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Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 7(1): 3-22, 20230300. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1509596


O desenvolvimento e a ampliação do uso das vacinas durante décadas contribuíram para o controle e erradicação de doenças infecciosas, causando um grande impacto na saúde pública no mundo. A análise de segurança das vacinas percorre criteriosos processos e fases dos estudos clínicos, um dos pilares essenciais para aprovação regulatória e utilização do produto na população. O evento supostamente atribuído à vacinação e imunização (ESAVI), terminologia atual, é definido como qualquer ocorrência médica indesejada após a vacinação que possui, ou não, uma relação causal com o uso de uma vacina ou outro imunobiológico. Cabe ressaltar que eventos adversos mais raros ou inesperados, incluindo os eventos de hipersensibilidade, poderão ocorrer na fase pós-comercialização, quando as vacinas são aplicadas em milhões de pessoas. Neste artigo, serão discutidos os principais aspectos relacionados aos eventos adversos de hipersensibilidade pós-vacinais de interesse do especialista, e os desafios frente ao reconhecimento do agente causal e conduta a ser adotada. Além disso, serão revisados os potenciais alérgenos presentes nas vacinas de uso rotineiro para auxiliar o profissional de saúde na identificação de pacientes com potencial de risco de ESAVI por tais componentes. A atualização do conhecimento acerca da segurança e dos benefícios das vacinas pelos profissionais de saúde, sobretudo em populações especiais, contribui para condutas em imunização mais apropriadas, reduzindo o risco de exposição a um possível alérgeno em pessoas comprovadamente alérgicas às vacinas ou a alguns dos seus componentes, além de evitar contraindicações desnecessárias em eventos coincidentes ou não graves.

The expansion of vaccine use and development in recent decades has contributed to the control and eradication of infectious diseases, causing a major impact on public health worldwide. Vaccine safety analysis, which involves careful processes and clinical study, is one of the essential pillars of regulatory approval and use in the population. In current terminology, events supposedly attributable to vaccination and immunization (ESAVI) are defined as any unwanted medical occurrence after vaccination that may or may not have a causal relationship with vaccines or other immunobiologicals. It is noteworthy that rare or unexpected adverse events, including hypersensitivity, can occur during the post-marketing phase, when vaccines are administered to millions of people. In this article, we will discuss the main aspects of post-vaccine hypersensitivity events of interest to specialists and challenges to recognizing the causal agent and appropriate clinical practice. Potential allergens in routine vaccines will also be reviewed to help health professionals identify patients with a potential risk of ESAVI due to such components. Updating health professionals' knowledge about the safety and benefits of vaccines, particularly in special populations, can contribute to more appropriate clinical practice regarding immunization, reducing the risk of exposure to possible allergens in people with allergies to vaccines or their components, avoiding unnecessary contraindications in coincidental or non-serious events.

Humans , Influenza Vaccines , Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis Vaccine , Chickenpox Vaccine , Diphtheria-Tetanus Vaccine , Pneumococcal Vaccines , Yellow Fever Vaccine , COVID-19 Vaccines , Polyethylene Glycols , Milk Hypersensitivity , Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures , Latex Hypersensitivity , Egg Hypersensitivity , Anti-Infective Agents
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 6(2): 214-224, abr.jun.2022. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1400202


A urticária aguda é uma causa frequente de consulta com alergistas, caracterizada por urticas e/ou angioedema. Embora autolimitada e benigna, pode causar desconforto significativo e raramente representar uma doença sistêmica grave ou reação alérgica com risco de vida. Nesta revisão, elaborada pelo Departamento Científico de Urticária da Associação Brasileira de Alergia e Imunologia, foram abordadas as principais questões referentes ao tema para auxiliar o médico especialista e generalista.

Acute urticaria is a frequent cause of consultations with allergists, being characterized by wheals and/or angioedema. Although self-limited and benign, it may cause significant discomfort and uncommonly represent a serious systemic disease or life-threatening allergic reaction. In this review prepared by the Urticaria Scientific Department of the Brazilian Association of Allergy and Immunology, the main questions about this topic are addressed to help specialists and general practitioners.

Humans , Urticaria , Epinephrine , Milk Hypersensitivity , Egg Hypersensitivity , Drug Hypersensitivity , Shellfish Hypersensitivity , Nut and Peanut Hypersensitivity , Histamine H1 Antagonists , Anaphylaxis , Spider Bites , Physicians , Societies, Medical , Therapeutics , Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal , Sweet Syndrome , Dermatitis, Allergic Contact , Adrenal Cortex Hormones , Hypereosinophilic Syndrome , Schnitzler Syndrome , Mastocytosis, Cutaneous , Diagnosis , Allergy and Immunology , Erythema , Angioedemas, Hereditary , Food Hypersensitivity , Allergists , Hypersensitivity , Angioedema
Arq. gastroenterol ; 57(4): 409-415, Oct.-Dec. 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1142333


