search on the Chamber of Deputies website, using the descriptors "Bible teaching", "Bible study" and "creationism". Through qualitative analysis of the arguments adopted in such projects, the results of this study indicate that there is a dispute over epistemic legitimacy, as well as for ethical-moral and political legitimacy in the legislative proposals under discussion in the National Congress. We conclude that it is important to reaffirm secularity in education for the formation of democratic subjectivities, refusing Christian moral superiority in the face of moral and cultural diversity. (AU)

En esta investigación, se analizan proyectos de ley presentados a la Cámara de Diputados que proponen la enseñanza de la Biblia y del creacionismo en la educación brasileña. Con base en una reflexión sobre el fundamentalismo religioso y el ultraconservadurismo, se discute cómo el secularismo se debilita a partir de la incidencia de propuestas supuestamente seculares, pero basadas en la fe religiosa. Se analizaron cuatro proyectos de ley presentados desde 2014 hasta 2018, seleccionados mediante una búsqueda activa en el sitio web de la Cámara de Diputados, utilizando los descriptores "enseñanza bíblica", "estudio bíblico" y "creacionismo". En cuanto al análisis cualitativo de los argumentos adoptados en dichos proyectos, los resultados de este estudio indican que existe una disputa sobre la legitimidad epistémica, así como sobre la legitimidad ético-moral y política en las propuestas legislativas en discusión en el Congreso Nacional. Concluimos que es importante reafirmar la secularidad en la educación para la formación de subjetividades democráticas, rechazando la superioridad moral cristiana frente a la diversidad moral y cultural. (AU)

Public Policy , Religion , Teaching , Schools , Bible , Brazil
Rev. abordagem gestál. (Impr.) ; 27(3): 328-338, set.-dez. 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1340877


O imaginário da cultura ocidental reserva à figura do humano um lugar excepcional e identificado com a totalidade cosmológica: a "humanidade" é dada como certa na construção da identidade, ao mesmo tempo em que se atribui aos seres não-humanos um estatuto de não-sujeitos. Este trabalho parte do pressuposto de que esta visão de mundo se ancora sobre uma estrutura fundamentalmente mítica, que tem como um importante representante a narrativa de criação do mundo da Bíblia Hebraico-Cristã. Sendo assim, este trabalho propõe uma análise das relações entre humanidade e animalidade expressas no Gênesis, primeiro livro da Bíblia, comparando-as com a forma como essas mesmas relações são expressas em um mito de criação ameríndio: A Queda do Céu: palavras de um xamã Yanomami, de autoria do xamã e líder indígena Davi Kopenawa. Os resultados são interpretados a partir de um diálogo entre antropologia do imaginário e psicologia cultural e sinalizam que, diferentemente do que ocorre na narrativa adotada pela cultura ocidental, na ameríndia a animalidade e humanidade figuram como partes de um mesmo todo, imanentemente presentes em todos os seres, de tal modo que o contato com ancestrais espirituais somente é considerado possível com a mediação animal - o que faz da "natureza" uma dimensão fundamental do "divino" na cosmologia Yanomami. Discutese as implicações destes achados com relação a um pressuposto fundamental do pensamento psicológico: a noção de humanidade.

Western culture's imaginary positions human figure as exceptional and identified with cosmological wholeness: "humanity" is taken for granted in the construction of people's identity, while non-human beings are assigned a condition of non-subjects. This paper departs from the assumption that this worldview is supported by a fundamentally mythical structure, which has, as an important representant, world creation narrative expressed in the Hebrew-Christian Bible. Thus, this paper proposes an analysis of the relations between humanity and animality that are expressed in The Book of Genesis, first book of the Bible, comparing them with the way those same relations are expressed in an Amerindian creation myth: The Falling Sky: Words from a Yanomami shaman, from indigenous leader and shaman David Kopenawa. The results are interpreted from a dialogue between anthropology of the imaginary and cultural psychology and show that, unlike Western narrative, in Amerindian animality and humanity figure like parts of the same whole, immanently present in all beings: the contact with spiritual ancestors is only possible through animal mediation, which makes "nature" a fundamental dimension of the "divine" in Yanomami cosmology. I discuss the implications of these findings for a fundamental assumption of psychological thought: the notion of humanity

