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Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008991


Kidney stone is a highly recurrent disease in the urinary tract system. Most kidney stones are calcium stones, usually consisting of either calcium oxalate or calcium phosphate. Supersaturation of soluble calcium, oxalate, phosphate, and citrate in the urine is the basis for calcium stone formation. Genetics, diet, low physical activity, and individual habits contribute to the formation of kidney stones. In this review, the associations of the risk of kidney stones with oxalate consumption and some individual habits, such as smoking, alcohol drinking, and opium consumption, are summarized.

Humans , Calcium/urine , Oxalates , Kidney Calculi/urine , Calcium Oxalate/urine , Habits
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 73(4): 363-368, jul.-ago. 2013. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-694795


El citrato es un potente inhibidor de la cristalización de sales de calcio. La hipocitraturia es una alteración bioquímica frecuente en la formación de cálculos de calcio en adultos y especialmente en niños. El pH ácido (sistémico, tubular e intracelular) es el principal determinante de la excreción de citrato en la orina. Si bien la mayoría de los pacientes con litiasis renal presentan hipocitraturia idiopática, hay un número de causas para esta anormalidad que incluyen acidosis tubular renal distal, hipokalemia, dietas ricas en proteínas de origen animal y/o dietas bajas en álcalis y ciertas drogas, como la acetazolamida, topiramato, IECA y tiazidas. Las modificaciones dietéticas que benefician a estos pacientes incluyen: alta ingesta de líquidos y frutas, especialmente cítricos, restricción de sodio y proteínas, con consumo normal de calcio. El tratamiento con citrato de potasio es efectivo en pacientes con hipocitraturia primaria o secundaria y en aquellos desordenes en la acidificación, que provocan un pH urinario persistentemente ácido. Los efectos adversos son bajos y están referidos al tracto gastrointestinal. Si bien hay diferentes preparaciones de citrato (citrato de potasio, citrato de sodio, citrato de potasio-magnesio) en nuestro país solo está disponible el citrato de potasio en polvo que es muy útil para corregir la hipocitraturia y el pH urinario bajo, y reducir marcadamente la recurrencia de la litiasis renal.

Citrate is a powerful inhibitor of the crystallization of calcium salts. Hypocitraturia is a biochemical common alteration in calcium stone formation in adults and especially in children. The acid pH (systemic, tubular and intracellular) is the main determinant of citrate excretion in the urine. While the etiology of hypocitraturia is idiopathic in most patients with kidney stones, there are a number of causes for this abnormality including distal renal tubular acidosis, hypokalemia, diets rich in animal protein and / or diets low in alkali and certain drugs, such as acetazolamide, topiramate, ACE inhibitors and thiazides. Dietary modifications that benefit these patients include high intake of fluids and fruits, especially citrus, sodium and protein restriction, with normal calcium intake. Treatment with potassium citrate is effective in patients with primary or secondary hypocitraturia and acidification disorders, which cause unduly acidic urine pH persistently. Adverse effects are low and are referred to the gastrointestinal tract. While there are various preparations of citrate (potassium citrate, sodium citrate, potassium citrate, magnesium) in our country is available only potassium citrate powder that is useful to correct both the hypocitraturia and the low urinary pH and reduce markedly the recurrence of kidney stones.

Adult , Child , Humans , Citric Acid/urine , Nephrolithiasis/urine , Calcium Oxalate/urine , Diuretics/therapeutic use , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Kidney/metabolism , Nephrolithiasis/therapy , Potassium Citrate/therapeutic use , Risk Factors
Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 31(1): 87-100, ene.-mar. 2012.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-644738


