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Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 44: e258946, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1558745


Este trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar as concepções de maternidade para mulheres inférteis de diferentes níveis socioeconômicos que estão em tratamento de reprodução assistida. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, descritivo, que utilizou como instrumento uma entrevista semiestruturada e contemplou temas como o significado de família, desejo/expectativas sobre filho e gestação e expectativas sobre a maternidade. Participaram da pesquisa 48 mulheres inférteis acima de 35 anos que usam tecnologias de reprodução assistida de alta complexidade em instituições privada e pública. Os dados foram tratados pela análise de conteúdo em que emergiram os temas: representações sociais da família; representações sociais da maternidade; expectativas com a gestação e os modelos maternos; e o filho imaginado. As participantes representaram a família de forma positiva, como um sistema de suporte, de fundação e origem de amor, configurando-a como um laço social. Por outro lado, as concepções de família com base na consanguinidade também estiveram presentes, representando a família pela perpetuação da espécie e pela importância do laço biológico. A maternidade foi marcada por significativa idealização, sendo vista como um papel gratificante e de realização da feminilidade. O peso da cobrança social para procriar também foi sentido como um dever a cumprir e que, na impossibilidade de se realizar, gera sentimentos de inferioridade, menos-valia, impotência e inadequação perante a sociedade, o que reforça o estigma da infertilidade. Tais resultados apontam a importância de reflexões sobre o papel da mulher na nossa cultura, visto que a maternidade é ainda utilizada como medida para o sucesso ou fracasso feminino. Faz-se necessário também refletir sobre a possibilidade da maior inserção do trabalho psicológico na reprodução assistida, visto a carga emocional e social envolvidas nesse processo.(AU)

This study aimed to analyze the conceptions of motherhood for infertile women from different socioeconomic levels who are undergoing assisted reproduction treatment. This is a qualitative and descriptive study that used a semi-structured interview as an instrument and included topics such as the meaning of family and desires/expectations about the child, pregnancy, and motherhood. A total of 48 infertile women over 35 years of ages using high-complexity assisted reproductive technologies in private and public institutions participated in this research. The data were treated by content analysis in which the following themes emerged: family social representations; social representations of motherhood; expectations with pregnancy and maternal models; and the imagined son. Participants represented the family in a positive way as a support system and the foundation and origin of love, embracing the family as a social bond. On the other hand, the family concepts based on inbreeding were also present, representing the family by perpetuation of the species and the importance of biological bonds. Motherhood was marked by significant idealization, being seen as a gratifying role and the fulfillment of femininity. The weight of the social demand to procreate was also felt as a duty to be fulfilled that, in the impossibility of carrying it out, generates feelings of inferiority, worthlessness, impotence, and inadequacy toward society, which reinforce the stigma of infertility. Results point to the necessary reflections on the role of women and our culture since Motherhood is still used as a measure of female success or failure. They also point to a reflection on the possibility of greater inclusion of psychological work in assisted reproduction given the emotional and social burden involved in this process.(AU)

