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Rev. cuba. cir ; 60(4)dic. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408208


Introducción: Las enfermedades tiroideas son relativamente frecuentes que puede tener carácter benigno o maligno. El algoritmo para el diagnóstico de los nódulos tiroideos se dirige principalmente a definir la presencia o no de un carcinoma de la glándula. El tratamiento quirúrgico puede incluir técnicas convencionales, parciales y totales, y mínimamente invasivas. Objetivo: Describir los resultados del tratamiento quirúrgico de las enfermedades tiroideas en el Hospital General Docente "Enrique Cabrera" entre enero 2013 y diciembre de 2020. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo ambispectivo, en el mencionado centro, entre el 1ro de enero de 2013 hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2020. El universo se conformó por todos los pacientes con enfermedades de tiroides que fueron tratados quirúrgicamente. La muestra quedó constituida por 96 pacientes. Resultados: La edad media fue 48,1 años. Predominó el sexo femenino (83,3 por ciento). El diagnóstico más frecuente fue el bocio con síntomas compresivos (39,6 por ciento), seguido del carcinoma tiroideo (25 por ciento), en este último el más observado fue el carcinoma papilar (66,6 por ciento). Se realizó tiroidectomía total en 40,6 por ciento, con pocas complicaciones posoperatorias (7,3 por ciento), siendo la parálisis recurrencial la más frecuente de ellas. Conclusiones: El tratamiento quirúrgico de las enfermedades tiroideas en el Hospital General Docente "Dr. Enrique Cabrera" tuvo buenos resultados, tanto en enfermedades benignas como en el cáncer tiroideo(AU)

Introduction: Thyroid diseases are relatively frequent and can be benign or malignant. The algorithm for the diagnosis of thyroid nodules is mainly aimed at defining the presence or absence of a carcinoma in the gland. Surgical treatment can include conventional, partial or total, as well as minimally invasive, techniques. Objective: To describe the outcomes of surgical treatment for thyroid diseases at Enrique Cabrera General Teaching Hospital between 2013 and 2020. Methods: An ambispective and descriptive study was carried out, between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2020, in the aforementioned center. The universe was made up of all patients with thyroid diseases treated surgically. The sample consisted of 96 patients. Results: The mean age was 48.1 years. The female sex predominated (83.3 percent). The most frequent diagnosis was goiter with compressive symptoms (39.6 percent), followed by thyroid carcinoma (25 percent); among the latter, the most observed was papillary carcinoma (66.6 percent). Total thyroidectomy was performed in 40.6 percent, with few postoperative complications (7.3 percent), recurrent paralysis being the most frequent of them. Conclusions: The surgical treatment for thyroid diseases at Dr. Enrique Cabrera General Teaching Hospital had good outcomes, both in benign diseases and in thyroid cancer(AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Thyroid Diseases/surgery , Thyroidectomy/methods , Thyroid Neoplasms/diagnosis , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Goiter/diagnosis
Rev. cuba. endocrinol ; 29(2): 1-5, mayo.-ago. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-978384


Introducción: el 28 de mayo de 1954, en los salones la Academia de Ciencias Médicas, Físicas y Naturales de La Habana, se organizó el Symposium sobre bocio y su tratamiento, primer evento científico sobre este tema endocrinológico realizado en Cuba. Objetivo: describir el contenido de las conferencias impartidas en el "Symposium sobre bocio y su tratamiento" realizado en 1954. Métodos: se utilizó el método histórico lógico, apoyado en la técnica de revisión documental. Resultados: el Symposium sobre bocio y su tratamiento, contó de cinco conferencias, las que fueron publicadas en los Anales de la Academia. Se hizo una valoración de los progresos en las últimas décadas en cuanto al diagnóstico, tratamiento y otros aspectos relacionados con las enfermedades del tiroides en Cuba. Conclusiones: este encuentro científico es el primero realizado en nuestro país sobre las enfermedades del tiroides, y evidencia el interés de un grupo de profesionales de la Medicina por divulgar los aspectos más actualizados sobre estos temas. Se destaca la figura del doctor Gonzalo E. Arostegui Aróstegui como uno de los profesionales más experimentados y conocedor de las enfermedades tiroideas en aquellos años(AU)

Introduction: the Symposium on goiter and its treatment was organized on May 28, 1954 in the halls of the Academy of Medical, Physical and Natural Sciences of Havana. It was the first scientific event on this endocrinological topic held in Cuba. Objective: to describe the content of the lectures given in the "Symposium on goiter and its treatment" carried out in 1954. Methods: the logical historical method was used, and it was supported by the documentary review technique. Results: the Symposium on goiter and its treatment had five lectures, which were published in the Annals of the Academy. An assessment of the progress made in the last decades in diagnosis, treatment and other aspects related to thyroid diseases in Cuba was carried out. Conclusions: this scientific meeting was the first held in our country on thyroid diseases, and showed the interest of a group of medical professionals to disseminate the most updated aspects on these topics. The figure of Dr. Gonzalo E. Arostegui Aróstegui stands out as one of the most experienced and knowledgeable professionals of thyroid diseases in those years(AU)

Humans , Thyroid Diseases/diagnosis , Congresses as Topic/history , Endocrinology/history , Scientific and Educational Events , Goiter/diagnosis , Goiter/therapy
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 38(6): 1030-1037, jun. 2018. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-955448


