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Rev. bras. ter. intensiva ; 33(1): 167-171, jan.-mar. 2021. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1289054


RESUMO A história natural da doença e o tratamento de pacientes após a COVID-19 ainda se apresentam em construção. Os sintomas são persistentes, mesmo em casos leves, e as consequências decorrentes da infecção incluem fadiga, dispneia, taquicardia, perda de massa muscular e diminuição da capacidade funcional. Sobre a reabilitação cardiopulmonar, parece haver melhora na capacidade funcional, na qualidade de vida e no prognóstico com o Teste da Caminhada de 6 Minutos, sendo este utilizado como avaliador prognóstico e terapêutico. Assim, o objetivo deste relato de casos é descrever a experiência de quatro casos, de diferentes gravidades, que realizaram um programa de reabilitação cardiopulmonar pós-COVID-19, avaliados com Teste da Caminhada de 6 Minutos, força muscular periférica e duplo produto em repouso, para verificar o efeito da reabilitação após 3 meses de protocolo de, no mínimo, 300 minutos por semana. Os quatro casos apresentaram aumento da distância percorrida no teste da caminhada entre 16% e 94%. Houve aumento da força muscular periférica em 20% até seis vezes seu valor inicial, e a redução do duplo produto em repouso variou entre 8% e 42%. O programa de reabilitação cardiopulmonar apresentou impacto positivo nos casos acompanhados, com melhora da capacidade funcional, mesmo com a variabilidade da gravidade dos casos pós-COVID-19.

ABSTRACT The natural history of the disease, and the treatment of post-COVID-19 patients, are still being built. Symptoms are persistent, even in mild cases, and the infection consequences include fatigue, dyspnea, tachycardia, muscle loss, and reduced functional capacity. Regarding cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, there seems to be an improvement in functional capacity, quality of life, and prognosis with the 6-Minute Walk Test used as a prognostic and therapeutic evaluator. Therefore, this case series report aims to present our experience with four cases of different severity levels, involved in a post-COVID-19 cardiopulmonary rehabilitation program. These patients were assessed with the 6-Minute Walk Test, peripheral muscle strength, and double product at rest, to assess the results after a three-month rehabilitation protocol of at least 300 minutes per week. The four patients had their distance covered during the walk test increased between 16% and 94%. Peripheral muscle strength was improved by 20% to six times the baseline values, and double product at rest was reduced by 8% to 42%. The cardiopulmonary rehabilitation program had a positive impact on these cases, improving functional capacity despite the different severity levels in these post-COVID-19 cases.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Dyspnea/rehabilitation , Muscle Strength , Fatigue/rehabilitation , Walk Test , Cardiac Rehabilitation/methods , COVID-19/rehabilitation , Respiratory Therapy/methods , Breathing Exercises/methods , COVID-19/complications
Acta méd. costarric ; 62(1): 18-25, ene.-mar. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1088533


Resumen Antecedente y objetivo: El cáncer es una de las enfermedades que genera mayor mortalidad en el mundo. Los programas de rehabilitación basados en ejercicios se muestran efectivos y seguros para mitigar los efectos del cáncer. El objetivo fue determinar los cambios de la fatiga asociada al cáncer de mama luego de un programa de entrenamiento de alta intensidad (HIIT), o continuo a intensidad moderada (MICT). Métodos: Ensayo clínico aleatorizado con 236 pacientes con cáncer de mama en estadio II, distribuidos en 3 grupos (MICT, HIIT y grupo control), a quienes se les aplicó la escala FACT Fatigue Scale, test de calidad de vida, ecocardiograma, prueba de esfuerzo, tolerancia y percepción nal ejercicio mediante la prueba de caminata de los 6 minutos y escala de Borg, respectivamente. El programa de entrenamiento tuvo una duración de 36 sesiones de 70 minutos, 3 veces por semana. Resultados: Luego de comparar los respectivos grupos, se evidenció cambios significativos en todas las variables de los grupos HIIT y MICT (p=<0,05 %) frente al grupo control. Además, hubo una mejoría posentrenamiento, de la fatiga asociada al cáncer de mama en el grupo HIIT (20,4±5,6 vs 5,1±3,6) y MICT (18.6±9.5 vs 8.0±4.2). Conclusiones: Estos tipos de entrenamiento mejoraron la tolerancia al ejercicio, fuerza, vo2 y sobre todo, la fatiga asociada al cáncer y la calidad de vida de las pacientes. Y el grupo control de atención habitual sin entrenamiento físico o ejercicio supervisado, no presentó cambios significativos ni mejoras en la fatiga asociada al cáncer de mama. Trial registration: NCT03915288

