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Electron. j. biotechnol ; 53: 44-53, Sep.2021. ilus tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451239


BACKGROUND This study aimed to produce carotenoids of two bacterial strains obtained and isolated from Caatinga soil in Northeastern Brazil and to evaluate their antioxidant and photoprotective activities. The morphological identification of bacteria was performed by Gram staining and molecularly confirmed through the 16S rRNA gene. The production of carotenoids was performed on two 23 factorial designs to analyze the influence of independent variables (temperature range, luminosity, agitation, spiral presence, and bacterial isolate type) for maximum carotenoid yield. The selected condition has been transferred to a bioreactor (10L). The identification of carotenoids was performed by liquid chromatography (HPLC) and mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Antioxidant activity was determined by inhibiting the bcarotene/linoleic acid system and the effectiveness as sunscreen was measured through its sun protection factor (SPF). RESULTS The results revealed that the isolates FT-7.22 and FT-5.12 were identified as Kocuria palustris; producers of a rare C50 carotenoid sarcinaxanthin. This is the first report on the production of carotenoids by this species from the Caatinga Domain. The pigment that was obtained from the Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB) medium in the best conditions of the factorial designs (increased agitation, aeration, and light exposure) exhibited a significant increase in the carotenoid production. The isolated FT-7.22 reached a higher sarcinaxanthin concentration (112,480 lg/L), and it exhibited promising antioxidant (76.53 ± 0.09%) and photoprotective activities (SPF = 9.36 ± 0.52). CONCLUSIUON This study demonstrated the ability of K. palustris to produce carotenoid sarcinaxanthin with antioxidant and photoprotective activities so that it can be applied in cosmetic formulations. How to cite: Mendes-Silva TCD, Vidal EE, de Souza RFR, et al. Production of carotenoid sarcinaxant

Carotenoids/chemistry , Micrococcaceae/metabolism , Micrococcaceae/chemistry , Antioxidants/chemistry , Brazil , Carotenoids/pharmacology , Antioxidants/pharmacology
Biol. Res ; 47: 1-7, 2014. ilus, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-950745


BACKGROUND: The liver is an important organ for its ability to transform xenobiotics, making the liver tissue a prime target for toxic substances. The carotenoid bixin present in annatto is an antioxidant that can protect cells and tissues against the deleterious effects of free radicals. In this study, we evaluated the protective effect of bixin on liver damage induced by carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) in rats. RESULTS: The animals were divided into four groups with six rats in each group. CCl4 (0.125 mL kg-1 body wt.) was injected intraperitoneally, and bixin (5.0 mg kg-1 body wt.) was given by gavage 7 days before the CCl4 injection. Bixin prevented the liver damage caused by CCl4, as noted by the significant decrease in serum aminotransferases release. Bixin protected the liver against the oxidizing effects of CCl4 by preventing a decrease in glutathione reductase activity and the levels of reduced glutathione and NADPH. The peroxidation of membrane lipids and histopathological damage of the liver was significantly prevented by bixin treatment. CONCLUSION: Therefore, we can conclude that the protective effect of bixin against hepatotoxicity induced by CCl4 is related to the antioxidant activity of the compound.

Animals , Male , Rats , Carbon Tetrachloride/antagonists & inhibitors , Carotenoids/pharmacology , Reactive Oxygen Species/analysis , Oxidative Stress/drug effects , Chemical and Drug Induced Liver Injury/prevention & control , Antioxidants/pharmacology , Plant Extracts/chemistry , Lipid Peroxidation/drug effects , Carotenoids/chemistry , Rats, Wistar , Bixaceae/chemistry , Chemical and Drug Induced Liver Injury/metabolism , Chemical and Drug Induced Liver Injury/pathology , Glutathione/analysis , Glutathione Reductase/drug effects , Transaminases/blood , Liver/enzymology , Malondialdehyde/analysis , NADP/analysis
Homeopatia Méx ; 82(687): 31-37, nov.-dic. 2013. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-733390