Con el objetivo de evaluar la eficacia y seguridad de la terapia con Renalof en pacientes portadores de urolitiasis cálcica, para la desaparición y/o disminución de litiasis cálcica, se realizó un ensayo clínico controlado, aleatorizado fase III, en 2 grupos en paralelos a doble ciegas con placebo. Se eligieron pacientes de 18 a 65 años de edad, portadores de litiasis menor de 10 mm, a los cuales se les indicó un esquema de tratamiento con un producto natural producido por laboratorio español Catálisis SA, en dosis de 1 cápsula 3 veces al día durante 3 meses, con un seguimiento clínico-radiológico, tomográfico y ecográfico mensuales, que registraron los efectos adversos. Como criterio principal de evaluación se tomó el tamaño y número del cálculo con respuesta favorable cuando el tamaño del cálculo disminuyó o desapareció. Se aleatorizaron a 110 pacientes para recibir Renalof (n=52) y placebo (n=58). La disminución de los cálculos fueron de 7,7 porciento, para el grupo con Renalof y de 0 porciento en el placebo al tercer mes, mientras que la desaparición de los cálculos fue del 86,5 porciento de respuesta al tercer mes con Renalof. La media del número de cólicos disminuyó a los 3 meses, solo el 0,4 ± 1,3 para el grupo de Renalof. Se concluye que el Renalof es un producto eficiente en la destrucción o disminución de los cálculos cálcicos renoureterales, sin efectos adversos

A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel group phase III clinical trial was conducted with the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness and safety of Renalof to remove and/or reduce calcium lithiasis in patients with calcium urolithiasis. The patients chosen were aged 18-65 and had stones smaller than 10 mm. These patients were treated with a natural product manufactured by the Spanish laboratory Catalisis SA, in a dosage of 1 capsule 3 times a day during 3 months, and monthly clinical, radiological, tomographic and echographic follow-up to record adverse effects. The main evaluation criterion was the size and number of the calculi, with favorable response when they either disappeared or their size was reduced. 110 patients were randomized to Renalof (n=52) and placebo (n=58). Stone size reduction was 7.7 percent for the Renalof group and 0 percent for the placebo group by the third month, whereas the stone disappearance response was 86.5 percent by the third month for the Renalof group. The mean number of colics decreased by the third month, with only 0.4 ± 1.3 for the Renalof group. It was concluded that Renalof is an efficient product for the destruction or reduction of calcium renoureteral calculi, with no adverse effects

Adolescent , Young Adult , Middle Aged , Nephrolithiasis/therapy , Calcium Oxalate/urine , Plants, Medicinal , Double-Blind Method
J. bras. nefrol ; 33(2): 166-172, abr.-jun. 2011. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-593890


INTRODUCTION: There are few data about the quality of life (QOL) level among patients undergoing hemodialysis (HD) and not eligible for kidney transplant. OBJECTIVE: The QOL level was compared between HD patients waiting and not waiting for kidney transplant. METHODS: We included 161 end-stage renal disease patients undergoing HD, during April, 2009. All patients were older than 18 years old, had been on HD at least three months, and had no previous transplantation. To measure QOL, the SF-36 was used. We also collected data about death and transplants in the 12 months after April, 2009. QOL scores were compared by analysis of variance with covariates. RESULTS: Patients not awaiting transplantation were older (53.7 versus 36.3 years old; p < 0.001), more often had diabetes (15.8 versus 4.7 percent; p = 0.032) and hypertension (35.5 versus 12.9 percent; p < 0.001), and had no lupus (0 versus 4.7 percent; p = 0.001). They also presented lower creatinine levels (11.5 versus 13.5 mg/dL; p = 0.001) and were submitted to a lower dose of dialysis, estimated by Kt/V (1.6 versus 2.0; p = 0.026). Patients not awaiting transplant died more often in the following 12 months (21.1 versus 5.9 percent; p = 0.005). Adjusted mean scores were lower among patients not awaiting transplant regarding six dimensions of QOL: functional capacity (42.0 versus 53.4; p = 0.022), physical limitation (29.9 versus 49.2; p = 0.030); pain (45.0 versus 64.0; p = 0.003), social aspects (56.3 versus 75.9; p = 0.003), emotional aspects (45.1 versus 79.0; p = 0.001), and mental health (50.1 versus 64.3; p = 0.004). CONCLUSIONS: Patients undergoing HD and not awaiting transplant are at risk of poor QOL level, mainly regarding role-emotional and role-physical aspects. We recommend psychological approaches and physical rehabilitation for this group of patients.