Abstract Background and objective: Cancer is one of the diseases that generate the highest mortality in the world. Exercise-based rehabilitation programs are effective and safe to mitigate the effects of cancer. The objective was to determine the changes in fatigue associated with breast cancer after a highintensity training program (HIIT), or a continuous training at moderate intensity (MICT). Methods: Randomized clinical trial with 236 patients with stage II breast cancer, distributed in 3 groups (MICT, HIIT, and control group), to whom the FACT-Fatigue Scale and quality of life test were applied and an effort echocardiogram was performed. Tolerance, and perception of the exercise were evaluated through the test of walk of the 6 minutes and scale of Borg respectively. The training program lasted 36 sessions of 70 minutes, 3 times per week. Results: After comparing the respective groups, significant changes were evident in all the variables of the HIIT and MICT groups (p = <0.05%) compared to the control group. Also, there was a postworkout improvement of fatigue associated with breast cancer in the HIIT group (20.4 ± 5.6 vs. 5.1 ± 3.6) and MICT (18m6 ± 9m5 vs. 8m0 ± 4m2). Conclusions: These types of training improved exercise tolerance, strength, VO2 and, above all, cancer-associated fatigue and patients quality of life. The usual care control group without physical training or supervised exercise did not show significant changes or improvements in fatigue associated with breast cancer. Trial registration: NCT03915288

Humans , Breast Neoplasms , Exercise , Exercise Therapy , Fatigue/rehabilitation , High-Intensity Interval Training , Endurance Training
Cogit. Enferm. (Online) ; 24: e61790, 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1055948


RESUMO Objetivo: identificar na literatura as intervenções não farmacológicas utilizadas no manejo da fadiga oncológica e Qualidade de vida de pacientes com neoplasia digestiva em quimioterapia. Método: trata-se de uma revisão integrativa. Foram utilizadas as bases de dados MEDLINE, Pubmed, Scopus, CINAHL e Web of Science. Foram selecionados artigos em português, inglês e espanhol entre 2013-2018, que descreviam o uso de intervenções não farmacológicas utilizadas na fadiga oncológica e/ou Qualidade de Vida de pacientes com neoplasia digestiva em quimioterapia. Resultados: do total de 278 artigos, seis foram selecionados. Em relação ao idioma, todos estavam em inglês. Entre os ensaios clínicos, somente um pontuou cinco na Escala de Qualidade de Jadad. Os estudos trouxeram a utilização de programas de atividade física como sendo eficazes. Conclusão: a prática de atividades física foi considerada uma intervenção eficaz, já a acupuntura não apresentou resposta clínica viável no manejo da fadiga oncológica e Qualidade de Vida.

RESUMEN Objetivo: identificar en la literatura las intervenciones no farmacológicas que se utilizan en el manejo de la fatiga oncológica y en la calidad de vida de pacientes con neoplasia digestiva en quimioterapia. Método: es una revisión integral. Se utilizaron las bases de datos MEDLINE, Pubmed, Scopus, CINAHL y Web of Science. Se eligieron artículos en portugués, inglés y español entre 2013 y 2018, los cuales describían el uso de intervenciones no farmacológicas que se usan para la fatiga oncológica y/o Calidad de Vida de pacientes con neoplasia digestiva en quimioterapia. Resultados: del total de 278 artículos, se seleccionaron seis. Acerca del idioma, todos estaban en inglés. Entre los ensayos clínicos, solamente uno obtuvo cinco puntos en la Escala de Calidad de Jadad. Los estudios mostraron utilización de programas de actividad física como eficaces. Conclusión: se consideró la práctica de actividades físicas una intervención eficaz, mientas la acupuntura no presentó respuesta clínica viable en el manejo de la fatiga oncológica y en la Calidad de Vida.

ABSTRACT Objective: to identify in the literature the non-pharmacological interventions used in the management of oncological fatigue and Quality of Life of patients with digestive neoplasia undergoing chemotherapy. Method: this was an integrative review. The MEDLINE, PubMed, Scopus, CINAHL and Web of Science databases were used. Articles in Portuguese, English or Spanish, published between 2013-2018, which described the use of non-pharmacological interventions for oncological fatigue and/or Quality of Life of patients with digestive system neoplasms undergoing chemotherapy were selected. Results: Of the total of 278 articles retrieved, six were selected. Regarding the language, all were in English. Among the clinical trials, only one scored 5 on the Jadad Quality Scale. The studies indicated the use of physical activity programs as being effective. Conclusion: the practice of physical activity was considered an effective intervention, while acupuncture did not present a viable clinical response in the management of oncological fatigue and Quality of Life.

Humans , Adult , Continuity of Patient Care , Fatigue/rehabilitation , Gastrointestinal Neoplasms , Quality of Life , Complementary Therapies , Health Personnel
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 71(2): 120-126, mar.-abr. 2011. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-633830


Este estudio comparó la respuesta post entrenamiento al ejercicio en pacientes limitados por fatiga muscular (LF) vs. disnea (LD). Se incluyeron pacientes con EPOC moderada y grave (definición GOLD), clasificándolos en LF si la respuesta a cicloergometría máxima tenía ≥ 2 puntos en la escala de Borg para fatiga muscular vs. disnea; LD a la inversa. Se realizaron ergometría submáxima, 6 minutos y pruebas de calidad de vida mediante cuestionario. Fueron entrenados 3 veces/semana, 90 min/sesión con ejercicios de fuerza y aeróbicos por 8 semanas, evaluándolos de la misma manera. Fueron estudiados 14 pacientes del grupo LF y 11 del LD. El promedio de edad fue 69 y 66 años respectivamente. Presentaban grave obstrucción bronquial (FEV1: 49%). No existían diferencias basales entre ambos grupos, excepto en el índice masa-corporal (IMC), menor en los LF. Luego del entrenamiento, ambos grupos mejoraron significativamente en variables de ejercicio y calidad de vida, excepto carga máxima en los LD. Comparando ambos grupos, se observó mejor respuesta en los LF en carga máxima (48.7 ± 9.2 vs. 40.04 ± 15.48 watts, p = 0.033), prueba de 6 minutos (505.42 ± 50.75 vs. 454.9 ± 64.3 metros, p = 0.048) y ergometría submáxima (14.57 ± 9.55 vs. 6.71 ± 4.18min, p = 0.025), respectivamente. Como conclusión, los pacientes LF tuvieron mayor respuesta al entrenamiento en ejercicios submáximos y carga máxima, presentando menor IMC. Posiblemente, deberían instrumentarse diferentes estrategias de entrenamiento para diferentes fenotipos de pacientes con EPOC.