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Vitamin D is an essential fat-soluble steroid hormone and vitamin D deficiency is a global public health problem especially among children and adolescents. Factors such as the low intake of vitamin D-rich food sources, poor absorption and less exposure to the sun influence this outcome. Vitamin D has an anti-inflammatory effect in the body by promoting regulatory T cell differentiation as well as recovering T helper 17 cell response and secretion of anti-inflammatory cytokines. Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is a chronic disease, histologically characterized by predominantly eosinophilic inflammation. The most common therapeutic approaches are allergen-eliminating diets, such as excluding cow's milk, egg, soy, wheat, peanuts and seafood, or more specific dietary restrictions. OBJECTIVE: To verify the serum levels of vitamin D in children and adolescents with eosinophilic esophagitis on a restricted food diet and to analyze their association with nutritional status, consumption of different food sources, exposure to the sun and skin color. METHODS: Case-control study conducted in the city of Campinas-SP, Brazil, in which included patients were aged 2 to 18 years old, and those diagnosed with eosinophilic esophagitis was referred to as the case group (n=15), meanwhile a control group (n=17) was also formed. Epidemiological data, nutritional status, data on vitamin D intake (24-hour recall - performed only by EoE patients - and self-reported intake of vitamin D food sources: milk and dairy products, canned tuna and sardines, Bull's liver, chicken eggs - applied in both groups), and daily time of sun exposure (≥30 min or ≤30 min) were recorded. The samples were collected for serum levels of 25-hydroxy-vitamin D, where sufficiency levels >30 ng/mL were considered, insufficiency 21 to 30 ng/mL, deficiency <20 ng/mL. RESULTS: There was a higher frequency of vitamin D insufficiency/ deficiency in the Eosinophilic Esophagitis group (P=0.035), even with longer sun exposure (P= 0.035). Skin color was not associated with lower levels of vitamin D in both groups studied. No difference was found in nutritional status between the groups. CONCLUSION: The present study demonstrated a higher frequency of inadequate/ deficient levels of vitamin D in children and adolescents with EoE on a restricted diet. When necessary, serum levels should be investigated and correct exposure to the sun should be encouraged, with special attention to the recommended guidelines, time spent in the sun and the appropriate clothing for correct absorption. Since exposure for more than 30 minutes in the sun does not appear to have provided a protective effect in the EoE group, even in a region with high levels of solar radiation. There was a significant difference only in the consumption of cow's milk between the case and control groups, demonstrating the low adherence to the restriction diet by the case group. No association was found between serum 25 hydroxyvitamin D levels and nutritional status. Moreover, no association regarding the adequate or inadequate status of 25 hydroxyvitamin D and the consumption vitamin D-rich foods was identified. Multicentered studies with a larger number of cases should be performed to assess serum 25 hydroxyvitamin D levels and associated factors in pediatric patients with EoE.

RESUMO CONTEXTO: A vitamina D é um hormônio esteroide solúvel em gordura essencial e sua deficiência é um problema global de saúde pública, especialmente entre crianças e adolescentes. Fatores como baixa ingestão de fontes alimentares ricas em vitamina D, baixa absorção e menor exposição ao sol influenciam esse resultado. A vitamina D tem um efeito anti-inflamatório no organismo, promovendo a diferenciação regulatória das células T e recuperando a resposta das células T auxiliares 17 e a secreção de citocinas anti-inflamatórias. A esofagite eosinofílica (EoE) é uma doença crônica, caracterizada histologicamente por inflamação predominantemente eosinofílica. As abordagens terapêuticas mais comuns são as dietas eliminadoras de alérgenos, como a exclusão de leite de vaca, ovo, soja, trigo, amendoim e frutos do mar ou restrições alimentares mais específicas. OBJETIVO: Verificar os níveis séricos de vitamina D em crianças e adolescentes com EoE em dieta restrita e, analisar sua associação com estado nutricional, consumo de fonte alimentar, exposição ao sol e cor da pele. MÉTODOS: Estudo caso-controle realizado na cidade de Campinas-SP, Brasil, no qual foram incluídos pacientes com idades entre 2 e 18 anos; aqueles com diagnóstico de EoE foram referidos como grupo de casos (n=15); um grupo controle (n=17) também foi formado. Dados epidemiológicos, estado nutricional, dados sobre a ingestão de vitamina D (recordatório de 24 horas - realizado apenas por pacientes com EoE e ingestão autorreferida de fontes alimentares de vitamina D: leite e derivados, atum e sardinha enlatada, fígado de boi, ovos de galinha - aplicados em ambos os grupos) e o tempo diário de exposição ao sol (≥30 min ou ≤30 min) foi registrado. As amostras foram coletadas para níveis séricos de 25-hidroxi-vitamina D, onde foram considerados níveis de suficiência >30 ng/mL, insuficiência 21 a 30 ng/mL, deficiência <20 ng/mL. RESULTADOS: Houve maior frequência de insuficiência / deficiência de vitamina D no grupo EoE (P=0,035), mesmo com maior exposição ao sol (P=0,035). A cor da pele não foi associada a níveis mais baixos de vitamina D nos dois grupos estudados. Não foi encontrada diferença no estado nutricional entre os grupos. CONCLUSÃO: O presente estudo demonstrou maior frequência de níveis inadequados / deficientes de vitamina D em crianças e adolescentes com EEo em dieta restrita. Quando necessário, os níveis séricos devem ser investigados e a exposição correta ao sol deve ser incentivada, com atenção especial às diretrizes recomendadas, tempo gasto ao sol e roupas adequadas para a absorção correta. Já a exposição por mais de 30 minutos ao sol não parece ter proporcionado um efeito protetor no grupo EoE, mesmo em uma região com altos níveis de radiação solar. Houve diferença significativa apenas no consumo de leite de vaca entre os grupos caso e controle, demonstrando a baixa adesão à dieta de restrição pelo grupo caso. Não foi encontrada associação entre os níveis séricos de hidroxivitamina D 25 e o estado nutricional. Além disso, não foi identificada associação quanto ao status adequado ou inadequado da 25 hidroxivitamina D e ao consumo de alimentos ricos em vitamina D. Estudos multicêntricos com número maior de casos devem ser realizados para avaliar os níveis séricos de hidroxivitamina D 25 e fatores associados em pacientes pediátricos com EEo.

Humans , Animals , Male , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Cattle , Eosinophilic Esophagitis , Vitamin D , Vitamin D Deficiency , Brazil , Case-Control Studies , Egg Hypersensitivity
J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 96(6): 725-731, Set.-Dec. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, ColecionaSUS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1143192


Abstract Objective: To assess the frequency of baked egg tolerance in IgE-mediated egg allergy patients through the oral food challenge and to assess the tolerance predictability of different skin prick tests, as well as specific serum IgE measurement to egg proteins. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 42 patients with a diagnosis of egg allergy were submitted to different skin prick tests with egg (in natura, boiled, muffin, ovalbumin, and ovomucoid), and specific IgE to egg white, ovalbumin, and ovomucoid; as well as to the oral food challenge with food containing egg, extensively baked in a wheat matrix. Results: Of the total, 66.6% of patients tolerated the ingestion of egg-containing foods in the oral food challenge. A comparative analysis with positive and negative oral food challenge found no significant differences regarding age, gender, other food allergies, or even specific skin prick tests and IgE values between the groups. Conclusions: The study demonstrated an elevated frequency of baked egg food-tolerant individuals among egg allergy patients. None of the tested markers, skin prick tests, or specific IgE, were shown to be good predictors for identifying baked egg-tolerant patients. The oral food challenge with egg baked in a matrix is central to demonstrate tolerance and the early introduction of baked foods, improving patients' and families' quality of life and nutrient intake.