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar las concepciones de maternidad de mujeres infértiles, de diferentes niveles socioeconómicos, que se encuentran en tratamiento de reproducción asistida. Se trata de un estudio cualitativo, descriptivo, que utilizó como instrumento una entrevista semiestructurada e incluyó temas como el sentido de la familia, deseos/expectativas sobre el hijo y el embarazo y expectativas sobre la maternidad. Participaron en la investigación un total de 48 mujeres infértiles, mayores de 35 años, usuarias de tecnologías de reproducción asistida de alta complejidad en instituciones públicas y privadas. Los datos se sometieron a análisis de contenido del cual surgieron los temas: representaciones sociales familiares; representaciones sociales de la maternidad; expectativas con el embarazo y modelos maternos; hijo imaginado. Las participantes representaron a la familia de manera positiva, como sistema de apoyo, fundamento y origen del amor, configurándola como vínculo social. Por otro lado, también estuvieron presentes las concepciones familiares basadas en la consanguinidad, representando a la familia para la perpetuación de la especie y la importancia del vínculo biológico. La maternidad estuvo marcada por una importante idealización, vista como un rol gratificante y de realización de la feminidad. También se sintió el peso de la demanda social de procrear como un deber que cumplir y que, ante la imposibilidad de realizarlo, genera sentimientos de inferioridad, desvalorización, impotencia e inadecuación en la sociedad, lo que refuerza el estigma de la infertilidad. Por tanto, son necesarias reflexiones sobre el papel de la mujer en nuestra cultura, ya que la maternidad se sigue utilizando como medida del éxito o fracaso femenino. También se reflexiona sobre la posibilidad de una mayor inclusión del trabajo psicológico en la reproducción asistida dada la carga emocional y social que implica este proceso.(AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Reproduction , Family , Parenting , Social Representation , Infertility, Female , Anxiety , Ovulation Detection , Ovulation Induction , Ovum , Ovum Transport , Parent-Child Relations , Patient Care Team , Patients , Pregnancy Maintenance , Pregnancy, Multiple , Prejudice , Psychology , Quality of Life , Self Concept , Sex , Sexual Abstinence , Shame , Achievement , Social Identification , Sperm Transport , Spermatozoa , Taboo , Time , Tobacco Use Disorder , Urogenital System , Uterus , Population Characteristics , National Health Strategies , Labor, Obstetric , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Outcome , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Adoption , Divorce , Marriage , Fertilization in Vitro , Sexually Transmitted Diseases , Child Rearing , Family Characteristics , Risk Factors , Pelvic Inflammatory Disease , Reproductive Techniques , Gestational Age , Coitus , Pregnancy, High-Risk , Oocyte Donation , Consanguinity , Contraception , Sexuality , Couples Therapy , Affect , Abortion, Threatened , Pelvic Infection , Heredity , Inheritance Patterns , Ovulation Prediction , Depression , Reproductive Rights , Diagnosis , Dreams , Alcoholism , Embryo Transfer , Endometriosis , Conjugal Status , Job Market , Fallopian Tube Patency Tests , Family Conflict , Family Relations , Fantasy , Fear , Female Urogenital Diseases and Pregnancy Complications , Masculinity , Sedentary Behavior , Binge Drinking , Hope , Social Norms , Delay Discounting , Contraceptive Prevalence Surveys , Psychological Trauma , Donor Conception , Healthy Lifestyle , Contraceptive Effectiveness , Long-Acting Reversible Contraception , Social Construction of Gender , Gender Expression , Gender-Specific Needs , Frustration , Embarrassment , Sadness , Emotional Regulation , Psychological Distress , Empowerment , Varicocele , Belonging , Family Support , Emotional Exhaustion , Guilt , Happiness , Imagination , Infertility, Male , Insemination, Artificial, Homologous , Laboratories , Life Style , Loneliness , Maternal-Fetal Exchange , Medicine , Obesity
Vive (El Alto) ; 6(18): 870-879, dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530591


