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Rev. medica electron ; 41(4): 940-958, jul.-ago. 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1094100


RESUMEN El síndrome de ovario poliquístico se ha convertido en un problema de salud pública, siendo el más común de los desórdenes endocrinos en mujeres en edad reproductiva con estudios que reportan una prevalencia de hasta un 21%. El diagnóstico de esta entidad es importante debido a que representa riesgos metabólicos, cardiovasculares y afecta la capacidad reproductiva de estas pacientes. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de los principales artículos relacionados sobre el tema, resumiendo los aspectos fundamentales de este problema de salud.

ABSTRACT Polycystic ovary syndrome has become a public health problem, being the most common of the endocrine disorders in reproductive-age women, with studies reporting prevalence by 21 %. The diagnosis of this entity is important because it represents metabolic and cardiovascular risk, and affects the reproductive capacity of these patients. The authors carried out bibliographic review of the main articles related with the theme, summarizing the basic aspects of this health problem.

Humans , Female , Polycystic Ovary Syndrome/complications , Polycystic Ovary Syndrome/etiology , Polycystic Ovary Syndrome/physiopathology , Polycystic Ovary Syndrome/diagnostic imaging , Preventive Health Services , Cardiovascular Diseases/diagnosis , Disease Management , Metabolic Syndrome/diagnosis , Endocrine System Diseases/diagnosis , Disease Prevention , Reproductive Health , Healthy Lifestyle , Genitalia/physiopathology , Insulin Resistance , Ultrasonography , Hirsutism/diagnosis , Hypertension/diagnosis , Menstruation Disturbances/diagnosis , Obesity/diagnosis
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 34(3): 250-254, mar. 2014. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-709874


Aiming to provide insight and discussing the problems related to the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of canine transmissible venereal tumor (CTVT), especially in its extragenital form, immunohistochemical evaluation was performed and a comparison was established by analysis of the microscopic appearance of 10 genital CTVTs and 13 exclusively extragenital CTVTs previously diagnosed by cytology and histopathology. CTVTs samples were incubated with biotinylated antibodies raised against specific membrane (anti-macrophage) and cytoplasmic antigens (anti-lysozyme, anti-S-100 protein, anti-vimentin and anti-CD18) and subsequently developed using streptavidin-biotin peroxidase and streptavidin-biotin-alkaline phosphatase methods. A strong reactivity with the anti-vimentin antibody was found in 100% of the tumors tested (22/22). No reactivity was found for the anti-lysozyme, anti-macrophage, anti-S-100 protein and anti-CD18. No histopathological or immunoreactivity differences between genital and extragenital CTVTs were found. These findings do not corroborate the hypothesis of histiocytic origin of CTVT (no reactivity to anti-lysozyme, anti-macrophage and anti-CD 18 antibodies). In addition, the antibody panel used is useful to narrow the differential diagnosis for lymphomas, histiocytic tumors, amelanotic melanomas, and poorly differentiated epithelial neoplasias, among others.

Com a finalidade de fornecer subsídios e discutir os problemas referentes ao diagnóstico e ao diagnóstico diferencial do tumor venéreo transmissível canino (TVTC), principalmente em sua forma extragenital, foi realizada a avaliação imuno-histoquímica e estabelecido termo de comparação com o aspecto microscópico em 10 TVTCs genitais e em 13 exclusivamente extragenitais previamente diagnosticados através de citologia e histopatologia. Os TVTCs foram testados para reagentes específicos de antígenos de membrana (anti-macrófago) e citoplasmáticos (anti-lisozima, anti-proteína S-100, anti-alfa-1-antitripsina, anti-vimentina e anti-CD18) com a utilização da técnica complexo avidina-biotina-peroxidase e estreptavidina-biotina-fosfatase Em 100% dos tumores testados (22/22) com anticorpo anti-vimentina houve forte imuno-reatividade. Não houve reatividade para os anticorpos anti-lisozima, anti-macrófago, anti-proteína S-100 e anti-CD18. Não houve diferença histopatológica e de imuno-reatividade entre os TVTCs genitais e extragenitais. Estes achados indicam que os TVTCs avaliados não são de origem histiocítica (ausência de reatividade dos anticorpos anti-lisozima, anti-macrófago e anti-CD18). O painel de anticorpos utilizado é útil para o diagnóstico diferencial deste tumor com linfomas, tumores histiocíticos, melanomas amelanóticos e neoplasias de origem epitelial pobremente diferenciadas, entre outros.

Animals , Dogs , Antibodies , Antigens , Dogs , Immunohistochemistry/veterinary , Venereal Tumors, Veterinary/diagnosis , Diagnosis, Differential , Genitalia/physiopathology
Arq. ciênc. vet. zool. UNIPAR ; 8(2): 105-110, jul.-dez. 2005.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-444810