Bócio é o aumento não inflamatório e não neoplásico da glândula tireoide em animais adultos e recém-nascidos. Uma das principais causas envolvidas é a deficiência nutricional de iodo. Relata-se neste trabalho, a ocorrência de três surtos de bócio em bovinos. Na primeira propriedade (Propriedade A), 60 bezerros foram afetados, sendo que 20 morreram logo após o nascimento, 30 recuperaram-se e 10 permaneceram doentes e tiveram remissão dos sinais apenas após tratamento parenteral com iodo. Na segunda propriedade (Propriedade B) uma vaca e seu feto foram acometidos e na terceira (Propriedade C) dois bezerros foram afetados. Os principais sinais clínicos observados nos bezerros foram aumento de volume bilateral na região cervical ventral, emagrecimento, dificuldade respiratória, hipotricose e desenvolvimento corpóreo retardado. Na propriedade A foi relatada ainda a ocorrência de abortamentos. Macroscopicamente, os bezerros e o feto apresentavam tireoide aumentada, vermelho-escura, com vascularização evidente e edema subcutâneo cervical. No surto dois também foi observado, à necropsia, aumento de volume da glândula tireoide da vaca. Microscopicamente, a tiroide dos bezerros e do feto apresentava folículos tireoidianos hiperplásicos, heterogêneos, destituídos de coloide e com interstício acentuadamente vascularizado. A tireoide da vaca era semelhante à dos bezerros, no entanto, possuía quantidade maior de coloide. Em todos os casos a suplementação mineral era realizada por meio da mistura de sal mineral com sal branco. Na Propriedade A o sal branco era não iodado e misturado em partes iguais com o sal mineral. Na Propriedade B o sal também era misturado a um sal branco não iodado na proporção e 1:2, respectivamente. Na Propriedade C o sal mineral e o sal branco não iodado eram ofertados em cochos separados no campo e, segundo relato do proprietário, os animais priorizavam o consumo do sal branco. Em todas as propriedades acompanhadas foi recomendada a interrupção da adição de sal branco na mistura mineral e a administração de iodo aos bezerros acometidos. Após essas medidas não foram observados novos casos nas propriedades. Apesar de ser uma enfermidade bem conhecida, ainda são poucos os relatados de casos de bócios em bovinos no Brasil. Além disso, pouco se sabe sobre as reais deficiências minerais de cada região, e que simples orientações de manejo nutricional ainda são necessárias.(AU)

Goiter is a non-inflammatory and non-neoplastic enlargement of the thyroid gland in adults and neonates. One of the main causes involved is the nutritional deficiency of iodine. In this study three outbreaks of goiter in cattle are reported. In the first outbreak (Farm A) 60 calves were affected, of which 20 died soon after birth, 30 recovered and 10 remained sick. In the second outbreak (Farm B) a cow and its fetus were affected and in the third outbreak (Farm C) two calves were affected. The main clinical signs observed were bilaterally enlarged thyroid glands, weight loss, respiratory distress, hypotrichosis and myxedema. Additionally in the Farm A abortions were reported. Macroscopically the thyroid of the calves and fetus was enlarged, dark red with evident vascularization and cervical subcutaneous edema. In the Farm B the cow showed enlarged thyroid gland as well. Microscopically the calves and the fetus had hyperplastic and heterogeneous thyroid follicles with absence of colloid and vascularized interstitium. The thyroid of the cow was also hyperplastic, but had higher amount of colloid. In all outbreaks the mineral supplementation was performed by mixing non-iodized white salt with the mineral mixture. On the property A the white salt was non-iodized and mixed in equal parts with the mineral salt. At property B the salt was also mixed to a non-iodized white salt in ratio and 1:2, respectively. In the property C, mineral salt and non-iodized white salt were offered in separate troughs in the field, and according to the owner's report the animals prioritized the consumption of white salt. In all the monitored properties it was recommended to stop the addition of white salt in the mineral mixture and the administration of iodine to the affected calves. After these measurements no new cases were observed in the properties. Despite being a well-known disease, there are still few reported cases of goiter in cattle in Brazil. Moreover, little is known about the actual mineral deficiencies of each region, and that simple nutritional management guidelines are still needed.(AU)

Animals , Cattle , Cattle/abnormalities , Goiter/diagnosis , Hyperplasia/diagnosis , Iodine/deficiency
La Lettre Médicale du Congo ; 9(1): 16-25, 2017.
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1264696