INTRODUÇÃO: Há pouca informação acerca do nível de qualidade de vida (QV) entre pacientes em hemodiálise (HD) não-elegíveis para transplante renal. OBJETIVO: Foi comparado o nível de QV entre pacientes em HD inscritos e não-inscritos na lista de espera para transplante renal. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídos 161 pacientes portadores de doença renal crônica terminal, mantidos em HD durante abril de 2009, com mais de 18 anos, mais de três meses em HD e sem realização de transplante prévio. Para medida de QV, utilizou-se o SF-36. Também foram coletados dados sobre óbito e transplante ocorridos nos 12 meses seguintes a abril de 2009. As pontuações de QV foram comparadas pela análise de variância com covariáveis. RESULTADOS: Pacientes que não aguardavam transplante eram mais velhos (53,7 versus 36,3 anos; p < 0,001), tinham mais diabetes (15,8 versus 4,7 por cento; p = 0,032) e hipertensão (35,5 versus 12,9 por cento; p < 0,001) e não apresentavam lúpus (0 versus 4,7 por cento; p = 0,001). Esses pacientes também apresentavam creatinina mais baixa (11,5 versus 13,5 mg/dL; p = 0,001) e eram submetidos a menor dose de diálise, estimada pelo Kt/V (1,6 versus 2,0; p = 0,026). Pacientes que não aguardavam transplante evoluíram mais frequentemente para óbito no período de 12 meses (21,1 versus 5,9 por cento; p = 0,005). As médias ajustadas das pontuações foram mais baixas entre os pacientes que não aguardavam transplante em seis dimensões da QV: capacidade funcional (42,0 versus 53,4; p = 0,022); limitação por aspectos físicos (29,9 versus 49,2; p = 0,030); dor (45,0 versus 64,0; p = 0,003); aspectos sociais (56,3 versus 75,9; p = 0,003); limitação por aspectos emocionais (45,1 versus 79,0; p = 0,001) e saúde mental (50,1 versus 64,3; p = 0,004). CONCLUSÕES: Pacientes em HD que não aguardam transplante estão em risco de vivenciar baixa QV, principalmente no que se refere à limitação por aspectos emocionais e físicos...

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Hypercalciuria/complications , Hypercalciuria/diagnosis , Hypercalciuria/ethnology , Nephrolithiasis/diagnosis , Nephrolithiasis/ethnology , Nephrolithiasis/metabolism , Calcium Oxalate/analysis , Calcium Oxalate/metabolism , Calcium Oxalate/urine
Arq. gastroenterol ; 44(3): 210-214, jul.-set. 2007. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-467957


RACIONAL: A doença de Crohn é uma doença inflamatória intestinal que pode estar associada a várias complicações e manifestações que são secundárias ao processo inflamatório de base. Em aproximadamente 30 por cento dos pacientes têm sido encontradas manifestações extra-intestinais. A nefrolitíase é uma delas e a formação de cálculos é mais comum nestes pacientes do que na população em geral, principalmente cálculos de oxalato de cálcio. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar os fatores metabólicos urinários potencialmente envolvidos na formação de cálculos renais em pacientes com doença de Crohn. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 29 pacientes com doença de Crohn atendidos no Ambulatório de Doenças Inflamatórias do Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Estadual de Londrina, PR, no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2004. A avaliação metabólica incluiu medidas séricas e urinárias de substâncias relacionadas à litíase renal, ultra-sonografia de rins e vias urinárias e cálculo da supersaturação urinária para o oxalato de cálcio, ácido úrico e fosfato de cálcio. RESULTADOS: Dos 29 pacientes avaliados, 65,5 por cento eram do sexo feminino e 34,5 por cento do masculino. As principais alterações metabólicas urinárias encontradas foram 72,41 por cento de hipocitratúria, 41,4 por cento de hipomagnesiúria, 13,6 por cento de hiperoxalúria e 17,24 por cento de baixo volume urinário. Foram encontrados cálculos renais em 13 pacientes (44,8 por cento). Os pacientes submetidos a cirurgia intestinal, com ressecção ileal, apresentaram alterações na saturação urinária de oxalato e fosfato. Para a comparação das médias, utilizou-se o teste de Mann-Whitney e para determinar a associação entre as variáveis foi utilizado o teste do Qui-quadrado ou o teste exato de Fisher com um nível de significância de 5 por cento. CONCLUSÃO: A freqüência de pacientes com cálculos renais foi maior que a encontrada na população geral e acima do descrito em trabalhos similares. As alterações encontradas como...

