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Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017091


Introduction@#Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that is defined, neuropathologically, by the presence of aggregated hyperphosphorylated tau in the neurons and astrocytes of the perivascular area that is located deep in the cerebral sulci. The lesion is associated with repetitive brain trauma, from the spectrum of asymptomatic subconcussive head injury to grossly identifiable features of concussion. Although the diagnostic neuropathology of CTE is well-characterized, the precise mechanism that causes this to occur in CTE is not yet clearly elucidated. The features of hyperphosphorylated tau in CTE is quite similar with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), as is the reduced expression of certain genes that are required to dephosphorylate tau, which is the putative culprit in the generation of amyloid aggregates and hyperphosphorylated tau.1 In comparison, Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease that is caused by accumulation of misfolded alpha-synuclein (α-syn) that causes the formation of intraneuronal Lewy Body aggregates. The pattern of accumulation for α-syn involves the olfactory bulb and the gut with progressive involvement of the posterior part of the brain.2 Despite establishing the presence of two different intraneuronal inclusions for CTE and PD, contact sports associated with the clinical spectrum of CTE has been shown to present with Parkinsonian features along with dementia. Mood disorders has been reported to occur in patients with these neurologic conditions. Several studies have documented that patients had a previous experience of traumatic brain injury prior to the diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder (BD). A review of electronic literature suggested that having an earlier diagnosis of BD increased the likelihood of having a diagnosis of PD in the future.@*Objectives@#This research aimed to compare the over- and underexpressed genes in cases with Parkinson's Disease (PD), cases with Bipolar Disorder (BD), and cases with Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) versus normal controls. This was done to determine if parallel overexpression in certain genes may indicate the possible association at the level of gene expression. Identifying similar RNA sequence establishing gene expression may provide an insight to the relationship of the diseases in terms of pathobiological behavior. Determining the similar over- or underexpression pattern may provide an insight on the common pathobiologic mechanisms that may be the reason for the three disorders being associated by way of pre-morbid or co-morbid condition.@*Methodology@#Transcripts from the public domain archive of the NCBI SRA were identified for the RNA sequence (RNAseq) of interest using the search string “Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy”, “Bipolar Disorder”, and “Parkinson”. Only public domain transcriptome files of post-mortem brain samples labeled as RNAseq data extracted thru the Illumina platform that have a paired normal control were selected. A total of ten (10) cases for each disorder and thirty (30) normal subjects for control in the NCBI SRA RNAseq database with a whole exome sequence file that was available for public domain use was utilized for differential gene expression analysis.@*Results and Discussion@#Among 21,122 identified genes from the RNAseq, the analysis was able to identify 26 genes exhibiting increased expression of up to >15 log2 fold change among cases with CTE, PD, and BD compared with normal controls. In contradistinction, only 6 well-described genes exhibited a decreased expression among cases with CTE and BD compared to normal controls. However, there were no identified genes that exhibited underexpression in cases with PD compared with normal controls. The identification of parallel gene overexpression among the CTE, BD, and PD groups with respect to structural integrity, cellular metabolism, homeo-stasis, and apoptosis may indicate a common pathway that have been initiated as part of the response to maintain tissue function or as a consequence of the underlying pathobiologic mechanism that caused the primary lesion. In comparison, the underexpressed genes detected in the CTE and BD cases compared to the normal controls and the PD cases may indicate the lack of genes that have a role in repressing the mRNA for protein coding.@*Conclusion@#The overexpression of genes responsible for homeostasis, regulation of inflammation, balance of apoptosis and anti-apoptosis, and maintenance of structural integrity among the CTE, BD, and PD groups indicate that there is an interrelated mechanism that serves converging pathways as part of the response to lesional- forming structures in the brain. The goal of studies such as this is to have a better understanding on the common pathways that explain the interrelatedness of brain disorders and the putative mechanism for being co-morbid and pre-morbid conditions of each other.

Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy
Dement. neuropsychol ; 12(1): 92-96, Jan.-Mar. 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-891060


ABSTRACT Sports activities associated with repetitive cranial trauma have become a fad and are popular in gyms and even among children. It is important to consistently characterize the consequences of such sports activities in order to better advise society on the real risks to the central nervous system. We present the case of a former boxer reporting cognitive and behavioral symptoms that began six years after his retirement as a boxer, evolving progressively with parkinsonian and cerebellar features suggestive of probable chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). Using our case as a paradigm, we extended the range of differential diagnosis of CTE, including corticobasal degeneration, multiple system atrophy, vitamin B12 deficiency, neurosyphilis, frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

RESUMO As atividades esportivas associadas ao trauma craniano repetitivo tornaram-se uma moda e são populares nas academias e entre as crianças. É importante fazer uma caracterização consistente das consequências de tais atividades esportivas, a fim de aconselhar melhor uma sociedade sobre os riscos reais para o sistema nervoso central. Apresentamos um antigo boxeador relatando sintomas cognitivos e comportamentais que começaram seis anos após sua aposentadoria como boxeador e evoluiu progressivamente com características parkinsonianas e cerebelares sugestivas de provável encefalopatia traumática crônica (ETC). Usando nosso caso como paradigma, ampliamos a gama de diagnóstico diferencial de ETC, incluindo degeneração corticobasal, atrofia de múltiplos sistemas, deficiência de vitamina B12, neurossífilis, demência frontotemporal e doença de Alzheimer.

