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Rev. Inst. Nac. Hig ; 41(2): 37-45, dic. 2010. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: lil-631781


El objetivo es demostrar la importancia que tiene la aplicación de la Fórmula Dietética Institucional (FDI), mediante resultados obtenidos a partir de una muestra, los cuales son confiables y permiten inferir la FDI para la población de trabajadores y trabajadoras, beneficiarios de la Ley de Alimentación para los Trabajadores, aprobada según Gaceta Oficial N° 38.094 de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, de fe-cha 27 de diciembre de 2004; y su Reglamento, aprobado según Gaceta Oficial Nº 38.426 de fecha 28-04-06, Decreto Nº 4.448 del 25-04-06, la cual obliga a las empresas a suministrar a los beneficiarios, al menos una comida diaria, según los Requerimientos de Energía y Nutrientes para la población venezolana. Se consideraron las variables: Edad, Género, Actividad y Requerimiento Energético; se estudió una población de 1.644 trabajadores y trabajadoras de una empresa A, clasificados según el tipo de trabajo realizado, así como 1038 trabajadores y trabajadoras de una empresa B, con cuatro sedes. Se seleccionó una muestra probabilística de 150 de la primera empresa con el fin de comprobar la contabilidad de los resultados basados en dicha muestra, se comparó el resultado obtenido para la población y para la muestra, mediante la prueba z, y se encontró que no hay diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p > 0,05). Se compararon los requerimientos promedios por género y por actividad, mediante la aplicación de la prueba t y las diferencias fueron estadísticamente significativas (p < 0,05). Se concluye que la FDI es válida y los resultados obtenidos a partir de una muestra probabilística son confiables.

The objective is to demonstrate the importance has the application the diet formula Institutional (IDF), using results obtained in a sample, which are reliable and allow you to infer the IDF for the population of workers, beneficiaries of food law for workers, adopted according to Gazette official Nº 38.094 of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, dated 27 December 2004; and its regulations, approved accor-ding to official Gazette Nº 38.426 dated 28-04-06, Decree Nº 4.448 of the 25-04-06, which requires companies to pro-vide the beneficiaries to the least a daily meal according to energy and nutrient requirements for the Venezuelan popu-lation. The variables were considered: Age, Sort, Activity and Energetic Requirement; a population of 1644 workers and workers of a company studied, classified according to the type of made work, as well as 1038 workers and workers of a B company, with four seats. A probabilistic sample of 150 of the first company with the aim was selected to verify the trustworthiness of the results based on this sample, com-pared the result obtained for the population and the sam ple, by means of test t of Student, and one was that p are statisti-cally no significant differences (p > 0,05). Ave rages by sort were compared the requirements and by activity, by means of the application of the test t and the dif ef rences they were statistically significant (p < 0,05). One concludes that the IDF is valid and the results obtained from a probabilistic sample are reliable.

Humans , Male , Female , Food, Formulated , Dietetics/methods , Motor Activity/physiology , Nutritional Requirements , Public Health
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 59(1): 7-13, mar. 2009. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-588687


El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar los cambios en la ingesta energía y nutrientes y el grado de suficiencia de la alimentación en pacientes sometidos a bypass gástrico. En 44 mujeres con obesidad severa y mórbida se estudió la alimentación previa y a los 6, 12 y 18 meses después de realizada la intervención quirúrgica mediante encuesta de registro de tres días. El consumo de suplementos de vitaminas y minerales se controló estrictamente mediante el registro individualizado de su consumo. Con la excepción de la ingesta de calcio y vitamina A, el consumo de energía y nutrientes fue significativamente menor a los 6, 12 y 18 meses post cirugía comparado con el período preoperatorio. La ingesta dietética de calcio, hierro, zinc, cobre, ácido fólico, vitamina C y vitamina E estuvo por debajo del 100 por ciento de adecuación a partir del 6º mes post operatorio, situación que se revierte al considerar el consumo de estos nutrientes a partir de los suplementos. Aun cuando se observó una tendencia a una curva en “U” en la ingesta de micronutrientes durante el período experimental, en la mayoría de ellos las diferencias entre los valores obtenidos a los meses 12 y 18 no fue significativa. En conclusión, estos pacientes presentan reducciones importantes de la ingesta dietética de energía y micronutrientes. El consumo rutinario de suplementos podría revertir esta situación, sin embargo, las alteraciones anatómicas inherentes a esta intervención podrían producir que cifras de adecuación ligeramente superiores al 100 por ciento sean, en la práctica, insuficientes para asegurar que no se desarrollen cuadros de deficiencia.

The objective of this study was to evaluate the changes of dietary intake and quality of the diet in patients undergoing gastric bypass. In fortyfour women with severe and morbid obesity it was assessed their nutrient intakes before and 6, 12, and 18 months after gastric bypass by using three-day food records. Vitamin and mineral intakes from supplements were strictly controlled though personalized records. With the exceptions of calcium and vitamin A, energy and nutrient intakes were significantly decreased at 6, 12, and 18 month after bypass compared to the pre-surgery period. Dietary intakes of calcium, iron, zinc, copper, folic acid, vitamin C, and vitamin E were below 100 percent of adequacy from the 6th month after the surgery and thereafter. This situation is reverted when nutrient intakes supplied by supplements are taken into account. Although a “U” shape trend was observed in the nutrient intakes results during the experimental period, in most cases the differences between the observed values at month 12 and 18 were not significant. In conclusion, these patients had important reductions of their energy and nutrient intakes as result of gastric bypass. Routine supplements may correct this situation, nevertheless, the anatomical alterations inherent to this type of surgery may cause that total nutrient intakes reaching adequacy values slightly above 100 percent, may not necessarily be able to avoid the development of nutritional deficiencies.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Dietary Vitamins , Gastric Bypass/methods , Dietetics/methods , Dietary Minerals/analysis , Obesity, Morbid/surgery , Obesity, Morbid/diet therapy , Gastroenterology
Rev. méd. Chile ; 136(11): 1460-1467, nov. 2008. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-508968


Nutritional genomics forms part of the genomic sciences and addresses the interaction between genes and the human diet, its influence on metabolism and subsequent susceptibility to develop common diseases. It encompasses both nutrigenomics, which explores the effects of nutrients on the genome, proteome and metabolome; and nutrigenetics, that explores the effects of genetic variations on the diet/disease interaction. A number of mechanisms drive the gene/diet interaction: elements in the diet can act as links for transcription factor receptors and alter intermediary concentrations, thereby modifying chromatin and impacting genetic regulation; affect signal pathways, regulating phosphorylation of tyrosine in receptors; decrease signaling through the inositol pathway; and act through epigenetic mechanisms, silencing DNA fragments by methylation of cytosine. The signals generated by polyunsaturated fatty acids are so powerful that they can even bypass insulin mediated lipogenesis, stimulated by carbohydrates. Some fatty acids modify the expression of genes that participate in fatty acid transport  by lipoproteins. Nutritional genomics has myriad possible therapeutic and preventive applications: in patients with enzymatic deficiencies; in those with a genetic predisposition to complex diseases such as dyslipidemia, diabetes and cancer; in those that already suffer these diseases; in those with altered mood or memory; during the aging process; in pregnant women; and as a preventive measure in the healthy population.

Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Dietetics/methods , Genetic Predisposition to Disease/prevention & control , Metabolic Diseases/diet therapy , Nutrigenomics , Chronic Disease
Barueri; Manole; 2 ed., rev., atual; 2006. 402 p. ilus.
Monography in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-442284
In. Netto, Matheus Papaléo. Gerontologia: a velhice e o envelhecimento em visão globalizada. São Paulo, Atheneu, 2002. p.262-272, tab.
Monography in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-342999


As mudanças obrigatórias nos hábitos alimentares, impostos pela presença de uma ou mais afecções concomitantes, e que serão abordadas, colocam para o profissional a importância de determinada conduta nutricional a ser adotada

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged , Diet , Dietetics/methods , Dietetics/trends , Chronic Disease , Feeding Behavior , Health Transition
Säo Paulo; Universidade de Säo Paulo. Faculdade de Saúde Pública. Departamento de Nutriçäo; 1995. 110 p. tab.
Monography in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-154517


Manual que reúne observaçöes e técnicas de laboratório de técnica dietética e relaciona receitas (MC)

Dietetics/methods , Nutritional Sciences
Rio de Janeiro; Atheneu; 1983. 209 p. graf, ilus, tab.(Pediatria).
Monography in Portuguese | LILACS, AHM-Acervo, TATUAPE-Acervo | ID: biblio-971725