Resumo Objetivo: Avaliar a frequência de tolerância a alimentos assados com ovo em pacientes com alergia ao ovo mediada por IgE por meio do teste de provocação oral e verificar a capacidade de predição de tolerância ao ovo por meio de teste cutâneo de leitura imediata (Skin Prick Test ou SPT) e de dosagem sérica de IgE específica para componentes do ovo. Métodos: Estudo transversal, 42 pacientes com diagnóstico de alergia ao ovo foram submetidos a SPT com ovo (in natura, cozido, bolinho, ovoalbumina e ovomucoide), IgE específica para clara de ovo, ovoalbumina e ovomucoide e ao teste de provocação oral com alimento com ovo extensamente assado em matriz de trigo. Resultados: Dos pacientes, 66,6% toleraram a ingestão do alimento com ovo durante o teste de provocação oral. Não encontramos diferenças em relação a idade, gênero, outras alergias alimentares ou mesmo entre os valores dos SPT e IgE específica na análise comparativa entre os grupos com teste de provocação oral positivo e teste de provocação oral negativo. Conclusões: Foi demonstrada uma elevada frequência de indivíduos tolerantes a ingestão de alimentos assados com ovo entre os pacientes com alergia a ovo mediada por IgE. Nenhum dos marcadores testados, SPT ou IgE específica, demonstrou ser bom preditor para identificar os pacientes tolerantes. Consideramos que os testes de provocação oral com alimentos com ovo assado sejam fundamentais para a introdução desses assados, melhorar a qualidade de vida e a ingestão de nutrientes dos pacientes e famílias.

Humans , Quality of Life , Cooking , Egg Hypersensitivity/diagnosis , Immunoglobulin E , Skin Tests , Allergens , Ovomucin , Cross-Sectional Studies , Eggs , Immune Tolerance
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 4(4): 415-422, out.dez.2020. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1382037


Objetivo: Cerca de 50% dos indivíduos com alergia ao leite de vaca e ao ovo podem tolerar esses alimentos em sua forma termicamente tratada. O consumo desses alimentos, mesmo que termicamente tratados, pode ampliar a variedade da dieta de crianças com alergia alimentar. O presente artigo tem como objetivo propor receitas culinárias com leite de vaca e ovo tratados termicamente para serem usadas em teste de provocação oral. Métodos: Alguns critérios foram adotados para elaboração das receitas: quantidade de proteína alergênica testada por porção (leite de vaca - 1,3 g; ovo - 2,0 g), tempo (30 minutos), temperatura de cocção (180 °C), os ingredientes que devem compor a receita (farinha de trigo como principal ingrediente), volume final da porção a ser oferecida, além de questões de ordem prática relacionadas ao preparo e oferta das preparações. Resultados: No total foram desenvolvidas dez receitas termicamente tratadas, sendo cinco com leite de vaca (três receitas de bolinho ­ básica, sem açúcar e sem ovo de galinha; duas receitas de tortinha salgada ­ básica e sem ovo de galinha) e cinco com ovo de galinha (três receitas de bolinho ­ básica, sem açúcar, e sem leite de vaca; duas receitas de tortinha salgada ­ básica e sem leite de vaca). Conclusão: É de extrema importância que o teste de provocação oral seja realizado de maneira rotineira e com preparações adequadas e padronizadas, e, em nosso conhecimento, esse é o primeiro estudo nacional que propõe várias receitas tratadas termicamente para auxiliar serviços especializados que atendem pacientes com alergia alimentar.

Objective: About 50% of individuals with cow's milk and egg allergies can tolerate these foods in their baked form. The consumption of these foods, even if baked, may expand the variety of the diet of children with food allergy. This article aims to propose recipes with baked milk and egg to be used in an oral food challenge. Methods: Some criteria were adopted for preparing the recipes: amount of allergenic protein tested per serving (cow's milk: 1.3 g; egg: 2.0 g), time (30 min), oven temperature (180 °C), the ingredients that should compose the recipe (wheat flour as the main ingredient), final volume of the serving to be provided, in addition to practical questions related to the preparation and provision of the recipes. Results: In total, ten baked recipes were developed, five with cow's milk (three cupcake recipes: regular, with no sugar and no egg; two savory muffin recipes: regular, with no egg) and five with egg (three cupcake recipes: regular, with no sugar and no cow's milk; two savory muffin recipes: regular, with no cow's milk). Conclusion: It is extremely important that the oral food challenge is performed routinely and with adequate and standardized recipes. To our knowledge, this is the first national study in Brazil that proposes several baked recipes to assist specialist services that treat patients with food allergy.

Humans , Immunoglobulin E , Milk Hypersensitivity , Egg Hypersensitivity , Diet , Patients , Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures , Flour , Food , Food Hypersensitivity
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 4(3): 341-346, jul.set.2020. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1382005


Introdução: Nos últimos anos a prevalência de alergia alimentar tem aumentado, contudo, o número de autodiagnósticos errados, também. Essa superestimação dos diagnósticos, frequentemente, culmina em dietas restritivas desnecessárias que podem, muitas vezes, ocasionar mais danos do que benefícios para a saúde. Objetivo: Avaliar a relação entre o autodiagnóstico de alergia alimentar e a presença de IgE específica para o referido alimento. Método: Trata-se de um estudo transversal e observacional que avaliou 100 pacientes que aceitaram participar da pesquisa, com idade entre 18 e 75 anos, por meio de um questionário próprio para investigação do autodiagnóstico de doenças alérgicas e um teste cutâneo de leitura imediata ou prick test para detecção de IgE específica para alimentos que podem induzir a uma reação alérgica. Resultados: Foram aplicados e analisados 100 questionários em voluntários na faixa etária de 18 a 75 anos. Destes, 35 pacientes afirmaram ter alergia alimentar durante a aplicação do questionário. Apenas 10 tiveram resultado positivo ao prick test. A maioria dos resultados positivos no prick test estavam associados ao camarão, ao amendoim e ao caranguejo. Conclusão: O presente estudo evidenciou uma importante superestimação do número de autodiagnósticos de alergias alimentares, sendo o número de pacientes que se autodeclararam alérgicos a alimentos consideravelmente maior do que os resultados positivos no prick test. Constata-se que é necessário mais estudos que possuam em sua metodologia informações pré e pós-testes diagnósticos de alergia alimentar, para uma correta avaliação da proporção de casos.