La salud sexual y reproductiva, el embarazo en la adolescencia y las infecciones de trasmisión sexual, son temas tratados en salud pública, adicionalmente cuentan con disímiles estrategias que buscan la reducción del embarazo en adolescentes e infecciones de transmisión sexual. Objetivo. Determinar la efectividad de la intervención educativa en la disminución del embarazo y las enfermedades de trasmisión sexual en adolescentes perteneciente a la Unidad Educativa Guillermo Ordóñez Gómez, de la Provincia de Santa Elena, en Ecuador en el periodo de2021-2022. Materiales y Métodos. Se realizó un estudio cuasi- experimental, con una población de 148 estudiantes, de la cual se consideró la muestra de forma aleatoria simple quedando establecida en 74 estudiantes de 1ro de Bachillerato General Unificado y 48 estudiantes de 2do. Primero se realizó un análisis preliminar (Etapa inicial) que permitió determinar cuál fue la situación inicial y el grado de información de las adolescentes. Resultados. El 51% tenían 15 años. Según la localidad la zona urbana con un 52% y la zona rural con un 48%. el 89% refirieron tener conocimientos y el 3% tal vez, en relación al preservativo masculino el 63% mencionaron que sí conocen, el 32% respondieron no conocerlo, y la satisfacción de los estudiantes con la información recibida, fue del 50% de los beneficiarios se sintieron muy satisfecho con la información recibidas, el 30% de los estudiantes satisfechos, mientras que el 20% de forma neutral. Conclusiones. La intervención educativa resultó adecuada, ya que incrementó el nivel de conocimiento de los adolescentes con respecto a los temas de Salud Sexual y Salud Reproductiva para la prevención de embarazo y enfermedades de transmisión sexual y existió un nivel satisfacción con la información recibida.

Sexual and reproductive health, adolescent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections are topics addressed in public health, and there are also different strategies aimed at reducing adolescent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. Objective. To determine the effectiveness of the educational intervention in the reduction of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases in adolescents belonging to the Guillermo Ordóñez Gómez Educational Unit, in the Province of Santa Elena, Ecuador, during the period of 21-21-2022. Materials and Methods. A quasi-experimental study was carried out with a population of 148 students, from which the sample was considered in a simple random way, being established in 74 students of 1st grade of General Unified High School and 48 students of 2nd grade. First, a preliminary analysis (initial stage) was carried out to determine the initial situation and the degree of information of the adolescents. Results. Fifty-one percent were 15 years old. According to the locality of the urban area with 52% and the rural area with 48%, 89% reported having knowledge and 3% maybe, in relation to the male condom 63% mentioned that they do know, 32% responded that they did not know, and the satisfaction of the students with the information received was 50% of the beneficiaries were very satisfied with the information received, 30% of the students were satisfied, while 20% were neutral. Conclusions. The educational intervention was adequate, since it increased the level of knowledge of adolescents regarding the topics of Sexual and Reproductive Health for the prevention of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases and there was a level of satisfaction with the information received.

A saúde sexual e reprodutiva, a gravidez na adolescência e as infecções sexualmente transmissíveis (ISTs) são tópicos abordados na saúde pública, com uma variedade de estratégias destinadas a reduzir a gravidez na adolescência e as ISTs. Objetivo. Determinar a eficácia da intervenção educativa na redução da gravidez na adolescência e das infecções sexualmente transmissíveis em adolescentes pertencentes à Unidade Educacional Guillermo Ordóñez Gómez, na Província de Santa Elena, Equador, durante o período de 21-21-2022. Materiais e métodos. Foi realizado um estudo quase experimental com uma população de 148 alunos, dos quais a amostra foi considerada uma amostra aleatória simples de 74 alunos do 1º ano do Ensino Médio Geral Unificado e 48 alunos do 2º ano. Primeiramente, foi realizada uma análise preliminar (etapa inicial) para determinar a situação inicial e o grau de informação dos adolescentes. Resultados. Cinquenta e um por cento tinham 15 anos de idade. De acordo com a localidade da área urbana com 52% e a área rural com 48%. 89% relataram ter conhecimento e 3% talvez, em relação ao preservativo masculino 63% mencionaram que sabiam, 32% responderam que não sabiam, e a satisfação dos alunos com as informações recebidas foi de 50% dos beneficiários estavam muito satisfeitos com as informações recebidas, 30% dos alunos estavam satisfeitos, enquanto 20% eram neutros. Conclusões. A intervenção educativa foi adequada, pois aumentou o nível de conhecimento dos adolescentes em relação aos temas de Saúde Sexual e Reprodutiva para a prevenção de gravidez e doenças sexualmente transmissíveis, e houve um nível de satisfação com as informações recebidas.