BACKGROUND: Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease associated with a wide variety of complications and manifestations secondary to the effects of underlie inflammatory process. In about 30 percent of the patients with Crohn’s disease can be found extra-intestinals symptoms. Nephrolithiasis is one of them and the appearance of kidney stones, mainly of oxalate of calcium, is more common in these patients than in general population. AIM: To evaluate urinary metabolic factors potentially involved in renal stones formation on patients with Crohn’s disease. METHODS: We evaluated 29 patients with Crohn’s disease followed in the Outpatient Bowel Inflammatory Disease Clinics of State University Hospital, Londrina, PR, Brazil, from January to December of 2004. The metabolic evaluation included measured of blood and urine substances related to renal stones formation, kidneys, ureters and bladder ultrassonography and calculation of urinary supersaturation for calcium oxalate, uric acid and calcium phosphate. RESULTS: Twenty-nine of the evaluated patients were female or 65.5 percent and 34.5 percent were males. Among the metabolic urinary studied, we identified the following potential disturbances associated with nephrolithiasis: hypocitraturia in 21 patients (72.4 percent), hypomagnesuria in 12 (41.4 percent), hyperoxaluria in 4 (13.6 percent) and urinary volume low in 5 (17.2 percent). Renal stones were identified in 13 patients (44.8 percent). Oxalate urinary excretion was higher in patients submitted to bowel surgery and also in patients with ileum resection. The urinary supersaturation of calcium oxalate and brushita in patients with bowels surgery was higher than the other patients not submitted to any surgery. Data to compare patients who underwent to surgery or not were analyzed by Mann-Whitney test (U test), and Qui-square test or the accurate test of Fisher have been used to determine variables association. For all tests 5 percent...

Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Crohn Disease/complications , Kidney Calculi/etiology , Calcium Oxalate/urine , Calcium Phosphates/urine , Crohn Disease/urine , Kidney Calculi , Kidney Calculi/urine , Risk Factors
Egyptian Journal of Food Science. 2007; 35: 11-25
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-112287


The suitability of two cultivars of strawberries namely Tamaroza and Chandler were used to prepare strawberry juices and supplemented with citrocid magnesium. Chemical analysis was carried out to determine moisture, total soluble solids, protein, titratable acidity, total sugars, crude fiber, oxalic acid, ash and minerals content. Results indicated that potassium was high and constituted the predominant mineral in the two tested strawberry cultivars. Oxalic acid was 82.72 and 86.73 mg/gm in fresh Tamaroza and Chandler, respectively. Meanwhile,supplementation of strawberry juices with 2,4 and 6% citrocid magnesium was effective in the reduction of oxalic acid content but supplementation with 2.0% was more effective in Tamaroza cultivars. Sensory evaluation indicated that Tamaroza juice supplemented with 2.0% citrocid magnesium had the highest score and came in the first order for color, taste, odor and general acceptability followed by Chandler strawberry juice compared to all other supplemented juices. On the other hand, biological evaluation was tested for rats fed on basal diet [control]; control plus 1.0 or 2.0 gm dehydrated Tamaroza strawberry [DTS]; control plus 1.0 or 2.0 gm dehydrated Chandler strawberry [DCS]. Feeding on diets containing 2.0 gm DTS supplemented with citrocid magnesium led to an increase in body weight of animals after 85 days. But, the highest ratio content of calcium was obtained for tibia bone of rats fed on basal diet mixed with 1.0 gm DCS. Results also indicated that the average decrement of femur calcium content was 9.45 to 12.53% as a result of feeding with DTS and DCS compared with control diet. Meanwhile, supplementation of dehydrated strawberry juices with citrocid magnesium was effective in improving the bioavailability of calcium and in reducing the oxalate content in rats serum and urine. Microscopic examination of urine ascertained that uric acid, amorphous materials and calcium oxalate were reduced or completely disappeared by continuous feeding of rats by DTS and DCS supplemented with citrocid magnesium till the end of the experiment [after 85 days]