But : Décrire le traitement chirurgical des goitres volumineux au CHU du Point G.Patients et méthodes : Il s'agissait d'une étude réalisée entre 2009 et 2014 au CHU du Point G. Elle a porté sur les goitres ayant une hauteur et ou une largeur supérieure ou égale à 10 centimètres.Résultats : Nous avons colligé les dossiers de 115 cas de goitres volumineux. Les patients étaient de sexe féminin dans 87,8% des cas. Nous avons trouvé une dyspnée dans 40% descas (n=46), une dysphonie dans 13,0% des cas (n=15) et une dysphagie dans 8,6% des cas(n=10). La hauteur moyenne de la tuméfaction a été de 12,1 cm ± 3,5 et la largeur moyenne de 14,4 cm ± 5,4. Les goitres étaient hyperthyroïdiens chez 21,7% des patients (n=25) et multinodulaires dans 96,5% des cas. Il y avait 3 cas de cancer de la thyroïde. Tous les cas d'hyperthyroïdie ont été équilibrés par un anti thyroïdien de synthèse associé au Beta bloquant et au lugol fort avant la chirurgie. Le traitement chirurgical a constitué en une thyroïdectomie subtotale dans 97,4% des cas (n=112) et une thyroïdectomie totale dans 2,6% des cas (n=3). Les suites opératoires ont été simples dans 81,7% des cas (n=94). 18,3% de complications ont été notées(hématome compressif, Dysphonie, Dyspnée, Hyperparathyroïdie, Hypothyroïdie). La mortalité post opératoire était nulle.Conclusion : Le traitement chirurgical passe par la connaissance de l'anatomie de la région cervicale et une technique de thyroïdectomie bien codifiée

Academic Medical Centers , Dysphonia , Goiter/diagnosis , Goiter/surgery , Thyroidectomy
Niamey; Université Abdou Moumouni - Faculté des Sciences de la Santé; 2015. 101 p.
Thesis in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1278025


Le goitre est la maladie endocrinienne la plus répandue au monde. L'objectif de notre étude est d'évaluer l'influence de la thyroïdectomie sur la fonction hormonale dans le service de chirurgie générale de l'hôpital national de Niamey. A cet effet nous avons recueilli les données relatives à 112 cas, ayant bénéficié d'une thyroïdectomie, entre mars 2014 et avril 2015. Le sexe féminin est prédominant avec 96,4% soit un sex ratio de 0,04, la tranche d'âge comprise entre 30-39 ans est la plus touchées avec 37,5% et une moyenne de 41,2 ans. La durée d'évolution du goitre est plus de 4 ans dans 33% des cas avec une moyenne de 7,5 ans et des extrêmes allant de 5 mois à 20 ans. Le premier motif de consultation est la tuméfaction cervicale antérieure. L'échographie a montré un aspect hyperéchogène dans 58% des cas. La radiographie cervicale est pathologique dans 76% des cas. Le goitre euthyroidien est majoritaire avec 89,2%. Sur le plan thérapeutique, la loboisthmectomie est le geste le plus pratiqué avec 43,7%, suivi de la thyroïdectomie subtotale avec 34%, thyroïdectomie totale 16% et la nodulectomie avec 9%. Le bilan hormonal post opératoire a objectivé 16 cas (14,3%) d'hypothyroïdie à 1 mois, 30 cas (26,7%) à 3 mois et à 6 mois et 2 cas (1,8%) à 1 an. La corrélation entre les gestes chirurgicaux et le bilan hormonal à 6 mois nous a permis de faire les constats suivants : dans les 30 cas d'hypothyroïdie, 16 étaient liées à la thyroïdectomie totale, 8 patients des loboisthmectomies et 6 des thyroïdectomies subtotales. A 1 an, nous avons constatés au total 2 cas d'hypothyroïdie liée à la thyroïdectomie totale, malgré la subtutition hormonale. Partant de ce résultat, nous pensons qu'il faut conserver un peu du tissu thyroïdien que ça soit le lobe ou la lame postérieure afin d'éviter la prescription des hormones thyroïdiennes

Goiter/diagnosis , Goiter/epidemiology , Goiter/surgery , Niger , Thyroidectomy
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-158368


Background & objectives: Despite, the extensive salt iodization programmes implemented in India, the prevalence of goiter has not reduced much in our country. The most frequent cause of hypothyroidism and goiter in iodine sufficient areas is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT). This study records the clinical presentation, biochemical status, ultrasonographic picture and cytological appearance of this disease in a coastal endemic zone for goiter. Methods: Case records of patients with cytological diagnosis of HT were studied in detail, with reference to their symptoms, presence of goiter, thyroid function status, antibody levels and ultrasound picture. Detailed cytological study was conducted in selected patients. Results: A total of 144 patients with cytological proven HT/lymphocytic thyroiditis were studied. Ninety per cent of the patients were females and most of them presented within five years of onset of symptoms. Sixty eight per cent patients had diffuse goiter, 69 per cent were clinically euthyroid and 46 per cent were biochemically mildly hypothyroid. Antibody levels were elevated in 92.3 per cent cases. In majority of patients the sonographic picture showed heterogeneous echotexture with increased vascularity. Cytological changes were characteristic. Interpretation & conclusions: our study showed predominance of females in the study population in 21-40 yr age group with diffuse goiter. We suggest that in an endemic zone for goiter, all women of the child bearing age should be screened for HT.