Introduction: In recent years, the prevalence of food allergy has increased, as well as the number of incorrect self-diagnoses. This overestimation of diagnoses often culminates in unnecessary restrictive diets that may cause more harm than benefits to health. Objective: To evaluate the relationship between self-diagnosis of food allergy and the presence of specific IgE for that food. Method: This is a cross-sectional and observational study that evaluated 100 patients who agreed to participate in the research, aged between 18 and 75 years. A questionnaire was used to investigate the self-diagnosis of allergic diseases, and a skin prick test was used to detect food-specific IgE that may induce an allergic reaction. Results: One hundred questionnaires were administered and analyzed in volunteers aged from 18 to 75 years. Of these, 35 patients claimed to have food allergy during the administration of the questionnaire. Only 10 tested positive on the prick test. Most positive prick test results were associated with shrimp, peanut, and crab. Conclusion: The present study showed an important overestimation of the number of self-diagnosed food allergies, as the number of patients who self-reported being allergic to food was considerably greater than that of positive prick test results. More studies that have in their methods pre- and post-diagnostic information from food allergy tests are needed for a correct assessment of the proportion of cases.

Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Immunoglobulin E , Milk Hypersensitivity , Egg Hypersensitivity , Wheat Hypersensitivity , Diagnostic Self Evaluation , Shellfish Hypersensitivity , Food Hypersensitivity , Nut and Peanut Hypersensitivity , Patients , Skin , Skin Tests , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 80(5): 541-553, ago. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287208


Resumen Las enfermedades cardiovasculares ocupan la primera causa de muerte en la mayoría de las regiones del mundo, seguidas habitualmente por las enfermedades infecciosas. Desde hace décadas se conoce que las infecciones en general, y particularmente las que involucran el aparato respiratorio, se vinculan con un incremento en el riesgo de eventos cardiovasculares y cerebrovasculares, y su consecuente morbimortalidad. Si bien las vacunas constituyen una excelente estrategia en la prevención de enfermedades infectocontagiosas, la proporción de adultos inmunizados en nuestro país es francamente deficitaria. Múltiples barreras contribuyen a perpetuar esta problemática, dentro de las cuales la falta de prescripción de las mismas por parte de los profesionales que atienden a poblaciones vulnerables ocupa un lugar central. Los pacientes con enfermedades cardiovasculares representan una subpoblación de particular riesgo. El espectro de enfermedades que pueden originar las infecciones respiratorias es amplio: desarrollo o empeoramiento de insuficiencia cardíaca, arritmias, síndromes coronarios agudos y enfermedades cerebrovasculares, entre los principales. Se aborda aquí el rol de la inmunoprofilaxis con vacuna antigripal, antineumocócica y antitetánica en pacientes con diferentes cardiopatías, valorando la evidencia que respalda su empleo y haciendo especial hincapié en aspectos prácticos de su utilización, como efectos adversos, contraindicaciones y situaciones especiales de atención: cardiopatías congénitas del adulto, trasplante cardíaco, individuos anticoagulados o con alergia al huevo. Así, este documento tiene como objetivo asistir en la toma de decisiones a cualquier médico involucrado en el cuidado de pacientes con enfermedad cardiovascular.

Abstract Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in most regions of the world, usually followed by infectious diseases. For decades, infections in general, and particularly those involving the respiratory system, have been known to be associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events, and their consequent morbidity and mortality. Although vaccines are an excellent strategy in the prevention of infectious diseases, the proportion of immunized adults in our country is frankly deficient. Multiple barriers contribute to perpetuating this problem, within which the lack of prescription of the same by professionals who care for vulnerable populations occupies a central place. Patients with cardiovascular disease represent a particularly risky subpopulation. The spectrum of pathologies that can trigger respiratory infections is wide: development or worsening of heart failure, arrhythmias, acute coronary syndromes and cerebrovascular diseases, among the main ones. The role of immunoprophylaxis with influenza, pneumococcal and tetanus vaccine in patients with different heart diseases is addressed here, evaluating the evidence supporting its use, and placing special emphasis on practical aspects of its use, such as adverse effects, contraindications and special care situations, such as congenital heart disease in adults, heart transplantation, anticoagulation or egg allergy. Thus, this document aims to assist in decision-making for any doctor involved in the care of patients with cardiovascular disease.

Humans , Adult , Cardiovascular Diseases/epidemiology , Immunization , Cardiology , Cardiovascular Diseases/prevention & control , Egg Hypersensitivity , Consensus
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 3(2): 143-150, abr.jun.2019. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1381185


Introdução: A vacina de febre amarela, recomendada em áreas endêmicas, é contraindicada em alérgicos à proteína do ovo (APO) por ser cultivada em ovos de galinha embrionados. Objetivo: O objetivo do estudo foi mostrar a segurança da vacina de febre amarela em pacientes comprovadamente APO. Método: Foi realizado estudo prospectivo em hospital quaternário, no período de janeiro a outubro de 2018. Foram incluídos pacientes com APO confirmada por teste de provocação oral (TPO), reação anafilática à proteína do ovo nos últimos 6 meses, ou reação de APO nos últimos 2 meses associada à IgE específica positiva. Todos foram submetidos ao teste de puntura com a vacina na apresentação pura. Se negativo, realizado teste intradérmico (ID) com a vacina na diluição de 1:100. Se ID negativo, vacina aplicada em dose plena. Se teste de puntura ou ID positivo, vacina aplicada fracionada segundo protocolo de dessensibilização. Resultados: Dos 78 pacientes com história presumida de APO, confirmou-se o diagnóstico em 43 (30M:13F, mediana idade 2,7 a): 30 por TPO, 7 com anafilaxia em menos de 6 meses da vacina, e 6 com reação imediata após ingestão do ovo há menos de 2 meses e IgE específica positiva. Durante o TPO, 12 apresentaram anafilaxia, e os demais (18) apresentaram urticária e/ou angioedema ou vômitos. Todos os testes de puntura (43) foram negativos. ID foi negativo em 37 pacientes, que receberam a dose plena da vacina, sem reações. Apenas 6 apresentaram ID positivo e necessitaram dessensibilização para vacina. Metade desses pacientes (3/6) apresentou reações de hipersensibilidade leves e foi tratada com anti-H1 e/ou corticoide oral. O ID positivo foi significativamente relacionado à reação à vacina (p = 0,0016). Conclusão: Concluiuse ser possível vacinar alérgicos a ovo, com um protocolo seguro, mesmo em paciente comprovadamente anafilático. É necessária uma unidade especializada para sua realização, com capacidade de controlar possíveis situações de risco.