Male , Animals, Laboratory , Plant Extracts , Magnesium , Ascorbic Acid , Oxalates/urine , Rats , Oxalic Acid , Calcium Oxalate/urine
African Journal of Urology. 2006; 12 (2): 79-88
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-187255


Objective: Nephrolithiasis and urolithiasis are recurrent conditions associated with significant morbidity and economilc impact. Previous studies have suggested that cell- crystal interactions lead to tubular damage and/or dysfunction. To find further proof for these observations, a metabolic evaluation [including serum and urine biochemistry and urinary enzyme excretion] was done in children with nephrolithiasis and urolithiasis with hydronephrosis

Patients and Methods: This study included two groups: 10 normal children [controls] and 32 children with calcium oxalate urinary tract stones. The latter group was further subdivided into those with nephrolithiasis [n=12] and urolithiasis with hydronephrosis [n=20]. Levels of uric acid, oxalate, calcium, magnesium and inorganic phosphorus in 24-hour urine and serum were determined. Urinary N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase [NAG], beta-galactosidase [beta-GAL], beta-hexosaminidase [beta-Hex], angiotensin converting enzyme [ACE] and gamma glutamyl transferase [y-GT] levels were also determined colorimetrically

Results: Increases in urinary excretion of oxalate, calcium, magnesium and inorganic phosphorus were the major abnormalities found in stone forming patients. Elevated urinary NAG, beta-GAL, beta-Hex and ACE levels were also noted in patients compared with controls. Urinary excretion of oxalate, NAG, beta-GAL and ACE was significantly elevated in children with nephrolithiasis compared to those with urolithiasis and hydronephrosis

Conclusion: Abnormal urine biochemistry seems to have a role in the risk for urinary-tract stone formation in children. Hyperoxaluria can induce tubular cell injury mainly in proximal tubules, which is more pronounced in children with nephrolithiasis. The tubular injury manifested by enzymuria occurs before alteration of renal functions and blood biochemistry. Urinary tubular enzymes should be screened in children with urinary tract stones

Humans , Male , Female , /pathology , Urolithiasis/pathology , Child , Calcium Oxalate/urine , Magnesium/urine , Hexosaminidases/urine
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-46669


The study was undertaken to observe the effect of radish on urinary calcium oxalate excretion. Early morning midstream urine (MSU) samples collected from 36 subjects were analyzed continuously for a period of 14 days for the presence of calcium oxalate crystals. Of these, 21 cases were of renal stone and 15 were normal subjects. The subjects were advised to consume self-selected diet for a week and radish containing diet along with their self-selected diet for consecutive week. The study reveals that radish containing diet caused increased excretion of calcium oxalate compared to the self-selected diet and the crystals count in the urine were significantly higher in both genders. The difference between males and females was found to be insignificant indicating that there is no gender biasness on urinary calcium oxalate excretion. This study is first of its kind as literature search reveals no such study have been carried out earlier.

Adult , Calcium Oxalate/urine , Female , Humans , Kidney Calculi/diet therapy , Male , Raphanus
Int. braz. j. urol ; 30(3): 205-209, May-Jun. 2004. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-363379