Adult , Biopsy, Fine-Needle , Carbimazole/administration & dosage , Cytodiagnosis , Female , Goiter/diagnosis , Goiter/drug therapy , Goiter/pathology , Hashimoto Disease/diagnosis , Hashimoto Disease/drug therapy , Hashimoto Disease/pathology , Humans , Iodine/metabolism , Male , Middle Aged
Rev. guatemalteca cir ; 20(1): 20-25, ene-dic, 2014.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1016926


Introducción: Tradicionalmente la cirugía tiroidea ha sido practicada bajo anestesia general con intubación endotraqueal. Sin embargo, tomando en cuenta que el riesgo de intubación difícil aumenta en presencia de bocio, que el paso del tubo endotraqueal puede lastimar las cuerdas vocales y que su colocación requiere de relajación muscular y de una laringoscopia con estimulación simpática, el uso de mascarilla laríngea (ML) en cirugía tiroidea pareciera ser una buena alternativa. Con el propósito de determinar si el tamaño del bocio, el diagnóstico de cáncer, el grado de Mallampati y la extensión de la cirugía tiroidea inciden en la dislocación de la ML, se diseñó un estudio incluyendo pacientes con patología tiroidea operados bajo anestesia general con Mascarilla laríngea clásica (MLc). Diseño, lugar y participantes: Se presenta una serie prospectiva de casos, con 168 pacientes sometidos a cirugía tiroidea bajo anestesia general con MLc, operadosde marzo de 1999 a agosto del 2008 en los hospitales Universitario Esperanza y Nuestra Señora del Pilar de la ciudad de Guatemala. Su uso se consideró exitoso cuando la cirugía pudo ser completada con la MLc sin necesidad de sustituirla por intubación endotraqueal. Resultados:La edad promedio de los pacientes fue de 45 años, 148 (88%) fueron del sexo femenino y 20 (22%) del sexo masculino, el tamaño promedio de la glándula tiroides fue de 9.03cm, 166 (99%) tenían Grado I-II de Mallampati, 119 (71%) fueron operados por enfermedad benigna y 49 (29%) por cáncer, a 77 (46%) se les practicó una lobectomía, a 85 (51%) una tiroidectomía total y a 6 (3%) un vaciamiento ganglionar cervical. De los 168 pacientes operados, en 159 (95%) el procedimiento quirúrgico pudo completarsecon la MLc y en 9 pacientes (5%), la MLc fue sustituida por un tubo endotraqueal. Después de análisis univariados y multivariados se pudo establecer que: ni la edad, el sexo, el tamaño de la glándula tiroides, el grado de Mallampati, el diagnóstico histopatológico, ni la extensión de la cirugía, se asociaron estadísticamente con dislocación de la MLc y la necesidad de sustituirla por un tubo endotraqueal. Conclusiones: El uso de la MLc en cirugía tiroidea es posible independientemente del tamaño del bocio, del grado de Mallampati, de la presencia de cáncer y de la extensión de la cirugía.

Background:Traditionally thyroid surgery has been performed under general anesthesia with an endotracheal tube; in the presence of large goiters management of the upper air way using and endotracheal tube can prove to be difficult causing trauma to the vocal chords and requiring a laryngoscopy after neuromuscular blockade. The use of a laryngeal mask could be a valid option in these patients. The aim of this study was to determine if thyroid surgery could be completed using a laryngeal mask. In order to do this, we analyzed if goiter size pathologic diagnosis, Mallampati score and surgical procedure were associated with rates of dislodgement of a classic laryngeal mask (MLc) during thyroid surgery. Design, setting and participants: We present a prospective series of 168 patients who were submitted to thyroid surgery under general anesthesia using an MLc. All surgeries were performed at Hospital Universitario Esperanza and Hospital NuestraSeñora del Pilar in Guatemala City from March 1999 to August 2008. The use of an MLc was considered to be successful if surgery was able to be completed without the need of changing to the use of an endotracheal tube. Results: The average age of our patients was 45 years, 88% (148) were female, the average size of the glands was 9.03 cms., 166 (99%) had a grade I/II Mallampati score, 119 (71%) had a benign diagnosis and 49 (29%) had cancer, 77 (46%) were submitted to a lobectomy, 85 (51%) had a total thyroidectomy and 6 (3%) had a radical neck resection. Thyroid surgery was successfully completed using aMLc in 95% of cases (159). In 9 patients (5%) the MLc was substituted with an endotracheal tube. After univariate and adjusted analysis age, sex, goiter size, Mallampati score, pathologic diagnosis and surgical procedure were not statistically associated with rate of dislodgement of classic laryngeal mask during thyroid surgery. Conclusions: Thyroid surgery is possible using aMLc. This is independent of goiter size, pathologic diagnosis, and the extent of the surgical procedure.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Thyroid Gland/surgery , Laryngeal Masks , Goiter/diagnosis , Anesthesia/methods , Thyroidectomy/methods , Equipment and Supplies
Arq. bras. endocrinol. metab ; 58(1): 48-52, 02/2014. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-705245


Objective : To establish whether there is a relationship between hyperprolactinemia and primary thyroid disorders, focusing on patients with autoimmune features. Materials and methods : The medical records of 100 patients with hyperprolactinemia (HPRL) were retrospectively examined. Records of thyroid ultrasonography (USG), basal serum levels of thyroid stimulating hormone, circulating free thyroxine, free triiodothyronine, antithyroglobulin (anti-Tg), and antithyroperoxidase (anti-TPO) antibodies were analyzed. In 100 control subjects, matched by age and gender with HPRL patients, thyroid USG, thyroid function tests (TFTs), and autoantibody panel were obtained. Results : The median PRL in patients was 93 ng/mL (range: 37-470). Twenty-five patients (25%) and 22 controls (22%) had positive anti-Tg and/or anti-TPO titers (P = 0.739). The median serum PRL was 98 (37-470) ng/mL in patients with positive thyroid autoantibodies, and 92 (40-470) ng/mL in patients who were negative (P = 0.975). Among the individuals with autoantibody positivity TFTs abnormalities were more frequent in HPRL patients (60%, out of 25 patients, 14 with subclinical hypothyroidism and one with hyperthyroidism) than in controls (9.1%, out of 22 patients, 2 with subclinical hyperthyroidism) (P < 0.001). Twenty-seven patients with HPRL and 31 controls had goiter (27 vs. 31%, P = 0.437). Forty-six patients (46%) and 50 (50%) controls had one or more of the features of thyroid disorder, which were goiter, positive thyroid autoantibody, and thyroid function abnormality (P = 0.888). Conclusion : HPRL may be associated with more severe thyroid dysfunction in patients with thyroid autoimmunity. .

Objetivo : Verificar se existe uma relação entre a hiperprolactinemia e distúrbios primários da tireoide, focando em pacientes com características autoimunes. Materiais e métodos : Os prontuários de 100 pacientes com hiperprolactinemia (HPRL) foram examinados retrospectivamente. Foram analisados registros de ultrassonografia da tireoide (USG), níveis séricos basais de hormônio tireoestimulante, tiroxina livre, triiodotironina livre e anticorpos antitireoglobulina (anti-Tg) e antitireoperoxidase (anti-TPO). Foram obtidos de 100 controles, pareados por idade e sexo com pacientes com HPRL, USG, testes de função da tireoide (TFTs) e painel de autoanticorpos. Resultados : A média de PRL em pacientes foi de 93 ng/mL (variação: 37-470). Vinte e cinco pacientes (25%) e 22 controles (22%) foram positivos para títulos de anti-Tg e/ou anti-TPO (P = 0,739). A mediana de PRL sérica foi de 98 (37-470) ng/mL em pacientes positivos para autoanticorpos tiroidianos e 92 (40-470) ng/mL em pacientes negativos (P = 0,975). Entre os indivíduos positivos para autoanticorpos, as anormalidades da TFTs foram mais frequentes em pacientes HPRL (60%; de 25 pacientes, 14 com hipotireoidismo subclínico e um com hipertireoidismo) do que nos controles (9,1%; de 22 pacientes, 2 com hipertireoidismo subclínico) (P < 0,001). Vinte e sete pacientes com HPRL e 31 controles apresentavam bócio (27 contra 31%; P = 0,437). Quarenta e seis pacientes (46%) e 50 (50%) controles tiveram uma ou mais das características de problemas de tireoide, como bócio, autoanticorpos antitireoide e anormalidades da função tiroidiana (P = 0,888). Conclusão : A HPRL pode estar associada à disfunção da tireoide mais grave em pacientes com autoimunidade contra a tireoide. .

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Autoimmunity/physiology , Hyperprolactinemia/immunology , Prolactin/blood , Thyroid Gland/immunology , Autoantibodies/blood , Autoantigens/blood , Case-Control Studies , Goiter/diagnosis , Iodide Peroxidase/immunology , Retrospective Studies , Severity of Illness Index , Statistics, Nonparametric , Thyroid Function Tests , Thyroid Gland , Thyroiditis, Autoimmune/diagnosis , Thyrotropin/blood , Thyroxine/blood
Arq. bras. endocrinol. metab ; 57(2): 120-125, Mar. 2013. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-668748


OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the prevalence of goiter and nodular disease in patients with class III obesity, and to correlate results with serum leptin levels and insulin resistance (IR) parameters. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study was performed to assess thyroid ultrasound (US) patterns, HOMA-IR, serum leptin, and TSH levels in obese patients and controls. RESULTS: Thyroid volume was positively correlated with body mass index (BMI) (r = 0.240, p = 0.039) and with HOMA-IR (r = 0.329; p < 0.01). Thyroid US patterns were similar between groups. However, when data from the male group was considered, greater thyroid volume was detected in the obese group compared with controls (10.8 vs. 8.5 cm³; p = 0.04). Also, nodules were more frequently detected (67% vs. 18%), as were nodules requiring FNAB (33.3% vs. 0%, p ≥ 0.05-0.09), in this group. CONCLUSION: Although IR did not correlate directly with the presence of nodules, the results support the hypothesis of a direct association between insulin resistance and thyroid volume.

OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a prevalência de bócio e doença nodular tireoidiana em pacientes com obesidade grau III e correlacionar os resultados com os níveis de leptina e parâmetros de resistência à ação da insulina (RI). SUJEITOS E MÉTODOS: Estudo seccional foi desenvolvido realizando ultrassonografia (US) tireoidiana e níveis séricos de HOMA-IR e TSH nos pacien­tes obesos e nos controles. RESULTADOS: Volume tireoidiano foi positivamente correlacionado com índice de massa corporal (IMC) (r = 0,240, p = 0,039) e com HOMA (r = 0,329; p < 0,01). Volume tireoidiano e prevalência de doença nodular tireoidiana foram similares entre os grupos. Quando avaliado o subgrupo masculino, maiores volumes tireoidianos foram detectados no grupo dos obesos comparados aos controles (10,8 vs. 8,5 cm³; p = 0,04), nódulos foram mais frequentes (67% vs. 18%), assim como nódulos com indicação de punção (33,3% vs. 0%, p ≥ 0,05-0,09). CONCLUSÃO: Embora RI não se correlacione diretamente com a presença de nódulos, os resultados suportam a hipótese da direta associação entre resistência à ação da insulina e volume tireoidiano.