Introduction: The yellow fever vaccine (YFV) is recommended in endemic areas, but represents a risk for egg allergic (EA) patients, as it is cultivated in chicken embryos. Objective: This study aimed to describe the outcomes of YFV in patients with confirmed egg allergy. Methods: A prospective study was conducted in a quaternary hospital, from January to October 2018. EA was diagnosed through oral food challenge (OFC) or recent history of anaphylaxis following egg contact in the past 6 months or allergic reaction in the past 2 months with positive specific immunoglobulin E (IgE). Skin prick testing (SPT) with YFV was performed in all participants. If SPT was negative, an intradermal test (IDT) was performed at 1:100 dilution. If IDT was negative, a full dose of YFV was administered. If SPT was positive, the YFV was administered using a graded-dose protocol. Results: Among 78 patients with prior history of EA, 43 were confirmed (30 male to 13 female, median age of 2.7 years). Thirty patients had a positive OFC, seven reported recent anaphylaxis, and six had reactions in the past 2 months with positive specific IgE. During OFC, 12 patients had anaphylaxis and 18 had urticaria and/or angioedema or vomiting. SPT with YFV was negative in all patients (43). IDT was negative in 37 patients, who received a full dose of YFV, uneventfully. Six patients had a positive IDT and received the YFV in graded doses; half of them had a mild reaction controlled with antihistamines and three patients received the vaccine without reactions. Positive IDT was significantly related to vaccine reaction (p=0.0016). Conclusion: The YFV using a specific protocol was safe even in anaphylactic patients. An appropriate setting is required in order to control possible adverse events.

Humans , Yellow Fever Vaccine , Egg Hypersensitivity , Anaphylaxis , Patients , Safety , Yellow Fever , Immunoglobulin E , Intradermal Tests , Egg Proteins , Prospective Studies , Desensitization, Immunologic , Dilution , Dosage , Histamine Antagonists
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 3(1): 13-17, jan.mar.2019. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1381109


Introdução: O teste de provocação oral (TPO) é o método mais confiável para verificar a relação entre o consumo de um alimento e o desencadeamento de reações adversas. Dentre as dificuldades na realização do TPO, destaca-se o mascaramento dos alimentos em TPO duplo-cego, controlado por placebo (TPODCCP). Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi elaborar receitas para uso em TPO-DCCP com leite de vaca, soja, ovo e trigo. Métodos: A elaboração das receitas considerou a necessidade de mascaramento do alimento a ser testado, de modo que a receita real e o placebo fossem indistinguíveis. Foram considerados também a quantidade de alimento a ser testado e o volume final das preparações, bem como a hipoalergenicidade dos demais ingredientes utilizados. Resultados: Foram desenvolvidas cinco receitas para TPO-DCCP, sendo duas para testes com leite de vaca, e as outras para testes com soja, ovo e trigo. As receitas placebo e real ficaram semelhantes em relação às cores, texturas, consistências, sabores e aromas. Conclusão: As receitas aqui apresentadas são de preparo fácil e rápido e atendem à maioria dos critérios exigidos para uso em TPO com alimentos. Há, porém, a necessidade de testá-las em estudos de validação para verificarse a possibilidade de serem usadas em protocolos científicos.

Introduction: Oral food challenge (OFC) is the most reliable method to assess the relationship between food consumption and onset of adverse reactions. Among the difficulties in performing OFC there is the masking of food in double-blind, placebocontrolled OFC (DBPC-OFC). Objective: The objective of this study was to prepare recipes to be used in DBPC-OFC with cow's milk, soy, egg and wheat. Methods: Recipe preparation focused on the need of masking the food to be tested, so that actual and placebo recipes were indistinguishable. Also, the amount of food to be tested and the final volume of preparations were considered, and the hypoallergenicity of other ingredients, as well. Results: Five recipes were developed for DBPC-OFC, two for cow's milk tests and the others for soy, egg and wheat tests. Placebo and actual recipes were similar in color, texture, consistency, taste and flavor. Conclusion: The present recipes are quick and easy to prepare and meet most of the criteria required for use in OFC. However, there is the need to test them in validation studies to assess the possibility of use in scientific protocols.

Humans , Placebos , Milk Hypersensitivity , Egg Hypersensitivity , Wheat Hypersensitivity , Taste , Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures , Diagnosis , Eating , Food , Food Hypersensitivity
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-774043


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the viral etiology and allergen distribution in infants and young children at high risk of asthma during a wheezing episode.@*METHODS@#A total of 135 infants and young children at high risk of asthma were enrolled who were admitted due to asthmatic bronchitis or asthmatic bronchopneumonia between April 2016 and August 2017. Fluorescent probe PCR was used to measure influenza A (Flu A), respiratory syncytium virus (RSV), adenovirus (ADV), parainfluenza virus (PinF), human rhinovirus (HRV), human partial lung virus (hMPV) and human bocavirus (HBoV) in nasopharyngeal aspirates. ImmunoCAP was used to measure inhaled allergens, food allergens, and total IgE concentration.@*RESULTS@#Among the 135 patients, the overall virus detection rate of nasopharyngeal aspirates was 49.6%, and HRV had the highest detection rate of 25.2%, followed by HBoV (9.6%), RSV (8.1%), PinF (5.9%), Flu-A (3.7%), ADV (1.5%) and hMPV (0.7%). The 1-3 years group had a significantly higher detection rate of HRV than the <1 year group (P<0.05). The positive rate of allergen screening was 59.3%, with 44% for inhaled allergens and 89% for food allergens. Among the inhaled allergens, dust mites had the highest positive rate of 77%, followed by mould (37%), pollen (26%) and animal dander (9%). Among the food allergens, egg white had a positive rate of 73% and milk had a positive rate of 68%. The <1 year group had a significantly higher positive rate of inhaled allergens than the 1-3 years group (P<0.05). The 1-3 years age group had a significantly higher level of T-IgE than the <1 year group (P<0.05). The positive virus group had a significantly higher positive rate of inhaled allergens than the non-virus group (P<0.05). The children with the second wheezing episode had significantly higher positive rates of inhaled allergens and food allergens and level of T-IgE than those with the first wheezing episode (P<0.05). The children with the second wheezing episode also had significantly higher positive rates of dust mites and mould than those with the first wheezing episode (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#Early HRV infection and inhaled allergen sensitization are closely associated with the development of wheezing in infants and young children at high risk of asthma.

