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Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 74(4): 438-443, ago. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407934


Resumen Un cirujano académico tiene características y atributos especiales que lo distinguen de otros cirujanos. Su misión no es solo asistencial, sino que además es un investigador, docente, comunicador, deber ejercer liderazgo, debe ser innovador. Además de su función primordial que es ofrecer la óptima atención de sus pacientes. Al estar inserto en un centro académico cumple estas funciones y se convierte, dado su prestigio, en un referente individual e institucional para la comunidad y los futuros cirujanos.

An academic surgeon has special characteristics and attributes that distinguish them from other surgeons. His mission is not only healthcare, but he is also a researcher, teacher, communicator, must exercise leadership, must be innovative and the final goal is his work is to offer optimal care for his patients. Being inserted in an academic center, it fulfills these functions and becomes, given its prestige, an individual and institutional reference for the community and future.

Humans , Research Personnel/education , Biomedical Research/education , Faculty, Medical/education , Surgeons/education , Authorship , Career Mobility , Attitude of Health Personnel , Peer Review, Research , Education, Medical
Medisur ; 18(4): 740-745, jul.-ago. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1125259


RESUMEN La educación médica superior en Cuba tiene el encargo de formar especialistas de alto nivel profesional con una sólida preparación científica, donde el proceso se apoye cada vez más en la actividad docente-investigativa de los estudiantes y se potencie la creación científica para adquirir hábitos en la investigación y experimentación. No hay verdadera educación superior sin actividad de investigación explícita e implícita, ella forma parte del proceso enseñanza aprendizaje y tiene un gran valor en la formación profesional. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo reflexionar acerca del cumplimiento de la función investigativa de los tutores en la enseñanza de pregrado en las carreras de Tecnología de la Salud. Se analiza la labor del tutor en este sentido, debiendo intensificar su trabajo de forma tal que contribuya a elevar la motivación y participación de los estudiantes en la actividad científica, aprovechando las posibilidades tanto en el orden curricular como extracurricular, lo que tributaría a un mayor desarrollo de las habilidades investigativas. Se concluye que la tutoría en la investigación estudiantil permite integrar el componente investigativo a los componentes asistencial y docente. Existen deficiencias en el modo de actuación de los tutores de la investigación científica en las carreras de licenciaturas en tecnologías de la salud.

ABSTRACT Higher medical education in Cuba is in charge of training high-level specialists with a solid scientific background. This process is increasingly based on the teaching-research activity of students and scientific creation is promoted to acquire habits in research and experimentation. There is no true higher education without explicit and implicit research activity, it is part of the teaching-learning process and has great value in professional training. This work aims at reflecting the fulfillment of the investigative function of tutors in undergraduate teaching in Health Technology programs. The role of the tutor is analyzed. There is a need to intensify their function in a way that it contributes to raising students´ motivation and participation in the scientific activity, taking advantage of the possibilities both in the curricular and extracurricular tasks, which would develop better investigative skills. It is concluded that tutorials in student research allows integrating it to healthcare and teaching components. There are deficiencies in the tutors' way of acting for scientific research in the training programs of health technologies.

Humans , Adult , Biomedical Research/education , Education, Medical/methods , Mentoring
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 48(4): e330, oct.-dic. 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126648