PURPOSE: To study the changes in calcium oxalate crystal morphology induced by different levels of supersaturation (SS) in human urine. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-four hours urine samples from 5 normal men were collected. Each specimen was centrifuged and filtered. About 200 mL of each sample was dialyzed overnight. Aliquots of 2 mL of urine was then added to a 24-wells tissue culture plate and checked for crystal absence. Calcium oxalate crystals were precipitated from each sample by adding sodium oxalate and calcium chloride in sufficient quantities to induce spontaneous crystallization. Finally, each plate hole was examined with an inverted polarized microscope (X500 magnification). Initial SS of each sample relative to calcium oxalate was calculated using an iterative computer program. RESULTS: Crystal formation was connecte to relative calcium oxalate (CaOx) SS. At SS of 10, small crystals of similar shape were formed, mainly CaOx dihydrate morphology. At SS of 30, there was an enormous increase in the number of crystals, that kept the same size. SS greater than 50 produced larger crystals with different shapes and multiple crystalline aggregates. Urine was able to tolerate, i.e., to avoid crystal formation, until SS ratios of approximately 10. CONCLUSIONS: Relative CaOx SS and the concentration ratio of calcium to oxalate are important determinanting factors of crystal morphology. Non-dialyzable urinary proteins can act as inhibitors and influence the structure of formed crystals. Additional studies from patients with kidney stones are needed in order to establish whether crystal size and habit distribution are different from crystals in normal urine.

Humans , Male , Calcium Oxalate/urine , Crystallization
Bol. Col. Mex. Urol ; 13(1): 33-5, ene.-abr. 1996. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-181553


Se presenta un caso de ureterolitotripsia endoscópica delñ tercio inferior en una paciente embarazada con 12 semanas de gestación, de 30 años de edad. El cálculo medía 12 x 6 mm, y se utilizó ureteroscopia semirrígido de calibare 6.9 francés. La fragmentación del cálculo tuvo muy buenos resultados. Se dejó colocado un catéter "doble J", el cual se retiró tres semanas después. Expulsó múltiples arenillas, y cursó sin complicaciones hasta esa fecha

Humans , Female , Adult , Algorithms , Calcium Oxalate/urine , Ureteral Calculi/complications , Ureteral Calculi/therapy , Lithotripsy , Pregnancy/physiology , Ureteroscopy , Urinary Catheterization/instrumentation
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-34535


Constituents of 6-hour (0900-1500 hours) urine collected during rest and exercise have been compared among 3 groups of male volunteers. Groups 1 and 2 (GI, GII) were normal controls residing in an urban area (n = 10) and rural villages (n = 9), respectively, and group 3 (GIII) consisted of 10 renal stone formers from the same location as GII. Exercise was performed by cycling on an electronic bicycle with three 150-watt loads and the duration of each load was 20 minutes. Collected usine was analyzed for volume, pH, PI (permissible increment) in oxalate, creatinine, calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, oxalate, uric acid and citrate. The results showed that most urinary excretions during both rest and exercise periods were similar among the 3 groups. Only the following values were significantly different, ie in the rest period, calcium of GIII < GII (p < .01) and potassium of GII < GI (p < .05); in the exercise period, potassium of GIII < GI (p < .02) and phosphorus of GIII < GII (p < .03). In comparison between the rest and exercise periods within each group, the decreased total excretions during exercise were creatinine of GI (p < .05) and GIII (p < .05), calcium of GII (p < .05) and phosphorus of GIII (p < .05); only calcium of GIII (p < .05) was increased. However, when the concentration of each constituent was taken into consideration, most constituents increased in concentration during the exercise period due to the fall in urinary volume. Furthermore, during exercise both pH and PI in oxalate of urine decreased significantly. Thus the results of our study suggested that though most total urinary excretion patterns were similar between the rest and exercise periods, the risk of stone formation in the urinary tract during exercise could be enhanced. The enhanced risk is likely due to 3 main factors, ie (1) decrease in urinary volume, (2) increased propensity for crystallization of calcium oxalate (PI in oxalate decreased) and (3) decrease in urinary pH which will directly cause an increase in saturation level of uric acid. This increased risk of stone formation was consistently observed in all three groups of subjects.

Acid-Base Equilibrium/physiology , Adult , Calcium/urine , Calcium Oxalate/urine , Creatinine/urine , Exercise/physiology , Exercise Test , Humans , Kidney Calculi/etiology , Male , Potassium/urine , Risk , Urodynamics/physiology
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-40874


The objective of this study was to evaluate the changes of urine in normal subjects after consuming roselle juice in different concentrations and durations which may help the treatment and prevention of renal stone disease. Thirty-six healthy men participated in the study, in which urinalysis, urine electrolytes and indices for measurements of concentration of urine were determined before, during and after roselle juice consumption. The urine after consumption of roselle juice showed a decrease of creatinine, uric acid, citrate, tartrate, calcium, sodium, potassium and phosphate but not oxalate in urinary excretion. The CPR values of the majority of each individual increased and means PI values decreased in phase 1. Contrarily, the CPR values of the majority of volunteers decreased and means PI values increased in phase 2. In conclusion a low dose of roselle juice (16 g/day) caused more significant decrease in salt output in the urine than a high dose (24 g/day). The urinary changes were similar to the observations on villagers with and without stones in northeastern Thailand.

Adult , Calcium Oxalate/urine , Dose-Response Relationship, Drug , Humans , Kidney Calculi/prevention & control , Male , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Plants, Medicinal , Salts/urine
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-40423


Urinary supersaturation with respect to calcium oxalate and/or brushite (CaHPO4.2H2O) is critical for the formation of calcium stones. The aim of this study is to use concentration product ratio (CPR) as a tool to assess the state of urine saturation with respect to calcium oxalate and brushite. One 24-h urine specimen from each of 16 healthy city dwellers (GI), 18 healthy villagers (GII) and 28 villagers with renal stones (GIII) was collected and analyzed for calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphate, uric acid, citrate and oxalate. The CPRs of calcium and oxalate and of calcium and phosphate before and after equilibration of the urine with the corresponding seeding crystals were also determined. Urinary volume and the excretion rate of calcium, potassium, uric acid, citrate and oxalate of GII and of sodium, phosphate, uric acid and citrate of GIII were significantly less than those of GI. The CPRs for calcium oxalate and brushite were 2.9 +/- 0.3 and 1.7 +/- 0.2 for GI, 2.7 +/- 0.2 and 1.3 +/- 0.1 for GII and 2.5 +/- 0.2 and 1.1 +/- 0.1 for GIII, respectively. The CPR values indicated that urine of all groups was generally supersaturated with respect to calcium oxalate salt (CPRs were above 1) and were not different among the groups. With regard to brushite, urine was also supersaturated but the state of supersaturation was less than that of calcium oxalate. Furthermore, instead of being supersaturated, brushite in many urine specimens of GIII was undersaturated and its mean CPR was even significantly less than that of GI (P less than 0.01).

Adult , Calcium Oxalate/urine , Calcium Phosphates/urine , Humans , Kidney Calculi/urine , Male , Middle Aged , Phosphates/urine , Thailand
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-40590


A community-based study for crystalluria in morning urine (MU) specimens was carried out under light microscopy. The MU specimens were collected from 29 males with renal stones (GI), 36 age-and sex-matched normal controls (GII) and 27 household members of GI who did not have stones (GIII). The findings can be summarized as follows. 1. In the groups as a whole, almost all crystal and crystal aggregate found was oxalate type and with highest prevalence in GI. 2. In urine with low specific gravity (SG) i.e. less than or equal to 0.010, prevalence of oxalate crystals in GI (57.7%) was significantly higher (p less than 0.05) than in both GII (5.9%) and GIII (13%). Furthermore, at this range of SG, 15 per cent of the MU specimens in GI showed aggregation of oxalate crystals, whereas, the condition was neither found in GII nor GIII. 3. Our data suggest urine supersaturation with respect to calcium oxalate was found in both renal stone patients and normal subjects but more frequently in the former and also suggests more deficiency or lack of inhibitors for oxalate crystal nucleation and aggregation in urine of renal stone patients. The occurrence of oxalate crystals and crystal aggregates in urine of low SG may be useful as an index to discriminate stone patients from normal subjects or as an index to indicate the high risk group in the community.