Humans , Adolescent , Reproductive Health/education , Contraceptive Prevalence Surveys/statistics & numerical data , Sociodemographic Factors , Public Health
São Paulo; s.n; 2021. 134 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1291347


Introdução: Apesar de serem altamente eficazes, os métodos contraceptivos de longa duração são usados por apenas 2% das mulheres brasileiras. A cidade de São Paulo tem realizado esforços para aumentar o uso desses métodos por meio da ampliação da oferta do dispositivo intrauterino (DIU) com cobre, especialmente no período pós-parto e pós-abortamento, e do implante contraceptivo para mulheres em situação de vulnerabilidade social. No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre a experiência das usuárias desses métodos, principalmente no que concerne à satisfação. Objetivo: Analisar a satisfação das mulheres com o uso do implante contraceptivo e do DIU com cobre. Método: Estudo quantitativo transversal, conduzido com 331 mulheres entre 15 e 49 anos que passaram por inserção de implante ou DIU com cobre em um hospital púbico da cidade de São Paulo/SP, entre 2016 e 2019. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevista telefônica conduzida em 2020 por meio de um instrumento estruturado. A mensuração da satisfação com o método contraceptivo ocorreu de duas formas: por meio da resposta direta satisfação autorreferida e por meio da análise conjunta de quatro atributos (expectativa, experiência, efetividade e continuidade) nomeada como satisfação completa. A análise das duas formas de mensuração e dos aspectos associados a elas ocorreu por meio de teste de diferença entre duas proporções pelo Qui-quadrado. Resultados: A satisfação com o uso do implante foi superior a 90% e alcançou 85% entre as usuárias de DIU com cobre, pela forma de mensuração autorreferida. Pela análise por atributos (satisfação completa), a satisfação foi relacionada à expectativa de que o método fosse seguro para a prevenção da gravidez; à experiência ter sido melhor que o esperado, proporcionando a sensação de tranquilidade em razão da segurança; à efetividade do método em prevenir a gravidez; e à continuidade no uso indicando adesão ao método. O principal motivo para a alta satisfação foi a segurança de que o método seria eficaz para evitar a gravidez (94,6% das entrevistadas). As duas formas de mensuração não foram equivalentes. A melhora dos efeitos colaterais ao longo do tempo foi a única variável associada à satisfação autorreferida, para ambos os métodos (p=0,012 para usuárias de implante e p<0,001 para usuárias de DIU). Nenhuma variável foi associada à satisfação completa. Conclusão: A alta satisfação com o uso do implante e do DIU com cobre foi motivada pela segurança quanto à eficácia em prevenir a gravidez e mostrou estar associada à melhora dos efeitos colaterais ao longo do tempo de uso.

Introduction: Despite being highly effective, long-term contraceptives are used by only 2% of Brazilian women. The city of São Paulo has made efforts to increase the use of these methods by expanding the supply of the Copper intrauterine device (IUD), especially in the postpartum and post-abortion period, and contraceptive implant for women in social vulnerability situations. However, little is known about the experience of the users of these methods, especially with regard to satisfaction. Objective: To analyze women's satisfaction with the use of contraceptive implants and Copper IUDs. Method: Cross-sectional quantitative study, conducted with 331 women between 15 and 49 years who underwent implant or Copper IUD insertion in a public hospital in the city of São Paulo/SP, between 2016 and 2019. Data were obtained through a telephone interview conducted in 2020 through a structured instrument. The measurement of satisfaction with the contraceptive method occurred in two ways: through direct response - self-reported satisfaction - and through the joint analysis of four attributes (expectation, experience, effectiveness and continuity) - named as complete satisfaction. The analysis of the two forms of measurement and the aspects associated with them occurred through a test of difference between two proportions by Chi-square. Results: Satisfaction with the use of the implant was higher than 90% and reached 85% among the users of Copper IUD, by the self-reported measurement form. By the analysis by attributes (complete satisfaction), satisfaction was related to the expectation that the method was safe for pregnancy prevention; to experience to have been better than expected, providing the feeling of tranquility due to safety; to the effectiveness of the method in preventing pregnancy; and to the continuity in use indicating adhering to the method. The main reason for the high satisfaction was the safety that the method would be effective to avoid the pregnancy (94.6% of the interviewees). The two forms of measurement were not equivalent. The improvement of side effects over time was the only variable associated with self-reported satisfaction for both methods (p=0.012 for implant users and p<0.001 for IUD users). No variable was associated with complete satisfaction. Conclusion: The high satisfaction with the use of the implant and the Copper IUD was motivated by the safety regarding the efficacy in preventing pregnancy and was shown to be associated with the improvement of side effects over the time of use.