Our objective was to study the post-training response to exercise, comparing fatigue-limited (FL) vs. dyspnea-limited (DL) COPD patients. Moderate and severe COPD patients (GOLD definition) were included. They were classified as FL if Borg score of fatigue at maximal exercise testing was ≥ 2 points vs. dyspnea; and DL if it was the reverse. Also, each patient was evaluated with submaximal cycloergometry, 6 minutes walking test and quality of life score (SGRQ). All patients were trained 3 times/week, 90 min/session with aerobic and strength exercises by 8 weeks. A total of 14 patients in LF and 11 in LD group were evaluated with same tools. Means of age were 69 and 66 years respectively. They presented severe airway flow obstruction (FEV1: 49%). There was not any baseline difference between both groups, except body-mass index, which was lower in FL. Both groups significantly improved p exercise variables post-training in comparison with baseline and SGRQ, except maximal workload in DL. Comparing both groups, FL had the highest maximal workload (48.7 ± 9.2 vs. 40.04 ± 15.48 watts, p = 0.033), 6 minute walking test (505.42 ± 50.75 vs. 454.9±64.3 meters, p = 0.048) and endurance time (14.57 ± 9.55 vs. 6.71 ± 4.18 min, p = 0.025), respectively. It can be concluded that FL patients had better response after training in maximal and submaximal exercise tests in comparison with DL. Perhaps, different training strategies would be performed to train different COPD phenotypes.

Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Dyspnea/rehabilitation , Exercise Therapy/standards , Exercise/physiology , Fatigue/rehabilitation , Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive/rehabilitation , Quality of Life , Exercise Test , Exercise Tolerance
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 41(8): 709-715, Aug. 2008. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-491921


The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of an exercise intervention on the total caloric intake (TCI) of breast cancer patients undergoing treatment. A secondary purpose was to determine whether or not a relationship existed between changes in TCI, body fat composition ( percentBF), and fatigue during the study, which lasted 6 months. Twenty females recently diagnosed with breast cancer, scheduled to undergo chemotherapy or radiation, were assigned randomly to an experimental (N = 10) or control group (N = 10). Outcome measures included TCI (3-day food diary), percentBF (skinfolds), and fatigue (revised Piper Fatigue Scale). Each exercise session was conducted as follows: initial cardiovascular activity (6-12 min), followed by stretching (5-10 min), resistance training (15-30 min), and a cool-down (approximately 8 min). Significant changes in TCI were observed among groups (F1,18 = 8.582; P = 0.009), at treatments 2 and 3, and at the end of the study [experimental (1973 ± 419), control (1488 ± 418); experimental (1946 ± 437), control (1436 ± 429); experimental (2315 ± 455), control (1474 ± 294), respectively]. A significant negative correlation was found (Spearman rho(18) = -0.759; P < 0.001) between TCI and percentBF and between TCI and fatigue levels (Spearman rho(18) = -0.541; P = 0.014) at the end of the study. In conclusion, the results of this study suggest that an exercise intervention administered to breast cancer patients undergoing medical treatment may assist in the mitigation of some treatment side effects, including decreased TCI, increased fatigue, and negative changes in body composition.

Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Adipose Tissue/metabolism , Body Composition/physiology , Breast Neoplasms/rehabilitation , Energy Intake/physiology , Exercise/physiology , Breast Neoplasms/metabolism , Breast Neoplasms/therapy , Exercise Test/methods , Fatigue/rehabilitation , Physical Endurance/physiology
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-224427


PURPOSE: This study was performed to verify the effect of Tai Chi exercise on patients with rheumatoid arthritis particularly their level of pain, fatigue, sense of balance and daily life performance (ADL). METHOD: It employed a non-equivalent control group pre- and post-test design. The research instruments used in this study were pain, fatigue, sense of balance and ADL. Thirty-two patients in the experimental group carried out 50 minutes of Tai Chi exercise for 12 weeks, and 29 patients in the control group did not. Before and after the experiment, both groups were tested for pain, fatigue, sense of balance and ADL. Collected data were processed using the SPSS/WIN 10.0 program analyzed by the frequency, percentage, X2-test, and t-test. RESULTS: Pain and fatigue significantly decreased in the experimental group. However the improvement in ADL of the rheumatoid arthritis patients was not statistically significant but their sense of balance was enhanced significantly. CONCLUSION: Tai Chi exercise is an effective nursing intervention that can be used for rheumatoid arthritis patients.

Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Activities of Daily Living , Arthritis, Rheumatoid/rehabilitation , Fatigue/rehabilitation , Pain/rehabilitation , Postural Balance , Tai Ji