Humans , Brain Diseases , Spinocerebellar Degenerations , Multiple System Atrophy , Dementia , Diagnosis, Differential , Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy , Frontal Lobe
Dement. neuropsychol ; 11(3): 218-220, July-Sept. 2017.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-891022


ABSTRACT Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) was initially described in boxers, but in recent years it has been reported in other settings, particularly in contact sports and military personnel. Soccer (football association) had previously been (and still is) considered relatively safe when compared to other sports, such as American football. However, a few cases of professional soccer players with CTE have been reported in the last few years. It is still unknown how frequent this condition is in soccer players, and the role played by heading the ball remains elusive. Other traumas to the head, face and neck caused by contact with another player's head, arm or other body parts are among the most frequent in soccer. In spite of the lack of more in-depth knowledge, there is reasonable evidence for recommending severe punishment (red card and suspension for several matches) for players causing avoidable trauma to another player's head.

RESUMO Encefalopatia traumática crônica (ETC) foi inicialmente descrita em boxeadores, mas nos últimos anos tem sido relatada em outras situações, particularmente nos esportes de contato e no pessoal militar. O futebol ou futebol de associação foi (e ainda é) considerado relativamente mais seguro quando comparado a outros esportes, como o futebol americano. No entanto, alguns casos de jogadores de futebol profissional com CTE foram relatados nos últimos anos. Ainda não se sabe a frequência dessa condição nos jogadores de futebol bem como qual o papel desempenhado por cabecear a bola. Outros traumas de crânio e pescoço causados pelo contato com o crânio, braço ou outras partes do corpo de outros jogadores estão entre os mais frequentes no futebol. Apesar da falta de um conhecimento mais aprofundado, há razoável evidência para recomendar punição severa (cartão vermelho e suspensão por várias partidas) para jogadores que causarem trauma evitável na cabeça de outro jogador.

Humans , Soccer , Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy , Craniocerebral Trauma
Rev. chil. neurocir ; 43(1): 69-73, July 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-869781


La encefalopatía traumática crónica (ETC) es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa que se produce como consecuencia traumatismos cerebrales repetitivos; concusiones, que son un síndrome clínico que se caracteriza por una alteración de la función cerebral. Una concusión, bajo su estricta definición, no debiese causar cambios estructurales en el cerebro por lo que no sería visible a través de imágenes, sí existen cambios a nivel microscópicos, bioquímicos y biomecánicos. La mayoría de los pacientes tienen completa resolución de sus síntomas dentro de 10 días (90 por ciento), pero existe un pequeño porcentaje que persiste con estos, pudiendo presentarse como un síndrome postconcusional, síndrome de segundo impacto o una encefalopatía traumática crónica. La ETC se caracteriza por la acumulación de prot-tau hiperfosforilada en neuronas y astrocitos. Estas se van a presentar en forma de ovillos o hilos neurofibrilares. En etapas iniciales las encontraremos de forma focalizada en la corteza frontal y en las formas más severas su distribución será más generalizada, distribuyéndose en la mayoría de las regiones del cerebro. Su diagnóstico se realiza a través de histopatología, por lo que hasta el momento sólo se ha logrado post-mortem. Se está trabajando en nuevas tecnologías asociadas a biomarcadores y PET para lograr una diagnostico premortem. El mayor énfasis en el manejo de esta taupatía es la prevención y adecuado manejo de las concusiones.

Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) is a neurodegenerative disease which is produced as a consequence of repeated brain trauma: concussions, which are a clinical syndrome characterized by an alteration in brain functions. A concussion, understrict definition, should not cause structural changes to the brain. Therefore, it would not be possible to see through images if there were changes at a microscopic, biochemical level. Most patients see their symptoms completely resolved within 10 days (90 percent), but there is a small percentage which persists, and these might cause a post-concussional syndrome, second impact syndrome of chronic traumatic encephalopathy. CTE is characterized by the accumulation of hyper-phosphorylated Tau protein in neurons and astrocytes. These appear in the form of neurofibrillary tangles. During the initial stages they are focalized in the frontal cortex and, in more severe cases, their distribution is more generalized, spreading through the majority of the regions in the brain. It is diagnosis is done through histopathology. Thus, it has only been possible to do post mortem. New technologies associated with bio-markers and PET are being worked on to achieve a pre-mortem diagnosis. The greatest emphasis in the handling of this tauopathy lies in the prevention and the adequate handling of concussions.