Patient Satisfaction , Contraception , Contraceptive Prevalence Surveys , Intrauterine Devices
Sahel medical journal (Print) ; 23(2): 103-108, 2020. ilus
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1271717


Background: Antimicrobials are nonreplaceable in the treatment of bacterial infections and thus should be used judiciously. In Nigeria, there is currently no restriction on the prescription and sale of antimicrobials. This study was conducted to assess the antimicrobial prescription pattern of physicians at a tertiary hospital in Northwestern Nigeria. Materials and Methods: A point prevalence survey was carried out among all inpatients at Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital in June 2015. Those receiving an antimicrobial agent during the survey period were included in the study while patients admitted on the day of the survey were excluded from the study. Data were obtained using a structured interviewer­administered questionnaire and abstraction from patient records. Information obtained included demographic data, antimicrobial agents prescribed, indication for treatment, laboratory data, and stop/review dates of prescriptions. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 20.0. Results: Twenty­three wards with a total number of 318 inpatients were enlisted. Of these, 210 (66%) patients were on treatment with antimicrobials. Male: female ratio of patients on antimicrobials was 1.2:1, and age of respondents ranged from 1 day (0.0027 years) to 75 years. The overall antimicrobial prevalence rate was 210 (66%) with surgical prophylaxis 100 (47.6%) as the most common indication. Overall, 332 antimicrobials were prescribed with cephalosporins as the most common class prescribed 96 (28.9%). Majority of the prescriptions (328, 98.8%) were based on empirical treatment, 288 (86.7%) were open prescriptions, and only 4 (1.2%) were according to treatment guidelines. Conclusion: The high prevalence of antimicrobial use highlights the need for an antimicrobial stewardship program in this facility

Anti-Infective Agents , Antimicrobial Stewardship , Contraceptive Prevalence Surveys , Nigeria , Prescriptions , Tertiary Care Centers
Rev. Soc. Bras. Clín. Méd ; 17(3): 142-146, jul.-set. 2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1284213


Objetivos: Investigar o número de mulheres, as causas que levam a fazer o uso e descrever os efeitos adversos mais comuns associados ao uso de contraceptivos orais de forma contínua. Métodos: Trata-se de estudo observacional, transversal ou de prevalência e quantitativo. A pesquisa teve população de 832 alunas do curso de Direito dos turnos matutino, vespertino e noturno, no período de agosto a setembro, tendo como amostra 248 participantes para esse estudo. O questionário versou sobre o uso de anticoncepcionais, o perfil das usuárias e os possíveis efeitos adversos observados ao longo do uso. Resultados: A prevalência de uso dos contraceptivos orais foi de 42,3%, justificada principalmente pelo desejo de evitar a concepção (42,9%), regular os níveis hormonais (25,7%) e tratar acne (15,2%). Cerca de 63,8% relataram que já sentiram algum desconforto associado ao uso destes medicamentos, sendo os mais frequentes aumento de peso corporal (32,4%), alterações de humor (24,3%), dor nas mamas (13,5%), cefaleia (4,1%), dor abdominal (2,7%). Conclusão: A prevalência de efeitos adversos decorrentes do uso contínuo de contraceptivos orais é alta, evidenciando-se a necessidade de conscientizar as usuárias a buscarem profissionais habilitados, para que elas façam uso do anticoncepcional mais adequado, minimizando o desconforto advindo dos efeitos adversos.