Introducción: La preparación de los profesionales de la salud para la obtención del grado científico no puede considerarse una tarea colateral y accesoria, sino una de las principales actividades para la solución de importantes problemas de salud y el desarrollo científico-tecnológico del sector. Objetivos: Valorar críticamente las principales insuficiencias metodológicas que se presentan en la elaboración del marco teórico referencial de las tesis doctorales en las Ciencias Biomédicas. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal donde la unidad de análisis fueron 25 tesis doctorales aprobadas durante el quinquenio 2010-2015.Se emplearon métodos del nivel teórico y métodos de nivel empírico como técnicas de investigación cualitativa como la observación, la entrevista y el análisis de documentos. Una vez obtenida la información se realiza la triangulación metodológica de fuentes para arribar a consideraciones integradoras. Resultados: El análisis de este componente estructural en las tesis evaluadas reveló un grupo de insuficiencias tales como: no observancia de la cronología histórica del objeto/campo, poca consulta de los documentos normativos, pobre sistematización de las teorías existentes y sus aportes, insuficiente interpretación teórica de los autores consultados para fundamentar juicios propios o una teoría, pobre ejercicio de la crítica científica en el análisis de la evidencia e insuficiencias en la escritura de esta sección. Conclusiones: Se evidencia que persisten insuficiencias en la construcción del marco teórico, por tanto, las sugerencias metodológicas realizadas puede servir de propuestas a los docentes que asesoran la formación académica de posgrado y a los propios investigadores en su actividad científica(AU)

Introduction: The preparation of health professionals to obtain the scientific degree cannot be considered a collateral and accessory task, but one of the main activities for the solution of important health problems and the scientific-technological development of the sector. Objectives: Critically assess the main methodological weaknesses that arise in the elaboration of the theoretical framework of doctoral theses in Biomedical Sciences. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted where the unit of analysis were 25 doctoral theses approved during the five-year period 2010-2015.Theoretical level methods and empirical level methods were used as qualitative research techniques such as observation, interview and the analysis of documents. Once the information is obtained, the methodological triangulation of sources is carried out to arrive at integrative considerations. Results: The analysis of this structural component in the theses evaluated revealed a group of insufficiencies such as: non-observance of the historical chronology of the object / field, little consultation of normative documents, poor systematization of existing theories and their contributions, insufficient theoretical interpretation of the authors consulted to base their own judgments or a theory, poor exercise of scientific criticism in the analysis of the evidence and inadequacies in the writing of this section. Conclusions: It is evident that there are still inadequacies in the construction of the theoretical framework, therefore, the methodological suggestions made can serve as proposals to teachers who advise postgraduate academic training and researchers themselves in their scientific activity(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Teaching , Technological Development , Biomedical Research/education , Qualitative Research , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev. gaúch. enferm ; 40: e20180210, 2019. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1014138


Resumo OBJETIVO descrever o desenvolvimento de práticas grupais com residentes multiprofissionais em saúde para o ensino do estado da Arte. MÉTODOS Relato de experiência do uso das práticas grupais World Café e Árvore do conhecimento- Método criativo sensível, para o ensino do estado da arte, etapa fundamental para a construção do trabalho de conclusão de curso da Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde da Mulher. RESULTADOS as atividades destacam-se como uma importante estratégia de fixação das etapas de realização do estado do estado da arte. Além disso, favorece uma reflexão sobre a amplitude de aplicação do estado arte, incluindo o ensino, assistência, pesquisa e a extensão. CONCLUSÕES A experiência demonstrou que as práticas grupais proporcionam um momento dinâmico de aprendizado e fortalece as interações entre eles.

Resumen OBJETIVO Describir el desarrollo de prácticas grupales con residentes multiprofesionales en salud con el objetivo de enseñar el estado del arte. MÉTODOS Relatos de experiencias del uso de prácticas grupales World Café y dinámica del árbol del conocimiento, el método creativo - sensible, para enseñar el estado del arte, etapa fundamental de la construcción del trabajo de finalización del curso en Residencia Multiprofesional em Salud de la Mujer. RESULTADOS Las actividades constituyen una estrategia importante para aprender las etapas de implementación del estado del arte. Además, favorecen una reflexión sobre el alcance de la aplicación del estado del arte, incluida la enseñanza, la assistência, la investigación y la extensión. CONCLUSIONES La experiencia demostró que las prácticas grupales brindan un momento dinámico de aprendizaje y fortalecen las interacciones entre los residentes multiprofesionales.