El imaginario de la cultura occidental reserva a la figura humana un lugar excepcional y identificado con la totalidad cosmológica: la "humanidad" se dá por certo en la construcción de la identidad de las personas, mientras que los seres no humanos están relegados a una condición de no sujetos. Este artículo parte del supuesto de que esta cosmovisión anclas en una estructura fundamentalmente mítica, que tiene como importante representante la narrativa de la creación del mundo presente en la Biblia Hebreo-Cristiana. Por ello, este trabajo propone un análisis de las relaciones entre humanidad y animalidad expresadas en Génesis, el primer libro de la Biblia, comparándolas con la forma en que estas mismas relaciones se expresan en un mito de la creación amerindio: La Caída del Cielo: palabras de un chamán Yanomami, de autoría del líder indígena y chamán David Kopenawa. Los resultados son interpretados desde un dialogo entre la antropología del imaginário y la psicología cultural y señalan que, a diferencia de la narrativa occidental, en la amerindia la "animalidade" y la "humanidade" figuran como partes del mismo todo, inmanentemente presentes en todos los seres, tal que el contacto con los antepasados espirituales solo se considera posible a través de la mediación animal, lo que hace de la "naturaliza" una dimensión fundamental de lo "divino" en la cosmología Yanomami. Las implicaciones de estos hallazgos se discuten en relación con un supuesto fundamental del pensamiento psicológico: la noción de humanidad.

Humans , Social Identification , Anthropology, Cultural , Psychology, Social , Bible , Cross-Cultural Comparison
Enfoque (Panama) ; 20(16): 46-52, Ene.jun.2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1028649


Hay experiencias en la vida que nos cambian, que pueden llevarnos a ser mejores o peorespersonas. Las crisis emocionales, sobre todo nos cambian, porque pueden resultar edificantes odevastadoras. Hay autores que nos invitan a escoger la actitud que deseamos tener frente a lo quevenga. Fuimos creados a semejanza de Dios y tenemos esa inteligencia y esas capacidadesangelicales que nos pueden llevar a sobrepasar las expectativas de un simple mortal.El profesional de la salud debe ser capaz de ver dentro de sí mismo, conocerse y entenderse;verse a uno mismo, ver a Dios en el otro ser humano que cuidas. Así y solo así se puede entenderal otro y pensar que los conocimientos son banalidades si no somos capaces de aplicarlos en unoy en el otro.Con este artículo comparto un análisis, con sencillez, de cómo un ser humano que ha tenidouna experiencia con Dios, puede conducir su energía positiva al cambio, al trascender a someterseal proceso de convertirse cada día en ser mejor, con calidad de vida porque sabe cuidarse paracuidar, y desarrolla espiritualidad para que, con esa FE, Dios le proponga para ser el cuidador deotros.

There are experiences in life that change us, that can lead us to be better or worse people.Emotional crises, above all change us, because they can be uplifting or picking up. There areauthors who invite us to choose the attitude that we want to have in front of what comes. We werecreated in the likeness of God and we have that intelligence and those angelic capacities that canlead us to surpass the expectations of a simple mortal.The health professional must be able to see within himself, be known and understood; Seeyourself, see God in the other human being you care for. Thus and only thus can we understandthe other and think that knowledge is banalities if we are not able to apply them in one and theother.With this article I share an analysis, with simplicity, of how a human being who hasexperienced an experience with God, can lead his positive energy to change, transcending tosubmit to the process of becoming more and more everyday with quality of life because Knowshow to take care of himself, and develops spirituality so that God can propose us to be the caregiverof others.

Há experiências na vida que nos atingem, que podem nos levar a ser pessoas melhoresou piores. As crises emocionais, acima de tudo, nos mudam, porque podem ser edificantes oudevastadoras. Existem autores que nos convidam a escolher a atitude que queremos ter diante doque vem. Fomos criados à semelhança de Deus e temos essa inteligência e habilidades angélicasque podem nos levar a superar as expectativas de um simples mortal.O profissional da saúde deve poder ver dentro de si mesmo, conhecer a si mesmo eentender-se; se ver e ver a Deus no ser humano que você cuida. Então e só então o outro pode serentendido e se pode pensar que o conhecimento é banal se não pudermos aplicá-lo em um e nooutro.Com este artigo, compartilho uma análise, com simplicidade, de como um ser humanoque experimentou uma experiência com Deus, pode liderar sua energia positiva para mudar,transcender a submissão ao processo de tornar-se cada dia melhor, com qualidade de vida porqueele sabe como cuidar de si mesmo e desenvolve a espiritualidade para que, com essa fé, Deus oproponha para ser o auxiliar dos outros.

