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São Paulo; s.n; 2024. 67 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570275


Introdução: Os mosquitos são responsáveis pela emergência e reemergência de doenças infecciosas. Dessa maneira, a presença de mosquitos vetores representa risco para as populações expostas às picadas. Ae. aegypti e Ae. albopictus são vetores de importância epidemiológica global. Considerando as elevadas morbidade e mortalidade da população humana em decorrência das doenças intermediadas por mosquitos é evidente a relevância de avaliar métodos para o monitoramento da presença de arbovírus nas espécies vetoras em cenário de transmissão de arboviroses. Objetivos: Contribuir para o conhecimento dos componentes entomológicos associados à transmissão de arbovírus por Ae. aegypti e Ae. albopictus no município de Pariquera-Açu, Vale do Ribeira, estado de São Paulo. Métodos: Foram realizadas capturas de mosquitos em 15 áreas ao longo dos anos de 2022 e 2023 no município de Pariquera-Açu, no estado de São Paulo. Os mosquitos capturados foram identificados e analisados quanto a presença de arbovírus através de PCR e PCR em tempo real. Resultados: A armadilha Adultrap® modificada amostrou 7 gêneros de culicídeos, totalizando 254 indivíduos adultos e 687 ovos coletados no substrato. Os resultados moleculares indicaram positividade para flavivírus, porém, para o vírus da dengue os resultados não foram conclusivos. Conclusões: A modificação na armadilha demonstrou-se uma eficiente ferramenta na obtenção de amostras de ovos de culicídeos.

Introduction: Mosquitoes are responsible for the emergence and re-emergence of infectious diseases. The presence of mosquito vectors therefore poses a risk to populations exposed to their bites. Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus are vectors of global epidemiological importance. Considering the high morbidity and mortality of mosquito-borne diseases, it is important to evaluate methods for monitoring arboviruses in vector species in a scenario of arbovirus transmission. Objective: To contribute to the knowledge of the entomological components associated with the transmission of arboviruses by Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus in the municipality of Pariquera-Açu, Vale do Ribeira, State of São Paulo. Methods: Mosquitoes were captured in 15 areas throughout the years 2022 and 2023 in the municipality of Pariquera-Açu, State of São Paulo. The captured mosquitoes were identified and analyzed for the presence of arboviruses using PCR and real time PCR. Results: The Adultrap® trap sampled seven genera of Culicidae, totaling 254 adult individuals and 687 eggs collected on the substrate. The molecular results showed positivity for Orthoflavivirus, but the results were inconclusive for the dengue virus. Conclusion: The trap modification proved to be an efficient tool for obtaining Culicidae egg samples.

Arbovirus Infections/epidemiology , Communicable Diseases , Aedes , Hydrogels , Entomology
São Paulo; s.n; 2023. 228 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1437043


Introdução: As leishmanioses são antropozoonoses que têm como agentes mais de 20 espécies do gênero Leishmania, transmitidas aos humanos através do repasto sanguíneo realizado por fêmeas de flebotomíneos (Diptera: Psychodidae: Phlebotominae) infectadas por esses protozoários. A elaboração de uma chave fotográfica para identificação de espécies de flebotomíneos para uso simultâneo com a chave dicotômica de Galati, 2018 pode auxiliar profissionais e leigos na identificação desses insetos, colaborando com estudos epidemiológicos sobre as leishmanioses e vigilância de seus vetores, bem como profilaxia e controle dessas doenças na população. Objetivo: Confeccionar chaves fotográficas auxiliares para a identificação de espécies de flebotomíneos com registros para a Grande São Paulo. Material e Métodos: Após levantamento das espécies que ocorrem na Grande São Paulo, foram fotografadas estruturas morfológicas de espécimes machos e fêmeas adultos, montados em lâminas pertencentes à coleção de referência da Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo (FSP-USP) e Coleção didática do Laboratório de Entomologia em Saúde Pública da FSP-USP (LESP-Phlebotominae da FSP-USP), e também da Coleção de Fauna Sinantrópica do Município de São Paulo do Laboratório de Pesquisa em Fauna Sinantrópica (CFS do LABFAUNA). Para execução e tratamento das fotografias utilizou-se o microscópio óptico Axio Zeiss Lab. A1 acoplado a uma câmera fotográfica ligada a um computador com software Zeiss Zen 2012 (Blue edition). Resultados: Dos 39 municípios que compõem a região metropolitana da Grande São Paulo, em 32 deles, existem registros da ocorrência de flebotomíneos. Ao todo foram identificadas 41 espécies pertencentes às subtribos Brumptomyiina, Lutzomyiina, Psychodopygina e Sergentomyiina. Foram confeccionadas nove chaves fotográficas, sendo uma chave para ambos os sexos para identificação das subtribos a que pertencem, quatro chaves para identificação dos machos e quatro para identificação das fêmeas das respectivas subtribos. Foram produzidas aproximadamente 220 fotos de estruturas pertencentes à cabeça, tórax, abdômen e genitálias de machos e fêmeas. Conclusão: Os municípios com as maiores riquezas de espécies foram: São Paulo, Pirapora do Bom Jesus e ltapevi; e as menores, Poá e Ferraz de Vasconcelos. Pintomyia fischeri foi a espécie com registro em um maior número de municípios, seguida por Migonemyia migonei e Psychodopygus lloydi. Distinguiu-se pela primeira vez as fêmeas de Brumptomyia ortizi e Brumptomyia cardosoi, observando diferenças na comparação do tamanho do primeiro flagelômero em relação ao tamanho do labro-epifaringe.

lntroduction: Leishmaniases are anthropozoonoses whose agents are more than 20 species of the genus Leishmania, transmitted to humans through the blood meal performed by female sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae: Phlebotominae) infected by these protozoa. The elaboration of a photographic key for identlfication of sand fly species for simultaneous use with the dichotomous key of Galati, 2018 can help professionals and lay people in the identification of these insects, collaborating with epidemiological studies on leishmaniases and surveillance of their vectors, as well as prophylaxis and control of these diseases in the population. Objective: To make auxiliary photographic keys to identify sand fly species with records for Greater São Paulo. Material and Methods: After surveying the species that occur in Greater São Paulo, morphological structures of their males and female adults mounted on slides were photographed. These specimens belonging to the reference collection of the Faculty of Public Health of the University of São Paulo (FSP-USP) and didactic collection from the Laboratory of Entomology in Public Health at FSP-USP (LESP-Phlebotominae at FSP-USP), and also from the Synanthropic Fauna Collection of the Municipality of São Paulo from the Research Laboratory of Synanthropic Fauna (CFS - LABFAUNA). For the execution and treatment of the photographs, the optical microscope Axio Zeiss Lab A1 was used. attached to a camera connected to a computer with Zeiss Zen 2012 software (Blue edition). Results: Of the 39 municipalities that make up the metropolitan region of Greater São Paulo, 32 of them have records of the occurrence of sand flies. A total of 41 species belonging to the Brumptomyiina, Lutzomyiina, Psychodopygina and Sergentomyiina subtribes were identified. Nine photographic keys were made, one key for both sexes to identify the subtribes to which they belong, four keys for males and four for females to identify the species of the respective subtribes. Approximately 220 photos of structures belonging to the head, thorax, abdomen and genitalia of males and females were taken. Conclusion: The municipalities with the highest species richness were São Paulo, Pirapora do Bom Jesus and ltapevi; and the smallest, Poá and Ferraz de Vasconcelos. Pintomyia físcheri was the species registered in a greater number of municipalities, followed by Migonemyia migonei and Psychodopygus lloydi. The females of Brumptomyia ortizi and Brumptomyia cardosoi were distinguished for the first time, observing differences in the comparison of the size of the first flagellomere in relation to the size of the labro-epipharynx.

Psychodidae , Leishmaniasis , Diptera , Insect Vectors , Entomology , Photograph
São Paulo; s.n; 2023. 63 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442973


Ritmos biológicos de insetos vetores têm sido estudados com o objetivo de melhor compreender seus comportamentos e traçar estratégias de controle mais eficientes para reduzir a disseminação de patógenos. Culex quinquefasciatus possui competência vetorial para diversos patógenos de importância médica, como a filária causadora da Filariose Bancroftiana e o arbovírus West Nile (WNV). O presente trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a atividade locomotora de Cx. quinquefasciatus em diferentes condições fisiológicas, comparando machos, fêmeas virgens, fêmeas inseminadas, fêmeas alimentadas com sangue e fêmeas inseminadas e alimentadas com sangue. Além disso, comparamos a atividade locomotora de fêmeas inseminadas por cópula com machos com a de fêmeas inseminadas a partir da inoculação intratorácica de extrato de glândulas acessórias de seus machos coespecíficos. Nossos resultados mostraram que a atividade locomotora de machos e fêmeas de Cx. quinquefasciatus é noturna, com pico pronunciado no apagar das luzes. Observamos que tanto as fêmeas virgens quanto as inseminadas, após alimentação sanguínea, apresentam redução da atividade locomotora durante a escotofase em comparação com os demais grupos, especialmente as inseminadas e alimentadas com sangue. Em contrapartida, as fêmeas inseminadas e não alimentadas apresentaram aumento significativo na atividade locomotora durante a escotofase em comparação aos demais grupos. Ao compararmos os grupos de fêmeas não injetadas - virgens e inseminadas - com os grupos das fêmeas injetadas, observamos que estas apresentaram menor atividade locomotora do que aquelas. Entre as não injetadas, fêmeas inseminadas apresentaram maior atividade locomotora do que as virgens, enquanto, entre os grupos das injetadas, as fêmeas virgens inoculadas com glândulas acessórias de machos coespecíficos apresentaram maior atividade do que as inseminadas injetadas com solução salina. Esse estudo fornece importantes informações acerca da atividade locomotora dessa espécie, que podem ajudar na compreensão da dinâmica de transmissão de patógenos, direcionar novas pesquisas, além de auxiliar na elaboração de estratégias de vigilância e controles.

Biological rhythms of insect vectors have been studied for better understanding their behavior and designing more efficient control strategies to reduce the spread of pathogens. Culex quinquefasciatus has vector competence for several pathogens of medical importance, such as the filaria that causes Bancroftian Filariasis and the West Nile arbovirus (WNV). The present study aims to evaluate the locomotor activity of Cx. quinquefasciatus in different physiological conditions, comparing males, virgin females, inseminated females, blood-fed females and inseminated and blood-fed females. In addition, we compared the locomotor activity of females inseminated by mating with males with that of females inseminated by intrathoracic inoculation of accessory gland extract from their conspecific males. Our results showed that the locomotor activity of males and females of Cx. quinquefasciatus is nocturnal, with a pronounced peak at the lights-off. We observed that both virgin and inseminated females, after blood feeding, showed reduced locomotor activity during scotophase compared to the other groups, especially inseminated and blood fed females. In contrast, inseminated and unfed females showed a significant increase in locomotor activity during scotophase compared to the other groups. When comparing the groups of non-injected females - virgin and inseminated - with the groups of injected females, we observed that the latter showed lower locomotor activity than the former. Among non-injected females, inseminated females showed greater locomotor activity than virgin ones, whereas, among injected groups, virgin females inoculated with accessory glands from conspecific males showed greater activity than inseminated females injected with saline solution. This study provides important information about the locomotor activity of this species, which can help in understanding the dynamics of pathogen transmission, direct new research, and help in the development of surveillance and control strategies.

Elephantiasis, Filarial , Circadian Rhythm , Culex , Insect Vectors , Culicidae , Motor Activity , Entomology
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos;30: e2023018, 2023. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440177


Resumo As coleções e pesquisas feitas nas primeiras décadas do século XX, no Rio de Janeiro, foram fundamentais para o estudo da sistemática e da história natural dos mosquitos no Brasil. Um personagem de destaque nesse cenário foi Antonio Gonçalves Peryassú. Analisamos o histórico de uma coleção por ele organizada no Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, entre 1918 e 1922.

Abstract Collections formed and studies conducted in the early decades of the twentieth century in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, were crucial for the study of the systematization and natural history of mosquitoes in Brazil. One key figure in this context was Antonio Gonçalves Peryassú. The history of a collection he organized at Museu Nacional [National Museum] in Rio de Janeiro between 1918 and 1922 is analyzed.

Collection , Entomology , Culicidae , Brazil , History, 20th Century
Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 57: 57, 2023. graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515539


ABSTRACT The Department of Hygiene of the Faculty of Medicine of São Paulo (FMUSP), organized with the support of the Rockefeller Foundation, became the Institute of Hygiene, with the inaugural class taught by Samuel Darling in 1918. The history of Public Health Entomology is mixed with that of the Institute itself, which became the Faculty of Hygiene and Public Health in 1945. Still in the 1930s, Paulo César de Azevedo Antunes and John Lane organized Public Health Entomology within the Medical Parasitology area of the then Institute of Hygiene. During this period, the entomology laboratory came to be recognized for its research in the systematics of hematophagous insects, as well as in the ecology, biology and behavior of vectors. The Entomological Reference Collection (CER) originated naturally from the research of Paulo César Antunes and John Lane and is a national and international heritage covering primary and secondary types of insect species that are of interest to public health. Over the years, it has been consolidated with the efforts of Augusto Ayroza Galvão, Renato Corrêa, José Coutinho, Nelson Cerqueira, Ernesto Rabello, Oswaldo Forattini and others. In its over eighty years of activities, CER has enabled the training of several scientists able to act in programs of surveillance and control of endemic diseases associated with insect vectors throughout Latin America, in addition to training taxonomists focused on insects of interest in Public Health. Researchers from other Brazilian institutes and abroad joined the entomology laboratory because of its importance and the research developed in it. The growing scientific production made it possible for entomological studies developed at the Faculty of Public Health (FSP) to gain international visibility, contributing to the development of disease prevention and epidemic control actions in the country.

RESUMO O Departamento de Higiene da Faculdade de Medicina de São Paulo (FMUSP), organizado com o apoio da Fundação Rockefeller, tornou-se o Instituto de Higiene, tendo a aula inaugural ministrada por Samuel Darling em 1918. A história da Entomologia de Saúde Pública confunde-se com a do próprio Instituto, que passou a ser a Faculdade de Higiene e Saúde Pública em 1945. Ainda na década de 1930, Paulo César de Azevedo Antunes e John Lane começam a organizar a Entomologia de Saúde Pública dentro da Parasitologia Médica, do então Instituto de Higiene. Durante esse período o laboratório de entomologia passou a ser reconhecido por suas pesquisas em sistemática de insetos hematófagos, bem como na ecologia, biologia e comportamento de vetores. A Coleção Entomológica de Referência (CER) originou-se naturalmente das pesquisas de Paulo César Antunes e John Lane e é um patrimônio nacional e internacional abrangendo tipos primários e secundários de espécies de insetos que apresentam interesse à saúde pública. No decorrer dos anos, consolidou-se com os esforços de Augusto Ayroza Galvão, Renato Corrêa, José Coutinho, Nelson Cerqueira, Ernesto Rabello, Oswaldo Forattini e outros. Em seus mais de oitenta anos de atividades, a CER possibilitou a formação de diversos cientistas aptos a atuar em programas de vigilância e controle de endemias associadas aos insetos vetores em toda a América Latina, além de formar taxonomistas voltados aos insetos de interesse em Saúde Pública. Pesquisadores de outros institutos brasileiros e do exterior juntaram-se ao laboratório de entomologia por conta de sua importância e das pesquisas nele desenvolvidas. A produção científica crescente possibilitou aos estudos entomológicos desenvolvidos na Faculdade de Saúde Pública (FSP) adquirirem uma visibilidade internacional, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento das ações de prevenções de doenças e controle de epidemias no país.

Public Health , Entomology/history , Epidemics , Collections as Topic
São Paulo; s.n; 2022. 59 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1402053


A leishmaniose visceral (LV) continua sendo um grave problema de Saúde Pública principalmente pela expansão a localidades urbanas do Brasil nas últimas décadas. Esta zoonose é causada pelo protozoário Leishmania infantum, transmitida principalmente pelo flebotomíneo Lutzomyia longipalpis e tem o cão doméstico como principal reservatório vertebrado. As formas de controle preconizadas no Brasil têm mostrado baixa efetividade na redução de casos e de óbitos, com dificuldades tanto no controle de reservatórios (dificuldades para execução da eutanásia) bem como no controle de vetores. Estes fatos trazem à tona a necessidade de estudos de formas alternativas que possam contribuir em um contexto de manejo integrado. O objetivo foi comparar a suscetibilidade e a sobrevida de formas imaturas de Lutzomyia longipalpis aos larvicidas biológicos Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bti) e Espinosade. Foram realizados experimentos com doses de 10 mg/g e 20 mg/g dos compostos Bti e Espinosade aplicados no alimento oferecido aos frascos contendo larvas de Lu. longipalpis de terceiro estádio larval. Para cada concentração/composto, foram expostas 30 larvas em 3 réplicas. Como controle, foram utilizadas 30 larvas com aplicação de água. Nos tratamento com Bti foi observada mortalidade de 18,8% na concentração de 10 mg/g e de 50,4% na concentração de 20 mg/g. Quanto ao tempo de desenvolvimento larval e de pupas, observou-se que o tempo mediano de emergência dos alados foi 2,35 vezes maior na concentração de 20 mg/g e 1,9 vezes maior na concentração 10 mg/g, comparados ao grupo controle. Para o composto Espinosade nestas concentrações iniciais, a mortalidade foi de 100%. O ensaio foi repetido com o Espinosade em 4 diluições da menor dose testada anteriormente (10 mg/g), na proporção de 1:10, 1:20. 1:50 e 1:100, com resultados de mortalidade de 71%, 66,5%, 2,1% e 1,4% respectivamente. A DL90 foi estimada em 6,3 mg/g. Os resultados sugerem potencial uso dos dois compostos para o controle de imaturos de Lu. longipalpis, aplicado de forma diluída diretamente nos potenciais criadouros destes insetos, como forma complementar às ações de controle integrados em áreas de transmissão de LV.

Visceral leishmaniasis (LV) is a serious issue in public health in Brazil mainly by the spread in urban areas in the last decades. This zoonosis is caused by the protozoan Leishmania infantum, transmitted mainly by Lutzomyia longipalpis. The control measures recommended in Brazil showed low effectiveness in the reduction of cases, with difficulties in the control of domestic reservoirs as well as the vector control. These facts highlight the necessity of studies evaluating alternative methods that can contribute in an integrated management approach. The objective was to compare the susceptibility and the survival of Lutzomyia longipalpis immature forms to the biological compounds Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis and Spinosade. Experiments with doses of 10 mg/g and 20 mg/g of each compound, Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis and Spinosade were realized applying in Petri dishes containing larvae third instar. For each stage 30 larvae were exposed to each concentration compound and the observation was realized in triplicate. As control 30 larvae of each instar in which was applied water. The treatments with Bti resulted in mortality of 18.78% at a concentration of 10 mg/g and of 50.42% at a concentration of 20 mg/g and delay in the development of immature forms, with a median time for emergence of adults forms 2.35 times higher in the first group and 1.9 times higher in the second compared to the control group. For the Spinosad compound at these initial concentrations, the mortality was 100%. The assay was repeated with Espinosade in 4 dilutions of the lowest dose tested previously (10 mg/g), in the proportion of 1:10, 1:20. 1:50 and 1:100, with mortality results of 71%, 66.5%, 2.1% and 1.4% respectively. LC90 was estimated at 6.3 mg/g. The results suggest potential use of the two compounds for the control of Lu. Longipalpis immatures, applied in a diluted form directly to the potential breeding sites of these insects, as a complement to integrated control actions in areas of VL transmission.

Zoonoses , Diptera , Disease Vectors , Insecticides , Leishmaniasis, Visceral/prevention & control , Psychodidae , Entomology , Animals, Domestic
Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-6, 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468452


Necrophagous flies are of great importance for human and animal health. In places where their development occurs, parasitoids can be used as a tool to control these dipterans. In Brazil, the fauna of these parasitoids has been investigated in some regions. However, in Rio Grande do Sul, it is known the occurrence of only one species. Thus, this study aimed to create the first list of parasitoids in flies of medical and veterinary importance in Southern Brazil. Collections took place in the municipality of Pelotas (31º 42' S; 52º 18' W). Three replicates consisting of a 500 g bovine liver chunk placed in a tray were exposed to open air for 20 days. Then pupae were individualized and observed until their emergence. We identified 4,882 adult flies of Calliphoridae, Fanniidae, Muscidae, and Sarcophagidae. 4,040 parasitoids emerged, belonging to eight species, of which Nasonia vitripennis, Spalangia cameroni, Spalangia chontalensis, and Tachinephagus zealandicus are new records in Rio Grande do Sul state. Also, three undescribed species of the genus Aphaereta were collected. In spite of being the first attempt to inventory the fauna of hymenopteran parasitoids, this study may help in the development of management programs of these dipterans in the region.

Moscas necrófagas possuem grande importância para a sanidade humana e animal. Onde estas se desenvolvem ocorrem parasitoides que podem ser utilizados como ferramentas para o controle desses dípteros. No Brasil, a fauna desses parasitoides vem sendo investigada em algumas regiões e no Rio Grande do Sul é conhecida a ocorrência de apenas uma espécie. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi criar a primeira lista de espécies de parasitoides de moscas de importância médica e veterinária ocorrentes no extremo sul do Brasil. As coletas foram realizadas no município de Pelotas (31º 42' S; 52º 18' O). Foram montadas três réplicas de bandejas contendo, cada uma, 500 g de fígado bovino, expostas ao ar livre durante 20 dias. Na sequência, as pupas foram individualizadas e observadas até a emergência. Foram identificados 4.882 adultos pertencentes às famílias Calliphoridae, Fanniidae, Muscidae e Sarcophagidae. Emergiram 4.040 parasitoides, pertencentes a oito espécies, das quais Nasonia vitripennis, Spalangia cameroni, Spalangia chontalensis e Tachinephagus zealandicus são novas ocorrências para o Rio Grande do Sul. Foram coletadas três espécies ainda não descritas do gênero Aphaereta. Apesar de ainda ser um primeiro esforço de inventariar a fauna de himenópteros parasitoides, este estudo pode auxiliar no desenvolvimento de programas de manejos desses dípteros na região.

Animals , Diptera/classification , Entomology/classification , Hymenoptera , Myiasis/classification , Insect Control
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 37: e37034, Jan.-Dec. 2021. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1358904


Bark and ambrosia beetles, mainly the ones belonging to groups Scolytinae, Bostrichidae and Platypodinae, can kill trees from reforestation areas or native forests and damage the wood. Population monitoring and the identification of quarantine species are carried out by assembling ethanol-baited traps. The aims of the current study are to evaluate the influence of the color of ethanol-baited traps on the efficient capture of these insects, as well as to measure changes in colorimetric variables based on trap exposure in the field and to investigate whether these changes affect capture efficiency. Eight ethanolic traps (red, yellow, black and transparent traps - two of each color) were installed in a forest fragment in the first experimental stage ­ samples were collected on a weekly basis, for 11 months. New and used transparent traps were installed in the field in the second experimental stage - samples were collected for additional 11 months. A portable spectrophotometer was used to measure the colorimetric variables in these traps. The mean number of Scolytinae individuals (± SD) captured in transparent traps (48±50) was significantly higher than that of individuals captured in black (24±25), yellow (23±21) and red (22±21) traps. However, transparent traps subjected to field conditions were colonized by such as fungi, bacteria and mosses, which changed the transparent state of the traps into a darkened color and significantly affected their capture efficiency. The total number of 6,268 Scolytinae individuals were collected at this experimental stage: 4,977 of them were captured in new traps, whereas 1,291 were captured in the old ones. Based on the herein measured colorimetric variables, such color change got significantly intensified as transparent traps remained under field conditions. In conclusion, transparent traps were more efficient in capturing Scolytinae individuals than the black, yellow and red traps. In addition, the exposure to field conditions has progressively changed equipment color and decreased its capture efficiency.

Coleoptera , Pest Control/methods , Weevils , Entomology
Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 295-294, 2021.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985218


Entomological evidence provides entry points and clues for cases detection, in terms of estimation of the postmortem interval (PMI), and place and cause of death. In recent years, the feasibility of entomological evidence in practice has been proved by theories and cases. It especially plays an important role in the investigation of cases with unnatural death, no monitoring, and highly corrupt cadaver. However, there are still some key issues to be further studied and standardized before the application of entomological evidence to forensic practice, to improve the effect of entomological evidence in forensic investigation and trial. This paper retrospectively reviews key studies of the application of entomological evidence in forensic science, mainly including discussion of forensic entomology inspection standard, identification studies of sarcosaprophagous insect species, collection of sarcosaprophagous insect growth and succession data under different environments and forensic entomotoxicology. With the rapid development of information technology and biotechnology, applying artificial intelligence and whole genome sequencing technology in forensic entomology has become a new research direction, which can improve the application value and range of entomological evidence in forensic science.

Animals , Artificial Intelligence , Diptera , Entomology , Forensic Sciences , Postmortem Changes , Retrospective Studies
Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 305-307, 2021.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985219


Estimation of postmortem interval (PMI) has always been one of the difficult problems for forensic scientists. It is especially hard to estimate the PMI of highly decomposed corpses in the wild or in secluded houses with conventional methods. Therefore, application of insect evidence at the scene is usually required for estimation. Sarcosaprophagous flies of different species have totally different developmental rates. In actual cases, direct measurement of the body length of the larvae, calculation of accumulated temperature and succession stages without species identification, or calculation based on incorrect species identification would often lead to a large deviation between the calculated results and the real PMI. This mistake would also mislead the case investigation. Therefore, accurate species identification should be implemented before any PMI estimation of decomposed corpses with forensic entomological methods. This article reviews the general and ultramicroscopic species identification and molecular biological species identification methods of different stages of sarcosaprophagous flies, in order to provide new ideas and methods for related research and practice, and provide reference for the application and promotion of forensic entomology in the front line of public security.

Animals , Autopsy , Cadaver , Diptera , Entomology , Larva , Postmortem Changes
Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 332-337, 2021.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985222


Objective To test the feasibility and accuracy of with sarcosaprophagous insects postmortem interval (PMI) estimation with sarcosaprophagous insects and provide references for estimation practice. Methods Eleven cases confirmed by the detection results, with complete entomological evidence were selected. The insect species, estimation results and true results involved in the cases were statistically analyzed and compared. Results Thirteen species of insects were found at the criminal scene, including Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius), Chrysomya rufifacies (Macquart), Chrysomya nigripes (Aubertin), Lucilia sericata (Meigen), Hydrotaea spinigera Stein, Muscina stabulans (Fallén), Sarcophagid (species were not identified), Megaselia scalaris (Loew), Hermetia illucens (Linnaeus), Saprinus splendens (Paykull), Creophilus maxillosus (Linnaeus), Dermestes maculatus (De Geer) and Necrobia ruficollis (Fabricius). The PMI of all eleven cases was within the range of estimated PMI. The estimated results of 72.73% cases were on the same day of the true results. Conclusion Sarcosaprophagous insects can estimate the PMI simply and conveniently. In cases where the PMI is within the time range of one generation of flies or beetles, the estimation results are relatively accurate. However, the estimation is less accurate when the PMI is beyond the time range.

Animals , Autopsy , Diptera , Entomology , Insecta , Larva , Postmortem Changes
Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 673-682, 2021.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-984070


Forensic entomology provides a feasible way to estimate postmortem interval (PMI), of which the growth and development of sarcosaprophagous insects is the most widely used indicator in forensic practice. Over the years, forensic entomologists have carried out a large number of studies on the development biology of sarcosaprophagous insects. This paper illustrates the main factors that affect the development of sarcosaprophagous insects, including temperature, humidity, light, food types and poisons. The development indicators of sarcosaprophagous insects were reviewed from the perspectives of morphology, differential gene expression and biochemical characteristics. It is emphasized that future research of development biology on sarcosaprophagous insects should fully absorb and integrate the methods of artificial intelligence and omics, and the research object also needs further expansion in order to establish a more objective and more accurate PMI estimation method.

Animals , Artificial Intelligence , Developmental Biology , Diptera , Entomology , Insecta , Postmortem Changes
São Paulo; s.n; 2021. 143 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424929


Artrópodes sinantrópicos são animais que cohabitam ambientes com o homem. Na presença de abrigo e alimento, podem proliferar causando desconforto e doença à população e, neste caso, constituindo em pragas urbanas. Objetivo desse estudo foi analisar como a Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo (FSP/USP) realiza o controle de vetores e artrópodes sinantrópicos-praga (insetos e aracnídeos) e de mamíferos roedores considerados pragas urbanas (ratos e ratazanas). Tomou-se como referência a legislação pertinente e a proposta de controle integrado de pragas urbanas que envolve planejamento (inspeção do local, identificação e descrição dos animais e seus hábitos, definição de objetivos) e execução (ações de controle, monitoramento e avaliação dos resultados). Neste, abre-se a possibilidade de utilização de controle biológico, mecânico e químico. No estudo realizou-se observação não intrusiva e levantamento de informações sobre alguns ambientes da FSP/USP, para diagnóstico e análise de situação de potenciais situações de vulnerabilidade para a proliferação de vetores e pragas. Apresentam-se iniciativas da FSP/USP no manejo ambiental e controle de vetores e pragas e incorpora-se ao estudo uma avaliação das atividades de prestação de serviços de desinsetização e desratização, e de documentos (edital e contrato) que regulam as contratações de empresas controladoras. O estudo identifica lacuna entre o proposto em ações de controle integrado e as ações realizadas na FSP/USP; ressalta o benefício de encaminhar a regulamentação para transformar o jardim da FSP/USP em área de preservação; propõe a criação de um laboratório de investigação entomológica e apresenta-se uma proposta de procedimento operacional padrão (POP) para auxiliar a elaboração dos editais e contratos. Acredita-se ser possível estabelecer novas práticas para resolução de problemas relacionados a vetores de doenças e animais sinantrópicos e pragas na FSP/USP, muitas vezes criados pelo tipo de gerenciamento e uso de espaços urbanos. Os resultados beneficiariam usuários, outros animais sinantrópicos que habitam aquele espaço e gestores as empresas controladoras, com regras bem definidas.

Synanthropic arthropods are animals cohabiting in human urban environments where they find shelter and food with great ease. They shall be considered urban pests in case they cause discomfort and disease to the population. The aim of this study was to analyze how School of Public Health of the University of São Paulo (FSP/USP) performs the control vectors of diseases and synanthropic arthropods considered pests (insects and arachnids) extending the object of investigation also to rodent mammals considered pests (rats and mice). The relevant legislation and the proposal for integrated vectors and pest control involves planning (site inspection, identification and description of animals and their habits, definition of objectives) and execution (control actions, monitoring and evaluation of results). In this, the possibility of using biological, mechanical and chemical control opens up. In the study, a non-intrusive observation and survey of information on some FSP/USP environments was carried out to diagnose and analyze the situation of potential vulnerabilities for vectors and pest proliferation and present the actions adopted by the institution for pests and vectors control. Incorporated into the study is an evaluation of the activities of disinsection and deratization services, and of documents (public notice and contract) that regulate such activities. The study identifies a gap between what is proposed in integrated control actions and the actions performed at the FSP/USP; highlights the benefits of forwarding the regulation to transform the Institutions garden into a preservation area; proposes the creation of an entomological research laboratory and presents a proposal for a standard operating procedure to assist the preparation of public notices and contracts. It is believed to be possible to establish new practices for solving problems regarding vectors and synanthropic animals considered pests in the FSP/USP site, often created by the type of urban space management and use thereof. The results would benefit users, other synanthropic animals existing in nature, managers and the contractors themselves since they would have well-defined rules to follow.

Arthropods , Pest Control , Vector Control of Diseases , Entomology
São Paulo; s.n; 2021. 65 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1343499


A febre amarela (FA) se mantém endêmica ou enzoótica na África e Américas do Sul e Central, causada por um arbovírus mantido em ciclos silvestres em que primatas não humanos (PNH) são os principais hospedeiros amplificadores e mosquitos das tribos Aedini e Sabethini são os transmissores. O homem participa deste ciclo como um hospedeiro acidental ao contatar áreas de mata com animais infectados e mosquitos transmissores. Durante o surto de FA ocorrido no estado de São Paulo entre os anos de 2016 e 2018 foram registradas mortes de PNH no Parque Estadual da Cantareira (PEC) e infecções humanas foram relatadas nas proximidades, sinalizando para o risco de transmissão do vírus amarílico neste remanescente de mata situado na região metropolitana de São Paulo. Foi objetivo de estudo investigar os culicídeos potencialmente associados à transmissão de febre amarela silvestre (CPAFAS) no PEC e elaborar um manual de coleta diurna de Culicidae em ambiente florestal urbano para auxiliar o trabalho de vigilância entomológica realizado no município de São Paulo (MSP). As coletas foram quinzenais no Núcleo Engordador, nas trilhas do Macuco e Mountain Bike, entre 10 e 14 horas, de março de 2019 a fevereiro de 2020. Para as coletas foram utilizados puçá entomológico para captura de indivíduos adultos e instalação de armadilhas larvitrampas (bambu e PET) no solo e na copa das árvores para coleta de imaturos. Para os adultos de CPAFAS foram estimadas a riqueza e abundância; comparou-se a diversidade da fauna coletada nas duas trilhas utilizando-se o teste de Mann-Whitney; correlacionou-se o total de indivíduos coletados com dados climáticos (temperatura, pluviosidade e umidade relativa do ar por meio do coeficiente de correlação de Sperman. Para os imaturos comparou-se a abundância do total de CPAFAS e Hg. leucocelaenus coletados nas larvitrampas nas duas alturas instaladas utilizando a análise de Wilcoxon. Foram coletados um total de 248 espécimes de adultos e 136 de imaturos de CPAFAS pertencentes a 13 espécies distribuídas nos gêneros Aedes, Haemagogus, Psorophora e Sabethes. Os resultados mostraram que não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa de diversidade entre as trilhas, indicando terem as mesmas características relativas à fauna de CPAFAS. Ocorreu correlação positiva entre o total de CPAFAS e as variáveis climáticas de temperatura e pluviosidade dos 30 dias que antecederam à coleta. Ao se comparar a abundância dos CPAFAS nas larvitrampas, observou-se a preferência por armadilhas de bambu. Em relação à altura de colocação das armadilhas a maior frequência ocorreu no bambu copa, quando se considerou o total de CPAFAS. Para Hg. leucocelaenus, não foi constatada diferença estatisticamente significativa no bambu copa ou solo indicando que a espécie explora diferentes níveis de habitats florestais. Estes resultados sinalizam que o PEC é uma área que merece atenção para a vigilância de vetores da FA, recomendando a continuação do monitoramento diurno no parque e em outras áreas vulneráveis à transmissão da FA no MSP e propondo à coordenação do Laboratório de Identificação e Pesquisa em Fauna Sinantrópica do MSP um manual de coleta diurna de culicídeos.

Yellow fever (YF) remains endemic or enzootic in Africa and South and Central America, is caused by an arbovirus maintained in wild cycles in which non-human primates (NHP) are the main hosts and mosquitoes from the Aedini and Sabethini tribes are the vectors. Humans participate of this cycle as accidental hosts when contacting forest areas with infected animals and mosquito vectors. During the YF outbreak that occurred in the state of São Paulo between 2016 and 2018, were recorded deaths of NHP in the Cantareira State Park (CSP) and human infections nearby, signaling the risk of the YF virus transmission in this area remaining of forest located in the metropolitan region of São Paulo. The aims of this study were to investigate the specimens of Culicidae potentially associated with the wild yellow fever transmission dynamics (CPAFAS) in the CSP and to develop a manual for daytime collection of Culicidae in an urban forest environment to assist the entomological surveillance activities carried out in the municipality of São Paulo (MSP). Collections performed fortnightly at Núcleo Engordador, on the Macuco and Mountain Bike trails, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., and from March 2019 to February 2020. To collections were used aerial insect nets to capture adult individuals and larvitraps traps (bamboo and PET) on soil and treetop for collecting immature. For CPAFAS adults, species richness and abundance were estimated; the diversity of fauna collected on the two trails was compared using the Mann-Whitney test; the total number of individuals collected was correlated with climatic data (temperature, rainfall and relative humidity) using Spearman's correlation coefficient. For immatures, the abundance of total CPAFAS and Hg. leucocelaenus collected from larvitraps in the two installed level were compared using Wilcoxon analysis. A total of 248 adults and 136 immature specimens of CPAFAS belonging to 13 species distributed between the genera Aedes, Haemagogus, Psorophora and Sabethes were collected. The results showed that there was no statistically significant difference in diversity between trails, indicating that they have the same characteristics regarding the CPAFAS fauna. There was a positive correlation between the total of CPAFAS and the climatic variables of temperature and rainfall in the 30 days prior to collection. When comparing the abundance of CPAFAS in larvitraps, the preference for bamboo traps was observed. Regarding the level of traps placement, the highest frequency occurred in bamboo traps placed at treetop level, when considering the total of CPAFAS. For Hg. leucocelaenus, no statistically significant difference was found between bamboo traps placed at treetop or soil level, indicating that the species explores different levels of forest habitats. These results indicate that the CSP is an area that deserves attention for YF vector surveillance. The continuation of daytime monitoring in the park and other areas vulnerable to YF transmission in the MSP is recommended and a manual for daytime collection of Culicidae is proposed to the coordination of the Identification and Research Laboratory in Synanthropic Fauna of the MSP.