Abstract OBJECTIVE Describing the development of group practices with multiprofissional residents in health with a view to teaching the state of the art. METHODS Experience reports of the group practices World Café and Tree of Knowledge dynamics, the creative-sensitive method, for teaching the state of the the art, an essential stage in the construction of the end of course paper in the Multiprofessional Residency in Women's Health. RESULTS The activities are an important strategy for learning the stages of implementation of the state of the art. Furthermore, they favor a reflection on the extent of the application of the state of the art, including teaching, assistance, research, and extension. CONCLUSIONS The experience showed that group practices provide a dynamic moment of learning and strengthen the interactions among multiprofissional residents.

Humans , Female , Teaching/organization & administration , Women's Health , Biomedical Research/education , Internship and Residency , Learning , Psychology/education , Social Work/education , Education, Nursing
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 17(2): 265-277, mar.-abr. 2018. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-960885


Introducción: La formulación del problema científico en un artículo de investigación es un elemento fundamental para su comprensión y reproducibilidad. No definirlo o formularlo de manera incorrecta conduciría inevitablemente a un documento difícil de entender y de replicar. Objetivo: Identificar las líneas de investigación más comunes en revistas biomédicas cubanas indizadas en SciELO, la frecuencia de artículos de investigación con problema científico correctamente definido y los errores más comunes en su formulación. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo en artículos de investigación publicados en el año 2016 en 32 revistas biomédicas cubanas indizadas en SciELO. A partir de 5 836 palabras clave se obtuvieron las líneas de investigación más frecuentes. Mediante una muestra aleatoria de 50 artículos, se estimó el porcentaje de publicaciones con problema científico correctamente definido. Se calcularon los porcentajes de errores según el tipo en cada artículo. Resultados: Las líneas de investigación más frecuentemente asociadas a las palabras clave fueron educación médica, factores de riesgo y atención secundaria de salud. Solo el 36 por ciento de los trabajos formularon correctamente el problema científico. Ningún artículo realizó una valoración crítica de este y el 58 por ciento incluyó métodos para abordarlo. Conclusiones: Las líneas de investigación identificadas en los artículos estudiados pueden ser de poco interés para la investigación biomédica. Los artículos de investigación con problemas científicos no definidos o formulados de forma incorrecta incrementan las dificultades para el análisis, la discusión y la crítica de los resultados científicos. Los errores más comunes en la formulación del problema científico sugieren que la motivación principal podría no ser la divulgación de un resultado científico, sino la publicación en sí misma(AU)

Introduction: The formulation of the scientific problem in a research article is a key element for its understanding and reproducibility. If it is not defined or if it is incorrectly formulated, it would inevitably lead to the creation of a document which would be very difficult to understand and replicate. Objective: To identify the most common lines of research in Cuban biomedical journals indexed in SciELO, the frequency of research articles with a correctly defined scientific problem, and the most common errors in its formulation. Material and Methods: A descriptive study was carried out in research articles that were published in 2016 in 32 Cuban biomedical journals indexed in SciELO. The most frequent lines of research were obtained from 5 836 keywords. The percentage of publication with a correctly defined scientific problem was estimated by a random selection of a sample of 50 articles, and the percentage of publications with a correctly defined scientific problem was also calculated. Percentages of errors according to type were measured in each article. Results: The most frequent lines of research associated with keywords were: medical education, risk factors, and secondary health care. Only 36 percent of the works formulated the scientific problem correctly. No article made a critical assessment of it, and the 58 percent included methods to address it. Conclusions: The lines of research identified in the articles under study may appear to be of minor interest for biomedical research. The research articles with not defined or incorrectly formulated scientific problems increase the difficulties for their analysis, discussion, and review of scientific results. The most common errors in the formulation of the scientific problem suggest that the main motivation could not be the dissemination of a scientific result, but the publication itself(AU)

Research , Biomedical Research/education , Periodical , Methodology as a Subject , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Cuba
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 115(2): 200-204, abr. 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1038367


La investigación es importante durante la formación universitaria. El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir la enseñanza de un ejercicio de investigación clínica y su percepción por parte de los estudiantes. Estudiantes de Medicina realizaron un trabajo grupal coordinados por un tutor. Se evaluó la importancia que les daban los alumnos al aprendizaje de la investigación y la satisfacción de haber participado en una escala de 1 a 10. Ochenta y un estudiantes desarrollaron 14 ejercicios de investigación. El 44,4% refirió haber recibido formación en metodología de la investigación y el 11,1% había participado de algún estudio de investigación. Se le asignó un puntaje de 8 a la importancia de investigar y 9 a la satisfacción de haber participado de la actividad. Los aspectos del ejercicio de investigación clínica percibidos como positivos fueron que favoreció el trabajo en equipo y que ayudó a comprender cómo se realizaba un estudio de investigación.

Research is important during university education. The objective was to describe the teaching of an exercise in clinical research and its perception by students. Medical students conducted a research work in groups coordinated by a tutor. We evaluated the importance the students gave to research learning and we assessed the satisfaction of having participated in the activity in a scale from 1 to 10. Eighty-one students developed 14 research exercises, 44.4% reported having received training in research methodology before and 11.1% had participated in some research study. They assigned a score of 8 out of 10 to the importance of research and 9 out of 10 to the satisfaction of having participated in the activity. The aspects of the exercise in clinical research perceived as positive were that it favoured teamwork and helped students to understand how to conduct a research study.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Pediatrics/education , Biomedical Research/education , Education, Medical , Schools, Medical
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 115(1): 58-64, feb. 2017. graf, tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1038348


Se describe una estrategia de capacitación en investigación y gestión para profesionales hospitalarios iniciada en 2006 en un hospital pediátrico y sus resultados a ocho años de su implementación. Gestión e Investigación en Pediatría es un curso anual de 250 horas, teórico-práctico, semipresencial con soporte en campus virtual. Proporciona herramientas de investigación (epidemiología, metodología, búsqueda bibliográfica, medicina basada en evidencias, bioestadistica) y gestión (planificación estratégica, programas de gestión, investigación en servicios de salud, calidad, economía de la salud). Se evalúa mediante ejercicios de integración, un examen final y un proyecto grupal de investigación o gestión. Los resultados obtenidos entre 2006 y 2013 fueron altamente satisfactorios. La implementación en el ámbito hospitalario de un programa de capacitación intensivo en gestión e investigación para profesionales de la salud es una estrategia útil para facilitar la incorporación y aplicación de herramientas prácticas para investigación, interpretación crítica de la bibliografía biomédica y gestión racional de servicios pediátricos.

We describe an educational strategy aimed at capacity-building of hospital health care professionals in research and management initiated at a pediatric hospital in 2006, and the results obtained eight years after its implementation. Research and Management in Pediatrics (GIP) is an annual 250-hour course combining meetings and off-site assignments delivered through the Hospital's on-line campus. It provides students with practical tools for research (epidemiology, methodology, bibliographic search, evidence-based medicine, biostatistics) and management (strategic planning, management programs, health services research, quality improvement, health economics). Assessment methods included integrative exercises, a final evaluation, and a group research or management project. Results obtained over the 2006-2013 period were highly satisfactory. An intensive training program on research and management is a useful strategy for in-hospital capacity-building of pediatric health care professionals in basic tools for research activities, critical reading of biomedical literature and rational management ofpediatric health services.

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Pediatrics , Health Services Administration , Health Personnel/education , Biomedical Research/education , Capacity Building , Hospitals, Pediatric
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 62(7): 652-658, Oct. 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-829518


Summary Introduction: In recent decades, there has been a reduction in the number of graduates from medical schools who choose to pursue a career in scientific research. That has an impact on the profile of graduates, since medical education depends on understanding the formation of scientific evidence. The construction of new knowledge is also hampered by the reduction of medical scientists, whose clinical experience with patients provides an essential step towards medical Science evolution. Objective: The present cross-sectional study sought to identify the interest in research among medical students from a federal university in southern Brazil. Method: Medical students from a federal university were asked to respond to a self-administered questionnaire that sought to identify the level of knowledge about the importance of scientific research in medical training, and the interest of this population in this element of their training. Results: 278 medical students from the first to the sixth year responded to the questionnaire, and 81.7% stated their interest in medical research. However, only 4.7% of respondents considered research as first in degree of importance to their medical training. The variable "interest in research" showed no statistically significant association with age, gender, presence of physicians in the family, or other prior college courses. Conclusion: Although interest in research is clearly present among the students, this is still an underexplored element among the population studied. The incorporation of research in the learning process depends on stimulus and guidance until it becomes culturally consolidated as an essential element of the medical training.

Resumo Introdução: nas últimas décadas, diminuiu o número de egressos de escolas médicas que optam por se dedicar à pesquisa científica. Isso tem impacto sobre o perfil dos profissionais formados, já que o aprendizado médico é indissociável da compreensão da formação da evidência científica. A formação de novo conhecimento é prejudicada com a redução de pesquisadores médicos, cujo contato clínico com os pacientes fornece etapa essencial na evolução da ciência médica. Objetivo: o presente estudo transversal buscou identificar o interesse em pesquisa entre estudantes de medicina de uma universidade federal do Sul do Brasil. Método: estudantes de medicina de uma universidade federal foram convidados a responder um questionário autoaplicável que buscou identificar o nível de conhecimento sobre a importância da pesquisa científica na formação do médico, bem como o interesse dessa população por esse elemento da formação. Resultados: 278 estudantes de todas as séries do curso de medicina responderam ao questionário, e 81,7% declararam interesse pela pesquisa científica. Contudo, apenas 4,7% dos entrevistados consideraram a pesquisa em primeiro lugar em grau de importância para a sua formação. A variável "interesse em pesquisa" não apresentou associação estatisticamente significativa com idade, gênero, presença de médicos na família ou outro curso superior prévio. Conclusão: embora o interesse em pesquisa esteja claramente presente entre os estudantes, este é um elemento da formação ainda pouco explorado pela população estudada. A incorporação da pesquisa na rotina do aprendizado depende de estímulo e orientação até que esteja culturalmente consolidada como matriz essencial da formação.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Students, Medical/statistics & numerical data , Biomedical Research/statistics & numerical data , Education, Medical, Undergraduate/statistics & numerical data , Schools, Medical/statistics & numerical data , Time Factors , Brazil , Career Choice , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Biomedical Research/education
Rev. Col. Méd. Cir. Guatem ; 155(1): 14-18, jul. 2016. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-835547


Antecedentes: Aunque se asume que Guatemala,como país, publica poco en revistasacadémicas internacionalmente catalogadascomo prestigiosas, se desconocen estudios quenos aporten cifras concretas sobre su producciónde publicaciones médicas. Objetivo:Conocer la producción de publicaciones médicasde Guatemala y su aporte a la producciónuniversal, de Latinoamérica y de Centroamérica.Material y Método: Investigación “secundaria”basada en los datos crudos disponibles en laplataforma de acceso libre denominada “TheSCImago Journal & Country Rank”. Resultados:La producción de publicaciones médicas deGuatemala ha sido de aproximadamente 40documentos por año durante los últimos 24años.

Antecedents: Even though it is assumed thatGuatemala, as a country, publishes little in medicaljournals internationally ranked, no studiesare known that show actual numbers on theproduction of medical publications. Objective:To find out Guatemala’s production of medicalpublications and the contribution of that productionto the total production of the world, of LatinAmerica and of Central America. Material yMethod: This is a secondary research that analyzesrow data available on the free accessplatform denominated “The SCImago Journal &Country Rank”. Results: The production of medicalpublications by Guatemala has been about40 documents per year during the last 24 years.

Humans , Guatemala , Biomedical Research/education , Publications/standards