Objectives: To investigate the number of women, the causes that lead to making use, and to describe the most common adverse effects associated with oral contraceptive continuous use. Methods: This is an observational, cross-sectional, or prevalence and quantitative study. The research had a population of 832 students of the law course of the morning, afternoon and evening shifts, from August to September, with a sample of 248 participants for this study. The questionnaire was about contraceptive use, users' profile, and possible adverse effects observed during use. Results: The prevalence of oral contraceptive use was 42.3%, mainly explained by the desire to avoid conception (42.9%), regulate hormone levels (25.7%), and to treat acne (15.2%). About 63.8% reported already having some discomfort associated with the use of these medications, with the most frequent being body weight gain (32.4%), mood swings (24.3%), breast pain (13.5%), headache (4.1%), abdominal pain (2.7%). Conclusion: The prevalence of adverse effects resulting from the continued use of oral contraceptives is high, so there is a need to guide users to seek qualified professionals so that they make use of the most appropriate contraceptive, minimizing the discomfort arising from adverse effects.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Students/statistics & numerical data , Women , Contraceptives, Oral/adverse effects , Contraceptives, Oral/therapeutic use , Weight Gain/drug effects , Abdominal Pain/chemically induced , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Acne Vulgaris/drug therapy , Contraception/statistics & numerical data , Affective Symptoms/chemically induced , Withholding Treatment/statistics & numerical data , Endometriosis/drug therapy , Mastodynia/chemically induced , Contraceptive Prevalence Surveys/statistics & numerical data , Headache/chemically induced
African Journal of Reproductive Health ; 23(3): 96-105, 2019. ilus
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1258544


Since the 1990s some countries in Africa have experienced very rapid increases in contraceptive prevalence (e.g. Ethiopia, Malawi, Rwanda), while others (e.g. Nigeria) have seen little change. This study aims to shed light on the causes of these different trends which remain controversial. We assess the role of family planning programs vs. socioeconomic development (especially, women's educational attainment). Estimates of the effects of different explanatory factors are obtained by country level regressions in which the prevalence of modern contraception is the dependent variable and women's educational attainment,Gross National Income (GNI) per capita, percent urban and child mortality as well as the family planning program score are the independent variables. The statistical analysis finds no significant effects of GNI per capita, percent urban and child mortality. In contrast, women's educational attainment and program score have highly significant effects and are the dominant drivers of contraceptive prevalence trends. Voluntary family planning programs can increase contraceptive prevalence at all levels of female education. The best programs with prevalence impact above 30% (relative to no program effort) are found in Zimbabwe, Malawi, Kenya, Rwanda, Zambia and Ethiopia. Without family planning programs prevalence remains low even where education levels have risen substantially

Africa South of the Sahara , Contraceptive Agents , Contraceptive Prevalence Surveys , Family Planning Services/education , Role
Rev. Pesqui. (Univ. Fed. Estado Rio J., Online) ; 10(2): 368-373, abr.-jun. 2018. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-908452


Objetivo: classificar usuárias de anticoncepcionais hormonais injetáveis (AHI) quanto ao uso seguro segundo critérios médicos de elegibilidade da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) e verificar associação entre tipo de injetável e tempo de uso com o uso seguro. Métodos: Estudo transversal, descritivo e exploratório. A população foi composta pelas 52 usuárias de AHI. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista, que seguiu formulário elaborado pelas autoras, sendo identificado fatores que contraindicassem ou indicassem o uso do método, classificando-as em categorias de 1 a 4. O Projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade Federal do Ceará, CAAE: 36668314.3.0000.5054. Resultados: Foram identificadas 44 (84,7%) mulheres em uso seguro e 8 (15,3%) inseguro. Usuárias há mais de um ano tiveram uma frequência maior de uso inseguro (p=0,001). Conclusão: Seguir as recomendações da OMS deve ser rotina nas consultas de enfermagem visando à proteção e segurança da mulher.