La caléndula es una planta originaria de Europa cuyas propiedades curativas seaprovechan desde épocas remotas, por lo que actualmente es cultivada en todoel mundo. Extractos y ungüentos elaborados con este vegetal han mostrado susvirtudes para cicatrizar heridas y atender afecciones de la piel, y este saber empíricoha sido comprobado a través de diversos estudios científicos, como los que serevisan a lo largo del presente artículo. En Homeopatía, su tintura se emplea como antiséptica, analgésica y cicatrizantede la piel y la mucosa bucal, mientras que sus dinamizaciones se prescriben aindividuos nerviosos, irritables, con marcada tendencia a los sobresaltos y muysensibles a los estímulos sensoriales. Además de esto, Caléndula officinalis tienela capacidad de ayudar en el tratamiento de problemas crónicos y agudos relacionadoscon lesiones externas o en diferentes sistemas, como las vías urinarias, lossistemas respiratorio y digestivo, y los órganos reproductivos femeninos.

Calendula is a plant native to Europe whose healing properties are used sinceancient times, so it is now cultivated worldwide. Extracts and ointments made fromthis plant have shown their strengths to heal wounds and treat skin conditions, andthis empirical knowledge has been proven through scientific studies, such as thosereviewed throughout this article. In Homeopathy, the tincture is used as antiseptic, analgesic and healingof the skin and oral mucosa, while their dynamizations are prescribed to irritable,with a marked tendency to shocks and very sensitive to sensory stimuli people.In addition, Calendula officinalis has the ability to help in the treatment of chronicand acute problems related to external injuries or different systems, like urinary,respiratory and digestive systems, and female reproductive organs.

/pharmacology , Carotenoids/chemistry , Wound Healing , Flavonoids/chemistry , Mother Tincture , Polysaccharides/chemistry , Sapogenins/chemistry , Homeopathic Therapeutics
Rev. nutr ; 23(6): 1041-1050, nov.-dez. 2010. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-582790


Astaxanthin, a carotenoid belonging to the xanthophyll class, has stirred great interest due to its antioxidant capacity and its possible role in reducing the risk of some diseases. Astaxanthin occurs naturally in microalgae, such as Haematococcus pluvialis and the yeast Phaffia rhodozyma, and has also been considered to be the major carotenoid in salmon and crustaceans. Shrimp processing waste, which is generally discarded, is also an important source of astaxanthin. The antioxidant activity of astaxanthin has been observed to modulate biological functions related to lipid peroxidation, having beneficial effects on chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, macular degeneration and cancer. Researches have shown that both astaxanthin obtained from natural sources and its synthetic counterpart produce satisfactory effects, but studies in humans are limited to natural sources. There is no established nutritional recommendation regarding astaxanthin daily intake but most studies reported beneficial results from a daily intake of 4mg. Thus, this review discusses some aspects of the carotenoid astaxanthin, highlighting its chemical structure and antioxidant activity, and some studies that report its use in humans.

A astaxantina, carotenóide pertencente à classe das xantofilas, tem despertado grande interesse devido à sua capacidade antioxidante e possível papel na redução de risco de algumas doenças. A astaxantina pode ser encontrada naturalmente em microalgas como Haematococcus pluvialis e na levedura Phaffia rhodozyma como também tem sido considerada principal carotenóide em salmão e crustáceos. Os resíduos do processamento de camarão, geralmente descartados, são também importante fonte de astaxantina. A atividade antioxidante da astaxantina tem demonstrado importante função na modulação de funções biológicas relacionadas à peroxidação lipídica, desempenhando efeitos benéficos em doenças crônicas como doenças cardiovasculares, degeneração macular e câncer. Pesquisas têm demonstrado efeitos satisfatórios da astaxantina obtida de fontes naturais assim como da obtida sinteticamente, porém os estudos em humanos se limitam à utilização de fontes naturais. Não há recomendação nutricional estabelecida para a ingestão diária de 4mg de astaxantina, mas muitos estudos relatam resultados benéficos com a ingestão diária média de 4mg. Assim, a presente revisão discute alguns aspectos do carotenóide astaxantina, com destaque para sua estrutura química e atividade antioxidante, mostrando também alguns estudos que relatam seu uso em humanos.