Humans , Brain Concussion/complications , Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy/diagnosis , Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy/etiology , Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy/prevention & control , tau Proteins , Tauopathies , Brain Damage, Chronic , Cadaver , Brain Damage, Chronic/complications , Neurodegenerative Diseases
Psychol. av. discip ; 10(1): 25-33, ene.-jun. 2016. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-956048


Resumen En este trabajo se evaluó la influencia de la variable cognitiva "búsqueda de sensaciones" en la toma de decisiones en 73 pacientes con daño cerebral adquirido (DCA) a través de un estudio no experimental, transversal y correlacional, mediante la utilización de la Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART) y la sub escala de búsqueda de sensaciones de la UPPS-P Como grupo control, se aplicaron las pruebas a 30 personas que cumplían con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión propuestos. Se utilizó la BART ya que permite una aplicación más rápida y ofrece una tarea de fácil ejecución y comprensión, que a diferencia de otros instrumentos no requiriere que la persona evaluada presente una capacidad de comprensión verbal compleja bien preservada. Además no existen estudios anteriores que correlacionen ambas pruebas. Como resultado se obtuvieron diferencias significativas entre el grupo clínico y el grupo control donde éste último mostró un nivel mayor de toma de riesgo en la BART y búsqueda de sensaciones en la sub escala UPPS-P. Tomando en cuenta la literatura revisada, los resultados obtenidos y la observación cualitativa del grupo clínico, podríamos sospechar que en la toma de decisionesse halla presente el componente de apatía, y motivación, pudiendo concluir que la búsqueda de sensaciones correlaciona positivamente con el desempeño y elaboración de la toma de decisiones.

Abstract In this paper was evaluated the influence of cognitive variable "sensation-seeking" in decision-making in 73 patients with acquired brain injury (ABI), by means of a non-experimental, cross-sectional and correlational study, through the Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART) and sensation seeking sub scale of UPPS-P, as control group, test were applied to 30 healthy subjects who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria proposed. The BART is used because allows a faster application and offer a task of easy execution and understanding, unlike others instruments didn't require that evaluated person present a good preserved complex verbal comprehension capability. In addition, there not exist previous studies correlating both tests. As result significant differences between the clinical and the control group where the last one showed a higher level of risk taking in the BART and sensation seeking in the sub scale UPPS-P. Considering the literature reviewed the results and qualitative observation of clinical group. We might suspect that in decision-making is present the apathy and motivation component. Being able to conclude that sensation-seeking correlate positively with elaboration and performance of decision-making.

Sensation , Brain Injuries , Cognition , Decision Making , Risk Factors , Cognition/physiology , Knowledge Management for Health Research , Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy/rehabilitation
Dement. neuropsychol ; 9(4): 356-368, Oct.-Dec. 2015. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-770586


ABSTRACT Traumatic brain injury (TBI) represents a significant public health problem in modern societies. It is primarily a consequence of traffic-related accidents and falls. Other recently recognized causes include sports injuries and indirect forces such as shock waves from battlefield explosions. TBI is an important cause of death and lifelong disability and represents the most well-established environmental risk factor for dementia. With the growing recognition that even mild head injury can lead to neurocognitive deficits, imaging of brain injury has assumed greater importance. However, there is no single imaging modality capable of characterizing TBI. Current advances, particularly in MR imaging, enable visualization and quantification of structural and functional brain changes not hitherto possible. In this review, we summarize data linking TBI with dementia, emphasizing the imaging techniques currently available in clinical practice along with some advances in medical knowledge.

RESUMO O traumatismo cranioencefálico (TCE) representa um importante problema de saúde pública nas sociedades modernas. As suas principais causas são: os acidentes de trânsito e as quedas. O traumatismo leve e repetido relacionado com os esportes de contato ou o traumatismo relacionado com as ondas de choque provenientes de explosões em cenário de guerra são hoje reconhecidas como importantes causas de TCE. A mortalidade e morbilidade associada ao TCE é considerável. TCE representa o fator de risco ambiental melhor reconhecido para o desenvolvimento de demência. Com o reconhecimento recente de que até o TCE leve pode determinar déficts cognitivos, os estudos de imagem adquiriram grande importância neste contexto. Contudo, não está definido qual o melhor estudo de imagem para caracterizar o TCE. Avanços tecnológicos, como a ressonância magnética, permitem atualmente identificar e quantificar alterações intra-parenquimatosas estruturais e funcionais, não detectáveis nos estudos convencionais. Neste artigo os autores resumem os estudos que relacionam TCE e demência, dando particular ênfase às técnicas de imagem atualmente disponíveis na prática clínica, bem como alguns avanços nos métodos de imagem ainda limitados ao plano da investigação.

Humans , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy , Dementia , Post-Concussion Syndrome , Brain Injuries, Traumatic , Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy