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Educ. med. super ; 36(4)dic. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1514066


Introducción: En tiempos de COVID-19 constituye una necesidad utilizar dispositivos y aplicaciones móviles para el desarrollo del proceso docente-educativo en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Sancti Spíritus, sin descuidar elementos de seguridad que permiten garantizar la preservación de la confidencialidad de los datos personales de estudiantes y profesores. Objetivo: Identificar el estado de preparación inicial de estudiantes y profesores de la carrera Licenciatura en Sistemas de Información en Salud, en temas orientados a la seguridad de dispositivos y aplicaciones móviles en función de la educación. Métodos: Estudio exploratorio realizado en los cursos académicos 2019-2020 y 2020-2021. Se trabajó con una muestra probabilística de 50 estudiantes y profesores. Se emplearon métodos teóricos, empíricos y estadístico-matemático. Se estructuró la variable dependiente en tres dimensiones y seis indicadores, y se definieron las fuentes de información y los principios éticos. Resultados: Se identificaron los conocimientos teórico-prácticos de estudiantes y profesores en seguridad de dispositivos y aplicaciones móviles en función de la educación; adicionalmente, la actitud y motivación que manifestaron en cuanto al uso de métodos técnicos de seguridad y superación. Conclusiones: Existen insuficientes métodos de seguridad técnica en dispositivos y aplicaciones móviles, y falta de cultura tecnológica orientada al uso de las redes de la Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Cuba para el acceso a internet; de ahí la importancia de proteger los datos personales almacenados en dispositivos y aplicaciones móviles. Asimismo, desconocimiento de avisos y políticas de privacidad de las aplicaciones móviles, e insuficientes acciones formativas orientadas al uso correcto de las aplicaciones y la protección de los datos personales(AU)

Introduction: In times of COVID-19 it constitutes a necessity to use mobile devices and applications for the development of the teaching-educational process at the University of Medical Sciences of Sancti Spíritus, without neglecting security elements that allow guaranteeing the preservation of the confidentiality of personal data of students and teachers. Objective: To identify the state of initial preparation of students and teachers of the Bachelor's Degree in Health Information Systems, in topics oriented to the security of mobile devices and applications in terms of education. Methods: Exploratory study conducted in the academic years 2019-2020 and 2020-2021. We worked with a probability sample of 50 students and teachers. Theoretical, empirical and statistical-mathematical methods were used. The dependent variable was structured in three dimensions and six indicators, and the sources of information and ethical principles were defined. Results: Theoretical-practical knowledge of students and teachers in security of mobile devices and applications as a function of education was identified; additionally, the attitude and motivation they manifested regarding the use of technical methods of security and self-improvement. Conclusions: There are insufficient technical security methods in mobile devices and applications, and lack of technological culture oriented to the use of the networks of the Cuban Telecommunications Company for Internet access; hence the importance of protecting personal data stored in mobile devices and applications. Likewise, lack of knowledge of privacy notices and policies of mobile applications, and insufficient training actions oriented to the correct use of applications and the protection of personal data(AU)

Humans , Teaching/education , Faculty/education , Mobile Applications/legislation & jurisprudence , Education, Distance/ethics , Cell Phone , COVID-19/prevention & control
Acta odontol. venez ; 51(2)2013. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-706216


El desarrollo de la Educación a distancia a través de la virtualidad, cada vez adquiere mayor importancia en la UCV lo cual se refleja en el interés de algunos docentes por migrar sus cursos de pregrado de la presencialidad a la virtualidad, muchas veces desconociendo la complejidad que comporta desde una perspectiva pedagógica, el desarrollo de experiencias formativas en entornos virtuales de enseñanza y aprendizaje. En esta investigación se plantea valorar las competencias del docente de la UCV, para diseñar y desarrollar experiencias formativas en entornos virtuales de enseñanza y aprendizaje en el nivel de pregrado de la UCV, de calidad y con cierta garantía de éxito. Esta valoración se hará a partir de los resultados del análisis de las experiencias que se llevan a cabo actualmente en algunas facultades y escuelas de la UCV (seleccionadas según los criterios que se establezcan), en contraste con el referente teórico elaborado como producto de la revisión teórica sobre el tema, el perfil de competencia y los descriptores considerados claves. Los resultados permitirán en el corto plazo, la formulación de planes de acción orientados a la superación de las debilidades detectadas y la potenciación de las fortalezas, con miras a incrementar las experiencias formativas desde el paradigma de la virtualidad en la UCV, con criterio de excelencia. El estudio además podría aportar insumos para la elaboración posterior de un plan de formación docente en el área, en correspondencia con las políticas del Sistema de Educación a Distancia de la UCV. (SEDUCV)

The development of distance education through the virtual, is becoming increasingly important in the VCU which is reflected in the interest of some teachers to migrate their undergraduate courses presentiality to virtuality, often ignoring the complexity behaves from a pedagogical perspective, the development of formative experiences in virtual teaching and learning. This research was the teacher assess the competencies of the UCV, to design and develop learning experiences in virtual teaching and learning at the undergraduate level, UCV, quality and with some assurance of success. This assessment was based on the results of the analysis of the experiences that are currently underway in some faculties and schools of the UCV, in contrast to the theoretical reference developed as a product of the theoretical review on the subject, the competency profile and considered key descriptors. The results will in the short term, the development of action plans to overcome identified weaknesses and enhancing strengths, in order to increase the formative experiences from the paradigm of virtuality in the UCV, with criteria of excellence . The study could also provide inputs for the subsequent preparation of a plan for teacher training in the area, in line with the policies of Distance Education System of the UCV. (SEDUCV)

Female , Education, Dental , Education, Distance/ethics , Faculty, Dental , Competency-Based Education , Job Description
Rev. Dep. Psicol., UFF ; 19(2): 439-453, jul.-dic. 2007.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-479241


Este trabalho parte dos encontros no Programa de Educação a Distância (EAD) da PUCRS Virtual. Objetivamos problematizar como a perspectiva de espaço-tempo, tensionada pelas Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação reverbera na produção da subjetividade através da prática educativa em EAD. Traçamos as amarras produzidas por modulação, atualizado na avaliação e formação permanente, constituição de uma subjetividade programada. Perguntamo-nos pelas linhas que afetam as estruturas em formação. É a tecnologia que traz em si as problematizações: vírus nos computadores. Em um devir vírus invadimos os modos de ser, corrompendo as programações. Um vírus não pede licença, afirma sua existência.

This work results from the Program of Distance Education (DE) hold at PUCRS Virtual. Our purpose is to problematize how understandings of space-time inspired by Information Technology and its effects are expressed in the production of subjectivities as result of DE practices. We'll discuss the movement produced by the modulation process, which is renewed in the extended evaluation, as a programmed subjectivity. We'll problematize ways the lines that affect born structures. The technology itself brings in its creation our problematizations: the computer viruses. It is because of a devir virus we infect ways of being and we brake the programming. A virus lives to affirm its existence.

Education, Distance/ethics , Information Technology