Objective: to classify users of injectable hormonal contraceptives (AHI) in accordance with the safe use according to medical eligibility criteria of the World Health Organization (WHO) and assess the association between type of injection and use of time with safe use. Methods: Cross-sectional, descriptive and exploratory study. The population was composed by 52 users of AHI. Data were collected through interviews, which followed form developed by the authors, and identified factors that contraindicate or indicate the use of the method, classifying them into categories from 1 to 4. The project was approved by the Ethics Committee of the University Federal do Ceará, CAAE: 36668314.3.0000.5054. Results: Were identified 44 (84.7%) women in safe use and 8 (15.3%) in unsafe use. Users with over a year of use had a higher frequency of unsafe use (p=0.001). Conclusion: Following WHO recommendations should be routine in nursing consultation to the protection and safety of women.

Objetivo: clasificar las usuarias de anticonceptivos hormonales inyectables (AHI) segundo criterio de elegibilidad médica de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y evaluar la asociación entre el tipo de inyección y el uso del tiempo con uso seguro. Métodos: Estudio transversal, descriptivo y exploratorio. La población fue compuesta por 52 usuarias de AHI. Los datos fueron colectados a través de entrevistas desarrollada por las autoras, e identificó los factores que contraindican o indiquen el uso del método, clasificándolos en categorías 1 a 4. El proyecto fue aprobado por el Comité de Ética de Investigación de la Universidad Federal do Ceará, CAAE: 36668314.3.0000.5054. Resultados: Se identificaron 44 (84,7%) mujeres en el uso seguro y 8 (15,3%) no seguro. Las usuarias más de un año habían una mayor frecuencia de uso inseguro (p=0,001). Conclusión: El uso de las recomendaciones de la OMS debe ser rutinario en la consulta de enfermería.

Female , Humans , Adolescent , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Contraceptive Agents, Female , Contraceptive Agents, Female/adverse effects , Contraceptive Agents, Female/standards , Brazil , Contraceptive Prevalence Surveys
Rev. Bras. Saúde Mater. Infant. (Online) ; 17(2): 347-354, Apr.-June 2017. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1013031


Abstract Objectives: to determine the prevalence and factors associated with the rapid repeat pregnancy (RRP) in pregnant adolescents. Methods: a cross-sectional study was carried out with pregnant adolescents assisted at the Family Health Strategies in Caruaru-PE from March to August 2013. A questionnaire with sociodemographic, economic, schooling, gynecological, obstetric and contraceptive characteristics was used. The data were analyzed in the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 20. Binary logistic regression models were used. Results: among the 204 pregnant adolescents interviewed, the data of 26.5% (n = 54) multiparous were analyzed. The occurrence of RRP was 42.6% (n = 23) [95% CI 29.23-56.79]. The variables associated with RRP were non-use of contraceptive methods [OR 7.40 (CI95% 1.56-3.49)] and no previous pregnancy planning [OR 0.19 (95% CI 0.05-0.78)]. Conclusions: the percentage of RRP in adolescents was high. The non-use of contracep-tive methods increased the chances of RRP, while the no previous pregnancy planning decreased the chances of adolescents getting pregnant again without previous program-ming.