Antioxidants/analysis , Carotenoids/chemistry , Carotenoids/therapeutic use , Chronic Disease/prevention & control
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 57(2): 109-117, jun. 2007. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-473593


Los pigmentos carotenoides constituyen un grupo de compuestos ubicuos en la naturaleza que realizan una serie de funciones que los hacen especiales. Así, son considerados compuestos indispensables para la vida, fundamentalmente debido a las diferentes funciones que llevan a cabo en relación con la fotosíntesis tal y como se conoce hoy en día. Durante muchos años, la importancia nutricional de los carotenoides se debió a que algunos de ellos poseen actividad provitamínica A, si bien el que el interés por estos isoprenoides se haya multiplicado en los últimos años se ha debido a una gran variedad de estudios que parecen indicar que actúan como antioxidantes y que podrían ser beneficiosos para la prevención de diversas enfermedades crónicas humanas no transmisibles, si bien existe todavía cierta controversia al respecto. En cualquier caso, las funciones y efectos debidos a estos pigmentos se deben a sus propiedades fisico-químicas y que éstas a su vez son consecuencia de su estructura química. Debido a las variadas acciones beneficiosas de las que son responsables, y sobre todo a su importancia nutricional, el objetivo fundamental de esta revisión es la descripción de dichas caracteríticas, cuyo conocimiento es indispensable para tener una visión global de los diferentes roles que desempeñan y para el diseño de nuevos estudios.

Carotenoid are ubiquitous compounds serving a series of functions that make them special. Thus, they are regarded as essential compounds for life mainly due to the different roles they perform in photosynthesis as we currently know it. For many years, the nutritional relevance ot carotenoids was due to some of them exhibiting vitamin A activity, although theinterest in these pigments has expanded dramatically in the last years owing to a large variety of surveys that seem to indicate that they are antioxidant and may be beneficial for the prevention of several chronic non-transmissible human diseases, albeit there is some controversy in this regard. In any case, it is clear that the different functions and effects attributed to these isoprenoids stem from their physical and chemical properties, the latter being due to their chemical structure. Due to the diverse benefitial actions carotenoids are responsible for and, above all, to their nutritional importance, the main objective of this review is to describe such features, whose knowledge is indispensable to have a holistic view of the different roles they play and for the design of new studies.

Humans , Antioxidants/chemistry , Carotenoids/chemistry , Antioxidants/physiology , Chemistry, Physical , Carotenoids/physiology , Molecular Structure , Spectrophotometry , Structure-Activity Relationship
Indian J Exp Biol ; 2002 Jun; 40(6): 680-92
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-62450


The biological significance of singlet oxygen (1O2), an electronically excited species of oxygen, has been realized only in the last two decades. This was mainly due to the lack of proper methodology to generate this reactive oxygen species (ROS) in pure form and its reactions with biological molecules. Recent studies, using newly developed detection methods, show that 1O2 being generated in many biological systems, can significantly and quite often adversely alter several crucial biomolecules including DNA, proteins and lipids with undesirable consequences including cytotoxicity and/or disesase development. The reactions of 1O2 with the biological molecules are rather specific, as compared to other ROS. There are various compounds, mainly derived from natural sources that offer protection against damage induced by 1O2. Among the antioxidants carotenoids are the most effective singlet oxygen quenchers followed by tocopherols and others. The same reactive species if generated specifically in diseased states such as cancer can lead to the cure of the disease, and this principle is utilized in the newly developing modality of cancer treatment namely photodynamic therapy. Singlet oxygen, in low concentrations can also act as signaling molecule with several biological implications. This review clearly brings out the biological significance of 1O2.