Adult , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Goiter/epidemiology , Insulin Resistance , Obesity, Morbid/complications , Thyroid Nodule/epidemiology , Case-Control Studies , Cross-Sectional Studies , Goiter/diagnosis , Homeostasis , Leptin/blood , Obesity, Morbid/blood , Prevalence , Thyroid Nodule/diagnosis , Thyrotropin/blood
JCPSP-Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan. 2013; 23 (3): 216-218
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-140533


We describe two cases of fetal goiter in women with no history of thyroid disease. Diagnosis of fetal goiter during antenatal care was made by ultrasound and MRI. Congenital hypothyroidism was confirmed by fetal blood sampling that was treated with weekly intra-amniotic injections of L-thyroxin. One fetus was initially treated with four weekly intra-amniotic injections of 200 micro gms of L-thyroxin, later increased to 400 micro gms. The other fetus was treated with only three weekly intraamniotic injections of 400 micro gms of L-thyroxin. Therapeutic response was monitored by repeated ultrasound and MRI along with fetal blood sampling. At birth, none of the babies had goiter and were put on oral thyroxin. Post-natal studies were suggestive of congenital hypothyroidism due to dyshormogenesis. No abnormality was detected at follow-up. These cases highlight the role of intra-amniotic thyroxine in management of fetal hypothyroidism with goiter

Humans , Female , Goiter/diagnosis , Prenatal Diagnosis , Fetus , Pregnancy , Fetal Diseases , Thyroxine , Amnion , Ultrasonography, Prenatal , Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-157440


Research Question: 1. What is the magnitude of problem of Goiter? 2. What is the level of iodised salt consumed by school children at school & home? Objectives: 1. To find out incidence of Goiter. 2. To find out level of iodised salt consumed by school children at school & home. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Settings: School & houseto- house survey of urban & rural area of Raichur district. Participant: School children & general population of both sexes. Sample size: 45173. Statistical analysis: Proportion & Chi-squared test. Results: Total population covered 45173 in five talukas. Males were 23463 & females 21730, adult population 16404, children more than 15 yrs were 28769 & school population was 24984. School boys were 14269 & girls 10715. Highest prevalence of goiter found in Raichur taluka i.e. 5.68% and lowest in Lingsur taluka i.e. 0.86%. Over all prevalence of Goiter among surveyed villages is found to be 3.19 % (1439 cases). Higher prevalence has been reported among females in age group of 10- 14 yrs 5.25% & 15-19 yrs 4.66% compared to other age groups of village population. School children in Raichur district revealed the prevalence of Goiter 3.66%. Conclusion: Prevalence of Goiter among surveyed villages is found to be 3.19 % (1439 cases), which is less compared to the National figures. The people are consuming the iodated salt and ban on non-iodated salt may be effectively implemented in study region.

Adolescent , Child , Female , Goiter/diagnosis , Goiter/epidemiology , Goiter, Endemic/diagnosis , Goiter, Endemic/epidemiology , Humans , India/epidemiology , Iodine/deficiency , Iodine/diagnosis , Male , Prevalence , Rural Population , Schools , Young Adult
Arq. bras. endocrinol. metab ; 56(3): 201-208, Apr. 2012. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-626273


OBJECTIVE: To characterize the phenotype of patients with congenital hypothyroidism (CH) due to dyshormonogenesis, and to hypothesize on the degree of genetic defect. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Patients with dyshormonogenesis were subdivided into G1 (radioactive iodine uptake, RAIU > 15%; n = 62) and G2 (RAIU < 15%; n = 32). Thyroglobulin (TG) was measured in all patients; perchlorate discharge test (PDT) was performed in G1; and saliva-to-plasma radioiodine ratio (I- S/P) in G2. RESULTS: Levels of TSH, TT4, and FT4 before treatment and upon diagnosis confirmation were significantly different in both groups, but not between groups. In G1, 27 patients developed goiter; 17 had positive PDT (14%-71% discharge), 11 had TG < 2.5 ng/dL (one with high TSH), and one developed thyroid carcinoma. In G2, four patients developed goiter, and three had low I- S/P. CONCLUSION: These data suggest an iodide organification defect in 17 cases; an iodide transport defect (NIS defect) in three, probable TSH resistance in 10, and a TG synthesis defect in two cases.