Animals , Child , Child, Preschool , Humans , Infant , Allergens , Asthma , Egg Hypersensitivity , Pyroglyphidae , Respiratory Sounds
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-762144


PURPOSE: Egg is the most common food allergen in infants. However, the natural course of egg allergy has not been fully elucidated. This study aimed to describe clinical characteristics and to identify prognostic factors associated with tolerance acquisition of immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated egg allergy in children.

Child , Humans , Infant , Arachis , Dermatitis, Atopic , Diagnosis , Egg Hypersensitivity , Egg White , Follow-Up Studies , Food Hypersensitivity , Hypersensitivity , Immunoglobulin E , Immunoglobulins , Ovum , Triticum
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-762148


No abstract available.

Child , Humans , Egg Hypersensitivity , Ovum
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-739405


Hen's egg is the most common allergen in IgE-mediated food allergy among children in Japan. Although the majority of patients with egg allergy can eat heated egg yolk safely because of its low allergenicity, severely allergic patients show an immediate-type reaction to heated egg yolk. We hypothesized that patients with hyperresponsiveness to boiled egg yolk may have difficulty in acquiring tolerance to egg. The purpose of this study was to examine the prognosis of patients with hyperresponsiveness to boiled egg yolk. Data from 121 patients with egg allergy who underwent oral food challenge (OFC) with boiled egg yolk between January 2012 and December 2013 were analyzed retrospectively. The proportion of patients who could consume heated whole egg 3 years after OFC was 15.4% in the OFC-positive group and 75.8% in the OFC-negative group. Hyperresponsiveness to boiled egg yolk in early life might lead to prolonged egg allergy in children. This finding might aid in the selection of an appropriate population requiring practical immunotherapy.

Child , Humans , Egg Hypersensitivity , Egg White , Egg Yolk , Food Hypersensitivity , Hot Temperature , Immunotherapy , Japan , Ovum , Pediatrics , Prognosis , Retrospective Studies
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 38(4): 514-520, oct.-dic. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-983961


Introducción. La vacunación es la intervención en salud pública más efectiva de todos los tiempos, pues reduce la mortalidad y la morbilidad de múltiples enfermedades infecciosas. En muchas ocasiones, la aplicación de las vacunas se retrasa por el temor a las reacciones alérgicas, lo cual es frecuente entre los pacientes con alergia al huevo que requieren la vacuna triple viral (rubeola-sarampión-parotiditis). Objetivo. Evaluar la frecuencia de reacciones después de la aplicación de la vacuna triple viral en una población alérgica al huevo. Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un estudio retrospectivo multicéntrico (2014-2016) de pacientes con alergia al huevo que acudieron a centros de alergología de Medellín y requerían la aplicación de la vacuna triple viral. Resultados. Noventa y cuatro pacientes cumplían los criterios de selección; 68,2 % de ellos presentaba síntomas cutáneos al consumir huevo; 22,3 %, reacción anafiláctica; 5,3 %, síntomas gastrointestinales, y 4,2 %, síntomas respiratorios. Independientemente de la gravedad de su reacción al huevo, todos los pacientes recibieron la vacuna triple viral y la toleraron bien. Conclusión. Aunque la alergia al huevo es frecuente en la edad infantil, el riesgo de reacciones alérgicas después de aplicar la vacuna triple viral en esta población fue similar al de la población general, por lo que no se debe diferir su aplicación, incluso en pacientes con antecedentes de reacciones graves al huevo.

Introduction: Vaccination is the most effective public health intervention of all times, reducing the death and morbidity rates derived from multiple infectious diseases. In many cases, the administration and reception of vaccines is delayed due to the fear of allergic reactions; this is frequent among patients with allergy to egg who need the triple viral vaccine. Objective: To evaluate the frequency of reactions after the administration of triple viral vaccine (Measles, Mumps and Rubella, MMR) in an egg-allergic population. Materials and methods: We conducted a multi-center retrospective study (2014-2016) including patients with egg allergy who visited an allergology center and required the administration of the triple viral vaccine. Results: A total of 94 patients met the selection criteria. From these patients, 68.2% had cutaneous symptoms, 22.3% had an anaphylactic reaction, 5.3% had gastrointestinal symptoms, and 4.2% had respiratory egg-related symptoms. Regardless of the severity of their reaction to egg, all patients received the triple viral vaccine and in 100% of the cases, it was well tolerated. Conclusion: Although egg allergy is common in childhood, the risk of allergic reactions during the MMR vaccination in this population was similar to that in the general population, therefore, its use should not be deferred even in patients with a history of severe egg-related allergic reactions.

Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine , Egg Hypersensitivity , Vaccination , Anaphylaxis
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 2(4): 447-451, out.dez.2018. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1381027


Objetivo: Avaliar a incidência de alergia alimentar e a ácaros em crianças com dermatite atópica acompanhadas no ambulatório de alergia alimentar, em um hospital público de Belo Horizonte. Métodos: Foram selecionadas, prospectivamente, crianças com dermatite atópica acompanhadas no nosso serviço e que preenchiam os critérios diagnósticos de Hanifin e Lobtiz, independente da sua gravidade. Pacientes foram submetidos a teste alérgico por punctura para alimentos, D. farinae, D. pteronyssinus e B. tropicalis. Crianças com teste alérgico positivo para um ou mais alimentos foram submetidas a teste de provocação duplo-cego placebo controlado para o alimento suspeito, seguindo critérios previamente estabelecidos pela American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI). Resultados: Um total de 56 crianças foram avaliadas com idade média de 5 anos; 27 (48,2%) do sexo masculino, e 29 (51,8%) do sexo feminino. Teste alérgico para alimentos foi positivo em 33 pacientes (58,9%), e, destes, 8 (24,2%) tiveram o teste de provocação duplo-cego placebo controlado positivo para o alimento suspeito. A incidência de alergia alimentar na população estudada foi de 14,3%. Teste alérgico positivo para ácaros ocorreu em 30 pacientes, que corresponde a 53,6% da população estudada. Conclusão: Segundo o nosso estudo, a incidência de alergia alimentar nas crianças com dermatite atópica foi de 14,3%. Leite e ovo foram os únicos alimentos relacionados com dermatite atópica neste estudo. Teste alérgico para inalantes foi positivo para Dermatofagoide em 53,6% destes pacientes.

Objective: To evaluate the incidence of food and dust mite allergy in children with atopic dermatitis treated at a food allergy outpatient clinic at a public hospital in Belo Horizonte. Methods: We prospectively selected children with atopic dermatitis who were monitored at our service and who fulfilled the diagnostic criteria of Hanifin and Lobtiz regardless of severity. Patients underwent a skin prick test for foods, D. farinae, D. pteronyssinus, and B. tropicalis. Children who tested positive for one or more foods underwent a double-blind placebo-controlled challenge test for the suspected food, following criteria previously established by the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI). Results: A total of 56 children were evaluated. Their mean age was 5 years; 27 (48.2%) were male and 29 (51.8%) were female. Food allergy test was positive in 33 patients (58.9%) and of those, 8 (24.2%) tested positive in the challenge test for the suspected food. The incidence of food allergy in the study sample was 14.3%. Thirty patients tested positive for dust mite allergy, accounting for 53.6% of the sample. Conclusion: In our study, the incidence of food allergy in children with atopic dermatitis was 14.3%. Milk and egg were the only foods related to atopic dermatitis in this study. Inhalant allergy test was positive for D. pteronyssinus in 53.6% of patients.

Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Dermatitis, Atopic , Food Hypersensitivity , Mites , Patients , Bronchial Provocation Tests , Milk Hypersensitivity , Egg Hypersensitivity , Dust , Allergy and Immunology , Hypersensitivity , Methods
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 2(3): 344-350, jul.set.2018. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1380927


Introdução: Os dados sobre prevalência de alergia alimentar são escassos e limitados no Brasil. Este trabalho objetiva descrever as características clínicas de crianças brasileiras com alergia alimentar diagnosticada através de teste de provocação duplo-cego placebo-controlado (TPDCPC). Métodos: Dos pacientes avaliados, foram selecionadas, de forma prospectiva, no Ambulatório de Alergia e Pneumologia Pediátrica, 234 crianças com suspeita clínica de alergia alimentar e teste alérgico positivo para alimento, no período de 1993 a 2005. Para confirmar o diagnóstico de alergia alimentar, foram realizados TPDCPCs com o alimento suspeito. Resultados: Dos 234 TPDCPCs realizados, 30 foram positivos (12,8%), sendo mais frequentes em crianças abaixo de dois anos e do sexo masculino. Dos testes positivos, 26 (86,6%) foram positivos para ovo ou leite de vaca. Pacientes com diagnóstico inicial de dermatite atópica ou alergia gastrointestinal apresentaram TPDCPC positivo mais frequentemente do que pacientes com sintomas respiratórios. Entre os sintomas apresentados durante o TPDCPC, prevaleceram os sintomas cutâneos (60%) e respiratórios (56,67%). Conclusão: A incidência de alergia alimentar na população com suspeita clínica foi de 12,8%. Leite de vaca e ovo são os principais alimentos responsáveis pela alergia alimentar em nosso meio, que é mais frequente em crianças abaixo de dois anos. O teste alérgico positivo é um fraco preditor de alergia alimentar (VPP = 13,5%), mas o teste alérgico negativo praticamente afasta o diagnóstico, pois o seu valor preditivo negativo na população estudada foi próximo de 100%.

Introduction: Data on the prevalence of food allergy are scarce and limited in Brazil. This work aims to describe the clinical characteristics of Brazilian children with food allergy, diagnosed through the Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Food Challenge (DBPCFC). Methods: Of the evaluated patients, 234 children with clinical suspicion of food allergy and positive food allergy test between 1993 and 2005 were selected prospectively in a Pediatric Allergy and Pneumology Clinic. In order to confirm the diagnosis of food allergy, the DBPCFC was used with suspected allergenic food. Results: Of the 234 TPDCPCs performed, 30 tests were positive (12.8%), more frequently in children less than two years old and male sex. Of these positive tests, 26 (86.6%) were positive for eggs or cow's milk. Patients with initial diagnosis of atopic dermatitis or gastrointestinal allergy had a positive TPDCPC more frequently than patients with respiratory symptoms. Among the symptoms presented during the TPDCPC, cutaneous (60%) and respiratory symptoms (56.67%) prevailed. Conclusion: The incidence of food allergy in the clinically suspected population was 12.8%. Cow's milk and eggs are the main foods responsible for food allergy in our setting, and they are more common in children less than two years old. A positive allergic test is a poor predictor of food allergy (PPV = 13.5%), but a negative allergic test virtually eliminates this diagnosis, as its negative predictive value in the studied population was close to 100%.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Skin Tests , Food Hypersensitivity , Patients , Signs and Symptoms , Incidence , Prevalence , Predictive Value of Tests , Milk Hypersensitivity , Egg Hypersensitivity , Peanut Hypersensitivity , Dermatitis, Atopic , Food
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 1(3): 245-256, jul.set.2017. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1380463