Animals , Antioxidants/chemistry , Carotenoids/chemistry , DNA Damage , Humans , Lipid Metabolism , Mutagenesis , Neoplasms/metabolism , Photochemistry , Photochemotherapy , Proteins/metabolism , Singlet Oxygen/adverse effects , Vitamin E/chemistry
Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz ; 57(1): 73-9, 1998. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: lil-217908


Foi determinada pela primeira vez a composiçäo de carotenóides de nectarina (Prunus persica). Onze carotenóides foram identificados: 13-cis-B-caroteno, trans-B-caroteno, 9-cis-B-caroteno, trans-$-caroteno, neo-B-criptoxantina, trans-luteína, trans-zeaxantina, trans-violaxantina, trans-mutatoxantina e trans-auroxantina. O principal carotenóide foi a trans-B-criptoxantina (3,9 mais ou menos 0,7 ug/g), perfazendo 40,6(por cento) do total de carotenóides (9,6 mais ou menos 0,7 ug/g), seguida pela trans-zeaxantina (1,6 mais ou menos 0,3 ug/g) trnas-luteína (1,1 mais ou menos 0,2 u/g) e trans-B-caroteno (1,0 mais ou menos 0,2 ug/g). O valor de vitamina A, proveniente de isômeros cis e trans da b-criptoxantina e do B-caroteno foi de 54 mais ou menos 5 ER/100g. A composiçäo de carotenóides de nectarina mostrou-se muito semelhante a do pessêgo, fato esperado já que estas frutas pertencem à mesma família

Vitamin A/analysis , Carotenoids/isolation & purification , Fruit/chemistry , Carotenoids/chemistry , Food Quality , Food Coloring Agents , Food Preservatives/analysis , Food Analysis/classification , Food Contamination/analysis
Rev. cuba. farm ; 31(2): 134-7, mayo-ago. 1997. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-217716


Se realizó un análisis del material vegetal de las especies Pinus caribaea Morelet y Pinus tropicalis Morelet, con el objetivo de determinar su contenido decaroteno tomando como base las condiciones y tiempo de exposición del follaje de las especies objeto de estudio al sol y a la sombra, y teniendo en cuenta la extracción del aceite esencial como factores influyentes en la variación de las concentraciones de caroteno. Para determinar el contenido de caroteno se tomaron muestras del follaje entre 1 y 20 d, expuesto a las condiciones de trabajo en intervalos de 1,3,6, 10 y 20 d, tanto antes como después de extraer el aceite esencial. Los resultados obtenidos para ambas especies demostraron que el follaje expuesto a la sombra contiene un mayor porcentaje de caroteno que el expuesto al sol, como era de esperar; el tiempo de exposición influye significativamente en este contenido, así como la extracción del áceite esencial que aumenta el contenido de caroteno; los valores máximos fueron de 130,7 y 157,2 mg/kg de follaje y los mínimos de 55,3 y 57,2 mg/kg de follaje para Pinus caribaea Morelet y Pinus tropicalis Morelet respectivamente

Carotenoids/chemistry , Oils, Volatile , Plants
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 29(1): 105-10, Jan. 1996. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-161660


Daily oscillations of both beta-carotene and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity are related to the intracellular control of reactive oxygen species (ROS). It is well established that ROS are present in all aerobic cells. We studied the marine dinoflagellate Gonyaulax polyedra which has been extensively used as a model to understand the biological clock at the molecular level. beta-Carotene, besides suppressing singlet molecular oxygen (1O2), may act as a photoreceptor pigment in many photosynthetic cells. The levels of beta-carotene during the day phase were shown to be twice as high as during the night phase. The dose-response curve for light-induced carotenoid synthesis was linear for up to 45 min of light exposure, after which night phase cells contained the same levels of beta-carotene as day phase cells. Cells exposed to light pulses at different times during the dark period displayed the highest beta-carotene induction in the middle of the night. SOD activity of cell-free extracts of G. polyedra was three to four times higher during the day. This rhythm continued in cells kept in constant light, indicating that the regulation can be attributed to the cellular circadian clock. Non-denaturing polyacrylamide gels revealed the presence of several SOD isoenzymes in G. polyedra, including CuZnSOD and MnSOD. Furthermore, G. polyedra SOD cross-reacts with a polyclonal antibody raised against SOD. In addition to being gene regulated by ROS concentration, G. polyedra SOD expression seems also to be under the control of the biological clock.

Carotenoids/biosynthesis , Dinoflagellida/physiology , Reactive Oxygen Species , Superoxide Dismutase/metabolism , Carotenoids/chemistry , Circadian Rhythm , Electrophoresis, Polyacrylamide Gel