Enfermidades nos órgãos reprodutivos de cães e gatos têm variados graus de morbidade, mortalidade e sofrem influências do histórico reprodutivo, de tratamentos farmacológicos prévios e de condições ambientais, podendo assim haver variações regionais na incidência de determinadas anormalidades reprodutivas. O objetivo deste estudo foi fazer um levantamento da incidência das alterações morfológicas nos órgãos genitais de cães e gatos provenientes de Vilas Rurais da região de Umuarama, associar a freqüência de cada alteração à espécie, sexo, uso de contraceptivo e número de partos e discutir as principais alterações encontradas. Foram examinados os órgãos reprodutivos de 208 animais, assim distribuídos: 36,06% eram cadelas, 33,65% cães, 14,90% gatas e 15,38% gatos, todos sem raça definida e idade variando de um mês a 10 anos. Dos animais examinados, 9,13% apresentaram alterações, classificadas como hiperplasia cística do endométrio (5,29%), endometrite (0,96%), retenção de placenta (0,48%), fibrose endometrial (0,48%), degeneração testicular (0,96%), hipoplasia testicular (0,48%) e hemangiossarcoma no pênis (0,48%). Ao se agruparem as alterações, não se observou associação entre freqüência de alterações e espécie (P>0,05), sendo 10,30% e 6,30% para alterações nas espécies canina e felina, respectivamente. No entanto observou-se associação (P<0,05) entre freqüência de alterações e sexo, sendo que 14,15% estavam presentes em fêmeas e 3,90% em machos. Animais velhos apresentaram maior freqüência de alterações nos órgãos genitais (P<0,05) do que animais jovens. A freqüência de alterações não se associou ao uso de contraceptivo, à presença de gestação e ao número de partos, embora se tenha observado maior número de alterações patológicas em fêmeas que já haviam parido.

ABSTRACT: The purpose of the present study is to determine the incidence of pathologic alterations in the genital organs of apparently healthy dogs and cats and to correlate the frequency of each alteration to species, sex, the number of parturitions and the previous use of contraceptives. A total of 208 genital organs from 145 (69.7%) dogs and 63 (30.3%) cats castrated as part of a project of birth control for animals were examined macroscopically and histologically, in selected cases. Seventy fi ve (51.7%) of the dogs were female and 70 (48.3%) were male; 31 (49.2%) of the cats were female and 32 (50.8%) were male. Their race was undefi ned and their ages varied from one month to ten years. The following alterations were diagnosed in the dogs: nine (4.3%) had cystic endometrial hyperplasia, two (0.96%) had endometritis, one (0.48%) had retained placentas, one (0.48%) had testicular degeneration and one (0.48%) dog had a hemangiosarcoma in its penis. The following pathological alterations were diagnosed in the cats: two (0.96%) had cystic endometrial hyperplasia, one (0.48%) had endometrial fi brosis, one (0.48%) had testicular degeneration and one (0.48%) cat had testicular hipoplasia. There were no differences between species for the incidence of alterations. However, females were signifi cantly more affected than males (p<0.05), where 14.15% of the sick animals were female and 3.90% were male. Older animals showed greater incidences of pathological alteration in genital organs (p<0.05). There was no association among the incidence of alterations to the previous use of contraceptive, current pregnancy or number of previous gestations.

RESUMEN: Enfermedades de los órganos reproductivos de perros y gatos tienen variados grados de morbidad, mortalidad y sufren infl uencias de la historia reproductiva, de los tratamientos farmacológicos previos y de las condiciones ambientales, pudiendo así haber variaciones regionales en la incidencia de determinadas anormalidades reproductivas. El objetivo de este estudio fue hacer una encuesta de la incidencia de alteraciones morfológicas de los órganos genitales de perros y gatos provenientes de Villas Rurales de la región de Umuarama, asociar la frecuencia de cada alteración a la especie, sexo, uso de anticonceptivos y el número de partos, discutiendo las alteraciones encontradas. Fueron examinados los órganos reproductivos de 208 animales así distribuidos: 36,06% eran perras, 33,65% perros, 14,90% gatas y 15,38% gatos, todos sin raza defi nida y edad variando de un mes hasta diez años. De los animales examinados, 9,13% presentaron alteraciones, clasifi cadas como hiperplasia cística del endometrio (5,29%), endometritis (0,96%), retención de la placenta (0,48%), fi brosis endometrial (0,48%), degeneración testicular (0,96%), hipoplasia testicular (0,48%) y hemangiosarcoma del falo (0,48%). Al agruparse las alteraciones, no se observó asociación entre frecuencia de alteraciones y especie (P>0,05), siendo 10,30% y 6,30% para alteraciones en las especies canina y felina, respectivamente. Sin embargo, se observó asociación (P<0,05) entre frecuencia de alteraciones y sexo, sendo que 14,15% estaban presentes en hembras y 3,90% en machos. Animales viejos presentaron mayor frecuencia de alteraciones en los órganos genitales (P<0,05) que los animales jóvenes. La frecuencia de alteraciones no se asoció al uso de anticonceptivo, a la presencia de preñez y al número de partos, mismo que se tenga observado mayor número de alteraciones patológicas en hembras que ya habían parido.

Animals , Dogs , Epidemiology , Cats , Genitalia/anatomy & histology , Genitalia/physiopathology , Urogenital System/anatomy & histology
Indian J Lepr ; 1996 Jan-Mar; 68(1): 49-54
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-54491


Leprosy has been shown to affect almost all systems of human body and abnormalities in functions of autonomic nerves innervating various parts have been observed in several studies. In the skin and its appendages, the common changes are anhidrosis and varying degree of impaired sweat response. Signs of denervation of iris and reduced intraocular pressure are permanent features of autonomic involvement in the eye. In the cardiac autonomic functions, rhythm disturbances have been documented by several investigators. Respiratory function test studies have shown impaired breath holding time and decreased response to cough as well as other changes indicating blockade of vagus nerves and sympathetic plexus. Abnormal testicular pain sensation and diminished nocturnal penile tumiscence provide evidence of afflication of autonomic nerves of male genital system. Other important autonomic nervous system involvements include the nerves innervating the capillaries of legs. These changes have been observed to be more in extensive and long standing disease which indicate the need to study all these aspects in prospective studies specially in the light of early institution of multidrug treatment.

Autonomic Pathways/physiopathology , Cardiovascular System/physiopathology , Eye/physiopathology , Genitalia/physiopathology , Humans , Leprosy/physiopathology , Respiratory System/physiopathology , Skin/physiopathology