A febre amarela é uma doença infecciosa grave causada por um arbovírus e transmitida pelos mosquitos Haemagogus (ciclo silvestre) e Aedes aegypti (ciclo urbano). Os sintomas mais comuns são febre, calafrios, cefaleia, mialgia e náuseas. Uma parcela dos pacientes desenvolve as formas graves, que podem cursar com insuficiência hepática e renal. A partir de 2014 a febre amarela passou a ser endêmica em áreas extra-amazônicas, tornando-se um grave problema de saúde pública. Por isso, a vacinação contra a febre amarela é essencial para o controle da doença no Brasil, tornando-se a medida mais eficaz, com imunogenicidade superior a 95%. Em relação à segurança, a maioria dos eventos adversos após a vacinação são locais, e os eventos adversos graves, como a encefalite pós-vacinal, são relatados principalmente em idosos e imunossuprimidos. Por se tratar de vacina de vírus vivo atenuado, é recomendada cautela na sua indicação nesses indivíduos. Outra preocupação em relação à segurança se deve ao fato de que, por ser cultivada em ovos embrionados de galinha (maior quantidade de proteínas do ovo), a vacina febre amarela é contraindicada em indivíduos que apresentam história prévia de reação anafilática ao ovo. No entanto, diante do cenário epidemiológico atual, indivíduos com história de hipersensibilidade leve ou moderada ao ovo podem recebê-la seguindo as recomendações de segurança revisadas e sugeridas neste texto. O objetivo deste documento foi revisar as indicações e contraindicações da vacina febre amarela e apresentar uma abordagem prática em situações especiais, com a finalidade de garantir a imunização à população de risco.

Yellow fever is a serious infectious disease caused by arboviruses and transmitted by Haemagogus (wild cycle) and Aedes aegypti (urban cycle) mosquitoes. The most common symptoms are fever, chills, headache, myalgia and nausea. A subgroup of patients develops severe forms that can manifest with hepatic and renal failure. As of 2014, yellow fever has become endemic in extra- Amazonian areas, and therefore it is considered a serious public health problem. Vaccination against yellow fever is essential to control the disease in Brazil, and it is the most effective measure, with an immunogenicity above 95%. With regard to safety, most post-vaccination adverse reactions are local, and serious adverse events such as post-vaccinal encephalitis are reported mainly in the elderly and in immunocompromised hosts. Because the yellow fever vaccine is live attenuated, caution is advised in these individuals. Another concern regarding safety is the fact that the vaccine is cultured in embryonated chicken eggs (high amount of egg protein), contraindicating its use in individuals with a history of anaphylactic reaction to egg. However, in view of the current epidemiological scenario, individuals with a history of mild or moderate hypersensitivity to egg may receive the vaccine, observing the safety recommendations reviewed and suggested in this paper. The objective of this article is to review indications and contraindications of the yellow fever vaccine and present a practical approach in special situations to guarantee immunization of the population at risk.

Humans , Yellow Fever , Yellow Fever Vaccine , Yellow Fever Vaccine/adverse effects , Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions , Hypersensitivity , Patients , Signs and Symptoms , Brazil , Public Health , Risk Factors , Vaccination , Egg Hypersensitivity
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 115(2): e89-e91, abr. 2017.
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-838344


La alergia al huevo es una de las alergias alimentarias más frecuentes durante la niñez, junto con la alergia a la leche de vaca. La vacuna triple viral (VTV), contra el sarampión, la rubéola y las paperas, es parte del calendario de vacunación pediátrica y contiene proteína de huevo. La recomendación aceptada en la actualidad es que la VTV debe administrarse en una sola dosis y bajo supervisión médica en los pacientes con alergia al huevo. Si bien se ha informado que la VTV es segura para estos pacientes, algunos tuvieron anafilaxia. En general, la anafilaxia después de una vacunación previa se considera una contraindicación. En este artículo, presentamos el caso de la administración satisfactoria de la VTV mediante el incremento gradual de la dosis a una paciente que tuvo anafilaxia después de una vacunación previa.

Egg allergy is one of the most common food allergies during childhood along with cow's milk allergy. The measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine is included in the pediatric immunization schedule and contains egg protein. The currently accepted opinion is that the MMR vaccination should be done in a single dose under medical observation in patients with egg allergy. Although it is reported that the MMR vaccine is safe for that patients, there are some patients who developed anaphylaxis. Generally, the development of anaphylaxis after the previous vaccination is reported as a contraindication. We present a successful administration of MMR vaccine by gradually increased doses for a patient who developed anaphylaxis after the previous vaccination.

Humans , Female , Infant , Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine/administration & dosage , Anaphylaxis/etiology , Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine/adverse effects , Egg Hypersensitivity/complications
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-114705


PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the details of the clinical characteristics and food exposure types at the first symptom onset in immediate-type cow's milk allergy (CMA) and egg white allergy (EWA) in Korean children. METHODS: This study included children with immediate-type CMA (n=288) or EWA (n=233) with symptom onset time of 2 hours or less, who visited Samsung Medical Center, Ajou University Hospital, and Soonchunhyang University Seoul Hospital between September 2014 and August 2015. The details of clinical features and food exposure types at the first symptom onset were evaluated by retrospective medical record review using a standardized case report form. RESULTS: The median ages of first symptom onset were 10 months in CMA and 12 months in EWA. The most common types of exposure at the first symptom in CMA were formula milk (29.5%) and milk (29.5%), followed by cheese (17.7%) and yogurt (14.2%). The most common type of exposure in EWA was boiled eggs (35.6%), followed by rice/porridge/soup containing eggs (27.5%), pan-fried eggs (17.6%), and baked goods (9.9%). Cutaneous symptoms were most common in both CMA and EWA, and anaphylaxis was noticed in 36.1% and 30.3%, respectively. Baked goods containing milk or eggs also induced anaphylaxis. The symptom onset time was less than 30 minutes in the majority of patients and the most common place of occurrence was home in both CMA and EWA. CONCLUSION: This study provides comprehensive information on CMA and EWA, and therefore helps clinicians diagnose and guide appropriate food restriction in children with CMA and EWA.

Child , Humans , Anaphylaxis , Cheese , Egg Hypersensitivity , Egg White , Eggs , Hypersensitivity , Hypersensitivity, Immediate , Medical Records , Milk Hypersensitivity , Milk , Ovum , Retrospective Studies , Seoul , Yogurt