Humans , Bible , Religion and Medicine , Mental Health , Spiritual Therapies , Adaptation, Psychological , Attitude to Health , Healthy Lifestyle
Rev. chil. infectol ; 33(4): 457-461, ago. 2016. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1042624


Reading once more the Gospels, we found a discussion between Jesus and the Pharisee about the hand washing, this golden rule of medicine, and then, with the help of Thomas Mann, we began a search for other notes on hygiene in the Bible. For the return from Egypt to the Promised Land, Moses established several rules for his people, some of them disguised as religious principles, concerning elimination of excreta, healthy and poisonous foods, isolation in case of contagious diseases (leprosy, gonorrhea), decontamination of clothes and houses, and many others that now seem to us ahead his time.

Leyendo una vez más los Evangelios, encontramos una discusión de Jesús con los fariseos sobre el lavado de manos antes de comer, que sus discípulos no respetaban. Como Jesús pareciera minimizar la utilidad de esta regla de oro para la medicina actual, fuimos a buscar otras notas bíblicas sobre las disposiciones higiénicas de aquellos tiempos, siguiendo una revisión que hiciera Thomas Mann para una de sus obras menores. Aparecen, fundamentalmente en el Levítico, numerosas recomendaciones, disposiciones y reglas que Moisés, invocando la autoridad de Yahvé, entregó al pueblo que salía de Egipto en pos de la Tierra Prometida, comprendiendo eliminación de excretas, alimentos recomendables y no recomendables, y aislamiento de enfermos en el caso de enfermedades que consideraban contagiosas, como lepra y gonorrea. También se detallaban en ellas la descontaminación de ropas y de casas, al igual que de otros objetos que habían estado en contacto con elementos estimados impuros, como cadáveres. Algunas de estas disposiciones, entre ellas las relativas al aislamiento de los enfermos, hoy nos parecen adelantadas a su época.

Humans , Religion and Medicine , Bible , Hygiene/history , Gonorrhea , History, Ancient , Leprosy
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-64972


PURPOSE: This study was to present education and holistic care of Elizabeth J. Shepping (1880~1934), a nursing missionary and a founder of the Chosun Nursing Association who visited Korea during the Japanese colonial period. METHODS: Primary and secondary sources were collected and analyzed. RESULTS: This study provides important implications regarding Shepping's holistic nursing as follows: First, she came to Korea after studying nursing and bibliology and being trained for nursing missionary works. Second, she cared for many Koreans, especially Korean women, to protect them from poverty, oppression, ignorance, and illnesses. Third, she continued to spread holistic care in hospitals and other local communities. She trained nurses, developed nursing education, and produced a large number of domestic nursing leaders by establishing women's Bible school. Fourth, she founded the Chosun Nursing Association, serving as its first president for 10 years and applied to join the International Council of Nurses (ICN). CONCLUSION: Finally, suggestions were provided for future research, and it will be necessary to study thoroughly nursing achievements by nurses from other countries who practiced their nursing activities in Korea, and such studies are expected to lead to analysis of nursing missionaries' experiences.

Female , Humans , Asian People , Bible , Education , Education, Nursing , Holistic Nursing , International Council of Nurses , Korea , Religious Missions , Nursing , Poverty
Ide (São Paulo) ; 36(56): 15-47, jun. 2013.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-692752


O autor examina criticamente as duas grandes tradições responsáveis pela formação da cultura ocidental: a da Bíblia que gerou as três religiões do Livro, judaísmo, cristianismo e islamismo, e a filosofia, inventada na Grécia antiga e desenvolvida até a nossa contemporaneidade, argumentando que nosso presente só pode ser realmente compreendido à luz deste nosso passado.

The author critically examines the two great traditions which mostly contributed to the making of Western culture: on one hand the Bible, which gave origin to Judaism, Christianity and Islamism - the three religions of the Book, on the other philosophy, invented in Ancient Greece and developed up to the present day. He argues that our contemporary world can only be properly understood in the light of this past.