Yellow Fever , Entomology , Culicidae
Epidemiol. serv. saúde ; 30(2): e2020877, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279004


Objetivo: Avaliar a qualidade da identificação de triatomíneos na rede de laboratórios do estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. Métodos: Os nove laboratórios participantes receberam material de apoio com as chaves dicotômicas e um painel composto por sete insetos triatomíneos conhecidos no estado, para identificação da situação do espécime no recebimento (estrutura completa ou danificada), espécie e sexo. Resultados: Nove laboratórios de 12 aderiram ao estudo. A proporção de acerto para identificação do sexo foi de 56/63, e para espécie, 45/63, não apresentando relação direta com a ocorrência de danos nas estruturas morfológicas durante o transporte dos insetos. Para Panstrongylus megistus, houve acerto em todos os espécimes (9/9), enquanto para espécies do gênero Rhodnius a proporção foi menor (3/9). Conclusão: Apesar do bom desempenho na identificação entomológica, as fragilidades observadas poderão orientar ações para melhoria na rede de laboratórios e serão essenciais para os programas de controle vetorial da doença de Chagas.

Objetivo: Evaluar la calidad de la identificación de triatominos en la red de laboratorios del estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. Métodos: Los nueve laboratorios participantes recibieron material de apoyo con claves dicotómicas y un panel conformado por siete insectos triatominos conocidas en el estado, para identificar la situación del espécimen al recibirlo (estructura completa o dañada), especie y sexo. Resultados: La adherencia al laboratorio fue del 9/12. La proporción de aciertos para la identificación del sexo fue del 56/63, y para las especies 45/63, no mostraron relación directa con la ocurrencia de daños en las estructuras morfológicas durante el transporte de insectos. Solo Panstrongylus megistus logró el 9/9 de precisión, mientras que para las especies del género Rhodnius fue el más pequeño (3/9). Conclusión: A pesar del buen desempeño en identificación entomológica, la evaluación indicó debilidades que permitirán implementar acciones correctivas para mejorar la red de laboratorios, esenciales para los programas de control vectorial de la enfermedad de Chagas.

Objective: To assess the quality of triatomine identification in the laboratory network of the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. Methods: The participating laboratories received support material with dichotomous keys and a panel made up of seven triatomine insects known in the Pernambuco, in order to identify specimen status on receipt (intact or damaged structure), as well as species and sex. Results: Nine out of 12 laboratories took part of the study. The proportion of correct answers was 56/63 for sex identification, and 45/63, for species. The answers did not present a direct relationship with occurrence of damage to morphological structures during insect transportation. Panstrongylus megistus identification was correct for all specimens (9/9 laboratories), while correct identification of species of the Rhodnius genus was the lowest (3/9 laboratories). Conclusion: Despite the good performance in entomological identification, the weaknesses observed may guide improvements in the laboratory network and will be essential for Chagas disease vector control programs.

Humans , Animals , Triatominae/parasitology , Entomology , Insect Vectors/parasitology , Trypanosoma cruzi/parasitology , Brazil/epidemiology , Chagas Disease/epidemiology , Laboratories/statistics & numerical data
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; Acta sci., Biol. sci;43: e54931, 2021. map, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460999


Some organisms, such as aquatic insects, are transported from the upstream to downstream region of streams through a process called drift. This process occurs in passive and active ways and can be variable throughout the day, mainly between the nocturnal and diurnal periods. Here, we evaluate the periodicity of the drift of aquatic insects in two streams of the Middle Iguaçu basin, southern region of Brazil. We predicted that the drift of aquatic insects brings the highest richness, diversity and abundance during the nocturnal period, compared to the diurnal period. In addition, we expected that the composition of species is different between these periods. In each stream, aquatic insect sampling was carried out 10 times, for 24 hours, using drift nets. A total of 2,114 aquatic insect specimens were recorded, distributed in 26 families. Of these families, 20 were recorded during the diurnal period and 24 during the nocturnal period. Our results showed an increase in the diversity and abundance of aquatic insect drift in the nocturnal period. However, only abundance was significantly different between the periods. We attribute the higher abundance in nocturnal drift possibly to biological interactions. Thus, nocturnal drift can be a strategy of some aquatic insects to avoid visual predation by other invertebrates and/or vertebrates, in Neotropical streams. We highlight the importance of our study, because it can be used for comparison in surveys of lotic environments that have been impacted by human activity (e.g. by dam construction), which can alter the water flow, and consequently the pattern of insect drift.