Resumo Objetivos: determinar a prevalência e fatores associados a gravidez de repetição rápida (GRR) em gestantes adolescentes. Métodos: estudo transversal desenvolvido com gestantes adolescentes assistidas nas Estratégias de Saúde da Família de Caruaru-PE no período de março a agosto de 2013. Foi utilizado um questionário com características sociodemográficas, econômicas, escolares, ginecológicas, obstétricas e contraceptivas. Os dados foram analisados no Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), versão 20. Empregou-se modelos de regressão logís-tica binária. Resultados: dentre as 204 gestantes adolescentes entrevistadas, foram analisados os dados de 26,5% (n=54) que eram multigestas. A ocorrência de GRR foi de 42,6% (n=23) [IC95% 29,23-56,79]. As variáveis associadas à GRR foram não uso de métodos contracep-tivos [OR 7,40 (IC95% 1,56-3,49)] e não planejamento da gravidez anterior [OR 0,19 (IC95% 0,05-0,78)]. Conclusões: foi elevado o percentual de GRR nas adolescentes. O não uso de métodos contraceptivos aumentou as chances de GRR, enquanto a não realização de planejamento da gestação anterior diminuiu as chances das adolescentes engravidarem novamente sem programação prévia.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Adult , Pregnancy in Adolescence/statistics & numerical data , Pregnancy, Unplanned , Contraceptive Prevalence Surveys , Sexual Behavior , Brazil , Logistic Models , Reproductive Health
Pan Afr. med. j ; 26(199)2017.
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1268474


Introduction: l'objectif de cette étude était de déterminer la prévalence contraceptive moderne et les barrières à l'utilisation des méthodes contraceptives modernes chez les couples de la Zone de Santé Dibindi, à Mbuji-Mayi en République Démocratique du Congo.Méthodes: de Mai à Juin 2015, nous avons réalisé une étude descriptive transversale. Nous avons inclus les femmes âgées de 15 à 49 ans, en union maritale, non enceinte au moment de l'enquête, qui habitaient la Zone de santé Dibindi depuis deux ans et ayant consenti librement de participer à l'étude. La collecte des données a été réalisée par interview libre des femmes. La prévalence contraceptive moderne se référait aux femmes en cours d'utilisation, au moment de l'enquête, des contraceptifs modernes. La comparaison des proportions a été réalisée au seuil de signification de 5%. Le test de Bonferroni a été utilisé pour comparer, deux à deux, les proportions des barrières à l'utilisation des contraceptifs modernes.Résultats: la prévalence contraceptive moderne à Dibindi, en 2015, était de 18,4%. Elle était faible eu égard aux services de planification familiale disponibles dans cette Zone de santé. Plusieurs femmes refusaient d'utiliser les méthodes contraceptives modernes malgré l'information dont elles disposaient à cause de leur désir de maternité, l'interdiction religieuse, l'opposition du conjoint et la crainte des effets secondaires.Conclusion: l'information suffisante et centrée sur chaque cliente ou son couple, sur la planification familiale, devrait être renforcée de façon à éliminer les fausses croyances, ce qui accroitrait l'utilisation des méthodes contraceptives modernes

Contraception , Contraception, Barrier , Contraceptive Prevalence Surveys , Democratic Republic of the Congo , Women
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-158417


Background & objectives: Unmet need for contraception remains a national problem. The study was conducted in an urban area of Puducherry, India, among the eligible couples to assess the unmet need for contraception and to determine the awareness and pattern of use of contraceptives along with the socio-demographic factors associated with the unmet needs for contraception. Methods: This cross-sectional study included eligible couples with married women in age group of 15-45 yr as the study population (n=267). Probability proportional to size sampling followed by systematic random sampling was used. A pre-tested questionnaire was administered to collect data from the respondents. Double data entry and validation of data was done. Results: Unmet need for contraception was 27.3 per cent (95% CI: 22.3-33); unmet need for spacing and limiting was 4.9 and 22.5 per cent, respectively. Among those with unmet need (n=73), 50 per cent reported client related factors (lack of knowledge, shyness, etc.); and 37 per cent reported contraception related factors (availability, accessibility, affordability, side effects) as a cause for unmet need. Interpretation & conclusions: Our study showed a high unmet need for contraception in the study area indicating towards a necessity to address user perspective to meet the contraception needs.

Adolescent , Adult , Contraception/epidemiology , Contraception/methods , Contraceptive Prevalence Surveys , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Humans , India , Marriage , Prevalence , Urban Population , Women , Young Adult