Humans , Bible , Judaism/history , Nature , Philosophy
Ide (São Paulo) ; 36(56): 51-69, jun. 2013.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-692753


Este artigo sublinha a singularidade da invenção da crença na ressurreição dos mortos: esta é aqui examinada sob o ângulo das concepções freudianas do objeto perdido e do luto. A história dessa invenção é retomada desde sua emergência nos primeiros textos bíblicos, seguida de seu florecimento particular com as assombrações, na Idade Média, até seu desenrolar no período moderno e suas manifestações na clínica.

This paper underlines the singularity of the invention of the belief in the resurrection of deaths: this one is examined here taking into consideration Freudian design of the lost object and mourning. The history of this invention is taken again since its emergence in the first biblical texts, its particular efflorescence, with the ghosts, during the Middle Age, until his becoming with the modern period and its expressions in the clinic.

Humans , Bible , Grief , Homicide
Journal of Integrative Medicine ; (12): 416-421, 2013.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-308226


The Holy Bible, as the root of Western civilization, has imposed great influence in the fields far beyond religion. In this thesis, the author intended to reveal the medical implication in the Holy Bible and its relevance to the modern medical science by exploring the biblical medical information and comparing it with the current medical theory and practice. The conclusion of the exploration is surprising yet inspiring: the Holy Bible, as an ancient religious book, contains rich medical information around themes such as sexual relations, dietary guidelines, hygiene, etc., which is not at odds, but in harmony with the modern medicine.

Humans , Male , Bible , Circumcision, Male , Diet , Humanism , Jews , Medicine , Quarantine , Sanitation , Wine
Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 40(1): 145-151, mar. 2011.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-620278


La ideación suicida debe ser tan antigua como la existencia humana. Los primeros textos abundan en referencias a los actos suicidas o a los claros deseos de muerte. La Biblia, por ejemplo, registra una decena de suicidios, desde el de Abimelec, en el libro de Jueces, hasta el de Judas Iscariote, en el evangelio de Mateo. No era raro el suicidio en la antigua Grecia o en el Imperio Romano, según se desprende de los textos de Heródoto o las Vidas paralelas, de Plutarco. Los mitos griegos, los poemas homéricos y las tragedias de Sófocles y de Eurípides nos ilustran también sobre las prácticas suicidas, las ideas de muerte y las actitudes sociales hacia la muerte por la propia mano. Este trabajo pretende explorar estos temas y hacer un recuento de los más reconocidos suicidas de la Edad Antigua...

Suicidal ideation may be as old as human existence. The first written records have plenty of references to suicidal acts and the desire to die. The Bible for example, records ten or so suicides beginning with Abimelech in the Book of Judges, to the suicidal act of Judas scariot in Matthew’s Gospel. Suicide was not unusual in Ancient Greece or the Roman Empire, as noted in Herodotus’ History or Plutarch’s Parallel Lives. Greek myths, Homeric poems, and the tragedies of Sophocles and Euripides are rich in suicidal practices, ideas of death, and discussions of social attitudes about killing one self. This paper explores these topics and collects the most important suicides of Old Age...

Self-Injurious Behavior , Suicide , Bible , History, Ancient , Literature
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-111888


Professor Charles I. McLaren (1882-1957) was an Australian Christian missionary and a professor of psychiatry in Korea. As the first psychiatrist from a Western country, he accomplished tremendous achievements in clinical, teaching and writing activities as well as in his missionary work. He graduated from the University of Melbourne in 1906 and, after residency training under Professor Dr. Sir Richard Stawell at the Royal Melbourne Hospital, he and his wife came to Korea in 1911. He practised medicine at Margaret Whitecross Paton Memorial Hospital in Chinju, Korea and later was appointed as a professor of psychiatry at the Severance Union Medical School in Seoul, Korea. He left Korea for a while to participate in WWII as a military doctor and he also once traveled to Vienna to learn new skills, including fever therapy and psychoanalysis. Because of his love for the Korean people, Dr. McLaren not only introduced into Korean society modern Western psychiatry and a humanitarian approach to patients with mental disorders, but he also practised medicine according to his own unique medical philosophy drawn from Christian spirituality and he educated Korean native students in psychiatry and Christianity. He and his wife also made efforts to improve old customs in Korean society. Because he argued against Japan's enforcement of emperor-worship, he had to resign from the Severance Medical College in 1939, and he returned to Chinju. Immediately after the bombing of Pearl Harbour, he was arrested, imprisoned, interned, and subequently expelled to Australia in 1942. In Melbourne, received wide press coverage and great controversy. He lectured widely and contributed to various professional and other publications, covering not only subjects in Christianity and medicine/psychiatry, but also his opinions about the war and Japan, communism and the White Australia policy. As a Christian me-dical doctor and scientist, he was interested in the "nature of man", the relationship or interaction between body (brain and/or material) and mind/spirituality, the origin of human consciousness in relation to time-space energy, the healing of disease, and the etiology of mental illness and spiritual treatment. He was passionate in his stated belief that God's Word applied to the whole spec-trum of human relationships, from personal to international, as well as to the natural world. Dr. McLaren kept his conservative Christian beliefs, but he respected traditional Asian philosophies. His thoughts and experiences were publically expressed through lectures, journals and books, not only in Korea but also in China and Australia. He was a man of compassion, courage and ceaseless intellectual activity, a pioneer of psychiatry and a lifelong explorer of the Bible. Korean psych-iatrists, who may feel confused by the many complicated new medical theories and advanced technologies, still find Dr. McLaren's simple and clear teachings on science, medicine, and human nature and his practice of caring for mental patients with a compassionate, humanitarian and Christian attitude a challenging example to emulate.

