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Rev. biol. trop ; 60(2): 771-779, June 2012. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-657818


Trophic ecology in tadpoles of Rhinella arenarum (Anura: Bufonidae) in agroecosystems and their possible implications for conservation. The progress of the agriculture border has led an important loss of natural habitats, with significant consequences for biodiversity. In this sense, the studies in anuran amphibian tadpoles inhabiting these environments are relevant, because the larval stage is a phase of population regulation. The aim of this study was to analyze the body condition and diet in Rhinella arenarum, tadpoles, an anuran species widely distributed in South America and that inhabit agroecosystems. Three sites were sampled, two agroecosystems with different alteration degrees (C1 and C2) and an uncultured (SM) third place. The captured tadpoles were anesthetized, fixed and preserved in formaldehyde (10%). Subsequently, body measurements were made and the complete intestine was removed and analyzed for food items under a binocular microscope. The diet in R. arenarum tadpoles has a dominance of algae Bacillariophyceae, followed by Cyanophyceae. In particular, the class Bacillariophyceae, due to the presence of the genus Navicula, Nitzschia, Gomphonema and Hantzschia, was important in the diet of the anurans in those agroecosystems. Class Cyanophyceae, mainly represented by genus Oscillatoria and Euglenophyceae represented by Euglena and Strombomonas, were predominant in the diet of the anurans in SM. Some differences in the total items consumed by tadpole were observed between the studied sites. Tadpoles that inhabit the modified sites (C1 and C2) recorded a significantly smaller amount of food. Moreover, the tadpoles that inhabit these sites showed a lower body condition. The presence of certain algae associated with eutrophic environments, could indicate some pollution in agroecosystems (C1 and C2). Food resources would be lesser in places with strong agricultural activity, possibly with a greater degree of eutrophication. A smaller food amount could have consequences at population level for the short and long time terms, because of its impact on individual growth. Larval diet is suggested as a potential bioindicator of environmental health for these areas. Rev. Biol. Trop. 60 (2): 771-779. Epub 2012 June 01.

El crecimiento de la agricultura produce perdida del habitat natural, con consecuencias para la biodiversidad de los anfibios. Se analizo la dieta y condición corporal de larvas de anuros de Rhinella arenarum que habitan agroecosistemas. Los muestreos fueron realizados en dos agroecosistemas y en un tercer sitio, no afectado por cultivos. Las larvas capturadas fueron anestesiadas, fijadas y preservadas en formaldehido, se realizaron medidas corporales y se analizo la dieta de las larvas. Se registro diversidad en la oferta alimenticia proporcionada por los distintos ambientes. La dieta tuvo una predominancia de algas Bacillarophyceae, seguidas por Cyanophyceae. Particularmente, los géneros Navicula, Nitzschia, Hantzschia y Gomphonema (clase Bacillarophyceae), fueron importantes en los agroecosistemas. Los géneros Osillatoria, Euglena y Strombomonas (clases Cyanophyceae y Euglenophyceae), predominaron en la dieta de las larvas de anuros en el sitio menos alterado. Las larvas de los sitios más alterados consumen menor cantidad de alimento y registran una menor condición corporal. La presencia de determinadas algas, indicarían un mayor grado de contaminación en los agroecosistemas. La eutrofización de lagunas podría alterar la disponibilidad de alimento para larvas de anuros que podría tener consecuencias poblacionales negativas. Se sugiere el análisis de dietas larvarias como un potencial bioindicador de salubridad ambiental.

Animals , Bufo arenarum/growth & development , Ecosystem , Agriculture , Argentina , Bufo arenarum/physiology , Environmental Monitoring , Feeding Behavior/physiology , Larva/growth & development , Larva/physiology
Rev. biol. trop ; 59(1): 347-353, mar. 2011. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-638070


The regulation of body temperature in ectotherms has a major impact in their physiological and behavioral processes. Observing changes in thermal parameters related with reproduction allows us to better understand how Rhinella arenarum optimizes a thermal resource. The aim of this study was to compare the thermal parameters of this species between breeding and non-breeding periods. In the field, we recorded the body temperature from captured animals, the air temperature, and the temperature of the substrate. In the laboratory, we measured the temperature R. arenarum selected on a thermal gradient and the critical extreme temperatures. The results of our study show variations in thermal parameters between the two situations studied. This species makes efficient use of thermal resources during the breeding period by basking to significantly increase body temperature. Because calling is energetically costly for males, this behavior results in increased efficiency to callers during the breeding period. Rev. Biol. Trop. 59 (1): 347-353. Epub 2011 March 01.

La regulación de la temperatura en ectotérmos tiene gran importancia en los procesos fisiológicos y comportamentales. Los cambios en los parámetros térmicos relacionados con la reproducción nos permiten entender de qué manera Rhinella arenarum optimiza el recurso térmico. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue comparar los parámetros térmicos de la especie entre el periodo reproductivo y no reproductivo. En el campo se registraron la temperatura corporal de los animales capturados, la temperatura del aire y del sustrato. Además, en laboratorio se registro la temperatura selecta en un gradiente térmico. Como así también las temperaturas criticas máxima y mínima. Los resultados de nuestro estudio muestran variaciones de los parámetros térmicos entre ambas situaciones estudiadas. Aparentemente esta especie hace un uso eficiente del recurso térmico durante el periodo reproductivo ya que el basking le permite aumentar considerablemente la temperatura corporal, probablemente este comportamiento esté relacionado con el aumento de la eficacia para emitir el canto durante el periodo de reproducción ya que el mismo es energéticamente costoso para los machos.

Animals , Male , Body Temperature Regulation/physiology , Bufo arenarum/physiology , Reproduction/physiology