OBJETIVO: Caracterizar o fenótipo de pacientes com hipotireoidismo congênito (HC) por disormonogênese e sugerir o nível do defeito genético. SUJEITOS E MÉTODOS: Pacientes com disormonogênese foram subdivididos em G1 (captação de 131I > 15%; n = 62) e G2 (captação < 15%; n = 32). Tireoglobulina (TG) foi dosada em todos, teste de descarga do perclorato (TDP) foi realizado no G1 e relação iodo salivar/sérico (I- S/P), no G2. RESULTADOS: Os valores de TSH, T4T e T4L pré-tratamento e na confirmação do diagnóstico foram significativamente diferentes em ambos os grupos (p < 0,01), mas não entre eles. No G1, 27 pacientes desenvolveram bócio; TDP foi positivo em 17 (descarga de 14%-71%); 11 tiveram TG < 2,5 ng/dL (um com TSH elevado) e um desenvolveu carcinoma de tireoide. No G2, quatro pacientes desenvolveram bócio e três apresentaram baixa I- S/P. CONCLUSÃO: Esses dados sugerem defeito na organificação do iodeto em 17 casos; defeito no transporte do iodeto (defeito na NIS) em três, provável resistência ao TSH em 10 e defeito na síntese de TG em dois.

Adolescent , Child , Humans , Congenital Hypothyroidism/genetics , Goiter/genetics , Iodides/metabolism , Iodine/blood , Thyroglobulin/blood , Thyrotropin/blood , Brazil , Congenital Hypothyroidism/diagnosis , Goiter/diagnosis , Iodine Radioisotopes/pharmacokinetics , Perchlorates , Phenotype , Saliva/chemistry
Annals of Thoracic Medicine. 2012; 7 (2): 57-60
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-178342


Retrosternal goiter [RSG] is a term that has been used to describe a goiter that extends beyond the thoracic inlet. Surgery plays an important role in the treatment of these patients, but whether all or selected patients with RSG should undergo this operation remains controversial. Our aim is to look into the demographics, presentation, and treatment of patients with RSG and essentially to determine the role of surgery in its treatment. Retrospective study, teaching hospital-based. Retrospective analysis of 537 thyroidectomies performed at King Khalid University Hospital between 2003 and 2010. The twenty-six patients with RSG were analyzed further, with regard to demographics, presentation, indications, and outcome of surgical treatment. Statistical analysis was performed, where age was expressed as mean and range, and other variables were presented as numbers and percentage. There were 26 patients [4.8%] with RSG out of 537 thyroidectomies, who underwent an operation for removal of RSGs, in a seven-year period. The most common presentation was dyspnea [34.6%] and the surgical procedure predominantly used was total thyroidectomy. The RSGs were removed by collar incision in 96% of the cases. The final histological diagnosis revealed malignancy in 26.9% of the thyroid specimens. There was no mortality and minor complications occurred in nine patients. The presence of an RSG is an indication for surgery owing to the lack of effective medical treatment, the higher incidence of symptoms related to compression, low surgical morbidity, and the risk of malignancy

Humans , Female , Male , Hospitals, University , Thyroidectomy , Goiter/diagnosis
Rev. chil. radiol ; 18(2): 59-61, 2012. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-647001


Amyloid goiter is an atypical manifestation of amyloidosis. A case of a patient with rheumatoid arthritis history and sub-acute thyroid gland volume significantly increased is presented. Ultrasonographic and computed tomography findings were compatible with amyloid goiter. The aim of this study is to describe its radiologic features.

El bocio amiloide es una manifestación atípica de la amiloidosis. Se presenta el caso de una paciente con antecedentes de artritis reumatoide y aumento de volumen subagudo de la glándula tiroidea con hallazgos ultrasonográficos y por tomografía computada compatible con bocio amiloide. Se exponen sus características radiológicas, objeto de la presente comunicación.

Aged , Amyloidosis/complications , Amyloidosis/diagnosis , Goiter/diagnosis , Goiter/etiology , Thyroid Gland/pathology , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Ultrasonography
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 70(2): 139-142, Apr. 2010. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-633733


In the familial form of papillary thyroid cancer (PTC), two or more members of the same family have to be affected with PTC. Prevalence is around 5% of all PTC. We performed a clinical analysis in 79 relatives of 16 patients of 7 unrelated kindred with the diagnosis of familial papillary thyroid carcinoma (FPTC). The results were compared with a control group. Thyroid palpation and TSH and TPO-Ab assessment was carried out in the relatives without a diagnosed PTC. Additionally, molecular analysis was performed in the sixteen affected patients. Clinical screening of the 79 family members showed the presence of goiter in 22/79 (29 %). This frequency was much higher than that observed in the control group (8.7%), p < 0.001. Hypothyroidism was found in 4 of the relatives (5%) vs. 2.5% observed in the control group, p < 0.01, and anti-thyroid antibodies (TPO-Ab) were positive in 14% of the relative's group vs. 10 % in the control group, (p = NS). In the molecular analysis, only a protooncogene TRK rearrangement was observed in family # 6. In conclusion, we found a higher incidence of goiter and hypothyroidism in the relatives of patients with FPTC. Nevertheless, TPO-Ab frequency was not different. No molecular abnormalities were indicative of a specific pattern in this subset of patients with FPTC.