Humans , Achievement , Asian People , Australia , Bible , Bombs , China , Christianity , Communism , Consciousness , Empathy , Human Characteristics , Hyperthermia, Induced , Internship and Residency , Japan , Korea , Lecture , Love , Mental Disorders , Mentally Ill Persons , Military Personnel , Religious Missions , Philosophy , Philosophy, Medical , Porphyrins , Psychiatry , Psychoanalysis , Schools, Medical , Spirituality , Spouses , Writing
Rev. Mus. Fac. Odontol. B.Aires ; 25(42): 35-36, dic. 2010. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-599083


Se hacen algunas reflexiones acerca del dolor a través de la historia, su significación, su tratamiento, recorriendo lecturas de Plinio el Viejo, Plinio el Joven, Scribonius Largus, Celso, el Dr. Francois Vidal y también la Biblia.

History, Ancient , History, Medieval , Pain/diagnosis , Pain/history , Pain/therapy , Bible
Cad. saúde pública ; 25(6): 1215-1224, June 2009. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-515775


In response to the call for a new Science of Stigma, this anthropological study investigates the moral experience of patients diagnosed with severe multibacillary leprosy. From 2003 to 2006, fieldwork was conducted in the so-called "United-States-of-Sobral", in Ceará State, Northeast Brazil. Sobral is highly endemic for leprosy, despite intensified eradication efforts and a 30 percent increase in primary care coverage since 1999. Of 329 active leprosy cases at two public clinics, 279 multibacillary patients were identified and six information-rich cases selected for in-depth ethnographic analysis, utilizing illness narratives, key-informant interviews, home visits, participant-observation of clinical consultations and semi-structured interviews with physicians. A "contextualized semantic interpretation" revealed four leprosy metaphors: a repulsive rat's disease, a racist skin rash, a biblical curse and lethal leukemia. Far from value-free pathology, the disease is imbued with moral significance. Patients' multivocalic illness constructions contest physicians' disease discourse. "Skin Spot Day" discriminates more than educates. Patients' "non-compliance" with effective multi-drug therapy is due to demoralizing stigma more than a rejection of care. "Social leprosy" in Northeast Brazil deforms patients' moral reputations and personal dignity.

No intuito de criar uma Ciência do Estigma, este estudo antropológico investiga a experiência moral de pacientes diagnosticados com a hanseníase multibacilar. De 2003 a 2006, a pesquisa foi conduzida nos "Estados Unidos do Sobral", Estado do Ceará, Brasil, altamente endêmico para hanseníase apesar da intensificação de erradicação e o aumento de 30 por cento na cobertura de saúde desde 1999. Entre 329 casos de hanseníase, 279 foram identificados como multibacilar e seis casos "ricos em informação" foram selecionados para aprofundamento. Narrativas da enfermidade, entrevistas etnográficas, visitas domiciliares, observação-participante de consultas clínicas e entrevistas semi-estruturadas com médicos foram realizadas. A "interpretação semântica contextualizada" revelou quatro metáforas de "lepra" - uma repulsiva doença de rato, uma infecção de pele com conotações racistas, uma praga bíblica, e uma leucemia letal. Essas metáforas "multivocálicas" contestam o discurso biomédico. A lepra é repleta de significados morais. O "Dia da Mancha" descrimina mais do que educa. A falta de aderência à eficaz poliquimoterapia é causada mais pelo estigma desmoralizante do que pela rejeição ao tratamento em si. A "lepra social" no nordeste brasileiro deforma a reputação moral e a dignidade do paciente.