Adult , Calcium Oxalate/urine , Chi-Square Distribution , Crystallization , Female , Humans , Kidney Calculi/diagnosis , Male , Middle Aged , Specific Gravity
Rev. nefrol. diál. traspl ; (27): 3-11, jul. 1990. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-95770


Para ensayar una nueva alternativa terapéutica de la hipercalciuria con litiasis oxalocálcica recidivante, se utilizó la sal magnésica del ácido glicerofosfórico (GPMg) en 24 pacientes (12 varones y 12 mujeres) con 36 años de edad promedio (rango: 20-63). El tipo de la hipercalciuria fue absortiva (A) o tabular (T) (n= 14 y 10 respectivamente). La dosis de PGMg fue de 3g diarios divididos en dos tomas. Se efectuaron controles clínicos a los 1-3 meses (período I), a los 4-6 meses (período II), a los 7-12 meses (período III). a los 12-18 meses (período IV) con determinaciones de Ca, P, Mg, Na, K, NH4, sulfato creatinina, ácidos úricos, cítrico y oxálico, pH y volumen urinario. Se calculó la saturación urinaria en términos de energía libre para la cristalización (DG) de oxalato de calcio, brushita, estruvita, ácido úrico y urato de sodio por medio del programa de computación EQUIL-AT. En un subgrupo de 7 pacientes (5 A y 2 T) se determinaron además la parathormona (PTH) sérica y el AMP cíclico en suero y orina en condiciones basales y al mes de tratamiento con GPMg. La calciuria disminuyo significativamente en todos los períodos considerados de ambos grupos (A y T). La diuresis se incrementó progresivamente. Otros componentes urinarios no presentaron cambios significativos. La DG para el oxalato de calcio y la brushita cayeron significativamente en todos los períodos. No hubo modificación en la saturación urinaria de los restantes compuestos. No hubo evidencias de hiperparatiroidismo secundario en el subgrupo controlado con determinación de PTH sérica y AMPc nefrógeno. En 7 pacientes tratados durante dos años hubo sólo un episodio de recurrencia. La tolerancia del GPMg fue excelente.

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Male , Female , Phosphates/therapeutic use , Phosphates/pharmacology , Calcium/urine , Magnesium/therapeutic use , Glyceric Acids/therapeutic use , Urinary Calculi/drug therapy , Calcium Oxalate/metabolism , Calcium Oxalate/urine , Allopurinol/therapeutic use , Follow-Up Studies , Diphosphates/urine , Diuresis/drug effects , Sodium Chloride Symporter Inhibitors/pharmacology
Rev. paul. med ; 107(1): 19-24, jan.-fev. 1989. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-77154


Dez pacientes portadores de calculose urinária recidivante que apresentavam hipercalciúria foram tratados com farelo de arroz pelo período de 60 dias. Após o tratamento, houve diminuiçäo da calciúria em todos os doente, em média de 40%. Houve diminuiçäo concomitante do magnésio urinário de 28%, em média. A excreçäo urinária de oxalato aumentou de 28%, em média. Cinco pacientes portadores de hipercalciúria de origen renal apresentaram reduçäo média de calciúria de 33%, enquanto dois pacientes portadores de hipercalciúria absortiva mostraram reduçiao média de 65% da calciúria

Child , Adult , Middle Aged , Humans , Male , Female , Oryza , Urinary Calculi/diet therapy , Calcium/urine , Calcium Oxalate/urine , Prospective Studies , Magnesium/urine
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 48(1): 39-44, 1988. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-71396


Mediante un programa de computación iterativo se calculó el Producto de Actividad (PA) del oxalato de calcio (OxCa) con datos de orina de 24 h de 30 pacientes litiásicos formadores de cálculos de OxCa y 30 controles sanos. Los resultados muestran una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre los valores medios de ambos grupos, tanto en el PA como en la concentración urinaria de calcio, magnesio, citrato y oxalato. La mayor contribución relativa del oxalato y el citrato en el aumento y descenso, respectivamente, del PA es puesta de manifiesto. Se confirma la utilidad del cálculo del PA para establecer el riesgo aumentado de formar cálculos y el seguimiento del tratamiento instaurado

Calcium Oxalate/urine , Urinary Calculi/etiology , Calcium/urine , Citrates/urine , Magnesium/urine