Animals , Green Belt , Downstream , Entomology , Seasons , Insecta
NOVA publ. cient ; 18(34): 125-148, jul.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149461


Resumen Objetivo. Describir el comportamiento de las revistas de Ciencias Naturales indexadas en Publindex (2004-2020). Método. Se analizó un total de 68 revistas de Ciencias Naturales registradas en Publindex a través de la información registrada en bases de datos como Publindex y Google académico usando Harzing's Publish or Perish (POP) en una búsqueda combinada de título de la revista e ISSN. Las mediciones principales usadas fueron: indicadores de producción (# publicaciones, publicaciones por año e índice de productividad), citación (Índice H, Índice G, Índice E, Índice HC e Índice H5), informetría (concurrencia de palabras, clúster de palabras con mayor concurrencia (30)). Además, en lo relacionado con Publindex se identificaron revistas por área de conocimiento, por institución editora, categorización por año y perspectiva desde la fase 3 para la próxima medición. Resultados. En el índice bibliográfico nacional (IBN) hay 68 revistas en Ciencias Naturales, la mayor concentración se encuentra en el área de conocimiento Ciencias de la Tierra y Medioambientales (24%) y Ciencias biológicas (21%). Entre 2004 y 2014 se registró un promedio anual de 54 revistas categorizadas en el IBN, con el nuevo modelo de clasificación el promedio bajo a 19 por año entre 2017-2020. Las revistas que concentran la mayor cantidad de publicaciones en el total general son Revista Colombiana de Física (6,5%), Acta Biológica Colombiana (6,3%) y Revista Colombiana De Entomología (6,2%). Las revistas con el índice h más alto son Caldasia (H=43), Revista de La Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas y Físicas y Naturales (H=37). Luego de la simulación para los resultados de la Convocatoria Publindex 2020 en la fase 3, las categorías que registran aumento son A1 del (9%) y C (14%). Conclusiones. El 37% de las revistas en Ciencias Naturales tienen alta posibilidad de ser categorizadas en el IBN 2020. Se registra un descenso en la cantidad de publicaciones de las revistas y en las citas desde 2017 y 2018 respectivamente. Las revistas NOVA, Acta Biológica Colombiana, Biota Colombiana, Revista Lasallista de Investigación, Revista de La Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales y Caldasia registran los índices bibliométricos (H, G, HC, D) más altos, además, están categorizadas y proyectan seguirlo en 2020.

Abstract Objective. To describe the behavior of the Natural Sciences journals indexed in Publindex (2004-2020). Methods. A total of 68 Natural Science journals registered in Publindex were analyzed through information registered in databases such as Publindex and Google academic using Harzing's Publish or Perish (POP) in a combined search of journal title and ISSN. The main measures used were: production indicators (# publications, publications per year and productivity index), citation (H index, G index, E index, HC index and H5 index), reporttry (word concurrence, cluster of words with highest concurrence (30)). In addition, in relation to Publindex, journals were identified by area of knowledge, by publishing institution, categorization by year and perspective from phase 3 for the next measurement. Results. In the national bibliographic index (IBN) there are 68 journals in Natural Sciences, the highest concentration is in the knowledge area of Earth and Environmental Sciences (24%) and Biological Sciences (21%). Between 2004 and 2014, an annual average of 54 journals categorized in the IBN was registered, with the new classification model the average being below 19 per year between 2017-2020. The journals that concentrate the greatest number of publications in the general total are Revista Colombiana de Física (6.5%), Acta Biológica Colombiana (6.3%) and Revista Colombiana De Entomología (6.2%). The journals with the highest h index are Caldasia (H=43), Revista de La Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas y Físicas y Naturales (H=37). After the simulation for the results of the Call Publindex 2020 in phase 3, the categories that register an increase are A1 (9%) and C (14%). Conclusions. 37% of the journals in Natural Sciences have a high possibility of being categorized in the IBN 2020. There is a decrease in the number of journal publications and citations since 2017 and 2018 respectively. The journals NOVA, Acta Biológica Colombiana, Biota Colombiana, Revista Lasallista de Investigación, Revista de La Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales and Caldasia register the highest bibliometric indices (H, G, HC, D), besides, they are categorized and plan to follow it in 2020.

Humans , Bibliometrics , Biological Science Disciplines , Entomology , Environmental Science
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 60(1): 101-108, jul 2020. ilus., tab.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1509534


La malaria en Venezuela es altamente heterogénea y focalizada. En 2016 se reportaron más de 242 mil casos nuevos en el país, de los cuales 73% provenían del estado Bolívar, 42% del municipio Sifontes y 29% de la parroquia San Isidro. Entre octubre 2016 y mayo 2017 se realizó en la parroquia San Isidro un estudio exploratorio, con el fin de establecer una línea basal entomológica en malaria que permitiera la evaluación posterior de Rociamientos Intradomiciliarios de Insecticida y Mosquiteros Tratados con insecticida de Larga Duracion.Las capturas de mosquitos adultos con Trampas Mosquito Magnet Independence™, atrayente humano y en reposo pre-hematofágico, permitieron determinar que en esta parroquia, hay por lo menos tres especies de anofelinos con actividad hematofágica antropofílica, An. darlingi, An. albitarsis s.l. y An. nuneztovari s.l., cuyos hábitos de reposo y actividad de picada fueron descritos. Asimismo, el muestreo de hábitats larvales permitió determinar que las lagunas residuales de la actividad minera son los más importantes y que An. albitarsis s.l. y An. triannulatus s.l. son las especies de mayor prevalencia en estos hábitats. Estos hallazgos permiten actualizar la data entomológica de este foco caliente de malaria y sientan las bases para la evaluación y seguimiento de las medidas de control de vectores implementadas(AU)

Malaria in Venezuela is highly heterogeneous and focused. In 2016, more than 242,000 malaria cases were reported in the country, from which 73% came from Bolivar state, 42% from Sifontes municipality and 29% from the San Isidro parish. Between October 2016 and May 2017, an exploratory study was carried out in order to establishing an entomologic baseline that would allow posterior evaluations of indoors insecticide spraying and long lasting insecticidal nets. Adults captures with Mosquito Magnet Independence™ traps, human landing, and pre-feedingresting habits allowed to determine that in San Isidro there are at least three anopheline species with significant anthropophilic activity: An darlingi, An. albitarsis s.l. and An. nuneztovari s.l. Resting habits and biting activities were described for the three species. Likewise, larval sampling were carried out which allowed to identify that abandoned gold mine dugouts are the most important habitatsfor these species. Particularly, An. albitarsis s.l. and An. triannulatus s.l. were the most prevalent anophelines colonizing these breeding sites. Our results update entomologic data of this malaria hot spot area and establish the baseline for further evaluations ofthe vector control measures implemented(AU)

Animals , Entomology/methods , Malaria/prevention & control , Venezuela , Mosquito Vectors , Anopheles