Female , Humans , Male , Leprosy/psychology , Metaphor , Prejudice , Stereotyping , Anthropology , Bible , Brazil/ethnology , Leprosy/ethnology , Leptospirosis/psychology , Leukemia/psychology , Semantics , Social Adjustment
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 67(2b): 544-547, June 2009. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-519296


The disease described in the Bible' Book of Job is controversial and had been of interest of theologists, psychiatrists, and dermatologists for many years. We describe several signs and symptoms compatible with chronic renal failure with neurological alterations.

A doença descrita no livro bíblico de Jó é controversa, e tem interessado a teólogos, psiquiatras e dermatologistas, há tempos. Neste trabalho os autores apontam para evidências do diagnóstico de insuficiência renal crônica com alterações neurológicas.

History, Ancient , Humans , Bible , Kidney Failure, Chronic/history , Nervous System Diseases/history
ARS méd. (Santiago) ; 18(18): 239-247, 2009.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-563131


El Creacionismo se basa en una interpretación literal de la Biblia respecto de nuestros orígenes. Si bien la evidencia acumulada en un siglo y medio apunta fuertemente a que derivamos de otras especies, existe especialmente en algunos países anglosajones una corriente que propone reinstaurar la postura creacionista en la enseñanza escolar. Dado que esta tendencia es prácticamente imposible de negar, es posible que la mejor estrategia sea, en efecto, incorporar el creacionismo a las salas de clases y compararlo con la evidencia propuesta por la teoría de la evolución. De esta manera, podremos acercarnos a aquellos individuos que de otra manera se alejarán irremediablemente del pensamiento científico.

Creationism is based on a literal interpretation of the Bible. Although the evidence accruedin more than a century strongly points toward a common origin of our species and other animals, there is, especially in some anglosaxon countries, a current tendency that intends to restore the teaching of creationism in highschool. Provided the undeniability of this trend, it is possible that the best strategy be, in fact, to include creationism in biology lectures and compare this view with the evidence proposed by the theory of evolution. In this way, it will be possible to approach those people who otherwise will hopelesly depart from scientific thought.

Bible , Biological Evolution , Selection, Genetic
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 66(3a): 581-583, set. 2008. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-492593


Stroke was probably first described in Psalms 136: 5-6 of the Catholic Bible, and Psalms 137:5-6 of the Evangelical Bible. Based on the Portuguese, Spanish, English, German, Dutch, Russian, Greek, and original Hebrew Bible, the significance of this Psalm is the invocation of a punishment, of which the final result would be a stroke of the left middle cerebral artery, causing motor aphasia and right hemiparesis.

Acidente vascular cerebral foi descrito pela primeira vez provavelmente na Bíblia, nos Salmos 136, versículos 5 e 6, da bíblia católica, e 137, versículos 5 e 6, da bíblia evangélica. Nas bíblias escritas em português, espanhol, inglês, alemão, holandês, russo, grego e no original hebraico, o significado destes Salmos seria a invocação de um castigo, que poderia corresponder a acidente vascular da artéria cerebral média esquerda, levando a afasia motora com hemiplegia direita.

History, Ancient , Humans , Bible , Religion and Medicine , Stroke/history , Hemiplegia/history , Language , Neurology/history , Translations
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-218313