En la forma familiar del carcinoma papilar de tiroides (CPT), dos o más miembros de la misma familia deben presentar CPT. Esta entidad ocurre en aproximadamente el 5% de todos los CPT. En este estudio, realizamos una evaluación de 79 familiares de 16 pacientes con diagnóstico de carcinoma papilar familiar (CPF) provenientes de 7 familias diferentes. Los resultados se compararon con los hallados en un grupo control. Se realizó palpación tiroidea y medición de TSH y anticuerpos anti-tiroperoxidasa (TPO-Ab) en todos los familiares. Además, se llevó a cabo el análisis molecular en los 16 sujetos que presentaban el diagnóstico de CPF. La evaluación de los 79 familiares de estos pacientes demostró la presencia de bocio en 22/79 (29%). Esta frecuencia fue mucho mayor que la observada en el grupo control (8.7%), p < 0.001. Se diagnosticó hipotirodismo en 4 familiares (5%) vs. 2.5%, observado en el grupo control, p < 0.01, y los TPO-Ab fueron positivos en 14% de los familiares vs. 10% del grupo control, (p = ns). En el análisis molecular, solamente se halló un rearreglo del protoncogen TRK en una de las 7 familias con CPF. En conclusión, hallamos una elevada prevalencia de bocio e hipotiroidismo en los familiares de pacientes con CPT. Sin embargo, la frecuencia de autoinmunidad no fue diferente. No se hallaron alteraciones moleculares distintivas en estos pacientes con CPF.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Carcinoma, Papillary/complications , Goiter/etiology , Hypothyroidism/etiology , Thyroid Neoplasms/complications , Autoantibodies/blood , Case-Control Studies , Carcinoma, Papillary/genetics , Carcinoma, Papillary/immunology , Gene Rearrangement , Goiter/diagnosis , Hypothyroidism/diagnosis , Iodide Peroxidase/blood , Oncogene Proteins/genetics , Pedigree , Prevalence , Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction , Thyroid Neoplasms/genetics , Thyroid Neoplasms/immunology , Thyrotropin/blood
Professional Medical Journal-Quarterly [The]. 2010; 17 (4): 598-602
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-118004


To determine frequency of malignancy in solitary thyroid nodule. Case-series study. The study was conducted at Department of Surgery, Combined Military Hospital Rawalpindi, from April 2002 till April 2003. Sixty patients with clinical solitary thyroid nodule fulfilled the selection criteria and were included in the study. Thyroid function tests, ultrasonography and thyroid scanning was done. Finally FNAC and histopathology were done in all the operated cases and record was evaluated. Out of 60 cases studied, 8 [13.33%] were found to have malignant lesions. The remaining 52 [86.67%] cases had benign pathology. Male patients with solitary thyroid nodule showed a higher incidence of malignancy 17.65% as compared to females 11.63%, Maximum malignant cases [50%] were found between the ages of 31 to 40 years. Papillary carcinoma was the most common malignancy [50%] found in our study. The incidence of malignancy in solitary thyroid nodule is quite high [13.33%]. So people should be educated to attend thyroid clinics for early diagnosis and adequate treatment

Humans , Male , Female , Goiter/diagnosis , Thyroid Nodule/pathology , Early Diagnosis , Biopsy, Fine-Needle , Ultrasonography , Thyroid Gland/pathology
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-552658


O bócio multinodular (BMN) é definido como um aumento da glândula tireóide secundário à proliferação multifocal de tireócitos e caracteriza-se pela heterogeneidade no crescimento e função das células foliculares. O BMN é considerado uma neoplasia benigna da tireóide. É uma doença comum, com aumento da prevalência em áreas com deficiência de iodo, sendo este o principal fator etiológico ambiental. A patogênese desta disfunção tireoidiana ainda não está inteiramente elucidada. Nesta revisão serão abordados os principais mecanismos envolvidos na patogênese, seguidos das implicações clínicas dessa patologia.

Multinodular goiter (MNG) is defined as an enlargement of the thyroid gland that is characterized by heterogeneity in growth and function of thyroid follicular cells. MNG is now considered a true thyroid neoplasm. It is a common disease, with higher prevalences in iodine deficiency areas. Iodine deficiency is the main environmental etiologic factor for MNG. The pathogenesis of multinodular goiter is not yet fully clarified. The purpose of this review is to summarize the current knowledge of MNG with respect to the pathology, etiologic and clinical characteristics.

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Goiter/complications , Goiter/congenital , Goiter/diagnosis , Goiter/etiology , Goiter/genetics , Goiter/pathology , Clinical Diagnosis , Iodine Deficiency/complications , Iodine Deficiency/diagnosis , Iodine Deficiency/etiology , Iodine Deficiency/metabolism , Thyrotoxicosis/etiology , Thyrotoxicosis/genetics , Thyrotoxicosis/pathology
Rev. centroam. obstet. ginecol ; 13(12): 45-48, abr.-jun. 2008. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-644049


La falla ovárica prematura (FOP), también llamada menopausia precoz, se define como la pérdida de la función cíclica de los ovarios antes de los 40 años de edad y después de la pubertad. Se ha reportado anormalidades endocrinas y autoinmunes asociadas con la FOP y se ha sugerido que las enfermedades tiroideas son comunes. Sesenta y dos mujeres con FOP fueron estudiadas para determinar la frecuencia de trastornos tiroideos, ya que no hay estudios sobre esta asociación en esta región geográfica. La evaluación incluyó historia clínica y examen físico, medición de tiroestimulina (TSH)...

Female , Goiter/diagnosis , Goiter/physiopathology , Hypothyroidism/prevention & control , Menopause, Premature/physiology , Thyroiditis/etiology