Medicine and health care are developing to be and yet are driving economical factors worldwide and information and communication technology is one of their most important resources. Thus, there is a special need for effective and efficient information systems. These information systems have continually to be adjusted to changing demands stemming from innovation and trends in medicine (continuity of care, translational medicine), but also from trends in information technology and information management (e.g. SOA, "Green IT", ITIL). Teams worldwide meet the challenge and implement projects concerning information systems for hospitals, health care regions, or even nationwide health telematics like German teams do by introducing the electronic health card. Completing the IMIA "world.wide vision to improve the health of the world population" by application of information technology needs effective cooperation worldwide. As already stated in the bible (tower of babel) one common language is needed for cooperation. This requires a widely accepted terminology/ontology for describing information systems in health care, a common understanding of the domain and of the tasks to be supported by information systems, and shared methods for creating construction plans. As a small contribution we had proposed 3LGM(2) as an ontology to describe information systems, a reference model to describe the domain of health care information processing, and the 3LGM(2) tool to create models and plans for information systems in health care. In a joint project of the University of Leipzig (Germany) and Chiba University (Japan) we applied these concepts to systematically compare the information systems of the respective universities' medical centres. We regard this comparison as small but important step towards better cooperation between Asia and Europe in building health care information systems. The comparison unfolded e.g. differences concerning architectural styles, heterogeneity, redundancy, use of communication standards and organisation of information management between both hospitals. The confrontation of the information systems of both sites with each other using the same terminology provides new chances for sharing experiences and, thus, for cooperation. Despite of the differences, no reason could be found for rating one information system significantly better than the other. For doing this, a more thorough understanding of quality of information systems in health care and respective research is needed.

Asia , Electronic Data Processing , Bible , Delivery of Health Care , Electronics , Electrons , Europe , Germany , Information Management , Information Systems , Japan , Joints , Population Characteristics , Vision, Ocular
Rev. méd. Chile ; 135(6): 800-805, jun. 2007.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-459586


In this article, the author -a Bishop of the Catholic Church-discusses the similarities and differences between two sets of ethical values that may guide the behaviour of medical professionals towards their patients and society. One set derives from Biblical principles contained in the Old and New Testaments, mainly represented by the Ten Commandments and Christ's Prayer from the Mountain. These principles are shared by all Christian nominations and by the Jewish and Muslim religions. The second one, although intrinsically agnostic, is also focused in the human individual and the human society. Both streams obey a "natural morality" common to all humans: every individual should respect each one's conscience, should avoid doing to others what each one would not íike to receive, to do not lie, kill or rob, to obey the rules of family and society. The Biblical Ethics stresses the value of responsibility in human behaviour while Modern Ethics sets the point in authenticity. In spite of their differences, the sharing of crucial points and end goals should inspire medical professionals regardless their religious beliefs to follow a common set of ethical values and to remain united in pursuing it.

Humans , Bible , Ethics, Medical , Religion and Medicine , Catholicism , Morals , Physician's Role , Value of Life
ARS méd. (Santiago) ; 14(14): 181-193, 2007.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-477299


Desde que Charles Darwin publicó el Origen de las Especies en 1859, se inició una fuerte controversia por la aparente contradicción que existiría entre la evolución por selección natural propuesta por este eminente científico y el relato bíblico sobre la creación de los seres vivos. En nuestros días, lejos de haber amainado, esta polémica parece experimentar un renovado impulso. Por un lado, están los materialistas, que estiman innecesario recurrir a la existencia de un ser superior para explicar las maravillas de la naturaleza. Según ellos, la materia se manifiesta capaz de adoptar niveles crecientes de complejidad sin violar las leyes de la física y la química. En el extremo opuesto, está el movimiento creacionista, que al interpretar literalmente la Sagrada Escritura no acepta explicaciones científicas que den cuenta del surgimiento paulatino de los organismos. Ambas posturas adolecen de un error epistemológico, puesto que no consideran que la causalidad natural opera en un plano distinto al de la causalidad sobrenatural. Es decir, una correcta interpretación de la Sagrada Escritura la hace compatible con un proceso evolutivo.

Ever since Charles Darwin published The origin of species in 1859, there has been a strong controversy due to the apparent contradiction between evolution by means of natural selection and the biblical account of the creation of living organisms. At present time, this debate is taking place with a renovated impetus. On one side, materialist thinkers deem unnecessary the action of a superior being to account for the wonders of Nature. According to this trend, matter is able to attain increasing levels of complexity without violating physical or chemical laws. A fully opposite perpective is adopted by the creationist movement, which rejects any scientific explanation that may disagree with the literal interpretation of the Holy Scriptures. Both standpoints engage in the same epistemological mistake, since they do not consider that natural and supernatural causalities operate at different levels. In other words, a proper interpretation of the Holy Scriptures is fully compatible with an evolution process.

Humans , Bible , Biological Evolution , Biological Science Disciplines , Natural Science Disciplines , DNA , Intelligence , Philosophy , Theology